Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Elizabeth Shany speaks!

Elizabeth Shany is speaking right now at City Hall, asking for an appointment to the Arts Committee.

It is reminiscent of Kristin Gaspar's first sighting at City Hall, after Gaspar decided she wanted to be Council Member Gaspar. Does Shany's first appearance portend a successful run for Council too?

Shany's campaign Facebook page is here, but she doesn't seem to want to talk about pensions... or any other issues, for that matter.


  1. She mentioned the Surfing Mary - that ended her chances of being appointed. The Madonna is like a crucifix to Count $tockula!

  2. There are many reasons why Gaspar is dodging the pensions issue. However, regardless of how perfect Encinitas Houses are people are going to keep bringing up the pension issue because it cannot be swept under the rug any more.
