Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Encinitas attorney Carl Dimeff sole beneficiary of wealthy elderly client's change of trust

U-T Watchdog:
Four prominent nonprofit charities — UNICEF, the NPR Foundation, Doctors Without Borders and the San Diego Research Foundation — are suing to invalidate a trust [Siv] Ljungwe created in 2008, which left all her money to Encinitas lawyer Carl Dimeff.

The charities contend that Ljungwe was mentally ill when she signed off on the trust, suffering from delusions and infatuated with Dimeff, whom she had met four years earlier by stopping in at his storefront law office.

They say that Ljungwe long wanted her fortune to be distributed to the four charities — each getting an equal 25 percent. Those were the terms under a trust that was set up in 2004 and that the disputed trust of 2008 wiped out.

At the core of the challenge from the charities is a claim that Dimeff cultivated an improper relationship with Ljungwe, capitalizing on her fixations on him and her mental illness to redirect the fortune to him.

Dimeff declined to comment.
Dimeff's office is listed in the old Bank of Dalager building on 101.


  1. Absolutely digusting ! Taking money directed to charities where noble people risk their lifes to treat the poorest of the poor, or help people in times of crisis. Instead, it is used for personal gratification and luxuries of a morally, ethically bankrupt crook. Dimeff should be disbarred, as this is even below the standard shark's pound of flesh.

    1. How is our city attorney any different?

    2. Uhhhhhhh... he isn't. Just steals from taxpayers, but with council approval.

  2. "Dimeff's office is listed in the old Bank of Dalager building on 101"

    Is that like a bank shot? Do you know whether Dimeff (a total sleaze ball it sounds like) has any connection to Dalager and/or California Community Bank? If not why throw in the "Bank of Dalager" reference? Trying to goose the response? I read the U-T print version of the story and it doesn't sound Dimeff needs any goosing. Must be out of habit.

    1. Just a funny coincidence, I assume. Sorry it offended you.

    2. EU

      I found the "Bank of Dalager" a comedic reference with a splash of continuing to hold Dirty Dan accountable for violating the public trust and pleading guilty to the DA- the only city mayor ever to do so

      Interesting that Dirty Dan was recently quoted in the Coast News- is he trying to rehab his image- ?

      Hold him accountable-

    3. California Community Bank is the same bank that loaned EPF (Encinitas Preservation Association, which opposed Prop A) the money to purchase, held the first mortgage for the Boathouses property in 2008-2009, before Dalager got busted and booted by the voters.

    4. 4:32 PM

      "Sorry it offended you" I see once again you missed the point yet 5:08 PM confirms my point. And why would I be offended?

    5. 10:33 AM

      Since it will devolve like last time with you getting prickly and deleting my posts, I'll just end it here. I made my point.

    6. 1:34 PM A member of the Dalager rehab committee. No sense of humor.

    7. 8:13 AM

      Actually, comments like yours always make me laugh. I will admit that trying to tie Dimeff to Dalager, if only by the bank reference, is pretty lame. Gives everyone a chance here to rehash Dalager and maybe forget what happened in the election. Got to keep stoking the vitriol fires less they die down and people start thinking for themselves. No, I have a great sense of humor. That's why I read this blog.

  3. What an evil person to take advantage of a person with a disability and use it for their own personal gain. This man should be disbarred, fined and sent to prison for unethical practices unbecoming of an attorney. Shame on him.

    1. Too bad Tar and Feathering has gone out of style.

    2. Grinch of the Season and for the Year. Disbar him and his thief cohort.

    3. Why don't we burn him at the stake with all the other witches!

      It's funny how in the era of political correctness and anti-bullying we can't judge a man (or woman) on his/her color, race, religion (or a million other things, don't forget who he/she sleeps with), but if he's a lawyer and a charity (or four) are suing him, he must be a bastard. You people crack me up, you'll pre-judge a man based on conjecture, yet you won't look in the mirror for the facts. Lol!

    4. 6:11,

      Please explain the facts that would explain what looks like an officer of the court abusing his position to swindle an elderly client out of her life savings.

      We wait with baited breath for the innocent explanation.

  4. The lawyer who wrote up the second trust, Kirk Miller, should be disbarred. He allowed himself to be used as a puppet to circumvent the law where the beneficiary can not write the trust.

    1. Stealing from such noteworthy charitable causes - beyond pathetic! The UT article says cDimeff has blown thru a million of the trust so far - must have some pretty fancy toys around. He should be forced to pay it all back with interest...sounds like this is more than a breech of "ethics" - this should be criminal. He's probably buying an airline ticket out of town right now.....

    2. 1st class, no doubt....

  5. Sounds like Dimeff and Miller worked in collusion to defraud clients. I wonder what kind of kickbacks Miller received? If the Bar Association doesn't take action against these swindlers, then it confirms it is nothing more than a den of thieves.

    1. San Diego County Bar Association is corrupted. The California Bar is not so bad. At least one judge, just re-elected, solicited campaign contributions from lawyers or law firms, and solicited a fake "well-qualified," despite having three censures by the Council on Judicial Performance. No judge in the state has more censures.

      These endorsements and "report cards," recommending this particularly corrupted judge as being "well-qualified," through the County Bar, and the UT, although the UT Watchdog reported the censures; amount to bribery by various pay to play schemes involving "officers of the court," regularly appearing in that judge's courtroom. This is influence peddling, pure and simple, all in "closed chambers." What a farce.

  6. Kirk Miller, hmmmmm. He used to be the president of the Encinitas Little League

    1. Maybe they need to go back and check the books and see if they've been cooked.

  7. Good catch! Also see,
