Wednesday, December 10, 2014

12/10/2014 City Council meeting open thread

The current city council has continued prior councils' practice of not providing written summary minutes of council discussion, but only "action minutes" which state the outcomes. Encinitas Undercover will provide a forum for observers to record what occurs at each council meeting.

Please use the comments to record your observations.


  1. Al Rodbell talks about . . .


  2. Uh-oh, Lerch is laying the groundwork for a council run in 2016.

  3. Muir asked for Manjeet Ranu to summarize a law that he quoted. He was unable to do so, so he had staff pull up the text and is reading it to the council. Shouldn't he know what he is talking about?

    1. He hasn't had to yet. Council happy to look the other way, as usual.

  4. Re: the animal hospital

    1.). Five other vets already doing the same practice in town.

    2.) No objection to the practice from the state licensing board.

    3.) Crazy Lynn.

    Grant the permit. Next case your honor.

    If you want to work with council members to draft and pass an ordinance to ban the practice city-wide, fine. That would create a level playing field for all vets. Personally, I would never leave my beloved pets alone if they are sick, injured, or recovering. But then, there's a long list of stuff that's legal I wouldn't do (flag burning, anyone?)

    1. Also, kudos to Gaspar. She recessed the meeting to keep order, then ran down to try to explain the parliamentary procedure to Mr A.

    2. Give "Mr A" a break. He is elderly and doing his best. There was a time when he could've quoted parliamentary law circles around you, Bub. Why don't you pick on someone your own size?

    3. Umm, where did you read that I was picking on him?

      I was praising Gasoar for maintaining order in the meeting without being cold. She adjourned and ran down to talk to him. That was the right thing to do.

    4. Now I'll pick on him.

      He's bitching about getting less time, when his side has actually been given more tonight, as the crazy lady took eight minutes of his time claiming to be a member of the appellant group, then during recess claiming not to be, so that Gaspar would give them an additional 3 min.

      I call BS on that poop.

    5. Bob Aronin stated that the person from Leucadia Neighbors who finished out his ten minutes, when he was done speaking, initiatlly, was not a member of the steering committee. Kristin Gaspar did try to help him understand what was going on. Bob couldn't hear; he had a procedure that has made him temporarily deaf. That's why he asked for a continuance.

      KG misunderstood that the speaker who followed Aronin was not part of Leucadia Neighbors. It was a simple miscommunication caused by Bob Aronin's disability.

    6. He said he was done, and yielded the rest of his time.

      Was he also blind, or did he notice that Lynn was taking the rest of his time?

    7. The time remaining, out of his ten minutes, was just over six minutes, not eight. But he did say he was done, and he yielded his time. He is frail, and has serious health challenges, but did a lot to oust Stocks, including distributing the Dump Stocks stickers, which he had printed up, at his own expense.

    8. I believe it's possible to simultaneously acknowledge his past contributions to civic life, and call out his false claim last night that the other side was being given a time advantage, when the opposite was true.

    9. He was obviously confused about what was going on, in large part because he is temporarily deaf. I agree, give him a break. Brian Evans could afford to have someone in attendance, overnight. The euthanasia excuse was just that. Tony Kranz went and spoke with him, and then played that card. Someone who can't afford to take their pet to an overnight hospital could bring it home, and leave it in a cage, if necessary. Even if unattended, being at home would be familiar surroundings for the recovering animal, dog or cat.

  5. I would not take my pet to that or any other unmanned clinic, period.

  6. You wouldn't leave your sick children alone. Why would any one want to leave their animal alone? Makes no sense to me.

  7. Muir said at least six times tonight "as it relates to". Stop it Muir. You sound so ignorant.

  8. Bob A, Shiela and the other 4 crazy KLCC members always make a total ass of themselves. Its fun to watch how twisted peoples minds can self justify their actions and think that other people listen to a word of their none sense.

    Shiela's comment to Kristen and Catherine about "its nice to see you up there" again proves what a stone faced liar that sicko is. Ha

    The better focus on finding an old folks home that will house their crazy asses overnight verses worrying about vet clinics.

  9. Evans presents well, he's articulate and gentlemanly. Plus, he has skillfully used his wife's pregnancy to sway the council to his side.

    Unfortunately, Aronin is fundamentally a manipulator, and Marr doesn't present well. They've been out-lawyered, so to speak.

    I wouldn't leave a sick or injured pet overnight unattended anywhere.

    Will the council find a compromise both sides can live with?

    1. No, the new use is an intensification that is not now allowed without a permit. I would not leave my pet there. Cameron's compromise was fair, require enhanced disclosure to pet owners that the place is unattended, that the doctor talked around that point is telling --- a ronin had a good point about profits and the cost of a nighttime attendent- 300$ clams a night is a good business

    2. Even more telling was Lisa Shaffer's newsletter about the appeal denial. No mention of the animals being left unattended.

    3. there are things lisa liar prefers the public not know

  10. Screw that. the appeal is as stupid as the KLCC. Appeal denied losers!

    Sit down and shut up Sheila and Bob A. you as wasting our time. Go stare at red lights or something.

    1. 8:43 and 8:27 are the same person. That person is a moron, or as is preferred on this site, a Maroon.

    2. 8:49 must be the den Mom for the KLCC- They call her Mum.

    3. This group
      Of radical haters are going after Dr.Evsns for one reason and one reason only .... He's on the board of L101. They hate L101 and will do anything to disrupt their lives . I guess when you are freed of a. $96,000 legal fee you feel the right to do anything at any time.

    4. Come back after you study up and then pass a literacy test.

    5. 9:25- You are a perfect KLCC member- Retarded. I'm surprised you know how to access the internet. City should have stuck it the the Marr's.. What a victim loser just like all the KLCC. Give them an inch they take all the welfare.

    6. 9:25- blah blah blah

    7. 9:19, It would appear L-101 board members are frequent KLCC targets. No good deed goes unpunished - as they say.

  11. What the hell is wrong with staff? Could you blabber more Ed? Why are you wasting sooo much time? Get to the point. Geeze! There is an agenda report, you do not need to reread everything in the report.

  12. Traffic is bad on Saxony yet the YMCA wants to close the Ecke Sports Park and expand? I'm not sure how that would help the traffic problems.

  13. Discussion on traffic calming on saxony .... Install roundabouts to calm the traffic.

  14. Fast talkers in front of council. Can't be good.

  15. traffic is not that bad on either Saxony or Quail Gardens.

  16. Leichteg foundation guy won't shut up .... SHUT UP !!! It's all been said, you haven't told us anything new!!! Shut up!!!

    1. 9:25

      You don't get it. The staff bureaucrats have mastered the techniques involved in making what they usually call "preesentations" to the council. They're designed to obfuscate and to cure insomnia.

      Then people like Baird and Farley, who have also mastered the language, tone and sleep-inducing content involved in speaking to the council, make their pitch.

      By the time the staff and those supporting their point of view finish, the council members' minds are boggled, and they go along with whatever the staff wants.

  17. Safety? More important might be getting rid of drunk drivers downtown. Way worse than any Saxony issue. Near misses every weekend, just a matter of time.

  18. Why don't we have any speed tables?

    Basically, the whole width of the cross walk is raised about 6-8 in above the surrounding pavement. It causes cars to slow through the crosswalk whether people are in it or not.

    You can blow through a speed bump and your suspension will absorb the bump. But try doing the same on a speed table. The springs will lift the weight of the car with upward momentum just as you hit the drop on the backside of the crosswalk.

    Bang. Crunch. Snap.

    You won't fly over a speed table more than once.

    1. Good point, 9:32, but too progressive a concept for staff and council.

      Speed tables are low domes, about 22 feet from edge to edge. They work better and are much less expensive than roundabouts.

    2. Maybe I'm using the wrong term. What I had in mind isn't a smooth dome. The crosswalk that sits on top is flat

      As a speeding car approaches, it hits the upslope and the springs compress. Unlike a common speed bump, they stay compressed as the car crosses the 29 ft or so of cross walk. This means the springs have time to rebound and the center of mass of the car is propelled upwards. At the other side of the crosswalk, the car hits the drop with its springs already extended, and momentum still going up.

      The result is very unpleasant for speeding cars. They bottom out and break stuff. It has a high entertainment and schadenfreude value for pedestrians.

    3. Speed tables I've seen with crosswalks on top are about 22 feet from one side to the other. That's wide enough for the tops to be pretty much flat. They slow traffic to 25 mph or lower. They're spaced closely enough together than it makes no sense to speed up between them, so the speed on the street maintains at 25 or under.

    4. who the hell wants traffic on Saxony and Quail Gardens going 25mph? Maybe 30 or 35.

    5. State law is 25 in school zone. Technically, the ag lab is owned by EUSD, for teaching kids, so it counts, even though it's not a traditional school site.

      Otherwise, I agree with you. 40 is fine for the rest of QG and Saxony.

    6. 9:39, Humps, bumps, tables, serve one function and have little comparison to roundabouts. Make that two functions. they slow all emergency vehicles down as well. Why they put speed bumps on a road accessing an emergency room in one part of town, and a fire dept in another part baffles the hell out of me.

  19. Gus with head in his hands .... Lolollll . The headache will only get worse Gussy boy.

  20. City guy wearing awful Christmas tie.
    Tony protecting trees.
    Staff wanting to spend more monies ....but says they don't have any money. Where's it all go???
    Is that Sheila in the 3 row with a bitter look on her face ?? I hope not. Wait I think it is .
    Audience members outraged that more homes being built.
    Woman asking for city to build crosswalk ... But it's taking her. 8 minutes to say it. Sheez.

  21. That teacher is a total tool…. using her students as her personal tool. Have you no shame?!

  22. Traffic and safety committee wants to kill trees to put in crosswalk.
    City clerk wasting time reading names.....
    Gaspar sucking up to donator... Future political donations.
    Kranz wants the crosswalk. City guy talking and talking and talking. Is there no one willing to tell these people to say it then shut up ??
    Tony says no more avoiding the I-5.
    Meanwhile streetscape on 101 going no where......
    Muir wants to divert cut thru traffic.... Says it's an easy decision but can't say that in 25 words of less.
    Leichteg guy ... Blah blah blah
    I can't take it anymore. These idiots are such fucking fools . The more the speak the more rope they have to hang themselves .

  23. Council and staff on a roll, speaking with great passion as if they've found a great cause to support. Crosswalks — who knew?

    The Streetscape 101 project is in the EIR process. Let's all hope the plan as proposed bites the dust because it's dumb beyond belief.

    1. You must be one of those 6 idiots tonight fighting the Vet. What losers.

      Just like Sheila getting smashed in the elections. You all need to go check yourselves into the old folks home. Your brain is not working right and you are a danger to yourselves and the public.

    2. Yes, let hope that the streetscape plan that provides trees, flowers, sidewalks, plants and slows traffic "bites the dust because it's dumb beyond belief". Because the current situation of weeds and dirt is much more to our liking....Keep it Crappy!!!

    3. Sure, one lane in each direction, five roundabouts in 8/10 mile at the north end and 12 new parking spaces in 2.4 miles are great ideas.

      Anybody who believes that has a vacancy sign on his/her forehead.

    4. That means a lot coming from a KLCC member. Ha!

    5. Arguing Streetscaoe is a waste of time.

      Actuarial tables will reduce opposition to the project within a few years. Don't argue, just sit back and wait. It will happen in good time.

    6. The actuarial tables work both ways...think of all the Marvys out there.

    7. 3:52, Yeah, and I'm glad that anti-streetscape sign on Neptune was finally taken down. Thank you. Your place looks a lot better without that sour sign.

  24. Gaspar and Muir making their pitch to tilt governance in their direction.

  25. Gee Gaspar finally got passionate over an area that is near her house. She tells staff to find the money and get the crosswalk done. Too bad she didn't have the same passion for those who live downtown and do something about the traffic and noise there. I see where her priorities lie. ME FIRST!

  26. Hey Muir, instruct your wife to take her campaign signs down or we will send a complaint to the city.

    1. Muir is too busy studying the ceiling. Why is he on the council??
      I think he is having that Homer Simpson moment in his brain - monkeys clanging cymbals.....

  27. I see through Gaspar already. She picked Blakespear to be Deputy Mayor in the hope of swaying her votes to coincide with Gaspar and Muir. I had to laugh at her reasoning for picking her -- so that she could become more visible. She has already been serving on the Traffic Commission for four years. Lame, lame, lame.

    Gaspar is as sneaky as the city manager.

    1. wow- I think you might be right, and I never thought of it. So Glenn Close in Dangerous Liason's-

    2. 8:59 PM Recite some Chaucer than, smart guy.

    3. 12:15, I think you mean "then".

  28. Gaspar is smarter than she looks??

    1. 5:02 Not hardly. She has a bad habit of not blinking and has a stare that is quite strange looking.

    2. See 8:54 below.

    3. Maybe she is trying to put the whammy on somebody!

  29. Did Muir nominate In N' Out as a city heritage site yet?

    1. We are waiting for that to become the "Muir In N' Out" burger place.

    2. Let's bring the debate up a level, fellers.

      Unless our city has solved all material issues, you are wasting oxygen just to be an a-hole.

    3. 8:54 So then it is alright to ignore your useless comment?

    4. 8:58,

      When you get your GED, you'll understand.

    5. 9:01 How utterly juvenile. Well past your bedtime. Give mommy a kiss.

    6. Great idea. Since Maggie Houlihan loved animals and a dog park was named after her, it is only fitting that an eatery should be named for Muir. You have my vote.

    7. 9:21, you are defending the intellectual high ground of fat jokes.


    8. 10:09 You are the only one who used the word "fat"

  30. RECALL GASPAR!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Yes, recall Gaspar, We have a mayor that believes she is leading a cheer leading squad. WOW, AWESOME, WAY TO GO, OKAY, ALRIGHTY are not things that sound mature and professional in a political setting.

  31. What a waste of time. I hope you all got a kick out of it. Not I.

    On a more pleasant note, when is Vina getting out of City Hall? The sooner the better. That dude is poison. Let the cleansing begin.

    Bring in a new interim City Manager not Cotton. Start fresh and then recruit a good one.

    1. The City's definition of "good" most certainly includes "work to fool all of the people, all of the time." The culture of sneaky is firmly in place and even though Vina is the poster child of sneaky, the City's "visioning" won't allow for a decent hire.

      Cynical? No, realistic.

    2. Fire [fill in the blank]!

      I just want to get out ahead of the comments here because no matter who the council hires, the trashing will begin soon after they start. In reality, this blog represents a small minority of the community who will never be happy with the city council.

    3. 11:34 Why are you here wasting your time?

    4. 11:40 AM

      That's a question I keep asking myself but because misinformation is often posted here, I try to minimize any damage when I know the truth of the matter. Unfortunately, too often people would rather believe the misinformation.

    5. 3:02 I would bet you voted for Gaspar. She is not a fiscal conservative. Did you try to inform people of that fact? I doubt it. She is already spending money the city doesn't have to benefit her area.

  32. Gaspar is the poison one

  33. Sorry, I thought this was Encinitas Underwater.

    My bad.

  34. Nice flooding in Leucadia at the Roadside park....Kudos too the cowardly council that refused to but in a 36" pipe.
    Keep it crappy.

  35. It's supposed to have some water in the park. It was designed as a retention basin. Google the definition .

    1. I googled Keep it Crappy... Google says it's the community of Leucadia. It also offered to open a web page called It's A Shithole. I clicked it...says it's the community of Leucadia. Wow, dual definitions for the same community. Kinda makes you proud doesn't it??

  36. Vulcan was 2.5 ft deep at PEC this morning.

  37. I thought all of Leucadia is a retention basin...

  38. Calling all CPAs.
    City Council will have the comprehensive annual financial report on the agenda next week.
    Pages 138 and 139 shows changes in net position for the last ten years.
    City has been running major deficits for the last 10 years?

    1. Major? Please explain. Not sure I'm reading the draft CAFR that same way.

      I see an uptick in debt service from 6 to 8% of General Fund over ten years. Monetary policy since the Great Recession has been to create a prolonged period of low interest rates, which makes borrowing for large capital spending projects cheaper. The whole idea is to create conditions to encourage companies and government entities to pull forward investments to create jobs and stimulate economic activity. With capital projects on sale, I would expect our city to take advantage of a perishable opportunity within reason, which is exactly what they have done.

      I see no problem, as long as council responds to rising rates in the years ahead by dialing back on capital investments that require borrowing.

    2. Yeah let's dial back on that Leucadia streetscape. We don't need no stinking street lights sidewalks , flower, trees, slower traffic. Keeping it crappy is FREE!!! No borrowing....

    3. Yeah let's spend it on a few trophy projects that only a few people use and costs the city millions to maintain like a huge regional sports park and a trophy art center!

      That's the stupid leadership from Our current city Council

      One good thing they did was get rid of Vina!!!

      An excellsnt step in the right direction. Keep up the good work!!

  39. Had to laugh at Blakespear when she asked if she would receive $160 for attending a meeting if another council person went to the same meeting. Is she that hard up for money? Not a very bright question to ask in a public setting. She has been watching Gaspar too much.

    1. During a time where budgets are of great public concern, this nickel/dime comment about lining her pockets isn't a good sign and is indiscreet for one's image. Could it be Blake$pear?

    2. If Gaspar is her role model, we're in trouble.

  40. Who on the city staff is in charge of seeing that campaign signs have come down? Mo Muir is ignoring requests to get her signs down.

    Mo Muir ---- drive on El Camino Real and you will see two signs of yours still up. This is against the city code. Get 'em down, or we hope the city slaps a big fine for your negligence. Just because hubby is on the council is NO excuse.

    Take your signs down MO MUIR.

    1. I'm all for taking them down in a timely fashion--hell, I think they are ugly, insulting (who is stupid enough to vote based on signs?), and wasteful. In short, I'd be happy if we could ban them altogether.


      Removing the signs is the sole responsibility of the property owner, not the candidate. I'm pretty sure it would be illegal for the candidate to go around removing signs on property they don't own.

    2. 9:09 I am not so sure about that. Do you have something from the city that states the property owner, and not the candidate, must remove their signs?

    3. Signs are to be removed within 72 hours after an election is held in this city.

    4. Private property signs can stay up as long as the property owner desires. New sign code.

    5. Any business that leaves an outdated sign up can not be all that smart, so I would avoid doing business with them.

    6. Just go and rip down her signs. What is she going to do?? Sue you. She can't do shit....

    7. Goes to prove that Mo Muir is as irresponsible as her husband "as it relates to" being a responsible community individual.

  41. Call the property owner and businesses and complain about the signs…. tell them you refuse to shop there until they are removed.
