Monday, September 30, 2024

Kranz, Blackwell propose high-density housing at Swami’s?

Coast News letter:
There’s only one word to describe the Affordable Housing Task Force: WEIRD.

What would citizens of Encinitas say to high density housing at the Self Realization Fellowship? In our parks? At the Pacific View Art Center? All three are included along with churches and schools on the “Consolidated Potential Sites List.”

The Affordable Housing Task Force was hastily created for unknown reasons, proposed by appointed (not elected) Deputy Mayor Allison Blackwell, District 1 candidate, and Mayor Tony Kranz, mayoral candidate. We have a state-compliant housing plan, so why were they in such a rush now to plan yet more high-density housing?
Can you imagine what those pumpkin fields would be worth if they were upzoned for 4-story condos lot line to lot line?


  1. It’s more than weird. It’s nonsensical. Unless this task force is a complete farce, it’s hard to believe that members of this task force, which includes respected residents as well as city council members, would suggest the majority of these sites.

    They certainly know they were risking the ire of most of the residents.

    Let’s face it, the task forces in themselves really are a joke. Most of these council picked/council led groups gave no teeth or authority. It’s a lot of postering when we all know the power lies with the mayor and his appointees.

  2. Could the current council be seeing the future of a new majority in the making?

    The whoring of the planning dept. may at last have to answer for their incestuous decades long behavior with every approving developer project that comes before them.

    Go Bruce. If anyone can sweep out the sold-out planners, it is Bruce, along with his long awaited and finally appreciated 'team' of new council candidates.

    Team up for the win. Thank you Bruce.

  3. At least we don't have Mosca here to tag on the title "Blue Ribbon" Task Force. Barf! It seems that the thing was quick put together to resume build for Blackwell in particular. After all, she was the one who proposed it. She doesn't know what the F she's doing if she thinks putting out this list is not going to rightly freak out the pesky residents. Amateur hour. Kranz just too greedy to slow down, hoped no one would notice? Weird.

    1. Gnomes are known for not doing much.

  4. As someone said it would be very valuable land if developed.

    The Perhaps SRF actually wants to build on their currently agricultural only land. They could make money by renting to their member from all around the world that would want to come and stay in Encinitas in furtherance of their spiritual beliefs.

    After all, that’s Leitchtag’s long term plan.

    1. Were they even contacted? Sounds like they may well not have been. Leichtag's been working on Kranz for years....

    2. And Kranz has been happy to listen.

  5. Question is does Blackwell know what a pawn she is?

    1. Gnomes don’t have high bars and goals.

    2. Serious question. Does she know what a bonehead move it is to put for example Pac View School on the map and actually think people will believe her when she says "oh it might come off the map later." Shows what a gullible newbie she is pure amateur hour.

    3. 45 stories of 100% affordable at Pacific View Projects.

    4. I went to the peak use time at The Seond Senior Center at PV and saw 5 people learning to write stories and 13 folks doing fingerpainting sessions while talking out why it’s not their fault they are losers and are not liked by their families.

      Great use of $ 20 million plus over $2 million per year in O&M and paying two staff to play on their social media while building their pensions.

      I can not wait for Mayor Ehlers to direct the City Manager to do a long term financial plan for PV and review the benefit-cost analysis.

    5. Really? You think "Mayor Ehlers" will do that, because at the PV opening, he toured the classrooms and gushed about how wonderful this is for the community...

  6. Yup- total wasted $20 million Plus millions and millions of dollars per year and ongoing operations and maintenance cost. The renovated buildings just sit there rotting in the coastal marine environment..

    Meanwhile, all the classrooms over at senior center one remain vacant as well.,

    Everybody knows that the school knew there was not even enough students to keep the school busy and functioning efficiently.

    So what did the city do?

    They listen to a few Whiny Karen’s about the wanting a taxpayer funded venue for their little group with very little value for the rest of the real working Encinitas’s residents,

    That is where the Dunce steps in. He/She had to have a communist wasteful program that has no regards for tax dollars and spends endless amounts of money for a few current benefits. WTF?!

    Total Town Dunce move and predicted because Town Dunce are as dumb and dependent upon others to survive in life. Hence, Tony Kranz is at his mother-in-law’s house ever since he was fortunate enough to find somebody stupid enough to marry him. He’s never earned his keep.

    He couldn’t get employed so he joined the army reserves and was then showing up at the wrong times like an idiot.

    That’s what town dunces do. they act like idiots and cannot take care of themselves.

    So why would you have a dunce like Tony as mayor of a city?

    It makes absolutely no sense.

    Bruce - Please direct the city manager to do the financial analysis and do something logical with that second senior center. I’m not sure if 45 statues affordable housing towers is best. It might have a better option of being sold and using the money to purchase some openspace ( for the native critters that were decimated when your homes were built) or use for other needs like fixing the roads.

    - wasting tax dollars is criminal

    1. * 45-story affordable housing towers is best

  7. Whelp, we gotta put it somewhere.

    And seeing as how Olivenhain failed to take their fair share in the last round, I think it’s logical and fair to stuff it all there. Widen the roads too, so there’s better egress.

    1. Failed to take their fair share? The name Goodson rung a bell? What are you part of Kranz’s confusion campaign?

    2. One parcel out of 14 isn’t your fair share.

      This round we need to level up.

    3. Never understood why density housing wasn’t put on ECR? There are still empty lots there.

      Instead these idiots in office want to spend more millions on upgrading ECR so they can maim and kill more cyclists.

      And we wonder why we don’t have enough money for our true infrastructure needs?

    4. 7:58 that "parcel" is worth several and you know it. Kontinue the Konfusion Kampaign.

    5. Olivenhain has multiple low income housing/density bonus locations. The units just didn’t ever go to low income people or families.

  8. 50-stories on Blakespear’s street.

    75-stories on Kranz’s street

    25-stories each for Kinder K, AZ Joy, and the Gnome.

  9. My horse gets depressed and requires essential oils therapy whenever he sees housing a teacher can afford. That’s why we can’t have it here.

    Also, our neighborhood is more important than yours because we are Rancho Santa Fe adjacent.

    —Olivenhain resident.

    1. 👆🏾💯

      I’m 100% with the O’l resident.

      And I live in Cardiff. fuck Blakespear, Kranz, and all of those losers

    2. Living in, Encinitas is not a birthright. Breathing oxygen and dying or birthrights.

      To live in Encinitas, you should have to save up your money, earn living and then you can afford it.

      Screw Kranz. he’s a freaking tick on society loser.

    3. 8:38, living in Encinitas is a birthright for my horse, but not teachers.

      —Olivenhain Resident.

    4. What do you have against horses, dipshit?

    5. 9:57, nothing.

      I’ve made it very clear that horses are more important than teachers, nurses, cops, firefighters, and the people who groom my horse.

  10. Do you notice how it’s always the people who don’t pull their weight that are the bleeding hearts and want to give everything away to the developers.

    Hard-working Encinitas resident’s don’t have that guilt.

    Catch a clue fuck wad Kranz.

    1. resident’s what?

    2. Residents are good.

      Tony is bad.

      Do you got it grammar grandma?

  11. I guess that besides Kranz who lives in his mother-in-law's house this would include Kellie and Blakespear. If not inherited, most Encinitas residents have a story about how they had to sacrifice to live here. A common story is that people bought their first home in a place that they could afford such as San Marcos or Mira Mesa and bought their Encinitas homes when they were better established or making more money to support a more expensive house. There is value when home owners have skin in the game and appreciation for what it takes to save up for a house and take care of it. Many of our decision makers have not learned these lessons and instead thoughtlessly give away value to friends and donors.

  12. Brian Grover is inviting questions about Fox Pointe Farms on EV. One question that I have is how many income streams does Grover get under the wraps of affordable housing? He states that there is a social director. They have a venue for events and a bar and is there also a brewery? Yet there is almost no onsite parking. What do these things have to do with affordable housing?

    1. So stupid. I didn’t buy a horse in Olivenhain to have it look at apartments and get bummed out.

    2. 9:19 it has nothing to do with affordable housing. Has anyone asked him if the now defunct E4E is returning the $10k it got for bussing?

      And Mali on the dating biz? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  13. 9:19 Grover got a full pass from Kranz and Blakespear to convert affordable housing into a farm to table restaurant, bar, and events center. Side deals all around with a little Mali thrown in to help him quell neighbor concerns.

    Corruption on display, want more? Vote Kranz. Want none? Vote Ehlers.

    1. It's pretty clear voting for Ehlers is giving a new group of unelected people a direct line to control of the city. Whether you think that's a good thing or not is up to you.

    2. You can say it. It's giving insane Trumpers a foot in the door.

    3. There will be multiple sub-par, completely wacky conservative individuals that will have the ear of these three men if they're elected. All of them. I was gonna say the two with zero experience are the worst, but probably not. The old timers are some of the most out there unfortunately.

  14. According to Julie Thunder’s post on EV, the most desirable places to live in SD county are Santee, San Marcos, Chula Vista, and Lemon Grove.

    According to her, those are above Encinitas, Del Mar, Poway, and Coronado.

    1. It also shows that Julie will share anything that tries to cast shade regardless of truth. Like the numbers are so far from reality I can't even figure out what mistakes they made to come up with them.

    2. Julie hurts the opposition more than she helps.

      She’s too much of a MAGA mega hyteric. Facts are optional.

    3. The data speak for themselves. Some of Kranz' followers are trying to do an ass-covering operation--which is more and more of a full-time job for them. Tony is a zero!

    4. You know it's a lie when Julie is involved.

    5. It's called ACFR people. Every city has one. In those documents are grownup words like "revenue" and "public works". Take a look, the numbers don't lie.

  15. So stupid. I didn’t buy a house in Encinitas to have Brian Grover turn it into Orange County or LA.

    He’s so fucking stupid. He doesn’t even understand the issues.

    People love Uncrowded Encinitas beaches. They do not love crowded LA style beaches.

    It’s that simple dumb fuck Brian.

    Yes, you are a dumb shit And I am what they call a Nimby. Catch a clue dumbass.

    1. Grovers development is about as responsible as they come.

  16. All those locations will become 15 story buildings house with illegal immigrant criminals and murderers. it's a democrat feature, not a bug. Blame climate change

    1. Oh stop with the hysterics. That won't happen, but a degradation of community character and over all seediness will continue to creep over our communities. Add the homeless scourge and we'll soon look like Oceanside used to.

    2. It won't happen that bad but upzoned nonetheless so if you think not maybe you can tell us why those locations are on the map to begin with. We'll wait.

    3. No waiting necessary. Catherine and Tony’s two failed Prop A density ballot propositions failed and a judge tossed aside Prop A and upzoned without our vote.

      How’s that Town Cryer?

    4. Huh? Just asking why those properties are on the map? If as Blackwell claims they may fall off? You think they won't be upzoned because why? No crying, just asking. You seem to know.

  17. Typical shady tactics from the League of Liberal Women Voters to schedule a debate at the same time as a national debate.

    1. If only there was some way to record or go to a website after the fact to watch the national debate.

      Sadly there is no way.

    2. 2:39 is awarded 0.66666667 victim points.

  18. EV idiots will claim for years to come how Kranz tried to turn Swami's into skyscrapers and point to this post as evidence. Guaranteed.

    1. Ding-ding-ding.

    2. You mean like when Kranz said he never had plans to go 5 stories in downtown 101 then a video was produced showing city staff planning exactly that? You mean like that kind of evidence?

    3. “he (Tony) never had plans”

      “city staff planning exactly that”

      How stupid are you?

      Nevermind. We know.

    4. I remember that. Kook Aid drinkers will believe until they're on the floor, rug pulled out, wondering what the hell just happened.

    5. You think Kranz was unaware of what planning staff was planning? He was all over the emails. Take another swig.

    6. 3:09 would throw himself in front of a train for kranz don't bother talking sense

    7. 4:23,

      It’s a conspiracy!

      You are the victim!


  19. Tony should have also given out KitKat bars.

    That way he could say “look. We’re eating the kats. We’re eating the dogs.”

    It’s funny because MAGA are stupid liars.

  20. Encinitas has a population of 60,455 in 2024. Its population is currently declining at a rate of -0.63% annually and its has decreased by -2.49% since the most recent census, which recorded a population of 61,997 in 2020. It has 0.49 African Americans.

    1. You guys don' give a shit about Black people in any way. Got it. Lets move on.

    2. I think Rachael Hill and quite a few people would say otherwise.

      Mali and Freakshow members are such racists jerks.

    3. Such a stupid discussion. I have relatives with African in their DNA which results in darker skin shades. My brother-in-law very dark skinned With a with a fro, and I have many nieces and nephews both African-American and Samoan American traits. My daughter goes out with a fine young man who has African and his DNA. It’s no big deal.

      They are all awesome, loving family members and friends. This color of the skin is not important. In fact, I think some darker shades of skin color actually look better than pale white like you see plenty of ghosts out there.

      And the freakshow does not get it. They’re complete idiots causing racial divide.

      They should listen to the song “ one love”

      Real people like Rachael Hill and our family live equality. We don’t just preach about it and scream, racist, like the phonies Mali, Marco, Kranz, and BIA.

      We have seen the whiter than white trail of DNA in the BIA compound. Same for Kranz.

      - We see you

    4. Rachel doesn't live here.

    5. That’s irrelevant. She owns Property here and she’s a good person.

      It sounds like we don’t want you to live here. If you’re supportive of the freak show, we definitely don’t want you here.

    6. I don't want you here. What are we gonna do about it?

    7. No she's a shitty person. All MAGA are.

    8. More importantly


    10. How do you know? I hope Rachael Hill lives here. She’s an awesome person.

      Freak show sucks.

  21. Blackwell didn't bat an eye at tonight's debate confirming all the places on the potential list are in play. Just wow.

  22. City starts with a small list of candidate sites for housing.

    WHHHHHAAAAAAAA! The fix is in! The city made the selection without any input! What about all the other sites that should have been considered?

    City starts with a wide list of potential sites.

    WHHHHHHHAAAAAAAA! Why are some of these sites on the list? The city is obviously going to pick the worst sites! Doom and gloom! Worst case scenario! It’s a conspiracy and we are the victims!

    Either way, WHHHHHHHAAAAAAA!

    1. No conspiracy. Clearly explain the criteria used in picking the candidate sites.

      Stop your conspiracy nonsense and answer a simple question, or the city should.

      What we have seen in the past, is developers raise their hand and the fix with hundreds of millions in profit and associated “ favors and gifts” (consideration) is in play.

  23. Classic Starvin piece. Serving her masters, the BIA.

    Build build build….. high density, high towers, high BIA profits.

    I encourage the city council to build thr crap out of Encinitas higher and denser, so we can make the most profit possible for my masters the BIA.

    That would be a more truthful statement.

    Let’s keep it going for my master.

    -We see you

  24. I was a MAGA, but now I’m taking the huge flags off my boat. He’s chickened out of another debate, and now he backed out of an agreed interview with 60 minutes. I’m extremely disillusioned, as I thought he was tough and perfect at everything. Turns out he’s actually small and weak.

    Now that I’ve taken off my dumb red hat, I can actually see that Mexico didn’t pay for any wall, and that not everyone agreed that overturning Roe was welcome. In fact, I think he may have lied about a lot of things. This is terribly disappointing.

    I’m going to tell my friends and neighbors to support Dems up and down the ballot. They seem smarter and Dem run states have better economies, lower crime, higher income, better access to healthcare, longer lifespan, less incidence of obesity and diabetes, lower rates of drug and alcohol addiction, higher rates of innovation and education, lower rates of teen pregnancy, more teeth, and fewer banjoes.

    I now realize life is simply better under Dem leadership. Tell your friends.

    1. 👆🏾 Whatever Starvin

      - We see you

  25. Eleanor Musick is always having confrontational issues with our residents. Last week it was with the a guy in Walmart parking lot with Land Rover. This week it's with a lady at Tony's booth. Eleanor, you have a long history of drama with our locals.

    From Encinitas Progressive Unity...

    "On Sunday during the annual Oktoberfest in Encinitas, a woman accosted Mayor Tony Kranz at his booth with an emotional tirade about how he should control social media posts by a private citizen because that private citizen is on a city commission. This woman continued on for 10-15 minutes, crying at times, complaining that she had been told on Facebook by this person that she didn’t know what she was talking about. Mayor Kranz handled it admirably, listening and speaking softly and calmly in response to an irrational rant. After listening for a while, I tried to give him a break and allow him to disengage by introducing myself and suggesting that for her health, she might want to step away from social media. She told me to “f***off” and get away from her, then resumed her rant. I feared that she might escalate and went to search for the sheriffs who were patrolling the event. After searching for about 10 minutes without luck, I turned back and saw the woman standing with a group in front of the Ehlers booth, so it was clear that she had finally finished saying what she wanted to say.

    We all know that social media can be toxic. It’s sad that some people are willing to dish out barbs but can’t handle it when they are criticized in return. It’s also sad that they won’t extricate themselves from social media even when it is clearly harming them, but there is no excuse for this kind of behavior."

    1. It sounds like the crying woman was having the confrontational experience, than ran back to the Ehlers booth to lick her wounds.

    2. 7:56 Unfortunately Eleanor has a long history of nastiness with our community members. The entire PTA and school board for Cardiff Elementary can't stand her.

      Calling Sheriff's on a community member, come on. Eleanor obviously got in the ladies face and now Eleanor wants to be the victim. So typical of Eleanor. It's the very reason the residents can't stand her, she's always playing the victim card.

    3. 7:52- Starvin it’s great to see you supporting your C cup beauty.


    4. 8:10 Eleanor, I'm not Starvin or Garvin! But nice try.

      Just a guy who witnessed what happened at Tony's booth during the Oktoberfest, then copied and pasted Eleanor's twisted version of it.

      Eleanor has to be one of the most condescending, pretentious victim con-artists I've ever come across.

      There's always loads of drama attached to her commentary.

  26. The lady told Eleanor to F***off, because Eleanor was getting in the lady's face and berating her. We've all seen Eleanor do it before. But then Eleanor has the nerve to seek out the Sheriff's at the event in an attempt to silence the lady from complaining to Tony Kranz. Eleanor you're weasel.

    There's a reason most people in Encinitas, including Cardiff Elementary School, don't speak kindly of you.

    Vote opposite of Eleanor, the corrupt attorney, and we'll be just fine.

    1. “The lady told Eleanor to F***off, because Eleanor was getting in the lady's face and berating her.”


      So the right winger was a victim.


    2. 8:14 how do you know the lady was a "right winger". You seem to categorize everyone that has a complaint with Tony Kranz as a "right winger".

      So tell me, how do you know that the lady with the complaint was a right winger?

      I'll answer that for you, YOU CAN'T.

      This is the exact reason why people don't like Tony Kranz and don't like his handlers (Musick, Mali, Amanda, Jeremy) because if your not for Tony, you're a "right winger MAGA" person.

      Did it ever occur to you that Tony Kranz is just simply a shitty Mayor and we'd like to see someone else in office.

    3. 8:14 no answer, just as I expected.

      Try again, how do you know the lady was a "right winger"?

      Answer: You don't.

      Just another reason why not to vote for Tony Kranz, look at the people that support that guy.

      They sue schools, call everyone who disagrees with them "right wing MAGA", shove large upscale development projects down your throat all in the name of affordable housing, then scream MAGA if you disagree with them.

    4. Assume the crazies in this town are right wingers and you'll rarely be disappointed.

  27. Eleanor calls the sheriff because the lady told her to F***Off! Sounds like Eleanor.

    1. No one called the sheriff dummy, they were already at the event.

    2. 8:07 From Eleanor, "I feared that she might escalate and went to search for the sheriffs who were patrolling the event."

      That's Eleanor for you.... The lady rightfully told Eleanor to F***Off, Eleanor didn't like that and so went in search for the Sheriff's.

    3. Really Eleanor, you "feared that she might escalate" so you went in search for the Sheriff's, all because she told you to F***Off.

      Hey Eleanor, from me to you, F**K Off. Maybe you should call the Sheriff's now! 😂🤣.

      Anyone who calls the Sheriff's on someone for telling them to F***Off in fear of some old lady's escalation, definitely lives in a fantasy world bubble.

  28. The only person that came to Eleanor's rescue was Jeremy "Omed" Blakespear, everyone else agreed with the lady's position.

    Let's face it Tony Kranz is not fit to be Mayor.

  29. Eleanor tells the lady, "you should disengage from social media for your health". How pretentious, passive aggressive and condescending can Eleanor be? This is why people don't like you Eleanor.

    1. The crying woman sounds like a fucking idiot. She takes Octoberfest to publicly harass the mayor about a personal issue on social media. What an obnoxious drama queen. Sounds like the aholes that couldn't stop harassing other city council candidates present at the event. The Ehlers crew really knows how to roll- can't wait to see the shit they'll be up to at the Olivenhain event.

    2. This is why I could never be an elected official.

      Some lady comes up to me crying and asking me to control someone else’s social media posting, and I’m going to roll my eyes and tell her to get bent.

    3. 8:14 & 8:17- Please don't ever run for office! Only those who can listen to and handle complaints from the public should run for office. Being an elected official (Tony Kranz) doesn't mean you're now entitled to ignore community members who have gripes.

      Tony Kranz is not Mayor material, just like Eleanor Musick should never run for office.

    4. So many people are sick of the Ehlers supporters stupid stunts. Give us a break and use rational statements to get your point across instead of the constant shrieking, accusations and stunts. Exhausting and stupid.

    5. Notice the adjectives Eleanor uses to paint her picture of this poor lady who was only trying to speak with Tony Kranz. Both Tony and Eleanor didn't like what the lady had to say, so Eleanor uses these adjectives to make the lady sound crazy. Typical Eleanor fashion.

      "Accosted Mayor Tony Kranz"
      "Emotion tirade"
      "Irrational rant"
      "Resumed her rant"

      Here's Eleanor she described Tony:
      "speaking softly"
      "calming in response"

    6. 8:14 it’s a little early for the potty mouth, Amanda.

    7. 8:36 that's not Amanda, it's Eleanor. Amanda is offline and Eleanor is currently online, just look at both of the FB message center status. Eleanor is easy to spot.

  30. Amazing how anyone who issues a complaint with Tony Kranz is immediacy summed up as the "Ehlers crew".

    I guess if you have any objections or questions regarding how are current city council is performing, you're part of the "Ehlers crew".

    That's so typical Musick and Blakespear.

  31. Eleanor attempts to get the Sheriff involved simply because a local resident told her to F***Off. I'd tell Eleanor the same if she interrupted my conversation with Tony while passive aggressively told me that I should stay off social media for health reasons.

    If Tony can't handle local issues from residents, he should be running for Mayor.

    1. 8:43 *Shouldn't be running for Mayor.

  32. Isn't Eleanor Musick the same lady who sued the Cardiff Elementary School because they wanted to build a larger playground and more classrooms for the kids and it didn't quite meet land requirements.

    Then she plays victim, while the kids go without a larger playground and additional classrooms.

    Typical Eleanor Musick.

    1. She also cashed out on that deal too. She and Marco are why attorneys get bad names.

    2. 9:00am as did Blakespear's mom Ms. Smith. Both cashed out on suing Cardiff Elementary School. All they did was take away from the children.

      Eleanor is an awful human being, who's constantly seeking victim points.

    3. Who paid for their windfall?

    4. Translation:

      She was proved right in a court of law. The school board should have all resigned in shame for wasting time and taxpayer money.

      Turns out “it’s for the children” isn’t a magic wand that suspends the law.

    5. Just because she was right by the letter of the law doesn't make her right with the spirit of the law.

      Eleanor won, but she took a lot of resources and programs away from children who would have benefited from the extra classrooms and playground that that school wanted to build.

      Eleanor is the female version of Ebenezer Scrooge.

      She saw an opportunity and capitalized on it. Gross!

    6. Let's be real, Eleanor is an awful woman.

      She stood in the way of young children having extra classrooms and a larger playground.

      Who does that?

      I'll answer that for you, Eleanor Musick does.

    7. The school board fucked up.

      End of.

    8. Courts don’t recognize the “letter” of the law as distinct from the “spirit” of the law.

      There is only one “the law.”

    9. 9:48 & 9:51 so what if the school board fucked up. It was for the children attending Cardiff Elementary. It would have benefitted them tremendously for many many years to come.

      And all you can say is, the school board fucked up.

      Those kids would have extra classrooms and a larger playground if Eleanor Musick and Blakespear's mom didn't didn't see a potential payout for them. Talk about greed.

      Let me guess, you're voting for Tony Kranz?

    10. Again,

      “It’s for the children” doesn’t suspend the law.

    11. 10:11 as I stated before, "you are correct, it doesn't suspend the law."

      However, what Eleanor did was wrong, it was selfish, she saw an opportunity to make some $$$ and she took it.

      She basically took the position of F*** the children, parents and Cardiff Elementary, I'm gonna get some money out of this.

      Just another Tony Kranz supporter.

  33. Hey Eleanor, from me to you F*** Off!

    Now go call the Sheriff's and see how they respond to your complaint and attempted waste of taxpayer resources.

    You know what the Sheriff's would have thought if you finally had found one after you "10 minute search", they would have thought oh my god I have to deal with another entitled, pretentious Progressive Liberal snob who can't handle being told to F***Off.

    Eleanor, newsflash it's not illegal for someone to tell you to F***off when you get in their face.

  34. Eleanor's only safe place is Encinitas Progressive Unity.

    Don't you just love that name, Encinitas Progressive Unity.

    Full of discourse and personal attacks on Encinitas residents who have complaints with our current council, but it's "Unity".

    1. I’m going to segue that into posts I’ve read about the flooding and devastation down south.

      I can’t believe how many liberals saying publicly these red states got what they deserve.

      I always thought liberals were heart in their sleeve compassionate. I mean, c’mon, people died and lost everything and all these liberals can do is think vengeance.

      Our poor nation.

    2. 9:22 it really is sad that people would actually celebrate others death as retribution.

      Gone are the days of democrats who were tree huggers, now they celebrate development and turning parks into L7.

      Gone are the days of the democrats who didn't support war (make love not war), now we have 4 wars and they're all in the name of "protecting our freedom and democracy". BS!

      Gone are the days of hippies and democrats who supported free speech and transparency, now they try to ban Public Records Requests saying they're a drain of employee resources (Tasha Boerner Horvath bill). Blakespear having to issue a second apology for blocking and deleting people from her public page.

      Gone are the days of having meaningful discussions with residents who have issues with our local elected. Now they're labeled MAGA and get the Sheriff called on them for disagreeing.

      Gone are the days of the democrats protecting our fragile ecosystems, now that same party wants hotels and high rises along our coastline and all in the name of inclusivity and affordability.

    3. Whelp, I haven’t seen any celebrating of deaths. But if a cult of lies decides that their D in sixth grade science bestows them with wisdom to declare wrong all of the scientists who understand climate—and those same people get smacked down by unprecedented flooding from an unprecedented storm, well then, I guess that’s as ironic as it is tragic.

      I guess you could say some of them literally drown in their own hubris. Makes you wonder if they found science in their last moments.

    4. 9:47 there you go again classifying every single person who was effected by the hurricane, many of whom lost their lives, as not understanding science and climate. Therefor they deserve it. So the entire effected area and those living in it, deserved it.

      Have you no compassion for other human beings.

      Let me guess you're voting for Tony Kranz.

    5. 9:51,

      Your reading comprehension needs a tune up.

    6. 10:04 maybe, but I think I got the gist of what you were saying.

      "I guess you could say some of them literally drown in their own hubris. Makes you wonder if they found science in their last moments."

      Sounds to me like you're classifying all the residents of those effected states as climate change deniers and therefor they deserve it.

      You do know that most of those states capitals and large cities are democrat held.

      Bottom line, it doesn't matter what party you belong to, people lost their lives and you think they all deserve it because they got "D's in Science". Sick!

      Let me guess, you're voting for Tony and support Blakespear.

    7. me: “some of them”

      you: “all the residents”

      Reading comprehension is key.

    8. 10:21 Try again!

      You never said "some of them".

      Here's what you did say....

      "Whelp, I haven’t seen any celebrating of deaths. But if a cult of lies decides that their D in sixth grade science bestows them with wisdom to declare wrong all of the scientists who understand climate—and those same people get smacked down by unprecedented flooding from an unprecedented storm, well then, I guess that’s as ironic as it is tragic.

      I guess you could say some of them literally drown in their own hubris. Makes you wonder if they found science in their last moments."

      Where did you write "some of them"?

      Looks like YOU have the reading comprehension issues.

      Let me guess you're voting for Kranz, Blackwell and Preston.

    9. ^^I’m just going to leave this here for people who can read to appreciate.

    10. 10:35, get an IUD or vasectomy immediately.

    11. 10:49 I don't think you have a choice in deleting anything on here anyways, it all stays up.

      I noticed you dodged my question, with an attempted insult.

      Again please show me where you wrote "some of them".

      Here's what you wrote, where in here does it say "some of them."

      "Whelp, I haven’t seen any celebrating of deaths. But if a cult of lies decides that their D in sixth grade science bestows them with wisdom to declare wrong all of the scientists who understand climate—and those same people get smacked down by unprecedented flooding from an unprecedented storm, well then, I guess that’s as ironic as it is tragic.

      I guess you could say some of them literally drown in their own hubris. Makes you wonder if they found science in their last moments."

      Let me guess, you're a Kranz supporter. Of course.

    12. 11:18,


      Read it again.

  35. LMAO!!!! “It’s sad that some people are willing to dish out barbs but can’t handle it when they’re criticized in return” says Elenor 😂 She gets told to F off and runs to the Sheriff!

    1. 9:28 I was going to same the same thing, but you beat me to it.

      Eleanor is a spin master, and she'd probably take that as a compliment, just like Marco and Dave Peck.

  36. Encinitas, where the hippies are battling the progressives.

    1. Or did the hippies finally realize that they have a stake in the game with their multimillion dollar property and suddenly they want more more more development to add to their property value.

    2. None of them are hippies! They're a group of greedy, conservative, elitist land owners that want everything for me me me and that conveniently ties into antidevelopment at a hyperlocal level. Oh, some of them surf or have horses.

    3. 9:45 the only people voting for the development are the Democrats, not conservatives.

      Blakespear supported the development
      Kranz, Hinze, Blackwell, Lyndes, Horvath, Newsome, Marco, Musick, Mali, Amanda, etc etc etc.

      How can you say that these people are conservatives? They're Progressive Liberals.

    4. Liberal Dems are against suburban sprawl, and for protecting backcountry trails and habitat. We are for putting the housing closer to where the jobs are—shortening commutes and alleviating traffic. We are for a more defensible wildfire boundary between urban and rural so that home owners can get insurance. We are for the ability to access the fresh air in a wild forest without having to drive through a hundred miles of strip malls and suburban sprawl.

      Republicans are for me, me, me.

    5. How’d that lawsuit go?

      Answer: it was tossed out.

    6. 10:45 Do you think Brian Grover, Keith Harrison, Marco Gonzalez, are Republicans? No they're Progressive Liberals. Limousine Liberals who support high rent luxury development all in the name of diversity, equality and inclusion. It's bull shit!

      Have you seen the rental rates that they call affordable?

      $6,000-8,000 per month.

    7. 11:08, I don’t think you understood a word of what you are responding to.

    8. 11:15 sounds like a struck a nerve with you. And if you truly don't understand what I wrote, then can't help you.

      No matter, others understand.

      I gather you're a Tony Kranz, Blakespear, Preston and Blackwell supporter.

  37. The only question is, who was the mental defective LukeJim supporter described at Oktoberfest screaming at Kranz. Smart money would be on Crazy Christie/Cristy/Krista or Crazy Rhonda.

    1. Someone that's crazy/stupid enough to be moved to hysterics by a certain commissioner that drives them up the wall.....

    2. Why don’t you tell us, Eleanor, you were there?!

    3. 9:41 Anyone who registers a complaint with Tony Kranz is now considered a "mental defective". Interesting.

      Gone are the days of when Democrats use to question government. Now they just blindly follow anything with a D attached to it and attack everything that questions government.

      Case in point, the lady who registered the complaint with Tony Kranz.

      Tony if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

    4. Poor behavior and embarrassing public confrontations with elected officials and candidates seems to be a trait of Ehlers/O'Hara/Shaffer supporters. I can't tell if it's their way of intimidating the competition, lack of self control, or both.

    5. 10:05, it’s the victim mentality. They are in a cult that teaches them that grievance is everything.

    6. 10:05 "poor behavior"? You mean like Eleanor Musick trying to find the Sheriff because someone told her to F***Off after getting in someone's face and telling them they have "health problems".

      That's called manipulation.

      Manipulation is when you blame people for their reaction to your toxic behavior and completely ignore the toxic behavior that triggered the event.

      Let me guess you're voting for Tony Kranz and support Blakespear, Preston and Blackwell.

  38. WOW so Eleanor Musick has a little libel thing going. She got her blondes mixed up. Thought she was a lawyer?

    1. That's embarrassing!

    2. 10:39 Eleanor is a patent attorney, nothing more.

      She gives attorney's a bad name.

      She's the little brat in elementary school who told on all the kids for teacher brownie points.

    3. Attorney’s what?

    4. 10:47 Eleanor gives attorney's a bad name.

    5. Attorney’s what?

    6. Eleanor gives attorney's a bad name.

    7. Attorney’s what a bad name?

      Attorney’s car a bad name?

      Attorney’s shoes a bad name?

      Attorney’s watch a bad name?

      I’m trying to understand what you are trying to say, but unfortunately you are an idiot who hasn’t absorbed fifth grade English concepts.

      If you want to be understood and influential, you should learn proper English, lest you come off as an uneducated backward slack-jawed yokel.

    8. 11:12 What is specifically and grammatically incorrect with "Eleanor Musick gives Attorneys a bad name?

      Obviously you see fit to attack me personally, because you have nothing of value to add to the conversation, except being the grammar police.

      Notice how condescending and pretentious the Progressive Liberal always comes across as.

      Is this how you'd respond minorities or lower income earner who potentially don't write as well as you do, or would you pat them on the head, send them on their way and say, "we support you."

      Just another Progressive Phony Tony Kranz supporter.

    9. 11:28,

      Google plural vs possessive.

  39. Look at those clowns run with an anonymous comment like the fools they are.

    They have no idea who wrote it. Yet they instantly attribute it to Eleanor.

    They have no idea which Christie the comment referred to. Yet they assume Christie Dean.

    Note that both Christies, Rachel and Susan are all over this blog too. All catty women with too much time on their hands. Not a good look for LukeJim campaign staff.

    1. 11:06 - "Look at those clowns run with an anonymous comment like the fools they are. They have no idea who wrote it. Yet they instantly attribute it to Eleanor."

      FYI....The comment was made on Encinitas Progressive Unity's Facebook page with Eleanor Musick as the author. Everyone can see plain as day who made the comment, Eleanor Musick.

      Let me guess you're voting for Tony Kranz.

    2. Where is the WRONG buzzer when you need one.
      Why don’t you just ask Eleanor if she specifically named anyone to others? I’ll save you time, she did.

    3. She didn't mention any names even though she likely knew who it was. She only referred to the crazy person as a woman. Wanna try again clown? Seriously this is such typical behavior from team LukeJim. From the crazy encounter to the assumptions, lies and faux outrage.

  40. so Rachel Hill and Christy Dean are attacking Eleanor Musick, so is Susan Turney and it is HILARIOUS to see Turney say Musick has some "walking back to do" about her if Turney has never had walking back to do. Remember when she posted online that Matt Gundersen had been SHOT? Hill, Dean, Turney, Thunder have all posted a wealth of misinformation over the years and never walk anything back or apologize. You read what you sow, ladies.

    1. Susan is full of shit at least half the time she speaks. This is known.

    2. Susan is full of crap at least half the times she speaks. This is known.

    3. Turney cleaned up that "shot" claim immediately. So what's yer beef?

    4. Asking for a public apology for slandering someone is not really an attack.Sounds like Rachel Hill is trying to defend an innocent person and save Eleanor from a lawsuit.We need more people willing to call out Encinitans who victimize others.

  41. It wouldn't be an Encinitas election without Watchdork drama.

    1. 11:28 thinks that everyone who disagrees with Tony Kranz is a Watchdork supporter.

      I don't agree with Tony Kranz, I'm supporting Luke, Jim and Bruce Ehlers and I was never a member of that page. Most of us weren't.

      Even if you were, many people are members of many pages that they don't 100% agree with, such a Watchdorks or what ever it was called.

  42. those harpies have no qualms at talking about other people and gossiping yet if someone they dislike does it, they hone in for the attack.

    1. 11:29 You must be referring to Amanda, Mali, Marco, Eleanor, Daryl Dupre, etc.

    2. Guess what? I'm referring to Rachel, PSP, Susan, and Christy AND I AM ALSO referring to Mali and Amanda, Marco, Eleanor and Daryl because they all keep doing the same thing...attacking instead of discussing, connecting, and attempting to understand other people's POV. They are ALL in the wrong.

  43. Susan Turney has never met me, we've never talked, but she made some comments about me that had no basis in fact, simply because her assumptions fit a narrative she'd concocted. But there is no point in setting any of these haters straight. I could sit down and tearfully talk to her, be vulnerable and sincere and even prove what she assumed was wrong and I bet she'd never let go of it. Cognitive dissonance. She dislikes Blakespear and Kranz so much that she clings to all sorts of negative beliefs about anyone who supports them.

    1. and I bet if Susan read that comment, she'd never have the humility to think "who did I hurt?" "where was I wrong?" or have empathy. Nope, she'd instantly feel defensive and attacked and scoff at any hurt feelings she may have caused because no matter what, she has to be right

    2. Waah haters haters haters! How many victim points do you want 11:32?

      Musick named Dean to a number of people and turned out she had misidentified the woman who had the actual freak out. It's called libel and who cares what kind of attorney she is, don't they learn that in ambulance chaser 101?

    3. 11:32 I'm calling BS on your post! Susan is one of the nicest ladies I've met in Encinitas. She's not afraid to call it like she sees it and with supporting documentation. She backs up her claims. Unlike the crap you've just spewed without any documentation.

      You must be a Kranz supporter, you smell like Marco, Mali, Amanda or Eleanor.

    4. I respect Susan Turney greatly! She is courageous, hard working, and has never made a dime off of her political activism. Look at what the people who support Tony and Blakespear get out of doing so. They often get up zoning or other favors. Marco makes more money by having a compliant council. There are still a few Encinitas citizens who dedicate hours of time to try to protect our city, and Susan is one of them!

  44. 11:35, she can "call it like she sees it" and still be WRONG

    1. But she’s right…..

    2. and is she always right? Is she infallible?

    3. lol she wasn't right when she posted on Facebook that Matt Gundersen had been shot

    4. 11:47 and promptly corrected herself, will Eleanor?

  45. Notice Eleanor not commenting. She did it and if walk it back or take it back or print a retraction or whatever is the right phrase, with that woman's mouth you know she's telling everyone she passes on the street.

  46. If you dislike Kranz or Blakespear, discuss THEM and the issues they support without attacking supporters.

    If you dislike Ehlers, Shaffer, O'Hara, discuss THEM and their issues without attacking their supporters.

    Stop letting local politics divide neighbors.

    If someone votes for Kranz and shares their reasons why, can't you just discuss that without insulting them? And if someone shares why they believe Bruce is the right choice, let's listen and discuss instead of attacking them! We all have the right to vote according to our beliefs without being smeared by those who disagree.

    1. Because Kranz is an idiot and he’s freaking ruining Encinitas that’s why

  47. As others said, ASK Eleanor yourself!
    You’re embarrassing yourself defending her. She knows exactly who she named, but 🦗

  48. How many people got the slanderous email from Miss Eleanor?

    1. Who said it was an email? I've seen PMs.

  49. 11:41, right on. All this shade throwing at candidates about who supports them...listen to what the candidates say. They're the ones who will be deciding your future, not the supporters. Candidates can't help who attaches themselves to them and they don't want to be rude and alienate voters.

    Decide who's right for you and ignore the noise from both sides.

    1. Bullshit. Any freaks show supporter gets all the shade they deserve.

      Any house with a Kranz sign in front is identifying a freak show supporter.

  50. I recommend that you look at who stands to make money from which candidates. Those who are the challengers are motivated by actually protecting our community and listening to its residents and not by developers and special interests who grease their palms.

  51. There's far too many people that got overly invested in hating Blakespear. It became the core of their existence during Covid they just can't let go. The experience has literally warped them mentally. Formerly and otherwise rational, intelligent people now behave in the most insane ways. It's so obvious to anyone from the outside looking in that they're broken.

    1. 1:12 not so fast, what Blakespear did to Encinitas was atrocious. She shat on the residents. You know it, I know it , Encinitas knows it.

      Just type Blakespear in Google and all the controversies begin to appear.
