Sunday, March 10, 2024

Kranz buddy wins Republican Central Committee seat

From the Inbox: 

The results are in for the Republican County Central Committee but one
major question remains….how do 18,000 people know Garvin Walsh?


Maybe his name was randomly listed first on the ballot? Most voters have absolutely no idea who any of these people are.

How will the other Republican Central Committee members handle a close ally of the big-spending, tax-raising, natural-gas-banning, woke-DEI-pushing, far-left mayor of Encinitas? Walsh is buddy-buddy enough with Mayor Tony Kranz to be receiving private e-mail forwards from Kranz of constituent e-mails.

Also note that both Mark and Maureen Muir lost after their dirty tricks robocall fallout with the local Republican party.


  1. I heard Garvin put a full page ad up in the LGBTQIA2S+ woke weekly publication with his 70’s style Admiral uniform while holding a Wall Street Journal of course.

    must’ve been a hit. 🥰

  2. Gotta admit, this is pretty GOAT-like of Tony.

    But there’s still only one future governor GOAT.

    Someday we’ll all sunbathe at Governor GOAT Beach. Unfortunately, the lifeguards will probably confuse the motions of drowning victims and just offer jazz hands back from the tower.

    1. Jazz hands- that’s no GOAT, that stupidity came from that confused racist little white boy, that found his love mate of another white boy in Utah and they came home and raised some white ass kids in mommy’s racist compound while ordering around the brown help.

      Go check them out up Rubenstein Drive for yourself,

      Look for the compound with the gimp wandering around… although ever since they join the freak show , they do keep it in the closet quite a bit with a ball shoved in its mouth to keep the screaming to a minimum. if you hear some screeching about Jeremy, you’ll know the gimp is about wandering in the compound. Good luck!

      - Free the Cardiff Gimp

  3. Too bad some good news has to come with bad news.

    Take your choice.

    Good news to me is Maureen and Mark lost out.

    Bad news is the oh so pompous one got promoted. Who to thank? The one and only republican lemmings.

    1. Thank Kranz! He put the spring in that girl’s step.

      There’s nothing as energizing as true love.

      - Truth

  4. So the Rpublicans confide and voted in a woke Admiral…. We are truly living in Idiocracy!

    The future is looking crazy and bleak- you better start pouring Gatorade on your tomato plants. They need electrolytes.

  5. Thanks EU! You have been on fire with the Encinitas Real Time News!


  6. Kranz- quit fucking around with your pet project of opening a second senior center when Beacons beach access has been neglected for decades and remove your freaking fences.

    We’ve all known that area is suspect to small coastal landslide slides, just like all of the natural bluffs. There are literally hundreds through Encinitas and thousands along North County. They are no big deal

    The surfers find their way down the Bluffs very easily. We don’t need your retarded, heavy hand, fencing off everything and making it more difficult for the elderly to get access to our stores that sell fresh produce, and to our coastline to enjoy some good exercise in the sun.

    Get your head out of your ass and go down and tell the city manager to remove the fucking fence!! You’re such an asshole.

    And after you direct the city manager to do that, then tell her to focus on fixing the freaking roads and the flooding problems.

    We know you love Garvin, but try and focus on something that’s good for the city for once.

    Your retarded ADHD pet project staff building bullshit is draining the city of needed funding to do worthwhile projects.

    Sand is no big deal on the beach when you can’t get to it. Remove beacons fencing today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    You don’t see Delmar fencing off their coastline, or fencing off access to their local stores, so people can walk to get fresh produce, Now, do you?!!!

    1. Hey Starvin, I’ll save you some more time… here’s your next post:

      # Fence gate- you got them now. it’s election year fence gate. It’s so important. Tell my Republicans, oh, I mean the Republicans to knock it off and it’s all their fault. Oooo fencegate. The whiny citizens want access to their beach and the whiny citizens want to get fresh leafy vegetables so they don’t have to eat all that processed food and get cancer… poor unhealthy citizens. They should just compare themselves to fat ass Kranz, they’re doing quite well… ooooo fence-gate. This is surely going to get them this time just like Acme.

    2. Mad-I-can’t-trespass-gate.

    3. Ehlers-killed-beach-access-gate.

      Ehlers is the only council member who voted to kill reliable beach access. He owes us his alternative plan.

    4. 8:07 is Garvin' workin' hard for da boss.

  7. Who is the childish idiot posting all the idiotic drivel? Best to perma ban this mom basement dweller.

  8. In other news the enc city council will be hunting down all dissenters at meetings and placing them in re-education camps. Turn yourselves in or face prison time.

    1. I award you 75 victim points.

  9. Who’s seat with Starvin run for next?

  10. Sometimes, many times, golden is not so golden.

  11. The Asian explanation of erection denier.

  12. If you’re better off now than you were 4 years ago, THAN YOUR PROBABLY AN ILLEGAL ALIEN.

    1. 👆🏿👆🏿🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣✅

  13. 18K people don't know him. Could have been pushed by stocks same as he was pushing the guy who used to surf swamis.

    1. and by Miss 🐖 herself, no doubt

  14. Sounds like Marlon Taylor’s going on another rant again. That guy is the most triggered full of shit Dem puppet in Encinitas. He practically licks Blakespear’s twat everyday. He should not be on any school board.

    1. 👆🏿🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👌🏿

  15. The only guy up every morning post away on Facebook pages at 6am is Marlon Taylor. Same guy, same language as the guy attacking everyone on here at 6am. Marlon Taylor is your early morning anonymous poster.

  16. Marlon Taylor is married to Beth Taylor, whom has pissed off the entire school board and parents with her overreaching woke agenda, that makes SDA look like the poster school for progressive wackos.

    Beth is a nut bird. Ask her how many abortions she’s had she’ll happily tell you 4 and proud of them.

  17. Don’t forget Beth Taylor’s 2020 SDA speech. Beth and Marlon apparently deserve repatriation $$$ for their suffering over 200 years ago.

  18. ROFL at this post. The EV/EU admins sure do sound EXACTLY like the nonstop commenter here. When is this charade going to end?

    1. what are you talking about? Please clarify

    2. Looks like Marlon joined us!

      Why don’t you tell us about Beth’s repatriation speech. Are you denying it took place?

    3. 12:28 Marlon, I don’t hear you bitching to the admin when commenters are trashing your opposition. You’re content with Steve Golden being referred to as “Pedo Steve” or Walsh being called “Starvin” or all the piggy memes.

      That’s just fine right?

      But drag you or wife into the commentary and it’s suddenly unfair and racist.

      For this reason and many more you’re a piece of shit hypocrite Marlon. You prey on others anonymously attacking people personally because you can’t make a legitimate argument. It’s your style.

      You’re a turd who has no business being on the EUSD school board.

    4. 12:28 here. I'm not Marlin, I don't know Marlin, I don't care about Marlin and care even less about your idiotic take on him. My comment was referring to the POST echoing the idiotic Garvin conspiracies and the moronic descriptions of Kranz. Whoever runs this blog is obviously responsible for half the comments here and is a complete loon.

    5. Funny- I can’t even understand what language… it reads like waaaa waaa waa….

    6. Funny apple don’t like the word woke…. Hmmmmm

      Changes it to what

  19. Oh yes Beth, the anti-white old guy speech, with your BLM mask and raised fist.

  20. Beth hates white people. I’m sure the Taylor’s two daughter do as well, thanks to mommy Taylor.

  21. Beth Taylor and Mali both hate “old white guys”.

  22. I’m a victim of Beth Taylor’s “woke agenda” and I award myself 926 victim points.

  23. I’m an old white guy and it gives me hurty feelers when people say things like old white guys gave themselves the right to vote when blacks and women could not.

    I call that the “woke agenda” and give myself 27.6 victim points.

    1. 1:53 Blacks were given the right to vote in 1870. Women were granted the right to vote in 1920. “Old white men” made that happen. Stop harboring shit that happened over 150 yrs ago.

      There’s no reason we can treat all races, cultures and people with respect.

      When Beth Taylor, Mali, Amanda or whomever consistently choose to use the term “Old white men” it only divides people and make old white people feel like villains. Think about it’s common fucking sense.

    2. Old white man demands credit for stopping beating his wife.

    3. “old white people feel like villains”

      The important thing is your feelings.

      97 victim points awarded.

    4. You guys are fucking stupid. Why even quote the people you critcize accurately, if les make you sound better?

      Fuck off.

    5. 3:23 is Mali or Amanda. My guess Amanda with her typical “fuck off” or STFU. Why are progressive Dems such an angry and hateful bunch?

    6. Great point, except the fact that 3:23 doesn’t contain the words “fuck off,” STFU, or any remote facsimile thereof.

    7. 4:04 is a white guy loser that is SO offended, even though he was never mentioned to begin with. DURRRR.

    8. 4:04 who’s the real racist? Sounds like you are.

      What if I said “black guy loser” would you get offended and call me a racist? Ah the double standards….

      This is exactly why you Progressive Liberals are so nuts, you’re blinded by your own hypocrisy and double standards.

      Any other baseball or football team names that you find offensive? We’ll go ahead and change them for you if it offends your fragile well being.

  24. 1:07 no conspiracies those dudes outed themselves a long time ago. You're new around here?

  25. More good news today, Marlon did not make it in along with the muirs. Some days are better than others and when we get even a little good news, we will take it, and hope for more to come.

    1. Great news. Nothing redeeming about him. He had potential. Covid and the DEI plan (Don't Ever Impove) sucked him in and spit out an entirely useless human

  26. Nancy Mace was interviewed over the weekend. She was asked how she squares her claim to be a victim of rape with her endorsement of a man found by a jury to have committed sexual battery.

    Her answer was that Trump wasn’t found guilty by a criminal jury, only civil.

    So I guess she was lying about being raped, because her rapist wasn’t ever tried in civil or criminal court.

    1. When she accused the interviewer of trying to shame her, what she really meant was that the question made her feel shame and pain because she knows she made the politically expedient decision even though it was morally repugnant.

    2. 3:04 that’s really stretching it. Same could be said for 1 million different things if you want to play connect the dot game.

    3. 3:15 that’s a typical progressive Democrat response.

      When you don’t like what you hear, you personally attack the individual and try and destroy their credibility. It’s the progressive Democrat playbook. Just look at what Marco, Muli, Amanda and the other wacko progressive libs do when confronted with an argument.

      This is the exact reason why more than half of the country thinks you party is full assholes. You’re smug, arrogant, narcissistic, and always exaggerate or lie to make your point.

      Face it this country is sick of you, sick of the corruption, sick of the overspending of taxpayer money towards worthless policy, such as the Ukraine, Israel build back better, and have created 40 year high inflation rates.

      Just ask anyone if their life is better now than it was four years ago, and the answer is always a resounding NO, unless, of course, you’re in illegal alien, government employee, or criminal.

      Whatever the Dems are doing isn’t working and a change is long overdue.

    4. Let’s go back to the good old days of 2020 when literally nothing bad was happening.

    5. 4:02 is pro rapist. Pro insult gold star families. Pro calling D-Day heroes “suckers.” Pro “Hitler did some good things.” Pro “I’ll be a dictator on day 1.” Pro “grab em by the pussy.”

      You sir are a disgusting human.

      Your grandkids will deny ever knowing you.

  27. Progressive liberals, especially the limousine liberals, make Democrats around the the country look bat shit crazy.

    Yes you Mali, Amanda, Eli, Marlon.

    1. So what did Marlon and his wife make the fat old ladies and gentlemen go waaaaah! about now.

    2. 4:08 spends too much time on uncensored. Loserville.

  28. There’s a reason that Joe Biden is polling at about 36%. People are fucking sick of Biden and his administration.

    he hasn’t done anything for this country except make the cost-of-living go up significantly and raise taxes. What has he accomplished that’s made a difference in our country?

    1. 4:11 PM, Biden’s been nothing but an embarrassment as a world leader.

    2. I love the overconfidence of people who have underperformed in 2018, 2020, and 2022.

    3. are correct. Not one thing but many wrong things. 10 million illegals and if you all don't arm yourselves, you will be a victim. Somehow the brain dead leftists find the illegals intoxicating, a joy. Ya'
      we'll see. Crime is being committed all over the country involving these turd world ghetto refugees.
      Tic Toc....tic toc

  29. Replies
    1. Now why's that 4:14 puts one in mind of Kranz and his "free" trip to Israel

    2. 4:32 TRUMP and co, you fucking retard.

    3. 5:56 care to comment on the Leichtag free trip before Kranz came home and declined to recuse himself before voting them special dispensation? Language is always the giveaway that you've got no argument to make.

    4. Yep didi’t think so. Who’s the potty mouth, Marco, Sabellico, Marlon, Amanda? All sound the same.

  30. Potty mouth is a nono, right, 7:58? Shove IT

    1. Just not a replacement for an intelligent comment. In case you’re confused there.

    2. No one here has an intelligent comment! Where is one of those?

  31. Sounds like Mali, Marlon and Amanda are having a mental breakdown again.

    Why don’t you guys go figure out some baseball or football team names that offend you. We already changed the Washington Redskins to the Washington Commanders and several others for you. Life as a wealthy progressive liberal must be so difficult.

    1. Don’t forget that they’re living off the tax dollars from the victim chain of victim mentality…

    2. You fuckers are dumb as motherfucking rocks. Do any of you have any idea what any of these people do? Highly doubt it.

    3. 5:28,

      Republicans are the biggest whiny victim babies on the planet.

    4. 8:28 Yes, Marlon, Mali and Amanda are all dependent on their parents, trust fund, and or significant other. One quick check on LinkedIn will tell you that.

      I suggest you join them and follow the Progressive Liberal playbook in changing the names of sports teams that you find offensive. Maybe the "Angels" should be changed to "Agnostics" or Kansa City Chiefs to "Kansas City Chefs" or "White Sox" to "Black Sox".

      Lets tare down Mount Rushmore and put up Obama, Clinton and Biden, maybe throw George Floyd in there, such a great guy.

    5. I’m sorry that social mores are changing and you are a victim of that change.

      At one time, it was socially acceptable to tell “n——r” jokes and drive drunk.

      Society is constantly evolving and changing what is acceptable. There has never been a moment in history when this hasn’t been the case.

      Some people go with the flow. Others decide to become victims.

      I’m so sorry you decided to join the latter group.

    6. Lets learn spelling first, 9:32

  32. Oh I forgot Marlon, Amanda and Mali all grew up in the hood, they had such difficult street lives and were fortunate enough to break all that suppressed them from succeeding in life. So now they must fight back for their homies. Posers!

    You guys have first world problems but just love acting like life’s been tough and rose above the struggles. The bullshit I’m a hero mentality! The three of you are frauds, what’s gonna be your new gig?

    1. Les nor forget where Garvin lives

    2. Hi guys,

      Besides living in his fancy car, the Pannikan, and in a hotel room with me, where does Starvin live?

      When we are together, we never talk about anything of substance. She is just so amazing, and I get so hot and bothered, We just start loving each other. on for hours until one of us taps and has to soak in the tub for hours.

      AnyWho, the plan is to appoint my Starvey to move into district 2. If she doesn’t already live there and then I can appoint her when kindergarten Kelly resigns due to popping out another polluting human on this earth.

      This way we can get my princess up on the dias with me. And we can really promote the LGBTQIA2S+ agenda together! Forever and Ever!! Oh my gosh, I feel emotional.

      Hugs 😘


  33. Anyone with a brain knows Garvin tied Melanie Burkholder.

    1. Dear citizens,

      I just want you to know that if I am appointed to the City Council, on my first meeting, during an exclusive special city Council presentation, I will sing. “On the good ship lollipop” in the mayor’s favorite dress she likes me to wear.

      - Admiral Starvin

    2. Jazz hands to that dearest admiral!

    3. Thanks BIA! Jazz hands for sure!!

      When my girl appoints me, I pray that you will bring the Cardiff Gimp to that council presentation. I will dedicate the song to him and dance in front of him. It would make it an extra special event. My goal will be to see if I can get his little Willy up.

      Hugs always and keep pressing the woke agenda up in Sacramento,

      -Admiral Starvin

    4. Duh.

      Garvin Walsh won because he declared his candidacy first.

      If we’ve learned anything about local politics recently, it’s that elections are decided the same way as who gets to ride in the front seat.

      I know. It sounds stupid. But the logic is unassailable.

    5. Just like the third place moron who declared first? Your unassailable logic makes no sense.

    6. 7:59,

      On principle, I refuse to explain the jokes to you.

    7. The moron, Jeff, came in 2nd. Cremona came in 3rd.

    8. 9:21. Another revisionist.

  34. Sources telling us last night's meeting had interesting twist. When Baldwin developers were asked how /where construction working renters at the 7 story parking structure debacle on Quail were going to park their trailers/high profile work vans/trucks etc public was told by Baldwin developers those types of vehicles cannot fit/access the 7 story parking structure and therefore they (developer/owner) would not rent to those "types" of affordable rent seeking humans.

    Sounds like biased affordable units at worst, horrible planning at best.

    This is Encinitas folks

    1. Oh. So if they only rent to teachers, fire fighters, nurses, cops, etc., then you don’t approve.

      Perfection or nothing.

      Somehow it seems that you aren’t going to approve no matter what, and you are just looking for reasons to support your predetermined conclusions.

    2. 8:32 Teachers, fire fighters, cops and nurses are all making between 100K and 200K a year. Have you looked at Transparent California to see our local salaries for teachers, sheriff and fire fighters? These people don't need affordable housing, they make significantly more than most of us and don't forget about the benefits and pensions they get.

      Here's a link just type in someone name and you'll see their salary...

    3. 9:16,

      It’s hard to pay rent today with a pension locked away for the next 20 years.

      “ How much does an Entry Level Teacher make in California?

      As of Mar 5, 2024, the average annual pay for an Entry Level Teacher in California is $51,237 a year.”

    4. 9:16 The average teacher at SDA in 2022 was making well over 100K a year. Also consider that they get extra for teaching during the summer months and receive generous vacation time. The benefits are outstanding.

      Don't use Zip Recruiter, first it's not that accurate second I've attached a link to SDA's salaries. Just type in the name of the teacher.

    5. I’m reminded of an old saw. When Bill Gates walks into a bar, the average net worth of its patrons increases to over $1B per patron. So why don’t the other patrons feel rich?

      Average is irrelevant to individuals.

      Here’s a posted job at Paul Ecke for $36K.

      Should the teacher who takes that job qualify for low-income housing? Are they contributing to the development of future generations of locals? Is that something we value and support? Would the availability of affordable housing cause more and better candidates to apply for that job? Is it important to us that our kids have higher quality teachers?

    6. 2:q4 do some research there are tables to show you per state law whether someone qualifies for low income housing.

      Whether they are qualified and lose out to a wealthy investor, that's on Encinitas city staff at the direction of Blakespear and Kranz.

    7. 4:10 incorrect.

      Affordable housing is always exclusively available to qualified renters or buyers.

      In the case of a rental unit. It might be owned by the developer or an investor. If it’s an investor, they are still bound by the deed restriction to rent to qualified renters on the mandated terms.

      No one at the city has the power to waive or obviate the deed restriction.

      So basically you are full of shit. The sad thing is, you probably make the intentional choice to spew bullshit, which doesn’t speak well of your character.

    8. We wouldn’t want Encinitas’s investor/developer buddies to miss out on a good legal deal, would we Marco?

    9. 2:14 nice try!

      That’s job opening was for a PART TIME K-6 grade TEACHER, and 160 days out of the year.

      As I stated earlier, entry level teachers are making roughly an average of 100K at our local schools.

      Therefor teachers, just like firefighters and Sheriffs are making great money.

    10. 2:14

      Your “seesaw” argument doesn’t apply.

      If you look at the link here’s the breakdown of salaries at SDA.

      1. 84% of teachers are making over 100K

      2. 41% are making over 120K

      3. 23% are making over 140K

      4. 13% are making over 160K

      5. 16% are making less than 100K with 89% of that number making over 90K.

    11. 6:43,

      If you think Encinitas housing is generally affordable to entry level elementary school teachers, then good luck with that.

      No one is buying that.

    12. 6:38 so all teachers are automatically entitled to live in Encinitas? Interesting.

      They shouldn’t have to commute 10 miles, they’re entitled to walk to work and save thousands in rent. Interesting.

    13. 6:38
      So all Part time teachers are entitled to live in Encinitas, or just some? Because the link and salary you fed me for Paul Ecke was for a Part Time Teacher.

  35. If the Baldwin Brothers adhered to Prop A's limitations, it would be a good, make that better, way forward.

    I respect those citizens who stand up and defend our community against the profiteering whores who couldn't care less about our quality of life going down the tubes.

    Greed is not good. Here anyway. Maybe in the movies and at Wall Street it is.

    1. Developers have to adhere to all legal zoning restrictions. It seems odd that you’d blame the developer for the lot being R30. The developer didn’t make it so.

      A judge set aside Prop A and ordered the city council to pass a housing element that complies with state law.

      If you don’t like it then work to get state law changed.

      I think it’s a dumb law that I can no longer buy denatured alcohol to fuel a camping stove in California.

      But my contrary opinion notwithstanding, I can’t just open a store and start selling the stuff.

      We live in a civilization with laws. Stop acting like a toddler having a tantrum when you don’t like a law.

    2. reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  36. So what I’m hearing is you are looking forward to my - “On the good ship lollipop” in the mayor’s favorite dress she likes me to wear.

    Bring flowers!

    -Admiral Starvin

  37. recumbent ukraine flag flying bikers:


  38. My 3rd grade teacher in in 1970 complained about housing costs. She drove a Cadillac, had false lashes, and a booty pillow for her chair.

    Housing has never been cheap, anywhere

    1. So it’s like mass shootings and inaccessibility of health insurance, and unaffordable drug prices?

      We should just shrug because there’s literally nothing we can do about it.

      Especially if we ignore the solutions going on in literally every other advanced, developed nation on Earth.

    2. 👆🏿nothing statement

    3. Please 2:52...tell us all how to prevent mass shootings.
      Or 13% of the population committing 50% of the crimes across the u.s

    4. 5:04,


      Treat guns like cars.

      Regulate manufacturing. Require user licensing. Age gate user licenses. Require training and testing of users. Require insurance. Create tiered licensing—owning a Toyota hatchback isn’t the same as driving an 18-wheeler full of hazardous materials, and owning a bolt action .22 isn’t the same as an AR-15 from a risk perspective.

      Proper regulation works. It has slashed auto deaths, and would also slash gun deaths.

    5. Yeah regulating drugs and migrants worked well.

    6. Almost as well as prop 47 and porous borders.

  39. Our city council intentionally produced two housing plans they knew would be voted down in order to go before a judge who refused to listen to residents supporting Prop A.

    This tactic was as underhanded a move as they come. Successful for the profiteers? Absolutely. The residents? This community? A disaster.

    We are reaping what our council, planning dept., city manager, have sown, and all for the greedy developer slime balls to profit greatly off of our declining quality of life.

    1. Nonsense.

      Several anti-growth community groups were welcomed to create their own alternative housing elements as long as they were legal.

      None did, because the law requires density they are fundamentally opposed to.

    2. Here’s the news story on two groups that ultimately didn’t deliver any alternative housing elements.

    3. mean leftist law. Let us all be clear.

    4. “Your honor, I didn’t comply with the law because it’s a leftist law.”

      Good luck.

    5. Comrade, You will comply with our glorious leadership

    6. Considering the lie how everyone is the same, the america hating left ruins everything they do. Everything.
      gavin newsom is a nut case but leftists think him normal. Leftists are nuts. Simply look at the condition of the country since these nut cases were voted in.

  40. 4:36 not nonsense, there was nothing a citizens group could produce that the BIA oops mean the council would have accepted. Just the nature of this morally bankrupt council majority. They have their marching orders just follow the money.

    1. 5:44,


      There are 482 incorporated cities in California. All of them are required to create complaint housing elements. Surely any legal ideas have been explored somewhere.

      Tell us.

      Which of the 482 housing elements do you like?

    2. The HCD is what you get with a one party state. Goodson, Clark, Quail, etc. is what you get with a one party city.

    3. Surely in the universe of 482 housing elements, there’s one you like, right?

    4. How many are in full compliance?
      How many are ahead in the numbers game?
      Is all the "housing production" making any measurable changes in housing costs?

    5. So you think Encinitas did a bad job of creating its housing element update, but you can’t name a single example of a city that did a good job, from the 482 examples?

      Sounds like someone wants a fantasyland solution that doesn’t exist.

    6. Looks like Marco is pretending to be anonymous again.

  41. Perhaps instead of trying to change the weather, governments should unclog drains 😕

  42. Are Wall Street Journal props allowed at Republican Central Committee meetings? Asking for a friend.

    1. Only if you are wearing a little girl's sailors dress.

    2. If you are wearing your littlle girl's sailors uni and bring the last 2 years of super woke Mayor emails from Encinitas, you can even request to sit at the head of the table, or chair a meeting.

      Man- what is a bigger shit show, the repukeicans, or the democraps?

      This country and county is in the shitter and needs a complete toxin removing enema.

      So imbarrasing. Our forefathers are laughing and crying in their graves.

      Starvin on any committee is such a sad sad sad joke.

      Our mayor includes all those who get their marching orders from their masters.

      Starvin- BIA and LGBTQIA2S+ Association of America

      Marco - BIA, White Old Mans Mexican club, and US Young Women Predators Ass (USWP Ass)

      BIA- BIA, the Low IQ Woke Society of America (LIQWSA), and Gimp Keepers Association of America.

      Mali - homeless industry and unions.


    3. I award 1 victim point separately for copy pasting the same thing a second time.

    4. 6:22- its different loser, but your too stupid to tell. Here are a few video's to educate yourself. You can do better.

      What is a Women? -

    5. The last person posting Qanon garbage, who can’t figure out your vs. you’re, is calling people stupid.

      Irony is dead.

    6. You accusing those two movies of QAnon- Shows you’re a complete idiot.

      Those 2 plus - “An inside job” Are three movies that all high school seniors should be required to watch before graduating.

      We have to restore the America that follows the US Constitution.

      We have to refute your bullshit woke agenda.

      There likely no hope for you. I guess you’ll be a tick on society the rest of your life. 👎🏿

    7. The US Constitution establishes courts in Article 3 to settle civil disputes and prosecute criminals.

      I trust constitutional courts.

      I think if they reject some legal theory 62 times in a row, then that legal theory is probably bullshit.

      And if you have a violent insurrection in support of that bullshit theory where cops are bludgeoned, then the insurrectionists are POS Domestic Terrorists who belong in prison.

      Can you say the same?

  43. Our Mayor, The Town Dunce, top advisor's includes all those who get their marching orders from their masters:

    Starvin- BIA and LGBTQIA2S+ Association of America

    Marco - BIA, White Old Mans Mexican club, and US Young Women Predators Ass (USWP Ass)

    BIA- BIA, the Low IQ Woke Society of America (LIQWSA), and Gimp Keepers Association of America.

    Mali - Homeless Building Industry Ass, US Racists Screaming Club, and Unions Slugs of America.


    1. 6:12,

      I award you 1 victim point.

    2. 6:20- pass. Homie don’t play that game. 😊

  44. I wonder why Amanda, Mali, Marlon and Eli Sanchez spend their entire day on arguing with people on Encinitas Uncensored and then anonymously call everyone “losers” and “watchdorks” for using it.

    Oh the hypocrisy of the left!

    1. Because they are immature adult children that have not figured out that public officials are not to use discrimatory words to tax payers.

    2. What are the rest of the dumb assholes on Uncensored doing there, 9:27?

    3. 12:50 the “others” are on the page because it’s fits their belief system, and that’s ok, they have a right to believe what they wanna believe.

      However, Mali, Amanda, Marlon and Eli are on that same page (Encinitas Uncensored) day after day, sometimes all day just arguing with with the very people they criticize for being the page. Why would they criticize the page, and refer to all the members of the page as a “losers”, “watchdorks” when they’re on the page just as much ch as the others?

      This is why people like Amanda, Mali, Marlon and Eli and Progressive Democrats are so disliked, they’re assholes and hypocrites.

    4. 5:47, now you just need to explain why most of the people you mention don't comment there.

    5. 9:57 the people that I mentioned (Mali, Amanda, Marlon, Eli) are the ones commenting everyday on Encinitas Undercover and sometimes throughout the entire day. Anyone who visits that page can see that within the first few posts.

      Yet they are same people who call everyone “losers” and “watchdorks” for participating on that page.

      Absolute hypocrisy!

    6. Why are certain people so threatened by a Facebook page such as Encinitas Undercover or Encinitas Votes that they have to constantly participate on it and call it a “losers” page.

      The fact that you bring so much attention to the page everyday quite simply says that you’re threatened by it, or you’d ignore it.

    7. Its not a page thats supposed to have an anti- vaxx, conspiracy theory, idiot-fuelled pov. It just does, because two "people" that no has ever heard of or met posts stupid shit there 24 hours a day. Come on retard. You sound like one of the two.

    8. 8:13 it was never a “vax”!

      Vaccines prevent you from receiving and transmitting a virus. The COVID “vax” did neither.

  45. 11:46 it's the state living in fantasyland thanks to unattainable goals pushed by the BIA and their campaign fund recipients. All roads lead back to the ever pliable and amenable Kranz.

    1. You act like Kranz got a vacation from a developers non-profit or something. Kranz cares so much about building affordable housing he wants to make it more affordable by raising the sales tax and more taxes on building permits as proposed by his unduly not-elected appointee. A real champion of the people.

    2. Yeah like a trip to Israel or sumpin' right before coming home to vote yes on their project.

  46. Pliable? More like a brick shithouse 🧱💩🏠

  47. Well it’s official, Daryl Dupree is actually Jim Maurer from Seattle, Washington.

    Daryl or Jim was hired by Kevin Sabellico during Blakespear’s Senate campaign to disrupt and create interference when Ms. Blakespear’s name was used on social media. Mr. Maurer was given a salary for 5 months which will be corroborated through my email records.

    As a former staffer from Ms. Blakespear’s campaign I feel it’s my duty to inform the public on various unscrupulous, deceitful and underhanded campaign tricks approved by Ms. Blakespear and staff, including me.

    I’m working with a journalist on a story we believe will shakeup local campaigning strategies and tactics. We hope to release a tell all article backed with supporting documentation within the next couple of weeks.

    Please keep an eye out for the article and share it.

    Thank you!

    1. That guy is the worst! He posts comments that oppose your pov- booo.

    2. 8:26 the point being made about Jim Mauer aka Daryl Dupre is that he was allegedly hired by Blakespear staff to make the comments he made. Big difference than just freely thinking and having your own POV.

  48. Thanks for the confirmation of what was obvious to anyone paying attention. He was a tool to be used and paid for his service to the entrenched incumbents.

    Keep them coming. I look forward to more sunshine shone on past and current tricks of the trade these slimy politicos use.

  49. Hey. Guess what? There is a council meeting going on. Maybe next time we can see a new council meeting thread for a change. Like every week.

  50. Way to go Rhonda!

    Every freaking week we see our city manager bringing in outside consultants who present situations relative to other towns in other states. They could not be more irrelevant for us here. Selling us out is obvious.

  51. I finally went over to Uncensored to see what it was all about. And my question is this. Does Marlon Taylor have a job? What happened to the crazy lady who originally started it. She seems to have gone silent and now her name is nowhere to be found on a site that promised everyone would have their names be posted.

    1. 9:56 the lady who started it is still there, she’s the moderator.

      Good question, does Marlon have a job? I’d ask the same with regard to Amanda, Mali, Eli, Cox, Golden and Willow. But then again who cares!

      I just find it odd that Marlon, Amanda, Mali and Eli refer to the page as a “losers” page yet are on it all day everyday.

      I guess they feel threatened by it?

    2. Why is anyone on that stupid page? Why do the people on EV post so frequently? Why are you posting here? Why do you keep mentioning people that dont even comment there? Hmmmm.

    3. 8:16 all those people that I mentioned do comment on Encinitas Uncensored. I’m not sure why you keep lying saying they don’t. Anyone can simply go to Encinitas Uncensored’s Facebook page and see that Marlon, Mali, Amanda and Eli are posting on there day after day. Anyone who takes a Quick Look at the page can see that you’re lying. You’re just another Blakespear Dem supporter who lies.

      Typical characteristic of the Progressive Dem!

    4. 8:16 why do you keep lying about Mali, Amanda, Marlon and Eli not commenting there??? Hmmm.

    5. You wonder about them working but you don't wonder about Natalie, Christie and Rachel? They post here all the time, maybe you should ask them.

    6. 1:05 I’m sure they do but the difference is Natalie and Rachel aren’t calling people “losers” for posting on a page that they post on as well.

      That’s the difference between Natalie, Rachel and Marlon, Mali, Amanda and Eli, and the reason people dislike them

    7. Do you think that everyone likes Natalie, Rachel and Christie? Where are you finding anyone calling your precious uncensored posters "losers"?

    8. Ok, I just went over to uncensored, and I see lots and lots of posts from Willow, some from Steven Golden, some comments from Jerome, Scott Cox, Vicki Cox, Marlon & Eli, plus a few others. Wtf is this person complaining about.

    9. 3:22 it’s pretty obvious what the complaint is about….

      Mali, Amanda, Marlon and Eli constantly refer to the people who post on Encinitas Uncensored as “losers” and “watchdorks” yet Mali, Amanda, Marlon and Eli are posting on the page as well. I guess that means they’re referring to themselves as losers as well because others have a different POV. I guess that warrants a boohoo at them.

      Like I said hypocrisy at its finest!

      If you can’t grasp what I’m saying you shouldn’t be voting.

    10. The only idiots in the clouds that I see are those mental defectives on Encinitas Progressive Unity.

      They can’t seem to think for themselves and parrot
      everything Mike Levin, Tasha Boerner Horvath, Blakespear, Newsom and SANDAG says.

      No opinion of their own just puppets.

    11. I get it 3:36: If you want to comment on Encinitas Uncensored, be prepared to agree with the biggest idiots in Encinitas, or shut the fuck up. No dissent or disagreement allowed on an uncensored page.

      You, and they, are a bunch of fucking retards.

  52. 2012 Kranz - Wanted sunshine…..

    2024 Kranz (Phony) likes BIA trips and gifts.”sunshine not a priority” and she absolutely loves Garvin

    I loved her comment tonight about moving into his mother-in-law’s home. She is a confessed, homeless loser.

    1. Does Garvin pay rent to the gf?

    2. Garvin pays Kranz in many ways😘. It’s the oldest profession in human history. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🤘🏽

  53. In any deal or relationship there is always consideration.

    The question is what is the consideration in the relationship between Tony Kranz and Garvin Walsh.

    Besides great sex together, what bond shares an aimless former man who could not keep his time straight and showed up at the wrong time for National Guard BUT, got lucky break,, when he found a woman who would marry him, and its mother-in-law would give them a coastal home to live in for free with no taxes and an annual property tax rate that is below what Sally pays on her electric scooter.

    so what’s the consideration for an old washed up ex-Lehman Brothers loser whose family threw them out and daughters hate him/her? Well you have to look at what would interest an older sexually confused seniors with dwindling income, and what industry pays for disruptors to do their dirty work?

    Hint, we see a local attorney, selling his soul for developers.

    that’s right the BIA.

    The BIA would gladly pay some older cast out lost soul who had a smooth, Shyster with a split tongue , who dresses like a hip 70s super freak, and who could pedal their dirty work, and push gifts upon an aimless soul to promote their end objective, that we all know is maximum profit on high density, and a coastal California surf town.

    so who is this old sold out soul that works for the BIA. here’s a hint- our very known, mayors, top advisor and key email editor and reelection head of staff - none other than Admiral Starvin!

    Let’s give it up to starvin’ like it’s Saturday night date night! Let’s get it on with the boom boom.

    - on the good ship, lollipop. 🎶

  54. Your clownboyz solution to " climate warming " backfired lmao. Geoengineering has entered boomerang defcon lol...
    But...but...but no emissions right?


    1. Hey Starvin - spend some of that big BIA money on some nice dates for your girl.

      she’s earned it with all of those uploading approvals

    2. ^ she’s earned it with all of those upzoning approvals and the big-time stack and pack under construction.

  55. Consideration and disruption hits the nail on the head. Why else would these politically polar opposites work in league together? Not for their health.

    1. 7:14- Easy. The BIA told them to work together so to not make it look like they are taking sides.

  56. Garvin is finally relevant!

  57. Garvin is now relevant to just whom?

    Certainly not to anyone paying close attention.

    1. To himself and 🐖 squeal.

    2. I find her fascinating, as informed as the latest print copy of the WSJ, and she is so fashionable in her Admiral uniform.


  58. I have always found garvin to be a complete jackass and a pompous one at that.

    How anyone buys what he sells is incomprehensible to this longtime observer of Encinitas politics, such as it is and has been for decades.

    All kinds of characters have showed up here over the years, and this interloper is just another distraction to what this community needs to make any headway in ever having true representation from our elected reps. This includes all the appointed seat fillers this council tends to prefer.

    I will take the bet that more of this seat filling bs is yet to come this fall. Our council cannot rely upon our votes. They have to cheat the system and appoint their successors.

  59. 7:18- Agreed.

    This is hilarious!!!

    Way to go Republic-cans!! You put a cross dressing mole on your committee- district 3,

    Top email editor and chief advisor to the biggest commie and stupidest mayor in the history of San Diego County - Phony Kranz!!

    Way to go Republicans. You’ve been infiltrated by the cross dressing, drama queen. Our own Admiral Starvin’s hit the big time!


    But you do have to admit it is hard to resist her loving eyes, though right?

  60. Make that republican'ts, as in cannot govern.

    The authoritarian way of governing has become all too clear what their intentions are if given the power. Ending our democracy is their reason for being until they divest themselves from the current what used to be the republican party. That party no longer exists in any meaningful way.

  61. Make Fletcher will beat the predator rap and he can run for Governor next…. Think of all that fresh immigrant meat up in the Capital.

  62. Huh? Go back to school for a refresher class on how to communicate. You can even take that class at the Office.
