Thursday, January 5, 2017

16 applicants for open council seat

Your applicants are:
Tony Brandenburg
Stacie Davis
Mark Demos
Bruce Ehlers
Marla Elliott
Steele Fors
Wendy Harper
Terra Lawson-Remer
Daniel Marotta
William Morrison
Joe Mosca
Lisa Nava
Edward O'Connor
Gregory Post
Michael Schmitt
Steven Winters
Applications here.

We'd have to say Mosca and Ehlers are the front-runners: Mosca if the council wants to create a supermajority and boost a once-and-future rising Democratic Party star, Ehlers if the council wants to extend an olive branch to the majority of voters who voted for Prop A and against Measure T.  What do you think?


  1. I'd select Gregory Post. Decent, honorable, hardworking. What more can you ask for?? Council, get it done.

  2. Bruce, by a mile. His dedication to our community is miles above any of the others.

    Council can restore the lost trust over their unanimous Measure T support by selecting a community leader that has our best interests ahead of any other concerns.

    1. Bruce came in last minute on the Housing Element. He wasn't involved when he could have suggested changes, like the rest of us.

      I'm glad he was there when he was though. He helped when there was a ballot measure. But coulda done more in my opinion. Especially for someone that wants to lead the city.

    2. 5:02 had you been involved or you'd know Bruce did not come in at the last minute.


  3. The Council needs to watch Mosca in action with their own eyes. His anti-resident politics aside, the Council needs to decide whether they want to put up with him in their midst.

    Any candidate who has to be threatened with removal from the room is not fit.

  4. Is Bruce a one-trick pony?

    I'd be okay with him if he has relevant job or life experience beyond land use issues.

    Most of what fills the agenda isn't land use.

    Not trying to knock Bruce. I'd like an honest answer from people who know him. What's his background, beyond Measure A and Planning Comisar?

    1. Read his resume, WC provides the link above.

    2. Admit it: you are trying to knock Bruce. What's with the "one-trick pony" name-calling?

      Most of the other candidates have zero land use experience - do you prefer that? Easier for staff to manipulate, perhaps, but not better for residents. Bruce's planning commission experience would be a great help to him on the council.

      Land use is one of our most important issues in Encinitas, I'd rather have someone familiar with code and consequences than a newbie any day.

    3. Bruce is smart guy, who knows and has worked in our community. I think he can help build a consensus on a lot of the key issues. No question, he should be selected.


    4. One-trick pony was used elsewhere by another poster. Seems to be sticking. Even if he is a good guy and candidate.

  5. I see Mosca as a liability, not boost, to the Democratic Party. They do not need his antics, they're in enough trouble as it is.

    1. Obviously you are a "mentally unstable homophobic fanatic."

  6. After a quick read here's what I come up with. Now I don't know any of these people and wouldn't recognize them if I saw them - my impressions come from what they submitted. I do have one beef - why submit your professional resume for a position on council? Why not describe how your professional experience would be a benefit to council? Anyway, here goes:

    Tony Brandenburg – qualified – too political?
    Stacie Davis – Too much on her plate – her issues are not council issues - will lack focus.
    Mark Demos – demonstrated ability to get things done in the private sector – has some public experience – will he have the patience?
    Bruce Ehlers – qualified – but can he work on more than one issue?
    Marla Elliott – has experience working with NGO’s and other public entities – vision is a little light but she’s probably worth the risk.
    Steele Fors – a little light on the qualifications – where is he a public servant, and what exactly is “fiscal realism”?
    Wendy Harper – very interesting experiences that could be useful, but too focused on the coast – what about New Encinitas and Olivenhain? She might be better on the Planning Commission.
    Terra Lawson-Remer – waaaaayyyyy over qualified!! She needs to be on a corporate board where her experience would be useful.
    Daniel Marotta - demonstrated ability to get things done in the private sector, but come on – take no pay? The guy has expenses, he has kids, and presumably a well-funded retirement plan – is he totally underestimating the time it takes to sit on council? There are so many other, and better ways to donate your time than city council……
    William Morrison – another one with interesting qualifications that could be useful – may be worth the risk but will probably be pegged as a developer shill….
    Joe Mosca – Holy crap this guy’s been busy!! Check out his Vision opening sentence - has he really been here long enough to say that? Regardless, enough has been said about him.
    Lisa Nava – bless her heart – her 4th paragraph is touching in its innocence and naiveté……that said, she’s a go-getter and also may be worth the risk…..
    Edward O'Connor – the guy is most likely a competent attorney, but other than rendering Sabine apoplectic, I’m not sure what his Council qualifications are.
    Gregory Post – qualified but given his background I’m not sure how open the Council would be to his input.
    Michael Schmitt – yet another with an interesting background – a little young and green but the combination of local knowledge and ambition could make this a very interesting, albeit highly risky choice.
    Steven Winters – The city is going to need this guy if it ever gets to renegotiate the pension liability! He’s been here quite a while and probably understands the area as well as most. Most importantly, he’s the only candidate to mention horses!!!!!

    - The Sculpin

    1. Am curious, Sculpin: why do you question whether Bruce can work on more than one issue? You're planting the seed of doubt, so please explain.

    2. The guy has been around a long, long time and has planted far more seeds than I will ever have, so clearly he's able to work on a multitude of issues. But over the last several years his focus has seemed to be on density bonus issues, development and of course Measure T. Nothing wrong with that when you're on the outside, but if that's what's driving him to be on council I'm concerned that a) he might end up being a wedge and not accomplish what he sets out to do, and b) he will not want to focus on the more mundane aspects of governing. In some respects, that's the downside of being a community activist.

      - The Sculpin

    3. What are the more mundane aspects of governing?
      Raising taxes? Redevelopment? Income redistribution or economic justice? Increasing the council's salaries?

    4. Why don't you go talk to him before you start making up reality, Sculpin? You'd find, as I did, that he has an interest in many areas of governance.

      You've always been a city apologist, though. It comes as no surprise that you damn Ehlers with faint praise.

    5. It's a fair question to ask, as Bruce has been a big player in the Prop A. fight. But if you look at his CV, you'll see his history of working on a lot of different issues in the city. I think he would be a quick study on everything else facing the city. In short, he's paid his dues, he's the most qualified, he should get the nod...


    6. Pay no attention to Sculpin. He's a horse's ass.

    7. That's sculp's problem: he did not read the CV.

      3:59 is right.

    8. 3:22 - mundane would include personnel reviews, budgets, reading and understanding reports, meetings with staff, committee and sub-committee members, other governmental agencies and constituents, expense reports, various legal and regulatory compliance issues, review of contracts, leases and service agreements, and on and on and on and on........

      3:36 - and exactly why is it you think I have not talked to him? Of course he has an interest in many areas of governance - he would not have the vast experience he does without it. Regardless, you nor I are making this decision. I'm only providing my thoughts. I think you just like being snarky - maybe someday you'll get good at it...

      - The Sculpin

    9. MGJ - I'm not questioning his qualifications or whether he will be a quick study. He's proved all that. I'm questioning whether he wants to. Right off the bat he wants to be considered a voice for the No on T efforts - that tells me he considers it job#1. That's all.....

      - The Sculpin

    10. Sculp, go question Bruce. He's the only one who can satisfy your curiosity. If you like, come back and let us know what he said.

      Otherwise, your musings are boring.

    11. But Terra must be an earth mother, eh?

    12. Sculp, I'm going to go out on a limb and say Bruce understands all the issues before the council and is going to engage on all them, not just No on T. I've met Bruce many times, in the heat of campaigns, and he's the best chance we've got since Dennis Holz. He is simply the best choice at this time, hands down.


    13. Right you are, MGJ. You have many more in agreement with you.

    14. Sculpin jumping to biased conclusions as usual.

  7. Bruce Ehlers is the best choice. He's fully qualified.

  8. Bruce Ehlers is highly qualified, experienced in the private and public sectors, diplomatic, even-tempered and professional.

    Among the applicants, he's by far the best choice.

  9. Does anyone know what the Council is thinking at this time? Might be a good idea to email them and let your voices be heard. I know I am going to do that. If you need their addresses, go to the City of Encinitas website and you will find all of their addresses. My choice is Bruce Ehlers. He was Maggie Houlihan's campaign manager at one time. He knows the is and outs of the city, and he knows where the bodies are buried, so to speak. And, he might get rid of Sabine!!!!

    1. The S word. City attorney is our city cancer with no cure.

  10. The council thinks? Really? Since when?

    It all looks like pontification and CYA to me.


    1. No thanks. Costs too much.

      I do find it interesting though that when Mark was appointed everyone cried foul and wanted an election instead. People want an appointment this time around until their favorite isn't selected.

    2. Not so. I cried foul on Muir and don't want an appointment now, either.

      Agree the cost though is high. In that case, what's so hard about discarding whathisname Pete Wilson's stepson and going straight to Brandenburg, the candidate with the next-highest number of votes who actually shows interest in serving?

    3. The difference is Muir was appointed to Maggie's seat. This one will replace Blakespear.

      An appointment is fine if it doesn't change the ideological composition of the council. That kind of shift should only be done by the voters.

    4. 8:57, not your decision to make.

  12. Bruce Ehlers or William Morrison two great choices.

    1. Morrison is too tied up with the Leucadia 101 Mainstreet Association Board of Directors, pushing 5 one-lane roundabouts, in a row, at three way intersections, with no cross-streets. These roundabouts will funnel all motor vehicle and bicycle traffic through their one lane, and reduce our major arterial, circulation element, to one lane northbound, and one southbound, multiplying traffic congestion, cut-through traffic, and slowing emergency response time. There will be a NET LOSS in parking, because dirt parking, along the tracks, will be eliminated. NCTD has historically allowed that parking. What's "illegal" is crossing the tracks, not parking in the dirt. Bicyclists will lose their eight-foot wide bike lane, and will face more danger with back-in angled parking, as sight lines will be degraded.

      Bruce Ehlers would be an excellent choice. Brandenburg could be a reasonable alternative.

    2. 4:26-

      You mean like the one at N. Hwy101 (Carlsbad Blvd.) and State Street that works great and never has congestion?

      When I'm up in the Carlsbad and Oceanside coast border area, the roundabout is perfect and all the congestion is due to the low performing traffic signals. Besides being much more efficient for vehicles is much safer and reduces accidents for all users.

      I got you 4:26. Your one of the 10 members of the "keep leucadia crappy club".

      You have a lame brain in my opinion. Whats Bruce's position on the L101 Streetscape?

      I might have to pull my support for him.

    3. Same here.

      I was going to write Council in support of Bruce, but if he opposes streetscape then forget it.

    4. The roundabout on State Street is different. There are not hundreds of residences to the west of the highway there. Plus, that roundabout has adjacent to it a rail trail corridor, separated from the highway for pedestrians and bicyclists. Bicyclists would have an option of using the separated bike/ped lane; they would NOT all have to funnel through one lane roundabouts with all the motor traffic, one lane northbound and one lane southbound.

      There are many who support a streetscape, in that we support preserving and maintaining what's left of the canopy, watering the landscaping, including many of the trees planted off Highway 101, part of the 101 saplings planted, too many of which have since died (behind Gold Coast, and on El Portal) planting and maintaining more drought resistant species, putting in a stop sign at Grandview and 101, and working for more at grade crossings for pedestrians.

    5. 5:23 and 6:30 are the same person: there are thousands of people who signed petitions against the plan for multiple one lane roundabouts, through which bicyclists would also be forced to funnel. Highway 101 is part of our circulation element. It's not meant to be a destination roadway to a few businesses on the west side of the highway, only.

      Because people oppose roundabouts being forced on us, doesn't mean that we are opposed to an Artscape, with improved areas for sitting, or that we wouldn't be willing to compromise. Why is the first roundabout to be at El Portal? Is it because you think it will benefit your commercial property value, there? That street already has an "island" delineated by double yellow lines, where people turning north, onto the highway, can pause, before continuing over into the right hand lane. People are already going more slowly; hence, the speed limit has been reduced. There is no guarantee the stop sign at Marcheta would be removed, either, just as the stop sign at Leucadia Blvd and Hygeia was never removed, because the City never got around to Phase 2 of that streetscape, or Phase 2 of the Downtown 101 streetscape, either.

      What is being lobbied for and pushed by real estate and development interests, including property owners who are paying low property taxes, is really a streetscam. Why should a few benefit, being able to sell at a much higher value, or to increase rents and leases, while motorists stuck in endless gridlock and taxpayers are required to foot the bill? In Solana Beach, property owners along the "linear park" (opened up by trenching the tracks) had to pay special property tax assessments, because their property values went up. There are no plans to do that, here. The Board of Directors have had too much influence with Council, hobnobbing with Teresa Barth in New Orleans at the national Mainstreet Association convention a few years ago.

    6. 5:23 and 6:30 are not the same person.

      It's emblematic of your problem: claiming to know things with certainty that are just wrong.

      I didn't read the rest of your rambling twaddle.


  14. Bruce is complete liar! His neighbors dislike him and he has questionable business dealings with people. You'll be surprise when you pell back the onion!

    1. Either provide clear details and back it up, with your name, or zip it...Anonymous slander is the work of a coward.

    2. Way to go Mr Anonymous or should I say Coward! Everyone who says anything about anybody (including you) goes by Anonymous.

  15. I'm Bruce's neighbor. He's a good man.

  16. 7:42 has the vocabulary talents of his lowness. Nice signature $ssss$ The attitude sure fits.

  17. We need a council person that is going to uncover the darkness of city contracts. Contracts regarding salary and pensions. Contracts covering failed and unfinished projects. We need someone who says enough backroom deal, the public (taxpayers ) foot the bills let them know what's what, who's who and why.
    Someone that doesn't care about firefighters endorsements nor staff support at election time.

    That's the person that gets my endorsement.

    1. That is exactly who we need, but it will never happen. Public employee unions are owed too many favors.

  18. Heaven help us if that Terra Lawson-Remer gets selected. The last thing we need is another smug, know-it-all college professor who is certain that she knows what is best for everyone.

    1. From her published writings available on her website, she seems to be very long on academic theory but short on common sense.

    2. Sorry for a second I thought you were talking about Julie G. But I saw you said "published writings." Nevermind. Another wasted post on my part.

    3. From what I read about her, Terra could be an excellent compromise. It just feels doubtful, to me, that Council would appoint Bruce Ehlers or Tony Brandenburg, because of their positions on T. Brandenburg came to his "epiphany" late in the game: when he was interviewed for a piece in the Coast News, was the first time I heard about it. But he made some good points.

      I appreciate that Terra Lawson-Remer is an attorney. We need some balance to see through our City Attorney's often misguided actions and advice. Catherine Blakespear hasn't had the ability, so far, to stand up to him, to contradict any of his conclusions. She just goes along with Marco, it seems, in concluding that the City "can't win," in court, because we don't have an updated housing element. That is a defeatist attitude, self-serving for development interests. Brandenburg suggested otherwise, and he is a retired court commissioner, and an attorney, as well.

  19. We need someone that will shine a light on our city attorney and his contract. Clearly he receives a retainer. Clearly his job is to review city contracts and laws and yet when we are in trouble from his poor advice and we get sued who does the city hire to defend itself?? The same attorney that caused the problem to start with!! Huh?? Show me where that makes any sense.

    1. So your vote goes to Edward O'Conner?

      - The Sculpin

    2. where does your vote go, sculpin? stop taking polls of what everyone else thinks and tell us who you want appointed.

    3. I would be happy with either Ehlers, Elliott, Nava or Winters. All bring something different to the table.

      - The Sculpin

  20. There is no room under council chambers filled with candles, cigar smoke, and contracts. Contracts are public records. Want to know what's in them? Just ask.

    You don't need a superhero to work on pension reform; you need a CPA.

    This isn't the DaVinci Codes; it's Encinitas Municipal Code.

    1. Closest to that on the list is Steven Winter - is that your vote?

      - The Sculpin

    2. Despite the fact that city government is supposed to be non-partisan (please stop laughing now) the new member will be whoever the local party rulers tell them. It doesn't matter which party because they all feed at the same trough. Anyone who opposed prop T is disqualified.

    3. 10:29- contracts might be public record but the negotiating of those contracts is not. Open the process to public evaluation. Hey, we pay the taxes we have a right to know AND provide input. Anything less is bullshit.

    4. I believe the city attorney's pay is pretty low compared to other jurisdictions.

      I also believe that city staff contracts have been raised one time, for one percent, since 2008. Almost 10 years of no growth or change.

      Not sure what needs to be open there, unless you are a mole from the city and are trying to gain support for new salary increases. Not falling for that.

      We pay a lot in city projects, lifeguard tower, rail study, etc. But that is an open process to some extent, even if the result is not desirable.

      Not sure what you are asking for 7:33 unless the goal is to send more staff to more late meetings, all of which gives them overtime, comptime, or paid leave off (from normal business hours when taxpayers need their services the most).

    5. 7:52, how does transparency in taxpayer-funded salaries "send more staff to more late meetings?"

      An open process to "some extent" is not an open process.

      The city attorney's pay is low, but you get what you pay for ;) In this case, low cost is not a benefit to residents.

    6. City attorney pay us low?? Lololollll. Thanks Sabine. Must be nice collecting over $1M per year for the last 10 years and considering that low pay....lololollll. Which private jet company do you fly?? Me?? I fly SouthWorst...

  21. Bruce Ehlers. Well spoken, level headed, long time local, great track record with majority of voters, actually goes to city meetings for years and participates, well acquainted with local laws and Specific Plans and never nasty to anyone. Almost too good to be true! You have my vote, Bruce!

    1. The stooge council wants a clone - this should be put to a popular vote or choose the runner up from the recent general election.

    2. Unfortunately, the runner-up ended up being Phil Grahm, not Tony Brandenburg.

    3. Unfortunately, blindly throwing support or olive branches to candidates over others undermines everything that this Bruce person stood for. Everyone that stood for people voting for Measure T would agree. The people must decide.

      Think about the process that leads up to the election. Many people take considerable amount of care learning about each candidate. We attend forums we read newsletters, etc. No many here are suggesting we bypass that because Bruce has a track record on one issue.

      My point being, most people don't know anything about this guy. Complete streets, lagoon preservation, greenhouse gas emissions, sea level rise....and so much more. Where does he stand on bars downtown? He was on planning commission, right? He must have a track record there. Go see if he approved any bars downtown. We need to hear from each person before jumping in.

    4. I actually agree with above, 7:42. Where does Bruce stand on the Rail Corridor Vision Study and Freeway expansion?

      I'd ask him, like others are suggesting in this blog, but I don't have his number. I would actually like to share this information with other readers as well.

    5. 7:55, use Google to find Ehlers and ask him your burning question. Then maybe you can stop talking to yourself.

    6. 7:42 & 7:55,

      Ideally, yes. But we're only going to have time to hear a very little bit from each of the 16 candidates.

      And it's possible the council majority already knows who they're going to pick so this is all a charade anyway.

  22. 11:25am slimy mikey indeed is a wasted post in bringing up Julie. We see what a waste of space you are, and apparently you do too.

    The question has to be why do you persist in bringing up respected folks repeatedly who aren't posting here?

    Do you think you can gain some respect by constantly dissing others who have more to offer than you ever did? What a piece of work you are, and that is being generous. Grow up. Be a man for once.

    Constantly picking on women you must envy will only accomplish to reaffirm what this community already knows about you and your lowlife character traits.

    It is a new year. How about trying something new, instead of the same old, tired
    repetitive attacks on women who have garnered more respect that you ever will.

    1. mikey gets paid by the word and will stoop as low as he's paid to go.

    2. Pro Tip:

      When dressing someone down for naming private citizens and calling names, try not to name private citizens and call them names.

      It undermines your argument.

      The more you know. . .

    3. Tip right back at you: contrary to undermining an argument, invoking "mikey" or the more descriptive "slimy mikey" is a great shortcut for the reader to know when comments should be ignored.

      mikey is a known dirty work tool for developers and will continue to be named, so you can keep your "pro tip" to yourself.

  23. Mikey and Jerome cannot help themselves. Perhaps they have little hands.

  24. I would vote for Bruce; if only he had run for Council. However, Council could appoint him as an "olive branch," as suggested by WCV, with respect for the majority of the voters who passed Prop A and defeated Prop T.

    1. Council "could" do anything they want. This blog isn't influencing that.

  25. I have lived here for many years and have seen how political things can get. The honest and fair way to appoint a replacement is by using the last election results and select the next candidate on the list.

    Enjoyed reading the discussion...

  26. For those who think the only fair appointment is the next highest vote getter in the November election:

    I suspect some make this argument because they supported the No on A campaign, and they think Tony Brandenberg should be a voice on council for No on A.

    Unfortunately, 5:56 is correct. In the weeks after the election, Phil Graham passed Tony in the vote tally. Election results here.

    Since Phil did not submit an application to be considered for the appointment, he's disqualified.

    It is therefore not possible to appoint the next greatest vote getter from the November election.

  27. Bruce really needs to do somethings about his bad breath, before I would consider supporting him. I can't stand two feet from him without starting to dry heave! Worst Gingivitis ever!

    1. rude, and something I've never noticed. Cowardly to denounce someone by name, while you hide behind your anonymity, 1:44.

  28. Not sure about all this name calling, but there have been some serious points raised about the positions of all of the candidates. Before shooting down a poster's concern about what each person stands for, we should be able to hear from them. I know they are on here.

    1. The statements they all supplied to the city council seem pretty informative. They all love Encinitas with all of their hearts and they want everything to be really really nice. Real uniformity. What more do you need to know?

  29. Is Jack Daniels on the list of candidates? He'd be a shoo-in!

  30. No one is commenting about this week's city council agenda item to increase their compensation by 45%...the maximum increase allowed by law?

    I think there should be an increase but is the percentage the appropriate amount? Note: the change is effective starting in late 2018.

    1. The allowable percentage per year is five. The 45% is nine years since the last increase times five.

    2. Well 5% per year in a 1% - 2% inflation environment seems a bit greedy.

      But it will spike their pensions, so there's that.

    3. How long does a council member have to be on the council to be eligible for a pension?

      For the current rate of pay and for what's likely to become the new rate of pay, how is the pension amount calculated, and how does length of "service" affect the amount?

    4. One-termers don't get a pension, two-termers do. Not sure if the cutoff is 5 or 6 or 8 years.

      Pension formula is same as for employees: x% * max pay * years of "service." I think it's 2% for current council members.

    5. So how much does the pension for a two-termer amount to?
