Thursday, May 20, 2010

Batra on Barth: a former supporter reflects

Sunana Batra in the NC Times:

Once upon a time, the standard was: "How would a reasonable person respond?"

Not long ago, this was replaced by: "How would the most unreasonable and hypersensitive person respond?"


It's the fact that she thinks she should be able to mar and end the career of individuals she serves with when she feels insulted that makes me think she should not be in the position we in Encinitas elected her to be in.

Stocks used his power of persuasion to pass her over for deputy mayor, he was within his rights. We expect our electeds to vote on the basis of a candidate's ideas and ability, not because of tradition, or just because it's always been that way.

It's troubling, this toxic mix of gender-war feminism that treats such acts as ridiculing a fellow elected official an offense worth filing an official complaint about.

I agree with Batra. Teresa Barth should withdraw from her re-election race and endorse an ally who will be more effective at fighting the establishment.

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