Wednesday, June 26, 2024

6/26/24 City Council meeting open thread

 Please use the comments to record your observations.


  1. Encinitas Votes: 2,086 total members +4 in the last week
    Encinitas Now: 7,761 total members +45 in the last week

  2. Rumor has it Luke Shaffer is claiming to be an Independent but is actually registered a Libertarian. Is that what we need on our city council, someone who is for small government, but unironically loves his military pension?

    1. That’s all you got? Really?

    2. Did you ever fly a military jet? If a pilot for 20 years, he earned his retirement.

    3. Who cares? Luke's a Trumper surrounded by Trumpers. That's all that matters.

    4. Wrong again. He is surrounded by people of all types. Have you checked yourself? I need to remind you that we are an inclusive City. Please refrain from putting people in boxes.

    5. Couldn't be more wrong! That's what is so great about him, he brings everyone together, much needed in this heavily divided community.

    6. 8:42 it's obvious you're a beta male. That means you eat tons of soy, are probably a very unhealthy vegan stick man with soy titties , never been in the gym or anything close and you take estrogen supplements.

    7. Great! He has my vote. ❤️


  3. Who else thinks Tony had a little tipple before the meeting tonight? He’s SO bubbly!

    1. Probably got rogered by Starvin prior to the meeting hence the expressed glee

    2. Sadly, I suspect he had a hangover

  4. Tony happy now that Doyle dropped out of the race. Thinks it will give destiny a clearer shot to a guaranteed rubber stamp for him.

    1. Damn... thats too bad. N. Cal Commie is a newbie crap.

  5. Not harry bush, anyone but harry bush!

  6. Has that been confirmed or is that an assumption?

  7. Captain Keno packed the hall tonight. HIs many years of paying it forward for the less fortunate was honored.

    Gerry has been saint for feeding many homeless during the holidays. I went there at times just to donate to his effort and get a good holiday dinner with all the fixings.

    I always let my appreciation show on those occasions with paying more than was asked.

    Fifty years ago, I lived across the tracks on Vulcan and would often walk over for breakfast or a good reasonably priced dinner.

    Thank you City Council for recognizing Gerry's 50 years of having a positive impact on our community.

    Thank you Gerry Stova.

    1. Feeding many homeless?


      The morons will accuse him of rolling out the welcome mat for all homeless in a 500 mile radius, and keeping them homeless.

      Because they are idiots.

    2. 5:55AM - Stupid comment.

      Watch The Great Awakening 2023. If you get it, there is hope for you. If you don't, you are useless and your life is of no value.

    3. 5:55 is correct. These people are dumb as fucking rocks.

  8. Confirmed at city hall.

  9. Better if it’s one on one but it’s still early days. Bad poll numbers may bring spoilers late in the game.

    O’Hara did a good job speaking on L7. He sounded informed.


  10. Geee, I was always taught to work and pay my way.
    This city council wants me to work and pay others way with my taxes? And the same city council that gets paid with our tax dollars thinks I should pay for bums???????????
    WTF ??????????????

    1. Additionally, you are homeless? So What !!!
      I worked jobs that were so filthy that it would make most of you throw up. Shit jobs to earn a buck.
      It's what I did. Feel sorry for homeless low renters
      Hell no. You want to live in Encinitas or any beach town.........too bad. Go live inland.

    2. Our Mayor disagrees. It’s not our tax dollars subsidizing low income housing, it’s somebody else’s.

      Hope Bruce clips that sound bite!

    3. Tony's a complete idiot loser.

      Its embarrassing that he is on City Council.

    4. 7:58, I watched Tony tell smart people with advance finance skills, inform them the millions in shortfall will not be paid by local residents? How is this possible, this project will have a shortfall of 10M plus. Who funds the deficit? Are the Vendu's going to pay back all of the grants that the taxpayers funded.

  11. Yes! Finally a big correction coming on commercial and residential real estate in the next few years. Pop.

    Lower rents are coming.

    Tony invite all the fentynal zombies to Encinitas for free living in front of you home, yet all the high paying jobs are ending in SD.

    They all should become a Realtor and get free money.

    I hope your financial house is in order. I'm going to be buying your home for 1/2 of what zillow is offering now. 💪🏾

    The homeless building industry is just for the revenue of the greedy "CEOs and managers" of the non-profit and their scummy attorneys like Marco.

    - Tell 10 of your voting friends, Tony is destroying Encinitas.

  12. The BIA runs Tony. Without them, and a few other idiots, we might have a decent city again,

  13. Fun meeting last night! Here's some observations.

    Tony REALLY needs to look into Ozempic. 💉 That Keno's shirt holding together was the hero of the night.

    Luke Shaffer is good looking and full of charisma. He's also another Trumper pretending to be centrist playing the populist game. Julie tried this and failed. Jeff tried this and failed. Luke's the latest iteration being propped up by all the same people. Watch for their claims that no it isn't true or that people should ignore it. Just like they tried for Julie and Jeff yet their critics were proven 100% right. 🙄

    Jim Ohara dethroned Natalie to become the new microphone deep throat champion. Jim's trying SO very hard to ride Luke's coattails but Jim is just sooo unlikeable. I haven't figured it out yet but there's something very off about him. For now I'll try to figure out which eye to look at. 👀

    Crazy Rachel: I'm the craziest biatch up in here! 🤬 Raar! Raar!
    Crazier Christine: Hold my beer. 🍺🤪😡
    I wasn't prepared for that level of insanity. Are each of her many accounts for each of the people living in her head? 😲

    Just like Trump, Bruce prefers voters that are dumb. He actually argued that educating people is like putting them in re-education camps. Allison responds by pointing out that his supporters are claiming L-7 was being voted on to become a homeless shelter. 🤣😙🤌

    Bruce trying his darndest to campaign from the dais and Tony keeps trying to check him. Like a little boy, Bruce has a tell with a specific grin when he's playing for his crazy Trumper supporters. 😁

    I skipped over most of whatever Joy was saying and I'm certain I missed nothing. 🥱

    Highlight of the night was Crazy Rachel on affordable housing. She KNOWS what it's like to be poor because of the years she spent off at COLLEGE. 🤣🤣🤣

    1. Rachel and her college housing plight was hilarious...poor her with the advanced degree, waaaah.

    2. Did Rachel really say that? What astounding irony.

    3. Rachel absolutely said that. I think she even mentioned beach proximity along with her multiple roomates.

      So you were in your early to mid 20s and lived with other mid to early 20s people by the beach before you moved into a comfortable home/homes and profession. You must have struggled considerably!

    4. I love Rachael and Natalie

      Luke and Jim are going to kick ass along with Bruce.

      Someone is scared

    5. 11:07......typical Trump hater.

    6. 11:07. I am so happy that you agree that strong women with brains need to wear a muzzle. Smart women are dangerous by the way because some of them have drive and an instict to stop corruption. Tony was correct, Encinitas has a way to go on inclusivity because people are still triggered when smart animated women speak.

  14. This is Lorri Greene. I wanted to inform you that Encinitas Votes will be paused after the elections. The reasons are many, and you can read some of them on EV. So, looks like Encinitas Now wins. Good luck with that.

    1. Has it already been a month since your last pity party? It's obvious to everyone but you that you'll never shut down EV because that's all you have.

      Meanwhile EN continues to live in your head rent free. For 5 years you haven't stopped talking about them. I've never seen EN mention you, EV or this competition that exists only in your head. It's one of the many ways you draw attention to how bitter and sad you are.

    2. “Live in your head rent free.” Tell me that’s not Gonzalez posting anonymously.

    3. Do it. Do it before the elections.

    4. 1:27 this is Lorri, not Marco. And yes I am sad at the Start of this City. I've lived here since 1983 and helped with actually having it become a City. But no matter. It's a relief not to have to spend 3 hours a day finding news for the members, as well as the nasty comments I get from some of the people, including Marco, that are out there. So, yes, you win. I will be be pausing it after the elections, although I think most of us know who will win anyway. But if saying mean, nasty things about me has made some of you feel good, so be it. I guess you will have to wait to see if I mean it. But believe me I do. I am ill, I have some things I would like to do before it's my time to die, and quite frankly I really don't like the way our city is being run. And with Jeremy's group having so many members, it looks like I am in the minority, so why waste anymore time doing it. For those who chose to "out" me for certain things, you won. Nothing more to say.

    5. Go for it Lorri! It's always the same losers (both sides), with the same complaints. Our elections always turn out the same. Even if a miracle occurred and Bruce or any of the other candidates won, the city has already been sold out. Traffic, crime, homeless, cost to live here are all out of control. Blakespear and Kranz pushed the can of fiscal responsibility down the road, and who knows when we'll get leadership or the funding to fix it.

    6. Count the frequency of the words “I” and “me” in 3:33.

      That’s definitely Lorrie.

      I, I, I.

      Me, me, me.

    7. Lorri, you say this kind of throng all the time and never follow through. I’m 2020 after the election, you removed a lot of Blakespear supporters from the group and then posted that “EV will be changing direction “ and that you would post new rules. You never did that.

      More than once you have said EV would either pause or end after an election and you never do it. Seems like you post these things because you want people to comment and say “nooo Lorri don’t gooo, we love you so much, you do such good work, EV is sooo important”

      Just like when you posted your suicidal posts a few years ago that culminated with the police coming to your house.

    8. Fine, we get data from X anyway. That is where the smart geeks hang. 🤓 I support geeks.

  15. Jeremy is not Omed, no matter how many times you say it.

    1. 3:40- Then tell us oh great wise one, if Jeremy is not Omed who is? And whose group is EN? Lorri is not the only one who would like to know.

    2. Who cares? Jeremy/Omed are both derps. Encinitas Now is BORING.

    3. I know one of the people behind Encinitas Now and who Omed really is. Only imbeciles would believe either of them are Jeremy. I'll tell you the Encinitas Now name after you tell us who's behind the dozens of other anonymous Encinitas sites including this one. I'll tell you who Omed is after you tell us who's behind the hundreds of other fake accounts on Encinitas Votes and other sites.

    4. 5:13- You're full of shit. If you had any decency you wouldn't bribe us with anything. Leads me to believe you have no idea who any of these people are. If you do, prove it with at least one thing that we don't already know. All the Encinitas Groups that are public, except EN, have the moderators right there for all to see. All except EN. Let us know how much you really know and tell us who runs it if not Jeremy or Omed. If not, you make Lorri look like a she at least has the courage to put her name on something.

    5. That isn't true. Who's behind Encinitas Progressive Unity? Encinitas Uncensored? This site? Any site that isn't named Encinitas Votes? GTFO.

    6. 6:11- "Christie" you're posting on an anonymous site run by an anonymous account. You have no clue and nothing to trade. Go back to EV with the rest of the sheeple. 👋🏿

    7. 7:24. Settle down, this is Encinitas and we are inclusive and love everyone. Anyway, that is not Christie

  16. Does anyone have an update on Doyle?

    1. 4:17- You could ask him instead of letting others do your work. All you have to do is go to the City's website.

    2. His name is still listed as a candidate for D2 on the city’s website

  17. States ranked by life expectancy at birth:

    1.) Hawaii
    2.) Washington
    3.) Minnesota
    4.) California
    5.) Massachusetts
    . . .
    46.) Kentucky
    47.) Alabama
    48.) Louisiana
    49.) West Virginia
    50.) Mississippi

    Republican policies and leadership create shithole loser states.

    A vote for Republicans is LITERALLY a vote to die six years sooner.

    Don’t vote to become a shithole full of losers. Don’t vote Republican.

    1. 100% 6:38. If you vote Republican you hate the US and the US people. That's not up for debate. You're either a goddam fucking idiot, you love your $$$ more than country, or a combination of the two.

    2. Marco? Language.

    3. 6:43- I would say it's Jeremy Blakespear not Marco. Marco doesn't put a few sentences up that are barely readable.

    4. hmmm 7:07, thank you for your expert opinion. You seem to have a finely tuned eye for a certain line of thought.

    5. You people are disgusting. You allow an 80 year old that could croak any second to mumble and lie thru a United States of America presidential debate.

      Every democrat around Biden should be in prison for elder abuse. The rest of you radical leftist dems are not serious human beings.

    6. 7:45 votes to be a shithole loser who dies six years earlier than the successful people who live in blue states.

    7. Better it be a 78 year old rapist racist psycho on meth/coke/whatever, right 7:45?

    8.'s the weather stupid !!!! And, biden should be hung..........he is a traitor to our country

    9. Minnesota and Hawaii share a common climate?

      “We love the poorly educated.”

    10. Anyone voting for the left hates their own country.
      Notice they don't move to a leftist country....they would rather ruin this one. The left...the enemy within

    11. Still posting with my own name, dipshits.

  18. I'm tired of all of this vitriol. None of this would be going on if the guy that used to surf swamis was still here. He was the best! I had 95 campaign signs of his in my yard to prove it!
    - The Vegan One

    1. She’s vegan??

    2. Have you seen her lately? Yeah, that woman needs some serious In N Out.

  19. EV shutdown notice #87. This time she means it.

    Unless we all Tinkerbell clap really really hard.

  20. That whole “pause” thing started by Verdu is stupid anyway.

  21. Facebook groups have a Pause function on the Admin area, Verdu didn’t invent that

    1. That’s fine, but surely everyone recalls his fainting fit “going on pause” essay about how very sorry he was “if” he did any damage by his actions during the election. Claimed he was going to be extending an olive branch that somehow never materialized. And where is he now? Hopefully never to return having learned his lesson now that none of his neighbors will speak to him. He went way way too far.

    2. Actually, no. He’s my neighbor and friend. He seems pretty happy and content. Only butthurt losers representing a tiny minority have any issue, and they aren’t the kind of people he’d want to be around anyway. Very negative energy, like the EV moderator.

    3. And you would be? Verdu himself expressed shock that his extremely slavish devotion to Catherine had created such a backlash against him.

      Then Lisa Shaffer-like didn’t he hightail it to Carlsbad after having inflicted maximum damage? Fauxgressive frauds.

    4. EV is responsible for harassing and threatening Verdu until they shut down. Let's not try to paint over the truth, especially when they're crying about people being mean to them.

  22. Did you know you can pause group, get rid of a bunch of members, and then make it private? My guess is that is exactly what she is going to do. No way she is just going to let it go.

    1. Then good riddance to Margo!

    2. 9:49- Rumor has it that is exactly what she is going to do. It will be private and by invitation only. So you are right, good-bye Margo and many more people who think they have a right to trash people rather than make a difference. As for Verdu, Lori, Mike and Paula were friends. Not sure what happened, but it had nothing to do with social media. When Verdu put up 20 million for Blakespear many folks, not just Lori, were pretty upset. So the Verdus and Chatfields decided to pause their group because people just couldn't get along. Read it yourself. It is still up and paused.

    3. Do you mean $20,000? High rollers in this town!

      Make EV private, make it exclusive, and don't let anyone know what stupid shit you're talking about. No one gives a fuck.

    4. Did you know that public groups can go private whenever they want without pausing? She could've done it literally any time in the last 8 years and solved all her alleged woes. The reason she hasn't is that being a private group would get in the way of the whole point of EV .... influencing voters to get her preferred candidates elected.

    5. There'd also be far less drama and gossip with a truly private group.

    6. 🤣 Lorri is that what you heard "via the grapevine"? An active working group is a group with an agenda. No doubt it'll be the same as your current agenda. Not lying about it would be a welcome change though.

  23. Rumor has it???? Every time that is used it signals there is nothing of value coming forward other than an opinion, which is not new or news.

  24. Here is the scoop on the Versus: From the Encinitas Advocate, Oct. 2020 "Oct. 2020 from Encinitas Advocate:"There are five PACs active in Encinitas this election cycle, city elections paperwork shows. Three of them support incumbents Mayor Catherine Blakespear and council members Tony Kranz and Kellie Hinze. Two support their challengers — mayoral candidate Julie Thunder and council candidates Alex Riley and Susan Turney.

    The highest-funded of the five is North County Action Network. That group was created several years ago by Michael Verdu, a Facebook vice president who lives in Cardiff. From the start of the year through Oct. 17, Verdu has donated $51,000 to his network group and his wife has contributed $10,000, financial forms filed Thursday, Oct. 22, with the city indicate. The Verdus have spent their money on direct mailings and Facebook advertising supporting the candidacies of Blakespear, Kranze and Hinze

    1. Interesting! Who was funding the PACs for Julie Thunder, Alex Riley and Susan Turney?

    2. 5:37, you asked the wrong question, lol! The Thunder sponsors were republicans and gun lovers (also republicans) from east San Diego county, among others. I will check the info if I have time later, but you can find the info on the city's site.
