Wednesday, February 23, 2022

2/23/22 City Council meeting open thread

 Please use the comments to record your observations.


  1. All those Ukrainian people and all those poor
    Russian people with no where to go. I know!

    Come to Encinitas!! We have plenty of affordable housing and free living programs here. We have welcomed all from Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Iran, and Afghanistan, and Haiti, but not many have not come for some reason. The homeless from LA are filling in but we still have plenty of room. Come one, Come all. BIAspear has affordable housing and free living programs for all in a free loving coastal environment. Just listen to her, all us citizens believe we can provide affordable housing for the world and no one should be stressed out by those racist Russians. We have revised our General Plan to included language that Supply and Demand curves and free enterprise do not work in Encinitas and are illegal just like throwing an apple core in the trash. Supply and Demand- Bad, Bad, Bad and Bad Russians, Bad Russians.

    The crowds, the traffic, and the crime are not that bad yet? We have plenty of room for several more million. Think of all those future high-rise apartments along the lagoons!!

    BIAspear declares- We are a welcoming City. Welcome all, Welcome!!

    1. Worst drought in 1200 years. The Feds are cutting off water allocations to farmers in California, idling crop land and crop selection. But Encinitas rolls happily forward, approving hundreds of units jammed into every last square feet of open space. Did you notice that your water rates went up, along with electricity? All development should be suspended until the drought is over, as why put additional pressure on a diminishing resource?
      Blakespear needs to be defeated in her run for the State Senate - she is a disaster and hasn't a clue on sensible policies.

  2. During Oral Communications, resident Carol Serling of Cardiff makes an elegant plea for a public hearing about the unvetted and unqualified member composition of the Equity Committee. She made some excellent points that all residents should listen to.

    1. Blakespear would never let equity committee members have to answer the public as the speaker requested. Just imagine the epic fails by her handpicked "experts." Mali could not read prepared statements written for her from her laptop and it's clear the mayor can't have her ad libbing. Blakespear knows all too well what might come out of her.

      Can hear Kranz now "they should not have to endure facing the public!" Haha.

    2. Kranz talks a lot about these "volunteers" There are many citizens who have spent years volunteering by attending meetings, going over reports and recreating reports based on actual data--not the information that the "professional staff" pimp or bury. When I watch these meetings I don't see a confident council but five people who will run for office to keep the fraud going.

    3. I completely agree. Carol Serling of Cardiff speaks the truth and City Council should be held accountable for their actions. Please keep requesting this logical recommendation as well as the recommendation from Mr. Steven Loyd (Lord Sp?). You public speakers are the true heros of Encinitas. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!

  3. Everything the left does...they destroy.

  4. Well the results are in and the facts show that BIAspear and other idiots completely blew the response to COVID and caused a full slaughter on Encinitas public health as well as stripped away liberty and freedom from all California residents while causing major economic damage just beginning to play itself out with skyrocketing inflation. Instead of me saying I total you so, lets listen to the eloquent speaker at Wednesday nights City Council meeting starting at minute 4:00 of meeting referenced at this web address -

    Steve Loyd politely points about that severe damage was caused to the public by the missteps and response by the City in regards to COVID and we need to establish a group or committee to discuss the issue and learn from our great mistakes so we do not make the same mistakes in the future.

    Mr. Loyd notes that the City's response resulted in increased domestic violence including women and child abuse, deaths, suicides, alcohol additions, other drug additions, and other deaths.

    Besides BIAspear commenting to Mr. Loyd that she was sorry about Mr. Loyd father's death, no City Council member commented to the City Manager that this was an excellent suggestion and request the City Manager put this item on the next City Council agenda. Not one.

    Yet they chimed in and directed the City Manager to act on other public comments and commented to defend their racist screaming newbie to all City committees.

    So instead of City Council supporting a crazy newbie to Encinitas screaming at all us long time residents that we are racist pigs and we should leave and move to AZ, maybe one of our City Council members can act on this great suggestion and form a committee to help us better prepare for our future and start by acknowledging all the damage down by BIAspear and the other clowns.

    I honestly do not see BIAspear and other CC clowns acting on this because they have major blood on their hands. Considering her horrific past actions that caused these unnecessary deaths and damages, I would ask all of our heroic speakers who brave the glassy eyed serpent stares at City Council meetings and continue to request the committee be formed as respectfully requested by Mr. Steve Loyd.

    Thank you and I also appreciate all of the other amazing public speakers at Wednesday meeting. They were by far the most valuable part of the City Council meetings. Thank you and peace to you all!

  5. *Excuse me, I had the wrong name the eloquent speaker was Mr. Steven Lord. Sir you did a fabulous job and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    1. Was that the "reparations for mental damage inflicted by face mask requirements" guy?

    2. 9:38- No. If that is what you heard you are an idiot and need to stay in your mommy's home for the rest of her life. I feel bad for you once your mommy passes and you need to move on.

      For the rest of us, it is exactly as explained by 7:23am.

    3. He used the word "reparations" several times. Since you're such a close listener 10:30 can you explain what he was referring to if not the "stress" or "harm" caused by mask wearing?

    4. Wow - You seem to have comprehension issues. Go ask your mommy and maybe you can do a homework sheet on the issue.

      Reparations for shutting down all the businesses and schools and society for 2 years. He spoke very clearly and was very easy to understand.

      Please go get some needed help.

    5. Shit happens, we all went through this together. But hey, I know! Put me down for reparations for "not an act of God" theater tix I couldn't cancel, for having to buy cleaning supplies I otherwise didn't need, and for the premium I had to pay for TP. I've got those receipts around here somewhere, maybe the city can get taxpayers to foot my boo-hoo bills.

    6. 12:46pm- your a fricken idiot. Now go take big hit, play your videos, and wait till mommy comes and give your your afternoon snack.

    7. No seriously, where's my money? You think it's a great idea, where do I file?

    8. 1:25 pm- I guess we will have to wait to hear what the forthcoming committee recommends. I'm glad you're supportive of learning from our mistakes. No push the Mayor and the other bozos to start the needed committee.

  6. Mali tight as ever in homeless point of time photo op with mayor and Hinze. She is building her resume with the mayor's help. If not for Blakespear's sponsorship she'd have to grift elsewhere.

    1. sicking! BIA is horrendous for public health in Encinitas! She makes me puke and has led to much much worse.

  7. Where are the news reporters on this issue?

    All of the data is layed out for you. Jeez -

    Are they too busy looking for their next story to help build the homeless population program story?

    We have plenty of room and good free living at the beach. Are there homeless in Ukraine and Russia? Why not invite them here?

    1. "Laid" out, not "layed" out. Sheesh.

    2. Welcome, illiterate somehow HS graduate. Or do I overstate your educational grade?

    3. 1:24 - like everything else in your life you got everything wrong.

    4. Ah, overstated. I thought so.

    5. No. Just wrong moron.

    6. Wow, who is the hater here? Juvenile, weak name calling. Not much of an argument.

  8. here you go dipshits - look at page 22 of 23 of this pdf at this webpage -

    It shows only 3% of COVID deaths in the County did not have someother major underlying health condition. Only 5,000 people died from COVID including all the underlying conditions. That means those deaths without those underlying conditions were 0.005%. BFD only 150 deaths from COVID over 2 years and they shut everything down and cause a major health crisis. More people died from getting hit by cars that this amount yet nothing on that subject.

    Blakespear and others have blood on their hands and they need to be held accountable.

    1. "Blood on their hands" from everyone wearing masks longer than you liked, 12:48? You live in a very, very weird world.

      Now if you want to talk the mayor's road "improvements" that in fact killed someone and injured two dozen others, let's talk.

    2. 3:46 - I wish it was only"from everyone wearing masks longer than you liked" that would be awesome. Unfortunately many died.

      Mr. Loyd notes that the City's response resulted in increased domestic violence including women and child abuse, deaths, suicides, alcohol additions, other drug additions, and other deaths.

      Its great that mommy taught you how to post. Now ask your mom to please sign you up for reading comprehension.

      For the rest of us, please contact your City Council representatives and demand they form a committee so we do not make the same mistakes again and kill people and destroy the mental health of our youth.

    3. Dude, you are just too easy.

  9. So I wonder what actions our Mayor and a State Senate candidate will do today to increased domestic violence including women and child abuse, deaths, suicides, alcohol additions, and other drug additions throughout our City?

    We have seen she supports increasing the spread of viruses, she supports bars that promote date rape, and she supports policies that promote getting kids hooked on pot and other self medicating drugs.

    On social issues, she supports a newbie and puts her on every City committee at the drop of a hat that screams at long time residents calling them racist and to move to Arizona because their mixed heritage family does not agree with her crazy proposals.

    She also not only supports giving the state full control of our local zoning laws, she sued our neighbors and her constituents for pasting an ordinance to manage growth in a lawful reasonable manner.

    promotes measures to run down and increase death of bicyclist. Just google it for Encinitas or listen to the the experienced bicyclists.

    Nice BIAspear! You really sound like a great politician for California. NOT

    Guess so I stay informed, who are her opponents so I can fully understand my options. I sure hope their is a better candidate then BIA. I can not wait to see the election propoganda for this election. BIA has such a huge list of failures, there is a ton of materail for a SNL type skit to highlight her failed leadership approach.

    1. Blakespear will have to tap her developer handlers for extra cash to snow the electorate in her State Senate run. Her every action has diminished Encinitas, its citizens and its once unique character. Her dictatorial mannerisms while mayor show her intolerance to differing opinion or input, and she consorts with self serving hypocrites like Speedy G for guidance. She must get no further on the political ladder - end her career of selling out to special interests by voting for her opponent.

    2. Encinitas is nation-wide laughing stock over the straws, "protests", and now ballons issues.

  10. 7:56am. We may not be brothers by blood, but we are brothers in the spirit how we value this special community, and in my mind will always be special.

    I have never sought to profit by living here 50 years and as simply as I could tried to get along with supporting our hero's, and they are, for attempting to mitigate the attraction of the almighty dollar.

    At one time I thought nobody could be worse than $tocks and co.

    While I would not support any kind of a resurrection of any past sell-outs, our current majority has been an absolute abomination like no other, and the same players are pulling the strings when one sees past the alternate facts. Have at it.

    1. "supporting our hero's" what? Did you leave something out, 7:09?

  11. 7:09- Thanks 7:09pm. I hope there are many others like us. Otherwise Encinitas is toast and the State gets one more shitty State Senator. Have a good Sunday!

  12. I heard secretly, BIAspear, Kranz, Henze, and Flyboy are celebrating big time as their fellow comrades put the heat down on Ukraine for no reason similar to when the Encinitas closed beaches and schools. Thereby, isolating our children for 2 years. Commies sure love to enforce senseless regulations.

    Resist the commies and remind me again, what time is BIAspear's next Hunt?

    Enjoy your liberty today. With BIAspear and Newsom liberty is always under siege.

  13. Simple FYI for those who live in Encinitas-

    SDGE has not opted in all of Enc to SDCP "YET"

    However the plan is to have ALL opted in by April whether you wanted to or not

    You can call 833.232.3110 to either opt out or tell them you do not want to opt in.

    Tell them Peppermint Patti sent you

    1. We have our council to thank for forced opt in. Many won't know it's even been done for them and where's the "compassion" for those who don't have computers or aren't savvy enough or are too busy working to take time to sit on the phone trying to navigate the opt out process?

      Kranz on Facebook trying to defend the council deciding for you that you really really want this. Mosca won't admit it will cost us more. Blakespear, Hinze, Joy have self imposed gag orders.

  14. Ewww talk about in poor taste. Bad enough Blakespear thought it was funny when her kids named their chicken "Covid," now we have her begging for dollars on her birthday: "We're asking you to support Mayor Blakespear by making a birthday contribution to her State Senate campaign."

    "We" who? Has she begun referring to herself in the third person? Shades of megalomania. And like her wardrobe, always shades of the weird.

    1. $hamele$$ political $ham arti$t. $he know$ if $he fail$ at thi$ tran$ition to the $tate $enate, $he is fini$hed. Maybe $he and Kristin Gaspar can join $tock$ in the has been category.

  15. So over on Encinitas Votes in what they think are acts of courageous civil disobedience, a bunch of numbskulls are opting out of the city's community energy plan.

    They're right that the city shouldn't have presumed to switch everybody without asking or a vote or some kind of consent.

    But "SDGE is owned by Sempra Energy, a Fortune 500 energy services holding company based in San Diego. The company is known for having the highest rates in the country."

    SDGE makes tons of money for its investors.

    The community energy plan provides cleaner energy at virtually the same cost as SDGE. It would be nice if it were cheaper.

    So on the day that a UN climate report said we're totally screwed and continuing to burn fossil fuels will screw us faster, isn't it a good idea to go with cleaner energy, especially when it's no more expensive than dirtier energy?

    1. UN Climate report?

      This DIMWIT is referencing a UN Climate report.

      Good grief you may as well tell us next that Adam Kinzinger is your brother in law.

      You read it on the internets I presume?

      Society's collective IQ is plummeting

    2. Problem with climate alarmists is that they are impervious to evidence. No matter how much information they are presented with to the contrary, they will stick with their preconceived notions.

    3. 11:07, I suggest you do more homework. The U.N is nothing more than nancy boys and butch women that think like 5 year olds. Man made global warming is a man made lie.

  16. Clean Energy? The City supports clean energy? Thats news.

    I know a lot of City Council members and staff that do not own electric cars and have solar.

    Again the City has a huge problem with credibility and reputation considering actions speak louder than words.

    i have had solar for well over a decade and have driven my electric car and electric bike all over the place for the last 5 years.

    Question - Does the City or SDGE provide the millions of gallons of diesel fuel for the empty polluting Coaster train? And who supplies all the fuel for all the empty buses I see on the road? Where are the news reporters on the issues of the Coaster is a deadly highly polluting waste of tax dollars? How many tons of carbon and other pollutants are spewed into the air everyday for no reason?

    IDK, maybe the Mayor and City better start looking at its own glass house before throwing stones.

  17. The City Council switched everybody in the city from SDGE to community choice energy. Have you been living under a rock?

    1. Are you letting them determine who you use, 11:54? Sticking with what the council decided for you?

    2. That's what we thought.

    3. The council was wrong to presume, but I'd rather use cleaner energy at the same cost than continue to enrich SDGE's investors. How about you?

    4. As with so many others opting out, will take a wait and see approach. By the time Mosca got done "explaining" without elucidating it was more questionable than ever. Not really into being a lemming, but do go for it and let us know how you like it.

    5. How did Mosca get elected? He is incompetent.

    6. Brandenburg didn't really campaign. Even at that Mosca barely won. He's toast in Encinitas politics.

    7. We opted out. These pinheads at the City of Encinitas are not telling us where our power comes from.
      Plus that, when there is trouble to hunted down and repaired are the pinheads in the city council going to fix it???
      NO, the repairs come from SDG&E. And, the rest of you know that rates are regulated...RIGHT?
      Clean warmers live in pretend world.

    8. Cleaner? HaHa. Can they use the "cleaner" energy to produce the equipmnent for the "clean energy". The answer is no.

  18. "The community energy plan provides cleaner energy at virtually the same cost as SDGE."

    Got any data to back that up?

    1. Watch that word "virtually."

  19. Go to their website and do the calculations. You do realize that before SDCP you had no choice, right? It was SDGE and nothing else. The highest rates in the nation.

    1. And community choice raises that highest rate, right?

    2. Go to their website and do the calculations.

    3. Spare us the games, 6:38. The answer is Yes to higher rates with the ironically-named "Choice" program. Even Mosca finally eked out that admission.

    4. SDCP describes their rates as "competitive." I went to their website, calculated my bill and found it was nearly identical to SDGE's.

      For the habitual idiot at 11:30 below, SDGE provides and maintains the hardware, SDCP supplies the energy that flows through it.

    5. 12:13 then why did Mosca admit the price hike?? Why force people into it if it's so great won't the voluntary adoption rate be high? Doesn't pass the smell test.

    6. When did Mosca say that and what exactly did he say?

      If there's a price hike, why does the mailer say the prices are competitive, and why when I calculated my bill on the website did it come out nearly identical to my SDGE bill?

      Have you calculated your bill on the website, or are you just blowing smoke to be annoying?

    7. Well, just to be sure my memory wasn't fooling me, I went to the SDCP site and compared their cost for February with SDGE's.

      SDCP's was 60 cents more expensive. To get my electricity from 100% renewable sources, 60 cents a month is a sacrifice I can make.

      How about you? Can you make that contribution to eliminating fossil fuels and the pollution and climate change they cause?

    8. 2:32 wind and solar are not dependable or predictable and certainly cannot be forced to meet peak demand. Therefore you cannot claim "100%" renewable sources. Another Mosca lie perpetrated by virtue signalers. FTR I'm a tree hugger, but not a pie in the sky one. Be honest here.

    9. Quoting the SDCP website:

      "With San Diego Community Power (SDCP), you have the power to choose the electricity service that’s right for you.

      "PowerOn is our standard, competitively priced service providing 50% renewable plus 5% greenhouse gas free electricity.

      "Power100 is our optional, premium service providing 100% renewable, 100% carbon-free electricity."

      If renewable sources are unreliable as 3:08 claims, I hardly think cities like San Diego, Encinitas, etc. would be converting millions of energy customers from fossil fuels to renewables.

      That would be way too risky. The people making the decision wouldn't take that chance.

    10. We don't really know how it will work out, do we? Perhaps a wait and see attitude is more prudent at this time. Let others learn the failure points.

  20. The leftist warmers...everything they do, they ruin.
    The electric and gas rates are regulated...Wake T F up !!!!!!
    WHO do you warmers think repairs the overhead and underground electric ???? NOT THE CITY OF ENCINITAS. A certified ELECTRIC LINEMAN. Three years of school and hard ass work.
    Gawd you people are stupid.

  21. So the City supports clean energy. Thats great.

    So why doesn't City Council members and staff drive electric cars and have solar?

    The City has a huge problem with credibility and reputation considering actions speak louder than words.

    I have had solar for well over a decade and have driven my electric car and electric bike all over the place for the last 5 years.

    So I live next to Paul Ecke Central. And the trains pollute big time. Spraying spend diesel fuel into the air for the school kids and all our community to breath. Plus they run like 50 empty trains a day, spewing pollutants including carcinogens and dust, and with 110 DB ++ major noise with major impacts to the surrounding neighborhoods. Why do we have this shit bucket polluting empty noise machines?

    Question - Does the City or SDGE provide the millions of gallons of diesel fuel for the empty polluting Coaster train? And who supplies all the fuel for all the empty buses I see on the road? Where are the news reporters on the issues of the Coaster is a deadly highly polluting waste of tax dollars? How many tons of carbon and other pollutants are spewed into the air everyday for no reason?

    1. 8:29 Great example of a local venting about a very local problem. If you didn't live near the tracks, you wouldn't know about the problem, let alone be complaining about it.

      City Hall roof is a sea of solar panels. Most, if not all of the city fleet is electric — except for vehicles for which there aren't available electric substitutes, fire department trucks and engines for example.

      Kranz has an electric car and used to have a hybrid. I suppose Blakespear has an electric car because having otherwise would be too hypocritical, even for her. I don't know about the other council members.

      Before Covid and so many people working from home, the Coaster was plenty crowded. The buses were more highly used than now but not enough. And aren't at least some of them CNG rather than diesel?

      The crowds will eventually return to the Coaster and to Amtrak as Covid recedes. Nothing but diesels can power the freight trains. NCTD has switched to more efficient, cleaner-burning diesels.

  22. Yes 8:47 - that is the purpose of this blog and I'm glad you finally figured it out.

    You are right, If I lived east of I5 I could care less but hundreds of thousands of us residents live near the beach and the old out of date empty deadly polluting Coaster and Amtrak diesels need to taken off life support and pass into the history books with nostalgic dignity. I too love the old spaghetti westerns with Sally May arriving by train to town in 1880 set on Gunsmoke. But lets enjoy the old movies and shows and lets stop polluting our communities with senseless tax wasting programs.

    Wow. the City has a some solar on City Hall. what about all the other buildings. If you have a building with a roof it should be solar. The City just build two huge buildings on the beach at moonlight with no solar, and the City should have put solar on all it buildings decades ago.

    So what about Kranz and BIAspear they are proven idiots. This message is to the future City Council members that have to clean up their mess.

    Wow, before covid few people took the empty deadly polluting train and now no one takes it. Good point.

    The crowds will not return to Coaster and Amtrak as both offer services that are too slow and do not provide a good service for tax dollars. This is not a San Diego issue but an international issue. Commuter rail serving suburban areas like north county is on life support and costing the tax payers millions and millions of wasted tax dollars for year and for what, more fences, more train horns, more cancer pollution spewed on our children and neighbors, more suicide deaths, more noise pollution. Yea that makes sense. Aren't there other projects that need public tax dollars other then wasting them on this polluting empty deadly machine?

    Oh great, NCTD has switch to more efficient cleaner- burning diesels so it doesn't pump out as much black cancer causing pollutants on the kids as before. Now it's filled with less sulfur soot. That awesome and very similar to why I don't mind sitting at the beach and have someone 2 feet away light up a Marbaro Red with filter and blow it in my kids face. No problem at least its filtered.

    Thanks for sharing and if you are really interested in the facts check the great info here -

    - Envisions at cleaner, safer, and more peaceful coastline with out fencing off all the coastal access.

    1. How did everyone get so worked up about the coaster in about 6 months? Because poor Del Mar might have a fence? The coaster was full or very close to it pre-covid. It seems dumb to scrap that in favor of undisturbed views for some residents in a city we don't live in.

    2. "Full or very full?" Someone's on the take, errm toke. Sounds like Kranz's propaganda.

    3. Sounds like reality. My experience was picking up and dropping off a loved one at a coaster station each day, precovid. The train wasn't empty, not even close.

    4. Nice. your comment went from "The coaster was full or very close to it pre-covid." to "The train wasn't empty".... that some range. I think you might have perception issues.

      Next you will be saying that breathing diesel fumes are good for the children and they should be encouraged to breath more because fighting cancer strengthens their impunity towards COVID.

      scraping the Coaster has nothing to do with "undisturbed views for some residents in a city we don't live in" and everything to do with more fences blocking coastal access, more train horn pollution, more cancer pollution spewed on our children and neighbors, more suicide deaths, and greater waste of tax dollars.

      You sound like a very logical person.

      Peace be with you.

    5. Please. Trains are causing pollution more than the thousands of cars and trucks going up and down the 5 and 101 daily? I don't like a fence, but come on. Bad argument, and no one cares what a few dumbasses in Encinitas feel about the subject anyway.

    6. 5:50pm - Yes. You sound like a complete dumb ass.

      A huge diesel burning train carrying a few people buring millions of gallons of fuel per year pollutes much more than the equivalent cars on I5 and 101 daily.

      and I care what the citizens of Encinitas think along with all the other resident in Del Mar, Solana Beach, Carlsbad, and Oceanside. Their representatives are the ones that decide if this huge empty polluting death machine that blocking coastal access and is greatly harming the residents health in the coastal cities continues or the millions of tax dollars goes towards a project that will improve the quality of life for its residents.

      Why sponsor or fund a crackhead when you can sponsor a Mother Teresa?

  23. Pay no mind to 7:03. He's letting dementia cloud his "facts" and judgment.

    1. 1:10pm - Please go get help. I fear you may have some issues. People do not let dementia cloud their "facts" and judgment. It's the result of the disease.

      please check out the resources here -

      Peace be with you

  24. OPT OUT !!!!! The City of Encinitas had NO RIGHT IN PUTTING US INTO AN AUTOMATIC ALTERNATE ELECTRIC COMPANY. Sue the hell out of the council clowns. I opted out first thing.
    And to top it all off, now if you build a house you can't have natural gas to your home? These buffoons think electricity comes from the magic of the sun to power 10's of thousands of homes? Friggin' idiots Vote everyone of the jerks out of office. They are dumber than a box of rocks

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hey CAPS WRITER - It can come from the sun, for free, and without all the pollutants. I've had solar for 10 years and drive an electric car and an electric bike and I don't play anything for energy costs. Plus no maintenance on Electric vehicles compared to those archaic gas and diesel burning vehicals. Man do those things pollute and waste time, money and resources. You sound like the fool to me. If every building had solar on it and battery back up we would only need a few peaker plants at most.

      One thing I have seen time and time again is this town has no shortage of fools and has Tony Kranz, otherwise known as the Town Dunce, running for Mayor. I though it was funny when the dog and its owner from Inland Empire was running for Mayor but I welcome that quality of a candidate against Dalakranz!

  25. Support diversity by decreasing options and choices. That is some masterful newspeak.
