Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Fire Station Number 5

How does a brand new, multi-million-dollar, cinderblock fire station already have pest infestation?


  1. How does a brand new, multi-million dollar cinder block fire station let a house two blocks away burn to the ground??

  2. Well... it's not brand new. It was constructed 2001. That makes it 11 years old.

    1. But they still let everything burn to the ground.

      Stay classy loser.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. W.C.

    Why not change the name of your blog to... I hate everything about the City of Encinitas?

    It seems to me that you only focus on the negative things about the Encinitas City Council and the staff at City Hall.

    1. Au contraire.

      I love Encinitas. I just got back from bathtub-temperature ocean water at sunset. I love the neighbors, the neighborhoods, the shops and restaurants, the remaining open spaces...

      Just gotta keep an eye on those folks at City Hall who want to ruin it all and turn it into Manhattan Beach to fund their lavish pensions.

    2. Lavish pensions and pay?

      They are inline with just about every city in California.

    3. Exactly. And completely out of line with private sector pay.

      Who in the private sector gets to retire at six figure or even high five figures at 55 or 60?

      Social Security is kicking in at 67 these days and even then it's less than half as much as the average city worker is going to get.

    4. What a small price to pay for citizens to give up their privacy, property values, quality of life, and nieghborhood character so that Gus Vina can liquidate these private assets for builders to make projects "pencil out," and so that he can get cash to keep hiring his own personal 'Yes' people. Those of us who want to keep our own property seem to be who Loser is talking about.

      To WC's point, most of us are paid by performance, not by comparing what we make to other overpaid union workers!

    5. Yes W.C. Let's drag us all to the bottom in the name of fairness. That doesn't sound like a libertarian to me.

      That's your argument? It's not fair? Well... Boo Hoo to you. I'm sure if you had a job with a pension you would fight to keep it too. Maybe you did and just won't let on about it. I know K.C. is going to draw a fat one.

      Hows that gold bubble that's bursting today helping out your retirement W.C.?

    6. No one is "dragging us all to the bottom" (another government union talking point, by the way).

      Your pensions are outrageous, unjustified, and completely unaffordable in and of themselves regardless of how much richer they are than the private sector.

      Nice try.

    7. Oh, and thanks for asking about gold! It's great that gold is down. I bought more yesterday!

      For everyone who's not set for life with a fat government pension, I recommend a small allocation to gold as an essential part of any diversified portfolio.

  5. Then why not post something positive about the city. 20 posts on Prop A is too much raging against the machine in my opinion.

    The new features at Moonlight beach have been a huge success. Why not feature something positive about that?

    1. Much of the building is wood. Positive that termites will be chomping away soon at the snack bar and restrooms.

    2. Loser- you choose to read and post on this blog. Don't like the contents don't bother...
      Moonlight beach?? Wasn't that $4.8 million to include a new life guard station?? It was, I remember clearly that council meeting. Hmm seems the city lied to the citizens and taxpayers again. How much will a new lifeguard, oh wait... Marine safety officers tower cost us?? I'm guessing another $3.5-4.0 million. How to pay for it?? I guess Gus will have to borrow from the city staff pension fund. Oh and one more thing, how many more lives will be saved with a new tower?? A- NONE.

    3. And who let the private sector purge their pensions? Big Corporations! That's who. So go and whine to them about why the private sector has tanked in the good old USA. We are now only creating minimum wage service sector jobs and destroying all the mom and pops out there in America.

      Made in America is a joke. Manufacturing is gone. Their are no trade schools anymore in this country for those who can't afford to go to college.

      Corporate mentality to appease the stockholders and their profit for the workforce 401K's that they created after eliminating just about every private sector pensions for the big fish to fleece you of after they ended your company pension program.

      So go ahead and help the big corporations divide and concur us all.

      Pensions were created for the labor force who worked with their hands and backs and could not work after 30 years of physical labor.

      Yes, those who are in management have corrupted the system from union bosses to top management and it is disgusting that some can retire on so much of their working salary. I do not dispute that fact. But those in the blue collar workforce are being screwed from both sides of this pension issue.

      Thanks for all your hostility and negative input.

      Stay classy Encinitas.

    4. Loser. Remember its a free country.... if you don't think your making what your worth, go get another job- thankless whiner!

      Your probably overpaid if you've been corrupted by the union mentality. Don't work too hard, you'll make the rest of the union boys look like shit. Some new guy would probably work harder for less pay then you. Maybe not. I don't know for certain.

    5. Yeah, you don't know shit.

      Come work with me anyway I'll work you into the ground any day. I bet you couldn't last two hours at my pace without having a heart attack.

      And who said I was underpaid or not making what I'm worth?

    6. LL,

      Now you're just reciting trite government union talking points.

      When did the evil corporations take away retirement at 55 or 60 with pensions greater than many people make working full-time?

      Answer: NEVER. The private sector never had pensions as lush as government workers because any company that gave away that much cash would be as bankrupt as Sacramento and Stockton.

    7. Loser,
      As a Calpers member your retirement is based off the profits of those big evil corporations. Maybe you should work to get Calpers to divest from those corporations and just invest in munibonds.

    8. Loser- have you gotten your son a high paying job with the city yet?? Nepotism!! I suggest you get him a job with the fire dept. only two professions get paid while on their backs, firefighters and....

      Stay classy loser.

    9. No.

      Why? Is Encinitas the center of the world?

      He is doing quite well in college studying hard for his chosen major and has no plans to return to Encinitas for a career or a place to live.

      Most of you who comment are just angry, bitter, retired or unemployed armchair quarterbacks just throwing shit on the wall to see what sticks.

      Many of you anons are cowards who like to take uninformed speculative swipes at people who have actual names but you won't call them out by name except for the CM, or put your name on the criticism that you like to spew recklessly with a broad brush, all the while hiding behind the wall of anonymity.

    10. LL, you are anonymous, too. You are being negative to WCV and about this blog, which is a good forum. I agree with previous poster; if you don't like to hear people vent about what is widely perceived to be mismanagement and over-expenditures of the City, then you could always choose not to participate here.

      Methinks you like to play devil's advocate, and that you get off on the drama.

  6. Loser leucadia: Because this blog gets more posts when negative things are brought up than positive. I guess that is why W.c. has more on the mismanagement of the City than the positive things, like Moonlight Beach.

    1. The archives of this blog are replete with celebrations of the beach, street fairs, the Surfing Madonna, etc.

      If people prefer to comment on negative stories, it's not specific to Encinitas. Across the quality spectrum from trash TV to serious investigative journalism, people love a scandal.

  7. Oh really? Then explain why the former owner of the snack bar is in litigation with the city for breach of contract?

    The funds that were to be used for Beacons Beach got transfered to the Moonlight Beach Makeover?

    1. Fact. The state would not allow the funds to be used for the project at Beacons.

      Fact. Beacons is a state beach and they have the final say on any development on the the bluff.

      Can't speak to the lawsuit but we know that alot of Encinitan's like to sue the city.

    2. And those funds were moved over to the sports park.

    3. So LL, if you are sued so many times, and so often lose, have you ever stopped to ask yourselves what your roles are in this pattern?

    4. Fact. Moonlight is a state beach also.
      Fact. The city blew it on Beacons. They willfully or incompetently tried to ignore the state. It is their beach.

    5. Wrong the funds for Beacons were moved to Moonlight not ECP.

      And yes, Moonlight is a State beach, that's why the funds were moved to that project. They could not be used for the Park.

      Pay attention please.

    6. 7:49

      I have no role to play in frivolous nimby lawsuits nor do I have any negative impact on the community from performing my job duties that could cause lawsuits. I am not a policy maker. I am a worker bee and I serve this great city with great skill, effort and pride in what I do on a daily basis.

    7. 5:47
      Yes the Beacons money was moved to Moonlight.
      The funds for moonlight can move over to the sports park. The moonlight and park funds can move around.
      So, yea, the Beacons state money could and can be used in development if the special use park.

    8. The lawsuit was discussed at last night's city council meeting. A breach of contract is a serious accusation. It means you have lied about your intent in a contractual matter. Hardly something I would label "NIMBY". You pay attention,too, "loser".

    9. You have more info? Who is suing and what's the issue?

  8. Some months ago hidden in the budget discussion was the damage to fire station #5.

    During a recent facility condition evaluation at Fire Station #5, the roof structure exhibited extensive, facility-wide deterioration of the rafters at the roof edges. The roof rafter tails extend beyond the metal roof and are fully exposed to the elements with no associated gutter system.
    Many of these tails have rotted and become infested with termites.
    The estimated cost for rafter tail rehabilitation, termite treatment and gutter installation is $25,217. Staff recommends transferrng $17,000 from the Facilities Maintenance Civic Center ($8,000) and Library ($9,000) divisions, and an additional budget appropriation of $8,217 to
    cover the estimated cost of the repairs needed.

    The station was built in 2002. See the photos.

  9. Just living here is happiness enough. I come to EU for a dose of reality and information. As someone who has seen the crap that goes on at city hall up close and too personal, trust me: W.C. does not begin to scratch the surface of what could and should be exposed.

    Perhaps, Loser, you should join Gaspar's "We Love Encinitas'" team that, where you can pretend everything's great on one hand while taking much, much more than you'll ever need with the other.

  10. excuse typo...Gaspar's team that includes the bloated Muir pension. Talk about making it at the peoples' expense....

  11. Poor Councilman Muir doesn't know that his expensive house property was part of old greenhouse land that had contaminated soil and was never cleaned up.

    1. Something tells me he wouldn't care.

    2. I think the soil became toxic after Muir moved in.

  12. Shit. 10 years. Thats pathetic.

    Our City is constantly wasting money. For a decade the City Staff ran the City like imperial dictators blowing off public comments and concerns to Stocks delight. Stock got fired and Council needs to fire Gus and bring in a City Manager that will rid the City of the other top heavy deadwood.

    Loser- You know there is alot of managers at Encinitas that are deadwood and way overpaid. Encinitas is super high pay for the deadwood that is left at City Hall. City Council needs to begin the healing process to have the public begin regaining trust in City Hall.

    First Step, Fire Sacramento Gus.

  13. Loser,
    I think it is time for you to step up. Send in posts about all the great things the city has been doing.

    1. I don't need to I am out living my life enjoying this wonderful town. I surely don't take orders from anon whiners like you.

    2. I didn't whine any more than you. You gave the order to WC first, expect WC does highlight good stuff when he can. You whine about him posting more bad stuff than good stuff. Could it be that there is more bad stuff at city hall than good stuff? I'm whining that you are the biggest whiner-troll on this blog and are in a perfect position to tell the people all the good things that are happening at city hall but have nothing to say.

      You have plenty of time to whine on this blog. How about spending some of that time writing about the good things at city hall? Nothing to write about?

  14. Q. How does a brand new, multi-million-dollar, cinderblock fire station already have pest infestation?

    A. Because all of Encinitas is just one giant termite mound.

  15. Enc to order all downtown bars to closest midnight!!!
    Tax revenues to tank.

  16. Barth says she is listening to the pubic... Running scared after passage of A??

    Vina says he needs direction to do a good job for the council.... Versus all the shitty jobs he and the staff have done in the past.

  17. Enc fire chief tell council new battalion chief will have to " work hard" to get up to speed. WTFuck does that mean?? Chief says new battalion chief will have to do a lot of paper work.... So?? Versus what?? Sleeping?? Working out?? Staring at the ocean??

    Fire them all.
    Vina pandering to council again telling council that chiefs are doing paper work.
    Vina telling council that they must move fast, hey jackholes... You knew this was coming down the pipe why did you wait until the last minute??
    Muir pandering to fire dept... No surprise there.

    1. in the state of california the average city of 65000 has 3 fire station. of the cities who's topography and demographics match encinitas, most have between 1 and 3 fire stations.

      encinitas has 6 fire stations!!!! and terrible response time, over staffed, inefficient, poorly trained.

      The taxpayers are getting screwed

  18. Is the enc fire chief speaking to the council on duty tonight?? If so why?? Isn't this something he should be doing while on his own time?? All the public speakers are their on their own time.

    Chief telling council it's late, ie I don't want to talk with you and answer your questions.

  19. Kratz calling for more overtime for fire dept...

  20. Enc fire chief says he has no confidence in his fire captains to do job of battalion chief.

  21. Yeah. Not capable. They only make $160,000 a year and work two days a week. More paperwork would cut into their movie time. Geeze.

  22. Muir wants to hire battalion chief that wants to increase size of the dept.

  23. Shaffer moves to blanket support fire dept recommendations and increase staff, more full time employees.

    Enc fire chiefs says dept short handed, needs more full time help.

  24. Shaffer's career spans government program jobs where she was never up against the real-world constraints of a budget with consequences. She approves projects and follows staff recommendations out of fear, not common sense. Too bad we the taxpayers have to foot a bill she imposes on us over our protests.

  25. Council approves ALL fire dept requests. Vote 5-0. It took them over 1 hour to stroke the fire chief and give him all he wants. ( they knew they would agree to his requests, they just wanted to waste time and look like they care.)

    1. And never catch on or don't care that we're on to their game...take your pick.

    2. What a bunch of bobbleheads.

    3. Anon10:50- don't you mean peckerheads???

  26. I guess the euphoria is over about the Shaffer-Krantz win - they are duds that go along with the status quo; Barth has turn-coated also. Muir's election is symptomatic of the lack of awareness of the electorate - the pension trough hog is green lighting more cash be thrown at his buddies; he has no intention of being frugal or limiting the out of control salaries/pensions.
    Loser Luwie's philosophy is that if you can get away with it, then it is justified.

  27. Why is Southwest signal allowed to block traffic at 10 am at Vulcan and enc blvd ?? Certainly they could do their work at 3 or 4 am.
    Again IDIOTS at the city that allow this nonsense.

  28. Next election vote out the incumbents for sure. Is time for both ladies to step down.
