Saturday, October 5, 2024

Pickleball and volleyball courts at Encinitas Community Park?

Coast News:
The Encinitas City Council recently discussed potential upgrades to Encinitas Community Park, including adding pickleball and sand volleyball courts at the popular 44-acre recreational area along Santa Fe Drive.

The council’s conversation focused on the results of a feasibility study conducted by RRM Design Group. The study evaluated the potential for installing new courts at the park in areas initially earmarked for a teen center and an aquatic center, both of which were part of the park’s original master plan but have yet to be built.


  1. Remember when Julie lost her $hit because an out of town Trumper dropped 10k into Scott's PAC? Oh that's right, it was crickets. Now she's throwing shade at the Ecke's and our firefighters that supported her. 🤣🤣🤣

    1. Clearly, you know little about the guy and where he lives.

  2. lol she’s wildly posting on EV about Verdu donating to a pac but, geez, he only donated 1,000. Not exactly nefarious. And she always makes it a conspiracy. Verdu votes according to his beliefs and donates accordingly. She acts like he’s a Bond villain.

    1. Verdu is a fag. Just like FB.

    2. 2:45 What an intelligent and thought provoking addition to the conversation. Thank you.

  3. I know the Verdus and they are good people who share their wealth and they have done a lot of good that you would never know about because they do it humbly and privately. But their political donations have to be reported, unlike their private donations. They don’t donate to Catherine or Tony for a quid pro quo, they just put their money where their mouth is and support the candidates just like you do. And if you don’t have the money to support your candidate like they do, then get out and do something to support your candidate in other ways!

    1. They're fantastic people who have lived under constant threat for years thanks to Julie and her Watchdorks.

    2. Verdus support the Freakshow anx are BAD for Encinitas

  4. According to this news report, there are MAGA Q-Anon extremists running in local elections as moderates. They are lying because it’s a cult of violence and lies.

    I bet it also happens here, and I bet some of them secretly think it’s a good idea to give nut jobs like Kanye West nuclear launch codes.

    Never vote for extremist shithole losers.

  5. Because Julie knows her audience of Ehlers and LukeJim supporters. They're mostly insane Trumpers like she is and believe everything Democrats do is a commie conspiracy to replace whites and turn kids trans. If we swapped out every Julie and Donna with a Michael or Paula the world would be a better place.

    Cue the MAGA morons to start ranting now.

    1. Such a lie, but it plays well with the jerk Democrats, doesn’t it?

      Julie is obviously working alongside her pal Walsh to get Kranz elected. Doing a great job feeding the Gonzalez disinformation pipeline.

    2. Make that knee jerk Democrats because not all Democrats are jerks.

    3. I’m a lifelong Democrat and consistently voted for Maggie Houlihan.

      I’m voting for Bruce Ehlers, Jim, O’Hara, and Luke Shaffer.

      Those gentlemen are true local residents that want what’s good for Encinitas. Democrats will support the true local residents

      Thank you for running Bruce Ehlers, Jim, O’Hara, and Luke Shaffer.

    4. Same here, 6:26 same here.

    5. Agreed! Sometimes people have to put ethics above party loyalty. I am ashamed of the slate of candidates that my local Democratic party are running. People of all parties are supporting Ehlers, O'Hara and Luke Shaffer because they clearly support us!

    6. 2:47 - Freakshow ‼️

  6. It looks like the posters above didn't read the topic of this post. Why are people attacking Julie Thunder, who is not even running for office? I think that the topic is about pickleball or volleyball, a topic that I have not heard her discuss. Julie is a private citizen who is sharing information with other voters to help us make our decisions about local races.

    1. Julie is purposely trying to scuttle the Ehlers, D1, D2 campaigns. That’s why she pops up on virtually every thread.

      That aside, the regional sports park is not “popular.” For its size it’s always embarrassingly empty.

    2. Point being who cares what the city decides to add there?

    3. Julie needs to take her butty Starvin and get the hell out of Encinitas.

      She supported Kranz in the last election . FACT.

    4. They are jealous of her, nothing more, nothing less. It’s incredibly annoying they continue to bring her up.

    5. Jealous of what, exactly? Her dried hair and leathery skin? He ability to misunderstand facts and twist them to fit her grievance-based narrative. May we at all jealous of her skills in viewing literally everything through a filter of conspiracy and false innuendo? Or jealous of all her failed campaigns? Jealous of her public rudeness and the condescension she has on display every waking moment?

      Nah, I’m good.

  7. The neighbors will care when they have to listen to all noise cricket ball courts produce. This is about as good an idea as a skatepark at Moonlight Beach. Dump them both and do something positive for the residents quality of life for a change.

    1. Good point but we do have a noise ordinance neighborhood is going to have to educate themselves and show up or it’ll be a done deal with Joy patting herself on the back into the next election.

    2. Sorry. It’s pickleball time!!!!!!!

    3. It’s next to a freeway. 😂😂😂

  8. This council can be depended on to create low hanging fruit to focus on.

    Fix the roads, upgrade infrastructure and focus on needs not wants. They’re like a bunch of kindergartners.

    1. They haven’t fixed the roads yet and “basic infrastructure” is a new concept to Kranz and Blackwell and definitely to Preston.

  9. Well, what about that sound

  10. Julie's showing off again that she doesn't know how to add. Well she probably knows how but her lying gets in the way.

  11. Julie’s pure high school drama all the time. She can’t help herself.

    She also doesn’t recognize she’s a never was and her 15 minutes has passed.

    1. If Bruce, Jim and Luke win, Julie will run against Joy with their endorsements in 2026. Guaranteed.

    2. Bruce wants nothing to do with her.

    3. She will not get their endorsements.

    4. Her donations (both times she ran) say otherwise.

      I 🙏🏼 she runs again, we need her.

  12. I have a pickled brain and play with (Phony's) balls, does that count?
    - Malee

  13. Solar hot dogs and Quockerwodgers.

    Heeeeeeelp !

  14. I can't wait for the Menstrual Cycle event, it's going to be amazing! There better be food there though otherwise I'll be snacking on the attendees.
    - Tasha

    1. 👆🏾👆🏾💯

  15. LA sucks

    Kranz sucks

    Starvin sucks Kranz


  16. Pickleball courts are Mali's contribution to whatever.

  17. When I recently told Bruce the thunder that roars was as toxic as they come, it was not denied.

    The ego thunder represents is... what it is, and so typical of the rot of the right wingers stance on supporting or not, mostly not, our current form of democracy.

    Larry for SD mayor? Kevin for county supervisor? Kranz for mayor? Another seat filler, or two, for our city council?

    Enough, more than enough of this soulless sellout of our precious community. Voters please stand up for why you came here to begin with and support in any way you can a new council majority.

    Bruce has earned and deserves this years long awaited team effort with Luke and Jim onboard. Imagine the mouth that runs on and on being in the minority.

    Oh the joy of imagining Joy being the only council member surviving a new majority. How long will she last? Two more years could be an eternity when she is on her own on that dais.

    Just as Hinze has become toast through her own actions, Joy has earned much the same for her endless droning on trying to justify her opinion.

    Joy, you are a waste of space until you wise up and see what you have become while all the while endlessly not shutting the f up, if that is even possible at this point in time.

    I hope you being all alone on the dais next year will bring some clarity to your reign, for along as it lasts.

    1. Thunder makes Republicans look bad.

    2. Omg your obsession with Thunder is embarrassing, please stop. No one cares.

  18. thunder has earned every criticism many times over. It is not an obsession, it is holding her to account for her past betrayals to this community, many times over.

    1. Thunder turned the 2022 election into a shitshow, resulting in Kranz.

    2. Once again I ask, WHAT did you do to help?

  19. I voted. I supported candidates that were not incumbent seat fillers. I am voting that way again. What did you do?

    1. Same as you and NO on K. No blank checks!

  20. Life is good in Encinitas. Keep it moving in the same direction.
