Saturday, August 2, 2014

That's going to leave a mark

Seaside Courier:


  1. What about Mark Muir's retirement to the tune of approx $175k?

    1. Oink!!!! That's Piggy Percent's reply!!

    2. He needs all of that money so he and his family can eat hearty.

  2. Oh, and what about the $80 million sports park?

  3. Of course that is from the courier. GASpar medical runs 1/2 page ads there every week along with Harwood and Stocks. Nice company the princess moves in. Tony, Tony he's our man. If he can't dump the princess, nobody else can and thankfully it will only be for two years and not four. Two more years without the princess sounds good for our town and will truly show the old boys club their time has come to an end.

  4. Arnold- from Carlsbad- is a suck-up kiss ass, not an independent thinker.

    In this case he mostly has it right- but what a joke to say people want to put a park there! Arnold, who was a loud supporter of the $ 80 million regional sports park that Gaspar supported as built and the forever screwed Encinitas taxpayers as badly as PV, is confusing his parks, understandable as Arnold's not much of a deep thinker.

    What is deep is the sinkhole of Debt Gaspar and Kranz are sticking on the backs of taxpayers with no plan to improve the situation

    Kranz and Gaspar both backed wasting up to $`135,000 on the Vina spin doctor

    Kranz and Gaspar both supported wasting money on surveys, rutan and tucker and peak democracy.

    Kranz and gaspar both support keeping vina and sabine on staff

    There two of kind, side by side, diving the Encinitas financial bus off a cliff. Gaspar saying hit the brakes now is a day late and $7 million short.

    Maybe Arnold should stick to writing about what he knows- Carlsbad

    Fact Thrower

    1. Agree, TK Arnold as he was known when he was a bad music writer for the LA Times in the 80's and 90's (Even had a poodle hair cut) doesn't live in Encinitas.

      He already tried and failed to nab a seat in Carlsbadistan, and he doesn't even know about that...


    2. Agreed about wasting money and supporting the loser Vina who needs to be fired.

      Firing Vina is a real City Council's highest priority. Ours is currently a bad joke.

    3. Fact thrower breath, you are wrong again! Both Muir and Gaspar voted for a position, but the moment Mayor Barth's lap-dog/weekend buddy Marlena was hired, both of them have tried to convince the City Manager that his choice was both wrong and inappropriate.

      Might wanna check back into rehab: made a meeting lately?

    4. 5:00 you do realize you just confirmed that the facts presented are correct. WTF- "tried to convince the CM his choice was wrong" confirms that Gaspar first voted to approve up to $135,000 for the spin doctor. Nice attempt to rewrite history-

      Candidate Julie Graboi spoke out against the hire, suggesting money be spend serving residents on a project-

      Gaspar ignored her and voted to dig the hole of debt deeper- like she did when she voted to take $7M from capital proejcts with no plan to pay it back

      Fact Thrower

    5. Obsessed with Kristin.

  5. Gaspar is no better. The premise of this cartoon is a total masterpiece, and I love the portrayal. However, they both should be holding the wheelbarrow. That's how this whole deal works, they make you think there are huge differences between these two candidates, when in fact any difference, if there are any, is trivial. I don't see a difference in between one candidate wanting to raise the budget by 15% and the other by 10%. Budget still goes up, yet one calls it a spending cut because the rate of increase is less.

  6. This Seaside rag now shows its true intentions - push the Gasbag's campaign agenda. The fiscal conservative approach - what a joke!!!
    Dump the phoney Gaspar!

  7. Maybe Gaspar can throw in some of her rocks and sand to cover it up!

  8. Maybe Gaspar should be in that hole.

    1. It's the taxpayers of Encinitas in that hole.....

    2. She's a taxpayer.

    3. Amber Frey reincarnated.

  9. Alice Jacobson is listed as the publisher of the paper.
    Small world.

    1. Oh my, just another friend of cinderella. Go figure.

  10. The one thing you have to keep in mind is 9 out of 10 people in this town don't give a rip about politics or any of the goings on. They will only pay attention the last week. I know this because I still have neighbors who just ask me who to vote for, and then sometimes they would still vote for Jim Bond.

    So move on, nothing to see here. Seaside Courier is published by Former SD City Councilman Jim Madafer. And since both Stocks business and Gaspar's twist and grab business have ads in there, I think you can get a grip on the slant of the news...


    1. Yea, exactly right. Most citizens don't have a clue what happens at City Hall - they will be influenced by the glossy misconceptions pushed in the political mailers to come. Gaspar can portray herself as Mother Teresa, and many would buy into it. Apathy allows the bottom feeders to infest our civic affairs; so, alas, she is probably the front runner.

    2. They probably asked you so they could vote the opposite. They may know more about you than you suspect.

  11. Maybe we can fill the coffers with stones and sand, like Kristin Gaspar did in her school presentation at the state of the city.

  12. Tony can get of those big rubber fingers for his campaign demonstrated in that classic car windshield shot of a few years back.

  13. We need a real City Council that will dump Vina.

    that is the highest priority for a real City Council.

  14. Alice publisher? Didn't she have the first letter to the editor in it as well Nov 19? And what do ya spose was on her mind? Why the outlandish purchase of Pacific View. Yep, Alice, who was on the Planning Commission when she helped change 2 to 3 stories in Leucadia's Specific Plan. (2 was the reccomendation of the SparC committee).
    Well, a few of you have it right. SC is a political machine, the kind we see trying to build steam each year before an election. The cartoon is from envious developers who are still drooling over PV, and their only recourse is to try and piss off tax payers as though paying a third for seaside property is a bad deal in Encinitas. Fine. Thanks Tony for stepping up and saving PV!

    1. not true…. I am just a local surfer raising my family here for the last 20 years.

      PV was a stupid decision and just like the Regional Sport Complex, drains the City Budget and keep the City from accomplishing other needed projects like the Streetscape. Just think how much streetscape could have been accomplished with $20,000,000 which is now being spent on purchasing yet another unnecessary overpaid piece of property.

      Dalakranz is a full. Both Gaspar and Dalakranz need to be removed from office. Next

    2. Given that the "Courier" hasn't changed its look at all from its supposedly previous owner, my theory is that she's a front for Jim Madaffer, who still owns it and actually never sold it. Interesting that there was no announcement of any change in the "Courier" (other than Madaffer's sale of his other papers down south).

  15. 12:27- your no better then the SC-

    Both Gaspar and Kranz have been epic failures for taxpayers- Gaspar's sinkhole is an $80M dollars park few in the community will use- Gaspar voted to take $7M from funded projects with no plan to pay it back.

    It's been two years KG- where are my rail quiet zones you raided? Where are the other park improvements or streets?

    Interesting to know Jacobson and the PC promoted 3 stories in Leucadia over the recommendations of residents-

    Was Pedr Norby involved with that as well?

    1. 8:02, What part's not true? If you liked schools more, you may not have misspelled "fool".

      7:50, It is "you're", not "your" and "than", not "then". And yes, Alice along with 4 other commissioners ran roughshod over the recommendations of the citizens adding height to many areas in Leucadia. As it was a long, grueling process that took years to get to the PC, then 2 years for them to rewrite it, the citizens wanted it approved anyway. Sheila was the only dissenting vote. Now we know why. And no, Peder had nothing to do with Leucadia in the late 90's or the extra story added to the SP. His focus was on Downtown Encinitas alone. He did however (as we all know) suggest 5 stories for undetermined parts of Encintas a few years back to the ERAC committee.

    2. Jacobsen's all time fave quote "Every house in Leucadia is a tear-down".

    3. God Bless Our Tear-down.

    4. My favorite Ann Patton line: "Who'd want to live near a train?!"

  16. Yeah-- Gaspar and Kranz

    Where the )(*&)K are our quiet zones!

    Other City in SD and all over California have them. Quite building stupid trophy projects and start taking care of needed business.

    Our City Council Sucks!

    1. Railroad quiet zones will cost $250K per study. We have 4 locations. 4X$250K=$1000000. The city will never step up and do the right things for the citizens because spending unlimited amounts of money on trophy projects gets a council persons name on a brass plate. And that's most be immortalized.

    2. Run for City Council you chicken shit!

    3. What? You moved next to a railroad track and you want other people's money so you can sleep in peace? Who gives a flip? Move if you cannot sleep through the horn!

  17. This is just why Julie is running and should be everybody's choice for a true peoples representation at our city hall. Sure she is just one and will be out numbered but rest assured anyone on the current council who tries to go against her will face the wrath of the community in two years. Do the right thing and align with her and you will become heroic in finally wresting the entrenched developer interests out of their greedy hands that has held sway for too many years. The way forward is now within our grasp with committed citizens like Julie stepping up.
    There are more in the wings that we would like to support but for this year Julie is the one and in two years we could have several that will fill in for those that refuse to see the future that is surely coming. Represent us council and stop being led by slimey gus and glenn if you want to be known for anything positive in our progression to a true body that supports those that believed in them and voted for them. That they went back on their campaign promises is hard to forgive but we have a forgiving nature and are looking for a hint that some of you three or two since Teresa will be out of the picture none too soon, will see the light. Join us for truer future and we can finally clear out the old boys club that has ruled the roost for far too long.

    1. This is the same nonsense you spilled about Barth 8 years ago. And she turned out to be as radical as Stocks, Bond and Dalababbler just a different radical . At least Barth wasn't stupid enough to call for steam cleaning a play ground....

    2. Barth was stupid enough to:

      1. Lie on Prop A
      2. Pay $10M for a property that appraised at $4.5
      3. Increase city debt service by $1.25M annually knowing the roads suck
      4. Continue listening to Vina as he wrecked the city financially
      5. Continued listening to Sabine as he wrecked the city

      She is a skunk-

    3. what's "steam cleaning"?

    4. 3:37 I urge you to take your children or grandchildren to the park and let them play where the dogs have pooped and peed. Then when they get sick be sure to rush them to the ER.

      Carlsbad does a nice job cleaning where the damn dogs go.

  18. The special developer interests that are pushing Gaspar are figuring that the average voter is an idiot that responds to knee jerk cues, like motherhood, apple pie and the flag. Gaspar brings NOTHING to the table, but confusion, double talk and favoritism to developers. She needs to be dumped!!!

  19. Sorrily, too true 12:06. With that in mind, consider what we can do with the limited choices we have for mayor. Tony, Tony, Tony can be a way to dislodge the old boys network and dump the princess. It may be hard to swallow at first for many critics, including myself, but consider the result we could attain for the next two years.
    No more personal homey diatribes that in a way remind me too much of Bond's almost incoherent ramblings. No more constant nasal attentions. Makes me think she might be allergic to the dais. If only that were true. We certainly are allergic to her out in here in the real world. Just a consideration for one of many ways to get to some real sense of representation for the community over the influencers.
    Tony obviously is not an innocent in many circumstances that could have been handled differently but maybe he is yet salvageable if he can show some independence like Julie will bring to the table.

  20. Tony will fall into step with the developers. He has already said he wish he had not supported Prop.A. At least Kristin is honest about why she votes the way she votes. Honesty and Integrity mean a lot, at least in my book. But, if you want to have Council meetings a bars with a whole bunch of former Mustangs, then go for Tony.

    1. Is Gaspar honest when she is claiming to be a "fiscal conservative"? It is a LIE and lacks integrity. If you buy that crap, go for it.

      Dump the girl who is really aligned with "the good ole boys".

  21. 12:06- What does Tony bring to the table? I campaigned for him, gave him the maximum money that I could and I have seen no leadership, except bees and PV. That isn't good enough for me.

    1. Nothing much. He has been seen conferring with the power brokers - they are plying that maliable brain with "options" - he is not an independent thinker, and is mesmerized by shiney objects. Yes, Dalakranz probably has his price...

  22. Well 3:15, we all used Tony and Lisa to dump his lowness and it worked within that very limited confine. Could it be possible to use him again for removing the princess entirely from our city government? Why not? He would have the two years to show his true colors, if at all possible, knowing that some of his current alliances are not what we all would prefer. Just a consideration folks. We have him anyway for those two years so why not use him to remove her when we have the chance?

    1. 4:04

      You are a Kranz supporter who in my opnion likely benefited from one of his horrible votes-

      You might be Scotty Chatfield paid by Kranz to patrol the blogs to talk him up - hey you are using your Save PV website to put out propaganda and mislead and misinform

      Maybe you are golden earring Marcon Gonzalez, hoping to keep Tony Baloney in power to get more denstiy bonus votes like desert rose- I see Marco is pushing that density project in Solana Beach that has a lawsuit- now Marco cries the CEQA laws are too onerous- they wern't onerous when he was finding a way to suit LA Jolla taxpayers for $250,000 over supposed fireworks, or when Marco sued the Cleveland national forest and got appears to have more taxpayer money in his pocket

      Maybe you are a bar owner

      On thing your not is a realist- Kranz lied to the public on A, Kranz wants to raise our taxes to pay for his reckless drunken spending, Kranz paid $10M for a property that appraised for $4.5

      Vote his sorry ass down, and then vote his sorry ass out in 2016- no pension or health care for you Tony- you let us all down

    2. Gonzales is a maggot of the worst sort -a self serving parasite.

  23. so far- we have 3 crappy candidates, I hope we get more or I will be writing in my vote.

  24. Thats Right!

    Andrew Audet should be our Mayor. He would change City Hall that is for sure. I am writing in Andrew Audet.

    - Peaceful Encinitian

    1. Audet's not running. There are no fantasy leagues in politics.

  25. 5:17 I am not any of those persons you suggested, not even close. I am, however, a citizen who attends council meetings and if not, I watch them at home. I did vote for Tony in order to dump his lowness and am glad that that bully is out of here. Tony betrayed his supporters just like Teresa and Lisa and all of the council about Prop A and that hurts. Our current council majority failed to pursue options to force baird into a better deal thanks to sabine's so called legal advice. We all have to live with that and all of them following sabines lead unquestionably was the root of the successful extortion by EUSD.
    What we can do now is dump the princess. If you can come up with a better way to begin to clean out the old, bring it on. This is just one way. I hope to hear of many others from all the creative minds around here.
    Andrew would kick all sorts of ??? down there and has such a presence of strength, I have been asking him for years but I guess it is just not in him to seek office. I am thankful for what he has provided and always want more and would love to see him up there with Julie setting a new precedent for going forward into the future.
    I also did see that Solana Beach case where Marco represents the developers[ big surprise] and Everett the neighbors. I sure hope Everett cleans his clock again just like he did with the Desert Rose case. Maybe Everett can chase Marco from case to case until Marco realizes he should return from the dark side he seems to have chosen as of late. Oh, never mind, I know that ain't gonna happen anytime soon or ever.

    1. Dump Cinderella.

      She is NOT a fiscal conservative as she states. That is a fabrication to garner votes. She knows it and so do we.

      She is the developer's dream to making more money off our city with stack and pack.

      She is $tock$ puppet on a string. He pulls them -- she jumps.

      She lied about Prop. A and won't admit it.

      She didn't mind spending our money on the projects she wanted. No big deal.

      Now, in order to be elected mayor, she sings a different tune.

      Her time on the council has been a waste because she is in the minority and will remain so.

  26. Audit is nervous that someone will look into his background. That's why he's not running. ALL HOT AIR!

    1. No 9:51, you are the hot air with your idiotic innuendo that interests no one, not even when you provide your so-called "background" info. Too bad Audet exposes you and your buddies on a regular basis, how inconvenient for y'all.

    2. The Barth/Shaffer directed video lie presented by Racer-Audet and the Turney's disqualified Audet forever from elected office in Encinitas.

    3. I think Audet is busy doing something called "work", something a lot of the posters on this board are unfamiliar with...

    4. 7:35, how exactly does a video "lie?" That video put Audet on the map as a peoples' hero. The only thing it "disqualified" him from was getting the developer vote. Oh, and the vote of the developers' tools too, of course.


    1. How about you?

    2. I nominate the birther person who says they gave money to Obama!!

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Come on. Let's stop attacking council members for physical traits and focus on their their actions. This really detracts from the purpose of this blog.

    2. 9:19 Since when is "lying" a physical trait? I think EU is buying into Gaspar's lies. Can't focus on her actions because she hasn't achieved much since she's been on council.

  29. I wish the cartoon wasn't so real. Its spot on. Dalakranz blew this issue big time.

    1. It may be real where PV is concerned, but tells less than half the story. Come on: Gaspar's just as guilty as overspending as the rest of 'em, for reasons outlined above. You "wish" - please.

  30. 6:05 nice try to blame Dalakranz- however

    1. In 2011 when Pacific View came up Kristin Gaspar left the building, that's right, she couldn't be bother to represent taxpayers, she wrongly cried and complained she didn;t have enough information. The truth is she was a coward and concerned with herself. When residents needed her vote she left.

    2. Gaspar could have held Vina accountable in Oct 2012 when Vina cancelled a meeting, Baird came down the next weekm Gaspar was silent, said nothing about Pacific View

    3. Gaspar could have made a motion to file an injunction to save taxpayyers money in 2014 the injunction could have sought to hold Baird accountable- she did not.

    THe whole sucking the life out of taxpayers was dug by Gaspar, phony Tony is just finished the job.

    1. I bet Kristin's photo is under your pillow; isn't it?

    2. 7:37 a weak immature childish response the the record of Gaspar- come to think of it, her decision making has been immature let's be real, she left the council meeting in 2011 to avoid voting on Pacific View- She went AWOL, dereliction of duty is what they call it at Pendleton

    3. Don't confuse "immature" with a physical trait.

      Don't confuse "lying" with a physical trait.

    4. 7:37 Ewwww night mares.

  31. Let's face it Gaspar is very immature and represents the city poorly.

  32. Let's all take a deep breath and admitt an obvious truth. We are all agreeing with each other for a change! It's a wonderfull thing! Tony and Gaspar are both lousy candidates. Let's all revel in our brief unity before Mikey starts in with his predictable Atwater/Orr ugly and outdated schtick.

    1. Here Here ! Cabezon, we again agree !

    2. Cabezon, you are right on.

  33. People are freaking about Pacific View. That $10 million will look like chump change in a few years compared to the ever mounting pension obligation. Only 7 ex-Administrator types already collect $1 million/year. As this number grows, so does the perpetual obligation of the taxpayers' to support this priviledged elite. It absolutely needs to be addressed before this city heads to bankruptcy.

    1. 12:28, exactly. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.

    2. 6:04 and 12:28 you do realize you ignore reality

      Price $10M
      Interest: $10M
      price to demolish- $2M-$4M - because this is Encinitas
      Price to rebuild something: $25M - because this is Encinitas

      Time land will sit as crap (sure they might put a few galleries in there) 10 years

      What happens in 10 years ? the city can sell the property (for less then they paid likely)

      Running around saying that piece of crap property cost $10M is to ignore the actual costs and the lost opportunity costs elsewhere

      thanks for playing, want to try again?

    3. Purely hypothetical projections on costs. Pensions are a given - the millions are piling up, with no end in sight. Your "reality" is squed to support an attitude, not facts.

    4. the facts are it will cost more than twice the $10M number to even own the rat trap land, let alone use it

  34. The more I've explored the details, the more confident I am that there would have been bids above the city's $10M had the auction gone through.

    1. 1:42 pm, absolutely ridiculous and unfounded supposition, you are drinking EUSD kool aid cover story to try and repair Tony's reputation.

      No one knows and no one ever will know.

    2. 6:30, Oh, we'll know.

  35. 1:42- And what do you base your assessment on?

    1. 1:45,

      Very little risk for the bidders.

      When I dug into the details of the auction, I realized that EUSD were basically providing a garuntee on rezoning the property to R15.

      The state law on rezoning surplus school property only applies so long as the owner is a school district. If the property was sold to a private party, they have no standing to invoke the rezoning. So EUSD created two sets of bidding terms. One set for buyers willing to accept the property as is, and another for a sale contingent on rezoning. Under this second option, you bid a price based on R15 zoning, then enter a 36 month extendable escrow while EUSD fights for the rezoning. If EUSD wins, the parcel is rezoned and the buyer closes escrow on an R15 property. If EUSD loses, the bidder walks away from a $200K deposit (<2%--pretty small).

      Nearly all the risk, cost, and distraction of the protracted legal fight is borne by EUSD, not the bidder.

      Surely the R15 value is north of $10M, even factoring in the chance of losing the deposit.

      Click the link, and carefully read section G, sub 1 and 2.

  36. 2:20
    You nailed that dude !!!!!!

  37. phffff only a dalakranz would think you nailed it.

  38. Very glad that 2:20 is not my business partner.

    Sure, put up a non-refundable $200,000 deposit on the chance that in three years the school district might be able to get the property rezoned to R15.

    The district was so uncertain about the "potential re-zoning of the property" that it doubled the escrow period from 18 to 36 months.

    How many businesspeople do you know who would tie up 200 grand on the chance it might bear fruit in three years, and if it didn't it would be gone, gone, gone?

    1. tony tony tony

    2. 9:26,

      On a $10M deal, $200K is 2%. For equivalent proportions, consider a transaction where you are purchasing a car for $10K with a non refundable deposit of $200.

      True, the buyer is putting $200K at risk, but balance that against the opportunity to make much more. Also consider that the legal costs are the responsibility of EUSD. It's doubtful that the deposit would even cover the legal bill if the deal falls through. The truth is, EUSD had way more risk in the deal structure than the bidders. That's pretty good signal of their true confidence in their legal case.

      If you think real estate investors would not be comfortable with a 2% risk, and a motivated partner who is taking on more risk, then you don't understand real estate, investing, risk, or math.

    3. Really glad you're not my business partner, 9:50.

    4. So am I. Baird is a bully, which makes him excellent at bluffing. It's what he does best. Everyone at the city is too timid and lacks confidence to stand up to him. The only one who ever did it was Jerome Stocks. He said at a council meeting that the city wouldn't negotiate with a gun to its head after the school district sued the city. I was sitting close to Baird. He turned beet red and started to stand up already mumbling.

      Stocks prevailed, and the district withdrew the lawsuit. An example of the school's weakness in the rezoning issue, which could have taken years to sort itself out. No developer wants that, especially after tying up $9.5+ million in a land deal. There is good inside information that the district didn't have any bids.

    5. You guys are funny.

      So immersed in subjective opinions of individual people. So affected by emotion and wishes. So invested in perceived historical slights.

      Good business decisions are about the numbers.

      Lift the fog of emotion, and you'll see: EUSD were shifting risk from the bidder to themselves with a novel deal structure. This was an excellent deal that was likely to result in dense residential development of the property.

      You can argue that outcome would be better, but you can't argue that it was unlikely. It was going to happen.

    6. 7:23

      This and your previous arguments are specious.

      A good businessperson who's looking at possible moves compares risks. He/she goes for what analysis shows is the best return for the least risk.

      The circumstances pushed PV to the wayside by comparison with other opportunities.

      6:39 is correct about Stocks v. Baird. I was there. I saw the duel. Stocks won. I'm no Stocks fan, but he really wasted Baird in that contest.

      Later, Baird devised a way to bamboozle the City. Without worthy opposition, he got away with it.

    7. 7:23,

      Google "Risk Adjusted Rate of Return (RAROR)"

      It's a standard calculation that allows normalization across multiple deals with varying levels of risks and returns.

      The objective isn't necessarily to find the deal with no risks, or the greatest rewards. Every investment has risks. Every investment has potential rewards. RAROR is used to create a normalized score that looks at the expected reward relative to risk. Even a real estate deal with significant risks can be a good investment if the potential reward is even bigger.

      In this case, the $200K risk is not big. EUSD shifted the zoning risk onto themselves. If the auction had run its course, and the rezoning effort failed, it would be EUSD who paid the largest price, as the value of their asset (PV) would decline significantly relative to the R15 bid. They'd be forced to sell at a much lower price.

      Basically, you are over-simplifying.

      I really don't care about the theatrics of the "duel" or whether the players are liked or not. What I care about is--what was the real value? Did we get screwed or not? I know it flies in the face of popular opinion, especially in this venue, but those who know how to do the analysis will tell you: we paid in the high end of the expected range for the property as-is. The R15 value in the Section G(2) rules of the auction would have been significantly higher.

    8. 3:39, not 7:23

    9. OK, 4:59, here's the gist of it:

      "The DDF-RAROR is used to evaluate security performance of media stocks (1997--2001)."

      How is that relevant to PV?

      If you have $200K, want to put it down as a non-refundable deposit with the possibility that three or more years later you might be able to follow with $9.5 million or more, and then take who knows how long to develop the property and sell whatever you've built on it in a market whose characteristics you couldn't possibly have predicted three years earlier, you're welcome to do that.

      I would use my $200K and the bankroll that follows it in a way that provides a good return sooner and more certainly.

      You sound as if you're analyzing the situation in an academic way, which is to say theoretically and divorced from everyday reality.

    10. I tap out.

      You want to play dumb and cherry pick quotes from academic research seven links deep in the search results.

      I was trying to have a serious conversation about how pros would assess the value of a parcel like PV. It's not complicated; it's practical knowledge; and you could easily understand it.

      But willful ignorance is easier, so I get it. Enjoy.

    11. As there were no bids from any "pro's" I must conclude they too determined PV was a rathole, dilapidated boondoggle with to much risk

      Clearly Kran is no pro

    12. OK, 6:44, here's the definition from the first entry in the Google stack:

      "A concept that refines an investment's return by measuring how much risk is involved in producing that return, which is generally expressed as a number or rating. Risk-adjusted returns are applied to individual securities and investment funds and portfolios."

      As the other quote indicated, RAROR has nothing to do with real estate development.

      We had a debate, you were shown to be using the wrong tools and no common sense, to be talking theoretically, so you lost.

      You can now take your ball and go home.

  39. So is City Council done farting around with the time wasting Strategic Goal planning (AKA- Vina retirement planning) and get down to real business of setting a real finical plan for the City.

    First critical path item for City Council is hire a real City Manager. We do not want to go the way of Stockton or Sacramento. Fire Vina now.

    1. Condemn Vina for what he's done in Encinitas. There's plenty of evidence he's done and continues to do a terrible job.

      But there's no evidence he was solely or largely responsible for what happened in Stockton and Sacramento in circumstances over which he had little control.

      By continuing to blame him for Stockton's and Sacramento's woes, you're undermining whatever arguments you might make against him in Encinitas.

      He's done plenty of damage here. There's no need to delve into his past to find ammunition you can't prove he fired.

    2. 4:04

      There is evidence Vina screwed Sacramento taxpayers- there is the VIna vote of no confidence from the Sacramento council, there is the 'cabinet' Vina hired in Sacramento and then gave huge raises to- just before Vina got canned

      and now Vina has hired a new $1M dollar cabinet in Encinitas, and brought a number of his Sacramento Cronies with him

      Fact Thrower

    3. Fact thrower, you leave out the fact that he was the interm manager appointed by the Mayor, Kevin Johnson after the city manager was canned. You leave out the fact that the council and Mayor where at odds with each other and voting no confidance was a political move by a divided council. You also don't provide details on the raises that the Council approved. You also don't provide the number and names of the so called cronies that VIna brought here to fill his cabinet with. Who are they? You seem to be a Fact Spinner.

    4. "Fact Thrower," you're no such thing, If you have documentary proof that Vina did what you accuse him of in Sacramento or Stockton, show it. Post the links.

      You're making unfounded allegations. You're making accusations that simply aren't true. You have no proof.

      Vina has done plenty of bad crap here in Encinitas. Call him to account for that, not imaginary stuff from his past.

    5. 8:38 PM
      You need to check your facts. The previous city manager resigned. The Sac council appointed Vina interim city manager. Vina was in that position for about a year when the vote was taken to have a national search. As for the raises - did he approve them without the council input?- Finance Director Leyne Milstein, Human Resources Director Geri Hamby, Community Development Director Max Fernandez and Police Chief Rick Braziel received them. An acting city spokesperson (sound familiar) explained the reasons.
      Vina resigned the interim city manager position one month before plagued city budget was due before the Sacramento council. It left the council in the lurch.
      Read the Sacramento Press article -
      Vina transfers pressures with budget, unions to council

    6. Post the URL, 12:02

    7. Now I know what Sad Sac Vina hired the City Spin Doctor at $135k a year cost to us tax payers. Its to have her blog responses to try and defend is worthless ass.

      Sad Sac has a terrible track record and our City Council needs to step up and take on their primary responsibility which is to provide a good City Manager. The first critical path step is to fire Vina, hire an interim city manager, and do a national recruitment for the position.

      The past 1.5 years have been a pathetic disaster for Encinitas, I sure hope City Council can buck up to their responsibility to us tax payers and do the right thing- Fire Vina.

    8. 12:02

      Vina- gave huge pay raises to his cabinet in Sacramento - all while knowing Sacramento had huge debt and unfunded liabilities- like roads.

      The council in Sacramento gave Vina a vote of no confidence and kicked his free spending self serving leadership to the curb becuase he was on a path to bankrupt the city- they went and hired someone else.

      Where did Ol Gus wind up- well right here in Encinitas, where he cancels meetings, with holds financial information from the public, tells untruths to the council on the state of the city's finances, underfunds roads maintenance and hires a new $1 million dollar cabinet.

      All the Vina loyalists who support the waste of taxpayer money, who support the city manager who with holds financial information for the public and who support the city manager who deals in the backroom playing fast and loose with taxpayer money should read the 8:01 post again, where is the word Stocton mentioned?

      Fact Thrower

    9. 8:38

      The facts of the amount of the raises to Vina's Sacramento cabinet are posted online. Look it up or live in blindness. Ranting they don't exist doesen't make it so.

      Fact Thrower

    10. Post the URLs!

      And learn how to spell.

    11. I never said they didn't exist. I stated that the Sacramento Council approved the raises that's all. Stop making things up to support your flawed facts.

      You claim Vina brought some cronies here to Encinitas but you still can't/won't list who they are. The onus of proof is on you, so provide some details of your so called facts.

    12. So, Throw Upper, where's the proof? You haven't posted the URLs. You've posted only unfounded accusations — hearsay and stuff you made up. If you have documentary proof from credible sources, post the URLs.

    13. 3:04 Credible sources-
      1. Vina got kicked out of his job in Sacramento so they could go hire a better candidate.
      2. Just before getting kicked out of his job Vina gave his cabinet level hires pay raises.
      3. In giving the pay raises to his cabinet Vina knew the city of Sacramento was seriously in debt.
      4. Leyne Milstein- went from $131,270 to $150,304. Max Hernandez in community development went from $164,445 to $172,667, Geri Hanby in HR went from $151,402 to $162,00-

      According to reports Vina justified the raises saying responsiblities had been consolidated, he did the same thing in Encinitas. Vina told Sacramento "I looked at our salaries and I saw their were some inequities" Vina told Encinitas the same thing

      In Encinitas Vina has

      a. Increased salaries for his cronies
      b. Underfunded projects for residents
      c. Raised fees on residents
      d. proposed a tax increase on residents

      The same article says Vina told the reporter he wanted the job in Sacramento- the job he got kicked out of.

      Cronies from Sacramento- I'll open with Lisa Rudloff - Parks and Rec. It is my understanding Rudloff has received a raise since to Encinitas frm her ties with Ol Gus in Sacto with Vina citing "consolidation" and "inequities" as the reason

      Name calling makes you look foolish, I will stick with the facts- they are credible

      Fact Thrower

    14. BS Fact spinner. Rudloff did not work for Vina in Sacramento. She came from another city near Sacramento. I can't speak to her getting a raise but if she did it was approved by Council first. I don't recall that ever being on any council agenda.

      You claimed that there were more... Well who are they?

      You still don't show your work or links to sources. This just your own personal opinion and interpretation pieced together with inuendo and hearsay, not actual facts. NOT CREDIBLE!

  40. Stocks was for sale Baird would not pay end of the deal.Everyone nows the story of dalagars nearly new kitchen.Aztec appliance is a Stocks insurance client Stocks introduced them.the word on the street is stocks got the same deal

  41. Is this encryption? Yes, undoubtedly $tock$ was able to capitalize on his position as a council person - he was apparently more discreet in how it was done.
    Dalager shot his mouth off - duh!!!!

  42. If they City had left out the part that it can be rezoned in 10 years I know I would feel more comfortable. Oh well, it's only money. At least that's what a lot of the Council and citizens feel about PV. Fortunately, I am retired and have saved my money after working for 50 years. No government handouts either, and no public pension. So, all of you that wanted it, of for it. Look at what Barth proposes for it. OMG is all I can say.

  43. No government handouts? Do you mean to tell me that you're not collecting Social Security or Medicare either?

    1. 1:26: Do you really consider programs that people have paid into their whole working lives a handout!

    2. 1:26 Handouts? Let me be the first to call you a moron.

  44. No, I don't think that. I'm just pointing out that many of our representitives on the right consider them just that, a handout. The GOP is trying to end both of these programs or haven't you been paying attention?

    It's quite hypocritical that most on the right say big government is bad, then do an about face when you try and take THEIR ENTITLEMENT!

    1. Your ability to recite partisan talking points is neither enlightening nor flattering.

    2. Coming from you, that's hilarious. You have lost all credibility as a non partisan blog administer.

    3. The unsustainability of entitlements is a very serious issue for our country.

      Both the left and right have proposed some solutions which are worth discussing.

      But to say, "well you collect Social Security so nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah-nah!" is nothing short of moronic.

    4. 4:51,

      I'm sorry to hear that.

      But it would be helpful if you could point out specific statements where I've gone astray. Kind of hard to address a blanket generalization.

    5. I never said that and you know that's not what I meant to say. I just asked a question and offered my opinion of the flawed GOP attempts to end government entitlements and provided a link for 10:57.

    6. What are you talking about? Blanket generalizations are the meat and potatoes of this blog and it is full of BS generalizations.

    7. 5:39 generalizations?

      Gaspar- voted to approve hiring spin doctor up to $135,000 (with phony Tony)

      Gaspar - voted to increase debt service and raid $7M from funded projects (with Phony Tony)

      Gaspar - chose to ignore taking action on Pacific View in all of 2011, 2012, and 2013 (with Phony Tony)

      Gaspar- voted to underfund infrastructure, road and building improvements 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 (with phony Tony)

      Fact Thrower

  45. Doesn't anybody remember Romney's "47% of Americans are takers" comment? The statement included those who draw on Social Security and Medicare.

    Oh and by the way... Bush spent your hard earned money on a doughnut hole and two wars that have left us in a middle east nightmare .

    1. Romney is a joke. I see why he couldn't get elected President.

  46. Bush, Clinton, Romney, Gaspar, Dalakranz, Obama. All losers in my book.

    Vote them all out and keep the new blood coming.

  47. Four of the names on your list aren't running for another term, unless your talking about Hillary and Jeb who haven't declared that they are running for office so far. In fact three are already out of office.

  48. thats my point. Vote them all out and lets good some better blood. Dalakranz, Gaspar and Obama are all bad and need to go. Just like the other losers listed.

  49. You can't vote Obama out and he can't run for another term, loser or not.

    As far as Kranz or Gaspar, who else is there? Fidel? Please tell me you're not going to vote for him just because you want new blood. He's not going to get the job done either.

    No soup for you...Next!

    1. Obama could run for another office ( like Mayor or Governor or School Board Supervisor) and I would not vote for him. Why- Because he has no good vision. He's a puppet.

      As far as mayor race for Encinitas, same thing. All Candidates are very weak as shown with their lack of leadership while city council members. (Fidel- is not a real candidate in my opinion). So unless we get someone else joining the race, I will be writing in my vote for Andrew Audet.

      There is just not that much difference between Dalakranz and Gaspar and at least Gaspar is speaking and voting fiscal responsibility. Dalakranz just wants to build more unnecessary trophy projects which drains the City budget for other real needs.

      I didn't want your crappy soup. It is made of week smelly rotting animal meat. What I do want is some good City Council candidates not the same old rotting meat.

      Unless something else happens, Andrew Audet gets my vote. What about you?

    2. Please tell me your not serious. What President in the last 50 years has run for another political seat? He will retire and build his museum.

      Andrew Audet is not running and does not want your vote. Your wasting your vote.

      I have not made a decision yet. Let's see how they all shake out when they speak on the issues at community forums.

  50. 1:26- Yes I do receive Social Security and Medicare and I paid into them for all of my 50 years of working, unlike the generation before me. And I don't have a problem with them receiving it either. What I do find interesting is not one person has mentioned what Barth thought PV could turn in to. Are you not paying attention, or are you too busy thinking about our team from wherever they come from? Win or lose, doesn't really matter when we are talking about a sitting Councilwoman exposing what she thinks PV could turn in to.

    Adding insult to injury, I received an email from Kranz today asking me for a donation. I gave him the max. last time, and I will give him absolutely nothing this time.

    And, one last thing. There is a controversy brewing over Blakespear putting her signs up early. Shades of Muir and Stocks? Not so, says the City. New rules. Hard to exactly find out what they are, but since Kranz, Barth and Shaffer are all pulling for Catherine, I guess they made an exception. Me, I am voting for Graboi. It would appear as if she is the only one with some integrity.

    1. 8:45 paid for Medicare for 50 years. The bill passed in 1966.


    2. Graboi - Appears to be a total air head and can't even put together a platform her positions on City issues is. Check out her post on this website- She can not even answer three simple questions.

    3. And you, 5:22, can't put together a coherent sentence. You can keep trying your "three simple questions" tack, but no one cares if Graboi ignores you here. Write her via email, like a normal person.

    4. If you want the City Council to STOP SPENDIING MONEY, then vote for Julie: a vote for Blakespear will empower Shaffer and Kranz with a third vote for taking on more debt. Also, what is Blaskespear's real last name?

    5. A vote for genuine Julie won't stop the spending....

  51. I am not voting for Julie until she presents her platform. She won't answer any questions.

    Right now she sounds the same as Dalakranz

    1. All we hear from you is blah blah blah. I've asked her my questions and she's responded to all. Quit being so lazy and ask her directly.

  52. What's her phone number and email address?

    I don't do Facebook .

