Friday, October 11, 2024

Destiny Preston threatens public safety if Kranz’s sales tax increase doesn’t pass

Coast News letters:
Destiny Preston, District 2 candidate, recently warned residents that if the 1% sales tax increase (Measure K) fails to pass, there will be “trade-offs” that involve “investing less in public safety.”

The comments were posted on Preston’s and District 1 candidate Allison Blackwell’s BikeWalkEncinitas website in response to a questionnaire but have since been removed. This was done, in all likelihood, under pressure from a public that reacted negatively to such coercive language.
For the record, Kranz has wasted tens of millions of dollars on non-essential services. For example Pacific View which Kranz purchased and then left abandoned for nearly a decade before pouring even more money into it to make it safe enough to even occupy. On top of that, the huge expansion of city staff in a time of near-zero population growth, including the creation of a new and unnecessary permanent city department of homelessness. Homeless and other human services have historically been the domain of the county. Then there's the unsafe and unwanted separated bike lanes that require a city sand Zamboni staff.


  1. That opinion piece and this blog go together like peas and carrots. Don't forget the part about AI! 🤣🤣🤣

  2. Their answers on the biking site are nearly identical word for word, one or both of them are not doing their own work. Indicates how they'll perform on council. Allison's already a rubber stamp, don't need another.

  3. Why do any of them even want the job when they threaten voters and seem to support the non-taxpaying special interests over people who live here? Isn't it clear that they don't represent us and seemingly, don't even like us? Vote Ehlers, O'Hara and Shaffer!

  4. At least two reputable engineers have determined that the bike furniture on 101 is a poor design that has caused more than 30 injuries and was the location of one death. Sorry, but I believe them over our hot dog vendor mayor who supports dangerous bike lanes for others but rides on the sidewalk himself.

    1. Oh yeah which engineers? That's like a doctor giving medical advice because they got a PhD in religious studies.

    2. Don’t hit the curb, it is really that easy. Things that help you not hit curbs…

      1. Looking where you are going
      2. Being sober
      3. Riding during daylight hours or with a bike light
      4. Leaving space between riders even if you want to sniff the spandex in front of you.
      5. Don't wear spandex, seems as though people who don't wear spandex also don't hit curbs.

      Why is it always the same people crashing and crying about bike lanes? Road bikers are dangerous, they don’t have good control. Clipping into the bike makes crashes worse and the little tires are more prone to loss of control. There is a reason you only see road bikers crashing. We should go to la jolla council meetings and get them to ban road bikes.

    3. Don’t try to ride side-by-side in a narrow lane built for one.

    4. Whatever you say Marco and Jeremy. There should be no such thing as a learning curve to use a public bike lane. It should be safe for people who use it the first time as well as for experienced riders.

    5. There should be no learning curve for people to drive without playing with their phone. But here we are.

    6. Jeremy Blakespear is not an engineer at all! Why should his dangerous design that has resulted or contributed to over 30 injuries and a death be supported over the recommendations of engineers who pointed out before it was installed that it was a bad idea? What more evidence do you want?

    7. Funny how bike crash frequency correlates with elections.

    8. The clearest correlation is that there have been over 30 injuries and one death on the Cardiff bike trap, and there were none in all of the years prior to its installation. Another correlation is that Dr. Worley died, and within days, the stanchions were removed where he was hit. The experiment has been completed. Remove the furniture.

  5. I hear Alabama and Somalia both have very low taxes

    1. That is just a stupid comment. Instead of doing some critical thinking about how Encinitas leaders could do better, bring up irrelevant examples. This is part of the ass-covering operation to keep people in power who are lazy, stupid, and only want the job for the money or the title. Vote for Ehlers, O'Hara and Shaffer!

    2. What money? Are O'Hara, Shaffer and Ehlers anticipating favors coming their way?

    3. No. Why would you say that, show us your evidence. Omed or whoever you are

  6. Why do Luke and Jim seem to have shitty people (and only shitty people) supporting them? Between this post and the one before it you guys should organize an ahole convention.

    1. What's shitty is Destiny not checking her own work, then blaming Allison. Then having Allison put out a statement that she never said it and Destiny insisting she did. Girl fight! So both or one of the ladies are lying and that's pretty shitty. OR they had Judy Berlfein write their answers for them and that's pretty shitty! Lots of shitty to choose from with this crew.

    2. You guys fucked up, now you have to walk it back and apologize. Time to get to work 1:11.

    3. It's been laid out plainly, the ladies got themselves tangled up and neophyte Destiny forgot to get her story straight with Allison before pointing fingers. Soooo not ready for city council prime time. Just imagine what she'd get up to if elected.

    4. Tell that to the voters 2:17. Yawn.

    5. If Judy wrote their survey answers for them, it shows that they can't even supervise volunteers. Now they are blaming people who found the original published screen captures from Destiny's webpage that contained the information that she said she didn't write. What kinds of leadership does that show?

    6. I think it shows who gives a fuck anyway leadership and get a life commentary.

      How's it going for Luke and Jim?

      Get a life ladies. I'm sure your two goofballs have something to do on this lovely afternoon.

    7. Aw your pick exposed herself whoops

  7. People of all parties support Luke and Jim. With respect to who you think are "shitty people," perhaps you mean that Encinitas residents have been shat upon by the current leadership. But all I see are attacks on posters who seek accountability and genuine concern about the safety and welfare of the people of Encinitas.

    1. No, I mean Luke, Jim and Bruce supporters that can't win with a clean campaign ever. They resort to lies, smear campaigns and straight up making shit up to get the job done. It doesn't matter if you're called a Thunder supporter, or a Morris supporter, or a O'Hara/Shaffer/Ehlers supporter this time.

      You guys are slimy shitbags and you can't win any other way. I personally think you like treating others like shit for fun as a bonus because it actually happens whether an election is on or not.

    2. And the people with the shitbag behavior don't necessarily live in Encinitas. Losers.

    3. 2:02 reality bites, doesn't it. Don't shoot the messenger, look at the message. Whether it fits with your vote for Preston or not.

    4. The message is: We are rabid liars and hysterical losers every single election and in between, but eventually it may work out for us. Even if it doesn't, we'll still keep it up as a time consuming hobby because it's fun.

    5. The lie is that Destiny and Allison had identical language on their bikewalk pages and now both claim neither ever said it. Destiny said it came from Allison but Allison says no. So the lies lie with the ladies and even Marco gave up quickly over on EV trying to cover it up.

    6. Hold your breath for 20 minutes until your latest attempt at bs is cleared up 2:58.

    7. Nah. It's Destiny who needs hold her breath and stop freaking that no one is buying her cover up. Now she's got Marco on the case. Enjoying my popcorn.

    8. 3:03 it's Preston who can't stop spinning her cockamamie excuses for what she did. The rest of us are watching her make Mali seem like the adult in the room.

    9. How many of you are hovering over your screens in anticipation 4:49?

  8. I just drove up Leucadia Blvd and at the Hygeia 4-way stop sign an e-biker coming down the hill in his 30's never bothered to slow down with vehicles stopped and waiting to proceed at all four points. A Darwin Award goes to this idiot who may not be with us much longer if he keeps this idiocy up. I am sure he will until.........

    It is way past time to license every motorized vehicle allowed on the roadway.

  9. I see this EVERY day.

  10. Destiny Preston

    Sponsored by Pfaker

  11. In the UT story today, Allison is saying that the proposed sales tax will be used on public safety. The lady knows how to read the room. She saw how pissed off everyone was when she and Destiny posted that they wanted to cut back on public safety if Measure K didn't pass.

    1. If she knew how to read a room she wouldn’t have said public safety spending would be on the chopping block it in the first place. Two too late she got caught.

    2. How can people claim to be misquoted when there are screen shots of what they wrote on their campaign pages? Why are Allison and Destiny attacking people who are sharing their posts? Does this speak of reliable leadership when they can't own up to their positions and blame the people who share the screen captures?

    3. 9:06- Because they figure if their friends keep blasting the people showing the screenshots enough, calling them all sorts of unkind names, they will finally give up and say Destiny and Allison were right, and the screenshots have been invented. We've seen this movie before.


    4. This is Destiny and her backers taking “the high road.” How dare she quote Michelle Obama as though they share the same values? She has revealed everything about herself in the last few days.

    5. 👆🏾💯

      Freakshow 🤥

      I hope she wins her race in Maimi or Oakland .

      Airbnbush does not fit well with this town.

      We like honest residents that do well for Encinitas not lying BIA carpetbaggers.

  12. Margo's doppelgänger = The Guy That Used To Surf Swamis

  13. I’m so happy as a logical Democrat and have voted for Bruce and Jim like Maggie Houlihan would’ve wanted.

    Additionally the City of Encinitas is loaded with revenue. The problem is it’s greatly mismanaged. Tons and tons of unnecessary expenditures, flying out the door.

    We don’t need all of the wasteful things that the city does with all of their wasteful spending on their Fingerpainting programs. When there’s plenty of other fingerprinting programs in nonprofit throughout the town.

    Get back to basics in the city has so much money. It will be able to do all kinds of projects and have more money for cops.

    Carpet baggers have to face reality.

    The Gnome and Airbnbush were and are for defunding the Police and funding drug industry, making more people homeless, and building the homelessness industry.

    Save Encinitas. Let’s support our more vulnerable, seniors, and our teachers and other lower income earners and not have a 13% sales tax increase which will harm them dramatically.

    Have a heart Tony Kranz. Not everyone is given a coastal house by your mother-in-law and does not pay property taxes. Those that are scraping by to pay rent and food are not going to appreciate another 13% increase in sales tax plus the huge bill increases gigantic sales tax increase proposed by SANDAG.

    Huge taxes on sales tax hurt the people they do not help the city.

    Vote NO on sales tax increases across the board.

    - Maggie Houlihan (RIP) supporter. ❤️

  14. Uh Oh. Now the freakshow is totally exposed.

    It’s really is about skin color. It’s about putting in the people you want based on skin color And ethnic origin. Not Asian or other people with brown skin like islanders or Indians, the have to be brown Mexicans or black from Africa not some other continent like India.

    For you stupid people like Tony Kranz you better look that up. It’s called racism, And prejudice and unethical.

    Are humans born in America are born equal with the same rights. You should not be getting favors based on your skin color or origin.

    It’s time for Varga to go, that flaky bitch from Encinitas Remer, BIA, and Tony Kranz to step aside, Or go to prison!

    “This is not the first allegation of anti-Asian racism Vargas’ office has faced since she became chair.”

    Karma Biatches!! 👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️🔥❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    This is not the first allegation of anti-Asian racism Vargas’ office has faced since she became chair.

    This is not the first allegation of anti-Asian racism Vargas’ office has faced since she became chair.

    This is not the first allegation of anti-Asian racism Vargas’ office has faced since she became chair.

    This is not the first allegation of anti-Asian racism Vargas’ office has faced since she became chair.

    This is not the first allegation of anti-Asian racism Vargas’ office has faced since she became chair.

  15. *** Encinitas real-time news***

    Three Encinitas commuters and two Carlsbad residents will need to carpool this weekend because there’s no coaster service.

    For the rest of the community, it’s celebration time. 😃👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Peace and quiet and no pollution choking our children’s lungs. Get out in your community along the coast before the polluting death train with its low ridership resumes its polluting tax wasting ways mowing down many people and its pathway.

    It’s going to be a good day when that polluting low ridership tax burden death machine is no longer destroying our community.

  16. Whew! Repetition not a good look, you moron.

    1. 👆🏾 Not sure what you’re referring to you, but you sure sound like a freaking kook.

      For the rest of us enjoy the day it’s a beautiful one.

  17. If you really knew Maggie, you would let her rest in peace and not use her name to try to elevate yourself. How about some respect for the dearly departed?

    1. 👆🏾 kook alert.

      Shut up Starvin. You don’t know your head from your butt and don’t even say her name

      I can’t paint with Maggie and Bruce together years ago

      Both are good Democrats and I know other good Democrats will vote for Bruce, Luke and Jim.

      Go Encinitas!! Call Maggie and Bruce team!!

    2. * I campaigned with Maggie and Bruce together years ago

  18. Marg “three toes,” “Jewish space lasers,” Green has convinced me to vote for Dems up and down the ballot.

    She says they can control the weather and created and steered hurricanes at areas full of Republican voters.

    If so, the Democratic Party has its shit together, folks. I mean, can you imagine the efficiency and effectiveness required to pull that off? And the discipline to keep it quiet?


    The Dems must have all the smart people, and they know what the fuck they are doing. I want people like that running the show.

    1. And the GOP was so weak and disorganized that all they could do about it was a Tweet from some third string scrub after the fact?


      I want the world to see America as strong.

      We control hurricanes, bitch!

      USA! USA! USA!

    2. The only thing the freakshow controls is boner pill delivery’s from anthill and the Cardiff Gimp in BIA’s mommy’s closet.

  19. Republicans 2020:


    Republicans 2024:

    What’s that?


    In red areas of North Carolina and Florida?

    Well obviously we need to change voting procedures even though voting has already started.

    Whiney little bitch hypocrites.

    1. Own it, 10:15.

    2. Says the demoncrapper who now is loving Dick Cheney, the IRS, and a host of other countless neoCONS


  20. 👆🏾Starvin making space in support of the BIA Freakshow.


  21. Us smart Democrats that voted for Maggie Houlihan and truly support Encinitas are voting for Bruce, Luke and Jim.

    We do not respond to the freak show. In fact, we hate the freak show and the North County Democratic central committee is a complete disaster..

    Take Starvin with you, she/ he’s a complete sellout loser.

    1. Nobody buying your BS.

    2. It not BS and I guest we will see in the results.

      I know 17 families that have voted Democrat the entire race and they’re all voting for Bruce.

      Kranz is gonna lose bigger than her waistline. 😳

  22. Just got junk mail from Tony Kranz and density

    Of course, both freaking 🤥🤥

    Controlled grass and responsible grass were on their junk mail pieces.

    Absolute hogwash and they both need to go back up to Density’s hometown in LA.

    Kranz is a loser. 40% ain’t gonna do it this time Tony boy loser.

    1. * Controlled growth and responsible groth were on their junk mail pieces. Complete liars.

    2. Kranz hasn’t done it yet, why would he start now? And it’s pretty obvious density was put up to run as a yes vote for kranz. So yeah, complete liars.

  23. More pathetic lies from Sandag.

    Their junk mail pieces don’t even disclose that what they would be funding as more empty buses, and empty slowed, polluting trains.

    They put on their flyers that they’ll be fixing potholes and storm drains.

    It should be illegal to send out shit like this.

    SANDAG Executives need to go to prison.

    No on G. No, on any 13% sales tax increase in Encinitas.

  24. Destiny has a tenuous relationship with the truth. Her mailer claims deep roots in Encinitas and her quote to the U-T was that she knew of Encinitas "because her relatives have lived in the area." A pattern emerging that does not bode well for her "service" on council. Vote O'Hara.

    1. I don't think there is a person commenting here that doesn't have a tenuous relationship with the truth. Destiny likely ranks far below many here.

  25. Another bicyclist down and seriously injured on the Cardiff by death trap.

    Stats don’t lie and the City is gonna end up paying big big big big big big big for that mistake.

    So how much did the Dr. Worely wrongful death cost the city?

    I heard it was over &”$20 million!

    Marco can talk until he’s in the face but it’s not going to change the fact that the city is liable and they’re gonna pay out big time.

    The city should Listen to Marco or BIA gimp husband, stop the blood, stop the pain, stop the debts, and stop all the law suits, Remove the street furniture. People are continually running into it

  26. Dr. Worley $20,000,000, Stephanie 5 million, Roberta Walker 11 million, how much is this one going to cost, over 10 million?

    Have the four Cs filed their lawsuit yet?

    Tony Kranz is an absolute disaster for the taxpayers.

    No wonder they’re asking for a tax a huge tax to pay for all these lawsuits, deaths and debts.

  27. Hell, yeah, Tony’s has to go.

    I just talked to three more of my neighbors and they’re all voting for Bruce Ehlers and Jim.


  28. When I get completely sauced and try to ride my bike on the sidewalk, I sometimes fall. Just last week I crashed while riding home from the Biergarten with Starvin riding on my handlebars. Starvin wasn't wearing a helmet, per my recommendation, and he could've been seriously injured but luckily his head landed on one of my tits instead of the sidewalk. That's the good news. The bad news is my boner pills fell out of my pocket and went down the storm drain so I had ZERO sexy time with my manz. I'm going to make up for that loss of lovin' tonight at the freak show!

    1. 👆🏻By the way it's me, Phony, commenting above👆🏻

  29. Scroll up.

    All the emojis are one person.

    This retard often replies and agrees with himself.

    It’s so sad.

    1. Uh oh, did somebody's boner pills expire? That's so sad.

    2. 911- I got you! Call

      1-Bon-erA-nthl for your resupply.

      You will be up in no time!


  30. Ummm, Good morning girls.... hey, I was intending on staying on video all night for the F-show, but my phone battery just died... right when I was about to share my bowes i weaved into my jungle as a special surprise. My video feed died right when Starvin was crawling onto the Cardiff Gimp. Can anyone share any other highlights?

    Also, I'm thinking of making a special star appearance at an "event" next Saturday night, but I can not secure an Airbnb. Any help on offering a place to stay for the night is greatly appreciated.

    Hugs and go Kamala. You go girl, we rule the world.

    -Airbnbush (from Miami)

  31. 🤣🤣🤣 The Cardiff Gimp is getting in on the action! But moving in on Starvin? Hope Phony doesn't get too jelly.

  32. So it seems Tony is going to celebrate women in leadership at the next city Council meeting.

    Is he going to invite his queen Garvin to come and speak in front of City Council?

    I sure hope she wears her threes Company Uni. That’s my favorite and matches with the print copy of the Wall Street Journal perfectly!

    1. It will be interesting what women he celebrates. Bet you it won't be any of the women who have crossed his path in ways that make him look like the idiot he is. Any takers? I'm guessing Destiny, Catherine, Marco's wife, Paula Verdu, Judy Belfran, and the ones who have given him the thumbs up for anything he has done.

    2. No loudmouth MAGA losers?

    3. His girlfriend Garvin Walsh is a must.

      Bring on the 70s mini with the Wall Street channel and you’ll be rocking Garvin.

  33. I think they should honor Rachel Hill for all of her work to help Encinitas and she walks the talk with outstanding integrity.

    She’s the real deal on equality, inclusion and lives it daily.

    She’s not phony like BIA, kindergarten Kelley, The garden gnome, and Az Joy….. They are all bullshit.

    Thank you, Rachel for being a good human being. 👏👏👏🙏👍

    1. Go back to your home state and city Rachel.

    2. What are her achievements?

      Did she get a park built? Or save a historic building? Or bring Encinitas into compliance with state law, saving us millions of legal fees? Did she get a rail trail built? Or beaches replenished with sand? Or implement an improved street layout for the 101?

      What are her achievements? Not opinions or words. Actual material stuff completed.

    3. She speaks the truth and she is supporting people who are great for Encinitas.

      She’s not a complete sellout to developers like kindergarten Kelley, Arizona Joy, the garden gnome, Density, and BIA.

      That’s enough for me walking to talk and being a good person. I think Rachel is awesome. Thank you. 👏👏👏🙏

    4. 1:11,

      So she flaps her yap.

      Anything substantive?

    5. Rachel, is a hero.

    6. As someone who's known Rachel her whole life, the best thing the community could do to honor her would be an intervention.

    7. 12:31 - that would be Encinitas, California.

    8. Rachel loves Encinitas and is greatly appreciated. She must be doing something right for the EU 🤡 to bring her up.

    9. She is fucking annoying. She's in another state, that's her home, stay there, bye. I'm sure she's making people's lives annoying where she really lives too. Get a life lady.

  34. If Kranz was so hot on women in govt he would've put one up to run in his place. But you know he knows best would never give that up.

  35. ooooh baby did kranz ever put his foot in his mouth on this one. hehehe.

  36. Kranz's newest newsletter borders on illegal. It is both discriminatory against the best candidate if it isn't a woman , and it doesn't seem to matter to him if the person is qualified as long as it's a woman. What B.S. There are already 3 women on the Council so actually the men are in the minority. And, for the record, Allison was not re-elected, as Kranz points out, as she was appointed. I hope someone writes an op-ed piece on this. So tired of his stupidity.

    1. “borders on illegal”

      Ah yes. California Code 112: Hurty My Feelers.

    2. Anyone who reads that thing and doesn't know he's scraping the bottom for votes is putting a boost in their Kool Aid. Widespread reaction woman to woman is not good. Can't imagine Kranz ran this by the wife before he barfed it up, doesn't seem like they have that kind of relationship.

    3. His poor wife is super submissive. Ever wonder why that is?

    4. Besides the fact that he’s a violent and abusive drunk that actually hates women?

    5. woman hater closet racist Golden chimes in from Mommy's basement

  37. Voter time-saving tip:

    Just do the opposite of Stocks and Thunder.

    1. 🐽 is part of the Freakshow and in bed w Kranz.

      So vote for Bruce, like and Jim.

  38. Can Kranz be sued over his stupid set of criteria for why someone should be on cancel? No. Are quotes illegal? Of course. That’s all.

  39. 2:56pm Don't leave out avoiding whoever Kranz supports.

  40. Sell outs to Leucadia. Rachelle Collier and Kathleen Lees. 🤢🤮🖕🏽

    I hope they get a 5 story low income ghetto apartment blocking all their sun next to their home looking down on them .

  41. Maggie Houlihan (RIP)is getting sick and turning over in her grave right now.

    Leucadia Town Council used to known for speak on behalf of residents on responsible growth to Jerome StockS, now supporting BIA and the freak show regime. I remember Collier all freaked out over the development behind her house.

    Rachelle, I can understand Kathleen because she is a communist but you of all people. WTH?!

    I can’t believe you, Support the freaks show. That is getting me sick. 🤢 🤮🖕🏽👎🏽

  42. Larri's reminding everyone how she feels about people that dare disagree with her. Marco being the one person able and willing to tell the truth in her echo chamber. It drives her crazy .... or crazier as it happens.

    1. 6:37 When is the last time you heard Marco tell the truth about anything. He's the man behind the scenes pushing the buttons. And yes, she did remind Marco it was her site, so what? Sparring with Marco is credit worthy no matter what you think.

    2. Please go to FB. We don’t waste our time with your petty stuff. You

    3. 6:37 It goes like this every election. 🤣🤣🤣 In the final months Lorri stops pretending entirely and shows everyone what cancer she really is. Reason #612 why EV never got big and was never relevant.

    4. You'd be bitter too if you spent 12 hours a day for 10 years trying to convince people how to vote yet STILL losing every election. Never mind having to abandon whatever principles and dignity you had by partnering with Trumpers.

    5. Encinitas lost when 🐽 and Starvin helped Phony get in….

      I guess they enjoy the Freakshow.

  43. Elenor dismissed all of the female victims that accused her husband of sexual misconduct. Disgusting - however a clear reflection of her values! 🤮

  44. I'll never understand how they're so oblivious to Marco playing them.

  45. Sheesh, mean old js is on a rampage today from his office seat.

  46. Hi, my name is Roachel and I am Kathleen Lees. We are fake and act like we care about the community and say we really don’t want high-rises next to our neighborhoods.

    But that’s all just an act. what we really do is support the freak show and people that don’t even live here like Harry Bush. We support chopping off little boys body parts if they’re confused when they’re five or six, and we really love it when Airbnbs pop up all over the place next-door to our neighbors, and high-rises five stories plus that blocked the sunlight.

    Let us tell you about one of our favorite candidates:
    Airbnbush visits her cousins in Carlsbad A few times when she’s a kid and then claims that she has ties to Encinitas. What a gem.

    She has an entry level job with the state but claims she is some high-powered administrator. She’s proud of the red tape and Wasted tax dollars. From what I hear, she is a D to C level masseuse, but not sure about the red light yet. Not maintained down there, and the jungle is turning into more of a dreadlocks.

    Thanks, Rachelle and Kathleen Lees For selling out Leucadia you freaking traders!!!!

    All true Leucadians can’t stand people like you. 👎🏽

    For the rest of you true Democrats that love Encintas like Maggie did, vote for Bruce Ehlers, Jim, O’Hara and Luke Shaffer.

    Mother Earth, existing Encinitas residents and the coastline will be glad you did.


    1. Maggie would have seen Kranz and his crew for the frauds they are. She would have endorsed Bruce (a given), Jim, and Luke without question. Anyone who knew Maggie knows this. She was the real deal Democrat.

    2. 👆🏾💯RIP Maggie. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  47. The "normal" voters who still bother reading EV know what Lorri's about. When she posts something and admits she's doing it to punish a candidate she doesn't like, they understand what's happening.

    1. 9:56- And there you have it. Maybe I should have gone into political P.R. But the good news for you is EV will be paused after the elections. And yes, I have attempted to expose some truths without getting sued. No small feat in this town. And, if I could get away with it, without being sued, I would share even more of the things I have seen in my 40 years of living here. But, yes, I have spent actually 9 years of my life posting things I read, and things I know, onto EV. And even though I am a centralist Democrat- if that's even a thing anymore- I think everyone should have the right to say what they think about our current administration. But all in all, I am pretty much done with Encinitas politics. I support Bruce, Luke and Jim and have already voted for them. But at my age, if Kranz, Destiny, and Allison win, so be it. I just don't like the fact that so much money has gone into Destiny's campaign, and most people still don't know what she really stands for. And that's the first time, since we incorporated, I have ever seen a candidate so arrogant to think he or she doesn't have to at least reach out to all of the voters. They don't just represent a district, they represent all of us on Agenda items. Even the head of the Chamber couldn't find agreement with her for a debate. He actually wrote that on EV. Anyway, that's all I will put up on this this blog.

    2. I didn't know Cardiff residents could vote for Luke and Jim. Is there anything you won't lie about? You think you have this treasure trove of dirt on people when the reality is all you have is the warped fantasies and lies you and the rest of toxic and bitter wannabes dream up. You have zero credibility outside the 20 people using you for your megaphone.

    3. Hey Lorri, remember when you said no one was blocked from EV? That was a lie, right?

      Remember when you said you said you could get your professional license back? That was a lie, right? It was taken as part of a misconduct settlement.

      Remember when you said you were blocked from EN because you asked who the moderators were? That was a lie, right? Because what really happened was you invited people with technical skills to illegally hack into EN, right?

      Remember when you said you were going to take EV private? That was a lie, right?

      Remember when you said you had a major freakout when your doctor took away the feel good pills, and they had to call the cops? Well, okay, that was probably true, yeah?

      Anyway, nobody believes you anymore. Too many lies.

    4. Interesting justification for an out of control, mean spirited attack campaign. At least you've found the perfect new place to hang out.

    5. 11:31,

      What’s inaccurate?

    6. I just don't like the fact that so much money has gone into Destiny's campaign, and most people still don't know what she really stands for. And that's the first time, since we incorporated, I have ever seen a candidate so arrogant to think he or she doesn't have to at least reach out to all of the voters.

      This is the justification I refer to. Please. I could go on but won't.

    7. At the very least Lorri is lying about knowing "what Destiny really stands for". Does she have a hate campaign based on nothing at all then?

      A requirement of reaching out to all voters is not participating on stupid EV either. Go to a meet & greet, and don't make your facebook page home to the most aggressive insulting jerks in the city and surrounding cities. Emphasis on surrounding cities- keep it local, right?

    8. Everyone and their opinions are welcome on EV. Fake names, fake accounts or don't live here, all are welcome. The only requirement is that you crap on Blakespear, Democrats and those that support either. Basically all the things Lorri and her friends hate. If you crap on anyone or anything that Lorri likes, you'll be doxed and banned.

    9. 1:33 Besides Rachel, I don't know of anyone that lies as much as Lorri. By comparison Rachel still is a distant second.

  48. Love my "real" democrat friends who are now labeled as Republicans by far left radical murderous criminals in office.

    Best be prepared for those losers in power to absolutely go full (fake) antifa riots (think summer of love Minneapolis) when they lose in November.

    They've already said the quiet plan out loud. There will be no peaceful transfer of power by the far left criminals in office.

    Why do you think the massive apartment projects have no sticks in the air yet locally?

    I'll let the reader answer that profound question.

    1. 👆🏾 Great point. Why don’t any of these huge high density projects ever put story poles up?

      I’m so over these freaking crazy ass comedy people who called themselves progressive.

      They’re not progressive, their fucking retards.

      Lifelong Democratic voter who voted for Maggie and loved Maggie and Bruce back then. Still do. ❤️❤️👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

      RIP Maggie and RIP to Local Democratic platform that used to give a shit about the existing residents.

      Now they’re pushing out of town short term renters as council member.

      Why don’t they just skip the bullshit and put all BIA executive board meetings on the Encinitas City Council?

    2. They don't put up story poles because they're not required in Encinitas. Solana Beach does. Ask Kranz why he resists adding that to our code? But let me save you some time his developer handlers would never allow it. Too much transparency.

    3. If you ask, they will put up story poles. They have to, but only if asked.- Lorri

    4. Wrong Lorri. They do not have to in Encinitas.

  49. This is coercion. Preston is unqualified for office.

  50. You think traffic is bad on Encinitas and Leucadia Blvd's now, you ain't seen nothing yet. They will become parking lots when all these complexes are completed.

    1. The square mile of Enci Blvd, Leucadia Blvd, QGR,and Saxony will be the cluster f@ck of all times. And yet the council insists on using old data to determine infrastructure needs and development improvements.

      Residents know it but still the city planners and the council continue their charades.

      I hope Bruce starts replacing staff, starting with Antil as soon as he’s elected.

      Imagine Encinitas as a functional and well run city. The only way it will happen is if we vote for change!

    2. We'll look back in 5 years saying who in their right flucking mind approved this...

      It's coming

    3. I agree.

      Olivenhain needs to take their fair share.

    4. All the same stuff was said about the Encinitas Ranch Specific Plan.

  51. Kranz is celebrating women next weekend because he owes his life to them. Not just being born but literally his life every day since. He will always be a dependent. Victim dependent.

    If his legal wife did not take him on. he would be homeless and probably wouldn’t even be around this area.

    He’s such an idiot he showed up at the wrong time for reporting to the National Guard, He had no chance at finishing college, But his legal wife did marry him and has provided for him ever since., His womanz Starvin Text care of his C cup massages and gerbil explorations, And he lives in his mother-in-law’s house so he doesn’t pay any taxes. Now he’s looking for all of the women and Encinitas to try and crest the 50% mark.

    It didn’t work last time and I don’t think his 40% is going to go up this time

    He’s very lucky that is currently legal wife puts up with his shenanigans with the freak show and Starvin.

    Many Women are great, Except BIA and the appointees, but Kranz is a flat out loser.

  52. He’s celebrating women cause it’s all he’s got. What’s he going to campaign on? Goodson? The Fox Point clusterfuck? Baldwin? Drainage? Train safety? Homeless? Pension debt? Streetscape? The art school disaster? $250M in unfunded infrastructure projects? Less parking?

    Fast forward two years and think about what Bruce can undo, fix, save and improve!

    1. How about the $50,000,000 to $100s millions of losses and lawsuits and the associated family pain, suffering and deaths?

      I’m sure Rachelle and Kathleen are stoked on that?

      Kranz power!

      How about supporting shutting down the schools, firing city employees for that ridiculous Covid response bullshit and screwing the entire Encinitas economy and causing severe public mental health issues? Our kids, suicide and mental health problem rates skyrocketed.

      He’s so freaking stupid. He listened to that Scripps PD that said the ocean mist was transmitting Covid….. and they close the freaking beach and that’s where you are healthiest in the sun and in the open air. Duh.

      The cost of having a dunce as mayor. 👎🏽

    2. $50M - $100M+?

      It’s a cult of lies?

      That number came from the same place as black folks eating your dog. Same place as Obamacare death panels. Same place as synthetic hurricanes targeting victim MAGA. Same place as FEMA diverting disaster funds to migrants. Same place as Mexico paying for a wall.

      It’s really sad when 42% of the country decides that what feels better is more important than truth, and what feels better is whatever nonsense pulled out of someone’s ass makes you a victim.

      Vote for truth, facts, science, honesty, integrity, honor, success, and democracy.

    3. Roberta Walker $11 million.

      Dr. Worley Wrongful death on Lake Acadia Boulevard. Part of the settlement agreement was not disclosed until after the elections.
      City portion over $20 million. I’ve got insider information from City Hall.

      Four C’a dead father from road furniture. $15 million. All they have to do is prove that the city had one percent liability and the payment goes to the poor family victims. Done deal.

      Stephanie on N. Coast Highway 101 in front of Kotija, $7 million.

      Future person to get killed in front of Kola next to the door zone, $5 million.

      Future people killed along the road traps in S. Highway 101 - Placeholder $20 million

      Future student killed in front of SDA by the ridiculous street design, $15 million.

      The property owners along Le Drive that had their slopes rotated due to the cities negligence, $8 million.

      The list can go on and on and on…

      All from poor leadership starting from the mayor along with the BIA appointees.

    4. Other than Roberta's insurance settlements, where's the evidence of any of these? ......

    5. I guess you better do a PRA girl.

    6. Insurance JP is going to throw Encinitas out. At minimum, the premiums are going to be sky high.

  53. Truth is, Lorri left the Democratic Party not due to policy, but ego.

    She is a vain narcissist. Her sense of self importance has been inflated by having control over a dumb irrelevant Facebook group. Lorri was enraged that people like Blakespear and Kranz wouldn’t suck up to her and acknowledge her status as a powerful election influencer. Nevermind that election results consistently show that there is no power there.

    The MAGA nut jobs were all too happy to heap false flattery and praise on Lorri. She mistakes this nonsense for friendship. The truth is, her ego makes her an easy target for manipulation.

    That’s the story of how a burnt out former hippie became a MAGA darling.

    1. You mean all the same things Lorri's been doing for years. Just move on to EN like most of the city has. They're truly independent and you get real Encinitas news and discussions that actually includes all sides. Leave EV and the toxic clowns to their continued irrelevancy.

    2. 3:20- You’ve got the wrong website moron. This is not Facebook..

    3. 3:20 is Marco Gonzalez, no doubt about it. Same exact writing and response.

      Make no mistake about it, Marco posts anonymously on this site when it suits him. Examples would be supporting his own comments, or making libelous comments about others. Awhile Marco continues to deny posting anonymously.

      What’s sick is Marco anonymously slanders Lorri, making false statements about her because she stands up for herself and others. That’s true character.

      I’ve never seen her bully, libel, deliberately spread misinformation and to the contrary that’s all I see from Marco.

      Marco is a coward and if he ever spoke to my wife the way he does, I’d kick the living fuck out of him, within an inch of life.

      Marco needs a good ass kicking.

    4. Once again, there is no more certain or satisfying sign of a winning argument on EU than when someone has no substantive response, and is reduced to the dumb game of (wrongly) guess the anonymous identity.

      [chef kiss]

      Thank you for the compliment.

    5. "Marco needs a good ass kicking."


      When you find yourself in a hole it's best to stop digging.

    6. 8:22 reminding us why it’s also a cult of violence.

  54. Holy crap. Where do I submit a claim?

    My son just ate shit and a huge pothole and nearly got run over by a car.

    Just drive up Leucadia Boulevard or any of the the streets and the streets are falling apart.

    I paid gigantic property tax and it’s imaginable that the city doesn’t have money to even fix the roads. What the fuck?

    Let’s get some competent people running the city. My Lord, no wonder there’s so many many freaking lawsuits in the city. And that explains why the city is broke.

    1. *I paid gigantic property tax and plenty of other taxes , and it’s unimaginable that the city doesn’t have money to even fix and maintain the roads.

  55. So is density even coming to the women’s event next Saturday?

    Where did she find an Airbnb?

    Is she staying in Solana Beach, Carlsbad, or Encinitas?

    Seems so wrong that someone who’s not a resident can run for city Council. I guess it’s a sign of the times.

    Maybe Putin could run for president of United States next year, or Encinitas City Council. Nowadays, anything goes.

  56. 4:15 Brodie Champlain Kingman was killed on June 22 after a van hit him, while riding on El Camino Real in Encinitas. The city council is responsible for his death. They were supposed to reduce the speed limit on ECR, and build safe infrastructure to protect cyclist along ECR and SFD, since that area is used by the SDA kids, but until a beautiful young boy was killed, they did nothing. I hope his parents sue the cr$p out of the city for their negligence. Sadly, there is no amount of money that can bring them back, or lessen the heartache that their deaths have caused their family. The 4 C's left orphaned, Brodie was only 15 years old, Dr. Worley a great scientist. You are correct that the list of injuries and deaths will go on and on.

    1. True and so sad. 😢 RIP Brodie.

      Such a horrible dichotomy that the city asked people to ride their bikes around town yet they approve such horrific, deadly designs.

      The deaths, pain and suffering and law suits will continue with Kranz and the appointees on the City Council. 😡

    2. Brodie's death hurt so many people, young and old in the community. He was such a great kid. He died needlessly, b/c of the insanity of the city council promoting to the children at their schools to get on their bikes and ride without first haven taken all the necessary steps to make sure that the roads were safe.

    3. Very sad.

      Kid swerved into traffic, in front of a van.

      They let the poor van driver go, because he couldn’t have avoided it.

      Teach your kids not to swerve in front of traffic.

    4. You mean he signaled like he was thought and than change lanes to get into the left turn lane as thought.

      I’m seeing a big issue here and another lawsuit.

      - more deaths and lawsuits coming right in front of SDA.

    5. “ riding northbound on El Camino Real when he changed lanes into the path of an oncoming work van, according to the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department. ”

  57. I left out how the life of Stephanie Berger, a beautiful young woman that was only 29 years old was ended, while she was riding her bike on North Coast Highway 101 near Basil Street in a sharrow. I'm also not ignoring all the severe injuries on the BIA's, transhub, betagimp cycle trap. More deaths, rapes, theft, fraud, arson, and drug overdoses from their 4 approved pot shops selling fentanyl. All from this greedy, power hungry, blood thirsty, city council.

  58. Hmmm There appears to be some creative use of facts.

    Wasn't Stephanie riding in the dark of a late evening, distracted, with no lights on her bike nor wearing any reflective clothing when she got hit?

    Wasn't the unfortunate accident on Camino Real the fault of the distracted young man when he suddenly swerved into the path of the turning truck? Was he on his phone like I see so many, so many times, every day.

    Roberta riding in the dark before sunrise with no lights on, angled across the empty Leucadia Post Office parking lot with headphones on directly into the path of an oncoming pickup truck.

    The curious thing with every one of these tragic accidents, and they are all tragic, none of the drivers were deemed at fault and were not ticketed due to the physical evidence at the scene as determined by law enforcement, including Dr. Worley.

    Just asking.

    1. Sound like a problem with the Sheriff’s reporting to me.

      Hey Steve P, How much did the City of Encinitas agree to pay in the Dr. Worley wrongful death lawsuit?

      That should all be public record. What is Kranz and Anthill hiding?

    2. Highly questionable why the Sheriffs reported incorrect information. Brodie signaled that he was changing lanes to get to the left turn lane! The truck driver didn’t see him and hit him! Brodie did nothing wrong. Out of sheer negligence the city council had not reduced the speed on ECR like it had done on the following north intersections north of SFD. Knowing good and well this intersection was used by the children going to SDA. Additionally they had not installed the life saving infrastructure that had been planned for but again negligently they had ignored. Brodie would be alive today if the city had not been so deadly negligent in reducing the speed limit on ECR on that stretch just like in the other northern parts of ECR and if they had built the badly needed safety infrastructure to protect the kids. But, f$$k NO they went on a mission to pander to innocent kids and their inexperienced parents to get them on bikes, before making sure that the roads were safe for our children! Many more deaths of these innocent kids will happen that are now again being lied to about how safe it is to ride a bike in the Encinitas death streets. 😡🤬😡

    3. “ riding northbound on El Camino Real when he changed lanes into the path of an oncoming work van, according to the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department. ”

    4. There is no mention of him signaling in any news report or in the police report.

      You made it up.

  59. Any vehicle allowed on our roads with a motor should be licensed. This has to happen. Why has it not? We all know this needs to happen, beginning with our city council doing the thing they know is right.

    1. City Council doesn’t register vehicles. You are thinking of the DMV.

  60. Remember when they were promoted Shelterand Marco was defending the bar owners….

    Then remember the women coming to City Council explaining that there was frequent date rape happening…. Geeze.

    Freaking City Council loves to make downtown Encinitas as sketchy as PB and Oside.

    1. Lips that touch alcohol shall never touch mine.

      —Encinitas Temperance League.

  61. Yes… she was drugged at the vibrant bar… and others told how others were being drugged … the down town area has gone to pot with Tony as Mayor.

    1. Kranz sold out the minute he made it into City government.

  62. Yeah good one ! How about the Encinitas drunk sidewalk riders league?!

    Can I be President?!


  63. In Marco Family with Fletcher,

    Date rape is no big deal. They have much bigger issues to deal with.


  64. Let's vote for Jim, Luke, & Bruce and unfuck ourselves!

    You with us Lorena?

  65. Fun facts:

    The crime rate in Encinitas has gone DOWN under Tony’s leadership. Your likelihood of being a crime victim here is about half what it is in California generally, and the United States as a whole. The crime rate is also down statewide and nationwide relative to any time in your life.

    Encinitas, California, and the USA are all much safer now than they were when we were kids.

    Unless you are in a cult of lies.

    1. What types of crime?

    2. 7:08, your question is answered literally in the first sentence at the link provided.

    3. "Tony" and "leadership" are oxymorons.

  66. 6:56 am is the type of person that believes lies and propaganda and would vote for school board members and representatives that support pedophile sympathizers..../

    I worked alongside and inside government most of my adult life. I believe the answer to your question is elite overproduction, to use Peter Turchin's term. Degrees and credentials are tickets to advancement in the government system, which isn't the same as competence. I witnessed this as a teacher. My job required me to continually earn degrees and attend workshops, much of which entailed jumping through hoops and parroting content. Anecdotally, the teachers and admin I worked with who were the least qualified had the largest number of degrees and credentials.

    The system is now flooded with credentialled incompetents. They believe they are competent because they have an MA or a PhD which allowed them to obtain a job protected by civil service rules that prevent them from being fired easily. The pay and benefits are excellent, by the way. No teacher, and especially no administrator, is underpaid. This leads to an inflated ego and a soft mind, plus the hubris to believe that they are better than the rest of us.

    I sat in rooms with these folks quietly observing them for decades. It doesn't surprise that they elevated Harris to her position, as their understanding of the world learned in college and marinated in government service is not tethered to reality.

    Like Kissinger said, anyone can be stupid, but to rationalize it, you have to be an intellectual.

    1. 7:30 it’s a conspiracy and you are awarded 1.24 victim points.

    2. 7:30, you sound really mad about lower crime rates.


    3. 7:30 the info from 6:56 is outdated since it's from 2016-2018. The Weirdo's at 7:38 and 7:55 are the ones that need to be awarded the victim points. The Coast News article from September 2024 states: Capt. Shane Watts of the sheriff’s North Coastal Station told the council on Wednesday there has been a rise in crimes against persons, with 65 more incidents than in September 2023.

      According to the sheriff’s department, crimes against persons, as defined by the National Incident-Based Reporting System, or NIBRS, encompasses assault offenses, homicide, human trafficking, kidnapping, abductions and sex offenses, forcible rape and non-forcible.

    4. I keep posting actual links to data. 9:32 posts feelings.

      Fact is, no matter what data source you look at, crime is down in Encinitas since 2012 when Tony first joined city council. No amount of lies will change the data.

    5. Yet Tony won't dare run on your data. He'd be run out of town!

    6. Keep lying 10:00.

      It’s your feelings that matter.

      Lying is acceptable as long as it’s in service of the cult.

      Honor and integrity mean nothing.

      Do to your own personal reputation what Mike Lindell, Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and Kari Lake have done to theirs.

    7. Try to report a crime, you can’t. Bring video evidence with plate numbers even, go to the station, wont take a report. Find people with binos in the bushes watching a house, cops wont come. Home owners chases off fake solar salespeople using dead people for vehicle reg,, cops yell at you for insisting to take a report. Find out a San Diego cop is involved, go to fbi, local cops stone wall. Kid get the shit beat of him, try a make a report, cops wont even come. Crime is not down, reporting is down, sheriffs are worthless and possibly criminals themselves Time to ditch the sheriffs and get our own police.

  67. Why do you support pedophilia?

    Maybe the authorities need to search your computer?

    1. Why is the answer always projection?

      It’s disgusting and abhorrent that the GOP ousted their leadership to protect an actual, literal, dictionary-definition pedophile. I’m proud to be in the party that ran Menendez out in a rail. It was the right and honorable thing to do. And still the lying scum party continues to protect a child rapist.

      It’s a cult of violence and lies.
