Sunday, September 29, 2024

Solar hot dogs



  1. Watch out Encinitas….

    Your free beer guzzling nonhelmet e-bike Town Dunce is terrorizing the sidewalks again as Raul witnessed.

    Warn the kids. You do not want to get run down by that hot DUI hot mess!

    1. Erik Es was charged with child endangerment and indecent exposure in the state of Georgia in 2014 according to court records.

  2. Wonder if Tony has a drivers' license. He rides around on his electric moped. Do you need a license for those little motor-cycles?

  3. No helmet in sight. At least he's on brand.

  4. If the hot dogs aren't vegan one could argue he's putting himself in jeopardy of losing 99.9% of his fan base.

  5. I wonder who bought the moped and all of this stuff for him. He has no money, and you can bet that this will be in return for another favor at taxpayers' expense like his trip to Israel.

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΎπŸ’―.

      He doesn’t even pay property tax on what the tax assessor is calling an apartment that has an assessed value at about $100,000….

      What a freaking joke the “assessors”adjusted the assessed value from over $1 million decades back to an apartment.

      The huge McMansion is over seven bedrooms and five bathrooms. You could take a look at ithe tax history on Zillow.

      More scams and freebies from a Dunce who lives in mommies house and pays near zero property tax.

  6. His donations are paying for all that beef, his bike and the beer.


    Imagine a day in the not too distant future where you never have to see or hear about this hefty, beer chasing, lazy, lying fuck again.

    November can’t come soon enough.

  7. Honey, don’t mind them. They’re all just jealous of your overflowing “C”cups.

    Thanks for last night. 🫒

    - Starvin

  8. Vicki, tell Scott that the numbers in his public works graphs are bullshit. I decided to spot check them and stopped after finding it was totally wrong for the first few I checked. I liked Scott more before he started lying to make a point or maybe it was always this way and nobody bothered to verify.


    1. Coming from Kranz that is rich. Too bad reality doesn’t support what you want the voters to believe.

    2. He has better have some vegan dogs

    3. Don’t give a shit what the numbers are. It’s pretty obvious the only public works priorities in Encinitas are cyclist killing bike lanes and removing and narrowing driving lanes.

    4. Is Kranz getting fat or is it just this picture? At City Council meetings he is sitting down so it's hard to see. Also, just what do people get for pushing him down our throats? Why would some people want him and his buddy Density on the Council. Is the BIA paying off all of the Council?

    5. Some he would not otherwise associate himself with are getting something out of it.

    6. Getting fat? Really?!

    7. El Camino Real dwellers east and west waking up to the reality that already crowded three lane ECR going down to two lanes each side. Let the games begin! They had better hustle on down to City Hall on mass they help. I’m changing the plan, probably hopeless at this point. Kranz gets what Kranz wants.

    8. lol @9:33, others say you are wrong.

  9. None of the EV cultists want to educate clueless former supervisor turned propagandist Pam Slater-Price as to the county supervisor districts and the sewage crisis.?

    1. Paying attention to PSP was your 1st mistake. Thinking anyone on EV cares about accurate information was your 2nd.

    2. We don’t care about EV. This is a different website you dork.

      This is Encinitas’s real time news.

    3. 11:41 walsh butt hurt PSP won't go near him

    4. Hey 🐽, wearing your πŸ–πŸ‘§ today?

  10. Desperate pandering much?

  11. why is kris Powell's personal Facebook post the focus of discussion here? she has a right to be a Kranz supporter if she chooses.

    Also, to the previous comments, I live in Leucadia and see Tony on his bike daily and I ALWAYS see him with a helmet on. I don't know why you have to lie about little personal things, focus on the issues...why is everyone so hateful

  12. Why would Tony have to pay property taxes when he doesn't own any property?

    While I have never voted for Tony and will not vote for him in the election, his not paying property taxes when he does not hold title to any property is just more made up bs.

    Whoever is posting this stuff, is either uninformed or compromised, and is choosing ignorance over reality.

    He does not own any property. Why would he have to pay any property tax? Please try to stay on the side of reality.

    After 14 years, he has had his time on our council. It is past time for new blood and a new majority.

    Thank you Bruce. Thank you Jim. Thank you Matt. Semper Fi. And thank you to the prospective Olivenhain resident who will fill Bruce's district council seat.

    I am hoping to imagine a council where the mouth that cannot hear herself droning on and on and on will stfu for the next two years of her painful for us reign.

    1. Uninformed. And I am voting the same way you are. But this property tax person is severely uninformed.

    2. The person or people talking about Tony's tax is a fucking idiot. How do you think Encinitas has so many guys sipping coffee and checking the surf all day?

      It's a preference.

    3. Good point.

      You need to be an earner and a contributing member of society to have to pay taxes.

      Kranz is neither.

    4. What an odd and telling slip up to refer to Luke by his brothers name.

    5. Check out Zillow and your will see.

      Mommies and daughter rebuild a small apartment like house to a huge 7 bedroom and 5 bathrooms. And the taxes went up 1 million and mysteriously dropped to under $200k.

      Kranz is skipping out on taxes.

  13. 3:28pm Do tell.

    If an individual lives on a property owned by others, even his wife's parents., why would he pay property taxes?

    Please do enlighten me on the responsibility of a person living on a property totally owned by his relatives without his name on any title, and whether he is subject to paying any property taxes.

    Thank you for the clarification.

  14. As a wise man recently stated "You have the right to your own opinion."

    "You do not have the right to your own facts".

    Alternate facts are not up for debate.

    They should not be up for debate in a normal world without morons of all kinds promoting the end of our democracy and allowing themselves to become Putins puppets.

    All politics is local eventually. Any significant lasting change comes from the bottom up, which means us, locally.

    Any significant change coming from the top down, benefits only the top tier. Tax breaks for billionaires? A sad joke on the majority of Americans, half of which support policies that only serve to disenfranchise them even more not poverty. Brilliant. Completely clueless is what the right wingers count on. Their sorry excuse of a human being stated that publicly and yet the cult survives.

    You think this going too far?

    How much dumbing down will it take for you repugncians to grow some spine?

  15. They will prop in their stooge Pam Redela again, that got 34% of D-4 votes in 2022, without doing any campaigning, and entering the race at the very last minute. Just like the Airbnbush, carpet bagger they are trying to prop for D-2. Where did the 34% of votes for Redela, a complete unknown, just like their Sac fly-by Airbnbush, come from? From dead people that are still on the voter rolls, fake registrations, fake addresses, from voter rolls that are ready to be used by the cheaters to get their stooges elected. We have to count and cross referenced every vote, to ensure they are valid! "I am hoping to imagine a council where the mouth that cannot hear herself droning on and on and on will stfu for the next two years." Me too 3:16. Maybe, once she finds herself alone on the CC, she will quit and go back to AZ.

    1. They come from the "we go high" crowd calling MAGA everyone who doesn't worship at the shrine of Blakespear. It's all they need to win the day. They don't need no stinkin' issues or smarts.

    2. Everyone is a stooge or a blakespear supporter if they don't support the dumbass views of the Encinitas republicans that just can't say the truth about who they are.

      If we vote on Ehler's housing scare tactics, we end up with three conservative liars that slithered their way in by lying, cheating and deceiving. A small group of shitty residents deserve the blame.

  16. The hot dogs were delicious and free!

    1. Someone paid for them, and my guess is that it wasn't Tony.

    2. πŸ‘†πŸΎπŸ’―- 95% sure it was the same party that pays for his trip to Israel.

      There’s another round of up zoning coming and they’re in line to put a bunch of High density many many stories 5 to 10 housing on their property.

      It’s similar to identity is running for city council in Miami. If she doesn’t get in here, she knows she can go with very tall buildings in Miami. And Encinitas she’ll be pushing for higher and higher because the developers get higher and better views.

      Tony, Density and their Gnome are all about the stack and pack.

    3. * There’s another round of up zoning coming and they’re in line to put a bunch of High density housing on their property. Tony and density prefer 5 to 10 stories. They don’t think the public is ready for the prime time of 15 to 45 stories yet.

    4. Why more upzoning thought the current plan is good w/the state?

    5. Our Mayor took business away from vendors who paid to sell brats and polish dogs

    6. It’s because the kook is an idiot.

    7. well I thought it was a cool idea. I enjoyed my hot dog and my chat with Mayor Tony and he has my vote. Bruce Ehlers and his sycophants are selling a ridiculous bill of goods telling people we can fight the state. If elected, he's gonna get Encinitas is a huge one California town that has fought the state and won. I want a mayor and council that will get us into compliance and keep us there

  17. Erik Es was charged with child endangerment and indecent exposure in the state of Georgia in 2014 according to court records.

    1. 8:47 not Starvin or Garvin, just a guy who found some dirt on Erik Es!

      The guy has history and it’s not good! According to court records that I attached, he likes kids.

  18. TACKY TACKY Tony, you put your campaign sign up in at deceased Fred Caldwell's store on the 101? No low to which you will not go.

    1. Now he's got Degher spinning lies for him. Calling all Kool Aid drinkers to Kranz's aid!

    2. Freakshow always a shitshow.

    3. If I eat as many hotdogs as Tony Kranz, will my tits grow to be over a C cup as well?

  19. If I eat as many hotdogs as Tony Kranz, will my tits grow to be over a C cup as well?

  20. This shows the intelligence or lack thereof one of the key decision makers for the City of Encinitas. is this a joke?

    Tampon Tony needs to go people good grief

    1. goood loooord give us a break. I know it's election time, but this is some stupid shit to be going on about.

  21. My solar flush toilet is full to the brim with turds can someone help me? It's not working and I'm having guests over tonight!

  22. Bruce Ehlers and his sycophants are selling a ridiculous bill of goods telling people we can fight the state. If elected, he's gonna get Encinitas is a huge one California town that has fought the state and won. I want a mayor and council that will get us into compliance and keep us there.

    1. Bend over much

    2. How is it ridiculous when cities up and down the state are waking up and banding together? You folks would rather whine about the destruction, events and us and left a finger to stop it.

    3. Siri! You’d rather whine about the destruction of Encinitas then make up peep of opposition. You’d rather keep repeating after your Lord and master Crans.

    4. And you would rather fight the state and rack up insurmountable legal debt in a losing battle

    5. Name ONE community who has:

      1. maintained local control
      2. fought against the state and WON

      none have done it, Huntington Beach wasted millions of dollars going down this road. Why should we follow their failing example?

    6. Ehlers and Turney think we can win because they exist in their Livable California echo chamber, a group of delusional citizens tilting at windmills. It's a cult.

  23. The October surprise has 2 legs

    Leg 1. Hello, we are from the government and we're here to help you and fluck you over good and hard
    Leg 2. Tony Krankz will use his solar powered medical device to do gender transition surgeries

  24. Say what you will about the developers and Leichtag. I think it is really nice of them to set Tony up on a new career path when he is beat at the polls. He can segue into selling hot dogs on Encinitas sidewalks.

  25. Gobble, gobble there go any profits.

  26. It will be a real step up for a guy who proudly proclaimed he had been homeless and worked as a carnie. How did we ever end up with someone like this for mayor?

  27. 12:13pm Attrition?

    Go team Bruce for the win.
