Thursday, December 8, 2011

City ordered to pay $54,862.50 attorney's fees for frivolous fight against Public Records Act

Here's the judge's order:
Attorney's fees order, Cummins vs. Encinitas

That's in addition to the tens of thousands they paid comic attorney Glenn Sabine to repeatedly and consistently lose his frivolous challenges.

Exit trivia question: what council member's campaign web site promised:
I understand that tax revenue is not the government's money or the city's money…it is your money, and , [sic] I pledge to use it wisely. I will not tie your money up with frivolous complaints or attorney's fees.

Answer here.


  1. Probably over $100,000 of taxpayer money wasted after adding in Sabine's share.

  2. Andrew Audet 's column in the Coast News this week is very apropos. You can read it online now.

  3. What's the big deal?? That barely 4 months of Muir's pension,,,,,

  4. This is the era of unprecedented greed and self-interest on the part of civil servants. While the economy melts down, they load up their pensions and perks and sell their influence to the highest bidder. They arrogantly feel as tho the electorate is so ill informed that these excesses will not even be noticed. They openly express distain towrds the few citizen activists who see what is really going on. $tock$, Bond, Gaspar, Muir and Sabine need to be run out on a rail - then go thru the city departments and clean out the insiders.

  5. Who is going to sue to get back the 1.5 million that the fraud of an updated General Plan has cost the City? They have a 1,000 page document that everyone hates, and Pat Murphy said that the reason he didn't release it partially in order to make sure that the 2 year project was on target was because the MIG, the consultant had it in their contract that they couldn't do that since it might do the unheard of thing of benefiting the people who paid for it. Those people were not consultants. They got the entire check by the time of the September 1 release and the 'party.' This is shameful! Would Winston consider taking on this case to get the red-line version of the 2 plans?

  6. Not everyone hates it.
