Monday, October 21, 2019

Mayor's husband shows up to support mayor taking away bike lanes; blasts cyclist groups who oppose

When we last heard from the mayor's husband Jeremy Blakespear, he was launching profanities at Kristin Gaspar for criticizing the SANDAG Director Hasan Ikhrata's goal to track and tax drivers' use of San Diego County roads.

At last month's decision to take away bike lanes on 101 through Cardiff, via Facebook:
San Diego cyclists, in coming months when you cruise the coast in Cardiff, either on your own, in pairs, or in a group, and wonder where your bike lane went to, .. well here's your answer.
The Encinitas Mayor's husband referring to you as "antiquated and self-interested".

When you find yourself dodging pedestrians, strollers, tots on razorboards and dogs on leashes on the west side, or swerving around plastic bollards and accumulated junk on the east side, just know that you, like the local bike clubs, the Encinitas Bike Walk society and TRUE cycling advocates in attendance, are simply "antiquated and self-interested" .
Here's the YouTube.


  1. What is a vehicular cyclist?

  2. Why didn't the wife instruct her planted supporters to wave their arms idiotically instead of clapping, like she does for other agenda items?

  3. The photo of Shaun Wallace on his Facebook page isn't helping his cause.

  4. He cites "True North" as a source to support his views. It's a consulting group that came under fire in 2012 for producing highly-questionable survey results on housing in Encinitas.

    True North Research has taken up residence in Leucadia. It apparently continues to be a valued stakeholder in all things City Hall spin related.

  5. Is a vehicular cyclist a guy who carries his bike around on a rack strapped to the back of his vehicle?

    1. it's the husband not thinking too straight. made for one another.

  6. Who voted for this guy? I don't recall viewing "pinhead" on the ballot

    1. Apparently he was the mayor's running mate, who knew?

      I voted for the guy with the dog.

    2. I wrote in Tony Hawk

  7. Boot him and the wife. ABC in 2020.

  8. And if anyone's wondering what "ABC" means - it's "Anything But Catherine."

    1. Lou forgot to select anonymous from the drop down list.

  9. True North has been on retainer since 2012 at least. Blakespear the mayor no doubt hooked up Blakespear the lippy husband for his spun "survey."

  10. Fricken Mayor and her dork hubby are full on losers and no nothing about biking. Its not experienced riders against inexperienced rides.... that road should be designed to accommodate both. She just burned all those bike riders who used to support her. Fool.

  11. 8:44PM You just proved hubby's point.
