This week in a routine email to our City Engineer I received the attached response. Is our City Staff going through a revolving door or training people who now work in other cities?Magdosku, we hardly knew you.
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2018
From: Chris Magdosku
Thank you for your email. My last week at the City of Encinitas is the week of October 1 and I am off on Friday September28th and will return on Monday October 1. [...]

More in engineering and planning need to go out that door.
ReplyDeleteThat includes Brenda.
He was still able to sign off on some very underhanded projects at the direction of Brenda!
ReplyDeleteBrenda needs to go, like yesterday. How many times can she screw up before her friendship with the CM no longer protects her? Before the council decides she's too much of a political liability? Apparently the number is endless.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is at the top. Rotten.
ReplyDeleteJust ask any staff or anyone who met her. Fake and passive aggressive. Not great qualities when your objective is to build a team to accomplish City Council goals.
When will the City Council hire a decent City Manager? Then we will have a City Engineer that lasts more than 1 year...... yawn. Encinitas is broken. Along with a lot of broken things in the City. We need a real City Manager.
The city manager is hired by and works for the council. The city manager is not independent. The city manager is at the council's beck and call.
Delete11:12, what's your deal with blaming the city manager? The council is in charge.
It's feeling a lot like 11:12 works at city hall.
DeleteMaybe 11:12 USED to work at the City and is no longer employed.
DeleteMaybe the only one who thinks the City Manager is doing a good job is the City Manager.
DeleteShe hired Brenda, and all the others who continue to leave ASAP. Its a clear indication and typical of her poor track record. More to come.
It sounds like the same old stuff from the same old mouthpiece slimy mikey.
ReplyDeleteNo matter how many times we remind him that the CM serves at the pleasure of council and does their bidding, he always blames her.
He does have a history of going after women that are not to blame. Nothing new there coming from the likes of him. Same old, same old.
Your know your doing a bang up job when you have this old hag defending you. Ha!!!
DeleteIts clearly time for a change. City Council make it happen. You are responsible for this failure.
I miss the good ole days when I could see Gus Vina in the alley behind the 7/11 pacing furiously while talking on his cell phone during working hours.
ReplyDeleteIsn't that our downtown heroin alley? I never knew gus was so inclined. That would explain a lot.
ReplyDeleteI saw this several times.
DeleteAt some point, you would think the City Council has to recognize the failures and has to hire a decent City Manager.
ReplyDeleteIts the City Councils responsibility to hire a decent City Manager that can make good recommendations for City Council to approve for bettering Encinitas.
Please do so.
The City Council is running the show. Vote out Blakespear and Mosca. Keep Muir. Jody Hubbard is the same as Blakespear.
ReplyDeleteThats sounds like the CM talking.
ReplyDeleteThe City Council are lay persons that get elected but have no real understanding of City Government. The City Councils biggest responsibility is to hire a decent city manager who can provide solid recommendations to the lay City Council members and efficiently manage City operations.
I would say their current pick is getting a D- to an F. Blakespears has to take control and get rid of this train wreck.
It would be helpful if the town cryer would tell us some specifics on why the CM is so bad.
DeleteTown crier is a city worker who finally has to be productive.
DeleteGood one, Karen.
Delete9:32pm, 6:38am. Slimy mikey you have a problem, mostly personal, with people, mostly women, make that exclusively with women, who are not in positions of power and follow higher ups decisions.
ReplyDeleteYou are a puppet and a lousy one. Give us a break and keep your puppet masters directions to yourself. This gets so old. Expecting anything more from such a slime ball would be a nice change. Ain't gonna happen. It is above you. Far above you.
Hey...go easy on Mikey...He's just trying to make a living as someone who thinks he's a master of character assasination.
DeleteIn defense of "Mikey." A lot less people said same thing of Gus. He was run out of town. Karen hasn't been, yet. Only because she lives here in Encinitas and is best friends with some of the "obstructionists." Her ousting would create problems from a vocal minority - but vocal indeed.
Delete12-37- You seem delusional. I am not Mikey, or a puppet and I have no issues with women.
ReplyDeleteI'm a taxpayer that hates seeing such a dysfunctional City Hall with tons of waste and bad direction recommendations from staff to the City Council regarding policies like the housing element and never getting any needed projects done in a timely manner. Two examples include the Rail Corridor Study and the Quiet Zones. The damn quiet zones should have been completed well over 5 years ago, yet the City Manager's team can't seem to get anything done right and all she does is blame her staff. Its no wonder the high turn over in management below her.
I would like to see my tax dollars go towards a well run City Hall not a shit-show full of waste and misdirection to the City Council.
PS- The City Manager approves all the agenda reports going to the City Council. The City Manager is responsible for the content and recommendations in the agenda report or the lack of good recommendations. Example at hand - the failed and the currently flawed proposed housing element.
ReplyDelete8:24pm and 8:29pm. You can repost t all you want and different threads. It does not make you any more legitimate.
ReplyDeleteCouncil is supposed to lead and not be led. Maybe some day.
Council makes policy. A city manager manages everything going on in the city.
DeleteWho is Mikey and what makes anybody who blames him think he posts here?
ReplyDeleteJulie G.
DeleteAnd anyone else who's ever been unlucky enough to encounter him.
Delete8:57am. Poor addled mind mikey imagines the women he attacks would spend a moment responding to his rants here. They don't.
ReplyDeleteOthers do call him out every time and that will not stop until he does.
Get a life slimy mikey. Grow up.
11pm. Blaming this pariah is always easy from the content of his posts. Being anonymous means nothing when he is so transparent.
The irony in this reply is just too funny.
DeleteOne anonymous person claiming for certain that the other person is someone specific (albeit anonymously posted) in defense of someone else who was anonymous.
BTW - I think all of you are council members.
Oh eViolation of the Brown Act perhaps?
DeleteWho is this person you call slimy mikey?
ReplyDeleteWhelp proves to me delusion or just uneducated. I hope the later.
The City Council sets policy, and hires their pick of their City Manager. The City Manager is responsible for managing all the City. All else refer to my previous post.
I predict she (the CM) will be gone November 7, along with half of planning staff. Measure FU was the last flag to get it right. They blew it and wasted a million dollars.
DeleteIf council doesn't let them go, the a judge will by imposition of a moratorium. Without "cost recovery" resources, they're done. Technically, I guess, Council can raid the GF, reserves, or the 101 streetscape budget to save them. But again, at what cost???? That will be their choice, and probably their undoing in 2020.
Should be miserable to watch.