Friday, September 6, 2024

Kerfuffle over candidates' party registration

 From the Inbox:

Kranz/Blackwell/Preston's more rabid supporters are trying to make hay against D1 challenger Luke Shaffer for his mistake in thinking he had chosen NPP but instead registered as AIP (the word "independent" hooked him).  As it happens, according to a 2016 NPR news article, 73% of California voters registered AIP actually think they are registered NPP: Voters Often Confuse 'American Independent' With 'Independent' Party : NPR.

Here is Allison Blackwell, not new to politics - she is, after all, Deputy Mayor - "was surprised" that for 21 years, she was not a registered Democrat.  When she finally did register, it was just this past December.  How's that for the epitome of an opportunistic switch to get all the goodies the Democrat party has to offer in supporting her candidacy?

Scratch her being "actually surprised" she was not registered Dem all this time.  From January 2023, she advertises herself as NPP when she was going for the D1 council appointment:


  1. Actually Luke has never said he was duped or confused.

    The fact that he refuses to clarify makes it all the more likely that he knowingly joined this far right extremist party.

  2. Allison Blackwell never joined a radical fringe party, so the analogy is just wrong.

    1. What’s wrong is joining the freakshow. But I bet she didn’t know that they wouldn’t even let her attend the Saturday events.

    2. Wake up, the Donkey party is fascist to the core. All about govt control over your life.

  3. do we want a council member who accidentally joins a fringe party? What does this say about his sense of awareness about important decisions?

    1. Don’t give him the benefit of assuming it was accidental when he hasn’t said that.

      It was on purpose.

    2. I am a humble voter and accidently joined a fringe party called the Democrats. At least it is fringe in Encinitas!

  4. From the inbox:

    Here's a weak ass attempt to distract from the real story. Luke Shaffer was caught lying, is a member of the alt right and probably committed fraud. Luke hasn't made any attempt to explain his actions.

    1. Marco sucks Kevin.

    2. Yep, all mistakes are lies. Typical brain dead fringe mentality.

  5. AIP is a purposely confusing moniker that people can mistake for an independant designation if they are not filled in. I personally think it was a mistake.

    1. What do you think about his supporters claiming they saw proof he was "independent" right before this all came out?

      It seems possible that Shaffer was careful not to refer to himself as NPP, but did use "independent" a lot. It seems there are many interpertations of that word politically, and AIP may not be the only one taking advantage of that.

    2. 2:01,

      Luke never said it was a mistake, therefore it was on purpose.

      He joined a fringe whackjob party, because he’s a fringe whackjob, and he’s going to lose.

  6. What is Allison's excuse?

  7. Wow. The current majority is going all in on anything they can to convince the voters that all the appointed council members we have deserve to be elected.

    If the past is any indication, can we expect any difference from these hoping to be elected seat fillers?

    1. Who do you believe the seat fillers are?

  8. What is Allison‘s excuse?

    1. She doesn’t need one. She didn’t join a far-right fringe group that wants to give Kanye West nuclear codes on purpose.

    2. Except she does need one. Because now people are wondering whether there is some kind of cognitive issue? You know, stated a year ago she was one party acts shocked today to see she is a different one. Marco is remarkably silent on this. It diminishes greatly his attacks on everyone else since he’s so obviously unable to see past his bias.

    3. She’s a DEI Garden Gnome.

    4. “People are wondering”

      Many people.

      All of the smartest experts.

      They come to me, big strong men out of central casting—with tears in their eyes, and they say “Sir. . . “

    5. yep, better to join a group that supports unlimited baby killing and allowing non-citizens to vote.

  9. Kerfuffle is the word of the day.

    In other new sources have said Harris and Newsom are endorsing Luke.

    They're deciding to support the fun and wonderful nonpartisan "Macarena" party...finally!

    How to Do the Macarena: 16 Steps (with Pictures)

  10. 3pm Other news sources have said? Not even nice try. You suck.

  11. Luke isn't a challenger if Allison isn't the incumbent. He's just a candidate like she is.

  12. Residents supporting Luke don’t care about this. They care he isn’t a Kranz appointed follower who votes with Kranz/Hinze/Lyndes over 90% of the time.

    It’s extremely worrisome to the malevolent duo that Bruce, who’s out raised them all, has partnered with Luke and Jim.

    Bruce will give them some good guidance too. It would be incredibly refreshing to topple the hold this wasteful and inept council has on our city.

    Anyone notice in that Coast News article how little Tony has raised and his graph chart line was in pink? I’m sure that at least made Garvin happy.

    1. Oh, you can gaslight everybody or try to. Those of us who have bothered to meet Luke know that it was an honest mistake and he is none of those things. His wife is a Democrat. He was a lifelong Democrat and his parents are as well, so just stop. Probably Marco he specializes in gaslighting not as effective as he once was, definitely losing steam with the over reaches.

      Also, the more people who hear the name Marco Gonzalez instinctively make the stink face, so any influence he thinks he had is definitely on the wane.

    2. Agree. Marco smells as bad as 🐷.

      Luke could be a woman for all I care, as long as it’s not Destiny.

    3. 6:15 You're right, residents supporting Luke won't care. The undecided voters absolutely will. I really want Bruce to win but he made a huge mistake joining up with Jim and Luke given what's coming their way. Bruce is going to take serious damage by association.

    4. 6:28- Talk about gaslighting! Luke's wife is also AIP.

    5. Actually she’s not

    6. What you meant to say is, actually she's not since yesterday when she and Luke changed from AIP.

  13. The best thing you can do is spread the word to five of your friends and families that actually vote and tell them all about Bruce, Ellers, Jim, and Luke.

    It’s truly the good against evil and of course, we know the evil the freak show.

    1. Great advice. Don’t let the gaslighters win.

  14. The DEI Garden Gnome is a communist. It's all relative.

  15. Okay my fellow freaks, here are the fallatio commitments you guys submitted for tomorrow night:
    - DEI Garden Gnome, I have you down for spitting. Very nice
    - Airbnbush you're committed to swallowing. Excellent!
    - And Starvin I have you down for gargling (as usual).

    Thank you for your time, see you tomorrow!
    - Phony

  16. For the 20th time for those slow or their name starts with an M… and I mean, the female version more than the male….
    Luke registered as the NEW AIP

    As far back as before he even filed he would’ve been the first to tell you he is not a Trumper as much as you want to try so incredibly hard to make him be that he’s not. He’s 100% of free. “independent” thinker! His wife is a Democrat! His neighbors a neighbor's are a diverse group, and it doesn’t matter to him because city Council is supposed to be non-partisan!

    During his campaign, he spoke to how our community and our nation is being destroyed by the two party system. I sure hope someone has that video and posts

    Lastly, if you were there tonight for Bruce’s M&G with Luke and Jim and the 60+ maybe 70+ Leucadians he did not shy away from any of this! The momentum is huge behind him!

    1. 👆🏾💪❤️

    2. You’re either with us or against us, and we are kicking the Freakshow OUT of City Hall.

      Anthill should update her resume to include boner pill distributor. She will be out of a job just like the DEI Garden Gnome.

  17. Leucadians can Not Stand Phony Kranz

    They have watch her/him shut down coast and MainStreet access for getting healthy food from local merchants and overdevelopment of stack and pack that WILL make Everything CROWDED including gridlock roads, no towel space on beaches, and people stepping on each other at parks, and waiting lines for EVERYONE.


    1. Get out and vote and get your friends to vote, too. They are counting on the machine to get them elected. They will outspend and use pull every lever possible.

    2. Fat, unhealthy, and slow is the GOP motto.

      Prevalence of Obesity Based on Self-Reported Weight and Height by State and Territory, BRFSS, 2022

      1.) (worst) West Virginia
      2.) Louisiana
      3.) Oklahoma
      4.) Mississippi
      5.) Tennessee

      More GOP voters = more GOP leadership = more GOP policies = more sh1th0le loser results.

    3. 👆🏾is Kranz GOP?

      He’s fat, slow and healthy and making Encinitas that way.

      He’s fat, slow and healthy and making Encinitas that way. Kranz sucks.

      Kranz sucks

    4. Why is it all the blue states with Dem policies lead, and red states with GOP policies are the worst on everything from economic growth, investment, real estate value, college degrees, personal income, innovation, teen pregnancy, drug addiction, healthcare coverage, divorce rate, infant mortality, lifespan, gun deaths, violent crime rate, literacy, obesity, diabetes, food security, per capita welfare and government assistance?

      What makes losers with failed policies even think for a second they should be running things?

      They should take a decade off from elections and come back when Alabama becomes a model society.

    5. Good ol California leads the country in poverty.

  18. Editor, editor, where is his editor? Wait for it. A repeat is coming up.

  19. This isn't a "kerfuffle". This is Luke lying about his party affiliation (whether his affiliation was on purpose or not- that's still not clear). That's it; Luke lying about being affiliated with a far right party. It doesn't matter if his supporters don't care, the point is that he misrepresented himself over and over. Typing "what about allison?" won't change that fact.

  20. Jim Luke fanboys are in panic.

    Story changes every few hours, and the candidates themselves offer no cover.

    1. Every few hours? Each made a single statement. Someone can’t count don’t look now, but it’s you.

    2. I can ensure you there is zero panic literally not even a slight abnormal heartbeat.

  21. Luke has never said joining the AIP was accidental.

    It would be easy for him to say that, unless he’s had private conversations over the years promoting the AIP. If that happened and he claimed it was a clerical error, then people would come out of the woodwork exposing him as a liar.

    Therefore, the most likely scenario is that he was intentional in his membership in a fringe far right nut job party.

    1. I beg you to go to one of his meet and greets if you would’ve gone to ⏫ even in as early as June you would’ve heard him say flat out he is not MAGA!!! I hope anyone reading this that supports Luke donates to his campaign right now because clearly this is the only ammo they have that desperately Trying to push false!! I have seen video of him flat out announcing party politics. I don’t know who’s managing his social media, but please post it!! Actually, I get it. What’s the point no matter what you’re gonna try to spend the narrative good luck with that.

    2. Lesson learned, don’t trust “ok Google” hopefully you get my points.

  22. He has said it but that doesn’t satisfy the Mali Marco crew does it. They’ll just move on to the next desperate attack.

    Since this thread is about Blackwell how about you stick with the topic and tell us why she had such a severe memory lapse.

    1. Nope. His statement says he’s a victim.

    2. Keep trying, cause that’s all you got and it’s weak and pathetic.

      The opposition candidates are building an excellent momentum, while Destiny and Allison are nowhere to be seen.

    3. Even before fringe-nutjob-gate and possible-fraud-gate, LukeJim was doomed by their association with the Barstow Thunderhole and other various and sundry far right losers.

    4. And Destiny/Allison aren’t tainted by Phony Kranz? 🤪

  23. Nothing says fake poser like all the photos on your campaign Facebook page wearing the same shirt.

    1. So that what you’re left with? Now you don’t just smell, you reek of desperation.

  24. If you're not campaigning in sweatpants, are you even campaining?
    - DEI Garden Gnome

    1. 👆🏾👌🏿

      Ain’t got a job ….. I can slug down some Cheetos and some mashed potatoes and gravy while campaigning.

      - Gnome

  25. It was intentional.

    He’s a radical right wing nut job.

    1. Study just dropped left wing dems ...

      99.873% of these left wingers have LOW Testosterone.

      Like below 300 and often below 200.

      So your foolish claims are not the flex you think it is wimpy.

      Also- low T affects brain function in quite negative fashion. Like low IQ fashion you felonious scrolling imp

    2. 10:55, there used to be a lot of jobs for knuckle draggers: ditch digger, wrench monkey, garbage man.

      Unfortunately, we now live in an economy dominated by information, automation, and innovation. An auto mechanic on a Tesla needs to work a laptop more than a lug wrench.

      Your most fundamental problem is that what you personally value isn’t economically in demand anymore.

      Teach your kids to align with the economy and social structure of the future, not the past.

      Any socio-political movement premised on turning back the clock is doomed to fail.

  26. 11:20am .

    better get your "T" checked

    You and neocon war criminal Dickhead Cheney are voting for Kemeela.

    Push weights, not puberty blockers dipshit

  27. 11:23am So says the knuckle dragger himself. It takes all kinds and this blog has its share of knuckle draggers. They all do except those that limit their sites to approval only and delete any opinions contrary to their one point of view.

  28. Impressive meet and greet held in Leucadia last night, well done guys!

    1. 👆🏾👆🏾💪❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  29. "In our nation’s 248-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump," Dick Cheney said in a statement. "He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him. He can never be trusted with power again."

    “As citizens, we each have a duty to put country above partisanship to defend our Constitution. That is why I will be casting my vote for Vice President Kamala Harris,” he added.

    Lies and violence.

    Violence and lies.

    Either way, Dick Cheney is right on this one.

    I’m a proud lifelong Republican like Dick Cheney, and I endorse this message.

    1. 👆🏾Starvin playing the space game.

    2. 12:56.....hey moron.........Trump was already President and the country ran great. Get your head out of the fake blacks ass.

  30. In case you missed it, Trump was asked recently what specific legislation he would propose to make childcare more affordable.

    What follows is his answer in full. This is elder abuse to allow this obviously suffering old man to embarrass himself in public. Shame on those who enable this abuse.

    “Well, I would do that, and we’re sitting down—you know, I was, somebody, we had Senator Marco Rubio, and my daughter Ivanka was so impactful on that issue. It’s a very important issue. But I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I’m talking about, that—because look, child care is childcare, it’s—couldn’t, you know, it’s something, you have to have it, in this country you have to have it.

    But when you talk about those numbers compared to the kind of numbers that I’m talking about by taxing foreign nations at levels that they’re not used to—but they’ll get used to it very quickly—and it’s not gonna stop them from doing business with us, but they'll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country. Those numbers are so much bigger than any numbers that we’re talking about, including childcare, that it’s going to take care.

    We’re gonna have—I look forward to having no deficits within a fairly short period of time, coupled with the reductions that I told you about on waste and fraud and all of the other things that are going on in our country, because I have to stay with childcare. I want to stay with childcare, but those numbers are small relative to the kind of economic numbers that I'm talking about, including growth, but growth also headed up by what the plan is that I just—that I just told you about.

    We’re gonna be taking in trillions of dollars, and as much as childcare is talked about as being expensive, it’s relatively speaking not very expensive compared to the kind of numbers we’ll be taking in. We’re gonna make this into an incredible country that can afford to take care of its people, and then we’ll worry about the rest of the world.

    Let’s help other people, but we’re going to take care of our country first. This is about America first. It’s about ‘Make America Great Again.’

    We have to do it because right now we’re a failing nation, so we’ll take care of it. Thank you. Very good question. Thank you.”

    1. WEF says good job.

      No smart Encinitas would read your crap. What a waste of life. Red Blue red blue red blue red blue red blue red blue red blue red blue………..

    2. It’s so sad. He should be enjoying his retirement somewhere with a nurse changing his diaper.

      Instead, his enablers have allowed him to embarrass himself and his family, and commit acts that will have him die in prison.

      So sad.

      Where are his friends and family?

  31. I’m amazed at how many people waste their life on two tea party system.

    You’re wasting your life and you’re proving you are a tard.

  32. Awesome meet and greet held in Leucadia last night, well done Team positive Encinitas

  33. Questions for the debate:

    Mr. Turd, can you give us an update on Mexico’s funding of the wall?

    Mr. Turd, the next few minutes are yours to explain the details of your healthcare plan.

    Mr. Turd, is the number 47 on your hat a goal for felony convictions?

  34. fake black harris....can you explain why you claim to be black? And before you were East Indian and honoring your mom? Can you tell us harris why you like having sex with blacks? Can you explain how you passed the California Bar but can't put together a complete sentence and you allow 12 million illegals across the southern border of your own traitor.

  35. 4:57pm Wow man. You are deep.

    Deep in sheet world, to be clear for the mental defectives such as you who show us every day the depth of your character. Depth? That is a joke oh shallow one. You are broken on the inside. Any sense of morality escapes you especially from and probably because of your usual seat in the Office being occupied daily.

    1. And there it is yet again. You attack me as I present facts. Typical america hating leftists. Children with A.D.D

    2. 6:25 is awarded 184 victim points.

    3. leftists........children with A.D.D

  36. This blog is for local news.

    Not WEF waste of life.

    1. The idiots in washington have effects on locals

    2. 6:27- Act Locally, Think 🌎

      Resist WEF. Do not support their 2 party system clown show!

      Dems and Rep is their show. They both suck.

      Watch the best documentary ever produced ever:

      The Great Awakening 2023


      Live your best life! 🙏🏾


  37. Did they identify the person who defaced Tony's campaign signs?

    1. Now there are multiple? How many signs does the musikal one have?

    2. The picture of the guy that EM posted looks a lot like my Instacart delivery guy. Is he an Encinitas resident? Also, I find it interesting that this defacement used computer printed comments. Aren't these crimes usually committed with markers or spray paint? Just sayin'!

  38. Life tip: don’t join cults based on violence and lies.

    1. WEF love you….

      To all others, live your best lives.

  39. Have your heard Alzheimer’s Don slurring and stammering lately?

    It’s so sad.

    Shame on the sycophants around him who let it continue so they can get paid.

    1. “Leon” Musk.

      So sad.

    2. 7:31- you are a WEF minion loser.

      Act locally.

      Live your best life to all of you others reading this. 🙏🏾

  40. 8:29am. All politics is local, you deflecting one.

  41. How about a refreshing blast from the past?

    A Face in the Crowd starring Andy Griffith will ring so true, 65 years later.

    If the similarities escape you, that alone tells more about your choices than anything else.

    I don't expect many to consider this timeless movie for its ever lasting warning to America, including local politics, but damn, it somehow was spot on for all these decades later.

    Now back to your usual dis and mis information loudmouth few who refuse to stfu.

  42. wtf is WEF you cannot help but use?

    1. Pay no attention to RubenWillow.

  43. This is the first time in three days that the accompanying videos for this thread have not come with a blue question mark.

    I suppose patience can be golden. At last.

    Any idea why it took three days for the videos to show up? Out of curiosity, have others here experienced the same?

  44. Seeing this for the first time and Marlon was in part the messenger maybe he would like to explain her memory lapse for her? Marlon, Mali, Theresa, Marco - all of you so fast to shame others. Can you spin away Allison's brain fart and opportunistic switch to Dem? Am no Thunder fan but you guys had a field day when she went NPP at the last minute. So can you spin it away without going to your usual aboutism? We'll wait.

    1. Jim and Luke are two pussies that can't debate. End of story.

    2. 11:31- your a loser minion living your worst life.

  45. No way will they comment. Just lying low, hoping no one notices before their next nothing burger attack on the Blakespear appointee challengers.

  46. 8:56 yes experienced the same. Not sure why. Now that it’s up some compelling evidence.

    1. Dat right. Evidence of the attempted cover up by Preston's handlers is pretty obvious. GWAD

    2. If they were capable of debating, why wouldn't they list their potential concerns, then proceed? We know Jim/Luke supporters will bitch and moan about bias after the fact no matter what happens in reality.

    3. Trigger ⚠️ Harris has accepted the Cheney s support. Know what that means, Dick C will be responsible for having a say in who gets defence appointments. What looks like a Dem may now be a Dem r

  47. Thank you 11:38am. Good to know I was not the only one not seeing the videos for a few days. Any idea why that occurred?

  48. So 1207 engaging in predicted whataboutism. Want to explain Blackwell’s “surprise” at learning, she was a member of a party she had just the year before stated she belonged to?

    Want to make an Omed style statement that perhaps she’s got cognitive issues and should be tested before the election so voters can be informed? That’s the kind of suggestive statement you folks specialize in when the shoe’s on the other foot, right?

  49. So in other words, Allison's backers are attacking Luke as a liar and a right wing extremist while Deputy Mayor Allison has not been aware of what party she belongs to for twenty years and can't explain herself.

  50. Why don't Luke and Jim participate in a debate? That's the real question. Why not. Where were the issues?

    1. Why do lukejim move as a unit?

    2. You sound weirdly jealous 12:30

    3. 12:30 Because Luke is likeable and Jim is not.

  51. 12:26 exactly. Note 12:28 and 12:30 likely same person unwilling to address the point if this thread.

  52. 12:12pm. Is that all you can come up with. You know what that means?

    It means your fearsome choice of a democracy ending autocrat will not be accepted by a staunch lifelong republican who qualifies as a war criminal for his misdeeds.

    It means your party of choice is bankrupt, morally and in every other way, and is as un-American as it comes.

    If the right wingers have lost the Cheney's, and they have, your upcoming debacle will just as likely be ignored too. It must be communism. Could there be a more ignorant statement?

    When this poster has been asked to define communism, it is always ignored. Little doubt as to why he never addresses this query posed to him repeatedly.

    No one can question his loyalties, even when they are as Un-American as the right wingers have become.

    Wait and see how your traitorous leanings turn out come election time.

    We will either continue to be a democracy or we will descend into an autocracy. These are our choices. Where will you stand?

  53. Are Luke or Jim mentally and or physically capable of debating anywhere at all? That's the question. Anyone able to answer?

    1. Is Destiny capable of debating without the sham/scam League of Women Voters being the moderator?

    2. If they do debate, it will be unfair and they will be victims.

    3. 12:39 who is being proposed as an alternative to LWV? There is no public information about this.

  54. Why does Allison engage in magical thinking or written contradictory statements as to her party affiliation. I have never supported the gnome attack or any name calling, but now I am beginning to wonder if there is something to it. Also, as an HR manager, how many times has she called some fearful employee into her office and scared them to death for similar infractions?

  55. 12:28pm Did Jim and Luke refuse to debate the seat fillers?

    The chicken sheet seat fillers did.

    Now all get are meet and greets; Time to insert some chicken sounds. Bawk, bawk, bawk.

  56. So amusing as predicted, the Marco crowd won’t speak to the Alison issue. That’s all.

    1. The issue of her joining a radical fringe far-right party that wants to give nuclear codes to Kanye West?

      I’m pretty sure it didn’t happen.

    2. No one has addressed the Luke issue, which was the original problem. As a reminder, that was: Why is Like Shaffer registered as a member of a ultra right wing party member when he labels himself as "independent" when campaigning?

      Is he a liar, or did he make a really really stupid mistake? Voters don't know, and Luke refuses to clear up the confusion.

    3. Luke can't address the Luke issue. He knows the appointed ones got the goods on him and they're just waiting for him to deny it. Better to give non answers and hope voters don't notice as he charms them.

  57. So convenient. Everyone focused on this non issue when the focus needs to be on Allison’s votes and Luke’s platform.

    Don’t be opposition suckers. Get back to what he’s running for.

  58. 1pm please include the destiny put up. allison and destiny make quite the pair of put up automaton seat fillers.

  59. As far as I know, Luke & Jim never had an organized debate they agreed to other than a Scott Campbell dick-suck event. Prove me wrong.

    1. Easily done, your gal Preston dropped out of the one all others had agreed to. Chamber of commerce must be a scary place!

    2. At the very least, her opponent Jim O'Hara is a long time active member of the Chamber of Commerce.

    3. And her opponent, long time active member of the Chamber of Commerce has been bitching and moaning to get things the way he wants them for some time for this "debate".

  60. Good point 104. Focus should be on Allison‘s rubberstamp voting record, destiny’s, glaring ignorance of all things even remotely local, and Kranz’s ham-handed “representation“ as mayor.

    1. Good luck exposing Allison's voting record when Bruce's basically the same.

  61. Luke joined a nut job party on purpose because Luke is a nut job.

    1. And you are an idiot

    2. That is not my experience with him at all. People who have met Luke find him charming and attentive to residents' concerns. The same is true of Jim O'Hara. He is a good listener and is easy to relate to. Votes for Allison, Destiny and Tony are votes for BIA and continued contributions to Marco's income stream.

    3. Look at the income streams of Luke and Jim's donors. This is a joke.

    4. Income? Sure, you use the right word retard?

      Are you looking for the word donations?

      They’re running for public office. They’re not crooks like Tony Kranz..

  62. The put-up council majority candidates knew they could not survive a public debate. Plain and simple.

    The League of Women Voters always has been and still is, non-partisan. Anyone opposing that undeniable fact is compromised and full of what they have allowed the fraction of what is remaining of their minds to become.

    Look at the funding sources for the current council promoted seat fillers.

    1. Who were/are the proposed alternatives to the LWV?

    2. The minute the league took volunteer help from residents who donated to the candidates, they lost all credibility. This from a democrat who has spoken with other Democrats, who are also unhappy with what are at best really bad optics.

      Did they have to go there? Not enough league workers to staff their debate, really? Theresa put yourself in the other side’s place if you can for just an instant. Stop gaslighting and minimizing what is at best an appearance of bias. Can’t you and the league do better than this?

    3. Who was the LWV replacement that apparently didn't work out for the Chamber of Commerce debate?

    4. You’d have to ask the chamber

    5. The League of Women Voters puts on a snooze fest. 💤😴

  63. Have there been any proposals for a future council debate?

    No. They are having a useless meet and greet party. Whose fault was that? Not Jim and Luke. Who does that leave Allison and Destiny?

    At least we have one more mayoral debate on Sept 17.

    1. The last meeting was not a debate, it was a snooze fest.

      Ehlers showed his worthy to be mayor and very intelligent.

      Kranz was and is the Town Dunce.

  64. Love that Bruce has finally started campaigning with Luke and Jim. It strengthens all of their campaigns.

    So different from the last election. You can see and feel the momentum building!

  65. Encinitas voters are looking for a clean sweep to get rid of Tony and Allison and to bring in actual citizen representation in the form of Mayor Ehlers, Luke and Jim. These three wish to preserve L7 as a park rather than see it developed. Let's replace those who pander to the BIA and other special interests with involved citizens who wish to listen to their neighbors and act in our interests.

  66. The only explanation for Luke’s lack of explanation for his membership in a radical far-right group is that it was intentional on his part.

    1. Hi Marco. You really are a bore.

  67. City Council member positions are supposed to be non-partisan.Kranz’s Freakshow has everything backwards

    Now you know.

    Don’t listen to Marco. He’s a complete fucking idiot.

    - Local life long voting Democrat that voted for Maggie and prefers family over Freakshow.

  68. 🤣🤣🤣 the meangirls created another fake non partisan Facebook group for them to advertise their fake non partisan candidates.

    1. That answers the question of who got the boot from EN yesterday. So subtle. 😂

    2. Didn’t you move?

    3. Figured it was Golden, Thunder, Hill or ???

      So was it Lorri who was the only “one” who got the boot previously?

    4. None of the above.

  69. Luke will lose
    Jim will lose
    Tony will lose

    The council majority will appoint a like minded rep for Olivenhain.

    Status quo.

    1. You’re very likely right. As much as I’d be beyond thrilled to see that grifter Kranz retired from politics for good, I still hope Jim or Luke can get in too. We seriously need a change and as a D2 rez, the idea of Preston replacing the oh so useless Hinze is completely horrifying.

    2. Funny 902 you are likely working with, but are at odds with Gonzalez‘s predictions he’s been spreading around.

    3. Preston would be Hinze lite, if such such a thing is imaginable.

    4. 👆🏾meaning She’s never in Encinitas so she’d be a council member working from Sacramento. Classic.

    5. 9:02- I completely disagree.

    6. 3:14 working from and for Sacramento.

    7. Why do people keep saying Destiny works in Sacramento? She's been super clear that her job is remote with some travel, and that she works from her home in Encinitas.

  70. If you think “but local council races are supposed to be non-partisan” is a shield that immunizes a candidate from scrutiny for joining a radical right wing nutjob party, then you are living in a fairy tale.

    1. That’s right. The local radical progressives are loud and proud, are they not!

  71. I don't know who started it but here's what I do know. The FIRST thing they did was invite Watchdorks Julie, Natalie, Christie and Julie's pet Golden. Christie and Golden immediately started to promote them. None of those people are demanding to know who's behind it which means they KNOW who it is and they're on their side. Which also means there is absolutely NOTHING non partisan about it.

    1. 8:52- stupid post. I never liked or followed Stan..

      I’ve been lifelong Democrat that voted for Maggie every time and actually campaign for her and Bruce back in the day.

      The freak show including BIA and the predators are very very harmful to Encinitas and many many Democrats do not support them.

      -Democrats for Bruce, Luke and Jim❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    2. 9:00 -Democrats, NPP, and Republicans for Bruce, Luke and Jim❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    3. What 9:00 lots of us with you!

    4. 8:52 nonpartisan just like Encinitas Now! 😉

    5. Another one sided propaganda site is exactly what Encinitas needed. 🙄

    6. Cool story, bro. Don’t join.

  72. When asked what he would do to tame inflation, Trump responds that Americans have stopped eating bacon because of wind turbines.

    It’s like a Mel Brooks script, but also very sad. They are letting this doddering old man embarrass himself.

    1. Minion says what?

      WEF Trained you well. And you don’t even know. 🤣

  73. 9:43am. T-rump embarrass himself? Good one. He would have to have a conscience to ever feel embarrassed. He does not have that ability.

  74. Density is an arrogant opportunist, playing the I'm a black victim card. I take pictures of me at the SRT, instead of meeting with the residents! Why would anyone vote for this carpetbagger that knows nothing about our city, that doesn't live here, that is clueless about the families and the children that live here. She is cheating gypsy that is so unstable, she has to use an airbnbush as an address. Her crazed thinking that b/c, she visited Carlsbad when she was young, or that she grew up in LA, entitles her to run for City Council, is insane. Encinitas is made up of 54% families, with 0.49% blacks. Where does she get off thinking that she's entitled to make decisions that will affect 20% of our family oriented community? The D-machine plucked this one from Sac, for a repeat failure of the entitled, immature bully living at grandmas oceanfront property, demanding that everyone get on a bike. No matter how many children/adults her agenda has set up to be injured/killed, they don't care. I want to see that ignorant bully on a bike with her two kids, her grandma and mommy, and their wheelchairs strapped to her back, running errands. Do any of them ride a bike around town, or to the City Council meetings? NO🤣🤣🤣 Now, she has picked this entitled, conceited know-it-all, b/c she will vote all the way BIA. hairybush stay in Sac, Arcata, Oakland, Palm Desert, South LA, wherever? Just get the hell out of our town, and leave us the alone.

  75. Destiny finally CLEARLY states that she's lived in Encinitas since 2 years...on the new "Myths vs Facts" section of her website. It's OK though, she's a "local" because she was raised within 150 miles of Encinitas and her first cousin went to Flora Vista 😂 Desperate much?

    1. Her "myths and facts" explanations are thin at best and desperate much at worst. She's trying to cover for a record that doesn't exist. Notice she didn't list the basic questions she's refusing to answer because that weird refusal, voters, is a fact.

    2. How long in district 2?

    3. It's kinda odd that Democrat candidates need myths vs truths sections on their sites to combat the lies coming from EV.

  76. Wasn't Jim a longtime Cardiff resident, who moved to D2? And how long has Luke been in D1? Anyone taken a look at LukeJims' voter registrations?

    1. Someone did! They found out LukeJim was lying about being an independent and that he was part of some crazy far right party.

    2. Longer than Density, er, I mean Destiny 11:43. A-LOT longer!

  77. 11:07, 11:11 late in December 2022 airbnbush rented a room to use once in a while, when she blows into town. She is desperately trying to cover up for a record that does not exits. She wants to show-off that she was a city council member. Another short run of the many places she has lived in, and worked remotely.
