Sunday, October 6, 2024

Four stories, 448 units approved on Quail Gardens

This is a much better design than the previous version, members of the Encinitas Planning Commission said as they voted Thursday to approve what’s slated to become the largest apartment complex in the city.


  1. LA sucks

    Kranz sucks

    Starvin sucks Kranz


    I am a lifelong Democrat that consistently voted for Maggie Houlihan, and other response Democrats my entire life. I support local candidates that are actually good. It is residence not out of town BIA interests… 🤑

    Please spread the word about voting for Bruce Ehlers, Jim, O’Hara, and Luke Shaffer.

  2. *I am a lifelong Democrat that consistently voted for Maggie Houlihan, and other response Democrats my entire life. I support local candidates that are actually good Encinitas residents not out of town BIA interests… 🤑

    Please spread the word about voting for Bruce Ehlers, Jim, O’Hara, and Luke Shaffer.🙏❤️❤️❤️🌎

  3. Steve Doyle is a developer stooge.

    1. So is starvin, so is Julie, and so is Brian Grover, and so is Kathleen Lees, And John Gjata.

      Any resident with a Kranz sign that supporting the freakshow is a developer stooge.

      I see a few on my street and I’m telling all my neighbors to vote for the good Democrat and local candidates That support Encinitas’s interests and that is Bruce Ehlers, Jim, O’Hara and Luke Shaffer.


  4. Maggie Houlihan is likely turning over in her grave (RIP) Watching the bullshit from the BIA and Kranz.

    Vote for good candidates like Maggie Houlihan would have

    Bruce Ehlers, Jim, O’Hara, and Luke Shaffer are the peoples choice.

    Don’t promote Encinitas to become like the crappy freak show. Let’s tell the freakshow to get the hell back back to LA and San Francisco.


  5. Let’s all never forget who put these locations on a map a few years ago to be up zoned.

    BIA and They’re crony Kranz.

    Once the location is put on the map, it’s a done deal and Encinitas is one step closer to becoming LA and Orange County.

    Support in Kranz is against the best interest of the residents of Encinitas.

    Vote responsibly, Spread the word, And let’s try and salvage what remains of Encinitas.


    1. It’s cute how you still think ignoring state law will have no consequences.

      It’s a cult of violence and lies. And it teaches that if you repeat a lie enough, it magically becomes true.

    2. No different than what the cult of developers and BIA have been claiming- the "affordable Housing" myth, served with a good glass of Kool Aid. In their case, the lie HAS become reality, and the public will pay the price of traffic and crime.

    3. Slavery used to be legal too. Doesn’t mean it was right.

    4. 9:56,

      Y’all need to get your story straight.

      Because half the time you are screaming ghetto, poverty, and crime. The rest of the time you are screaming about how none is affordable.

      I’m beginning to think it’s all a lie, and that this project will have 90 units teachers and nurses could afford.

    5. Too bad Bruce and the planning commission's recommendations for 50% affordable was rejected by Blakespear and Kranz a couple of years ago. They could have reached our state demanded goals without so much congestion and gotten a whole lot more teachers and nurses housed a lot faster.

      Tony will always side with developers over residents. He's done enough damage. Let's put in a mayor who's not afraid to do the hard work and the right thing.

      #lazymayorhasgotogo #byebyetony

    6. 👆🏾💯👏👏

      Bye-bye Kranzinitas!

    7. 50% eh?

      That sounds great.

      Unless you are just trying to poison the well so it’s impossible for builders to make projects work economically, and then nothing gets built.

      Opps. Did I just expose the scam?

  6. So what EXACTLY will Bruce, Jim and Luke do to stop this project?

    The answer is nothing, they can't and won't.

    But what about the other projects? Same answer.

    They'll make a show of making a fuss but in the end it will be the same result. Millions in lawsuits later the clowns pushing them to office will shrug and say at least they tried and more importantly they aren't woke.

    1. Duh. Everyone know you can’t stop projects that are approved.

    2. Kranz approved all of this shit years ago.

      You can’t undo stupid.

    3. The clowns in office are the only ones to get sued, are the same clowns that have been in trouble with the state for a decade now and continue to play games with the state. The arsonist claiming to be the fire princesses is gaslighting to the core.

    4. Blakespear and the former council who included Kranz made a poor effort of putting forth a housing element residents could vote for. Incompetence or willful sabotage?

      Kranz was and is lazy. He lets his planners, developers and donors make his decisions.

    5. Where's the alternative plan that would have been approved by the voters? Ehlers was head of a citizens committee tasked with coming up with just that, and he couldn't do it. No one wants density in their community, big surprise. That's why the state is making us do it after years of noncompliance.

  7. Hello, you are on public notification that that the alleged incident never happened. There was no crazed women at the event. The women was a senior grandma who is NOT a Jim or any other campaign staff member. It it illegal to dox a private person for revenge.

  8. Public Notification 2, Apparently, the person you have doxed is an award winning advocate for those in need. You are now on official public notice to apologize and retract your statement

  9. You’re a 🤡 it’s been said more than once she sent it via direct messages like everyone has also said, go ahead and ask her!

  10. 11:03 62,950 residents don't and will never know what the F you're talking about.

  11. To the claimed Maggie supporter, stfu! She would turn over in her grave to hear your current bs.

    As one who personally treasured her gift, you are an aberration for all she stood for.

    Just stop shaming her legacy. She is so deserving of at least that amount of respect.

    1. 👆🏾💯wrong. Clearly, you did not know Maggie Houlihan. So pipe down, ignorant one.

      RIP Maggie. We love you and as responsible Democrats will continued with managed growth and Encinitas and we will support.

      Bruce Ehlers for Mayor, And Jim O’Hara for district 2, And Luke Schaeffer for district one.

      We got this Maggie and this one’s for you! 🙏🌎

  12. 1127, I have no clue what u r taking bout. If this is in regards to Krista, please privately PM her with your questions? You really don't want to get in the middle.

  13. 12:38pm You are dead wrong. I knew her and Ian personally.

    They both would be applied at being used as you are doing.

    Why are you bringing up Maggie all these years later when you know she would tell you where to go if she was still with us?

    Ask Ian for yourself and get back to us. Maggie deserves more respect than you dredging up her reputation through the current political landscape.

    1. 12:58- Liar.

      Ian was against the freak show in the last election.

      Don’t worry, liar, Karma is coming for you. I know it, and Maggie knows it.

      Maggie was into preserving the unique character of Encinitas and looking out for its residents.

      She was not into destroying it with overdevelopment. At the time that was Jerome stocks and Mark Muir.

      Then Blake Spear was elected on the promise that she would look out for residence interests. She immediately flopped and jumped on the Freaks bandwagon.

      Maggie would not approve. I knew Maggie well.. Ian does not approve and I have talked to him about it.

    2. Blakespear is the undefeated future governor goat. She built a machine by recruiting and mentoring strong candidates. She continues to kick your ass years after she moved on. You are a weak sissy loser.

    3. BIA is a freakshow loser.

      Her mommy gave her everything and she’s a useless piece of shit.

    4. She is popular with the BIA, but by now, many in this city know what she has done to us and hate her guts.

  14. 11:03 musick herself wrote on EV that she had misidentified Dean in a PM. Want to keep lying this did not happen

  15. 🤣🤣🤣 Damn y'all weren't kidding about Christine Chris Cristy Krista being a wacko. Why are so many of LukeJim's people totally insane?

    1. Naw using a buncha fake names and referring to yourself in the 3rd person is totally normal.

    2. 1:07- Density must have a free moment from Sacramento this afternoon. 🤮

    3. 118 when is EM going to apologize for all of the drama fear and doxing she has caused? Why is a lawyer doing shut hateful actions on innocent residemt

  16. 12:32 was referring to EM

  17. 1:24pm We appear to be on the same page about Maggies gift to our community. Dredging up her name for any other reason, we are not. I doubt Ian would approve of using her name to legitimize your viewpoint. Leave her the heck alone to rest in peace.

    1. 👆🏾KMA… Maggie was for positive city council governance. That’s why she served. Don’t worry, karma is coming. Except it, you can’t change it.

  18. Speaking of Maggie, does anyone remember the clown that David Meyers hired to follow her to all events she was at when she was running? And David Meyers, et all, are good friends with Tony now. That was not always the case, but another person said no to their deal and Kranz took it.

  19. 843 we are in compliance right now. No one has pist off the state. You are missing the point, we have now approved either 800 is unit if you include FoxPoint. Can you please tell me how many of the units at Fox Point have now been built and rented. Help me out cause I may be wrong

    1. The state?

      Are you fucking serious?

      The "state" has created unconstitutional laws by fiat whereas strong courageous Planning Commissioners and Council would fight to the death for tax paying citizen constitutional rights.

      But no. Wimpy soft knuckledragging midwits on the Planning Commish and Council are nimbys to a neighborhood fault(few very astute individuals will understand that).

    2. 7:32,

      Of the over 500 cities and counties covered by housing element law, tell us exactly which part of the state constitution and “rights” were violated, and how many have won on constitutional grounds.

      The truth is, the answer is zero, and you haven’t the first clue what you are talking about.

    3. "Housing Element Law"

      You're a lost cause pleb. 100% you have zero skin in the game, and in fact somehow, some way you own skin, you either inherited it or somehow acquired it by fiat.

      No chance in hell you worked for it.

      Do yourself a favor and shut your ignorant pie hole

    4. He probably got a degree in public policy and is grifting off the government. If it smells like a Sabellico or Preston type, it likely 110% is.


    5. In conclusion to 8:45:

      No Bullshit.
      Mixed emotions on this but this is who I am (and what warriors fighting for a good future and freedom do for their family, children, and grandchildren). It’s how one should operate until my (their) heart stops.
      You need a certain level of callousness to do the job to eradicate people like you forever.
      To live in a brutal world, you have to accept cold blooded truths. The cold blooded truth is you and your ilk may win but I and others will fight your bullshit and evil until we’re dead.
      Know this – people like you will not be helped in a disaster or tragedy. If an earthquake or massive storm or nuclear attack hit and I survived you will not get help from me. And if you fuck with me or any of my comrades you will be shot.
      I’m not saying this is good.
      I am not necessarily proud of this mindset.
      We live in a calloused world, and it demands a calloused mind and fuckstix like you do not deserve to breath the same oxygen as me and my kind.
      In conclusion once again, go fuck yourself.

      No Bullshit.

  20. You are all on double enhanced public notice that you can gargle my balls.

    1. Please provide how you want that done. In the meantime, can you help me to locate the low income apartment at Fox Point and Triton. I really do now know if they were even built. Go play with your own balls. Marco, may pick this up and help me. He is a land use pro.

  21. That Meyers disgusting aligned mouthpiece who lived on Maggie and Ian's street was thankfully successfully sewed for his whoring out for Meyers. Thank you Tracey Richmond for stepping up and defending Maggie.

    History can be a curious thing at times. Some choose to try to use it for their own at times aberrant purposes.

    1:24pm You can bet the next time I come across Ian, I will ask him how he feels about Maggies name being used as you are choosing to do. She deserves better. So does Ian.

  22. Hey, does anyone know how many units have been approved on QGD.. How many market rate vs low income are proposed.. Did the FoxPointe units get built and rented.

    1. Read the article, dumbass

    2. How many units in Fox Point and Triton low income. How many have been built and are rented to our people. This is not a game. If you know more than Ball sucking, can you please respond

  23. Maybe Marco can help.

    1. He just did? Not anonymous “dumbass” comment - his favorite insult

    2. I rarely call people "dumbass." I prefer "dipshit."

  24. Eleanor issued an “apology” straight out of the Blakespear non apology playbook.

  25. Krista is confused. She was not doxxed. And if you discuss something in a public place like she did, and people witness it, they have the right to discuss it if they choose.

    And Krista addressed her recent post to "Tony's Team", what do you think that means? He doesn't a staff in an organized way like Catherine Blakespear did. He doesn't even have a campaign manager.

    If by "Team" she means anyone who volunteers or supports Tony, well, those people aren't engaging online and have nothing to do with this. All the people who constantly post, comment, and bicker online are usually keyboard warriors who just love drama, not the members of anyone's team (and I think that is true for both sides)

    Every candidate, Bruce and Tony included, eventually has supporters who takes things too far and say or do things the candidate would not want them to do. It's a difficult thing to deal with.

    Krista seems extremely emotional and needs to slow down and prioritize her mental health.

    1. Contact Krista via her PM and discuss with Krista, directly. Thank you.

    2. I don’t need to contact Krista directly. I am allowed to share my opinions on ANYONE on whatever platform I choose and right now, I choose this blog. You can’t control HOW people talk about you. You can’t control WHEN people talk about you. You can’t control WHERE people talk about you.

    3. You are a snore.

  26. Krista, I don't think anyone was trying to dox you. EM witnessed your conversation and offered advice and you told her to F off. Her posting about that is not doxxing, it's a person using their first amendment right to post 1. a conversation they observed (you chose to start a conversation in public, so you run that risk and 2. your treatment of her, which was hostile and rude.

    Ok, so you probably think you had a right to tell her to F off. Maybe you did. You have the right to say whatever you want. But guess what? She has the right to share it if she wants.

    No one did anything illegal. You were in a public space and so was she and her posting about her observations is not a crime, nor is it a threat to you and if anything, you making your strange third-person post on EV draws even more attention to you.

    I've read a lot of your comments over the past year and you seem to not have a solid grasp on many issues, get very emotionally charged about stories that are conspiracy theories. They other day you posted "Tony is a lifelong drinker". That's not a nice accusation, is it? Can you prove it?You and others have also continued to post the lie that J Blakespear is Omed (again, no proof, only conjecture) Maybe you should take a look at the things YOU say about others online before demanding better behavior of others.

  27. Eleanor sure is up in everyone’s business on a variety of topics. Maybe she should take a break. Watch some Netflix, read a book, take a painting class. Stop worrying about everyone else and for god’s sake knock off the elementary school tattling.

    1. Two people: Walsh and this random lady.

    2. 328.I agree, the election is getting to her.. EM, please.take.a break. This drama 🎬 has already passed. NEXT?

    3. Usually people work hard to shut individuals up if the person is saying something true and damaging.

    4. Damaging yes. True, no. She already issued a mea culpa for her lie about Dean. She’s overly anxious to condemn, odd for an attorney. Right there with her friend Garvin.

    5. There has to be better things to discuss than this. The incident happened more than a week ago and is a nothing burger. A real nothing burger.

    6. Agreed. We should be talking about Luke's votes from his mom's house when he lived in a different district.

  28. The design is a better. A community team worked to help improve

  29. 4pm. Huh? Brilliant as usual, for you. You need an editor.

  30. This boring crap is Starvin deflection technique. Nothing more.

  31. Phony=The poster child for incontanace

  32. Krista does not understand how free speech works

    1. Ok “Garvin send me another email Tony” Walsh

    2. Contact Garvin via his PM and discuss with Garvin, directly. Thank you.

    3. Contact Krista via her PM and discuss with Krista, directly whether or not we should contact Garvin via his PM to discuss with Garvin directly. Thank you.

      This is how we must communicate now because Krista felt she could handle engaging others on social media but if they discuss or respond to her in a way she does not like, she has the right to demand retribution

  33. It’s crazy that building a few apartments for teachers and nurses hasn’t crashed the real estate market locally and in fact property values have never been higher.

    It’s almost like the attention-seeking, drama queen, doom peddlers were full of shit the whole time.

    1. 👆🏾move to LA kook.

      The high density only serves developer’s profits.

      So looking forward to ending the freakshow rhetoric

    2. Many developers don't even live here but recognize our city as a place to degrade for profit. This is not about building value, it is about building the greatest density possible to cash in at the expense of safety and the environment. It is about nothing more and nothing less.

    3. Nah.

      It’s about stopping sprawl, preserving backcountry trails and habitat, creating a defensible fire perimeter and keeping our insurance coverage. It’s also about putting homes closer to where the jobs are, shortening commutes, alleviating traffic, putting less pollution and heat-trapping carbon into the atmosphere, and treating people like teachers and nurses with some respect and giving them a higher quality of life without endless hours staring at a windshield in traffic driving in from Temecula.

      It’s about not being selfish toddlers and doing the right thing for society.

    4. It’s also about doing all of that by harnessing the power of free markets, and not charging tax payers to make the changes happen.

      It’s actually pretty fucking brilliant.

    5. 6:18

      It’s about stopping sprawl, (have you flown into San Diego lately? And who’s to say or stop the government and developers from building out once they’ve infilled every coastal/inland city to the max?)

      preserving backcountry trails and habitat, creating a defensible fire perimeter (is that why Olivenhain doesn’t have a proper fire department?) and keeping our insurance coverage (🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you’re kidding, right?).

      It’s also about putting homes closer to where the jobs are (so workers should be tied to work in the city they live in? Isn’t that called slavery?) shortening commutes, alleviating traffic, (see above and have you driven Enci or Leucadia Blvd at rush hour lately? Who are you kidding?)

      putting less pollution and heat-trapping carbon into the atmosphere (Catherine, isthat you? Density means less pollution 🤣🤣🤣), and treating people like teachers and nurses with some respect and giving them a higher quality of life without endless hours staring at a windshield in traffic driving in from Temecula (is that where they all live???).

    6. Why do some people in Olivenhain say they don't have a fire station when there is a perfectly good one in Village Park a few blocks away from them? Do they need a nice shiny new one with their nice name on it?

    7. 8:12, I know it breaks your brain, but yes—shortening the average commute alleviates traffic and reduces tailpipe emissions. And stopping sprawl creates a more defensible urban-rural wildfire boundary, which is a major reason insurance companies stop offering coverage in California.

    8. Oh yeah. Developing like LA really stops the sprawl.

      Marco, you’re fucking dumber than they say. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  34. Suicide mortality rate by state (1 is highest):

    1.) Montana
    2.) Alaska
    3.) Wyoming
    4.) New Mexico
    5.) North Dakota
    . . .
    46.) California
    47.) Maryland
    48.) New York
    49.) Massachusetts
    50.) New Jersey

    Why do states that have been run for a long time under Republican policies and leadership always have the worst outcomes?

    Republican policies are a demonstrable failure. They make people poorer, sicker, sadder, dumber, and deader.

    Never vote Republican. Up and down the ticket. Vote for success and happiness, not shithole loser status.

  35. I recall a theory pushed by Catherine and her minions, that infill developing reduces the effects of climate change.

    I never could get my mind around that made up sorry excuse for bending over for every project being proposed and happily supported by the builders, not ours, Planning Dept.

    What what? More like, what a crock.

    1. Infill reduces climate change impacts when compared to sprawl single family development.

    2. If you are only considering the 20 square miles of Encinitas, it does absolutely nothing to reduce climate change, Marco! Any benefit is so infinitesimally small; that it would be impossible to measure! The two measurable outcomes are the money you get paid from your developer clients and the ruination of Encinitas with these crappy projects! Encinitas was a much better place before these projects and you were on the scene.

    3. Yup, more concrete less climate change, more trees more climate change.

      And 2:08 is spot on, discussing the environment with the biggest former environmentalist, developer attorney thug in the county is a joke. Marco getting rich off the backs of his co-residents, showing his disdain for neighbors who disagree with him and lording it over us all.

      God, he must have a little dick.

    4. Yawn.... you anonymous trolls are pathetic.

    5. Predators love high density. More migrants from South America to pray on in a smaller footprint. Right Marco?

  36. But what about see level rice?

    I've read 453,420 pier (sic) reviewed papers that say see level rice is an existential threat to the lake drive sink hole.

    You're a fucking idiot

  37. Gonzalez now claiming the project is down the street from him, so guess we are supposed to assume even he will suck it up and live near this kind of atrocious density. Not true, he doesn’t live anywhere in the vicinity.

    1. I'm right off Requeza and access Encinitas Blvd. at Westlake. If Sunshine and Baldwin create the traffic mess you think they will, it'll affect me every single day.

    2. Your neighbor’s property value dropped the day you moved in.

  38. 1:58pm. It is doubtful you ever read much of anything.

    It is obvious you have your head firmly ensconced up your rear end and wouldn't have the mental acuity to recognize the truth if you ever did read any legitimate peer reviewed science. Legitimate, being the crucial factor.

    Do carry on, if just for providing us with a good laugh at your ignorant expense. You do have some minimal value here for the humorous angle you cannot help yourself from providing.

    1. Where is 1:58’s post?

    2. Looks like the laugh’s on 2:49.

  39. Hahaha !

    Maybe he's busy reading peer reviewed public policy papers on how the climate changes over 4 billion years?

    Please start with the most important...

    Peer reviewed strategy to become a policymaker in a location you've never lived in or owned anything.

    Pimpin ain't ea$y!

  40. Now pimping kranz, a true believer is chatfield.

  41. I’m A good lifelong Democrat that always voted for Maggie Houlihan.

    I just placed the best Democratic boat I could for Bruce Ehlers, and Jim O’Hara. And it felt so good to help Encinitas.

    Thank you, Bruce and Jim. 👏👏👏❤️🙏

    1. * real good Democrats and NPP Encinitas residents are voting for Bruce, Jim, and Luke.

      Thank you gentlemen for stepping uo and ending the Freakshow reign in the Encinitas City Council. ❤️❤️❤️❤️👏👏🙏

    2. I am a NPP and am voting for Kranz. He's a good man and has done a stellar job serving our community.

  42. If I eat tons of bacon and eat several brunches per day and grow my tits to bigger than C cup, can I be as smart as Tony Kranz?!

    1. 👆🏾👆🏾💯


  43. 👏👏👏

    Free beer at the beer garden and free brunches all day long at Roxies my favorites

    Then I get to ride my bike, all wasted on the sidewalk and I’m a free bird so I don’t wear my helmet.

    Be proud of me I’ve grown to be something



    And the good news is is we’re up signing again in a neighborhood near you and the BIA is given great presents!! 💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴💴

    Vote for me Phony Tranz 🤥

    1. * And the good news is is we’re up-zoning again in a neighborhood near you and the BIA is given great presents!! 💴💴💴💴

  44. Here’s what Jessica Carrilli-Young, a local and well known Democrat wrote on Encinitas Progressive Unity, why she’s not voting for Tony Kranz.

    “Why? My 3rd grade kid visited city hall and the class asked questions like “what does it take to be mayor?” Kranz went on weird rants about things like “well, I’m an old fat man, but the former mayor was a young slim blind woman, so…?!”
    It was horrifying that many of his answers to basic questions had nothing of substance (how about, caring for your community? Or wanting to make a difference?) and all to do with looks, age, and body weight. So creepy and offensive.”

    1. Tony also made crude comments about Kristin Gaspar’s boobs in 2016. Tony has a history of awkward and sexually crude comments about women.

    2. yea, because an 8 year old can be trusted to repeat everything Kranz said correctly

    3. Tony is not a misogynist and these are just baseless claims that aren't gonna stick. He never said that about Gaspar and he probably gave very good answers to the students but the 8 year old said what they remember, which is probably not verbatim what he said and can be easily twisted.

    4. My third grade kid came home from school one day and told us about the lesson on the Civil Rights Movement. Kiddo told us that it all started when they wouldn’t let Rosa Parks drive the bus.

      We were offended and shocked until we realized that third graders are not reliable sources on what exactly was said.

  45. I just went to Encinitas Progressive Unity’s FB page to verify what was said about Tony, it’s true. He’s a corrupt, womanizing pig!

  46. I screenshotted the post about Tony, looking forward to sharing it.

    1. Great, maybe he will learn something and get help to manage his emotional regulation. Are you one of his silver haired 💂‍♀️ bodyguards

    2. 7:51 I’m definitely not in favor of Tony Kranz! So I’m not his silver haired bodyguard.

      I’ll be voting Bruce, Jim and Luke!

  47. Tony also has reputation for getting in very loud and aggressive shouting matches with some of our locals, he's hot head.

    This Democrat will be voting for Bruce!

  48. If Eleanor Musick, the Encinitas Scrooge is voting for Tony, it's a safe bet to vote opposite.

  49. I've been seeing this Eleanor Musick name bantered around. No idea who she is but a quick search comes up with data that immediately reveals she's a big piece of human lying sack.

    Please correct me if I am wrong?

    Is this piece of human garage the mother of the "never accomplished anything in life but because I inherited all my money I will now fluck you over and fluck you over quite good and leave the worst legacy in the history of demolition crews? Kaitlin Blakespear?

    Very interested people with calloused minds want to know.

    1. I didn’t support or like that she sued.

      But the truth is the school board fucked up royally, then dragged it out after they knew for sure their construction was illegal. Their intransigence cost tons of taxpayer dollars and caused inconvenience for families and kids.

      If EM lost that case, I’d be slamming her for creating delay and cost. But it turns out she was right and the school board was clearly wrong. They fucked it up and should have resigned in disgrace.

    2. 9:42 Ms. Musick and Blakespear’s mom took away wonderful plans designed for kids at Cardiff Elementary. They took the implementation and construction of several classrooms and a larger playground away from kids, parents and teachers.

      In know way shape or form was Eleanor justified in suing the Cardiff Elementary School just because of how the school property was designated. Who cares, did it affect her personally? NO.

      Eleanor Musick is disgrace to our local children, parents and teachers. She also supports Tony Kranz!

    3. “wonderful plans”

      On land they didn’t own or have the rights to build on.

      How about I make some “wonderful plans to build something for children on your property.

    4. How did they even consider using land that wasn't theirs, given the value and

    5. ask yourself: if it wasn't a school and an organization started building on land that wasn't theirs and someone in the neighborhood filed a lawsuit to stop them, would you be criticizing them? Because that is what happened with EM and most people were hating her because they didn't really understand the situation and just thought "oh, mean lady hurting school kids!" But that is NOT what happened.

      Funny that all the people that complain about overreach conveniently ignore that overreach is exactly what EM was fighting against and it turns out she was right, it was NOT the school's land to build on.

    6. I think that a person who has an ongoing relationship with someone whose behavior towards female law students was so egregious that he had to resign may not be in a position to comment on the mental health of a woman who allegedly was confronting Kranz recently.

    7. Oh, are we still blaming women for men’s bad behavior?

      Sorry. I thought this was the 21st century.

    8. luckily that doesn't apply here because I'm not Garvin

    9. but nice deflection, instead of addressing the issue, you have to deflect to "starving" comments because your cognitive dissonance will not allow you to process what I said

    10. 11:24 not blaming her FOR his behavior, but questioning who would stay with someone like that? But you knew that.

    11. It is the school districts land, don’t try to spin that it’s not their land.

      The issue was, the school didn’t have the right zoning to build the extra classrooms and playground.

      It didn’t affect Eleanor or anyone else’s property rights. However, Eleanor saw an opportunity to sue the school district and she did.

      She’s a leech, a virus, a local grifter who looks for opportunities to take $$$ from others.

      You don’t honestly believe the school district litteraly tried to build an additional classroom and playground in Eleanor’s backyard do you. Are you saying they just tore her front yard fence down and started building 😂

      Let me guess, your either Eleanor trying to spin the story, claiming victim, or your a Kranz supporter.

    12. They paid an architect to plan construction on land they didn’t own not have the rights to build on.

      That’s an epic fuckup.

      Don’t blame the person who pointed out their fuckup.

      Blame the people who DID THE FUCKUP.

  50. 👆🏾Starvin playing the space deflection game. 🥱

    1. ok so I guess the school district can just start building on your land and you won't say a word...thank you sir, may I have another...

    2. 11:11 Cardiff Elementary wasn’t building on Eleanor’s land.

      Eleanor’s always having issues with people. Whether it’s….

      1. Calling the Sheriff on some who told her to F*** Off.

      2. Creating problems in our local Walmart parking lot with a certain Land Rover owner. We all remember her rant on EPU.

      3. Filing a lawsuit against Cardiff Elementary because they didn’t have the rights to build an additional classroom and larger playground.

      Eleanor’s always whining or bitching about something.

    3. No. You’re right. They planned to build on a public park that they didn’t own or have the rights to build on.

      That’s an epic fuckup, and the board should have resigned in disgrace.

      Property rights don’t depend on whether you are building something “for the children.” Does not matter. Don’t try to build where you don’t have the right.

    4. 12:10 a park that the school district owned! Unfortunately they didn’t know they weren’t to build an additional classroom there.

      If you own a huge field and build a shed on it, should I give a shit? NO.

      Eleanor is like the nosy neighbor who complains to the city about everything and anything. She puts her nose in everything l.

      Just like when she told someone who was scolding Tony Kranz that they “need mental help”, “therapy”.

      Eleanor Musick (EM) has a lot of problems with people in Encinitas. Not a good look for Tony Kranz.

    5. how is it not a good look for Tony Kranz? he is not responsible for Musick or anyone else

    6. 12:10 do you really believe the school district didn’t know whether or not they owned the land, and just took a guess and decided to build there?

      Eleanor is not the victim here. It’s why kids and parents alike continue to egg her house every year, I would too. She took a lot of money away from kids and teachers via that lawsuit. All in her own best interest.

      I’m speaking to you Eleanor, because you’re the only one here defending yourself. You’re an awful person. You know it, I know it, Encinitas knows it.

    7. I’m not EM.

      But I’m beginning to suspect you are on the school board that fucked up and tried to build on land they didn’t have the rights to build on, because you continue to blame the person who pointed out the fuckup and give a pass to the people who actually fucked up and cost taxpayer dollars.

    8. 12:46 Eleanor, if you cared so much then why didn’t you try to settle this in mediation instead of taking the students, teachers, parents and Cardiff Elementary to court.

      You always have some sort of drama following you.

      1. Oktoberfest
      2. Walmart parking lot
      3. Cardiff Elementary
      4. Moonlight Beach
      5. Maggie Houllahan dog park

      It’s endless, you’ve got problems.

  51. the problem is, it wasn’t an organization, it was a school who owned that property. So defending Eleanor Musick (whom you suspiciously don’t want name) and claiming it was her property, or they were building in her backyard is BS.

    Eleanor is not the victim. The children, parents and teachers are.

    Unfortunately Cardiff Elementary didn’t have the required zoning, they didn’t know that, and Eleanor and Blakespear’s mommy sued the school district and walked away with a fat check $$$.

    Eleanor & Blakespear’s mommy (Tricia Smith) you’re not victims, you’re just awful people.

    1. If you don’t know where you can build, isn’t that a colossal fuckup?

    2. 12:47 so you should sue a school district and take over a million from them? Work it out. But court and lawsuit? That’s weak sauce.

    3. Eleanor, if you cared so much then why didn’t you try to settle this in mediation instead of taking the students, teachers, parents and Cardiff Elementary to court.

      You always have some sort of drama following you.

      1. Oktoberfest
      2. Walmart parking lot
      3. Cardiff Elementary
      4. Moonlight Beach
      5. Maggie Houllahan dog park

      It’s endless, you’ve got problems

  52. 1124. EM is not in support of women as she claims. No, she will attempt to destroy any female or person who shatters her hyped ego. Something is wrong when female coastal elites fight with fake accusations and potty mouths.

  53. the school not own the property they were building on.

    1. If you oppose Tony, then oppose him. Oppose the issues. But it diminishes your argument if you resort to ad hominem attacks against his supporters.

    2. Wow, seems like hateful people who want to insult others and trash them anonymously is just the type of person who wants Bruce to win

    3. Eleanor, if you cared so much then why didn’t you try to settle this in mediation instead of taking the students, teachers, parents and Cardiff Elementary to court.

      You always have some sort of drama following you.

      1. Oktoberfest
      2. Walmart parking lot
      3. Cardiff Elementary
      4. Moonlight Beach
      5. Maggie Houllahan dog park

      It’s endless, you’ve got problems

  54. why are we focusing on Eleanor? She's not on the ballot.

    1. Because Eleanor Musick is just the type of person who wants to see Tony Kranz win.

    2. OK, by "just the type of person who wants to see Tony win", do you think that every Tony supporter is identical?

    3. and are we voting against "types of people"? Ridiculous. A community is made up of all sorts of people, some agree with you and some don't but to be pitted against each other and attack each other is stupid.

    4. No, delusional people who think we should waste millions tilting at windmills are the type of people who want Bruce to win

    5. As opposed to the sheeple who want more state enforced stack n' pack to enrich Kranz and his good buddies the Ecke-Meyers.

    6. 1245, of course not all Tony voters are passive aggressive jerks. A few are and they are so vile that sadly they give Dems a bad name. Why the DEMs wanted to eat their own is unknown to me?

  55. Do you really believe the school district didn’t know whether or not they owned the land, and just took a guess and decided to build there?

    Eleanor is not the victim here. It’s why kids and parents alike continue to egg her house every year, I would too. She took a lot of money away from kids and teachers via that lawsuit. All in her own best interest.

    I’m speaking to you Eleanor, because you’re the only one here defending yourself. You’re an awful person. You know it, I know it, Encinitas knows it.

    1. She should shoot kids and parents throwing shit at her house. Bird shot. Dick Cheney style.

    2. Don’t gas light!

      Face it Eleanor you have problems.

      Eleanor, if you cared so much then why didn’t you try to settle this in mediation instead of taking the students, teachers, parents and Cardiff Elementary to court.

      You always have some sort of drama following you.

      1. Oktoberfest
      2. Walmart parking lot
      3. Cardiff Elementary
      4. Moonlight Beach
      5. Maggie Houllahan dog park

      It’s endless, you’ve got problems

    3. 1:32 What did she do at Maggie's Dog Park? I'm there a lot and have never even seen her. Does she even have a dog?

    4. 1:32 regarding Maggie Houllhan’s dog park, Eleanor went in front of council during Public Comment and gave a 3 minute speech on the bacteria and noise pollution the dogs created.

      I was at that council meeting.

      Eleanor Musick is a wacko! Eleanor and Tony are good friends. It why she just hangs out a Kranz’s booths.

      I can’t vote or support anyone who is friends with that lady, Tony unfortunately likes her. Tony’s moral compass is off a few degrees south.

    5. there's a difference between being friends with someone and being friendly. But I'm getting the impression that friendliness and kindness are unfamiliar traits to you.

  56. The state filed a lawsuit against Huntington Beach, declaring that it had violated state law when officials refused to plan for more housing in the city...the state has waaaayyyy more resources than we do. We are going to be in the same mess of Bruce wins. And he knows it! He does not really plan on pushing back. It's an empty campaign promise

    1. 115, we are in compliance. Huntington Beach is not a similar situation. No, we not in a law suite and yes Blackspere did sue her residents.

    2. name on resident that was served.
      You can't.
      Because no one was sued.

  57. how do Bruce and his Susan Turney-like cronies plan to get around stuff like this:

    Governor Vows New Penalties for Huntington Beach Amidst Housing Fight

    A San Diego Superior Court judge has ruled that the city of Huntington Beach violated California’s Housing Element Law. The law sets housing targets for local governments to meet, including units for affordable housing.

    The city has 120 days to comply with the ruling and establish a plan that allows developers to build more units in the city.

    "Huntington Beach is not above the law,” said Attorney General Rob Bonta about the ruling. "We are facing a housing crisis of epic proportions, and my office will continue to act with great urgency, working with cities and counties that genuinely want to be part of the solution and holding accountable those that do not."

  58. "Huntington Beach is not above the law,” said Attorney General Rob Bonta about the ruling. "We are facing a housing crisis of epic proportions, and my office will continue to act with great urgency, working with cities and counties that genuinely want to be part of the solution and holding accountable those that do not."

    1. Huntington Beach was adverse. Not happing here. Hey, can you help me find out if fox pointe and triton built the low income units?

    2. Bonta is the arsonist who plays the fireman in election years. Encinitas current council, just like the state, have been the ones calling the shots and can’t blame anyone but themselves for the "crisis" they claim we are in. Note that bonta lets corps buy up houses and collude to jack up rents. Our coast turned into vacation rentals on bontas watch. Construction costs and taxes make living more less affordable. He is gaslighting you and blaming you for his selling out to monied lobbyist.

  59. Eleanor, if you cared so much then why didn’t you try to settle this in mediation instead of taking the students, teachers, parents and Cardiff Elementary to court.

    Answer: you saw $$$

    You always have some sort of drama following you.

    1. Oktoberfest
    2. Walmart parking lot
    3. Cardiff Elementary
    4. Moonlight Beach
    5. Maggie Houllahan dog park

    It’s endless, you’ve got problems

    1. so when Eleanor runs for something, don't vote for her.
      but she's not running now, is she? She sure is occupying a lot of space in your head

    2. and on this blog!

    3. You’re blaming someone who won a law suit for not settling?

      Pro tip: when you have a winning case, you have little incentive to settle.

      Here’s a question: if you had a fiduciary duty to protect taxpayer dollars and you were planning construction, wouldn’t it be a good idea to be pretty sure where you can legally build? I mean, isn’t that like the first fucking question you should ask?

  60. 1:33pm Constantly repeating yourself accomplishes what?

    One thing it does do, is show us all how small your mental capacity is.

    While I was never a fan of Eleanor, she was spot on about the Cardiff School Board building on property that was not theirs to develop. It had nothing to do with any blocked ocean view like some liars have dredged up, and they damn well know it.

    The Cardiff School Board apparently answers to no one. How convenient for them.

    1. Oh, constantly repeating myself? I learned that from Bob Nichols. It's his social media modus operandi.

  61. The Cardiff School Board should have all been fired. It is their fault that the board had to pay Eleanor anything.

  62. Pro tip:

    Throwing shit at someone’s house, screaming, and generally being dicks is not a good strategy to get someone to settle.

    1. 3:08 Eleanor, you starting ranting and raving about people throwing shit at your house after the lawsuit.

      Eleanor, having shit thrown at your house is a lot less damaging then what you did to those teachers, children and parents.

      You are a piece of shit, so it shouldn’t have stunk that bad for you.

    2. My advice to Elinore is to get a shotgun with birdshot. Because she doesn’t know what you are about to throw at her house. Could be an incendiary device or a grenade. She isn’t obligated to wait around and find out what’s in your hand. I would advise her to aim for the face. It won’t kill, but it will stop the threat immediately.

    3. Eleanor should get eggs and dog shit to throw at those "parents" (lets face it, their kids are in their 30s) this Halloween. I'll help.

  63. If you have no heart for our children, schools, teachers and parks then you shouldn’t be living here amongst us, Eleanor.

    If anyone needs psychological help, it’s you Eleanor. You scream at Christa, telling her she needs mental help. Christa tells you to F**K O**, rightfully so. Then you call the Sheriffs.

    You need help Eleanor. Don’t you see a pattern of the problems you continue to create in other people’s lives.

    You’ve damaged children, parents, teachers and beautiful Cardiff Elementary School. Wasn’t that enough negative weight on your shoulders to make you do a 180 in life? I guess not.

    If Eleanor and Tony are good friends, it’s just one more reason I’ll be voting for Bruce Ehlers and Luke, I recommend those in D2 vote for Jim.

    Time for a fresh new council!

    1. Question:

      Who has more responsibility for a school trying to build on land that they don’t have a right to build on:

      A.) the School Board that approved the plans?


      B.) the neighbor who went to court and won, because she was obviously right?

      If you said “B,” then you should have been fired from the School Board.

  64. Wow 3:17, you're really fucking stupid. If you're like 3:17 vote for the people 3:17 does. How do I know 3:17 is a drama queen man like M. Wheeler.

    1. 3:22 Eleanor, you need help! Take a long look at the people you’ve railroaded throughout your life. Do a 180, it’s not too late.

    2. 3:34, I award you 76 victim points, for losing in court.

  65. “It’s not FAIR!!!! My opponent didn’t settle the case and give me some or all of what I wanted.”

    —Person who lost in court, was a dick to the other party, and doesn’t acknowledge that the school board fucked up.

    1. 3:34 that’s a typical selfish response. Me Me Me! Who cares about the children, teachers, parents and Cardiff Elementary. It’s all about me taking as much money as I can from the school district.

      You must be Eleanor Musick.

    2. Imagine being such a dumb twat that you continue to blame the person who was proved right in court, and not the school board that fucked up and tried to build on land they didn’t have the right to.

  66. Tricia Karp - you’re my hero.

    1. Sounds like another of Christine Miller's fake account.

  67. Who coulda possibly guessed that Golden is dumb as a box of rocks. He's a perfect LukeJim supporter, supremely confident while being 100% wrong.

    1. Tony’s got a legit Pervert enabler on his team 🤮

    2. who is the pervert enabler?

  68. Eleanor & Blakespear’s mommy (Tricia Smith) you’re not victims, you’re just awful people.


  69. 3:59 just throw as many names up there as you can and maybe one will stick.

    Keep guessing 😂
