If you've been near Encinitas' new public art this week, you've likely seen a crowd of visitors gathered around, marveling at the detail, taking pictures, and, for a moment, believing in magic.
That some talented artist and a clandestine band of conspirators would give such a gift to the people of Encinitas warms the heart of even the most confirmed cynic.
A letter in today's U-T comes from one who made the pilgrimage:
When I saw the beautiful photo of the “Madonna of the waves” (April 26), I climbed in the car and drove to Encinitas to see the original. This radiant glass mural was surrounded by admirers similarly inspired by the U-T article. “That is so Encinitas!” said one person. Another was wondering what sort of petition would be needed to keep the mural in place permanently. If it must be removed because it’s officially (if absurdly) determined as “defacing,” let us hope that it is placed where it can be appreciated by its many new and future fans.
-- David K. Jordan, La Jolla