Thursday, October 31, 2013

They're baaaaack...

The yoga haters, that is.
The law firm that unsuccessfully sued to end a yoga program in the Encinitas Union School District earlier this year is appealing the court decision that allowed the practice to continue. [...] [Plaintiff's attorney Dean] Broyles said the appeal may not be heard until mid to late next year, but he predicted it would be successful if the appellate court “neutrally applies well-established First Amendment legal principles to EUSD’s religious yoga program.” He also said he is ready to take the fight to the state and even federal Supreme Court if necessary.


  1. These people are so wrapped up in their religiosity that they fail to realize the secular world will pick and choose what it wants from any and all religions and discard the rest. For most, yoga is not religious, just as Christmas and Easter and Halloween are not religious. I realize it's hard for these people to accept, but the devil does not lie in wait around every corner. And the world is older than 6,000 years, and you don't get 40 virgins in heaven. But if you see the Bhudda on the road, you still have to kill him,

    - The Sculpin

    1. Isn't it 72 virgins?

    2. The recession hit everybody.........

    3. Right you are Sculpin. The book is fantastic. It's called "If You Meet the Buddha on the Road, Kill Him" or it might be "If You Meet the Guru on the Road, Kill Him." By Sheldon Kopp. I'm too lazy right now to remember the exact title, but it is very good.

  2. What happened with the BS (whoops- I meant Gus's Strategic Planning workshop)?

    Was there plenty of time for Public input, or was it dominated by long winded Bureaucrats who love to hear themselves ramble?

    Was it worthwhile and did it help to plan our budgeting future, or a total waste of time just getting Gus closer to his retirement date about one year from now?

    1. There seemed to be more city staff, Caltrans staff, SANDAG staff, NCTD staff, and technician than there were persons from the public Unfortunately Mayor Barth tried to limit public speakers because the bureaucrats were very long-winded, frequently interrupted by long-winded questions from the council, and they got behind schedule.

      At one point Barth asked public speakers to limit themselves to one minute. None paid attention except by running to the podium to speak. The Leucadia contingent hit hard with various speakers asking for the lowering of the train tracks.

      The workshop was to last four hours. That's right, from 6 to 10 pm. There was a technical glitch at the break that delayed things even more. Many from the public left at this point.

      I wonder how many will watch the video. It wasn't broadcast live, but the video is supposed to be on the city website today.

    2. This deserves its own thread -WC?

      Word is Barth asked the public to limit themselves to one minute apiece.

  3. Hmm, I don't know, I thought the topic was yoga. What a waste of time. Put your kids in a different school if you don't like yoga, or live in a different city. Namaste!

  4. Put your kids in yoga outside of public schools if you want your kids to be indoctrinated. It has no place in a public school financed by taxpayers.

    1. It's not indoctrination. Besides, no kid short of 15 is mature enough to get that kind of religious message, even if it was there, which it's not. I went to a Christian Jr. High, and all I got out of it was that I was most likely going to hell. That and the evil of rock and roll, which I embraced wholeheartedly. There's nothing wrong with yoga, go move to Santee...

    2. Move to Santee? Oh that is harsh! Wouldn't wish that on the most wretched soul!

    3. That is almost as bad as having to live at Pacific Station.

  5. Entitlement crowd. Must have little faith to be so afraid of Yoga.

  6. Yoga, bars, developers, city council... Always SOMETHING to bitch and moan about in Encinitas! I agree with 7:30, if you don't like it, leave.

  7. KLCC rejoicing, homeless have returned to Leucadia Roadside Park.

    1. What you call klcc never wanted that Disney crap that the homeless now congregate around - you "stucco and cement looks better than what we have now" folks brought them to the park...own it. And thanks a lot.

    2. The KLCC loves deadbeat bums, then, now, always. If it degrades Leucadia and keeps it crappy they love it. As do you. Own it. And thanks a lot.

    3. 11:03, Guess you're new in town. Homeless folk were there long before Roadside Park improvements and if there's anything to
      Mark 14:7, that may not change for a long time. But good to know at least two people in town think making some place nicer invites calamity.

    4. Yes I agree. People have been sleeping in that park since I was a grom and had to live in Escondido in the early 70's. I used to hitch a ride to Leucadia and sleep there on weekends myself, so I could surf all day in the summer. We also used to sleep in the Avocado grove where Pacifica and Sea Bluff are now. We even slept under the trestle where the jetty is now at Ponto.

    5. Just that now they have this faux rocks to hang behind...handy for popping out from behind to hit up passersby.

    6. Oh I get it. If they were real rocks no one could hide behind them.

    7. KLCC poster is distracting from topic with more defecation obsession, fecal fixation, as usual.

      And 6:19, you are so passive aggressive, it's pathetic with your remark: "good to know at least two people in town think making some place nicer invites calamity." Huge boulders and cattle fencing in roadside park are not keeping out "roadside park bums," and are not what a majority of folks think of as an improvement. We preferred the picnic table and benches, the trees that were needlessly hacked down. Yeah, thanks a lot, but no thanks.

      They keep "overnighters" out of Glenn Park by turning the sprinklers on.

    8. 10:09-

      Your an idiot, those are not faux rocks... go hit your head on one, and have the ambulance take you back to LA.

  8. They need to turn the other butt cheek and try a spinal twist or some beneficial yoga pose.

  9. Read today's WSJ. Page A-3. All about bankrupt cities.

  10. Silly retarded christians (yes, I know that's redundant).

    1. You should say silly retarded organized religion.

      I know that is redundant.

      Its not only the Christians.

  11. Do the kids still say the pledge?

  12. Next thing you know these yogee's will try to change the Christmas Parade to the Holiday Parade.

  13. Christians are supposed to turn the other cheek - they should practice yoga, then that would be easier for them.

    1. As you may all know, I live in Cardiff. I know at least 5 homeless people who are all wonderful. We chat if I am walking their way. They are older, and for whatever reasons, because I don't ask, they are homeless. They are together as well. They have a dog, that looks well fed. I like them. I have never asked them their stories, and I expect they will tell me someday. I doubt if they practice yoga, but I do know that they would not sue the City if yoga was in the schools. I realize not all homeless people are nice, many are mentally ill, many are drunks or drug addicts, but it has been my experience here and elsewhere, when I treat them like human beings (which they are) their kindness shows no bounds. I was in Santa Cruz recently and there were 3 homeless men sitting on the sidewalk. One was playing a beautiful guitar song and singing the lyrics that he had written. I put a few dollars in his case and asked him if I could give him a hug (no, not a Finer hug). He said yes and when I hugged him, he whispered into my ear, "this hug means more to me than any money to put in the case". Why am I pontificating so much-because I think we all need a bit more humanity in this strange world, and things like suing over yoga, when that money could be put to better use, is stupid!

    2. Well yes suing over yoga is stupid but it never would have happened if the school district hadn't accepted money to promote yoga.
      Let's place the blame where it is due, on the school district.

  14. Tim Baird, Supertintendent of EUSD, should have given folks an opportunity to OPT IN, not a BELATED opportunity to opt out of the Yoga program. The school district accepted $550,000, then another $1.3 Million from the same Yoga foundation for the programs.

    Tim Baird is all about the money. He's relatively new here, only since 2009. He could respect that we have a diversity of faith traditions. I personally would have opted in for my daughters, had the Yoga option been allowed when they were going to Encinitas elementary schools.

    Yoga, as a Swami wrote in the Coast news, integrates physical, emotional and spiritual. It is a spiritual practice. Whether one considers spiritual to equal religious is a personal choice. Yes, a lot of the controversy could have been avoided had this been handled with more diplomacy by Baird.

    1. That would have been the smart way to do it, to have an opt in. Still, kids aren't going to pick up on most of the spiritual aspects at their age....
