Wednesday, September 18, 2024

9/18/24 City Council meeting open thread

 Please use the comments to record your observations.


  1. Encinitas Votes: 2,166 total members, +8 in the last week
    Encinitas Now: 8,100 total members, +37 in the last week

    🎉 Congratulations to EN for passing 8,000! 🎉

    1. Turns out a page run honestly and professionally is more popular than a toxic dumpster fire run by a lying despot. Go figure.

    2. Are those FB?

      I remember my intel 386 too….

      No one cares about FB.

  2. Ok so let's get this straight. Marco pens a faux BS piece, puts it on a faux imitation website intended to confuse at a glance (soooo clever aren't you?), then references it as a "substack" article like it's legit? Do I have that straight?

    1. 6:21 you nailed it 100%! And then Marco lies as usual. Actions always speak louder than words. His whole family are liars and predators.

  3. Can anyone tell the difference between Marco Gonzalez and his “Substack” source and trump’s “eat cats and dogs” source. Can someone explain this to me because Gonzalez can’t seem to manage it.

  4. Are we playing the game where we ignore the substance and the fact that candidates are refusing to be open and honest about their voter registration, and instead just taking wild ass guesses about who exposed it?

    Because if so, that’s a stupid game.

    1. 6:28 Marco already admitted to penning the website and article.

    2. Don't pay any attention to the clowns on EV and EU trying to make excuses and pretend it's no big deal. Them going after Marco is proof of how desperate they are.

      Luke and team know they're screwed and have no real defense against the allegations. They briefly considered telling a little lie but thankfully realized that would've made things worse. So they're going to ignore it for now. Coast news will help them out with an article soon but it won't save Luke from the bind he's in. Even if he wins he's going to get removed. Long story short amateurs put the poor guy up to run. Being amateurs they didn't properly vet him. Now Luke's going to pay the price for their mistake.

      Don't forget it's only September. The timing of these articles and the mention of future parts implies there's more bad news to come. Just a guess but I'd expect the real zingers to land in October. I'd also be surprised if they're only about Luke. Jim has way too much baggage to be ignored.

    3. Oh yea, what kind of baggage does Jim have? I call bullshit Marco!

    4. If I'm right we'll all find out in October. Also, not Marco.

    5. Sure Marco! Two questions before you go…

      Have they taken the ankle bracelet off your brother yet?

      Can Nathan and Lorena legally live within 1,500 ‘ of a school?

    6. Don't know and don't care.

    7. Kept the Freakshow including Kevin and the predator away from schools.

      Don’t be gross.

      Let’s end Kranzinitas.

  5. I’m just curious when a guy like Marco works his entire day on social media.

    Don't know another single attorney who digs around on social media like this one. Have heard other lawyers around town marvel at how weird....

    Do the opposite of Marco and vote for Bruce, Luke and

  6. I don’t care who these people running for office are, so long as there not Kranz, Destiny, Blackwell or Marco.

  7. I wish Waste Management would pickup Marco and his fraudulent law firm. Just vote the opposite of who Marco supports and we’ll have a council that listens to the residents.

    Vote Bruce, Jim and Luke!

  8. So how is it that the huge payment to Dr Worely’s family remains untold?

    Is that legal?

    Is the City agreeing to more millions of payout in order to just keep it from being disclosed before the election?

    We know the city is losing $10. When are they going to disclose the outcome?

    How is the next lawsuit coming for the Four Cs?

    Roberta Walker got F()$$&k up well beyond $11 million in the faulty sharrows. When’s the next one gonna happen in South Cardiff Coast Hwy 101 The same faulty sharrow placement in that roadway ready to take a life?

    1. She asked for those sharrows, she got ‘em. Nothing faulty other than her cognitive abilities in dealing with them in the dark.

    2. Walker got a settlement because the City had years of documents, staff reports, and emails showing they knew the road was unsafe for cyclists and pedestrians. All the Streetscape planning docs called this out. But the city didn’t act to implement Streetscape, thanks to a handful of loudmouth losers, who are responsible for the accident and the settlement. And they were also full of shit with their fear mongering. Streetscape is great.

    3. For Twelve years, Kranz was wasting time, life’s and millions on fencing off the coast line, shutting down historical pedestrian access to our villages, and ridiculous pet projects that serve a handful of residents all while ignoring infrastructure like drainage and safe roads.

      So what is the status of the Dr. Worley wrongful dead, and was it over $30,000,000.00 that the voters are now w required to pay?

      This should all be public info. Steve P and Steve W, where are you when we need you?

      When is the accident report including blood work results going to be reviewed so we can get a handle on the four C’s lawsuit.

      No wonder Kranz is asking for a 13% increase in local sales tax. His actions are costing the City millions in wrongful death payouts and other injury settlements.

      Wait until the class action COVID lawsuits hit Eninitas city hall?

      What is the Status and amount of the Dr. Worely public tax payout and the four C’s lawsuit?

  9. 6:28 when the “substance” is the local equivalent of eating pets then yah we’re gonna ignore it. Man did that substack BS backfire on you or wot?

    1. It’s no big deal, and that’s why you feel compelled to keep posting to convince people it’s no big deal.

  10. Republicans are hypocritical cunts on voter fraud.

    End of.

    1. Agreed. Same as Democrats. Vote NPP!

      Do not agree to be a WEF Slave.

      Tell all your friends and family, for the best Encinitas, vote for Bruce, Jim, and Luke!! ✌🏿💪🏿🌎 🇺🇸🙏🏿

    2. I don’t think Kanye West should have nuclear codes, so I’m a no on LukeJim.

    3. 5:54- WEF slave, your brain is not working this morning.

      For your own sake, put down the needle and get some wholesome unpolluted sleep. 🙏

  11. For Twelve years, Kranz was wasting time, lives, and millions on fencing off the coast line, shutting down historical pedestrian access to our villages, and ridiculous pet projects that serve a handful of residents all while ignoring infrastructure like drainage and safe roads.

    As a result, deaths, houses flooding and big big big ongoing lawsuits that are justified.

    So what is the status of the Dr. Worley wrongful dead, and was it over $30,000,000.00 that the voters are now w required to pay?

    This should all be public info.

    Steve P and Steve W, where are you when we need you?

    When is the accident report including blood work results going to be reviewed so we can get a handle on the four C’s lawsuit.

    No wonder Kranz is asking for a 13% increase in local sales tax. His actions are costing the City millions in wrongful death payouts and other injury settlements.

    Wait until the status class action COVID lawsuits hit Eninitas city hall?

    What is the and amount of the Dr. Worely public tax payout and the four C’s lawsuit?

  12. Great reporting from Coast News!! 💪

    The parties involved in a wrongful death lawsuit related to the 2020 death of local cyclist Jennings Worley,

    The parties involved in a wrongful death lawsuit related to the 2020 death of local cyclist Jennings Worley, pictured above, have started settlement negotiations, according to court filings. Courtesy photo

    Settlement talks begin in lawsuit over cyclist’s death in Encinitas

    by Kaila MellosApril 27, 20233049
    ENCINITAS — Three years after cyclist Jennings Worley was fatally struck by a large commercial truck while riding his bike along Leucadia Boulevard, the parties in his family’s wrongful death lawsuit have entered settlement negotiations, recent court filings show.

    In November 2020, Worley, 62, was cycling westbound in a designated bike lane near the intersection of Leucadia Boulevard and Moonstone Court when the driver of a PODS Enterprises moving truck attempted to make a right turn, colliding with Worley and causing severe injuries that led to his death, according to court documents.

    Worley, an avid cyclist, was a leading scientist fighting to cure cystic fibrosis, according to his obituary.

    At the intersection of the accident, Shea Homes had recently constructed the Alia community, a 13-unit residential development in Encinitas. As part of the project, Shea Homes converted a private driveway into Moonstone Court, a public access road for residents to access their homes.

    According to the lawsuit, the bike lane along Leucadia Boulevard was separated from the road by a solid white line and bollards leading up to the intersection, forcing vehicles turning right onto Moonstone Court to cut across the bikeway.

    “(These) dangerous conditions created a trap that a reasonably careful person would not notice or anticipate as being dangerous, since the lack of dashed lines, and presence of bollards/stanchions created a false sense of safety while operating a bicycle in the bikeway while at the same time, depriving automobiles adequate opportunity to merge into the bikeway to turn right onto Moonstone Court,” the complaint alleges.

    Status please?


  13. Sept 3, 2024

    Nathan Fletcher is being investigated by the FPPC for using his campaign donations on attorney bills. What a crook!

    Former San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher is again banking on his abandoned state Senate campaign to pay for his steep legal defense bills in a lawsuit accusing him of sexual assault.

    Fisher & Phillips LLP, the firm representing Fletcher in the case, billed his campaign $200,000 for “professional services” in the first six months of this year, according to campaign finance disclosures. The bill had not been paid as of June 30.

    In April, KPBS found Fletcher’s dormant campaign had paid Fisher & Phillips more than $323,000 to cover his legal bills last year.

    The California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC), which oversees campaign finance enforcement, has received a complaint against Fletcher for his use of campaign funds for attorneys fees in the case. The state commission is now considering whether to launch an investigation, which could provide legal clarity for similar situations moving forward, according to experts.

    1. Month old story about a guy who never represented Encinitas.


    2. 7:20 It’s Marco’s brother and shows just how dishonest the family is.

      Vote opposite of Marco Gonzalez!

      Vote for Bruce, Luke and Jim!!

    3. The FPPC investigation is still ongoing.

      Legal experts weighing in stated that the Gonzalez’s have abused their power as representatives.

      The FPPC said they’d wait till the end of the case to make a ruling on whether or not Nathan abused his campaign finances.

      The Gonzalez’s truly are slimy!

  14. @720 let me guess you’re voting for Destiny, Blackwell and Kranz.

    I know this because you see nothing wrong with the Gonzalez’s paying their legal bills with old campaign donations.

    Look the other way.

    Vote for Bruce, Luke and Jim!

  15. When running in 2022 I met with Tony as he had asked for petitions to circulate for the statewide Our Neighborhood Voices effort to restore local control.

    After the election he returned them to me. Not a single signature collected, not even his own name.

    It was all for show, the same as his guaranteed lone vote in his resolution.

    Vote for Bruce, Luke and Jim!

  16. How about this Marco, every time you try to revive your bogus Substack “substance,“ we will repost this:

    When the “substance” is the local equivalent of eating pets then yah we’re gonna ignore it. Man did that substack BS backfire on you or wot?

  17. Tony Kranz called Bruce Ehlers a liar for bringing up Kranz’s response and awful handling of the terrible Leucadia flooding.

    Here’s a reminder that yes, it happened:

    Starting at 1:37

  18. Bruce kicked Tony's butt in the debate and has raised significantly more money in campaign donations. Most all from locals.

    On the other hand Tony's campaign donation come from outside of Encinitas, just like Destiny's.

    Just vote opposite of Marco and Coast Law Group and we can have a council that has our best interest.

    1. Tony hasn't received outside donations

  19. From Susan Turney this morning....

    "When he was running in 2022 I met with Tony as he had asked for petitions to circulate for the statewide Our Neighborhood Voices effort to restore local control. He was going to make it a cornerstone of his campaign.

    After the election he returned them to me. Not a single signature collected, not even his own name.

    It was all for show, the same as his guaranteed lone vote in his resolution."

  20. The only reason Marco at times posts using his real name is so he can delete those same posts when need be.

    Everyone knows Marco post anonymously most of the time, he's been outed by Admin on several occasions for his Bull Shit.

  21. Marco reminds me of Dupont. Always pretending to be something else.

  22. Marco and Dems are the people/party of lies, political violence, and censorship.

    The dems see political violence as a useful tool to be used for specific ends.

    They have no objective emergency brake on their behavior. They don't care about looking like hypocrites.

    They will lie, cheat, and steal and laugh at you when you call them out .

    Moral compass and boundaries do not exist within their being.

    Proceed accordingly

    1. Whatever happened to the old hippie democrats that didn't believe in building high rises all over the place and along our coastline?

      Whatever happened to the old hippie democrats that believed in protecting our marine habitat from the destruction of the BIA?

      Now they support build build build, all in the name of 10% affordable housing. BS!

    2. There are lots of great democrats out there who are against all of this commercial development along our coastline. I'm one of them. Unfortunately Marco chose a different path and the politicians he supports and creates PAC for are no different.

      That's why all one must do is vote the opposite of Marco, Lorena Gonzalez, Nathan Fletcher and Coast Law Group.

    3. The only place Republicans care about the environment is in the area where their home(s) are located. Cut the shit about dems not caring about the environment anymore.

    4. 9:20- You are right. I am also one of those old hippie Democrats who want to protect the Coast and don't want high rises on the Coast. I really don't want to see us go the way of Miami. Since I am pausing Encinitas Votes, after the elections, (which has turned a little too far right for me), I can finally say how I feel and think. You can still tell me I'm deranged; mentally ill; a drug addict; a senile old lady, etc. and I really would not care. Mali, Amanda, Garvin, and Marco are quite willing to post it, or agree with it. However after living here 40 years, I love Encinitas, especially Cardiff where I live. And I will continue to speak out, and do CPRA requests. I do appreciate this group, where one can post anonymously, or put their name on it.

    5. 9:32 The dems are the ones supporting coastal development. The dems are the ones who supported and continue to support Streetscape which cut down over 100 trees including many Torrey Pines. The Dems were in favor of that monstrosity of a hotel that sits on La Costa and the 101.

      The Dems in office, Blakespear, Horvath, Newsom, our city council with the exception of Bruce support density, concrete and the BIA in Encinitas.

      Just look at Marco. Build Build Build.

      The dems used to be tree huggers, now their skyscraper huggers.

  23. So one side is asking questions about a candidate’s registration with a radical right wing party and possible voter fraud voting in the wrong district, and the other side is slinging feces at the brother in law of a private citizen who isn’t even running.

    I like our chances.

    1. 9:42 if you support development along our coastline with high rises and hotels then by all means vote Democrat. Fuck our local beaches and marine life. Vote Dem.
