Thursday, December 4, 2014

Dueling density meetings open thread

Tony Kranz's meeting on the Housing Element Update and the Olivenhain Town Council meeting were both held last night. Olivenhain had a presentation from Jeff Murphy on the HEU, and residents did not seem receptive.

1 comment:

  1. Can anyone name a time in history where people who can afford low density, expensive housing in a highly desirable area have welcomed high density housing?

    Sure - we'll buy a Prius. And pay extra to eat organic. And maybe even recycle the occasional food scrap. But when it comes to something that would have a material positive impact on our environment? "Not in my backyard!" we all say.

    Sure - we can pretend it's about traffic. Or Student :Teacher ratio. Or 'character'. but lets be honest. We just got here first. And we don't want our precious Encinitas to fill up with 'other/different' people.

    My Neighbor who has lived here for 30 years said the same thing when I moved in.
