Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Full moon eclipse tonight

 Step outside. You can see it now.


  1. It’s a sign that Kranzinitas is going away after November. πŸ’ͺπŸ‘Œ

    1. Watchdork says what?

    2. I’ve voted Democratic my whole life and I was a big Maggie and Bruce supporter Back in the crazy bullshit Stocks days.

      The real Democrats of Encinitas, Support Bruce, Ehlers, Luke, Schaffer, and Jim O’Hara.

      The freak show supports Kranzinitas, Density, and the Woke Garden Gnome.

      Vote Bruce, Luke, Jim - No for 13% increase in costs on everything that will put more people into the homeless category and No on 13% Increase in sales tax for SANDAG to purposely cause congestion on the road and telling me to ride a bus.

      The Freakshow is Going down and all of us, Maggie Houlihan Lab birds are loving this day.

      I cannot wait to vote in two weeks!!! πŸ’ͺ

      - Fuck Marco and his predator family.

    3. That’s so funny, because I’ve been a Republican my whole life until I realized I was supporting leadership and policies that created all the shithole loser states.

      Make America Alabama Again.

    4. πŸ‘†πŸΎπŸ’ͺ. Cool vote NPP - Bruce, Jim and Luke.

      President candidates- vote 3rd party , not for the two WEF clown candidates.

  2. Check out this spaced out Kranzinitas druggie.


    Whi is this loser?

    And the bigger question is who is going to press charges?

    Typical dirtbag freakshow supporters. Drugged out of their mind wandering around in a haze, pulling other people signs out.

    It’s time to end the Fenty wasteland Kranzintas.

    Smart Encinitas loving Democrats vote for Bruce, Jim, and Luke! Let’s do this!! ❤️

  3. Check out this spaced out Kranzinitas Loser.


    Wh0 is this loser?

  4. https://x.com/BrandieWithABee/status/1836244263169896582

  5. 516: you are not helping by using words like.that. Listen, DP is clearly not the best choice for Encinitas if the goal is to break the political alliance. You are not helping

  6. I mean by using sexist words. I get your anger...but why go as low as the freaks.

  7. When you've been calling someone Hairy Bush for months you're already bottom of the barrel dumbass.

  8. BIA whore is accurate.

    I wish it wasn’t the case but it is.

    5:16. - is spot on. Marco, Kranz, BIA blakespear, Hinze, Gnome, Joy, and Density are all BIA whores.

    It also not my doing that Density opened a massage parlor in D4.

  9. Fighting the state for local control is a losing battle. An expensive losing battle. I support Kranz because he doesn't want us to waste millions fighting the state like Huntington Beach. Name ONE city in California that has fought the state and one. Bruce is selling a pipe dream.

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΎ thanks for sharing your clueless idiot.

      #NoLAorMaimi_in Encinitas

    2. Bootlickers comply to authority. Free people fight the power when needed.

    3. 12:09, fighting and winning is fine. Fighting and losing is stupid and a waste of money. Many jurisdictions have tried to fight the state on the housing issue. All have lost and eventually followed the law, minus millions of dollars poured down the drain.

    4. there is not one community in Ca that has fought back and won.

    5. You can’t win if you don’t fight, bootlickers go along, losers roll over.

      D-Day (Bruce McGill): "War's over, man. Wormer dropped the big one

      Bluto: What? Over? Did you say 'over'? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!...

      It ain't over now, 'cause when the goin' gets tough, the tough get goin'. Who's with me? Let's go! Come on!...(He ran to the front door but no one followed him)

      Bluto (returning): What the f--k happened to the Delta I used to know? Where's the spirit? Where's the guts, huh? This could be the greatest night of our lives, but you're gonna let it be the worst. 'Ooh, we're afraid to go with you, Bluto, we might get in trouble.' (shouting) Well, just kiss my ass from now on! Not me! I'm not gonna take this. Wormer, he's a dead man! Marmalard, dead! Niedermeyer...

      Otter (Tim Matheson): Dead! Bluto's right. Psychotic, but absolutely right. We gotta take these bastards. Now, we could fight 'em with conventional weapons. That could take years and cost millions of lives. No, in this case, I think we have to go all out. I think this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part.

      We're just the guys to do it...LET'S DO IT!

    6. 11:03 is 100 percent correct. The state will sue us and every city and town in California if they choose to go to court. All the time using your tax dollars to do so.
      Stop voting for the America hating left and this will stop. Try and think things out. Wise up.

  10. 11:03am Your solution is to bend over and say 'thank you sir, may I have another'?

    1. Had to laugh when Kranz talked about how hard he was fighting for Encinitas. I challenged him to name one action he has taken toward that end, nada. Letters of protest and lobbying Sacramento does not mean that you get embroiled in “millions of dollars of lawsuits.” it just means you are bothering to say anything other than may I have another.

      If you bother to watch the council, Bruce is always questioning Kranz’s reckless spending and actually bothers to dig into the financials. He is not going to get us in trouble or be reckless. But keep drinking at the Kool-Aid trough of kranz and his puppet master Blakespear.

    2. Bruce questions Kranz's "reckless spending" yet is ok with recklessly and frivolously throwing millions of dollars away to fight the state in a battle that no other California city has been able to win...I don't care what the idiots at livable california say, no one has pulled it off yet.

  11. 11:03 is part of the 40% Kranzinitas supporters. Embrace high rises and promote building the homelessness Fenty Zombies industry.

  12. Ooopsies I din;t meant to post this sorry...


    the question isn't whether or not Coast Law Group should have received a PPP loan. The question is, was it an excessive amount. According to records, the average PPP loan for a company with 8 employees is $69,113. Marco's firm had 22 employees at the time and received $720,000 +$10,000.
    Furthermore, when comparing Marco's Coast Law Firm to other local law firms in the surrounding area including San Diego, Marco's Coast Law Firm received significantly more money in forgivable loans than other law firms with the same amount of employees. Why?
    For example there’s only one law firm who received as much money as Coast Law Group in Encinitas and that is Herold & Sager, Attorneys at law, but Herold & Sager also have twice as many employees listed on their PPP application compared to Marco’s CLG application. In fact not a single law firm in Encinitas received even close to the amount of money Coast Law Firm received for the amount of employees that they had on payroll...

    Incompetent, Greedy, Dishonest much?

    1. Sounds like that law firm knows how to negotiate and fight for the best outcome.

      How do I hire them?

    2. O, Please...the question of whether or not CLG's PPP loan was an excessive amount is not your business.

    3. Marco's not running for office, yet you 're more concerned about a legal loan for his firm than a candidate who fraudulently voted in a district he didn't live in and then filed to run a a district he wasn't registered in. Marco's living rent free in your head, Bob.

    4. Pathetic Bobby Nickels had to post the same comment about the PPP loans like 20 times on EV and then needed to post it here too because he's so consumed with envy and hate. Bob is a very small person.

    5. LOL Hilarious that Bob, who used a non profit org to pay himself and his wife exorbitant salaries is calling someone else out for getting a PPP loan

    6. Bob harrassed city staff so much at his events and that is well documented in a 2019 staff report. They requested for the Surfing Madonna Run to keep going but refused to work with Bob. Bob could have kept it going if he had minimized his contact with city staff, but hes such a narcissist that he HAS to be the center of attention. He pulled the race and blamed Blakespear, Kranz, etc. He's a little cry baby who was riding Mark Patterson's coat tails and now that he's lost all of that, he can't move on. He doesn;t even live here any more, but the minute Marco is mentioned, up pops jack-n-the-box Bob, right on cue, with another manufactured scandal. Marco ain't sweatin' it, bud. He's a lawyer, in a firm of lawyers, who probably made sure the legalities of their PPP loan were rock solid. But Bob, poor desperate Bob, dives into this shallow rabbit hole every single time

    7. Bob saw that staff report, and realized it contained direct quotes from emails and voicemails that would have been exposed publicly.

      So he folded like a two dollar suitcase, no showed the council meeting, and withdrew his permit applications. He had a board member resign in protest at his atrocious behavior.

      To this day he can’t admit he did anything wrong. No other non profit that works with the city has ever had to agree to avoid direct contact with city staff, then violate that agreement. No other non-profit has had a staff report recommending g the city sever ties due to bad behavior. No other non profit has ever had a board member resign in protest at how an executive treated staff. And yet, to Bob, it’s always 100% somebody else’s fault.

      Fragile ego that one.

  13. The hits keep coming Lorena

    Teamster Union Dems jumping ship in massive quantities



  14. hilarious that no one can defend Luke Shaffer's voter fraud, so they just deflect to a loan Coast Law Group got...reminder that no one from CLG is running for any office.

    1. Word on the street is some residents hired an attorney to send evidence of LukeJim's voter fraud to the DOJ. We'll see how long LukeJim and CN can ignore the truth if DOJ pursues the case. 🀣

  15. and it's not like the voter fraud was intentional, but it definitely shows incompetence.

    1. It's not like Covid funds fraud was intentional, but it definitely shows fraud no matter how you slice it, dice it, and lie your ass off about it. How about a full Deloitte audit of covid funds and where every single dollar went for the last 4 years? Lawfare is great when used on your opponents or enemies but when it's turned around on you as a terror campaign to destroy the destroyer it's not a box of chocolates eh alfi?

    2. Fraud? Prove it.

  16. Cope and Seethe πŸ₯±

  17. The Federal Reserve just voted for Kamala Harris.

  18. OK, well in that context you may have a point. They really are all aligned with developers and they are doing the dirty work for Blackspear via Newsom. ... The pawns are the fools on the ground crying the same old failed messages and the lawyer πŸ‘¨ fears can be heard.

  19. The average PPP loan was $69,113 for a company with 8 employees. Marco's Coast Law Firm has 22 employees and received $720,000 + $10,000 in an 8 month period. Do the math.
    There’s only one law firm who received as much money as Coast Law Group in Encinitas and that Herold & Sager, Attorneys at law, but they also have twice as many employees listed as Marco’s firm. In fact not a single law firm in Encinitas received even close to the amount of money Coast Law Firm received for the amount of employees that are on payroll.

    Furthermore, Coast Law Group’s managing partner, Mr. Kouretchian, also personally requested during that time period and was awarded a $10,000 PPP loan addressed to Coast Law Group, and that’s in addition to the $720,000 CLG received. Sounds like double dipping to me.

    After receiving the generous payout of taxpayer funds, Marco started a Political Action Committee for Catherine Blakespear’s campaign, contributing tens of thousands to it. So, were times really that tough financially for Marco Gonzalez.

    Did Coast Law Group really need $719,000 + an additional $10,000 in forgivable loans for 22 employees? Were family members Nathan Fletcher, Lorena Gonzalez involved in pushing this through? You know quid pro quo, you keep scratching our back and we’ll scratch yours?

    When you compare other PPP loans in Encinitas, or San Diego, Marco and CLG were given a much much larger sum of money for the amount of employees they have.

    Bottom line….All of Marco’s virtue signaling about equity, equality and inclusion, taking care of our homeless and low income earners, is Bull Sh*t.

    Actions speak louder than words Marco, and so far all this community has seen from you is take take take.

    It is my opinion and probably that of many who’ve looked into this, that you stole $719,600 + $10,000 from the taxpayers, low income earners and families who actually needed it. Very noble of you! You’re definitely for the people Marco.

    Attached is a screenshot of Coast Law Group and managing partner Kouretchian’s forgivable loans. The link provided shows the amount of money each Encinitas business received with the corresponding number of employees.


  20. Oh god please don't argue with Nichols. He'll never shut the fuck up.

    1. 🀣🀣🀣 Back in the day a group of us turned triggering Bobby Nickels into a drinking game. So much fun but ouch my liver.

    2. 5:01 Sounds like someone might be a little obsessed with Bobby and need a welfare check. To this day he continues to live rent free in your head. 🀣

    3. Except he's posting here, now.

    4. 5:11 how do you know?

    5. 5:11 who are you voting for?

  21. Poor Marco, day after day he's the target of angry residents. He accuses Luke of voter fraud and Jim O'hara of being a misogynist because he didn't go to the LWV debate. Marco accuses both candidates of being MAGA and rightwing extremist. Yet neither Jim or Luke have turned out to be what Marco has claimed. Now he's attacking Bobby Nickels. Next Lorri, Susan, Pam and on and on and on. Kinda says a lot about who he supports in our upcoming election. Vote Jim and Luke.

  22. The average PPP loan was $69,113 for a company with 8 employees. Marco's Coast Law Firm has 22 employees and received $720,000 + $10,000 in an 8 month period. Do the math.
    There’s only one law firm who received as much money as Coast Law Group in Encinitas and that Herold & Sager, Attorneys at law, but they also have twice as many employees listed as Marco’s firm. In fact not a single law firm in Encinitas received even close to the amount of money Coast Law Firm received for the amount of employees that are on payroll.

    Furthermore, Coast Law Group’s managing partner, Mr. Kouretchian, also personally requested during that time period and was awarded a $10,000 PPP loan addressed to Coast Law Group, and that’s in addition to the $720,000 CLG received. Sounds like double dipping to me.

    After receiving the generous payout of taxpayer funds, Marco started a Political Action Committee for Catherine Blakespear’s campaign, contributing tens of thousands to it. So, were times really that tough financially for Marco Gonzalez.

    Did Coast Law Group really need $719,000 + an additional $10,000 in forgivable loans for 22 employees? Were family members Nathan Fletcher, Lorena Gonzalez involved in pushing this through? You know quid pro quo, you keep scratching our back and we’ll scratch yours?

    When you compare other PPP loans in Encinitas, or San Diego, Marco and CLG were given a much much larger sum of money for the amount of employees they have.

    Bottom line….All of Marco’s virtue signaling about equity, equality and inclusion, taking care of our homeless and low income earners, is Bull Sh*t.

    Actions speak louder than words Marco, and so far all this community has seen from you is take take take.

    It is my opinion and probably that of many who’ve looked into this, that you stole $719,600 + $10,000 from the taxpayers, low income earners and families who actually needed it. Very noble of you! You’re definitely for the people Marco.

    Attached is a screenshot of Coast Law Group and managing partner Kouretchian’s forgivable loans. The link provided shows the amount of money each Encinitas business received with the corresponding number of employees.


  23. Everyone be quiet, don't make any quick movements, maybe he'll go away.

    1. Nope, Marco never goes away. He lives here. He sleeps and eats in chatrooms. He's probably on every single social media page, chatroom and blog throughout North County and San Diego. Personally I've seen him arguing on Oceanside Votes, Carlsbad Votes, Encinitas Votes, Del Mar Votes and on an on. Lately he's been seen defending Kevin Sabellico's false claims about being an educator and labeling Jim, Luke and Bruce as MAGA. Marco is trash, always has been always will be. Just vote opposite of Marco and you'll have voted for the candidate that is for the people and not the BIA.

  24. Bobby Nickles has never made a mistake or done anything wrong ever.

    — Bobby Nickles.

    1. 5:41 I think you may have forgotten to take your medication.

  25. If we just vote opposite of Marco we'll be fine.

  26. Ok so let's get this straight. Marco pens a faux BS piece, puts it on a faux imitation website intended to confuse at a glance (soooo clever aren't you?), then references it as a "substack" article like it's legit? Do I have that straight?

  27. Can anyone tell the difference between Marco Gonzalez and his “Substack” source and trump’s “eat cats and dogs” source. Can someone explain this to me because Gonzalez can’t seem to manage it.

    1. The difference between the sub stack source and the cars and dog source is this: Luke’s voter registration, addresses,dates, etc are all verified by public record

  28. I’m just curious when a guy like Marco works his entire day on social media.

    Don't know another single attorney who digs around on social media like this one. Have heard other lawyers around town marvel at how weird....

    Do the opposite of Marco and vote for Bruce, Luke and Jim.

  29. I wish Waste Management would pickup Marco and his fraudulent law firm. Just vote the opposite of who Marco supports and we’ll have a council that listens to the residents.

    Vote Bruce, Jim and Luke!

  30. Sept 3, 2024

    Nathan Fletcher is being investigated by the FPPC for using his campaign donations on attorney bills. What a crook!

    Former San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher is again banking on his abandoned state Senate campaign to pay for his steep legal defense bills in a lawsuit accusing him of sexual assault.

    Fisher & Phillips LLP, the firm representing Fletcher in the case, billed his campaign $200,000 for “professional services” in the first six months of this year, according to campaign finance disclosures. The bill had not been paid as of June 30.

    In April, KPBS found Fletcher’s dormant campaign had paid Fisher & Phillips more than $323,000 to cover his legal bills last year.

    The California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC), which oversees campaign finance enforcement, has received a complaint against Fletcher for his use of campaign funds for attorneys fees in the case. The state commission is now considering whether to launch an investigation, which could provide legal clarity for similar situations moving forward, according to experts.


  31. This thread is awesome! Clock is ticking on the Shaffer campaign’s unwillingness (inability) to answer questions of voting irregularities, but the same old dipshits think attacking me, my firm, or my family is relevant? LOL…

    1. Crocodile tears Marco. You remind me of Dupont.

  32. 7:54 isn't that exactly what you do Marco? Personally attack candidates and the people that support them.

    You, Lorena and Nathan are all cut from the same dirty cloth.

    Marco pretends to care about our environment then advocates for high-rises on the water, impacting our marine life, but all in the name of affordable housing.

    He's just another crook like Lorena and Nathan.

    Vote opposite of Marco and lets take our town back.

  33. Marco, Ok so let's get this straight..... You pen a faux BS piece, puts it on a faux imitation website intended to confuse at a glance (soooo clever aren't you?), then references it as a "substack" article like it's legit? Do I have that straight?

  34. Marco, you your firm and family have no spine. All you're good at is lying and spinning. Just like your pretend "substack" article.

  35. Bruce kicked Tony's ass in the debate and has raised significantly more money in campaign donations. Most all from locals.

    On the other hand Tony's campaign donation come from outside of Encinitas, just like Destiny's.

    Just vote opposite of Marco and Coast Law Group and we can have a council that has our best interest.

  36. From Susan Turney this morning....

    "When he was running in 2022 I met with Tony as he had asked for petitions to circulate for the statewide Our Neighborhood Voices effort to restore local control. He was going to make it a cornerstone of his campaign.

    After the election he returned them to me. Not a single signature collected, not even his own name.

    It was all for show, the same as his guaranteed lone vote in his resolution."

  37. Marco = Liar, predator protector, and BIA whore. I bet his kids are really proud.

  38. The only reason Marco at times posts using his real name is so he can delete those same posts when need be.

    Everyone knows Marco post anonymously most of the time, he's been outed by Admin on several occasions for his Bull Shit.

  39. Whatever happened to the old hippie democrats that didn't believe in building high rises all over the place and along our coastline?

    Whatever happened to the old hippie democrats that believed in protecting our marine habitat from the destruction of the BIA?

    Now they support build build build, all in the name of 10% affordable housing. BS!

  40. There are lots of great democrats out there who are against all of this commercial development along our coastline. I'm one of them. Unfortunately Marco chose a different path and the politicians he supports and creates PAC for are no different.

    That's why all one must do is vote the opposite of Marco, Lorena Gonzalez, Nathan Fletcher and Coast Law Group.

  41. Marco must have hooves for feet. 🀣
