Friday, July 26, 2024

Pedestrian killed on freeway

A pedestrian who was trying to cross the southbound lanes of Interstate 5 in Encinitas was struck by a car and killed Monday afternoon, the California Highway Patrol said.

Around 2:35 p.m., callers reported that a man had run into the southbound HOV lane of the freeway. He was struck by a white Tesla Model Y just north of Birmingham Drive, the CHP said.


  1. Another wasted homeless drug addict who had no idea who. or where he was.

  2. Maybe, but he or she was just trying to come to Encinitas like all the others following Mayor Kranz’s invite.

    They didn’t even make it to trying to navigate through Encinitas hazardous streets, sheeze.

  3. Someone's in a hurry to change the topic from cancerous Lorri to a week old story nobody cares about.

    1. No one cares about Lorri on this site.

      Keep it on face book.

      The site is for

      *** Encinitas Real Time News***

    2. Cancerous is a bit strong.

      She’s just a terrible moderator on a narcissistic power trip.

  4. Kind of early for you isn't it $tock$? On second thought, you are not worth even a second thought. Crawl back into your hole of a life at the Office.

    1. * Please Keep it on face book.

      The site is for

      *** Encinitas Real Time News***

    2. Yeah more posts about week old car accidents please.

  5. Do we know who he was or the details?

  6. Here's a tip for stupid people of which there is no short supply....
    Don't walk on a freeway. I know, let's cross a freeway, ya', how'd that work out you friggin' moron.

  7. Where’s train guy?

    If he’s consistent he should be screaming about ripping out the freew—

    What’s that? I’m being told in my ear that he’s selfish and only cares about ripping out infrastructure that he doesn’t personally use.

    1. You’re such an ignorant, misogynistic fool. Only in America can losers sustain themselves for as long as you.

  8. I br your train girl.

    I’d love to see a real train in San Diego County. one that actually served the residents like a 200 mph + electric connecting to the Airport. Like Asia countries and other real developed countries have.

    What NCTD runs is a polluting death machine that no one rides because it’s so slow and stops so often and causes so much destruction to public health.

    Let’s hope the train guy shows up. ✅

    1. Oh yeah, and train services are not very reliable.

    2. But NCTD does a great job of putting up fences and killing historic pedestrian pathways.

      And killing public health due to excessive noise issues and lack of sleep from the hundreds of thousands of people affected.

      But union train guy needs his job pulling the horn cord. Sheeze NCTD needs dissolved.

    3. Hey morons..........those train tracks where there before you were born. Stop complaining. You moved to where the trains are.......idiots

    4. 12:08- You’re wrong on so many levels.

      I don’t live anywhere near the tracks.

      You are clueless and NCTD and Kranz have many gallons of blood on your hands. The deaths should be on your conscious and your outstanding risk : Outstanding Potential claims list.

    5. And trains have a long track record of deadly deadly deadly accidents,traveled%20from%20Colombo%20to%20Galle.

    6. Waiting for massive nuclear hazard zone when the next train crashes with this—

    7. Hey 12:18, if you don't live near the tracks then
      stop complaining. You no doubt believe in the lies
      gullible warming as well. Complains about trains but doesn't live near trains...........I was right.......
      you are a moron.

    8. 1:31- you are as stupid as they comes which means you must beTony Kranz.

      Well Tony-, we know you don’t care about harming the public as we saw through the whole Covid debacle with closing beaches, but we, the people, need care.

      Death trains killing public health and wasting millions in tax dollars needs to be addressed.

      Don’t reply. Just go play with your rock or Starvin.

  9. Hi, my name is Phonz Tranz. Please call me your Mayor.

    I was homeless, but I married a woman who said she would care for me and we could live in her mother’s house.

    I never worked and I don’t pay any property taxes and I don’t really understand what much. What I do understand is I get free beer quite often and can talk nonstop for hours.

    I got all kinds of pet projects I want to build and I love just talking nonsense to the city manager and she gives me some pills that I’m not supposed to talk about.

    She said she wants more staff and she wants bigger raises so we need to push a tax increase on residents.

    I’m sorry that utility rates are doubling and we have to raise for sales tax 26%, But you should’ve been smart and looked for someone to marry with mother-in-law with house for you so you didn’t have to pay property tax either.

    Join me for a bike ride on the sidewalk down to grab a beer today and quit worrying about everything.,

    - Phony

    1. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    2. Anon 12:13 captured most of Phony's proudest achievements, but he forgot to mention that the council gerrymandered the map to ensure that Mark Muir could not get elected in his district. He also proudly announced that the entire council outside of Muir were in on it.

    3. Now there's your ol' time news

  10. The smartest shit posters have the most typos

    1. I agree. And those with nothing valuable will add “you made a typo”, or grammar mistake.

    2. The grammar clown is the best. They will tell you all about sentence structure but can explain the correct end of a shovel to use whilst digging. We callz' em'
      All brains and no brains

    3. 1:33 sounds like something dumb people repeat to themselves to boost their self-esteem.

    4. 4:19- like your comment.

  11. Here is an off topic. Animal Control in Encinitas is
    NON EXEISTANT. The parks have a sign with the phone number, good luck with that. A dog that constantly barks.
    Animal control tells you to fill out the online form and they will send out a letter within two weeks. Two weeks !!!!!
    The poor animal won't stop barking now, in two weeks the owners might be shot dead. What a mess.
    The bottom one in government cares.
    Their motto, "fuck em'"

    1. It is the West. You might consider taking matters into your own hands.

    2. what is EXEISTANT?

    3. It’s like excisetant only louder.

    4. 👆🏾😂🤣

    5. Oooops, hit the wrong button........I better learn to proof read. It changes nothing, government doesn't care.
      The signs at the parks mean zero. You are on your own.

  12. What really kills Dr. Nutbird is that people in power ignore her because she’s nutty.

    She thinks she should have influence because she poorly moderates a Facebook group.

    The truth is, even the people in the group just barely tolerate her. You can hear eyes rolling in EV when the demands for praise come every few months. And the number of people who respond to the demand shrinks with every freak out.

    I’m sure the people in power see it and talk about it. Lorri isn’t a leader, and people who like to chat on EV wouldn’t follow her down the block for a free ice cream.

    1. Keep it on Facebook.

      It’s not an Encinitas real time news issue.

    2. 427 is Walsh with his stupid nicknames. Still playing the victim since being banned from EV.

    3. How can Walsh be banned from EV? Lorri has stated a dozen times that nobody but Morris is banned from EV. I hope you aren't implying that Lorri is a liar.

  13. Has anyone seen the pic of Blakespear at Blackwell's?

    1. Nope. Please share web address, or where we can see. Although I typically do not like gross things. 🤮

  14. Since this is Encinitas real time news, what happened to the debates? Are the boys still trying to wriggle out of them like dumbass Trump?

    1. Hey stupid......there is no one running on the America hating leftist side until nominated. Wake up..........
      No one debates unless nominated. Cheesus
      But remember to vote for harris the sex partner to blacks

    2. Remember to vote for Kranz, sex partner of Starvin and the BIA.

    3. I see...O'Hara and Shaffer don't have what it takes, just like convict rapist Trump.

    4. 3:34 AM? And that's all you could say? At least type some drunk stuff for us.

      Here's a preview of the event at St. Andrews on Aug 10.

      Stiven: Question #1, How will you solve homelessness?
      Stiven: Question #2, People experiencing homelessness is a big issue, what will you do?
      Stiven: Question #3, Where is the best place for a homeless shelter in Encinitas?
      Stiven: Question #4, How many more homeless workers do you plan to hire once the 1% sales tax is enacted?

    5. So O'Hara and Shaffer don't know shit and don't know how to debate 6:28? We all know those won't be the questions and the real one are gonna be SUPER hard!

  15. Replies
    1. 👆🏾dumb ass…

      I bet you drive a Government Motors (GM) POS. 🤣

    2. Electric cars are for fools. They have zero concept where the electricity comes from or the slave labor and earth ruining materials used.

    3. 9:25, your conclusion is facinating. I love to learn new things.

      Please provide links to the lifecycle impact studies from reputable peer reviewed journals on which you are basing your conclusions.

      I look forward to learning something new, as the studies I have read to date unanimously conflict with your conclusions, like this one from MIT:

      “Using the nationwide average of different energy sources, DOE found that EVs create 3,932 lbs. of CO2 equivalent per year, compared to 5,772 lbs. for plug-in hybrids, 6,258 lbs. for typical hybrids, and 11,435 lbs. for gasoline vehicles.“

      I look forward to your reply, as I’m sure you must not have just pulled an unfounded opinion out of your ass.

    4. Let me make it simple for you. Slave labor and horrid pollution for battery materials (china and africa).
      Where does electricity come from? come on tell us all.
      Now tell us all what the efficiency rate of electricity is from power plants, through transmission power lines to primary then secondary distribution.
      This should be good. Now ask a professional lineman if the system, even if it was efficient can handle the lies of the electric car usage. Answer? NOPE
      The entire electric car fiasco is a scam created by fraud.

  16. Is Harry Bush visiting this weekend from Nor Ca?

    If not, I hope someone hoses down Harry Bush up north. Big fires up there and big bushes go up like match sticks.

    1. ---Encinitas Morning News Report---

      News reports from Nor CA- Strong smell of burnt hair.

      We might have lost a City Council member candidate... Standing by.

  17. I want to hear more about the CM and the lawsuit concerning the guy that she conceded was a douche. What did he do? Did he wear a backward baseball cap and earrings to present during a council meeting?

    1. What you’re referring to is the hat wearing slimmey scum bag white developers racist sellout, Marco G.

      Everyone knows that scumbag in town. He’s so damn narcissistic he can’t shut his fucking mouth.

      Even when his brother has been shown to prey upon three young women and is being sued, he’s still flaps his gums and tries to defend him even when he went after a predator Filner a few years back. But that was different, because it wasn’t in Marco’s family.

      Marco has no foundation, and has a void for ethics and integrity. . He is the Definition of a narcissist.

    2. I heard from his family, " It not his fault. He is a victim of narcissistic personality disorder". Poor MG... poor, poor MG.

    3. I wish that his family could convince him to seek help. He is a textbook case of NPD. If he is half as bizarre with his family as he is in public, I feel sorry for them.

  18. I've secretly been slipping Starvin propecia pills instead of boner pills from time to time. I'm hoping it helps him with growth "down stairs". I can't lie, I'm really into Harry Bush, she is a welcomed addition to the Encinitas community as far as I'm concerned. I'm trying to be faithful to my manz, but the unibrow of Density is sooooo enticing. If the secret propecia dosing doesn't work I'm going to have to shove a subway sandwich in Starvy's underwear or something prior to sexy time. I feel terrible, but I'm only human.
    - Phony

    1. 🥺🫢🤭😄😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  19. Well - Never thought I would say it, but Pam Slater-Price you are my Hero !

    Well written straight talk on EV regarding the slime bag MG, and the fallacy that destroying Encinitas, by building 8-story slack and pack like dowtown oceanside is doing and Coronado did decades ago and stopped quickly, would have any impact on lowering home prices and rents in CA.

    Subject :

    Thank you Bruce for running, you WILL be a great Mayor for Encinitas and I look forward to Jim and Luke joining you on the City Council to stop the open destruction of Encinitas we see today. ❤️

    PS- Great job PSP, and Marco you are a narcissistic developer and predator ho, nothing more.

    1. Yeah thanks Pam for showing everyone yet again why Lorri is a terrible moderator. The millionth example where Lorri, her "friends" or those that share her views can openly attack anyone Lorri doesn't like or has opposing views. However if Marco or anyone else really fights back they'll be banned without warning.

    2. Exactly 11:23. Pam is nothing but a bully where she can get away with it...imagine is she tried that shit in Del Mar.

    3. 11:23, are you suggesting Lorri is an arbitrary, capricious, self-interested, ego-driven, impulsive and narcissistic moderator?

      Because if so, wow. That would be something new that we all learned today.

    4. Keep your comments about Lorri on Facebook. Pam Slater price is an Encinitas hero. Great past Mayor and her comments regarding ruining Encinitas’s ruminate with many of us. You’ll see this when Bruce kicks Tony out of office because the people will have spoken. We do not want to decimate Encinitas and make it look like LA , downtown Oceanside or slime Diego. 🥰❤️.

    5. 1:11, you want to control what other people write.

      Sounds familiar.

    6. Not really it’s just not relevant to Encinitas. Lori run a Facebook.

      Keep it on Facebook. It’s not relevant to this site or Encinitas really.

      I get it. She does not have an integrity. She said a lot of stupid shit. It’s just not worth spending time on this valuable site.

      Thank you.

    7. PSP was the mayor once upon a time and is a current nonresident, so she's earned the right to abuse current residents forever. I see.

    8. While the low information clowns blame recent city councils, educated voters know Del Mar Pam is far more responsible for the destruction of Encinitas. The period when Pam was APPOINTED Mayor we experienced the most unchecked growth in Encinitas history. She did nothing to properly plan or protect the city for the future. Her poor decisions and lack of basic foresight are why we're in the current situation.

    9. 1:11 - What you meant to say was if Bruce kicks Tony out of office it will be because the people have spoken. However if Tony wins it will be because the election was rigged, the voters are stupid, EV didn't do enough to get the word out and of course the Verdu PAC from 2020.

    10. Exactly 3:55. All of Encinitas will deserve a big scolding and public meltdowns will ensue. Waaaaaaaaah. Bruce and the two puppets didn't make it in; all of Encinitas is stupid except for us.

    11. 4:04- it will indicate Encinitas is in the tank and I will move to Solana Beach and rent out all of my Encinitas’s properties.

      I’ll Probably try for an up to eight stories up zone for max profit. If the clowns remain, Encintas be sure to continue going in the shit hole like Oceanside, and the voters get what they deserve.

    12. You sound like as big of a shit head as anyone this blog pretends to criticize 5:17. Bye.

    13. I'm happy either way, its really up to the voters to get interested and spread the word about the destruction of yet another formerly cool surf town.

      You know Huntington Beach, PB, MB, OB, and Manhattan Beach used to be cool chill towns before developers and their whores like Marco got a hold of them right?

      Now they are all LA shit towns. Oceanside nice qualities are almost gone, and Encinitas is tanking quick under Kranz's lack of positive leadership. The developers currently own Encinitas and its showing.

      Spread the word to five of your voting neighbors today. Vote Bruce, Jim and Luke for a nice Encinitas Beach Town.

      Stop the destruction of Kranz making Enicintas a big town at the Resident's quality of life and tax expense.

      Thank you. 🌎

    14. I like Oceanside. If I were moving to North County Coastal for the first time, I'd be heading there before Encinitas. Fewer dorky snobs.

  20. States with the highest rates of domestic violence:

    1.) Oklahoma
    2.) Kentucky
    3.) Nevada
    4.) Alaska
    5.) Arizona

    Hmmm. There seems to be a pattern developing in these shithole loser states.


    2. You forgot Poinsettia Park and the 🎄

    3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  21. Jesus Christ or Mohammed or Buddha or Krishna or whatever prophecy you’re praying to…

    I just got my water bill and it’s double from what it was last year at this time.

    This coupled with Tony proposed 26% sales tax increased by adding 1% to the 7% we now pay, and another 1% for Sandag is going to make a lot of old timers like me homeless.

    Is he trying to get people broke and homeless.

    The best thing that loser could do is tighten the belt at City Hall and quit raising our utility bills and taxes.

    So how many people out there are super excited to pay another hundred plus dollars a month in utilities plus hundred more per month in sales tax?

    With Kranz and this woke tax and spend council, they’re driving costs and inflation up so people do become homeless. They are promoting the homelessness issue up big time.

    1. My bill took a leap, too. Kranz has his nerve pushing a tax increase to fund his pet projects just because he’s unclear on the concept of living within one’s means.

      Anyone seen the cities marketing materials? Straight up extortion claiming no infrastructure improvements can be made without the tax. Why don’t they just boil it down to “we’re going to hold a gun your head and make you vote yes?”

    2. Kranz has no idea about what it cost to live. His wife takes care of everything. We all know he lives in his mother-in-law‘s house and we all seen his property tax bill which is like $2000 a year. Some of us are paying $2000 per month just for property tax, not to mention mortgage and insurance and all the other monthly costs.

      Kranz has no concept of money. he’s barely above a gimp, and the plump town dunce.

      Where is the petition for Kranz to resign today? Every day that loser’s in office is harmful for Encinitas citizens.

    3. What marketing material is the city sending out?

      That is illegal. Time for some lawsuits which the city is very used to. They lose tons of lawsuits a year because they’re so backwards. Such a mismanaged City.

    4. 5:09,

      I got the marketing material.

      I got a six page glossy brochure in the mail. It’s got beautiful pictures of a public competition pool and diving facility that would be paid for with the sales tax, as well as a little league stadium and an indoor skating rink.

      There’s QR codes that link to professionally produced videos staring Richard Dreyfus, Tony Hawk, Rob Machado, and Shaun White. There’s original music in each video by Joe Walsh. Also lots of drone footage.

      Super cool. Definitely voting yes after seeing this marketing material.

  22. As local hero, Greg La fave (sp?) explained, the city is awash in revenue. The city has huge property tax revenues that other cities just dream of.

    Kranz and the incompetence city manager approved all kinds of full-time staff with pensions, which consumes all of the revenue. If you cut a bunch of unnecessary staff, which is easy to do with all that deadwood, the City has plenty of money for needed maintenance and improvement projects.

    1. Doesn't that guy live in another city?

    2. I’ll be happy with whatever the voters decide.

    3. Phew! You aren't gonna sell your eight rental properties to developers, turn them all into eight story complexes and move to Solana Beach if you don't get your way 6:09? Lucky us!

    4. My happiness is not tied to Encinitas voter's ability to pick good leaders.

      Have a blessed Sunday. 🌎

  23. Dear Phony,

    Would it be alright if I attend the freak show virtually tonight? I'm living my best life up here in the bay area, would make things a lot easier for me. Please advise.

    - Harry Bush

    1. Absolutely not, I need you here immediately! Starvin is just not enough for me. You'll need a witches broom, let me call BIAspear for a loner. Godspeed unibrow!
      - Phony

    2. 🤣🤣… I wonder if Harry Bush made it down. if not, I bet starvin was happy.

  24. Now the ignorant fake negro kamala harris questions Vance on loyalty to the U.S? He joined the Marines you dimwit.
    This woman is beyond a moron. She is a dumb fuck in pumps.

    1. Pipe down Starvin! At Sunday morning, and some of us are in a great mood.

      We are all sorry that Phony’s eyes are starting to wander.

      I hope your growth starts doing better so you can try and keep her focus. You might consider the Sun sandwich suggestion.

    2. * It's Sunday mornin'...

    3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    4. Ignorant FAKE NEGRO camel toe harris gives dumb a whole new meaning.

    5. 👆🏾Starvin! Pipe down.

    6. NOPE........harris and anyone voting for her is the enemy within. The fake negro

    7. Geeze Starvin- you sound ignorant. And you’re going to get kicked out of the freak show if you don’t watch out.

      No side likes ignorant racist. You’re on your own princess.

    8. So fake negro is ractist? you pinhead just made my point
      of how stupid people think

  25. You are about as low class as they come. Absolutely beyond shameful. The rot inside will 'reward' you in good time. It already is.

    1. So the truth rots people? Typical LaLa Land Leftist.
      I'm shameful for telling the truth.
      My rot is my reward.
      Everything the left does, they destroy

    2. I reckon stupid people don't have eyes.
      harris is black??
      What is wrong with you? She looks nothing like a black...nothing. She looks East Indian.
      It appears that if you tell a leftist voter up is down then they think it. What is wrong with you people.
      Where is the kinky hair, big lips and flat nose....
      WAKE UP

    3. Keep up the racist bullshit. We love to see you pissed and losing, as usual. Are you going to cry when a black woman is your president? Are your widdle wacist feels going to be hurt that your mom has patch the walls in your room? It will be okay steve, nothing will change, you will be a miserable piece of shit no matter what. Stuck on stupid is just who you are.

    4. Whoever is racist on this site is bullshit and the majority of people do not support. It sounds like starvin.

      Please stick to local issues. This federal stuff is for another blog..

      This is EU-

      *** Encinitas real time news***

    5. It's racist to use your eyes??????? and tell the truth?
      What is wrong with you?

    6. I come from a mixed ethnic background, and my family is married to all different ethnic backgrounds. Skin color is not an issue so I’m not sure why you keep bringing it up.

      Every time you do, you sound completely ignorant.

      - The masses are stupid and that’s why they vote for Democrats and Republicans in a two-party system. WEF owns you.

    7. 11:55 BECAUSE IT'S A LIE. The idiot harris IS NOT BLACK. They keep trying to tell us she is........
      It's a lie. I bring it up becasue it is a lie.
      I hate liars.............You lie to yourself, that's one thing but lie to the population, I'm calling them on it.
      Now you are going to tell everyone harris is smart.
      She is a buffoon................that's more truth.
      You people live in a jar................

    8. WEF owns you.

    9. 12:11 gets big mad when people say Republicans have a racism problem, then insists he is the judge of who is black enough.

      Here’s my definition of who is black:

      If they have to put up with people like 12:11 offering unsolicited opinions on their blackness, then they are black.

    10. Like the left states...if you want to be a girl then you are. If you want to be black so be are black.
      I think today I'll be a hot skinny woman, tomorrow I'll be something else. And get votes I'll be black.
      You people are morons.................
      And no........I belong to no party....just the facts.
      Does harris think she is black because she used to screw africants? Maybe that, is how she solidifies she is a negro. Wake up bozos......she is a dolt.
      And now she has insulted an Ex-U.S Marine????
      That's for the dolt you dolts

  26. Haven’t this much excitement from voters since Obama. I didn’t see it coming but looking forward to president Harris.

  27. PSP and Jim Brown calling out some good facts about BIA.

    Marco and his bullshit density crap destroy Encinitas’s campaign has no merit. It’s for pure profit for the BIA. Screw all of the existing residents.

    Population of California residence with any assets is going down fast. Houses are going to have a major correction here within the next five years. Time for people to start bunking up. Get used to it.

  28. As usual here, the pos right winger spells it out clearly how low he can go. There is no bottom of the barrel he will not stoop to.

    He has no shame in supporting the end of our democracy. Shameless.

    It would require a conscience to realize his position, which he obviously lacks. That is what all the right wingers have in common.

    1. Nothing right or left-wing about it. I’m neither right wing or left-wing . in fact, I’m very Liberal and social issues.

      Facts are facts. And I agree with trying to preserve Encinitas as a low-key Surf town , not Kranz’s Big Town

      - from this very liberal on social issues voter that completely agrees with PSP.

    2. Where did any of you dumdums get the idea that Kranz wants a big town? Just by default someone has to take the blame for always present and impossible to remove developers and inevitable growth?

      Make it make sense, because you all sound slow, including Pam (as she giggles from Del Mar).

    3. 1:22- you sound very uninformed. If you want to participate, go back and watch all the council meetings regarding upcoming from 2012 on.

    4. 1:51 I don't consider myself uniformed. In reality, if people own land and they sell it, developers are gonna do their thing. We live in a greedy, capitalistic society. Where did Encinitas Estates, Walmart, and all the other development shit around here come from? How about Home Depot? Village Park? Does nothing count before you got pissed off?

    5. In addition, who did you expect anyone to vote for other than Kranz? Morris? Oh yeah, he was gonna keep Encinitas a rad surfing town, our bad.

  29. 12:37pm Nothing right or left wing about you? I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell if anyone believes that nonsense coming from your pie hole. Facts? From you? I needed a good Sunday laugh.

    Must be another one of those NPP folks trying to straddle the line between the pos domestic terrorists right wing traitors and the democracy loving democrats.

    1. Well, you just wasted all that typing because you didn’t say anything.

  30. Tony Kranz joined city council in 2012.

    You’re welcome.

    1. And your point?

      Apparently, you don’t know about all of the lots that have been up zoned and all of the stack and pack that’s currently under construction and just about to break ground.

      PS- You’re Uninformed.

    2. 1:49, data beats feelings.

    3. Your data doesn’t include all of the upcoming that was approved by Kranz, so it’s an incomplete analysis.

  31. As an involved citizen defending our community for decades, I am well aware of the many properties that have been allowed free reign to pack'em and stack'em trying to please the unfunded state mandates destroying beach towns like ours. Some municipalities have chosen to fight. We should ahve joined them. Our council has done nothing but bend over and take it.

    1. Better yet, concerned community members should have organized to buy up properties before tgey could fall into the hands of developers.

    2. do you really think they haven’t? You’ve got too many landowners going for the gold who refuse to entertain offers from anyone, but developers were holding out the biggest check. Properties don’t even make it onto the MLS, the deals are struck well in advance.

    3. If that's the case, I wonder why more anger isn't directed at property owners rather than city hall. Are you sure there wasn't at least one property owner that attempted to sell to locals first, perhaps along Encinitas Blvd?

      All I'm saying is that it seems like it would be more forward thinking and proactive to do some fund and awareness raising when land is up for sale or about to go up for sale. This would make the community aware, rather than waiting until it's too late. The city would never get involved, you guys don't have to waste time screaming at city council meetings and online, and you don't have to bitch about Marco constantly.

    4. I’m old enough to remember a greenhouse owner who didn’t want to develop his land. All he wanted was to use a small section of the greenhouse to grow cannabis so the growing operation could remain in the black.

      How’d that work out?

    5. 100%. Many antidevelopment locals don't appear to be organizing or using their noodles.

    6. Most of the people complaing about development weren't paying attention until the last minute (now). Its an excuse to create public anger and get the two dumb republicans in the door at city council. They have zero qualifications.

    7. Better late than never. Thank goodness, Bruce Jim and Luke are running. ❤️

    8. Jim and Luke are incompetent know nothings with bad politics. Everyone with a brain knows this. Ehlers is probably a mess politically as well, but I'll give him a chance as long as he can keep his mouth shut about national elections and treatment of local unhoused.

    9. 7:12 "better later than never" isn't even approching effective. Most projects are in construction you guys are upset about. The people behind prop A and their cronies certainly saw this coming 20 years ago, easily. The locals that loved the sleepy beach town environment could have seen it coming 30 years ago. Why didn' you start raising funds and awareness? Why didnt you speak to vulnerable property owners? Why didnt you make a game plan?

      If you weren't on the ball then, how about 10 years ago?

      It rings hollow now, more like a political ploy than anything. And you're still doing nothing except acting SHOCKED and OUTRAGED at city council meetings and on Nextdoor. That's it.

  32. Even better yet, the people we have chosen to represent us on the city council had the duty to preserve our community from the developer vultures and have failed miserably.

    Would other candidates have made a difference? Possibly, but only with a council majority and we haven't had that yet.

    Bruce cannot do it on his own, as much as many of us would like to believe.

    Every damn time the mouth that roars and the not so golden sycophant speaks up, Bruce loses votes.

    STFU for the rest of season. That will help Bruce much more. We all know who you are voting for and have known for months now.

    Just stfu and stop and maybe he can win.

    1. I understood the first three paragraphs (and agree) but a little help on the last two please?

    2. Honestly, they should all STFU. The only seemingly likeable person associated with Ehlers is Ehlers. He runs with quite a crowd.

    3. 👆🏾thanks for that meaningless comment.

    4. If it means nothing, you don't want Ehlers elected mayor. That's fine, Olivenhain has plenty of important issues that need representation.

  33. Republicans lie and create shitholes full of losers.

    Any questions?

    1. Who cares and your post doesn’t make any sense for local Encinitas.

      You’re what we call a rambler. Similar to the L-word.

    2. It’s very relevant to Encinitas if you don’t want it to become a shithole full of losers.

  34. Encinitas was the poster child for not building enough. Even got threaten by the state and sued by developers when they changed the laws in their favor. McMansions went in instead of the multi-family buildings the state wanted. No undeveloped land left to upzone so expect ECR to get re-zoned. In the grand scheme of things the councils of past have done a good job of keeping the density at bay. Empty lots are going to get developed, cant stop it. Should be thankful of the macmansions as they are much better than the developments that got bribed through.

    1. We know what you think Tony and that’s why you’re not going to get reelected.

      San Diego population for citizens is going down fast. All of this up zoning only serves developer profits nothing else.

      Bye Tony.

    2. Name a time when the population of Encinitas was stable.

    3. When Ehlers is elect Mayor. ❤️

    4. Amazing. Ehlers will stop developers in their tracks, show Sacramento who's boss and prevent anyone moving to Encinitas if elected mayor. What happened to under promise and over deliver?

    5. Go Ehlers, Jim, and Luke. ❤️

    6. Maybe go Ehlers. Fuck Luke and Jim.

  35. For those who think Encinitas should “fight” state housing law, here’s what that looks like:

    • Bluster
    • Waste money and time on lawsuits
    • Lose lawsuits
    • Settle with the state
    • Rezone and pass a compliant housing element.

    Just ask Coronado.


    2. Thanks Tony. Bye!

      we hope you and Starvin have a nice life outside of Encinitas. We heard New Jersey is swell this time of year.

    3. 4:59, prove me wrong.

      There are 541 cities and counties in California that are required to produce compliant housing elements.

      Surely among 541, you can find just one that you think has done the right thing and won against the state.

      Just one.

      Tell us about the success story.

    4. are 100 percent correct. And like people that vote for the left, they are clueless. Why?
      The communist state of commiefornia threatened lawsuits to every town and city that did not allow the ghetto apartments to be built. And take a wild guess at the party that forced it on us....the democrats.
      newsom, bonta and the rest of the cross dressing heshes. Everything the left does, they destroy

    5. What are "ghetto" apartments? All apartments?

    6. It’s how a watchdog refugee refers to any apartment

    7. The ones that TONY approves like the big kickback he got for taking existing resident’s ocean views towards Ponto on the Leucadia hillside and giving them to his developer body on the corner of Vulcan and LaCosta Avenue.

      Nice trip and great Christmas gifts this year for the Kranz family. Those were million dollar views, and they are stripped from existing resident and given to his buddy developer.

      And the apartments look ghetto and they did some crappy tiny sidewalk along the frontage, With the intersection at Vulcan and LaCosta, still a big mess. What a giveaway.

      Kranz is pathetic. Share with five of your neighbors.

      Vote for Ehlers and spread the word.

    8. You see, the term ghetto apartments refers to hundreds of renters placed where residential homes were at one time or open space. Increased traffic, pollution, overcrowding, excess cars and crime. According to the fools that believe in gullible warming....There is not enough water. The leftists don't care.
      Get it BOZO. It was FORCED thru out California.
      Where do you people live, in your mothers underwear drawer?

    9. 6:25 wants the open space destroyed in natural habitats he doesn't have to feel the pain of losing. Not in his backyard.

    10. 3:04..where did I write that you friggin' idiot?

    11. Thank goodness for Bruce, Jim and Luke. ✅❤️

    12. 6:04 So you are a liar, I never wrote that and you made it up. A harris voter if there ever was one.

      In your mind it is just fine the government subsidizes rent for people that don't belong in an area they can't afford.
      The same area we worked our asses off to get to.
      Typical socialist.

    13. Either answer the question or go fuck yourself 7:30. You can't.

    14. And there it is..........a leftist 7:41

    15. 7:53 : In your Trumper fantasy, where does new housing go? Answer the question. It doesn't go in existing cities like Encinitas, it doesn't go in undeveloped areas. Do we pack n' stack in cities you consider less desirable (whether they like it or not)? What is your solution? Do you have one? Do you propose no new residential construction at all? Tell me you aren't that gd fucking stupid.

    16. Everything the left does.......they destroy
      Just look at the country......leftists the enemy within

    17. Republicans have no solutions.

      Only lies and policies which have proved again and again to create shitholes full of losers.

    18. Just look at the U.S. Now tell us all how the left doesn't ruin everything they do. Come on......tell us all

  36. 4:49 likely kranz with his lines scripted by Margo

    1. 5:44 likely making wrong guesses because he/she lacks any substantive response.

    2. Don’t think so. He writes all the lines.

  37. Hi !!!! I'm Billy and I own an electric car. I don't pollute because I believe in man made global warming and raising seas.
    All I do is plug in my electric car and in several hours, I'm ready go. Clean efficient transportation with zero pollution.

    You want me to tell you where electricity comes from?
    It comes from out of the wall where I plug in.
    Do you think me stupid? The receptacle is right there !!

    1. Great job Billy. Keep up the good work.

    2. You could’ve even went to step further and said my outlets connected to a battery and my batteries connected to a bunch of solar panels on my roof. So my car is driving on 🌞

    3. 99 percent of electric vehicles us electricity from
      Power Plants. Waaake up dimwits

    4. 5:34, even if the grid was 100% coal fired, EVs would still produce less CO2 than internal combustion engine vehicles.

      Internal combustion is inefficient. Your car has a radiator, water pump, hoses, and your engine block has channels for water to flow through. Without these systems, your engine block would melt and fuse from all the waste heat. Exhaust is more waste heat. In fact, most of the energy produced by burning gas or diesel in your car creates waste heat—only about 17-21% of the energy goes into moving the car.

      By contrast, EVs don’t have a radiator or cooling system, because 85-90% of the stored power goes to the drive wheels.

      Hope this helps.

    5. Electricity produced by power plants is 39 percent efficient by the time it reaches the end user.
      Hope this helps
      The electric car is a joke lied to you by hucksters.

    6. 7:21,

      You are in a cult of lies, trying to create a shithole full of losers.

      Prove me wrong by providing a link to any lifecycle study published in a reputable peer reviewed journal showing that internal combustion vehicles produce less direct and indirect carbon emissions than an EV over the entire life, from manufacturing, operation, to retirement.

      Good luck liar.

    7. How about the presentations last week from PG&E Nuclear Engineers.............I guess they were lying to 200 attendees as well.

  38. I was walking in Encintas, which was the path. My father and I used to take when we’d go down to Just Peachy for fresh organic produce before Kranz was on NCTD as a chair man of the Board of Directors. Kranz led the board to put in fences in Leucadia only.

    Delmar was smart and Resisted and they do not have fences. But Kranz insisted that Leucadia have fences. On one of our previous walks, on a pathway that had existed forever, my dad had to try and scale the new fence. He fell and broke his hip and he’s no longer walking. Another one down because of Kranz.

    To put complete insult on the issue, some dumb fuck has a “Tony” sign believe it or not in the nearby neighborhood. That neighborhood got fucked by Kranz. He was the one that stopped all of our neighborhood access to Just Peachy and the beaches.

    No wonder Kranz is fat. He never walks anywhere and just rides his bike on the sidewalk.

    1. 1.) It’s not your land.

      2.) Blame suicides. NCTD is ripe for a lawsuit if they do nothing to deter access to a stretch of track known to be a suicide hot spot. It doesn’t actually matter if the fence is effective at preventing suicides. It’s more about NCTD being able to say they acknowledge the risk, and spent money and time trying to do something about it.

      3.) It was never your land. Stop being an entitled man baby who thinks he has a right to walk on someone else’s land.

    2. Said the ignorant, greedy man with a piece of crumbling old paper to the local natives.

    3. If a debate ever happens, they should ask who will tear down that fence. The answer will probably be no one.

    4. 7:51,

      Why are you worried about a fence on someone else’s land?

    5. I'm not worried . I do think that people on one side of the tracks should be able to access the other without getting in their cars. I doubt Ehlers would say he'd change the situation though, so it's better to ask so Kranz doesn't bear the blame alone.

    6. Interesting.

      Do you also think neighbors to the north of your house should have the right to walk directly to visit neighbors to your south?

  39. I hear a shit ton of complaints about those fucking fences in Leucadia.

    Fucking Kranz, taking away peoples health for no reason.

  40. I see the second senior center Kranz waste of money pet project is going to open August 13.

    $20 million spent on a purchase that should’ve been $3 million. The City never completed a financial or feasibility study to discuss uses and benefits and cost to the city including long term maintenance and operation cost, or the number of predicted Encinitas users to justify this large cost.

    This is gonna cost millions and millions of dollars per year, For a few artsy finger painters and trans dancers like in the Olympics . 🤮

    I wonder if they’ll give classes on shaving off boy’s body parts, all while our roads are in shambles and the city is begging taxpayers for a 13% sales tax increase.

    Very very irresponsible and shows the level of mismanagement in this city.

    Encintas is the Shit Show in San Diego County. Everyone laughs at Encinitas even 60% of the voters.

    I can’t wait to have Bruce as the mayor, And Jim and Luke to Support real management of Encinitas.

  41. Sending jobs out of state is a real thing. The company where I work is opening an office elsewhere because new hires can't afford to come here. The ones that do come are begging for better options. We aren't alone.

  42. How about you tell us how many of those 500 cities are actually pulling off the state mandated numbers? Can you name one, besides Lemon Grove?

    And also tell us how great Blakespear's new bill that creates extremely low and acutely low income housing categories is.

  43. 5:13- sounds reasonable. Sounds like the companies need to offer higher wages to employee people here. Simple economics and supply demand curve.

  44. 8:44,

    If nobody is actually building the units, then what exactly is your complaint?
