Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Skateboarding is a crime

From the Facebook:


  1. Perhaps the alternative would be a signed contract acknowledging and accepting the risk and releasing the city from all liability. Minors would have to have it signed by both parents.

    The contract would have to be signed at City Hall prior to getting caught. The city could issue a laminated card to people who have a signed liability release. When the police arrive, wear your helmet, show your card, or get a ticket.

  2. You must Respect MY AUTHORITY!!!

  3. NOW we see some of the benefit of the $60,000-$70,000 that we paid Green Play. Their expertise is finding ways to increase fees and raise funds for Parks and Recreation. What a brilliant strategy to give kids tickets. Such a great use of city funds to hire consultants to come up with such a brilliant plan.

  4. How about we have helmet and pad sharing sort of like bike sharing that other cities have? Kids could get helmets and pads at the Park and return them, or if not then face a fine.

    1. You're kidding, right? Years ago, the University of California at Riverside bought about 200 bikes for bike sharing on campus. Within 3 months (or less), there wasn't one bike to be found. Share in America means rip it off before the next guy does.

  5. Oh boo hoo guys. You were warned last month that there was going to be a trial period for you to get used to the clearly posted regulations and that you older skaters should set an example for the up and coming youngsters that go there.

    They look up to you and you have assumed the mantle of leadership there at the park. Try to show a little responsibility for the gift you have been given.

    That goes for curbing the smoking there too. It is on you to lead the way for all those younger skaters. Prove you appreciate the gift this city has given to you and your friends. That surely is not too much to expect or is it? I guess we will all see what you and your friends are made of. Stand tall and represent a positive example.

  6. Skateboarding is not a crime.
    Not wearing a helmet is just plain stoopid.
    Instead of a fine, community service would be more appropriate and beneficial.

    - The Sculpin

    1. I agree with you Sculpin. Your idea is better than mine.

  7. Oh boo hoo guys. You have had a month since you came before the council and pleaded against mandatory safety equipment being required at the Hall Park skate course. The regulations had been posted long before that.

    You older skaters are responsible to younger up and coming skaters to set a better example than you have so far. Show you care about this gift by abiding by the rules.

    Any parents who let their kids skate there would appreciate you 'grown ups' leading the way forward in a safe and respectful manner. You have the chance to present a shining example of what anyone would expect when given such a gift.

    That goes for curbing all smoking there too. You know better. It is a great spot. Don't spoil it. A little responsibility can go a long way, if you choose step up. All smoking is illegal at all of our parks and beaches and just because you see others smoking where they shouldn't is no excuse. Set an example we can all be proud of.

    1. 9:56 Does this include parents teaching their children not to drink? I know some who have taught their children to drink is "to be cool" and drink right along with them. Great example parents.

  8. Skateboarding w/o a helmet is a gateway crime to armed robbery or worse. These punks will be in federal prison in no time.

    1. They've got little upstairs, so there's nothing to lose!

  9. If they all wear helmets, then we won't get to watch cool stuff like this:

  10. Kids should be playing soccer, tennis, baseball, swimming, running, etc. or participating in debate, drama, etc., or playing a musical instrument after school. Skateboarding does nothing to better our society.

    It's all good and fine that they are at the skate park, but how do you think they are getting back home? Making noise and disturbing the peace on public streets and sidewalks.

    1. I have written down the 1:58 approved activities.

      Any advice on what we should be allowed to eat, or approved clothing?

    2. 2:43 Teach your kids to eat healthy and don't wear pants down to their knees. Cover the butt!

    3. American kid - 18 or older, a cigarette hanging out of his mouth and skateboarding in the middle of the day. Cowabunga dude!
      The Asian kid is in school, working or joining the professional ranks due to diligence and hard work. Maybe the skaters can wash dishes at the Asian take-out, if they ever get motivated.

    4. American kid ends up winning a few contests, a few X prizes and earns enough money to start a clothing line, skate products company, and a big house on the eastern side of town. Hires asian kid as his legal advisor.

      - The Sculpin

    5. Sculpin believes in the lottery. One in a million would be good odds compared to his example.

    6. 4:14,

      Were you always like the Asian kid growing up? Did you turn out okay?

      If I could go back in time to teenage me, I'm sure there were moments when adult me would slap the crap out of teen me. Yet somehow I survived stupid decisions, got smarter, wiser, and more responsible.

      Sound familiar?

      Cut the kids some slack. Most of them will figure it out.

    7. Yea, I suppose so.....

    8. 4:42 - no, I don't believe in the lottery. I believe in hard work and chasing your dreams. I guarantee you that for every sk8tr washout kid there's a corresponding asian washout kid who's too stressed to meet expectations. Not every kid joins the professional ranks, and not every kid becomes a pro athlete, but all kids should be allowed to realize their potential. To me, it doesn't matter if that potential is realized through the library or the sk8 park or the football field. Trust them to make their own mistakes, learn from their own failures. I mean come on - how the hell did we ever survive the 60's? And look what we've done! Give these kids a chance......

      - The Sculpin

  11. There are no tennis courts at the new park, not are there basketball courts or a swimming pool. I wish that that those things would have been put in. Basketball an tennis courts would have been easy. Not sure why they wouldn't include them. Many of us asked and were told NO.

  12. In 5 years these boys will be able to hit UNION, drink themselves silly and tear up the downtown and the sheriffs won't give a damn...

    1. That thar be called revenue!

    2. neither does the current City Council.

  13. Cops have a quota to meet every month. If they say they don;'t they are lying. This was easy pickin's.

  14. Wow, thankfully those cops were up-armored. No amount of military gear is too much when dealing with skaters.

    Speaking of safety issues, those boys should also remember just how brown their skin is. Cops 'round these parts don't take that kind of obvious disrespect for the established order.

    Wear a helmet boys, and post-tasering headaches will become a thing of the past!

  15. Generations of people lived and prospered just fine without wearing helmets for skateboarding or biking... the nanny government strikes again
