Wednesday, June 17, 2020

6/17/20 City Council meeting open thread

Please use the comments to record your observations.


  1. Let's see: 8 lawsuits against the city brought on by greed, city overreach, and ineptitude, and there's "nothing to report."

    6 brought against the city by residents, 1 by a former fire dept employee who probably got canned for being too truthful in public, and 1 is the city trying to hide it's still gunning for Prop A.

    It's time for adult supervision: vote the majority out in November.

    1. Nice try concrete queen.

    2. I'd say nice try at deflection but it's pathetic. Do try to focus.

      Want to comment on how much Blakespear's loose-lipped Walker remarks are going to cost taxpayers?

      So much for the "bleeding" from lawsuits Blakespear claimed she'd stop. Guess she meant hemorrhaging but mixed up her words.

      You can't explain using an actual argument, so you try your sad "look over there" tactic. Not working.

    3. Anyone can sue for anything.

      How many of these suits has the city lost?

    4. The point is not won/lost as the city counts on residents running out of money before they do (using our money). The city has, by the way, lost some.

      The point is that the high number of suits is a symptom of people having to use their hard-earned money last-ditch attempts to get their so-called representatives to protect them.

      That is the point.

      The settlement everyone's waiting to hear about is Walker's where the mayor helped her friend's case against the city. Blakespear had a serious case of diarrhea of the mouth over what she called unsafe road conditions. Watch for this one to be dragged out till after the election.

      In fact, watch for all of these to be dragged out until after the election. That's ok, council: we can read between the lines.

    5. And I would suggest an alternate explanation for the number of lawsuits.

      Entitled whiny crybaby right wingers who used to have a good old boy's network of backslappers like Stocks, Bond and Dallager trading votes for kitchen appliances on the down low. They were used to getting anything they want with a wink and a nod.

      And now they have a city council comprised of young people, strong women, and a gay guy who aren't even interested in kitchen appliances or fake charities to do election work (

      So yeah. They are entitled. They keep losing. And they are throwing legal tantrums which they will lose.

  2. More lawsuit payouts of taxpayer's money for unsafe roads, more drugged out bums, more bum crime, more high intensity development blocking sun and views, more traffic and congestion, more crowded beaches, more pollution, more bars and wastiods walking our streets causing trouble and crime, and less freedoms from our Mayor!

    Wow. What a great job Mayor and cronies! Just what I had envisioned for Encinitas. Now I do not need to move to Hermosa Beach after-all. Keep up the great work.

    1. Is there anything sadder than a self-described former wannabe semi-pro surfer?

      Perhaps your use of the word “bum” is evidence of self hatred.

  3. Very simple! Blakespear and her the two other council members need to be voted out in November. She is not a leader and is a very poor decision maker. Her personal agenda does not align with the majority of the citizens. Wish she could be removed now before she causes more damage!

    1. That’s what you said before the last election.

    2. So what's your point, 9:05?

    3. Well, for starters, maybe you should admit that your track record of predicting what “ does not align with the majority of the citizens” is poor.

    4. Well for starters maybe YOU should distinguish between JP Elliott and Thunder.

      And no opposition to Kranz and Riley.

    5. The concrete queen BIA member?

    6. You will get no traction with that one unless you're referring to blakespear? When did our mayor every vote against a project - seriously, name it.

    7. "Pacific Station is a new upscale mixed-use development located on Coast Hwy 101 in historic downtown Encinitas. The highly detailed and varied architecture blend in nicely with the beach town’s ecclectic (sic) retail district."

      The only thing better than pouring concrete over historic downtown Encinitas for fun and profit is using that profit to buy yourself an elected office to vote for more concrete.

      Thunder recently came out in favor of turning the natural beauty of our coastal bluffs into concrete bunkers.

      You don't say, Julie.

      What a surprise.

    8. Thunder-Jones supplied the cement. Other vendors supplied the wood, roofing, etc.

      The council, "staff," and some fast talking on DeWald's part got the project approved. Throw in a partner or two of his from a certain DEMA player at the time and you have the reason for the project.

      Thunder/other vendors came later as contractors, not deciders. You're pointing the finger at the wrong culprit but you know that, 2:40.

      You need a new angle. Your dog won't hunt.

    9. Who were the deciders? None of the current council members were in office then. Was it Julie’s buddies like Stocks? Did Thunder Jones make a profit? Would they make a profit if Julie gets her “Pave the Bluffs” bill passed?

      Follow the money.

    10. The deciders were the council. Don't know about buddies but any contractors were not deciders. All contractors if they're good business people make a profit.

      Your pave the bluffs comment is stupid, mg.

  4. Sorry to hijack the subject matter of the thread but this seems pertinent...the media and the far left politicians who seem to be getting hammered are creating a new lockdown narrative.

    It's all so obvious.

    There will be no schools opening in two months.

    Fraudci has been silenced but loves his fame and fortune so much he's reappeared decreeing that sports should NEVER EVER be played again especially football and baseball.

    Gavin Fraudsome decreeing to wear masks especially while having sex because muh...stop the spread.

    As long as your having 2000-200000 people rally in the streets and looting and burning buildings and punching/pushing 94 year old ladies with walkers into fire hydrants the above does not apply.


    It's all so obvious.

    1. 2:35 I'm so glad I've never known what it's like to be as stupid as you.

    2. 2:35 - where do you live during the day? That is, where is your burrow? When you emerge from the dank, stupid hole, you seem confused as to where you are. Perhaps you need another ventilation hole to increase your oxygen intake.

    3. OK Boomers 6:47 and 7:52.

      I do observe that most people walk thru life with blinders on and only read worthless headlines and listen to incredibly conflicted people like Fraudci that say one thing one day and the completely opposite another day to look cool and/or propagate a narrative. But you go be you and walk off that cliff.

      Pathetic Lemmings.

      According to the study: "We found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks."

      Study: "Disposable medical masks (also known as surgical masks) are loose-fitting devices that were designed to be worn by medical personnel to protect accidental contamination of patient wounds, and to protect the wearer against splashes or sprays of bodily fluids."

      "There is limited evidence for their effectiveness in preventing influenza virus transmission either when worn by the infected person for source control or when worn by uninfected persons to reduce exposure."

      "Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza."

    4. Are you searching for science that supports your feelings, or are you searching for the truth?

      If you say “Hey Siri, find research that concludes masks don’t work,” you’ll absolutely find a study that supports your view, because science is rarely without outliers. But this kind of search is called confirmation bias—it isn’t a search for the truth, and it won’t tell us anything useful about whether there is a mainstream consensus view of most scientists, and what that view may be.

      If you don’t want to read hundreds of dry research papers, one shortcut to finding the truth in science is to search for “meta analysis” research. Meta analysis is research that collects, synthesizes, and analyses a broad spectrum of research on a specific topic.

      In this case, there is a recent meta analysis that rolls up and summarizes the work of over a hundred other studies on the effectiveness of distancing, eye protection, and use of different types of masks.

      The conclusion on masks isn’t surprising. N95 masks work better than unsealed cotton or disposable surgical masks against transmission of SARS COV-2. But the cotton and surgical masks do also reduce spread. Confidence in these conclusions is low because it’s unethical and impossible to conduct randomized, controlled, double blind research on virus spread during a pandemic.

    5. Its pretty simple, unless you are Jeff the town idiot. You are most likely to get it through your nose or mouth, either by touching or breathing. Put a barrier over your nose and mouth and droplets gets caught comimg and going. Also, you cant touch your mouth or nose if you have a covering. How dumb must one be to not understand that? Many asian countries know this and dont even need to be told. Only ones that dont get it are dumb like jeff or trump. Don’t be a jeff.

    6. Good God 845 are you that scared and stupid?

      You do the very things you accuse others of.

      You're an absolute fucking idiot. You should basically just go fuck yourself.

      What a completely worthless human being you are. Maybe you're with the GOP?

    7. 9:51 sounds emotional and lacking a rational response.

      Maybe we hit a nerve.

    8. 9:51,

      Just stop. You aren’t an epidemiologist. You probably couldn’t pass a high school biology test today. Most of us can’t if we’re honest.

      We are fortunate to live in a place with the resources to hire public health experts. They know more than you do, no matter what your ego or Fox News says.

      Listening to sports talk radio doesn’t make you an NFL player, and reading the internet doesn’t make you a disease expert.

      Sit down. Shut up. And accept the guidance of people who have spent their lives preparing for this.

      You sound like an ignorant ass.

    9. 9:40 - tomorrow, in Tulsa, will be Trumpsters "jump the shark" moment - when his stunning stupidity becomes undeniable and clear to the middle-of-the-road, sensible people in this country. A rally during a pandemic is really dumb, then attack mask-wearing folks as being anti-Trump is malicious. What the fuck is wrong with you Trump supporters? Seriously, this is not political - it is common sense. Wear a face mask, do not gather in an indoor space to demonstrate that you're willing to die for a clown.

  5. The city has deep pockets and uses the citizens' money. Citizens use their own money. The city uses paid consultants and what Blakespear calls her "professional staff." Citizens rely on their own resources. The city invariably appeals if it loses in court. Citizens have to suck up the added cost of the appeal.

    I can think of three lawsuits that the city lost: The city lost when it failed to do an EIR on the Hall property with its contaminated soil. The city lost when sued over the street paving inventory that was called a draft when it was the final document. The city lost again on its sign ordinance when it was challenged as a violation of free speech. The city appealed all three in vain. All were financed out of the pockets of residents.

    1. 2 of your 3 were during the Good ole Boy days.

    2. And the third suit about the sign ordinance, most people supported the city on that one.

      When you see trashy campaign signs year round cluttering up the town, thank the resident who had to make a stupid point.

    3. Fuck I hate those signs almost as much as I hate the useless, lawless, noise machines Harley Davidson straight-pipe geeks who thing they are cool when they look like total dorks. Could they get any fatter and smoke more cigarettes? Their 59 year old babies with their fat rolling over their belts looks even that much hotter right? Wow. Love that shit and love their senseless noise.

  6. No diff between "good ol' boys" days and now. Everything gets rubber stamped by blakespear and her 5-0 council. Referring back in time before this council is a red herring.

  7. For sure. I can't beleive someone actually become worse than Jerome Stocks. I didn't think it could happen. But Blakespear blew by Stocks like he was going backwards.

    More lawsuit payouts of taxpayer's money for unsafe roads, more drugged out bums,
    more bum crime,
    more high intensity development blocking sun and views,
    more traffic and congestion,
    more crowded beaches,
    more pollution,
    more bars and wastiods walking our streets causing trouble and crime,
    and less freedoms from our Mayor!

    Blakespear take the crown. Worst of all time.

    I bet Jerome is stoked.

  8. Another day, another GOP operative is exposed for bigoted social media posting. This time, it’s the nominee for the number 3 post at the Pentagon. If there’s one place you don’t want a conspiratorial racist, it’s in a high ranking role overseeing the US military.

    The GOP has a racism problem. If you support the party or it’s candidates on any level in 2020, you are rewarding institutional racism, which makes you part of the problem.

    1. 8:08. An America hating leftist.

    2. Thank you 1:33 for making my point.

      You see, I have simply been pointing out actual racist acts in the GOP. And you somehow conflate that with anti-Americanism.

      Which means that your brand of patriotism includes either overt racism or a willful ignoring of it. Only in the GOP would it be considered patriotic to ignore or practice racism.

      The GOP of the reconstruction through early civil rights era was a noble and honorable institution dedicated to exposing and eradicating racism, in order to make America a better and stronger nation.

      Unfortunately, that once noble institution sold its soul to the southern bigots during the Southern Strategy of the late 60s and 70s.

      And you are the best example I could hope for to help make that point.

      Thank you.

  9. 1:33 America-destroying right-winger.... Sides with the party of limited intelligence, racism, and science-denial. But (due to an embarrassing lack of higher education that probably brings him/her unbridled pride at their go-nowhere-fast "street smarts") has no perspective on how damaging their policies are. Sad. Very sad. Bringing down the United States and too dim to understand it. Pathetic....

  10. Hey 5:24, what flavor of socialist koolaid is on the menu today?
    Gullible Warming? A decades old lie of a flavor that fools drink?
    The old stand by flavor of "RACIST"
    The sea water flavor where the glass is never empty as liquid in the glass is always raising?
    How about the over zealous buffoon flavor that cries out for socialism buy oddly never moves to a socialist country as they just want to ruin this one. That flavor? You buffoon.

  11. 6:05 PM. Right-wing lemming. No worldly or historical perspective. Can't think on his own. Arrived at his political views by following the ideas of his authoritarian daddy (aka fascist father-figure). Many on the left are not looking for socialism--they just want to embrace ideals such as intelligence and science and reduce flaws such as racism. 6:05 PM, a strong college education would have given you your missing perspective. Unfortunately, the dumb are too dumb to know how dumb they are. I can't catch 6:05 PM up on the education he missed out on. As 5:24 PM said, "Pathetic." (PS: The left will win out, and you can move to whatever second-rate, science-denying, racist country you want to move to.)

    1. Racists !!!, Man Made Global Warming !!!. Only we, on the America hating left are correct, NOT YOU the conservative.
      Only we leftists think this is the worst country on earth, not you conservatives. Only we, the America hating left are trying to change the BEST COUNTRY ON EARTH.
      Only we, the America hating left know what's best for the rest of you. Just like Pol Pot, Stalin/Lenin, Castro and Mao.

  12. 8:45AM above demonstrates the value of education by countering a complete idiot who posts here often. The idiot is too dumb to know how dumb he is.

    1. Will the idiot please get a job.

  13. The two-party system is failing America. Both parties suck balls.

    and than locally we have Blakespear- Uggg. Encinitas Killer! She stands for:

    More lawsuit payouts of taxpayer's money for unsafe roads
    more drugged out bums causing damage and problems in town
    more bum crime
    more high intensity development blocking sun and views
    more traffic and congestion
    more crowded beaches
    more pollution
    more bars and THC wastoids in town causing harm
    and less personal freedoms to responsible citizens from our Mayor

    Gotta love the Mayor plan for Encinitas! Oh that silly Mayor!


    1. JHC, 7:20, you are tiresome. You've made your point over and over and over again, STFU!

    2. Ha! 10:47 Thats too funny. What part?

      The part about the two parties? I've heard all the rants against both parties for years.

      Or was it the part about how bad Blakespear is for Encinitas. All I'm Sayin is Blakespear promotes:

      More lawsuit payouts of taxpayer's money for unsafe roads
      more drugged out bums causing damage and problems in town
      more bum crime
      more high intensity development blocking sun and views
      more traffic and congestion
      more crowded beaches
      more pollution
      more bars and THC wastoids in town causing harm
      and less personal freedoms.

      I'm just trying to educate the public about what Blakespear stands for before the next election. I'm sure she loves her track record.

      But since you told me to STFU, maybe I shouldn't post this. Na. Have a good day darlin.

  14. 11:27 AM, unless you are an elderly lady or know that 10:47 AM is a woman, your use of the word "darlin" is a homophobic slur. Don't defend it. Don't gaslight about it. Just own your idiotic intolerance. Your ignorance and lack of education and culture are appalling.... Ditto for your lack of compassion and kindness. Not MAGA but rather BADA (Bringing America Down Always.) SMH....

  15. Ooooh, such strong opinions. Wrong but strong.

    Have a good day Darlin!!

  16. Nice try at deflection. Now lets get back to the facts. Blakespear actively supports:

    More lawsuit payouts of taxpayer's money for unsafe roads
    more drugged out bums causing damage and problems in town
    more bum crime
    more high intensity development blocking sun and views
    more traffic and congestion
    more crowded beaches
    more pollution
    more bars and THC wastoids in town causing harm
    and less personal freedoms

    Vote accordingly in November.

  17. Blakespear's newsletter today was truly gagworthy. She sounds desperate. Guess the news finally trickled into her brain that voters have noticed her giant rubber stamp. She claims she doesn't own one. M'yeah.

    Funniest bit of all is her claim that the council deliberates thoughtfully before voting. But anyone who's watched her rush a decision through with "ok, let's go ahead and vote" after virtually zero public deliberation knows better.

    The only discussion that council engages in is when they violate the Brown Act and predetermine the outcome. Even the city attorney has copped to this happening.

    Guess Blakespear is easily confused when she's on a mission - and she's always on one. She can't or won't tell the difference between illegal private meetings and required public ones.


  18. Rubberstamp Blakespear is her name:

    more high intensity development blocking sun and views and causing,
    more traffic and congestion
    more crowded beaches
    more pollution
    more bars and THC wastoids in town causing harm

    Thanks Blakespear! You are such an excellent Mayor!

    Remember to vote in November. Get the word out. Tell 10 of your friends and family.


    1. OK dipshit, we get it. You've posted it over and over and over again. You'll get more people to vote for her just to spite you.

      And you really don't mean Anybody. That's the foundation of your stupidity. How about Dalager, Stocks or Shaffer?

    2. I'm not dipshit, but you sound like one thinking you know better than others what they mean. That is a well known sign.

      All the mentioned are better than Blakespear and the IE dog with the old rambling master is as well.

      If there is an alternate to Rubberstamp Blakespear on the ballot, I am voting for them and I hope many others will as well.

    3. 3:40 Are you aware that to be elected mayor or to any other elective office, contenders have to become candidates?

      In 2020, the only other candidate for mayor of Encinitas is Julie Thunder. Is she better than Blakespear?

    4. 7:56 was that really a question? Julie Thunder could be a great mayor. At least she won't act like she owns this town like some unrecognized pseudo-royal. Blakespear has shown her chops, and most of us would like nothing more than to bust them.

  19. Her chirpy good-news newsletter and her actions do not match up.

    1. Do as I say, do not mind what I do.

    2. There's a reason there's no comment section accompanying her newsletter.

  20. The BIA concrete queen will never be mayor.

  21. The BIA queen is Rubberstamp Blakespear. Doubled the allowable single family homes in the City and is now suing the proponents of Prop A which protected Encinitas's Character and voted in by the Citizens, and promoting over 2 story dense development throughout town. Pathetic. Just Pathetic!

    1. Show us where the Thunderhole has suggested rolling back the HEU and stopping over 2-story development.

      Provide a link please.

  22. Here's a fun game. Want to know what Julie Thunder's campaign is about? Do a word cloud of her campaign webpage.


    "citizens": 4
    "I," "me," "my": 22

    Julie Thunder running on "listening" is about as credible as Trump running on empathy.

    Prior to this cycle, she's primarily known for shouting down her neighbors out of turn in public meetings on the rail trail, and stealing the names of hundreds of her neighbors who signed an unrelated petition to endorse a slate of right wing candidates without consulting or asking those people.

    This is the origin of the Thunderhole nickname.

    Dies that sound like a person who will listen?

    Or does it sound like a person who is all about "I, me, my"?

    1. How'd Blakespear's self-described "listening tour" work out for us?

      Not a fun game for those of us who thought she meant it.

    2. Listen Jeremy (5:01), do us all a favor and check your spelling and grammar prior to posting. You sound like a hysterical and uneducated cuck husband to a imperious I-know-better-than-you-peasants mayor.

  23. Here is a fun game. Lets bet what percentage of the vote Rubberstamp Blakespear sue her constituents for an excellent ballot initiative, gets in the November election?

    I give her 41% from mostly all those victim Karen mentalities out there. Unfortunately CA is full of them. They want the Government to control all aspects of their life and everyone else's and do not care much about personal accountability or freedom. Minion.

  24. Today’s example of GOP racism comes from Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. The backstory is that his poor leadership decisions have turned Florida into the next crisis hot spot for Coronavirus outbreak. Parts of the state now have full capacity hospitals and it’s getting worse by the day. So the Gov needs to make up a lie to deflect the blame onto someone else, and quick. He’s a savvy politician, so he knows that the best lie is one that his constituency already has a predisposition to believe—it’s a lie they WANT to be true. And so, he thinks about what defines his constituents. Ah ha! Racism. I’ll blame brown people! So the lie is that migrant farm workers have caused the outbreak, not his disastrous policies.

    Never mind that the harvest season ended in Florida weeks ago, and the migrant farm workers moved on to other states following the harvest—as they do every year.

    If you consider yourself to be not racist, and you give time, money, or your vote to the GOP this year—you own it. You are backing a racist institution.

    1. 8:21, you are a twisted So now we hate Mexicans as well as blacks? You read the new york times? No wonder you are messed up. What's wrong with you?

    2. 3:16,

      Dear dumbass.

      Yes, racists generally target more than one group. Duh.

      Also, are you aware that The NY Times and the NY Post are two different papers? And that the Post skews right-wing?

    3. The Post is crazy tabloid for stay at home parents. The Times is leftist piece of birdcage carpet.
      They both stink

    4. NYT sure knows how to find and report a scoop when going after a governor that won't follow the official narrative and economy-destroying prescription about COVID. It's a shame this investigative spirit isn't applied equally in the name of nothing more than truth.

  25. Yawn... happy fathers day to all the padres out there.

    1. I hear you. It’s exhausting hearing about acts of racism. If there’s one victim in this whole racism situation, it’s people like you who have to listen to other people’s stories about it.

    2. or just just the wrong post for topic and someone wanting to wish all the padres a happy fathers day. Sigh

  26. One BLM founder is trained in Marxism.
    What is Marxism? Russia should offer the BLM white protesters a one way ticket to Moscow. The protesters will be treated so gently and given high recognition for their rioting and looting.

  27. How do these Encinitas “question nothing” idiots get through life? I swear to god there isn’t one logical socialist Nazi commie in this town with a stimulated braincell. Only you idiots could make Fake Blake look smart
