Friday, October 4, 2013

UFOs over Encinitas

Leucadia may have the astronauts, but Encinitas has the UFOs.

Encinitas Undercover has obtained this exclusive video of five unidentified flying objects over downtown Encinitas last night.

From a distance, the objects appear to be an unusually bright formation of stars, but then the observer notices that they are moving. Some kind of military aircraft from Miramar on night maneuvers? Or just Encinitans being Encinitans?


  1. Saw them at 4:20 a.m. (coincidence) on the way to my (private sector) job.
    The Cabezon

  2. I think the aliens are looking for places to put 'stack and pack' pods-

  3. Drones keeping watch over the Varones compound.

  4. If they hold still in formation, they're UFOs. If they bobble around like drunken sailors, they're high tech drones. If no one lays claim to the video, it looses credibility.

  5. A local yokel launches little lantern balloons every once and awhile to keep the hippies on their toes.

  6. Fucking aliens! Not in my backyard.


  7. We saw some lantern balloons launched on the Fourth of Julio. But they were identified flying objects, IFO's.

    At first I got what looked like a black screen, but blew it up to full screen, and I saw them, thanks, WCV!

  8. figures lynn pipes up after KLCC was mentioned.

  9. I've seen those about 40 ft over Cornish & G St. multiple times. Looks like LEDs tied to a kite or helium balloon string.

  10. Charley can't help himself. He just has to attack Lynn at every chance and he doesn't even need a chance to spout his bile opinion. So be it. At least he is so recognizable that the anonymity he tries to hide behind doesn't shield him from anyone paying attention. Get a life Charles and try to grasp a little bit decent behavior. We are all lovers of this town. Some just feel compelled to try to discredit those who have dedicated their time to trying to bring a little light to what and who manipulates policy here.

  11. Charley don't surf

  12. That indicates you know must who it is Fred. Shine a light for us all to become as informed as you are. Otherwise, thanks Fred.

  13. Nope, just who I don't think it is. He's never vindictive, snarky or cruel and I beleive he never blogs.

  14. Never say "never...."

  15. I'll do as you say, not as you do.

  16. House on Cornish. They've been doing this for years. Always fun to see.

  17. It looks like Mark Muir's resume from his years as Fire Chief.

  18. Sky Lanterns. People light these off from Moonlight all the time:
    Took me a a few minutes to really figure out what they were the first time I saw them here (D street resident). I have also seen people scrambling up from the beach when they get stuck in palm trees and fall onto their cars.

  19. As intrigued as I am by this man, It has gotten way too old. I am tired of this guy launching his ballons at corner of Cornish and E-H. 1) They fly over the federal regulated height, and there are small planes and helecopters that fly in that space.
    2) He does it almost every night.
    3) I am tired of the police helecopters with search lights circling and telling him to stop (yeah thats a search light in our backyard too....Thanks Charlie. 4) Those lights in the above clip are just him again being creative, after almost getting in trouble (He hides so there is no confrontation with the PD.) He is using weights, line and lights so the lights are not directly above his house (thats him laying low and making it look like someone else is doing it.)

    Maybe when a small engine plane crashes because of getting tied up in his hobby then he will stop. Go to the DESERT And light up there dude. Stop messing with people's heads!!!
    Don't get me wrong they are beautiful and I love ballons, but not over 500 feet in the air!

  20. I da something tonight up by this same spot - lots of blinking lights but closer together. They went off and I noticed there was a kite but I couldn't find what it was connected to or why it was there.
