Friday, September 20, 2024

We're #1!

CBS 8:
Out of 11 cities in San Diego County, Encinitas ranked number one as having the highest rent, where one bedroom units can cost an average of $2,680.


  1. I guess the city isn’t as messed up as some make it out to be. Still, time to change up the council. Protect open spaces, kick the state to the state to the curb. We can afford the state fines if the tax passes. Rather being a broke city than a polluted chethole. We are not kumeyaay and the state aint Spain but they sure act like.

  2. Place a 25% tax on the owners of rental properties!

    That'll learn em!

    - Proud Harris Democrat

  3. Hey, those renters should be voting in droves for Tony's Measure K so that they can be number 1 in the overtaxed department as well. Money grows on trees in Encinitas per our Mayor.

    1. It’s easy when you live in mom’s house and don’t penny property tax.

    2. * It’s easy when you live in mom’s house and don’t pay any property tax.

  4. Not at our service.

  5. So are they going to Grant? I request to have the candidate discussion at Sacramento State University?

    It should be at least virtual and not at Miracosta live. Like really that is so racist.

    - Airbnbush

  6. I do not endorse Destiny for Council. Destiny quotes me out of context and implies that we selected her for Environmental Commission. We did not. Commissioners have narrow focus and being qualified for Council requires broader experience and better political acumen. Posting this and implying she was selected and that I voted for her shows a lapse in judgement. For the record, I am endorsing her sole opponent, Jim O'Hara, for City Council District 2. Jim has shown his deep knowledge and involvement over many years. I am also endorsing Luke Shaffer for District 1. Luke was born here, raised here and has ties in every district in Encinitas. Please vote of me for Mayor and for Jim or Luke if you are in their districts.

    - Bruce Ehlers

    1. No Bruce! When people told me that you weren't to be trusted because you were running for Mayor before even finishing half of your first term I should've listened. Endorsing Luke, the guy who committed a felony to get you elected is the last straw. Quid pro quo I guess. I also guess I'll have to vote for Tony now. What a bummer.

    2. I'm sure this was in response to the terrible polling data they just received. It wasn't good. ☹️ Maybe this will turn things around.

    3. Blakespear said when she was running for mayor the last time that she had no interest in higher office. Also, I believe that Tasha was a sitting council member when she ran. I am grateful to Bruce for giving us an excellent alternative to Tony.

    4. 8:00 You mean the polling showing all 3 of them are losing badly? It must've been a wake up call. You could hear the confusion as they cried "but we have so many IG likes!" 🤣

  7. My massage business is legit and I visited here once on vacation when I was 8 so I'm native. Margo rules but Phony is the best (though I'm jealous of his tits). One day I hope to become the Cardiff Gimpette! Can't wait to tax the sh!t out of you! I may see you at the meet and greet but I think I'm going to back out because Mira Costa won't host any of the beloved freak shows.
    - Harry Bush

  8. Destiny leads her now-infamous post by claiming “unanimous support“ from the council. Any reasonable person would read what she wrote as “voted for her.” The post was very carefully written with the intention to mislead, but also to be able to technically say that she was not claiming actual votes. You’d have to read her post with more than the average reader’s care to walk away understanding that they actually did not support her with their votes.

    So give us a break. We see you Marco, Mali, others who had a hand in crafting Destiny’s crafty message. Y’all are too ready to jump in with your prepared explanation that everyone is reading her post incorrectly. You overplayed your hand. There is no question but that she/y’all intended to mislead.

    Sneaky is a character flaw of Preston’s now revealed. And if she is this easily led by the Marco crowd, she will be putty in the developers’ hands. The voters should see her for who she is and be very afraid. She has no place on council. Vote O’Hara.

    1. You gotta give us, Freakshow, credit:

      It’s all about lies and deception.

      1. We’re actually doing the environment good when we spend hundreds of millions of dollars, grinding up ocean creatures that get sucked into the suction lines, pumping sand and ground up ocean creatures onto our beaches with diesel pumps and barges that pollute the ocean and our air, and

      2. Density gives a rats ass about Encinitas.

      3. Starvin is a stylish trustworthy man

      - The lying Freakshow.

    2. I see Lisa Shaffer's fingerprints on this one. Our self-proclaimed expert on ethics did stuff like this all of the time. She supported the widening of I-5 at Manchester where they sheared off a beautiful sandstone cliff for no other reason than they could. She promised that part of the strawberry fields would be "saved." Where are they now? The only authentic thing that she did was to put her name on dog shit bags when she campaigned. We should have heeded her clear message!

  9. I thought Bruce was okay—different from the MAGA LukeJim.

    Bruce’s statement actively ignoring voter fraud and Jim’s shady suspended nonprofit tells me Bruce is deeper into the lies than I thought.

    He’s one of them.

    This is terrible news. I was ambivalent about the mayors race, as either candidate would be fine. I was wrong. I’m all in for Tony now.

    I guess I’ll have to knock doors to remind voters that Bruce cast the deciding vote to end reliable beach access.

    1. Yeah we’ll watch for you and your concocted tale of twisted facts.

    2. Marco has weak comments. Nothing.

      How's the public's $2 million dollar contributions holding up for supporting your predator brother in law?

      I hope the kids are safe and staying away.

  10. Tony has has 12 years to do good in Leucadia. All we got was 20mph and more stop signs. Yay

    1. And a bunch of excuses for years as to why his hands are tied. BIA lines fed to him were old the first time.

    2. Sign pollution, more noise and pollution all over, More scumbags, more drugs and wasstoid zombies stealing shit screaming crazy shit at the top of their demoned ridden mind, More crowds, crowded beaches, More blocked off coastal access, More people getting hurt climbing over his fences, and more people getting killed and maimed on the roadways due to his bad decisions.

      The list of failures goes on and on and on.

      Kranzinitas Sucks!!

  11. 5:57- Don’t forget her about his 12- Karen friends that get to enjoy their space for finger painting at the new second senior center by the beach, all our business and residents are flooding, and people are getting hurt on the roads due to no maintenance.

    All at a cost of $20 million plus ongoing maintenance of millions of millions of dollars and more money to maintain that facility right on the beach. The marine environment is killer in facilities, just asked anyone that lives on Neptune. You basically have maintenance like living on a boat.

    Kranz is a dumbest MF in all of Encinitas and anyone with a TONY sign in front of their house just shows what a complete idiot they are..

    Go down some Leucadia streets today, there’s a couple of idiots on those street, luckily the Bruce, Jim and Luke signs far outnumber even in Tony’s own hood.

    I think there is a Leucadia town council member on one street with signs. That organization has turned into a complete commie haven as well.

    The Leucadia Town council used to preach about controlled and responsible growth. Now it’s complete shit show with Commie Cathleen, blood on my hands, Lees, and other tards, supporting the freak show.. What a bunch of losers

    - Leucadia was nice prior to Tony fucking everything up.

  12. Destiny is a liar no matter how clever she thought she was being in telling her lie. Maybe she shouldn’t have let her handlers write her script for her. Maybe she should’ve just been herself and either it’d enough for the voters or it wouldn’t. There are rumblings from even Dems that her résumé is padded. Too much on there to be believed. Fits with her purposely misleading claim of unanimous support.

    1. BS - Actions speak louder than words. So now she's crying victim that its her handlers that are liars but not her. Haa Haa Haaa. LOL :)

      She is responsible and should have known the consequences of letting the commie freakshow plop her into the race on a tale of lies.

      Both she and the Kranz/BIA Freakshow can share the results of their lying ways.

      - Truth is peaceful way forward in life 🌎

  13. 🤣🤣🤣 Bruce got played. With one post Destiny got Bruce to do what the Democrats wanted all election.

    1. 7:41 - more nothing from Marco. How is the predator doing? Is he texting his buddy Harvey Weinstein to arrange a weekend get together.

      Can you do us a favor and tell the kids so they can clear the area.

    2. She thinks she played him, it is backfiring now. If you think this is being talked about on a couple of Facebook pages, and here were a handful of people pay attention, think again. The emails are flying and some folks have some pretty big distribution lists.

  14. Just to let you know. I support NPP platform for City Council and there are good Democrats that live in Encinitas.

    I voted for Maggie (RIP) every time and love dogs, honesty and good clean healthy beach living :)

    I hate the lying discussing current Freakshow including Kranz, BIA Blakespear, and Marco.

    Its pathetic they are trying to plop in two stooges with Density and they Gnome on a tale of lies.

    Typical Marco and Kranz and all the Freakshow...... lies, lies, lies.

    A good Democrats in Encinitas like Lorri and others ,Vote NPP for Encinitas - Bruce, Jim, and Luke.

    All the others like Kathleen Lees, newbie Mali, and dirtbag Marco can go to hell.

  15. The original complaint also describes an encounter in June 2022 at MTS headquarters, which Figueroa said in the complaint she was not comfortable with. However, the texts to Radin read: "Having a make out session was not in my plans today, but hey..what do I know anymore."

    Radin replies: "That is like so hot though," to which Figueroa said, "It is," followed by three fire emojis.

    In other texts, Figueroa said "so funny how we have to pretend in front of everyone we weren't passionately kissing just the other day" and "I'm so f****n in love."

    1. Marco, that’s just a short selection of words. Go back away when your brother was grooming her….

      Your testimony is pathetic like you. 👎

  16. I suppose we'll have to wait another election or 2 for Bruce to become Mayor. I'm certain he will get there eventually. Luke and Jim however will join the list of irrelevant fake independents who tried and failed.

    1. Sorry Marco, your BIA clan is going down. And your credibility is worthless.

      You better stay with the developers because your credibility as a truthful attorney is in the shit hole.

      Your word is useless. You’re a known liar.

    2. Amanda/Mali it’s too early for this

  17. Marco’s panties are all bunched up. He knows his credibility is gone and his developers may no longer even pay him.

    What’s a scumbag like him to do?

  18. I just had some good conversations with five of my neighbors. They are clueless about city affairs and who’s in City Hall.

    They’re all Democrats and I informed them about how corrupt the current freakshow is at City Hall.

    They’re all on board and voted for Maggie back in the day and this upcoming vote, They’re going to vote like good Democrats will for the NPP.

    Good Democrats Support Bruce , Jim, and Luke.

    Life is better when you tell the truth. 🌎

    Tell five of your good neighbors who like truthful, good living. Life and Encinitas could be much better. And it will with Bruce , Jim, and Luke. Thank you all for running. 🙏

    1. Did they call you sir?

    2. They called me ma’am. They were all very respectful and intelligent. I love my neighbors. We all do not like LA, Orange County or San Francisco. Those areas under failed leadership have turned the shit holes. No Bueno for Encinitas.

  19. Marco not only serves developers but IS a developer. Check out the Beach Street projects that will take millions of gallons of water from an aquafer in the desert to provide surfing in new inland locations. How is that environmental with our shortage of water and ever increasing water rates? Gonzalez is so poison that they try to keep him off of the page of this project, but this was posted online.


    1. Scumbag every day, all the time. Looking to make a buck off the existing resident’s quality of life.

      Conversation at a first graders class at Cardiff elementary , Good morning class, what your daddies do?

      Marco’s kids- my daddy is a scumbag. He over-develops all the areas and makes huge profits. You know how LA was developed? That’s what my daddy wants to do everywhere.

    2. Net zero water use? Are you kidding? Good gawd it's even worse than anyone thought

  21. Just curious as to how many of you have actually met Destiny? She has blocked many of us from her FB pages (4 of them) and won't debate. That, in and of itself, should tell us who she is. She is a puppet, mouthing Blakespear's words almost to a tee. Why won't she debate? The Chamber President said on EV, that they gave her every opportunity to work with them. So now it is a meet and greet, which is ridiculous. If a candidate doesn't have the courage to debate, I have no intention of voting for that candidate. And her B.S. about Bruce was over the top. Bruce doles not endorse her, but she sure made it seem that way. I'm not sure I have ever seen a candidate in Encinitas take this approach, have you?

    1. Nope. I saw her at the first mayors discussion, but she was typing away and ran out of the room without talking with anybody.

      Very strange behavior for somebody that’s supposedly running for office.

      Maybe she had scheduled follow on council discussions in Miami, Pebble Beach, or Huntington Beach later that evening?

      After all, Encinitas is just one of many Options, to try and serve her real goals.

      - truth is the best path forward.

    2. Its O'Hara that can't debate. Stop with the bs.

    3. First time I’ve ever seen Density in Encinitas. Before that, I thought she was a fictitious carpet bagger. Now I know, they actually have a body as a carpet bagger.

    4. Mali likes to talk about how she has traded in her Toyota 4Runner for a Tesla and also has said that she will not live in just any house! Marco likes to boast of his wealth while accepting COVID grants and suing municipalities so that he can collect punitive damages from the hapless taxpayers who live in these places. What do either of them have to do with helping marginalized people as they like they claim? They REALLY want to get Destiny in and have Tony stay on so that they can keep the good times and the cash rolling in!

    5. I've met her several times. Really Lorri, if you left your house once in a while instead of spending all day stirring up $hit you might meet people too.

    6. I also met her. She was nice. I advised her not to ever engage with Nutbirds.

    7. Hi Garvin. You did do that very friendly podcast together with Mali. You guys got on like a house on fire.

    8. I think everyone that meets Destiny is saying the same thing: don't feed the trolls.

    9. I met Destiny at one of her meet and greets and she's smart, engaged, and responsive. True activism and involvement happens in the real world, not social media groups.

      And, where has Marco ever boasted about wealth? Quote it. Screen grab it. You can't because it never happened.

    10. O'Hara is the one that refuses to debate. Destiny accepted every invitation for a debate that she has received.

    11. Not all of Marco's boasting is online. He is more less detested by many in his own field who see through his insecurities and tendency to lie and exaggerate about issues big and small. I hope for the sake of his family that he seeks help.

  22. Smart, real and non-fictitious Democrats are all voting for NPP for city council as it should be.

    Smart, real and non-fictitious Democrats support and will vote for Bruce, Jim and Luke.

    Leave the freak show to their own little private Saturday night gatherings. They have the liberty to do whatever they want behind closed doors. We do not want to hear about it.

    1. Given that real and non-fictitious mean the same thing, we can infer that you aren’t smart.

      Didn’t bother to read the rest.

      No to MAGA.

    2. And no to fauxgressives.

    3. Repeated because your slow and need to read it several times for you to comprehend it. Dunbass.

    4. Yes you are slow… I hate Commies

  23. Luke Shaffer committed felony voter fraud to get Bruce Ehlers elected. Bruce has now officially endorsed Luke in return. Your defense against this bombshell is non existent. You know it's true but you don't care. Instead you attack people who aren't even running for anything. This is Trump politics in Encinitas.

    1. Marco posting anonymously

    2. Marco the developer shill and the developer who wants to take precious aquafers for crazy pie in the sky recreation projects. I hope they go bankrupt!

    3. Felony Voter Fraud? What section of what code. This is far less than Kelli Hinze actually having to move to be a resident of D2.

    4. It's spelled "Aquifer," ya idiots...

  24. Allow me to fixed you, the unknowing. These apartment projects we don't want are a product of the America hating left.
    You vote for the them, this is what you get. Ruination of the areas of which you live. You voted for the whacko
    Gavin Newsom, this is the result. He and the other leftists forced the apartments on every city and town in California.
    This is/was all under threat of lawsuits. Wake up.
    Everything the left dose, they destroy. Name one thing the idiots in washington d.c have done to help America.
    They have done the opposite. Now, we all must arm ourselves to protect our families from illegals.
    Wake fools

  25. Whew. You must have started early today from your Office seat.

    'Allow me to fixed you' 'Everything the left dose'

    Speaking of doses, you might consider some moderation of your favorite daily mind liquid refreshments. You have needed an editor for years. You do provide some laughable entertainment with your incompetence.

    1. Too many Tequilas..I admit it......but I'm still right

  26. 2 words

    Kash Patel

    2 more words

    You're fucked

    If shenanigans or assassination occurs, you best run for the hills because we'll find you and what happens after that cannot be mentioned on screewtube or gaygle

  27. The Venn Diagram of Trump supporters and LukeJimBruce supporters is a circle.

    1. You mean Maggie supporters. good Democrats not to vote for Bruce , Luke, and Jim

      Not losers like Marco Kranz and Mali

    2. Tampon Tim today:

      "We can't afford 4 more years "


    3. Dear double-posting smooth brain,

      Yes. We’ve already had four years of shithole loser Trump, and can’t afford four more. Kamala Harris is in charge of policy as much as Mike Pence was. It’s time for a new leader from a new generation.

  28. 12:00 you are delusional Destiny has been under wraps but no more hiding Monday night. Cue her “mean girls” whine fest when asked the simplest question.

  29. Pop!!

    Numerous for sale signs up on Neptune and around the coastal area.

    Commercial real estate is tanking and it’s going to be a shit show yard sale,

    Gold is spiking

    The feds are lowering in interest, which will spike inflation even further.

    Look at these stats!! Good high paying jobs are evaporating quickly

    Only job openings are for retail that will pay minimum wage.

    Get ready for 26% sales tax increase as proposed by Kranz for both City and SANDAG whoppers.

    Kranz is also approved doubling your utility bills in the next couple years.

    Easy for Kranz, Considering she still lives at mommy’s house and doesn’t pay taxes.

    Are you ready for the coming spike in inflation, the doubling of your food and utilities?

    and are you ready for property values to tank?

    Do you think you have a secure job think again? Look at those job layoff.

    Kranz is bad for the local economy. Vote like good Democrats and vote for Bruce, Jim, and Luke. That’s who Maggie would vote for.

  30. Hi, I'm secretly running for D2. Density isn't real.
    - Wood Shaker

    1. Thank you for coming clean Mama-Lee Wood Shaker, we're voting for you no matter what!
      - Starvin, Phony, DEI Garden Gnome,, No-Joy-in-Arizona, Cardiff Gimp (and master), Kindergarten K, Margo, BeauLoser, Kevin & The Musikal One

    2. You do realize no one gets your gibberish right?

    3. It was a pretty good list of the freak show, but excluding a few regulars like the Predator (related to Margo), and boring sheep like Racist Screamer-Mali (so boring she doesn’t have a nickname)

  31. The only difference between R's and D's in this town is that the R's aren't getting the BIA money. I have not heard a single R say anything that might alienate the BIA money in the future.

    1. Also, Republican leadership and policies create shitholes full of losers.

      Vote for success, hapiness, humility and science.

    2. Thank God, the R&D’s have little importance and are predictable sheep.

      The R&D don’t have a brain of their own and just follow the lead of the WEF.

      What ever the WEF wants the R&D will follow.

      It’s the NPP that count and should lead the City

      and the smart Democrats realize that and support-

      Bruce Ehlers, Jim O’Hara ( an actual Encinitas resident, unlike Density) and Luke Shaffer true Local Marine Fighter Pilot Veteran.

      Future is looking bright for Encinitas with these three! ☀️ 🕶️

  32. The City of San Diego like the City of Encinitas has a major corrupt and failed city government in place.

    The 26% proposed increase in sales tax, including the Sandag waste of taxes is going to go down in a big ball of flames. The taxpayers and voters are not as stupid as you think, City of Encinitas.

    Tony Kranz and Anthill need to be run out of Encinitas! The quicker, the better.

    Kranz, Stop this Fiasco today. Do one thing good for Encinitas in your entire life, and resigned today!!

    For that you will be forgiven. Otherwise, you will go down as the worst mayor in the history of Encinitas. Followed by #2- BIA and #3 $tock$ (🐽’s freind)

    -The truth will set you free. 🙏

  33. Gaspar was a Trumper disaster who the voters rightly kicked to the curb. But she did win a few elections, and she understood that her 15 minutes were up and gracefully withdrew from the public view.

    By contrast, the Barstow Thunderhole never won any election, and is apparently constitutionally programmed to think everyone wants/needs her opinions.

    It’s difficult to imagine how bad the attention seeking behavior has to be for me to say something positive about the Trump-loving Gaspar.

    Julie, when the voters have spoken, and they extinguish your torch, it’s time to leave the island.

    1. Even the alleged wife beater eventually got the hint.

    2. 7:37- well said 👏👏👏

  34. No additional Secret Service for the Turd.

    If thoughts and prayers are good enough for your kids in school, then they are good enough for protecting the turd.

    1. Ok Minion… please post on FB minion page.

    2. 10:47...........You.......are efffed up.

  35. 10:54am. So says the minion himself.

  36. Plus One Flyers Club out of Montgomery Field.
    Today 9/24/24 over Rancho Santa Fe 1:53 p.m
    750 feet above thousands. Breaking Federal Law.
    We think they are looking at little girls in backyards
    Tail number N5495D. They then fly up to Encinitas

  37. 2:54pm You 'think' pilots are looking at little girls in backyards? You would know this how? Hmmmm. Just who is the pervert?

    1. Perhaps little boys...............Plus One Flyers Club.
      Placing you and yours in danger.

  38. Today......another private plane made an emergency landing on Route 76. 1000 crash every year across the country.

  39. Fortunately the pilot was trained to make a successful emergency landing when it mattered.

    1. He was running drugs and has been arrested. Also the moron landed on the freeway where hundreds of cars were traveling. Ya' genius...........real fortunate.

    2. 10:08.......I would ask how stupid you are but something tells me......I already know.

  40. He landed safely without killing anyone else. That is still a good thing, the only good thing, considering the load he was found carrying.

    Was this aircraft from a Montgomery Field flying school? If only.

  41. A poster says the pilot made a safe landing and that is a good thing. He receives flack, why?

    He was not addressing the fact that later there were drugs found on board, only that the plane managed to land safely without killing anyone. That sounds like a good thing to me .

    Would you prefer he crashed and burned and possibly took out a few cars with him?

    Why jump on his case? The poster for appreciating the fact that no one was killed? Riiiight. You are the righteous one aren't you?

    Chill the f out.

  42. This stupid you clowns are. We have dozens of radar photos and letters to the inept local FAA about schools and flying clubs flying over and over and over Encinitas and Solana Beach. Up to 40 plane. Tic Toc pinheads as they crash everyday across the country. On average 1000 a year. Additionally pouring "leaded fuel" exhaust in the air.
    No mufflers, no smog equipment.......just danger.

  43. Pray tell, what good have you accomplished over the years with your flight school admonishments? Tangible progress, please.

    Have any flight school patterns been mitigated over our community due to your sky is falling pronouncements?

    I hope so.

    Perhaps you can enlighten us all about the process you have made?

    1. How many private planes do you see right now flying in circles over Encinitas and Solana Beach.

  44. And by the way 3:30......not only is it air pollution concentrated but safety. 1000 private planes crash every year, on average in the U.S I worked hard to live in Encinitas my entire life.
    These jerks in the private planes are not going to ruin where we live. Got it? Get it ! Think I'm done? Think again.
    Plus One Flyers Club and these schools are NOT going to make money putting our families at risk. Ain't gonna' happen

  45. What mitigation of flight patterns from the flight schools have you accomplished?

    1. 9:29......what mitigation of cross dressing have you accomplished? Or, is it the same old pattern of
      grannie panties combined with a battery operated vibrating devise. Topped off with cries for mommy.

  46. 12:22pm Thanks for the clarification, to be clear, the clarification that you are full of hot air and have not managed mitigate any of the flight patterns over our town with all of your 'the sky is falling' screeds.
