Friday, May 1, 2020

Beach closures cause crowding at Moonlight for bioluminescence viewing

We've had these incredible bioluminescent blooms many times over the years. It has always been something you could go view in complete solitude anywhere along miles of beaches.

But now that state and local authorities have locked down much of the coast, there were huge crowds at Moonlight Beach tonight as one of the few remaining places to see the phenomenon.


  1. Proof? Or you ain’t saying nothin.

  2. Ask the lifeguards who were driving on the beach with cop lights blazing, or anyone who was driving in the vicinity of Coast Highway and B Street this evening.

  3. Moron convention underway!

  4. Encinitas!
    Super-spreading since 1967

  5. What happened to gullible warming???? The seas rising to engulf the coastline? Swallowing up homes, people and land?
    Ohhhh' I remember now, IT'S A LIE. And, it's been a lie for twenty years. You fools.

    1. iM sMaRteR tHaN aLL tHE sCIEnTiSTs, ANd i dON’t EvEN nEEd mEAsuRmEnTs, JusT mY gUt.

    2. Ya', the scientists making a living on tax money/grant money stolen from American workers. So the lies will continue as long a grant money is doled out. Like the Chinese communist flu that was predicted to kill hundreds of thousands by scientists modeling (another lie), gullible warming has provided yet something else for the weak minded to be scared over.
      If you believe in man made global warming you'll believe in anything.

    3. ScIeNtIStS jUsT fAKe rEaSeArCh tO pLeAsE wHo PaId fOr It.

      eXCEpT tHe oNe gUy ThE KoCh bROthERs pAId.

  6. Wrap the corpses in American flags....

  7. What corpses? The ones over 80 with underlying health problems?

    Let the families figure out their own plans. Geese, you people sure like to micromanage other people's lives.

    IMHO, What a terrible waste of a flag and resources. Incinerate any bodies and be done with it.

    1. No problems here Encinitas because transmission was blunted and we. How about the not so old public safety and nurses dying in other places where they didn't stop transmission?
