Wednesday, October 9, 2024

10/9/24 City Council meeting open thread

 Please use the comments to record your observations.


  1. Flip the district? Dems are extremists? Endorsed by MAGA Carl DeMaio and and some far right religious militia group called Warriors of Liberty? I guess LukeJim isn't even trying to hide it at this point. People called it at the start with his AIP membership and of course they were right. Just like they were right about Julie. Another election with MAGA Republicans lying about being independents.

    1. This is EXACTLY like what Julie tried to pull. Their goal is literally to fool the voters into believing they're independents just long enough to get into office.

    2. Except they are not Julie. They are not buddies with her and they shun Garvin, try again.

    3. You get an A for effort keeping this estranged Julie lie going but honestly nobody at any point was fooled. Everyone knows how tight they are and her involvement. They've been spotted together so many times by enough people that nobody even mentions it now when it happens.

  2. Replies
    1. 611 sounds like you, actually

    2. 6:11 is definitely Marco.

      You know how you know Marco and his fraudulent law firm are lying?

      If you see him or his partners lips moving you know he’s lying, just like Eleanor. If you come across something he’s written, he’s lying.

      Marco doesn’t have Encinitas’s best interest. Marco, like Eleanor Musick and Blakespear only care about their best interest.

      Vote opposite of Marco!

    3. 6:11 definitely not me, but given the accuracy of the post, I don't mind the attribution.

  3. Then there’s this:

    1. Oh goodie! More opinions from MAGA Republicans that don't live here. Just like Crazy Rachel! Come to think of it, I wonder what other similarities there are between them. They couldn't possibly be family friends could they? 🤣🤣🤣

    2. No opinion. Look at the image in the article. That is destiny’s page on Encinitas bike walk with words she provided to them. All you fauxprogressives have left is to shoot the messenger. Embarrassing.

      Read near the final paragraph on HER page and you will see her not so veiled threat. Maybe that feels good to you, but not to normal people. And it shows just how little she knows about our city’s budget.

    3. Harry Bush better win in Miami or somewhere else because that SF/LA homelessness building does not work in Encinitas!!!!

      You gotta go and take Kranz and the Gnome with you!

    4. Actually, that's Bike/Walk's website where they uploaded the wrong answers under Destiny's name. Correction coming.

  4. Destiny getting ahead of herself with that threat. As an unknown you think she’d be more careful. Another warning sign that she will be reckless, just because she’s a Democrat doesn’t mean she’s a safe one. Steer clear there’s something very wrong there.

    1. The council defenders throwing rocks from their glass houses!

      They’re busy attacking the opposition because they’ve got nothing good to say about their own candidates.

    2. Likely Marco n’ Catherine told her back in February it would all work out just fine.

  5. I voted for Bruce and Jim and I'm embarrassed by this article. The only thing more ridiculous than the article itself is that someone published it. on purpose. wow.

    1. Seeing Jim "liked" this article on Encinitas Votes makes me feel sick. What happened to you Jim?

    2. The article contains documented quotes written by Allison and perhaps copied by Destiny. They are both now claiming that these are not their words. Can enlighten us as to what is behind this miscommunication since it looks like they wrote these answers?

  6. I don't understand why Tony, Allison and Destiny even want the job of representing citizens if they believe that their hands are tied by the state and that the only way to keep the city going is to ask residents to tax themselves. There is no evidence that they wish to even listen to residents, let alone work for them. Instead, they communicate harsh threats and are critical of people who live here. They claim to love Encinias, but they don't seem to like us and seem interested in seeing different people move in. Maybe it is they who should consider moving to a different place where they find people who appreciate being treated this way. The reason that Bruce, Jim and Luke resonate with people is because they are seeking common ground and also like the people who live in this city.

    1. 👆⬆️ best post of the year!

    2. They don't like the residents. What rubs ne wrong is why are we the ones paying them and they are treating

    3. Why are they treating us so badly. I agree, why dio they want that job.

    4. Respecting the results of the sales tax vote is listening to the residents, dumbass. You are calling for the opposite of that.

  7. 10:34- Thank you! 💯

    You are a local Hero!!! 👏👏👏👏

    The Kranzinitas Freakshow has to go along with it’s completely ridiculous double digit sales tax increase which will result in seniors and young teachers and service workers being displaced, increasing homelessness and misery to existing Encinitas residents.

    Real Democratics, and NPP that care about Encinitas will vote for Bruce, And Jim or Luke.

    I did and it feel great to do the right thing!!

  8. Back to the Cardiff School board fuckup for a minute.

    Imagine for a moment that Goodson or Fox Point Farms were discovered to be starting construction in a setback or easement on their land, and a neighbor sued them to block and roll back the construction. Would you support throwing shit at that neighbor’s house?

    If not, then you obviously think the law and courts should decide cases based on a popularity contest. Maybe we could replace courts with a reality tv show where viewers can call in to vote on who wins the case. There’d be a swimsuit competition, and closing arguments could be in the form of an original song, written and sung by the litigants.

    The law doesn’t give a shit who the litigants are, nor should it.

    The school board fucked up.

    1. “It’s not fair! The neighbor could have helped us change that easement so we could continue the construction as planned!”


      See how stupid that sounds?

    2. 6:50 6:55

      Council changed Leichtag’s zoning as soon as they requested it. That’s well documented.

      Our recent Council has re-zoned several plots of land recently, including a local park for potential development. I don’t see shit being thrown at those developers houses.

      You have to do something very wicked in order to have shit thrown at your house by your surrounding neighbors. Some examples would be…..
      1. registered sex offender
      2. Local drug dealer who hasn’t been arrested
      3. Child abuser
      4. Taking programs and classrooms away from teachers and kids because you saw $$$ signs.

      Look Eleanor, everyone knows what you did was shitty. Building an additional classroom 670’ from your property had zero impact on you. It didn’t affect your life in the least bit.

      But because you can’t stand Cardiff Elementary, you dug and dug and dug till you found something that Cardiff Elementary did wrong and then sued them. Who does that? Answer: Eleanor does.

      Do you call the Sheriff on people who you see J-Walking?

      Do you call the Sheriff when you see someone going 5 mph over the speed limit?

      Do you call the Sheriff when your neighbor is playing music a little to loud during a wedding for noise abatement?

      Do you call the Sheriff’s when a parking meter on a car has expired?

      What you did to those kids was chicken shit! Yes people like you deserve to have shit thrown at their house as constant reminder.

      Nobody is on your side regarding this issue, except for your buddies Tony Kranz, Catherine Blakespear, Marco and the disgraced Lisa Shaffer.

      You’re the villain in every movie.

    3. Eleanor thinks she’d be the hero in every movie for what she did to these kids 😂.

      No Eleanor, you’d be the person getting booed.

    4. 7:56,

      There’s no problem with a property owner making a request to change zoning or propose changes—BEFORE THEY START FUCKING BUILDING SHIT.

    5. 8:12 so if a property owner makes some minor changes to their backyard, let’s say they add a small jacuzzi, and it doesn’t effect you in the least bit, then you report them to the city and sue their ass?

      Got it Eleanor! That makes sense.

    6. “After a three-month halt due to legal action, construction on the Cardiff Elementary School campus rebuild resumed March 2.

      Last week it was announced that a settlement had been reached by the Cardiff School District and Eleanor Musick who sued the district over the project. As part of the settlement the district must pay the group $500,000 for legal fees.“

      “Eleanor added that the $500,000 payment the district agreed to make as part of the settlement represents only a fraction of the total legal expenses incurred by Save The Park in the lawsuit.”

      Really Eleanor, $500,000 only represented a FRACTION of your fees? You think you should’ve gotten a couple of million?

      You’re a bag of poop Eleanor.

    7. 8:34,

      The school wasn’t putting in a hot tub in their yard. Nice try.

      Follow the law. Get the proper permits. Make sure you have the right to build.

      It’s not hard.

      Again, if Goodson starts putting in hot tubs without permits in setbacks, you good with that?

    8. 8:53 you analogy was using “property owners”, so I used the jacuzzi in backyard analogy.

      It’s basically the equivalent of a school adding a classroom.

      I find it amusing that Eleanor was quoted as saying “a $500,000 settlement was only a fraction of my expenses for 3 months.”

      How much of settlement would’ve been enough for your 3 months Eleanor? $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000.

      Oh that’s right Eleanor, you were the victim in the fact that the school wanted to add a classroom that had no impact on you. It’s must’ve been so difficult for you too see a classroom being built, especially when it wasn’t zoned properly.

      I award you $2,000,000 victim points.

    9. Eleanor is one of Kranz’s silver haired bodyguards.

      She’s always the victim, looking for attention. She’d alert the city if you didn’t have the proper mattress tags.

    10. 9:15,

      A jacuzzi is basically a classroom?

      I think we found the root cause of our disagreement, and it’s your IQ.

    11. 9:19 in the context of a school building a classroom on a massive property and house building a relatively small item such as a jacuzzi on their property, it’s virtually the same impact.

      It doesn’t take a genius to see the simile!

      So, you’re in favor of Eleanor taking $500,000 from Cardiff Elementary school for 3 months of work?

      And you think that Eleanor deserved a much larger settlement, just like Eleanor was quoted as stating?

      You’re obviously not an advocate of Cardiff Elementary School, or any school for that matter!

      Now that we’ve established that, I think it’s obvious to say that you’re a Tony Kranz, Preston and Blackwell supporter!

    12. 8:53 9:19 Watch this!

      I’m betting you won’t answer this question based on your support of Musick suing Cardiff Elementary.

      Who are you voting for?

      I’m guessing Kranz, Blackwell and Preston, am I correct?

      Now Watch, crickets your not gonna answer the question.

    13. So if Goodson starts putting hot tubs in without permits you’re good with it?

    14. Kranz voters are so predictable when they communicate with you. They don’t care about environment, but pretend to, “my hands are tied”. The try to spin density and tell you it’s actually good for planet earth.

      Remember when Blakespear said “Urbanization and densification is good for our environment.” 😂

      That’s the Progressive Liberal today.

    15. 9:34,

      You’re wrong. I’m happy to answer.

      I’m voting straight blue up and down the ticket, because in a true apples-to-apples comparison at the state level, it’s perfectly clear that Republican leadership and policies are a complete and unambiguous failure. States that have a long and consistent history of Republican leaders and policies are the worst for economic growth, new business starts, property values, patents and innovation, obesity and diabetes, child and infant mortality, healthcare coverage, life expectancy, gun deaths, teen pregnancy, racism, college degrees, violent crime, women’s rights, depression, and suicide.

      I vote for economic success, health, public safety, and happiness.

    16. 9:43 just like I predicted, you won’t tell us who you’re voting for, because it will make that party look bad.

      If you support Eleanor and say you’d vote for Kranz, it make Kranz look bad. That’s why you won’t tell us who you’re voting for.

      I’ll try again, who are you voting for.

    17. 10:07,

      I told you.

      I’m voting for all of the anti-MAGA, anti-shithole candidates.

      I’m voting not to become Alabama.

      I’m voting for modernity, science, success, high achievement, truth, happiness, laughter, and longevity.

      Vote Blue, baby!


    18. 10:13 you give Democrats a bad name.

      Democrats love schools, teachers and children. Eleanor lives to sue them.

      Face it Eleanor, anyone who sues Cardiff Elementary over a stupid technicality taking in $500,000 in 3 months is a DICK!

      Anyone who says that $500,000 is a fraction of what I got from Cardiff Elementary is a DICK!

      You’re Dick Eleanor, it’s why your neighbors, most of the Democrats throw shit at your house.

      It’s whiny, self entitled drama queens who give our Democrat party a shitty name.

    19. 10:13 I’d have to agree with you, Ms. Musick gives Dems a bad name. She should probably just keep her mouth shut, it’s like unravelling a spool of drama when you encounter her.

      - 47 year Democrat

    20. 11:18 you sound like a tantrum toddler.

      Let it all out.

      Process the loss so you can move on.

    21. 11:42 Eleanor Musick is the one calling the Sheriffs on people who tell her to “Fuck off”, now that’s a toddler.

  9. 10:13 Ehlers in particular has been around decades before Thunder ever got involved in our politics. So your drum beat that she put him up to run is just stupid.

    1. He’s thrown his lot in with her now.

    2. He certainly has not. She suckered him once in 2022, along with so many others. The only person who doesn’t know Julie is a pariah is Julie. And maybe Pam Slater Price.

  10. Eleanor you fucked up!

    So when you support Blackwell, Preston and Kranz I go opposite.

    The world doesn’t need people like you Eleanor, your human trash a remora fish.

  11. I have to agree, Eleanor is the bag of poop!

  12. I purchased 3,846 shares of DJT at 13 recently.


    Thank you:
    RFK Jr
    Jennifer Sey

    I pity the Harris supporters who are in total denial.

    Please share this far and wide and tell everyone that the Sabellico kid supports Tampon Tim

    Dear Nike:

  13. “Bruce Ehlers for mayor.”

    —Jerome Stocks Facebook post 10/9/2024.

    Nuff said.

  14. “It's official- Bruce Ehlers for Mayor of Encinitas!”

    —Steve Golden, Watchdo—er, I mean, Encinitas Uncensored (FB), 6/21/2024.

    Nuff said.

  15. “Vote for Bruce!”

    —Julie Thunder for Encinitas (FB), 9/5/2024.

    Nuff said.

    1. They're panicking as their complete house of cards is crumbling

    2. 11:19, your Acme catapult is a sure thing. Love the confidence.

  16. Public Service Announcement: "Encinitas Citizens United" is gazillionaire Michael Verdu called in to influence yet another election. He's not an Encinitas resident but wants to meddle.

    He's been brought in 11th hour to try propping up what is hopefully a failing Kranz campaign.

    Hit "Delete" on his emails and let your friends know!

    1. 10:33- Do the Verdus no longer live in Encinitas? I thought they lived on Vulcan, or at least they used to. Where are they now. Surprised they would contribute to Kranz if they don't live here. I would think they would use their money for candidates where they live.

    2. The Verdus still live where they always lived, in Cardiff

    3. The Verdus are Encinitas residents and have lived here over a decade. Not sure why you thought they did not live here.

    4. 11:15,

      It’s a cult of violence and lies.

      They do not care about the truth or their own personal integrity. Their heroes are people like Giuliani , the myPillow Guy, and Alex Jones. People who have lost their reputations and livelihoods over the lies.

      You need a new yardstick to measure them by.

    5. 11:23, if you are referring to the Verdus, their heroes are absolutely NOT Guiliani, the myPillow guy and that ilk.

      There's a LOT of misinformation posted about the Verdus and Julie Thunder and Jeff Morris were behind a lot of it. They are good people who love their community and have lived here a long time. If they invested just as much money in the candidate you support, would you still talk trash about them? They have every right to support Tony and any other candidate they wish and they are not doing it because they expect anything in return, they don't NEED anything! They just believe in supporting candidates they believe will do the best job in our community.

    6. I know the Verdus and respect them a great deal. They were subjected to a lot of horrible behavior in the 2020 election, including threats upon their physical safety, Bhavani Kirnak posting photos of their home and address in the Watchdog cesspool, which could have resulted in something really scary...honestly, I can't believe they remained so quiet about some of the things they have endured, all for exercising their rights as citizens to support candidates they believe in.

    7. 11:40,

      I agree. I was responding to 11:15, but clearly talking about 10:33.

      10:33 doesn’t place a value on truth or being an honest person like good people. 10:33 is fine with lying about where the Verdus live. The lie is perfectly acceptable as long as it scores points.

      Like eating cats and dogs. Like Mexico building the wall. Like Jewish space lasers. Like FEMA diverting hurricane funds to immigrants. Like encouraging people to take horse dewormer. Like the election was stolen. Like people drink baby blood under a pizza parlor.

      It’s a disgusting cult of lies.

    8. Verdu donated to a PAC. He didn't start it. Thunder is peddling defamatory boogeyman bullshit because she thinks the average voter has a clue who the Verdus are.

    9. 12:54 Marco, are you accusing Julie Thunder of a crime, defamation. That’s a fact, it’s clearly stated in your statement at 12:54.

      Do you for a fact know that she’s being defamatory? To who? When? Give me irrefutable specifics. Because if not, you’re treading on thin ice, libel.

      You’re walking on thin ice.

      A quick subpoena of your ip address might just on this blog could just open Pandora’s box.

      Don’t think using Nord VPN will make a bit of difference either.

      Signed - Careful

    10. 2:55 thinks they're a whole lot smarter than they actually are.

  17. " Do you want higher taxes, increasingly dangerous road conditions, unsafe bike infrastructure, and a lack of accountability? This is what’s in store for Encinitas if Tony Kranz and, unfortunately, his Democratic running mates succeed in getting into office.

    While asking for our votes, they’ve already shown they are unable to listen to residents about issues important to us. Instead, these candidates publicly claim their hands are tied by the state on crucial safety and quality-of-life matters.

    Moreover, they ask us, the taxpayers, to impose additional taxes on ourselves so they can continue pursuing an agenda that disregards citizen input. Rather than presenting concrete plans, they ask for our vote to keep degrading the quality of life in our city, ignoring what residents want and deserve."



    This is some astute common sense which reveals a quite disturbing reality that the majority of residents don't see the ground truth reality of what is really going on with the current (and past) leaders. Leaders who claim they are looking out for the tax paying citizens of the city of Encinitas, yet doing precisely the opposite in a very dishonest and irresponsible fashion.

    1. Listening to the citizens?

      Isn’t that what the sales tax vote is?

      LukeJimBruce know what’s best for the citizens—no vote needed. They already decided.

  18. Eleanor Musick supports Kranz, Blackwell, Preston, SANDAG, abolishing Prop 13 and densification.

    I’ll be voting for Bruce, Luke and if Jim was in my District, I’d support Jim.

    Enough of this “my hands are tied” bullshit. We need a city council who cares about protecting our community and its character, not selling it out, like Blakespear did.

    Time for change, you been on council for 12 years Tony and produced nothing of value for Encinitas, time for you to go.

    1. 11:48 💯 💕👍🏾 exactly.

      Time for a change.

    2. Where did Musick say all of this?

      Not saying she doesn’t endorse these things. Maybe she does. But if you are just pulling stuff out of your ass again, then you just another lying cultist.

    3. 11:53 I’ve known Eleanor a very long time. I’ve seen her post and have had dialect with her. Do a little research, type her name in on Encinitas Votes and Encinitas Progressive Unity, her comments and threads go back years.

    4. 12:02,


      “Trust me bro”


      Pulled out of your ass again.

    5. 12:51 “not saying she doesn’t endorse these things”. Sure!

    6. "It was a flex on Ms. Musicks part and it cost our kids and the taxpayers $500,000 to bring us right back to where we were in December," said Morgan Gates, a parent at the school.

  19. The billionaire Verdu’s are corrupt and dirty.

    They grease the palms of certain candidates so they can benefit in terms of permits, zoning, development loans to builders. They own property everywhere.

    1. If the Verdu’s cared so much about Encinitas, they’d donate to help support ocean, beach and park related items that tangibly benefit everyone. NO!

      Instead the Verdu’s create $100,000 PACs to support politicians like Blakespear, Kranz, Preston and Blackwell.

      Come on people that’s an obvious red flag.

      Time for a fresh new council who cares about community character and not just developing every bit of land we have for revenue generating tax purposes. No more “my hands are tied”.

      Vote Bruce, Luke and Jim

    2. "If the Verdu’s cared so much about Encinitas, they’d donate to help support ocean, beach and park related items that tangibly benefit everyone." Actually, they donate and support a lot of causes. They support in ways you have no idea of.

    3. 11:56,

      Sounds like a conspiracy, and you are the victim.

      I award you 217 victim points.

    4. 12:09 if the Verdu’s donate to causes in Encinitas please list those causes. Also how do you know? You’re also full of shit.

      The Verdu’s only donate to politicians.

      I’m not talking about donating to the United Way or Goodwill, I’m talking about local organizations that need it.

      The Verdu’s would rather make donations to PACs and local politicians such as Blakespear, Kranz, Remer, and Sabellico.

      Prove me wrong!

    5. 12:09 the Verdus have NEVER donated in Encinitas. The only donations they make are to politicians, like the $100,000 PAC they started for Blakespear in 2020 for her Mayoral reelection.

      Who starts a PAC and contributes $100,000 all for Mayor Blakespear’s smear campaign? The Verdus do, and they’re doing again by advertising smear campaigns against Bruce, Luke and Jim.

      Paula and Michael Verdu are filthy rich, pretentious snobs. They buy elections and smear local candidates with false and misleading mass mailers. If they can’t win on policy, they smear the opposition.

      Vote opposite of who the Verdus pick.

  20. Verdus moved to Cardiff a few years ago. Kept their house in Encinitas so they can claim they "live here." Point being their money was activated to try to save a flailing Kranz. Watch for them to take their MAGA lies in a final push.

    1. conspiracy theory alert!

    2. LOL you say they moved to Cardiff but kept their house in Encinitas? Um, do you not understand Cardiff IS IN Encinitas?

    3. 12:08- I do know they purchased the home that belonged to the owner of the Hay House, publishing co. in Carlsbad. This was a few years ago. Whether they ever moved in to it I have no idea. There house in Cardiff always looks empty but they do travel a lot so maybe that's it. I drive by it every day.

    4. they still love in the same house in Cardiff, but yes they travel a lot. They did not move to Carlsbad but they did stay there a while during home renovations. It was temporary.

  21. 12:27 meant Carlsbad, my bad.

  22. Watching Julie come unhinged in recent days as she sees all her hard work spreading lies and hate coming undone is so gratifying. I adore how the angrier she gets the more insane her lies become.

    1. Julie come unhinged? You are amusingly outside the loop, friend.

    2. Your implication being this is how Julie always is but she's usually better at hiding it?

    3. Julie is the poster child for Aesop's Tale, The Boy (or 🐖) Who Cried Wolf.

    4. When she runs again she and the morons that support her will pretend it never happened. again.

    5. Another day of your obsession with Julie....... boring.

  23. 2:31 you'll never catch me defending her. But there's someone else becoming unhinged. Ask around.

    1. Do tell. Inquiring minds want to know.

    2. Ask around. You're clearly a Kranz Kamper, your team can tell you.

    3. Ooooooh. Kris/Chris/Christa

    4. That can't be right. She's always been a total wacko. Just that working for LukeJim she's been in public more.

  24. Everything Marco posts is malinformation.

    Malevolent actor.

    Best to believe a corrupt attorney. EVER

  25. "NOT" believe
    AI is out of cuntrol

  26. Shitlibs are desperate.

    Lots of full view for yourself lib meltdowns today.

    When libs are losing big they do dangerous things.

    Grab your popcorn and load the ammunition

    1. Lots.

      It’s the specificity that gets me.

      Many people are saying.


      The smartest people. All of the top experts.

      Yeah, but like, who?

    2. Keith Olberman?

  27. My question is is when Tony’s no longer Mayor and got spanked by Bruce and the new council is in session, Will Tony Kranz continue to get free beer from the downtown establishments?

    Will Tony’s tits shrink without the constant infusion of beer and free food?

    Will Starving stay around and continue to join the freakshow when Tony has no power to approve all of that up-zoning?

    Inquiring minds wanna know

    1. Kranz will start a speed beer roundtable and try to hook up with Mali. Starvin will advise.

  28. Mark Mavil and Raul are local heroes!

    They call it like it is. Truth.

    Kranz is promoting Cannibis Huts and getting kids wasted and ruining their mind.

    Between the THC infusion and his COVID protocol it's clear Kranz does not care about kids mental health or suicide rates. So sad!

    1. So. don’t listen to the residents, right?

      They did vote on it.

  29. Mark Mavil and Raul are heroes

    Tony, the Gnome, and Kindergarden Kellie are fools. Drunk fools!


  30. Mark Mavil is a hero to be sure.

    Monica Lee and Aimee Sproul for EUSD school board. These woman are courageous and amazing women, mothers, and teachers.

    Begin at 28:33 and end at 42:18

    Mark is the last 3 mins of that but watch the entire 14 mins

    1. 👆🏾💯❤️

    2. I'm a NPP and used to be a Democrat that voted for Maggie numerous times.

      I hate the freak show, predators like Nathan and Family, and hate people cutting up their kids body parts. The freakshow is disgusting!

      I voted for Monica Lee and Aimee Sproul already. I agree. They are big time heros!

      - Voted! ❤️🌎

  31. This is what happens when you have the lowest IQ becoming the mayor of Encinitas:

    What a Catastrophe wasting billions of dollars on a completely out of all technology that no one rides, And no one will ever ride because it’s so slow and pollutes.

    Only BIA can be this Stupid. She is very good at harming people and polluting our world.


  32. In the end all Eleanor Musick did was stall the school from modernizing and revamping the existing Cardiff Elementary School, a 20 million dollar bond that was approved in 2016.

    Construction resumed immediately after Eleanor’s win on technicality.

    All Eleanor did was steal $500,000 from local taxpayers. She saw a loophole and took it.

    We’re grateful that construction resumed after Eleanor was happy with her $500,000 payout.

    Here’s what one of the pay had to say…

    "It was a flex on Ms. Musicks part and it cost our kids and the taxpayers $500,000 to bring us right back to where we were in December," said Morgan Gates, a parent at the school.

    1. It sounds like Eleanor and Katie Blair are freaking hot messes. All they seem to do is fuck up things for children and the world.

      You know who else is a hot mess ?-freaking retard Tony Kranz.

      What a disaster.

      So happy that all smart Democrats, non-political Parties, and all other parties are voting for what’s best for residents in Encinitas.

      Maggie Houlihan(RIP) used to campaign with Bruce Ehlers back in the day. She would be proud .

      Vote Like good Democrats that care about Encinitas’s vote, Vote Bruce, Jim, and Luke!!

      The world and children will be glad you did!!


    2. * Kathy Blakespear (BIA)=Hot mess. 💩

    3. *parent had to say

    4. 4:23- spot on. I A lifelong Democrat and I voted today for Bruce and Jim. I wish I could vote for Luke, but I did give him contributions.

      Go team. Go Encinitas.!! ❤️

  33. Encinitas and the entire San Diego coastline love it when we don’t have an old deadly slow, polluting machine running people over along our coastline and bifurcating our communities.

    This is the best thing ever is when the old killing polluting machine is not running.,

    Business is the Better when this ridiculous noise and pollution machine is not running children smile more and cough less, people are enjoying themselves and getting less cancer while the train is not running. ❤️😃❤️

    Kathryn Blakespear (BIA) is a complete fucking idiot.

  34. I’d put Blakespear and Kranz on that list of most despicable residents as well. They’ve done nothing for this community expect talk a good game.

    Time for a change.

    1. Try talk a bad game and they’re freaking hideous.

      It’s definitely time to get them the hell out of event needed.


  35. Can you give me one just one redeeming quality of Michael and Paula Verdu?

    Have they done anything positive for Encinitas with their hundreds of millions? I’ll answer that, NO!

    All they’ve done is slander people and create horrible smear mailers for politicians they support.

    Unfortunately people like Marco suck up to the Verdu’s only because of their money.

    1. They helped prevent Julie Thunder from taking office by exposing her lies. For that alone we should erect statues of them.

  36. Hi. Someone let me know that we were being discussed here, so I'm adding a comment to clear up some of the misinformation in this thread. This is the first comment or post that I've made that is related to local politics in almost 4 years.

    On the topic of our residence, Paula and I have lived in our house in Cardiff since 2011. We spent a few months in Carlsbad in 2022 while our house was being remodeled, but otherwise have been happily ensconced in Encinitas. We love it here. And we love the community. I can't think of a better place in the world to call home.

    On the topic of our participation in this election cycle, we are not actively engaging in the local races beyond making a few donations to support candidates we like. We weren't active in 2022 either. We've given the $250 max to Tony and 2 council members we support. We also made a one-time donation to a committee that supports Tony. That's it. And we don't intend to get any more involved.

    On the topic of our PAC - yes, we used to have an independent expenditure committee and we were active with it in 2018 and 2020. We disbanded our committee earlier this year; it hasn't been active since 2020.

    On the topic of our political leanings, we are center-left Democrats and we have always been clear about that. We are socially liberal and fiscally conservative, but consider ourselves very much in the middle. We do support the current council majority, and have never been shy about saying so. For what it's worth, even though we support Tony and have given him a little money, we have a lot of respect for Bruce Ehlers. Bruce is smart, he cares about the community, and he understands the issues around land use and housing. We don't hate him... he's actually cool. We happen to support Tony because his views are more aligned with ours and we think he's done a good job on council and as mayor. But we don't see this as a competition between good and evil or a struggle for the soul of the city. To us, this year's mayoral race is between two good people who care deeply about their community and have different ideas of how to take us forward.

    The local issues we care about include finding sane and practical ways to thread the needle on housing (doing enough to avoid getting sued by the state over our housing element, but not overbuilding or destroying our community character). We support transit and community improvements. We want the city to stay on a strong financial footing. We want to approach issues like homelessness with a mix of pragmatism and compassion. We were passionate rail trail supporters and worked very hard to make sure that the current trail along San Elijo was built in the alignment and configuration that you see today.

    Again, we don't plan to get any more involved in the current race other than the donations we have already made (and these are all public record). That's it. We don't have signs out. We aren't posting or commenting anywhere (other than this one exception here). We don't have a PAC anymore.

    For those that noted that things got nasty in 2020, that's a fair criticism. When we do get involved in a big way, we play to win, and Encinitas politics are not for the faint of heart. But let's be clear that the negativity came from all sides in that year.

    Anyway, we love our city, we have many friends in the community, and we wish none of you any ill will.


    1. So basically Michael, you and Paula have done nothing for Encinitas. No grants or donations for Encinitas. All the money you spend on Encinitas goes to your PAC and nasty smear mailers to residents regarding candidates.

      You and Paula have done for Encinitas except slander and libel good people. I’m embarrassed to say I know both of you.

    2. Love how Michael ends with “peace” such Bull Shit.

      The guy spending mass amounts of money on smear campaigns wants to end with “peace”.

      What a shitbag the Verdu’s are.

    3. 9:10 9:12 I couldn’t agree more with you.

    4. Guy’s a fucking tool like FB.

      Fits with the Freakshow perfectly.

    5. It just goes to show the nature of people on this page, when they respond to a factual and heartfelt message with rage and more attacks. What a bunch of embarrassing trolls.


    7. Rich coming from the predator family.

  37. From Michael and Paula Verdu:

    “Anyway, we love our city, we have many friends in the community, and we wish none of you any ill will.”

    What a load of disingenuous crap!

    The same Verdus who spend six figures on smear campaigns libeling residents and candidates is telling us “peace”.

    Michael and Paula are disingenuous and all around awful people. They contribute nothing but destruction of others.

  38. Don’t forget about the nasty misinformation emailers and websites Michael and Paula create as well!

    1. Like what? Give us your top 5. Be specific.

  39. Hey Micahel please tell us how you came across all of our email addresses? Did someone illegally share a database with you? Like Blakespear or Horvath?

  40. The irony here is a bit on the nose. During 2020 I wasn't even running for office and was vilified in countless posts, ads, etc., etc. I suspect some of you making the comments above were engaged in those attacks. I didn't take it personally and still don't. I put my big boy pants on. Politics in this town can be rough, and you gotta take it if you're going to dish it out. Goes both ways, though.

    As for never doing anything for this town, if you hate the current council majority and the decisions they've made, and if you hate the rail trail, then it's a fair observation :)

    1. They’re just sad angry people who always lose. Pay them no mind.

    2. Yes we’re just the peasants, the help, Michael.

    3. Still waiting for that "olive branch" you promised after vilifying everyone who didn't worship at Blakespear's feet. It was buried in your 10 paragraph long fainting fit where you complained about your neighbors hating you and your having to move. Remember that??

    4. 12:06 just throw a bunch of community members names up there and hope one sticks, and nope not Jeff Morris.

      That’s the Marco modus operandi.

      That’s how shitty some of these people are.

  41. Michael, does put on your “big boy pants” mean that we should all also start $100K PACs for smear campaign tactics on candidates and residents.

    There’s a big difference between having nasty thing written about you on a blog or social media and actually spending tens of thousands of dollars on smear campaigns against people.

    You are a completely different level of low.

    Finally my statement still stands, with your hundreds of millions of dollars, you’ve donated nothing positive for Encinitas except spend money on defacing other residents.

    You and Paula Verdu are a special breed of turds. 💩

  42. Wow, you are so crass and pathetic.

  43. I like how the Verdu's beat your loser asses.

  44. 12:12 and 12:40

    The exact response I was expecting from the Preston, Blackwell, Blakespear and Kranz club. Not care in the world, win at all costs, even if it means dumping tens of thousands into nasty, misinformation smear campaigns. You guys are the new SS.

    1. You have an incredibly poor memory 1:24.

    2. 3:07 that makes absolutely zero sense. But nice try on the deflection.

      You know the Verdus are douche bags, I know it, everyone knows it. Even the politician kiss asses looking for a political handout know the Verdus are douche bags.

      The only reason they’re relevant in Encinitas isn’t for their charming personality or character, it’s their money, just like Susi Nancarrow.

      Except the Nancarrow family doesn’t throw $100,000 into a smear campaign.

    3. wow, you really can not read. It's in his statement up there, the Verdus do NOT have a pac anymore, they simply made a $1,000 donation to one. Don't believe the spin Julie Thunder put on this.

    4. 3:54 anyone who has spent tens of thousands of $$$ on smear campaigns, spreading disinformation all while slandering candidates and residents is a royal douche bag and leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

      It should leave a bad taste in your mouth as well. If it doesn’t you should do a moral compass recalibration.
