Sunday, September 22, 2024

On those Destiny endorsements

From the Inbox:

Destiny has made the below post a few times on social media over the past couple of months. It includes a clip of Bruce praising her qualifications for appointment to a commission. Her post gives the impression that Bruce supports her for council.  He has gotten enough questions. He has gotten enough questions about his claimed support that he was prompted to make a corrective statement of his own, copied below hers. 

First Destiny's statement:

And Bruce's:


  1. This shows what a lack of ethics this candidate has to hitch her wagon to the opponent of Kranz, who is a fellow Democrat and has endorsed her. Gross.

  2. This shows that Destiny is willing to stab Tony in the back to get elected. Take a hint, everyone!

  3. Hard to imagine Kranz as the sacrificial lamb on the alter of Destiny and Blakespear, but whatever they can do to get Destiny in and the taxes passed, they are willing to write of Kranz. Kranz has more less admitted that Kranz will lose.

  4. Shows she is already one of them, at the ready to lie because the ends justify the means. Do they recruit people with no scruples from the start or do they come to them ripe for the picking?

    Yeah looking at Blakespear, Kranz, Gonzalez, Zenick, Beauchamp, Hinze, and WoodsShookDrake.

    1. Yeah looking at Blakespear, Kranz, Gonzalez, Zenick, Beauchamp, Hinze, and WoodsShookDrake -

      every one of them and don''t forget to add Terra-Diddy-Lawson P-Diddying the constituents.

      Vaseline anyone?

  5. D2 has questions!

    Where is Destiny? She is MIA about policies, issues and her knowledge about Leucadia and greater Encinitas.

    She should have figured it out by now but has preferred to campaign on her government alliances and minor track record.

    She is rude to constituents on social media or blocks those who question or disagree with her.

    She’s clearly not mature enough or ready for the rigors of public office.


    1. Ask her politely in private and you’ll get crickets. Ask politely on her campaign page and those above mentioned will attack you for your “vitriol.” Her behavior is beyond bizarre and sends up a flag of epic proportions.

    2. She’s an empty suit.

  6. Complete carpet bagger. It’s actually a great idea to live somewhere before you actually sign up to be a candidate for city council.

    Hopefully the DEI poster child will end up in some other city. Crazy shows how stupid she is for running for council when she barely has lived here more than a few days.

  7. Destiny is attempting to P-Diddy the public. Don't let her

  8. Don't worry kids. LukeJim's handlers have all kinds of stunts planned for the Monday Meet & Greet. You'll get your chance live and in person to see what insane dbags they are. If at least one of them doesn't end up with a restraining order I'll be impressed. Meanwhile the clownfolk will cheer and defend all their toxic behavior. At the same time they'll be apoplectic over reports of anyone even looking at them sideways. Guaranteed.

    1. No they do t have stunts planned. There are plenty of former Blakespear Dems though who want to finally hear from Preston. Cue Marco, Amanda, Theresa going after anyone who dares ask a question . They will form a wall in front of Preston to keep her from the public. Just wait.

      But stunts planned? Usual disinformation campaign discount Mali and Garvin slithering into the mix.

    2. Don’t discount Mali n Garvin….

    3. So is the North County Democrats paying for densities flight down from Sacramento?

      Or is it actually the national Democratic Party paying for all of her expenses to get her into some town she barely spent any time.

      Does she think the public is absolutely that stupid?

      My god, what a bad judge of character.

    4. 12:25: For sure. Let's see if I can predict what LukeJim's people will be up to.

      They'll of course be harassing Tony, Allison and Destiny throughout the event with rotating teams of people assigned to cover each candidate. Like in council meetings they'll be showing off their trademark crazy eye behavior. Also like council meetings, they see this as an opportunity to perform for anyone in attendance. All with the goal of getting a rise out of a candidate or a soundbite they can distort, take out of context or just outright lie about. They'll claim their behavior isn't REALLY breaking any rules. They're just asking questions as interested residents even though some like Rachel don't even live here.

      Secretly taking pictures and recording like the stalkers they are but claim they're not REALLY breaking the rules.

      Advertising their candidates both inside and outside the event and claim they're not REALLY breaking the rules.

      Running interference for their candidates so that when anyone asks a pointed question they'll start crying foul.

    5. 12:25 is amplifying the theme of victimization that has marked Preston's campaign. Are people going to pull stunts like asking her questions? Is that what you mean? She seems to be taking a page from the Gonzalez playbook and claiming to be a victim while actually acting as a perpetrator of abuse towards others--even Kranz if it will help her get elected. There is no loyalty on display with this one!

    6. This is one of those things that look different depending on your perspective. Don't consistently harass, attack and intimidate a candidate then complain about criticism you receive.

      Before beginning with the whaddabouts: no other candidate has multiple lewd nicknames, a cartoon mocking them published multiple places, attacks posted daily on social media multiple places, residents tracking down their personal info and publishing it, stories about their personal life being made up and published, etc. etc. There is no candidate that is treated as poorly as Destiny, not even close.

    7. No other candidate is so mysterious that people have to make up stuff to try and fill in the gaps. No other candidate suddenly appeared out of the blue. No candidate appears to be sent here by the state to rep their interest in our property tax potential. Where is she on the sales tax? 100% she is for it. The sales tax is the state housing fine fund because developers will walk all over the city and get rich while we get fined and an endless cycle of up zoning of open spaces.

    8. Make up stories on your own and among your fellow idiots, get angry about them and attack based on "filling in the blanks" with your over active, paranoid imagination then get upset when you get called assholes for asshole behavior.

      Boo hoo.

      I hope this all gets connected right back to Luke, Jim and especially Bruce.

  9. Ask the folks in Arcata. Two mi the after blowing into town she’s appointed to the town’s economic dev council. How did that happen? locals wondered wtf.

  10. I hope she gets asked some great questions at Monday’s event. Like have you actually signed a lease for over six months?

    So is the North County Democrats paying for densities flight down from Sacramento?

    Or is it actually the national Democratic Party paying for all of her expenses to get her into some town she barely spent any time.

    Does she think the public is absolutely that stupid?

    My god, what a bad judge of character.

  11. In contrast to this person who has padded her resume with appointments to commissions whose meetings she seems unable to attend, Luke and Jim have taken active roles in our community. They both serve as coaches for kids. While team sports are not for everyone, people who coach can have a great impact on kids' lives, and I respect their dedication to the youth in our community. Beyond racking up a bunch of titles, has anyone seen Destiny volunteer her services to help others in an ongoing and meaningful way beyond a photoshoot opportunity to document she attended an event?

    1. Hell, she’s a no show in D2. Both Jim and Bruce have been to my neighborhood.

      Maybe she needs a map, because she’s nowhere to be found.

  12. I heard they flew Airbnbush in yesterday for the Freakshow last night. Phony was trailing Harry like a hyena tracking a filet mignon.

    Reports are Starvin was very upset. So upset she was dressing up like a little Latina to get the eye of the Predator.

    They still wouldn’t let the Gnome in. No reports of Sevin either

    1. Sevin was groveling like a little bitch. Saying he’s let his bush grow out for eight weeks now trying to get into the games. He said his was longer than the gnomes. No dice.

      Harry Bush walked around like the princess she is in Phony’s eyes.

  13. Is that Susan Turney I see in the bottom right corner of the screenshot?

    1. You didn't know? 🤣🤣🤣

    2. If so, thank you Susan Turney for making us aware of this information.

    3. Susan Turney provides great information.

      Remember when she ratted out Garvin for being Tony Kranz’s email editor. Was that Susan or is that some other hero?

      That was so classic and then Garvin showed up the council the next meeting look like a complete princess from 3’s company. The best. 🤣🤣🤣

      That shows what a complete turd bucket that loser is… No wonder Lehman Brothers fired his ass, And his family sued him.

    4. 👆🏾💯👏👏👏

    5. She didn't need to provide this information to anyone to except for the person here that hates facebook on here (except when it serves their purposes).

      It's all over, on multiple sites. No Susan needed.

  14. If density knew anything about Encinitas, she would push hard to allow the homeless to use the second senior center as a homeless parking lot. It’s where all the homeless really want to be and it’s really close to Moonlight Beach and CRC where they get their food and supplies..

    Come on Density, so some ❤️ and let’s get the second senior center opened up for the homeless.

  15. I read her statement.

    It’s all correct.

    1. What are you verifying, anonymous nobody?

  16. How about Musick snarling at anyone who dares ask destiny a simple question? Harassment runs in the family.

  17. Holy Moly, Eleanor!
    You have sooo much to say about so many in this town, yet about 200 law school students marched to the Emory University Administration Building to protest the university's handling of sexual harassment allegations against a professor - YOUR Man!!!


    2. Yeah Eleanor, better be quiet or these piles of shit threaten to embarrass you about whatever they can make up and insinuate about your personal life. Watchdorks have a pattern, and they don't stray from it.

    3. Make up? It happened.

    4. Watchdorks have a pattern and do their dumb watchdork shit no matter if their master is present. They'll take second or third in command.

    5. Is it 1950?

      Is that when America was last Great?

      I’m guessing it is, because we don’t blame or shame women anymore for the misdeeds of men proximate to them.

      Or visa versa.

      I mean, imagine trying to shame Donald Jessica Trump for his skanky wife’s decision to publish her cooch all over. Silly right? That’s her bad decision—not his. We don’t blame Felony Don for that. We blame him for being a POS domestic terrorist, a rapist, a liar, a con man, a thief, a fraud, a felon—this could go on a while. You get the point.

      We live in the future now. We have magic smartphones, satellites, and electric cars that pollute less. And we don’t blame women for the atrocious behavior of men.

    6. The New York Times is a reliable source. Also, I thought that there was a strong platform of support for women who have suffered harassment in the Democratic Party. I am certainly sorry for what these women endured, and it would be hard for many people to maintain a relationship with someone who had treated others in this way.

    7. Nathan Fletcher the Gonzo predator clan. 🤮

  18. One has to go through endless piles of doggy do to gleam those all too rare truly informational postings.

    Who to blame?

    Will the morons ever grow up? No, they will not.

    Will the morons ever stop acting and posting like the juveniles they are? No, they will not.

    Imagine editing down all these threads with no infantile moronic postings included.

    Do they think they are being funny? Apparently their self- delusion does not allow them to see what we have had to put up with for the last few years.

  19. So hey verdu is back with his PAC!!! Polling must be in the toilet. Watch for the disinformation campaign by him and the above mentioned to really take off now!!!

    1. Good. The BRUCE (plus jim, luke) joke is exactly that.

      Please show those know it all arrogant aholes the door.

    2. The return of Verdouche.

    3. Lots more coming since Bruce made the mistake of endorsing LukeJim.

    4. Amanda/Mali are the real jokes here

    5. Verdu ain't back. They haven't used their pac since the 2020 run

  20. Has anyone seen Destiny or Allison this weekend? Genuine question?

  21. 12:45pm You are predicting bad behavior from the challengers? Oh, yes, we all will wait for that to never happen.

    Are you brain dead?

    A retired Marine officer?

    If there is any bad behavior, which I predict there will not be, it will come from the desperate seat fillers trying to bamboozle the public again.

    Geez guy, what dark place did you pull that stinker of an idea out of?

    Just who is the desperate one? Sounds like you are and you should be.

    1. A retired Marine officer that blatantly lied for months, took money under false pretenses, joined a far right political party and committed voter fraud. He'd be facing a court-martial if he was still serving. But Luke won't be the problem. The trouble will come from the MAGA and Watchdork degenerates he surrounds himself with.

    2. Go ahead and ask anyone who supported him if ithey care I promise you they don’t And your questioning will probably make them double their money I dare you.

    3. 8:15 I have no doubt you're 100% correct. The same people won't hesitate voting for a convicted felon and rapist who launched an insurrection. EXACTLY the same people actually.

    4. 8:15, are you saying that there’s a cult where legality and honor do not matter?


  22. I don’t care if you’re a “watchdork” or a “freak” or absolutely 100% support Tony Kranz! We should all be concerned about a sexual predator that Eleanor lives with. Wow, that’s super gross!

    1. She moved in with Nathan? That is gross.

      Is she young and from south America?

  23. I’m all about compromise and maybe sadly Eleanor’s partner is what brings all of us together for the greater good of knowing that we do not want to have sexual aggressors to the point of having women protest him maybe that’s how we all come together 🙌🏼

  24. Verdu activated his PAC clearly, they’re scared anyone who’s on the side against him it’s time to step up!

    1. Where can one find information confirming the Verdu PAC activation?

    2. He put up $1,000 supporting Kranz. That's all there is.

    3. $1k?

      That ain’t shit.

      Even his liberal masters don’t like Kranz.

    4. Even the rich know the saying that it's not smart to put good money after bad.

    5. He may have put up money for Kranz but have no fear the megaphone whisper campaign of lies and vitriol against those who dared run against the chosen ones is underway. It’s just how he rolls with his friends over on EN.

    6. Watch for a mailer all about how the challengers would have been Court Marshaled have they still been serving. Gonzales took it to a whole new level today.

    7. What lies are being whispered about Bruce, Luke or Jim? I haven't heard a single one yet. Only lies I've heard have been about Tony, Allison and Destiny.

    8. What would those be about Tony, Allison, Destiny? Tony's run by developers? True, look at his votes. Allison's a rubber stamp for Tony? True, look at her votes. Destiny is afraid to meet the public? True, no one outside her handlers have laid eyes on her. Prediction: she's going to claim fear of violence at tomorrow's meet/greet and will be a no show..

    9. So where's the campaign of lies about Bruce, Luke and Jim? Campaign makes it sound like there's a lot of em! Go ahead and just list the top 10.

  25. Say isn't it time for a new substack for Marco to quote?

    1. I hope it drops around 5:00 PM tomorrow so every person talking to LukeJim is asking about the latest pile of 💩 they stepped in.

  26. So my cousin saw Density in Maimi again this weekend.

    In her talking point in Maimi, she emphasized how she loves the 85 story buildings but we must, we must go taller in other coastal areas to help house The fentanyl crackheads.

    Remember housing first. You need to put a house over a fentanyl crackhead zombies head before anything else.. It’s not the drugs that’s making him fucking crazy. It’s they don’t have a house. And by the way, they really all need jobs. All those fucking fentanyl zombies need good paying jobs before they can really address their drug habit.

    Makes a whole lotta sense Density. 🥴

    We need more Talking Heads that promote this crazy cuckoo talk.

    So how are your polls doing in Sacramento, Miami and Pebble beach?

    Do you really think you have a shot at landing any City Council position in any of these cities that you virtually visit?

  27. I hope you like my latest FB post. Check out the picture of me when my mom went and visited her sister that lived in Carlsbad in the 90s And one of her kids went to a school possibly in Encinitas and I think this picture shows that.

    Before we spend in Carlsbad, I never heard the word Encinitas. I was assumed it was Escondido, where some of my other relatives live.

    As you know, I really haven’t spent any time here, but I really do think that 50 to 85 foot buildings would be great for this coastline.

    You know, I am a very good land planner. I took a class in it along with my DEI expertise. BIA and Tony think I great, so I thought sure I would love to attend a few City Counci meetings virtually and pick up some side income for my travels.

    Vote for me, I excel zoom meetings, not to mention special massages in D4 with a happy, happy, well you know. Schedule well in advance. I only come to Encinitas’s when I have more than five bookings.


  28. Hey Airbnbush,

    You have some Hispanic blood, which we know the predator loves. I bet he’d be willing to give you some of his $2 million to help with your campaign. He’s only spent a half million dollars trying to defend himself for his predator actions.

    As we know, He is all “in”and would probably love a massage at your parlor.

    You better check with his wifey no 2 though, though. She might get a little uptight because there is a history there you know.

    Good luck,

    -Encinitas voter

  29. Destiny is a hoaxer very much in line with her party line and her hoaxer heros--- Marco, Gavin, Terra Lawson -Diddy and her most favorite role model-- Commie-La.

    What an absolute disaster

    1. I like the name Commie La.. good 👍

    2. 7:06, you have a very smooth brain.

  30. I would like to know the nature of the "plans", whether any were implemented, and the success of those plans. Can we also get a cost benefits analysis?

    The city makes plans all the time, they then sit and never get implemented.

    I have plans for perpetual motion, time travel, and free beer.

    Show me a person without some sort of plan.

  31. Looks like Kevin Sabellico is gonna be racking up a huge attorney bill for lying to voters on his campaign form. I’m sure he’s illegally using his campaign donations like Nathan Fletcher to finance his defense.

    Word on the street is Sabellico lost his campaign job because he’s become a stain on the company. Just like Nathan Fletcher lost his teaching job because he sexually abusing students.

  32. Which one is worse:

    Sabellico trying to tell his voters that he’s a full time teacher for SDA?

    Marco receiving a $750,000 forgivable PPP loan and starting a PAC with the proceeds?

    Nathan Fletcher losing his teaching job over sexual misconduct allegations by students?

    Lorena Fletcher getting caught lying to voters about AB5?

    1. That a tough one…. I look forward to hearing the results. Maybe we could do a survey monkey survey to get statistically valid data.

      Which one is worse? They’re all very bad.

    2. We should throw Eleanor Musick, the “child hater” in the survey monkey mix. No wonder everyone eggs her house on Halloween. I would too.

  33. Well we know the Gonzalez family lacks any sort of moral compass and has constantly been shown to be full of shit.

    Remember Marco’s wife filing suit against SDA, that went nowhere quickly. The entire family is slime.

    Now the Gonzalez’s are pretending Luke has committed voter fraud, because while he was overseas flying fighter jets defending our country he forgot to change his mailing address. Luke has a perfect background he’s been vetted by the government to fly jets, those guys are squeaky clean.

    Then the Gonzalez’s accuse Jim of being “anti-women”, ”misogynistic”. When in fact Jim has a wife, daughter, was the coach of a women’s cross country team for many years puts on multiple community events that inspire women to participate in sports.

    All while Destiny is a no show, blocking all the residents on her Facebook page!

    Blackwell refuses to answer questions regarding her BIA involvement and also blocks all residents in her district who question her performance.

    Sabellico lies to public about being a paid teacher at SDA” and is scolded by a judge, he supports Preston, Blackwell and Kranz.

    Marco supports Blackwell, Preston and Kranz and is constantly caught lying to the public, like his fake substack, that he finally admitted to writing. Then takes a $750,000 forgiveable PPP loan and uses part of the proceeds for a Blakespear PAC.

    Nathan Fletcher supports Blackwell, Preston and Kranz all while sexually abusing young women.

    Eleanor Music, the infamous local attorney hated by Cardiff sued Cardiff Elementary receiving nearly a million because she didn’t want the school to build 3 additional classrooms for the kids as it would block part of her view of the park. Blakespear’s mom joined Eleanor in that lawsuit. Both of them support Preston, Blackwell and Kranz.

    See a pattern here?

  34. The Musikal one allowing a trump voter to live rent free in her head in the Walmart parking lot. Classic.

    1. 7:34 funny how Eleanor tries to label the guy she met in the parking lot of Walmart as an evil, wealthy, white “Range Rover” owner. When in fact she has a house right on the ocean almost adjacent to Blakespear.

  35. How about Amanda Zenick, Mali’s best buddy. You know, the trust fund lady who lives in Solana Beach, sits on her computer all day long and calls men “misogynistic pigs” and white people “racist”. She supports Destiny, Allison and Kranz!

  36. The Gonzalez family have consistently shown us that all they care about are themselves. Not a single care in the world for any sense of community. All they want to do is sue anyone who gets in the way of the BIA from installing hotels along our fragile coastline. It’s how they make their money.

    These are the kind of people that not only support Destiny Preston, Allison Blackwell and Tony Kranz, but will maliciously lie and trash others including Jim, Luke and Bruce or anyone who gets in their way.

    Vote the opposite of Marco and Coast Law Group and we’ll fine.

  37. Marco and the entire Gonzalez family are frauds. Someone needs to investigate this guy.

  38. Just vote opposite of Marco, Coast Law, Sabellico, Amanda, Mali, Blakespear and Fletcher and we can get back to a city council that listens and cares about their residents.

    Vote Jim, Luke and Bruce.

  39. Sabellico’s a liar….and is friends with Destiny Preston. He’s also endorsed Blackwell and Kranz.

    Don’t votes for Sabellico and don’t vote for the people who advocate for the same policies.

    “Judge orders Sabellico to….”

  40. I see a pattern of elite white people using topics like race, gender and environmental issues to be used for their own benefit. What do you see

  41. Whoever Nathan Fletcher and Lorena Vote for, just go opposite.

  42. Eleanor Musick and Destiny support Sabellico, what does that tell you?

  43. I see the Billionaire Verdu's opened their PAC again, they're supporting Kranz, Blackwell and Preston. If the Verdu's and Gonzalez have to put outrageous amounts of money behind certain candidates in order to get them elected, what does that tell you about the their candidates?

    Tells me their candidates can't get elected on their own. Dirty Money!

    1. Paula and Michael Verdu? Yuck! Talk about fake and pretentious! How about you donate some of your money to to our local schools instead of PAC's supporting the candidates who support the BIA.

    2. 8:46 Again, just vote opposite of who these people support.

      Vote for Bruce, Jim and Luke. People that have lived here most of their lives and have a proven track record of working well within our community.

    3. 8:47, and voter fraud?

      Why won’t LukeJim answer whether he voted in elections for which he wasn’t an eligible voter?

      There’s only one reason not to answer.

    4. when you say "I see the Verdus opened their PAC"...where do you see that? Show your work so the whole class can see and learn

  44. Tony was caught lying about Bruce in his newsletter.

    Destiny was caught lying about Bruce Ehlers endorsing her.

    Don’t vote for these people.

    1. Pffft.

      Destiny told the truth.

      All she said was the whole council spoke very favorably about her civic engagement and background during the committee appointment process, but that they stuck with the tradition of reappointing incumbents.

      All true.

    2. She wrote "I'm grateful to have received unanimous support." Not '''spoke very favorably."

    3. Over on Encinitas Votes, EM is defending Destiny and attacking people who Destiny tried to mislead for not reading her entire statement. These people seem to feel that if they can mislead, lie or cheat that it is our fault if we believe them. How about supporting people who have demonstrated their commitment to our community though years of unpaid service like Bruce, Jim, and Luke? They are running for office for the right reasons and not to use our city for a quick buck or a stepping stone to better things!

    4. WTF is the "unpaid service" these guys have contributed to the community?

      Why can't any of them any kind of detail on what they'll do about the problems they constantly complain about?

      What a load of horseshit.

    5. 9:42 yes yes yes. I agree with you.

      Only people voting for Destiny, Kranz and Blackwell are uninformed voters and corrupt people like Marco who depends on these candidates for his paycheck.

      Vote opposite of Marco Gonzalez and Coast Law Group.

    6. What exactly is the "years of unpaid service" that O'Hara and Shaffer have contributed to our community?

      Why can neither of them articulate what they're going to do about any of the "problems" they complain about constantly? It's such an issue people are bringing it up on Nextdoor. I wonder what they even talk about at their meet n greets.

    7. They have both worked as coaches, which given the impact that people like Tim Walz has had on young people, can be a powerful way to help. May I ask what Allison and Destiny have done for the City of Encinitas?

    8. Oh jeeeez...another way of saying they have zero experience related to the position they're running for and have never expressed much of an interest in local gov. Destiny has plenty of volunteer experience, and it aligns with a city council position.

      Mor importantly- why the f don't Jim or Luke have a single solution to all of the problems they'll "fix". It's hard when Bruce isn't around, huh?

    9. "plenty of volunteer experience?" that screams "can't read road reports, don't know how density bonus law works, will vote according to "staff" and how kranz direct me."

      I babysat when I was 13, that did not make me a project manager. And that's exactly the kind of stretch we're seeing in Destiny's claims of experience.

    10. Are you joking 10:32? Destiny is the one with the professional experience in government and degrees to match. Luke and Jim are the ones that have hardly even attended a city council meeting, never mind understanding density bonus laws or anything related.

      Just stick to telling us they like sports ball, do what they're told and are good fellas. That's about all they got going for them, and they're losing the good fella cover very quickly with their dirty ass campaigns and slimy supporters.

    11. Pretty sure O'Hara has been attending plenty of council meetings lately. Destiny is too busy working, no time for council crap.

  45. 8:26 perfect example of this is Paula and Michael Verdu.

  46. 7:32 💯 Absolutely, the pattern is crystal clear. A child could connect the dots you laid out. They all lead to the inescapable conclusion that you're brain damaged.

  47. 9:20 looks like Eleanor has decided to join us ^^

  48. Top 10 reasons not to vote for Destiny…

    1. She lied about receiving an endorsement from Bruce.

    2. She doesn’t live in Encinitas, only rented an apartment here so she could run for office.

    3. She lied about agreeing to a debate held by the Encinitas Chamber of Commerce, stating “Jim bailed” when in fact the Chamber of Commerce publicly stated Destiny in fact lied and said “she refused to attend”.

    4. She lied about her occupation stating she owned a massage parlor.

    5. Marco, Kevin Sabellico, Blakespear, Verdus and Lisa Shaffer support her.

    6. She tried to tell us she’s had “deep roots” in Encinitas for most her life, when in fact she has no roots in Encinitas, never has.

    7. She tried to tell us she graduated from SDA, another lie. When asked what year she graduated she refused to answer, saying that’s private”.

    8. Most of her donations, about 70% are from Sacramento and NorCal. Special interest donations.

    9. PAC started by Coast Law or Marco to support Destiny against Jim.

    10. She’s been caught lying too many times.

    Bonus reasons not to vote for Destiny.

    #11 She won’t meet with residents and answer questions in her District.

    #12 She blocks anyone asking questions about Prop A, increasing sales tax, rezoning parks land into L7.

    #13 She refuses to debate!

    1. Lies and exaggerations. Complete horseshit from a shit-for-brains commentor.

    2. What is this new PAC I created? I'm curious...

    3. Someone you had for Blakespear that you threw 20K into.

      More Marco lies!

    4. Marco, You trying to tell us that you didn’t activate your PAC?

    5. Created, resurrected, whatever. You know what 9:47 means. Or GASP was that MISLEADING?? Like how Destiny made her statements indicating unanimous endorsements?

      Point being, you are putting more money into maintaining the BIA friendly bias on council through a PAC than your max $250.

    6. 9:47 has a perfect summary of why people should not vote for Destiny. I was not aware that she claimed to have graduated from SDA. I know that Tony brandishes this around, so maybe she thinks that she can benefit from this, too. Obviously, she uses Tony when it is convenient for her and she ties her chances to Bruce, his challenger when it is helpful. If she lies this much on her campaign, what on earth will she do if she gets onto council and has limitless authority over planning matters? Run the other way before it is too late!

    7. She hasn't claimed to have graduated for SDA ya dumbass. Every single item on that list is a complete lie or an exaggeration. O'Hara supporters are truly bottom of the barrel.

    8. It’s a cult of lies and violence.

      Show us where she used “endorsement”

    9. Just to be clear, my PAC Conserve North County hasn't raised or spent any money this cycle. All I did was list them as endorsed on the webpage. But keep spinning the lies...

    10. Marco, you may not have spent any money to date but are you planning to? We all know that later reporting cycles come often too late to help inform the public. No lies, just trying to get a straight answer.

    11. Thanks I've got my answer. You're just too too clever.

  49. If Mr. Bruce states he didn't........then he didn't. Period

    1. 9:49 exactly right! Bruce stated he didn’t endorse Destiny and Destiny lied and said Bruce did endorse her as a candidate.

      Destiny is a liar.

      No different than the lies from Destiny, Gonzalez, Blakespear, Kranz.

  50. My wife sued SDA? What are you smoking?

    And we're all still waiting for Luke to explain the voter registration irregularities...

  51. Allison also had registration irregularities when she claimed to be a registered Democrat. This is tedious Marco. You are showing yourself not to have the best mental health once again.

  52. FTR as Marco would say, Luke, Jim, and Bruce all have solutions to our many issues. Just because Amanda and Eleanor don't agree with them does not mean they don't have any. Don't let the Garvin confusion campaign get you!

  53. Destiny’s linkin page.

    ‘I’m grateful for everyone’s support as I step into this new chapter of public service.

    Thankfully City Council is a part-time role, so I’m still able to serve the people of California through my full time work as a Senior Transportation Planner, if/when I’m elected.

    I’m committed to making it work and being of service at a local and statewide level.

    Though this path will not be easy, I’m excited for what lies ahead.’

    Nice to know she considers us a side gig. Voters should take her as seriously as she takes the job of council member.

    1. With the learning curve she SHOULD be on (but won’t, “staff” will tell her what to think) this would hardly be a part time job. She may be thankful but the rest of us are scared.

    2. Her page and her exaggeration of her involvement with Encinitas, as well as her vision of City Council as a side hustle, indicates to me that she is trying to us this position as a stepping stone to greater things. It worked for Blakespear.

    3. Without Blakespear, Destiny would not be on the ticket running for City Council. That is a fact!

  54. For all you Blakespear/Kranz schills, exactly what experience did Allison and Joy have before they were appointed? A gardener and an HR hack are no more/less qualified than Luke or Jim. Running a city is not rocket science, though knowledge of said city and its issues should be a prerequisite. There are a lot of residents who are aware of the problems started with Blakespear and continued with Kranz, though many are unaware their city leadership is what is screwing things up. Bruce has exceptional city leadership experience and Jim and Luke are well aware of city issues, as their own communities have been negatively affected since the late Blakespear era. Bruce, Jim and Luke have a different philosophy, NOT an ideology to run a city.That sounds incredibly refreshing.

    As for Marco, who is a perpetual POS, he'll make money regardless of who's in office. With Kranz and company, it's an easier path, but everytime he threatens the city with a lawsuit or the steps to get one of his client's density projects approved take longer, it's on his client's dime, so he wins either way.

    I often wonder what creates people like Marco and Mali, who take so much pleasure in hurting their own communities, all under the guise of selflessness, to become either perpetual grifters, rich and at the same time, immensely disliked.

    1. 2:08- Both of them are narcissists, plain and simple. Mali is also a recovering addict/alcoholic, which she admits and often sounds like she is better than others because she is in recovery. However, many recovering alcoholics/addicts do not change who they were before they went into recovery. Underneath they are usually people with low self-esteem and get their kicks out of bullying others.

    2. And even the most horrendous narcissists have their fan base, i.e, Trump and of course our very own Moron, who lots of his followers probably wouldn't admit today that they voted for him.

    3. Many of us who voted for him are actively campaigning to elect Ehlers! Yes, we all have our crosses to bear, but supporting Tony, Lisa and Teresa Barth are some of the worst mistakes I have made in my life. They set the scene for Blakespear to ruin this town by putting us out of compliance with the state in the first place while hiring consultants who left our city with millions of dollars in their pockets and a General Plan that no council would vote to approve. Criminal stupidity!

    4. 2:33 you say Blakespear ruined us by "pulling us out of compliance with the state" yet she was the first mayor to have us IN compliance. And how can you support Bruce if you care about compliance. Bruce is AGAINST state compliance, he wants to fight for local control!

  55. Thank goodness destiny was passed over for Enviro Commish seat.That would be like putting a fox in the hen house. When you have a masters in urban development, you develop land and you work for developers.

    1. And when your handlers are on a first name basis with "Randy" Goodson and "David" Meyer, you do not represent the people. You just don't.

    2. I'll take it as a good sign that Marco, etc are in panic mode about the three candidates. Guessing their polling isn't going well and their trumped up candidate is struggling with voter approval.

      It makes one hope that the electorate is getting a little wiser about how the city has gotten to be the way it is.

      Marco's MAGA attacks and absolutely pathetic non issues about these candidates just goes to show that unlike Thunder, these guys don't have any dirt under their nails.

      He won't go after Bruce, cause it's likely he'll get elected and then Marco would have to deal with him across from the podium. Oh, how I long for that day!

    3. “He won't go after Bruce, cause it's likely he'll get elected and then Marco would have to deal with him across from the podium. Oh, how I long for that day!”

      This is what happens when you join a cult and stop reading and thinking critically.

      Bruce has two years left on his current council seat, which he did not resign from to run for mayor, which is a two year term.

      Whether Bruce wins or loses his mayoral race, he’ll be on the dais for the next two years.

  56. Any client of Marco's should look closely at billing statements considering how much time he spends on social media working for the Blakespear Kranz machine.

  57. Kinder Kels coast news piece is just as worthless as Walsh’’s. Dances around her residence, carefully implies she went to school here but it was her cousin that went to school here and visited Encinitas with her uncle. Implies she is for the environment but also is for development. Empty calories that only raises more questions than it answers. Neither Garvin nor Walsh changed a single vote, just made voters dig in their heels more for their person.

  58. huh? 'Neither garvin or walsh'?


  59. DJT stock is crashing. Literally and figuratively.

    I don’t understand why. Under “Net Profit Margin” it says “ -1,955.79%”

    Is that good?

  60. Stumbled on this, don’t read if you are an easily triggered republicant.

    I was curious about this Emerge group that trains Dem women to get into politics. I have no problem with that but wanted to see if there was a developer connection. Yup, it is funded by Californias biggest real estate moguls. It is not empowering women as much as it is bribing/using them to do their bidding. Of course Destiny and Allison were accepted to developers school of step n fetch politicians. Now, the funders do fund some other good causes but those are just write offs for the real estate empire.

  61. Have to laugh that Kellie's endorsement and an opinion piece on the disastrous Clark project, which mentions her specifically, came out on the same day.

  62. Good gawd Gonzalez here at the meet and greet. Almost unrecognizable and wait for it baseball cap not on backward. No diamond earrings. Definitely losing his mojo if he ever had it.

    1. Whoops make that an earring. He’s parked permanently in Kranz’s booth.

    2. Should we expect regular updates on what people are wearing from the Real MAGA Housewives of Encinitas?

    3. Try again, posting from Allison’s booth. Not everyone has the love for Marco that you do.

    4. And where else would Marco be? Who do you think has been writing Tony's comments that he reads in council and his newsletters? They guy is illiterate!

    5. Too true, no way does Kranz write his own material. Same goes for Preston who doesn't know enough to do it herself. Her table was littered with cheat sheets tonight on a variety of topics. She doesn't know.

    6. It’s not Marco who write Tony’s material. He’s got a paid professional to make it smell better. Check his filings.

    7. Kranz is and always will be a BIA proxy like Marco.

    8. I bet that Tony was the guy in high school who always asked other if he could copy their homework.

    9. So how did the meet & greet go? Seemed to run smoothly with well behaved individuals.

    10. funny, the promised trouble from the anti-Kranz crowd never materialized. Funny, that.

    11. More from the Marco, Mali, Destiny victim playbook of accusing others of making trouble for them in imaginary future events. They may see this as a strategy, but for some observers, it borders on the pathological. Voters really would prefer leaders who would like to listen to us instead of obsessing about slights to themselves, past, future, real or imagined!

    12. Only neither of the people you're focused on are running for anything .... and never have. So weird.

  63. I did see the police there. I guess they were there to protect Luke, Jim and Bruce.

    1. There was one security guard there for the school on regular duty. Exaggerate much?

      Destiny ran in last minute as the public was entering the room. She was heard to demand loudly "where am I at? where do I set up??" Guess she was in her usual hiding until the last possible moment.

  64. How did Daycare Destiny do? Did she actually talk to people?

    1. Hi Garvin still in the name calling business. Juvenile.

    2. I don’t think Garvin would be name-calling for Density. We wish but Gavin is an agent of the BIA. Part of the freaks show.

      Unfortunately, she is Phony’s top advisor and only a part of the north county Republican committee to put on his sheepskin. He a wolf and sheep clothing.

      - We see you

  65. Encinitas Real Time News would appreciate a report from last nights meeting great.

    Any observations?

    1. * meet and greet

    2. Destiny and Allison won.

    3. Won what? Fewest visitors to their booths? Allison was the clear winner, but many went to Destiny to get a look at her in person.

    4. I was at the meet and greet the entire session. Not only did Destiny show up late, but her booth was virtually empty as was Alison’s.

      Tony had the usual unlikeable people, Marco, Joan Dodge, Barb Bolton, Ronette, Darius.

      Both Luke and Jim’s areas were full of locals, many recognizable faces.

      Marco wore his hat, because he looks like Lyle Menendez without it. Yea, he had his signature diamond earrings in. What douche canoe!

    5. Yeah there were several people at LukeJim's booth. I even saw a few that aren't working on their campaign.

    6. Destiny's booth wasn't empty at all. She was occupied the entire time I was there.

    7. Joan Dodge was never there. Yes, Marco had a cap on, but no diamond earrings. Darius was not there either, This is funny...want to maybe talk about ISSUES instead of just gossip?

  66. Sources overheard that Marco Gonzalez is working with Atty Marc Elias to import thousands of overseas votes to Encinitas to make up for the landslide that is imminent.

    Who is Atty Marc Elias you may ask?

    The most corrupt lying piece of shit in human history. Execution is not good enough.

  67. Non-resident MAGA Republican Rachel Graves was manning the LukeJim booth. I guess it's true that Crazy Rachel and Christie Dean are managing their campaigns.

    1. Rachel grew up here and owns a house in Encinitas. Her parents also own a house in Encinitas. Lisa Shaffer and others who live outside of Encinitas such as Amanda and others actively support Tony, Allison and Destiny and have involvement in their campaigns. They also have financial backing from the Democratic Party. Bruce, Jim and Luke, with their focus on local, quality of life and financial issues, seem to be candidates who appeal to Encinitas voters of all parties. Many voters are seeking change.

    2. That's a lot of words to confirm that non-resident MAGA Republican Rachel Graves is managing LukeJim's campaign.

    3. Anyone remember how shitty the Council was when we last had a majority of men?

    4. Weird comment. All men are not predators like you’ve experienced.

    5. I would take the councils of other years over what we currently have any day. At least we knew where you stood with them. If memory serves right, they didn't like you, Marco, but that was a good thing and kept Encinitas a better place for the rest of us.

    6. So a five person council of men you would handpick Marco would be a “shitty” council? Just trying to follow your weird logic.

  68. Are you the guy with the Ukraine flag in your yard cheering on your buddies signing artillery missles?

    One can only hope they drop on your house

  69. Has anyone noticed how the now approved Melba project and the awful Clark project are both in the last two primarily hispanic neighborhoods in town? Marco was the attorney on Clark. Not sure about Melba.

    Those are two of the most neighborhood killing projects in the city. Tony and his gang were very efficient finding locations that residents could little afford to defend. These two are standouts!

    1. I have noticed that. When I arrived in Encinitas almost 40 years ago, it was a much more diverse population than it is now if one considers the large number of Mexican residents that used to live here. Many of them have been pushed out. What they claim they support and the planning that they put in place are two different things!

    2. They've been pushed out by insane housing prices, not new developments. They're in Valley Center and El Cajon commuting here, working toward the privilege of not commuting an hour each way for employment one day.

    3. I guess that these Mexicans who were pushed out could not claim relation to the developers whose affordable units were kept for their own family members or sold off.

  70. For all her posting of family of Hispanic origin, Destiny doesn't speak a word of Spanish. Same as Mali, who "self identifies as 1/4 Latina." Love it when folks address them in Spanish only to be met with blank stares.

    1. Don't know if Mr Equity Gonzalez speaks the lingo either, but he certainly sides with his white developer buddies over underserved neighborhoods.

  71. Landscapers will decide this election
