Wednesday, September 11, 2024

9/11/24 City Council meeting open thread

 Please use the comments to record your observations.


  1. Black people are going to eat your dog.

    He’s in panic.

    Viktor Orban thinks I’m great.

    He’s a joke.

    1. Agreed. So don’t vote for Tony Kranz.

    2. Well, blacks being 13 percent of the population can't stop killing. As the sub-humans do 55 percent of the murders in the U.S
      Perhaps you need to spend a week or two in ghetto and get back to us. As you know nothing

    3. 👆🏾Jesus Starvin, shut the hell up and move back to NJ where you belong.

      You and your buddy Mali are racist losers.

    4. Darn those facts getting in the way.

    5. How many people are moving to black countries?



    8. They're eating the dogs

      They're eating the cats

      Sing with me !


  2. Replies
    1. I do not think Kranz will win. If Kranz wins, Encinitas loses.

    2. becoming apparent that kranz doesn't think kranz will win

  3. Only if he cheats. Nothing new for him. He has cheated his way through life from early on. It is what he does. It is who he is and always has been. He knows no other way.

    1. Agreed. He/she still lives at his mom‘s house and doesn’t pay any property taxes.

      Never vote for Kranz.

    2. Even gets his kids to set out his campaign signs early when it was a rule in Encinitas and then writes that someone broke into his garage and did it to make him look bad.

  4. Is this Freak Show Status Update correct?

    Founding Members: Phony & Starvin
    Approved New Member Additions: Airbnbush
    Members Pending Approval: DEI Garden Gnome & Melvin The Teacher
    Membership Applications Recieved: Margo, BeauLoser, The Musikal One, Wood Shaker & Marlynne

    Please advise.

    1. Pretty good draft. You forgot the predator, and 🐽

    2. I want to be a part of this thing, how do I submit my application?
      - The Cardiff Gimp

    3. First, you have to ask your master if she’ll let you out of the closet. And not on another family trip back to Utah.

  5. If you are apoplectic that someone fact checked the notion that killing an infant after birth isn’t legal anywhere, then you have bigger problems than the fact checking.

  6. Is Comrade Destiny going to debate her opponent or is she just going to fade back into the obscurity of the USSR?

    60,000 freedom fighters would like to know.


    1. Rumor has it Jimbo chickened out of the LWV forum but Lucky Luke is going forward with it.

  7. Why ask when you already know the answer?

    None of the council candidates are debating, except among themselves.

    Meet and greets! Just what we don't need more of. Bawk, bawk, bawk.

  8. To 12:43pm. This same degenerate poster uses any excuse to insert his ignorant right winger commy comments as an excuse for his right wing party's failure to rid themselves of a tyrant seeking to end our democracy. More often than not, those who scream the kind of crap that 12:43pm does, turns out to be one and the same themselves. You are the commy here. You are the anti-democratic mouthpiece here.

    1. Stop eating the cats bro!

    2. Don’t say eat…. That’s a trigger word for Tony.

  9. anyone know why destiny has chickened out of showing her face, period? last mayoral debate she typed away like a court reporter, surrounded by party guards, then ran out a side door.

    anyone know why she has a horror of engaging with the public?

    1. She's working on her 11th alias/fake name facebook page, I'm sure she'll chime in on EPU soon to let everyone know she's alive and well.

  10. Who are Amanda Zenick and Mali?

    Does they work for the city?

    She's been posting pretty defamatory and I’d say false and misleading posts about Luke and Jim on Encinitas Progressive Unity.

    Finally, who is Eleanor Musick? I see she’s very actively campaigning against Luke, Jim and Bruce on Coast News.

    I’m somewhat new to this blog but would like to be more informed on our local politics.

    Thank you - Nancy

    1. 4:30- They are 2 people who do not work for the City.

    2. 2 are racist and the other vandalizes her own political sign

  11. Taylor Swift is a better business person with a much greater net worth at a much younger age than the Fat Orange Turd.

    She also has much bigly-er crowd sizes, more social media followers and no felony convictions or sexual assault liability.

    She’s more successful in every way.

    1. You're dumber than rocks but nobody should be surprised.

      Comrade Harris has zero Veterans on her disastrous campaign.

      VA Healthcare is horrible... everyone knows this.

      Shawn Ryan is the voice of millions of vets.

      Comrade Harris campaign used an edited clip from Ryan's podcast to dunk on JD Vance.

      Harris 100% clown world level campaign and you you've bought into it hook, line, and sinker referencing some douche canoe chick who targets 11yo girls.

      How many dozen hoaxes are you going to fall for you stupid fucking banal idiot?

    2. harris...the fake black is a buffoon. The interesting thing is people that would vote for this loser, a complete failure for the last 3 and a half years.
      The country ran great under Trump but you see, stupid people can't get it. They are too stupid.
      And there it is. Stupid can't be fixed.

  12. EMS better be ready next meeting. Jim Brown aka Donna Westbrook soundin like she's gonna pop a cork. Too bad she can't figure anything out on her own and Tony and Bruce had to splain it.

  13. rubric noun
    1 a : an authoritative rule
    especially : a rule for conduct of a liturgical service
    b (1) : name, title
    specifically : the title of a statute
    (2) : something under which a thing is classed : category
    the sensations falling under the general rubric, "pressure"
    —F. A. Geldard
    c : an explanatory or introductory commentary : gloss
    specifically : an editorial interpolation
    2 : a heading of a part of a book or manuscript done or underlined in a color (such as red) different from the rest
    3 : an established rule, tradition, or custom
    4 : a guide listing specific criteria for grading or scoring academic papers, projects, or tests


    EV harpies always think they're smarter than everyone else on every topic. They're always wrong.

  14. Gravy, heavily applied to sweatpants, was her rubric.

  15. City thinks a fancy name for something justifies a big consulting fee but almost always points to a cover up.

    1. 11:25, you are so right. It’s a conspiracy; and you are a victim.


      Three victim points awarded.

  16. Let’s all remember that the Fat Orange Turd ™ stepped over the graves of the 65 troops who died under his command at Arlington to get to a disrespectful and illegal photo-op.

    He and his voters are dishonorable, filthy, disgusting, uneducated, racist, backward, anti-science, lying, deplorables in a cult.

    1. And you sleep with your what's your point.

    2. My point is that I have a very nice bottle of champagne in my cellar with a piece of blue painter’s tape on it with the word “Trump.”

      And someday, I and my neighbors will open it with a sword and drink a toast to the future.

  17. Joe Biden: Incompetent, Greedy, Dishonest
    Marco Gonzales: Incompetent, Greedy, Dishonest
    Comrade Harris: Incompetent, Greedy, Dishonest
    Tony Krankz: Incompetent, Greedy, Dishonest
    Catherine Blakespear: Incompetent, Greedy, Dishonest
    Lorena Gonzalez: Incompetent, Greedy, Dishonest
    Merrick Gayland: Incompetent, Greedy, Dishonest
    Nathan Fletcher: Incompetent, Greedy, Dishonest
    Terra-Lawson Remer: Incompetent, Incompetent, Disheveled
    Jeremy Blakepear: Incompetent, Greedy, Dishonest, Douchebag of all douchebags

    What do the above human turds have in common?

    Democraps !

    Any questions LOL

    1. How come James Comer, after years of investigating Joe Biden, has come up with absolutely nothing.

    2. Just the fact of allowing over 12 million illegals letsinto the U.S and having the Border Patrol "stand down" is breaking Federal Law. Wake up !!!!!!!!!!! Think !!!!

    3. Then why didn't Comer impeach him?

    4. The fix is in, that's why. Even a moron knows Federal Laws are being broken. I'm in hopes these illegals pay all you all a visit. Over 12 million illegals

    5. 9:54, correct. The fix is in. Comer is in on it and working for Joe Biden.

      It’s a conspiracy, and you are awarded 1,000,000 victim points.

  18. They're eating the dogs
    They're eating the cats
    Eat the cat
    eat eat the cat

    They're eating the dogs
    They're eating the cats
    Eat the cat
    eat eat the cat

    They're eating the dogs
    They're eating the cats
    Eat the cat
    eat eat the cat

    They're eating the dogs
    They're eating the cats
    Eat the cat
    eat eat the cat

    1. Hey dumbfuck. Those stories are from the people that live there, in that town. Notice white people don't move to black countries......why? Sub human mixed with apes

    2. 9:56, Double down on a laughable story.

      It’s a bold strategy Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for him.

      Given that every right wing news outlet seeking to curry favor with the Turd has been beating the bushes in Ohio for 72 hours trying and failing to find any old crackpot willing to stand in front of a microphone and validate the story, I’d say it’s unlikely.

    3. 9:56 bro - the eat eat the cats post was mocking the demo douche canoes who only get their information from the Joyless Readout propagandist satanists bro -

      Another day, another dem hoax is a sign of the times

    4. 11:23..........I never bragged about being smart....
      I'm just in disbelief the America hating left thinks letting in sub-humans (more) into the country is a good thing.
      There isn't one successful black country in the world.
      Not one. It's all whiteys fault. I'm sick of them

    5. Somalia is the Republican dream.

      No real functioning government
      No taxes
      Readily available guns, RPGs, bombs, light artillery, pickup truck mounted 50s.
      Run by religious zealots
      Very little regulation
      Unrestricted freedom

      It’s a lot like Alabama.

  19. city hall is on the list for high density housing, so is pacific view. where will city hall move??

    1. Lot's of space on El Camino. More centrally located in the city also.

    2. Build, Build, Build. Mamma needs new shoes

      - Toni (formerly Tony)

  20. City hall will develop and move to the Pacific View site.

  21. I pick Pacific View. Open your eyes because the truth is right in front of you. They are using L7 and all this crap 💩 as political posturing, a possible test case for future upzoneing, and or influence from those people who have financial and or political interest in the upzoning. It is clear from the data, that the City does not have the land to make the numbers without upzoning. They NEVER had the land to surplus L7. L7 is going to blow up, anyway because evidence of those private meetings that Kellie H spoke about will come to light, soon. Expect an expensive legal challenge to L7

  22. Don't get caught into the web. Allison is a tool and not a very nice one. How dare her come to our City and talk to us like we are dumbships. Use harsh and strong language and get angry

  23. She should NOT be in this community housing team. Conflict and a DEI snake with NO land use or housing background. Get her off of the team. Can't stand people like her.

  24. Pacific View should really be a 24 story residential building.


    Zero fuks given who you all want to put there. Go 1500 units for all we care.

    Bring Venezuelans, Haitians, Nigerians all of those very fine people. We can do a one fell DEI swoop. Bring cats though--lots of cats


    1. 236, I agree build out Pacific View. Sell the land to a developer develop a high rise tower.

    2. 👆🏾💯💯🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾❤️❤️❤️❤️

  25. 1:56 If you think Allison is a tool, and not a nice one, WAIT, until you see airbnbush decimate our community, due to being the most corrupt tool of them all. The carpet-bagger that thinks having a P O Box in Encinitas, or possibly and airbnb room that she visits once in a while, qualifies her to run for City Council is suffering for 100% delusions of grandeur.

    1. 👆🏾💯. Agreed.

      Airbnbush is concurrently running for City Council in Pebble Beech and Newport Beach.

      She is sure to hit the Jackpot with one.

      She never had any skin in the game, but I do love that Jungle look.

      - HAIR

  26. CoC meet and greet at Mira Costa. Will the freakshow harry bush be there. Don't be disturbed when you hear her noisy, panty-vibrator on at the highest speed. The conceited fing 💩 shows up in our town, gets a airbnb and overnight, knowing nothing about our family oriented community, with only 0.49% blacks, thinks that she is going to get sheself a seat on the city council.🤣

  27. Airbnbush is concurrently running for City Council in Pebble Beach, Maimi. and Newport Beach.

    You don’t have to live somewhere to run for office now with virtual meetings and all. Let’s get real. That was so pre-Covid.

    She is sure to hit the Jackpot with one.

    She never had any skin in the game, but I do love that Jungle look.

    - HAIR

  28. Don't be surprised to encounter a ring of "protectors" around Destiny should anyone be tempted to be mean to her and ask her a basic question. Predicting she quickly storms out in manufactured tears claiming she was "attacked."

    1. 👆🏾in which city is she scheduled to visit this weekend?

    2. Does that mean she won't be giving out the coupons for the free kama sutra couple massage, if we don't ask her how often she visits the airbnb in D-3 or sometimes in D-2? What about the panty vibrator, will it still be the raffle prize if she storms out?

    3. Mobile facials in Palm Springs this weekend. Does she do these in her Lexus?

  29. HAIR, without question Miami. She will get off on the cement density of all the skyscrapers, air pollution, no air flow, no sunlight. Right up her alley.

    1. 👆🏾👌🏾🙏🏾

      That sounds so good. I can’t wait for her to hopefully get on Encinitas City Council and make Encinitas look much better with Miami style mixed of some LA homeless traffic gridlock flare.

  30. What will the remote princess choose when it comes to Phony’s fentanyl homeless or Miami’s abundance of blow?

  31. 514 I am afraid of the ring of handlers ... parachute handlers of an adult. All afraid of the seniors at City Hall...How did we get here?

  32. the airbnb poser can move to Miami, cover whatever small open areas are left with cement and connect with her Cuban relatives$$$thats a win win$$$

    1. Sorry folks.

      I like Encinitas and we need a skyline equivalent to Miami on our coast.

      If I’m not elected in Escondido than I hope to get elected to Newport Beach or Pebble Beach.

      Oh sorry, I mean Encinitas. I get the two confused all the time. Why did they name Escondido and Encinitas so close to Eachother?

      It so easy to confuse.

      - Airbnbush

  33. I have to tell you Pacific View senior center is an amazing place to create my art.

    Just the other day, I was creating this tremendous fingerprinting pieces using blue and yellow, and it made this crazy shade of green.

    Imagine how delighted we all were and this could never have happened at senior center one. Senior center 2.0 cost is so worth it, no matter the cost. Thank you, Tony.

    The Senior Center 2.0 Karens all love you and your LGBQ++ Freakshow. Keep up the great work.

    PS - we need more homelessness fentanyl genius on site to spark some more creativity. Bring more down from Oceanside please .

  34. Whooo weeee more layoff 1,400 high paying jobs at Qualcomm in the last few years ….

    Don’t worry Encinitas cannabis huts are hiring.

    Are you prepared? Winters coming and Tony wants more off your money so more elderly are forced into homeless.

    Hopefully, Kranz and the Freakshow can build the Senior Center 3.0 in Olivenhain with the excess tax money. We need more places to fingerpainting.

    How many people did art last week in Senior Centers 1.0 and 2.0? Was it over 75?

    How many people hit potholes in Encinitas last week?

    1. 9:20, California has an innovation economy.

      If you want a job for life putting a nut onto a bolt in a factory, then you need either a ticket to Vietnam, or a Time Machine.

      Teach your kids to develop skills that will be valued in the next 50 years, not 50 years ago.

      No Turd lies will reverse structural changes to the economy.

      Sorry if this hurtys your feelers.

  35. All joking aside, taxpayers spent $20 million so that Kranz could read a Robert Frost poem and could claim a victory. At least with the park in Cardiff, another expensive project, there have been people using it since it was open.

  36. What will Density bring if the LA/Nor CAL gal sits on City Council. LA and Nor Cal policies.

    And how did they work out?

    This is a root cause issue with Los Angeles as a broader county, with regards to I think homelessness and crime, unfortunately,

    - @no_Airbnbush @no_Kranzinitas

  37. “A white male, 82, black jacket with a hood”. I heard that 100 times. I guess they either found the guy or gave up. Tens of thousands of people have their sleep ruined for one guy. Right.

  38. They were looking for an 80 year old with dementia that wandered off you heartless fucks. Not it wasn't Larri.

  39. 940am how compassionate of you fuckstick. Congratulations on your conscientiousness.

    1. It’s not effective, total waste to tax dollars, and horrible for public health. Lack of sleep causes dementia.

  40. This just in:

    The missing oldie that was wandering around town last night being announced by the ghettobird was none other than dem hero Dick Cheney last seen dancing with no pants in front of the Sal00n

    1. Probably with uncle Joe.

    2. dike cheney................I've seen more personality in a morgue attendant. A washed up hack.

    3. Alberto Gonzales and George Will have endorsed Harris.

      Anyone with experience, wisdom, education, and success are backing Harris, irrespective of party.

      This isn’t Republican vs. Democrat.

      It’s success and civilization vs. shithole losers.

      It’s Taylor Swift vs. a bankrupt crackhead pillow salesman.

      It’s prosecutor vs. felon.

  41. The ghetto birds are such a useless polluting waste of tax dollars.

    Just a ton of incoherent crap

  42. Can somebody please come and vandalize the campain sign in my yard? I want to donate to Phony's campaign some more.
    - The Musikal One

    1. What a bizarre fundraiser

    2. What's even more bizarre is the age gap between this individual and spouse. It would be like Margo's predator relative trying to get with someone half his age.....oh wait, nevermind.

    3. 650. I am still cracking up about that bizarre attempt to raise funds. 😅

  43. So the Fat Orange Turd just made up “Abdul” as the head of the Taliban during the debate.

    Abdul doesn’t exist, and the story about sending a picture of his house as a threat is as true as Mexico paying for the wall, and the healthcare plan.

    1. It's a generalization. Unless you've been there, you have zero concept. Trump is funny...and you....not so much.
      Now, let's move on to harris. Without question,
      the dumbest woman on the planet. Cackles is so dumb that this is the draw of dumb voters. They,
      are on the same level..............
      I question how on earth did this moron get to where she is. Its mind numbing

    2. Generalization means lie?

      That’s new.

      Cult members love lying and violence, because they are shithole losers.

    3. Trump isn’t funny. Those people laughing are laughing at him.

      Anyone with a good sense of humor makes fun of themselves.

      Tell us some of Trump’s self-deprecating jokes.

  44. Back to Tony Kranz: he is a follower and not a leader. The first time he ran for council, he heard that people like candidates more if they own a dog. He had already printed some of his campaign ads on cheap green paper, and when he had more made up, he photoshopped a picture of a dog next to his own image. It was weird and also represents that he listens to the last person who tells him something. Usually, the people he associates with are developers who advise him, write his comments, and tell him what to do.

  45. @4:44. Please, stop the misinformation cheerleading.
    US Bureau of Economic Analysis of CA economic sectors
    19% Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, Rental and Leasing
    14.5% Trade, Transportation, and Utilities
    14.20 Professional and Business Services
    11.80% Manufacturing
    11.60 Government

    1. S&P 500 Largest Global Companies

      #1 Apple - California
      #3 Nvidia - California
      #5 Meta (Facebook) - California
      #6 Alphabet Class A (Google) - California
      #8 Alphabet Class C (Google) - California
      #10 Broadcom - California

      California is an innovation economy.

      We invent and grow new wealth-producing businesses in Tech hardware, software, services, social media, internet, wearable tech, diagnostic imaging, sharing economy, cloud computing, search, telecom, chips, genetically targeted medical treatments, quantum computing, reusable rockets, autonomous and electric vehicles, fintech, streaming, gaming, entertainment, drones, and more.

      California is the incubator of the US and global economies.

      When product segments reach maturity and decline, then cost becomes more important than innovation. That’s when companies move to Texas, then Mexico, then China, and soon—Africa.

      But that’s okay, because it frees up the best pool of innovation talent in the world to invent and grow the next big thing.

    2. When jobs move to Texas, it’s temporary until the company can figure out how to move them offshore.

      I’d rather live in an economy that’s about growth, rather than a cheaper labor economy. There’s always someone else on the other side of the globe who will do it cheaper, and for them doing your job cheaper is still a huge step up in quality of life for them.

  46. We are the MAGA and MAHA people

    We disfavor war.

    We favor human rights.

    We favor family.

    We favor the principles of the founders of this great country.

    We favor government by the PEOPLE and FOR the PEOPLE

    1. 👆🏾Shut up Starvin….

    2. disfavor war*

      *Putin not included.

  47. Dang good thing a leading dem by the name of Hakeem threatened "MAGA" Republicans one hour before today's 2nd assassination attempt on the next POTUS...

    OH WAIT...

    Tell us who the political violence
    perpetrators again?

    1. The party of violence and lies.

      The first attempt was a registered Republican. We don’t know about the second one yet.

    2. A proven fact that if leftists guns were taken away, 90 percent of the murders would cease. Don't think so.
      Even been to Shitcago? The left is nothing more than children with A.D.D or worse. Ape people

    3. Minion chatter move to FB

    4. “a proven fact”

      (Provides no source)

      Yup. A cult of lies.

    5. 3:01, actually, it’s a proven fact that the Shithole Loser States (Red States) lead in gun death rate.

      Here’s the actual data with a link to a source, because that’s how “proven facts” work.

      1.) Mississippi
      2.) Louisiana
      3.) New Mexico
      4.) Alabama
      5.) Missouri
      6.) Montana
      7.) Alaska
      8.) Arkansas
      9.) South Carolina
      10.) Tennessee
      11.) Wyoming
      12.) Arizona
      13.) Oklahoma
      14.) Georgia
      15.) Nevada
      16.) Kentucky
      17.) Indiana
      18.) Colorado
      19.) Idaho
      20.) Kansas
      21.) North Carolina
      22.) North Dakota
      23.) West Virginia
      24.) South Dakota
      25.) Ohio

      It’s basically a clean sweep for the shithole loser states.


    6. Like negros killing negros. Tell the truth. That is if you know the facts. 13 percent of the population blue cities is responsible for 55 percent of murders. Wake up.
      Tell the truth, it will set you free.

    7. 5:17,

      Blue states have cities too.

      Why is it that red states are always the shitholes full of losers in every category?

      And why is it that you never provide data sources?

    8. Blind facts concerning the negro. They kill each everyday. This may shock you but even you can read the news from blue run cities. It's what I do.
      To make things easy for you, simply type in chicago news. nuffff said.................

    9. 3:26 is a liar. If you actually look at the link, CA is ranked #5 and CO is #6. About half of the 1-25 states that are listed in your link are shit hole Blue states.

  48. Hey Kevin Sabellico MAGA Hater...

    Please tell us some deets on Rachel Vindman bro...

    Maybe Marco or Lorena can expound on this woman's character traits?

    Do tell...


    1. What position of public trust does she currently occupy, or is she currently running for?

      Is she flying on the jet like Laura Looner?

    2. The Vindman woman is connected to the Trump assassination attempt.

      Pay attention.

  49. More lies about Luke. 😠 We need CN to write an article defending him.

    1. That’s actually really well written.

      Voter fraud should be disqualifying.

      I’m a no on the guy who wants to give nuclear codes to Kanye West.

    2. 5:01 I've talked to Jordan and he's working on something to combat these smears. Don't worry.

    3. Who is Jordan?

      Why isn’t Luke just coming forward and telling the truth?

    4. More clown comments from the freak show

    5. 530, he is a pilot silly. Maybe he Flys above the freaks....

    6. Jordan, the Republican Coast News editor who likes certain right-leaning candidates' social media posts but wants you to believe he's really just a neutral journalist?

  50. Injuring all of a man's ten fingers is not as effective as chopping off one.

    - Mao Tse-tung

  51. Damn this one's even worst than the last one. How many parts there gonna be before Luke starts explaining.

    1. We don’t need to even talk to the freak show. I can’t stand the freak show. Let’s get rid of Tony quickly.

  52. Still waiting to find out why Allison couldn’t remember what party she belonged to. And she’s no newbie right she’s the freaking deputy mayor. Weird.

    1. 👆🏾👌🏾💯

      Gnomes do not have brains.

  53. *** Encinitas Real Time News***

    Part 2: More Troubling Patterns Revealed in Luke Shaffer’s Campaign

    No wonder LukeJim's hiding from debates!

    1. Slow news night. 🥱

    2. If I was guilty of voter fraud I'd be hiding from public questions too.

  54. Slow? how bou't yet another nut case leftist trying to kill a Presidential contender. Everything the left does they ruin.
    They can't even kill correctly. Children with A.D.D
    Now remember for harris and maybe someday she will be able to complete an entire sentence without chackling

    1. Yeah… slow, like you…

      It no longer called ADD…. It’s called ADHD….

      Try to keep up.

    2. A.D.D is easier to remember as in add to the insanity.
      See how easy that was? Adding an H is just another way of people getting more money for fake investigative work. Wake up..............

    3. 👆🏾ok… ol timer…. Time for your nap.

    4. “Adding an H is just another way of people getting more money for fake investigative work.”

      Once again, it’s a conspiracy, and you are a victim.

      Anyone seeing a pattern here?

  55. 6:16 and intercourse with your mother.

  56. Plenty of people "accidentally" vote for their running mate using someone else's address. Totally understandable mistake. Happens all the time. Nothing to see here. 🤣🤣🤣 This is what happens when someone is put up to run by Trump lovin idiots.

    1. Marlon,.do you have work to do today. You friend 🧡

  57. uh oh, Luke's got some 'splaining to do

    1. 🥱… not even worth it, lifting an eyebrow.

  58. Weird election this time around. Mayoral election has been tame, Luke and Jim haven't gone low or even talk about their opponent. The right crazies are being normal while the left crazies are going low and acting like former righties. Change is in the air.

    1. That's not change you're smelling, it's the odor of your own bullshit.

    2. Nice try. They've been attacking Destiny for months. Coast News has been up to it's usual bs. The debate situation is a joke.

    3. Destiny, is an adult female with killer degrees and support. She is on on these high ranking boards. I would assume that she has the skills to push forward ... If she can't, than I suspect politics is the wrong place

    4. Killer degree in basket weaving and how to make the most of a good freak show. Phd in woke-ism and free range bush growing.

    5. Destiny has a masters in urban development. She is accomplished but not what this city needs right now.

    6. 208 I agree. I think she is proud of her education. That is good but she really need look at how much mentioning and support she is receiving. She has an advantage with the mentor's. i don't want to hear shit like she is disadvantaged. I believe that the handlers really proved that she can't be alone or stand up for herself. Liberal older women need to stop with the victim BS. It hurts DP in the long run. Impressive degrees but we really don't need a planner on the CC. We need a moderate person who is practical. No offense, but does Encinitas need an oppression club?

    7. You're right. What we need is an unpleasant man with no experience and little to no previous interest in local gov if it didn't involve his business. Perfect.

    8. 322 why the male gender comment? Makes you sound like you can't make an educated response. Bye

    9. The person running against Destiny is O'Hara and he identifies as a man. If I misunderstood, I apologize 4:27.

      O'Hara is an unpleasant person with no experience and little to no previous interest in local gov if it didn't involve THEIR business.

      As far as I know, O'Hara identifies as male though; he should let us know if we have it wrong.

  59. "Concernedcitizen" - singular - is Marco's site. He's using same infographic and language on EV. Anonymous site, my ass. And not gonna buy him claiming he found it there and copied it.

    1. Curious when the guy works at law. Don't know another single attorney who digs around on social media like this one. Have heard other lawyers around town marvel at how weird....

    2. Sorry 11:45, it doesn't serve me at all to comment anonymously. But that doesn't mean I'm not 100% in support of what was written on that site. Given the nasty bullshit you guys throw out at Allison and Destiny, I'm more than happy to get the word out on their opponents.

    3. He shared a link to a site. Facebook does the rest automatically. Excellent detective skills though. 🤣

      Now sit back and watch the SAME PEOPLE who promote any rumor, no matter how absurd when it's about their enemies. They'll contort logic, poke holes, shoot the messenger and find any reason to hand wave away the deep piles of 💩 that Luke continues to step in.

      Hypocrisy is the word of the day. Actually that's the word for those people every day.

    4. 12:47 is Gonzalez posting anonymously amiright? "A link to a site" that he had a big fat hand in creating? Snore. Try again.

    5. 1:15 - Wrong as to both. I don't know who wrote that anonymous screed, but they do good research!

    6. 👆🏾consistant liar.

  60. Replies
    1. Was that MGs writing. It was so boring 😴 and dull.. Yawn

    2. We know when Marco is lying when he either moves his lips or he writes a post.

  61. The only possible way Margos candidates have any chance is him lying, cheating and stealing his candidates thru. In a sane free, fair and reasonable election there is zero chance if we're honest about his candidates character and policies there is zero chance they win.

    It's the far left radical dem playbook. The current dementia ridden president and the current far left radical dem candidate for president have both used constant violent rhetoric and political violence including assassination attempts. Today Kamala Harris surrogate said the Republican candidate needs to be shot. You don't believe me...well take a look at truth

    These are the people the Gonzalez groups support.

    We'll never stop revealing these people's disgusting rhetoric and garbage characters until they are eradicated

  62. 3:28pm You could not be more in denial if you tried.

    You lie, which is usual for you and your fellow right wingers. You live in an upside down world where what you claim the dems are doing is exactly the playbook for the republicans to cheat their way, or try to, because they have nothing else going for them.

    Are you truly that blind to what the repugnicans are about? They have made it quite clear where they want our democracy to go. How long have you been supporting the end of our democracy?

    You continue to pull sheet out of your rear end as if anyone would believe anything you have to say. You say you have proof? That would be a first if it is true. It has never happened and will not be.

    It takes a fool like you choose to be to be so easy to manipulate. Gawd you are so easy to fool and just what your party leaders are counting on. The df's party is all yours.

    1. Wow I post receipts and all you can say is "you lie."

      Not surprising. Have you been reading the scientific american for your propaganda? LMAO

    2. Whenever the left is losing the discourse, they call in bomb threat hoaxes. Media blames these on Republicans and demand people SHUT UP, or else there will be more bomb threats.

      It’s what they always do.

      When Rachel Maddow radicalized and inspired an attempted mass shooting of Congressional Republicans, Joy Reid blamed Scalise for being shot.

      There were multiple violent attacks against Trump supporters by far left wing psychopaths. The media celebrated these people. They incited the violence. They laughed when asked about it.

      Kamala Harris openly joked about assassinating President Trump in 2018 as an audience of lobotomized clapping seals cheered

      And you’re wondering how we ended up here?

    3. 4:06, so you’re saying it’s a conspiracy, and you are the victim.

      Got it.


    1. Always nice to hear from GD fucking idiot Garvin

    2. I think it’s a great write up! Happy to hear from him.

    3. Everyone has faults. You and I have faults. Garvin is pretty smart and has a semblance of humility while trying to educate people. Marco Gonzalez uses ethereal rhetoric always attacking someone's character yet never the substance or policy ideas. He has nothing else. He lies, cheats, and steals and we're onto him. he's going to lose his fucking ass this cycle

    4. Kranz Morphy sucker.,🏳️‍⚧️

    5. Garvin doesn't have a semblance of humility. He probably does think he's "trying to educate people" though. Walsh, is that you?!?

    6. Excellent article about the airbnb carpet bagger. There is confusion how long she's actually lived here-end of 2022 or sometime in 2023- or she just had a PO Box. If she did get a room, in D-3, then in D-2 it was only to qualify for the Voter Registration, to run for CC. When did she fill that Voter registration out? She is delusional that has the arrogance to go straight to applying to run for the CC seat, when she has not lived in our city, knows nothing about our family community and could not give a flying sh$t about our community.. She should be disqualify from running, for anything in our city, much less for the top position of City Council. "Destiny Preston is an opportunistic public-sector careerist who is unmistakably a part of the Sacramento establishment pushing urban density in Encinitas and other coastal communities." She is unstable, not a family person and is not fit to represent the 54% families that are residents of Encinitas.Please Go-Away Density and take you Sacramento raping of our community BS with you.

  64. Looking to pin blame on someone for assassination attempts?

    How about pin it on the guy who said he’d be a dictator on day one?

    You know how all dictators meet their end, right?

  65. REMINDER: Just a few days ago Kamala told her supporters that Trump is responsible for the biggest attack on our Democracy since the Civil War.

    LOL there were old ladies walking thru the capital with AK's right after Trump told people to be peaceful? LOL

    Yesterday someone tried to ass*ss*nate him for the 2nd time in 6 weeks and you support it and so do all Kamala supporters.

    Pin blame bro- go ahead.

    You live in a fantasyland. Get a life

    1. minion. WEF loves you.

    2. What most don't know is the KKK was started by the democratic party. Top that.
      The left...everything they do fails.
      They can't even kill correctly.
      Kackles kamala is, the dumbest woman on the planet.
      The the Bass mouthed clown running with her.
      Hack and Jack.......the off brothers.
      Maybe if harris continues having sex with blacks it will change her luck.

  66. Let's get this straight. Marco pens a faux hit piece, puts it on a faux imitation website intended to confuse at a glance (soooo clever aren't you?), then references it as a "substack" article like it's legit? Do I have that straight?

    1. 5:43- 100% and then lies as usual. Actions always speak louder than words. His whole family are liars and predators.

    2. Not a single person addressing Luke's registration and voting at Mommy's and Daddy's house while he was living in another district. Still waiting....
