Friday, June 28, 2024

Supreme Court: cities can enforce public camping bans

In City of Grants Pass v. Johnson, the court rules that “camping ban” laws restricting the homeless from sleeping on public property do not constitute “cruel and unusual punishment” and are therefore not prohibited by the Eighth Amendment.


  1. Hooray!

    Let’s give them a criminal record.

    That will surely help them get jobs.

    1. With their ticket and a criminal record, give them an application to McDonald’s, or the City of Encinitas as long as they have their VAX record up-to-date.

    2. Wait’ll they park in front of your house. It’s all good till reality hits.

    3. 8:06,

      You are so right.

      The really sad and tragic part of the homeless crisis is that you have to look at a van.

      You are, as ever, the victim.

  2. No worries in Encinitas.

    For the last 10 years, Tony Kranz has Pronounced Encinitas is welcoming community , and invited all the homeless and fentanyl junkies to camp in Encinitas for free.

    It’s the reason why all of the other North County cities and San Diego send all over their homeless and fentanyl junkies to Encinitas. It’s the reason why so many homeless people in their cars.

    Tony Kranz invited all of the homeless campers.

    Thanks, Kranz! 😡

  3. My buds and I, all ex-military have a home for the homeless and the illegals.
    It's referred to as a grave.

  4. Wow! To the people who had the power to get shit down, you failed. Maybe time to get to work... Looks like Doug and Terry may need to accept shelter at the shelter we opened in Vista. Nope, it is not cruel to force aging addicts to safety

    1. 7:32, you must get of your head. A large population of the very ill really can't work. You know we had the money to help? Shit, we have locked up seniors right on Saxony. Ever heard of frontal lobe issues. That's correct, we could have built proper medical centers for the people with neurological illnesses to be safe. Regarding those that can work why did none of you figure out that we could have creates an updated program like the Conservation Corps. Dang, please get out the box that holds you so tight.

  5. FYI-= Doyle has dropped out as per Coast News. And Jack in the Box on Birmingham has been sold. Both are on EV, but in case your hands might get some strange disease even going there, you will find Doyle on Coast News. Not sure where you will find Jack in the Box.

    1. The Jack in the Box info is on Encinitas Now

  6. Maybe Lorri wouldn’t have to “pause” EV if she just didn’t make everything about herself, and stop moderating via narcissistic ego trip. Also, she could follow her own rules, and maybe make a group description that accurately describes its anti-incumbent bias and that the written rules don’t really matter. All that really matters is how convincingly you kiss ass and agree with the narcissistic and mercurial moderator.

    I’ve said it before. I’m sure she has redeeming qualities, but she is not temperamentally suited to be a moderator. Period.

  7. Infant Mortality Rates by State:

    1.) Massachusetts (lowest)
    2.) New Hampshire
    3.) New Jersey
    4.) Rhode Island
    5.) California
    . . .
    46.) Louisiana
    47.) Delaware
    48.) Arkansas
    49.) South Dakota
    50.) Mississippi

    Republican policies and leadership create shithole loser states.

    A vote for a Republican on any level is a vote to become a shithole full of losers.

    Republicans should stop running for positions of leadership and just take the next decade being humble and asking Democrats how to fix the shitholes they’ve created.

    1. My understanding via the grapevine is she wants to start an entirely different group but Glen wants to keep EV up and not pause it. The group I heard she was thinking about would be invitation only, Encinitans only, and would be an active working group. It would also be private. So no invitation, too bad. Who knows, maybe it would work. At the moment she’s focused on the losing of handicapped parking that the city took for the K Rails. Just a rumor and I have no idea how true it is.

    2. Hey left out abortions which the left loves right up to the point of birth. You clown act

    3. Tell you who won’t be invited to the private page: the usual roster of whiners who complain nonstop offline to Greene. Short list might likely be Gonzalez, Woods Drake, Thunder, Golden, Walsh.

    4. 4:16,

      I advise you to bring up abortion at every opportunity this election season, since it’s such a winning issue for you.

      Especially whenever you talk to suburban women.

      Brag like crazy about how great that issue is going for American women.

      Please do it.

      Tell them how great it is that emergency medivac helicopters are flying women out of shithole loser states to save their lives. And how great the medical bill bankruptcies will be for women who lost their baby, nearly lost their life, and their financial solvency in one day. And isn’t it great that those medivac choppers aren’t available for other patients.

      Bring up the subject with a huge smile. Be proud.

    5. 🤣 ROFL Lorri is that what you heard "via the grapevine"? An active working group sounds like a group with an agenda. No doubt it'll be the same as your current agenda. Not lying about it would be a refreshing change.

    6. Anticipating being on the outside? Pity not pity.

  8. Oct. 2020 from Encinitas Advocate:"There are five PACs active in Encinitas this election cycle, city elections paperwork shows. Three of them support incumbents Mayor Catherine Blakespear and council members Tony Kranz and Kellie Hinze. Two support their challengers — mayoral candidate Julie Thunder and council candidates Alex Riley and Susan Turney.

    The highest-funded of the five is North County Action Network. That group was created several years ago by Michael Verdu, a Facebook vice president who lives in Cardiff. From the start of the year through Oct. 17, Verdu has donated $51,000 to his network group and his wife has contributed $10,000, financial forms filed Thursday, Oct. 22, with the city indicate. The Verdus have spent their money on direct mailings and Facebook advertising supporting the candidacies of Blakespear, Kranze and Hinze

    1. Verdi was as vitriolic as they came all the while claiming wide eyed innocence. Hypocrite all the way.

    2. He got involved. Put his money where his mouth is. And he won.

      Tough shit.

  9. ***Encinitas’s real time news***

    Coast News going a great job.

    Steve is right!

    Great news!

    No split vote
    Bruce Ehlers for Mayor
    Luke Shaffer for D1
    Jim O’Hara for D2
    This is finally our chance to take Encinitas back from the disaster that was Catherine Blakespear and Tony Kranz

    1. Someone please tell me O’Hara is not a Watchdork. I thought he supported the moron last election. I’m in D2. Please tell me it ain’t true.

    2. He’s not. Who’s feeding you your Intel, the dynamic duo? Fearsome foursome?

    3. O’Hara is good.

      Commie Nor Ca = No Bueno

    4. So who did he vote for last election?

    5. Ask him or hey you could just make up a lie.

  10. Wtf?! Dems are F’d. What we saw in the Presidential debate last night was an extremely weak, frail, mentally ill, impaired man with a very poor memory, a far off blank stare, open mouthed, glossy eyed gaze. He showed extreme
    confusion with his muttering, stuttering,
    trouble w/numbers, names and concepts, not to mention his obvious cognitive mental decline.
    In other words Joe.

    1. Next these America hating leftists will bring in the buffoon gavin newsom. That same buffoon that has placed the State of California into Billions in debt, housing illegals and providing them medical care.
      EVERYTHING the left does, they destroy.
      They are, the enemy within. biden and mayorkus should be hung as traitors. harris would simply kackle at the end of rope as she is too dumb to die.
      Lock and Load
      Go Army

  11. 6:03, Let’s take Encinitas back!

  12. 7:16 Let’s take back America!👏
    Make America Great Again! 🇺🇸

  13. Poor Joe, Post debate we saw him
    struggle with walking down a few short steps needing help from Jill to get down the debate stage.

    Jill sounded so condescending post debate when she said to her husband, “good job Joe, you answered EVERY question!” The only thing missing was warm milk and cookies for Joe. He got waffles instead!😂 Just Wow!🤣

  14. Dems are not fkd. The reality on the ground is that "Dr" LOL jill Biden will not give up the accoutrements of the presidential wealth and will press the system to once again use the power of the corrupt voting system and administrative state to once again create enough fraud to limp over the finish line. This is the plan and it must be double what they pulled last time. Do not think for a minute that this will not trickle down to local elections. I say do it and go for it and pull it off. I twill be the last thing you ever did on this planet. You will perish. Bring it asswipes

  15. Guss who I am.

    - I'm a fat turd that's never actually had to work a day in my life
    - BIA is my idol
    - I fwd emails to my girlfriend that has man parts (kind of)
    - Preferred mop up tool after sexy time is the Wall Street Journal
    - I drink heavily and throw temper tantrums
    - My hair is basically a cat's litter box in both appearance and fragrance
    - I wear cloth's 5x too small for me in order to show off my cleavage (and get more sexy time with my manz)
    - I highly recommend boner pills
    - If I had it my way gofer hunting would be a professional sport
    - I'm destroying the city

    1. Tony Kranz = gopher hunter

    2. Phony LOVES gopher hunting! Surprised he hasn't started a go fund me to try to source a six fingered turncoat to set a world record. 🤣🤣🤣

  16. After seeing that disastrous debate last night, Biden is not fit for much of anything. I wouldn’t vote for Biden for local dog catcher! The guy can not be left alone! 🤦‍♀️

    1. Dems are in complete panic attack mode!

  17. I prefer a flat chested man.
    - Definitely not Starvin

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

      Have you notice Phony has not been wearing a bra?

      She likes to go el natural with swinging boobs and long grey matted stinky bush forest 😖🤢🤮

    2. Phony's stinky bush forests helps to protect her in case she falls off her bike coz she refuses to wear a helmet.

    3. 🤭🤣🤣🤣🤣

  18. Here are the choices thus far they’re giving us to replace blubbering vacant Joe Biden with:😳😲
    1) Pete Buttigieg🤢
    2) Gavin Newscum🤯
    3) Gov Gretchen Whitmer🤮
    Is that the best they can come up with? WTH?🤦‍♀️

    1. How bout' Alzheimer's joes wife..........the fake doctor.
      That idiot woman thinks joe is normal and the rest of the world is messed up.

    2. 9:19 - Good point. So crazy. "Joey almost stayed awake for the whole 90 min. yesterday. We are so proud of him"

      - Idiot Woman

      Calling Jill a doctor is about as ludacris as Larri calling herself a doctor.

      - Not buying it

    3. Good one 9:57. Looks like Dr. Lorri has some competition w/Dr Jill Biden! Both deem themselves Dr’s, and are power hungry biotches, who need a lot of attention! But It might be a tough contest to determine who is nuttier? And rumor has it that Jill can’t stand Harris. Actually does anyone like the fake black dumb whore, and incompetent cackling hyena???

      I can’t help feel a little bit sorry for Joe, the way Jill is pushing the poor guy to be President, when he obviously needs to be put out to pasture, and just relax, and enjoy his retirement years. Jill is creating undo stress for Joe by pushing him to do something he’s not equipped to do. Very self-centered, and not a very loving wife.

    4. I was a Military Medic. biden has Alzheimer's and is pumped up for appearances. A combination of serums injected about a half hour before. Oddly, the leftists think him completely normal.......what does that tell you?

    5. A military medic trained to recognize Alzheimer’s? You funny.

    6. Besides for being trained in Alzheirmers behavior, I'm
      also trained to it? Asshole..........

  19. Jasmine Crocket would rock our worlds, and in a much needed way. If anyone can call bs on their hypocrisy, she is the one.

    She is as smart as they come and firing on all cylinders in an instant. That is the type of leadership this nation needs.

    Our choice?

    A convicted felon many times over with many, many, many more felonies to come.

    An old man with good intentions and an even better successful record of repairing the damage left by the multi felon imposter who has always been out for himself and only himself.

    The lesser of two evils doesn't apply. There is only one evil presence between the two of them. If there ever was a false prophet, this lack of humanity character is it in spades.

    1. 5:44 has to be Mali. Only she and maybe that Amanda weirdo would want someone as radical as this crazy chick. And Biden was supposed to be a centrist? Give me a break! Jasmine is so far out there that she makes Joe Biden look like a choir boy.

    2. All Amanda could say of destiny was “Cute!” Sounds like council material to me - NOT.

    3. 9:04 Some people are able to stay out of political races they aren't voting in. More than I can say for the supporter's of Destiny's opposition who can't STFU and let a race be a race to save their GD lives.

      Do the voters even get a say in who the candidates are and what the issues should be?

    4. the voters don’t get a say, when Blakespeare packs the council with rubber stampers.

    5. Ok 9:49. Post about O'Hara's meet & greet with a bunch of smiley happy people and maybe someone will comment positively about it also.

    6. Sounds like you have issues with the democratic process.

    7. Sounds like you're making assumptions based on very little information.

    8. Nope. Had enough of Blakespear after at first taking her at her word and have known O’Hara for years.

    9. "I've known O'Hara for years" means I've read what he writes on EV for years and since he's anti Blakespear I'd let him finish inside me.

    10. Wrong again. Have been meeting with him in person for two-three years mostly to discuss Streetscape. That you go to a sex reference to try making your point reveals your frustration at being unable to defend your position. At this point not sure what that is and really not interested.

  20. 5:44 Take off your blinders and you’ll see that we were much better off w/Trump than w/the Alzheimer’s ridden, insane, corrupt and crooked Joe Biden. Restore sanity, and Make America Great Again! 🎊🇺🇸

  21. 9:04 True. And the only thing 5:44’s pick (Jasmine Crockett) can say is, phrases like, “I double dog dare you,” and, “listen, dude!” Dude? Seriously!? Not Presidential sounding! Just add ‘Dumb’ or ‘Dummy,’ and we know we have Amanda.

  22. 8:26pm Wrong as usual from your ever compromised right wing authoritarian point of view.

    To think I have anything in common with that union organizer Mali is an insult. I see your comprehension is always resurrecting itself with most of your postings.

  23. And yet, police do nothing about illegals in the canyons.
    Like the Border Patrol was ordered to stand down and let millions of turd world ghetto inhabitants into the u.s
    All because of the America hating left. Anyone on the left
    hates their own country.

  24. Oh, but we do love our democratic republic. That is the thing you rightwing domestic pos traitors cannot say because you do not. You are nothing but a bunch of Putin puppets and don't appear to mind being labeled as such.

    The America hating right-wingers is the truth. The America loving left is the truth. You lie!!!!! Nobody buys what you try to sell here every day. Your blindness to reality is self-created due to your feeble mind buying into what the alternate facts universe feeds you. You would not know the truth if it slapped you upside the head. You are that dumb.
