Monday, June 26, 2023

Garvin Walsh responds

Garvin Walsh, the recipient of Mayor Kranz's e-mail forwarding, responds.


  1. “Tony will you say something nice please… “

  2. So I guess it's OK to do a Mad Morris in oral communications. The only reason Garth had the email was Kranz sent it to him. Garvin didn't ask for it, but Tony sent the email only Garvin, for no reason we know of.He is the only person that he sent it to, and that is backed up by 2 PRA requests. No one was going after Garvin, as he suggests. His name came up, only to say that he was the one Kranz sent the email to. BTW, the 8 people he mentions are the 5 city council members and 3 Sheriffs. Why did Kranz feel the need to send it on to Walsh? And how many other times as he done this? Tony knew the rules of engagement and chose to ignore it. If he didn't now the rules, he should not be the Mayor. 7:34- I guess Tony will remain silent. And for those who think this is no big deal, how many other rules has he broken. I guess I'll have to ask him in email form. I was there for all of the oral communications and not once did Susan or Viviane said anything nasty about Garvin.

    1. He tries to sell it as a personal outrage against him in an attempt to deflect attention away from Kranz, the true target. What a pal. Walsh is known for gaslighting and crying “liar” when caught.

    2. 7:55 Sounds like you are just looking for reasons to trash Kranz. How long you gonna draw this one out? Pretty silly, but whatever brings excitement to your day 👍 And maybe Walsh was referring to people going after him on this page…on social media pages like EV.

  3. Caught with his pants down and Tony’s digit wedged high and tight!!

  4. Let’s hope he gets some kind of anal infection and has to to go back east for treatment….

    I almost get sick when he introduces himself as a Encinitas resident…. What a freaking joke. Why doesn’t he introduced himself as an ex-Lehman Brothers dickhead?

    That douche is rotten to the core….

    1. 9:01 you sound like a super amazing person yourself 😂

  5. this was never about Walsh…. We know Walsh and what he did….

    The question for Tony that he refuses to answer is: Why would he forward the email to Walsh?

    1. But before that, why copy Tony on the email and then turn it into something that everyone is talking about if you didn’t intend for it to become public?

    2. 9:12 That’s easy- It daylights the relationship between self confessed “Republican” Walsh and The Dunce…. And forces the question, why would The Dunce forward the email to Walsh?

    3. 9:12 Tony turned it into “something that everyone is talking about” all by his lonesome.

    4. I see. So it was a set up. The women were scheming.

    5. Nope. He wasn’t the one who brought it up at a public meeting. More than once. And still continues to bring it up. I am sure we will be hearing about this for a long time to come. I guess some people really do thrive on conflict and drama.

    6. And betrayal. Why don’t you 9:44?

    7. 9:40 or Kranz- why would Kranz forward that email to Walsh?

    8. Oh, those scheming women, how dare they scheme a scheme. Only men should be allowed to scheme...

    9. 6:06 Go ahead. Jump to the worst possible conclusion 🫏

    10. No conclusions, waiting for an answer.

  6. It would've been better if he introduced himself as the infamous Encinitas Resident on Encinitas Undercover rather than an Encinitas resident. Did anyone else notice the moth fly out of his jacket pocket during his speech?

  7. It will always come back to TONY having to answer the question- Why did you forward the email to Walsh?

    1. Only if you believe forwarding emails is an unusual or illegal act.

      It’s neither.

    2. Still waiting on the why. We get it’s legal. But why take the action and why with this particular resident?

    3. 7:07 like you would believe his explanation should he offer one? Please. Your mind is already made up. It is going to be another beautiful day out, but let’s be big losers, sit around dwelling on this, at least until the next ridiculous thing we can pick him apart for happens. So fun, right?!? 👍

    4. Why not try us. Maybe there's a reasonable explanation. Imitating Blakespear and clamming up when caught isn't working for him. We can all move on if he makes it really, really good.

    5. 9:28 such a loser. Anyway, I am bored ✌️

  8. 9:08 sounds like Thunder with her “what if this happened” BS trying to get Walsh and Kranz out of hot water.

    News flash, this story is just getting started. Literally any resident who ever wrote Kranz should wonder where their info ended up. Word is Kranz’s habit is widespread. He and his trusty friend Walsh deserve to be exposed, and often.

    The more you make their hypothetical excuses the more ridiculous you sound.

    1. 9:46 Dude. You sound like such a loser. Get a life.

  9. Building vibrant communities and creating dIVeRsIfiEd crime ridden overpopulated very low InQome Gonzalez sponsored grift🤡💩🧐😕😳

  10. Dude in the video is a total f%^&cking idiot.

    Lots of those around these parts

  11. I'm never having coffee with this guy ever again!!! (unless of course it's at the women's republican luncheon event).

  12. Thank goodness Turney and Vail made this about themselves and scoring sore loser points.

    I mean, we could be discussing something that matters, like having a violent psycho running lose in our town.

    Instead, we are discussing an email that got forwarded.

    Great call Turney/Vail.

    1. Funny how this Garvin makes it all about him when the issue is Kranz trying to instigate more attacks.

    2. Enjoy another election loss next year.

      The voters are watching, and they think a potentially violent psycho is the important issue.

    3. It's about broken trust. But you know that. So yes, the voters are watching. In your haste to minimize you may have missed the bit where Kranz's goal was to get the details into the newspaper.

    4. 7:41 Spot on.

    5. “Broken trust” is hand-wringing sore loser talk.

      Voters don’t care about an email that got forwarded.

      They care about a potentially violent psycho on the loose.

      The more you make this about yourself, the more credibility you lose with voters.

    6. Most residents don’t know about the violent psycho or the Tony/Garvin email drama. Dors

      Don’t think they even care. Half didn’t even vote during the last election.

      Parties and activists have real work to do if they want to win in 2024.

    7. You funny, 8:06. Keep beating your nonsensical drum.

    8. 7:19 Exactly. 7:41 & 7:44 🫏s.

  13. Hey Walsh, how is that infection in your back end doing?

    You will never be in Encinitas resident. Only a freaking disruptor who should go back to New York ASAP. You suck.

    1. Please, New Jersey.

    2. Walsh ain’t good enough for New York. Just another New Jersey piece of shit.

    3. 👆☝️👆☝️

  14. As a supporter of the GOAT, and the permanent majority she created, I’m conflicted.

    On one hand, I’m disheartened that some people would rather play small ball about personalities and email forwarding and let a potentially violent psycho off the hook.

    But on the other hand, that decision turns off voters and solidifies future success for the GOAT’s permanent majority.

    The sore loser stuff is bad for Encinitas generally, but it’s also good politically for the next election.

    So I am torn.

    1. You are an idiot. Nothing more.

    2. BIA is a racist 🐑💩 hiding behind compound walls directing her brown servants.


    3. Borrrriiinnnggggg 🥱

    4. You wouldn’t say that if you were being strung out like the people that BIA is taking advantage of…. Her and her family are racist and pathetic.

    5. Racist? How so?

    6. 1:24- action speak louder than words.

      You must have low I Q.

    7. 7:49 that is your answer and I am the one with the low IQ? Right.

  15. Bad day for Trump.

    1.) He told Bret Bair “there was no document. It was newspaper clippings.” Now we have the audio tape of him saying out loud this is a classified document, it’s still secret, I could have declassified it but I can’t now.”

    2.) His election interference collusion buddy over in Russia is weakened and may not be around to help next year.

    3.) Supreme Court rules that state legislatures don’t have unlimited power to control elections, and that courts can check their overreach.

    Great day for America and people who aren’t POS domestic terrorists.

    1. 1140am nobody cares.

      go jump into an operating jet engine

    2. 12:33, Only a POS domestic terrorist doesn’t care about the rule of law.

    3. Ok groomer

    4. 12:33 right. Let’s talk about important things like the email Tony sent Garvin, yes? 👍

    5. 1:26- absolutely. Shows what a piece of shit Kranz is. Can’t even answer a simple question.

    6. Of all the issues in the world….🙄 get a life.

    7. Oops. My sincerest apologies.

      I forgot #4: it was revealed today that five or six of the FOT’s secret service detail have testified in front of the January 6 grand jury.

    8. Respectfully disagree 6:09.

      POS domestic terrorists are people who either through direct action or support allow an authoritarian to attempt an overthrow an American election based on the BIG lie. When criminal scum violently attack the Capitol with weapons, and then others continue to support the Fat Orange Turd who instigated it, that’s a POS domestic terrorist.

      Don’t worry though.

      America moves toward progress and patriots always win.

  16. Great. There are much better candidates in that shit head. Can’t wait to get rid of the brain dead Biden as well.

  17. I'm from Coast Flight Training 18 miles away at Montgomery Field in San Diego City, we flew 40 times back and forth over Encinitas, Solana Beach and Rancho. And take a guess what we what. We don't care. In fact we at Coast Flight Training fly so carelessly at any alititude while making money, it's a breeze, a cake walk and all the time pouring leaded fuel exhaust over your kids schools.
    Our motto is "We just don't care"

    1. These schools read like trouble. I didn't know about the leaded fuel. 40 times?

  18. 12:41 seems to be a safety concern. When the 🍊 turd takes back the white house and sends the entire Biden family to prison he needs to be monitored

  19. This was never about Walsh, until he made it about him. All the citizens were trying to do was out Kranz by telling everyone that he sent this email to Walsh, even though Walsh didn't ask for it. More will come out in the coming days. If you think this isn't a big deal, then think about what this means. The Mayor of our City forwarded an email to a private citizen who didn't even ask for it. How many has he forward to builders, and other special interests? If you think of it that way, you may realize that Kranz is a con man and Walsh is a persona non gratis.

    1. Becoming evident that Kranz views his role as an arranger, not a real mayor. His energies go toward trying to make problems go away through these stupid machinations.

    2. Kranz found his perfect toady in Walsh.

    3. More info coming is EV speak for Jordan is writing a story for us.

    4. “What’s the big deal?” is Uncensored speak for “crap, we got caught.” LOL.

    5. You can hear Kranz on the Video, “Doaoooh!”

    6. Hahahaha, yep!

    7. The majority of the Council do not represent the residents - they mimic Blakespear's dedication to the BIA.

    8. The majority of the council represent the majority of the voters.

      Civics 101.

    9. I happened upon 5 mins this morning of NPR's "news." It opened with bad weather here and there, meaning climate change, meaning you have to give up more freedom. It moved to Biden news, with a brighten tone because he is the savior. Why anyone listens to this nonsense is beyond me.

    10. 8:31 exactly.

  20. I'm beginning to really like Lorti more and more. She is real and transparently honest. At this point in life political leanings are worthless

  21. Which of the following is Garvin missing:
    Pocket Square

  22. “ It is like highly confidential, secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this,"

    "See, as president I could have declassified, but now I can't, you know…Isn't that interesting? It's so cool."




  23. Yeah, it’s a fun game. Too bad the residence of Encinitas got screwed by Garvin Walsh.

    I’m just guessing that Garvey didn’t appreciate that It was so transparent that he wants to obviously be a trans Austin Powers look-a-like.

    Come on Walsh come out of the closet and be free. The Dunce is free. You deserve the same.

  24. Can someone summarize what the issue is here? His speech is too abstract. Did he slander someone?

    1. Read the last few months of the blog and you will figure it out.

      It’s easy to see.

    2. Sore losers blame him because he failed a purity test.

      Also, he received an email about a potentially violent psycho.

      But to the sore losers, it’s about the email, not the psycho.

      More losing coming.

    3. Yup…. All the residence of Encinitas lost when we had a Dunce elected as mayor with a minority of the votes.

      Developers and homeless building industry profiteers win. Existing residence lose.


    4. 8:15 no-one claiming sore-loser status you missed the point that the Mayor nor the city council cares about the residents. The potentially violent pyscho had been targeting the council for years and they did nothing about it.

    5. 8:15 as the letter pertained to the person you characterize as a "psycho" it sounds the people you call "losers" actually were trying to do something about him. They just didn't expect their own mayor to try throwing fuel on the fire, no less employing someone like Walsh to do his dirty work.

      This is what Kranz spends his time doing? Doesn't he have a city to run and crazy bike designs to remove?

    6. 9:56, you are mistaken. They weren’t trying to do anything about the psycho, because their expectation was that nothing would be done—or so they say now. But they kept this expectation a secret, and didn’t put it in the email.

    7. Oh, so you've seen the email? You know for a fact no requests were included? If not Garvin, who might you be??

  25. Yay! Now all of Tony’s fentanyl zombies can come be our neighbors in Encinitas. Thanks for the open call and supporting growing the drug zombie industry Tony!!!!

    No wonder they call you The Town Dunce.

    -💯 deserved

    1. 💯

      Having The Town Dunce as Mayor, makes Homer Simpson look like Albert Einstein

    2. Gotta love the knee jerk reaction to the e-bike death.

      Behind the curve Kranz to declare a biking emergency. A little too late, especially when recent reports state Encinitas has more bike accidents than other north coastal cities.

      Of course we have those fab new cycle traps which everyone will love in 6 months, accidents be damned.

      I hope parents and cyclists storm tonight’s city council meeting. I’d like to watch Tony squirm.

      Admin please start a thread for tonight’s meeting. Thanks.

  26. Resolution should be “Encinitas causing cycling hazards.”

  27. I see another cycling death lawsuit on the near horizon.

  28. Let me help you all. Since the City of Encinitas started constructing all of the bicycle garbage, the City is on the hook. Had they just left things alone then if some pinhead gets killed on a's the pinheads fault. In other words, they created their "fault problem". How bout' all the trees they planted next to various streets and now dead because the idiots didn't water them. THINK !!!!!!!!!!

    1. And if they just left all the infrastructure for horses, then they can avoid responsibility for car accidents.

      And if they remove the power lines, then there’s no liability for sparks and wild fires.

      And if they remove the lifeguards, then the city can deny liability for any drownings.

      This is fun.

      Stupid. But fun.

    2. What's stupid are bike lanes designed to kill the very people they're supposed to be protecting.

    3. according to kranz you simply have to reserve judgement until they're done!!! problem solved, nothing to see here.

    4. 10:55, calm down.

      The kid cut off a van.

      That’s not a bike lane problem.

    5. Keep telling yourself that.

    6. 11:18, actually it’s the cops telling us that, so. . .

    7. Who have gotten the memo to reduce reports, so.

    8. “And if they remove the lifeguards, then the city can deny liability for any drownings.”

      The numbers actually show that funding lifeguard programs don’t have any impact on the safety at beaches. It’s pretty much just a Work fair program, just like border patrol sitting in their trucks not doing anything.

      But hey, at least we’re paying people to sit there and work on their tan.

      And the cops love it too. They get the ride scooters on the beach and stare at bikinis. That’s not a bad gig.

      The cities emergency resolution should state, “ whereas, the city acknowledges that it caused a lot of bike traps and has been seeing a spike in bike collisions and injuries as a result of the traps,

      Whereas, once we get sued enough and loses at least $100 million, we will begin to evaluate what we need to do to resolve the problem we caused,

      Therefore, it let it be known, we, City Of Encinitas , City Council are sorry for all of the death and destruction caused.

      You do know we have The Town Dunce as Mayor, Right?!

      Once you elect a new council, they may choose to do something”

      ….. end of emergency declaration.

    9. source: “the numbers”

      Sure, bro.

    10. I agree. 12:14 should show “the numbers.”

  29. It's obvious the individual continuously blathering about some woman that goes by the name of GOAT is none other than a individual named Jeremy. No shame just like the individual claiming a 15yo who was killed by a van on his EBike was biking recklessly.

    Could this be the same individual?

    The voters never ever thought that the persons they voted for would so soon go against everything their constituents wanted and believed in. The disgusting grift and complete lack of moral and respectful leadership is on display for everyone to see. The grifters getting their pockets lined with millions of developer $$ is a sad testament of what Encinitas has become.

    To the asshole who is making up shit about a local teen that was recently killed you are the childless person with Ukraine flag flying on your crap and wanting the children of your neighbors to go fight a war that is worthless to all except the political class (BOTH SIDES) whom is profiting from it. To you we ask you stop beaing off to porn in your moms basement and get a life.

    1. 12:11,

      “ The collision happened just before 6 p.m. in the 500 block of South El Camino Real, according to the San Diego County Sheriff's Department. The e-bike and van crashed when the 15-year-old boy changed lanes into the path of the van, sheriff's Lt. Karen Mullins said.”

      Lemme slow that down to your speed for you.









  30. The cities emergency resolution should state, “ whereas, the city acknowledges that it caused a lot of bike traps and has been seeing a spike in bike collisions and injuries as a result of the traps,

    Whereas, once we get sued enough and loses at least $100 million, we will begin to evaluate what we need to do to resolve the problem we caused,

    Therefore, it let it be known, we, City Of Encinitas , City Council are sorry for all of the death and destruction caused.

    You do know we have The Town Dunce as Mayor, Right?!

    Once you elect a new council, they may choose to do something”

    ….. end of emergency declaration.

    1. 12:27- you’re clueless. The post has nothing to do with the poor kid that got killed.

      It has to do with their ridiculous actions of the city.

      This is a knee-jerk reaction and then said he’s just trying to brush over their lack of attention.

      Everyone feels horrible for the poor family of the deceased. What a huge loss….

    2. * It has to do with the ridiculous actions of the city.

      This is a knee-jerk reaction and they are just trying to brush over their lack of attention.

      Look at their ridiculous plan with like $37,000 of planned expenditures on

      It’s a true, nothing burger, when something really needs to be done.

      Look for yourself-

      Sad but true.

  31. Sell Pacific View and fix our roads. If you really want to improve safety, spend the funds on our roads, not a second community center with huge ongoing maintenance and operational costs.

    What are you going to do? Something or nothing?

    The ball is in your court.

  32. License all e-bikes so the anonymity of some poor behavior won't remain anonymous.

    Enforce the age limits of 16? for these permitted on the road motorized vehicles by licensing.

    Parents, please parent your kids while you can. Parents insist that their kids pay full attention when on the roadways by not allowing them to be distracted while on the roadways with music blasting through their ear pods.

    Distracted drivers are as dangerous as distracted cyclers when it comes down to being aware like all road users should.
    I bet the latest tragedy and many others could have been prevented by waiting to use their cellphones and listen to those tunes once you are stopped and off the road.

    1. Distracted drivers are in 3,000 lbs weapon….

      An e-bike is about 80 lbs….

      Bikes are not the issue. Drivers of 3,000 lbs weapons need to drive safe and if they hit a bike, they are liable.

    2. People complaining about bike riders.

      I see at least 1/4 of drivers of 3,000 lbs texting….

      Very bad driving behavior!!!

      Vehicle drivers are killing,,,

      The bikes are not killing drivers of cars or pedestrians.

  33. KRANZ: can you spit out a sentence without using the word “conversation?” Doubtful.

  34. Hinze “was a former Main Street professional?” WTF is that?? Resume building already? Hahaha.

    1. Before being appointed, Kellie was the Executive Director of the Leucadia Mainstreet Association. It's another blatant conflict of interest and sign of how corrupt this council is. Every one of them but Bruce makes the majority of their income from grift.

  35. Get rid of anything but dedicated bike lanes away from traffic, how it should have been designed. To bait bicycles into the path of cars is inane.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. shows how stupid you are on the topic. Turn in your keys. You should not be driving.

      The kid that got hit was trying to turn left. He probably signaled and likely the van driver didn't see him and didn't let him merge left. Hence the collision.

      Dedicated bike lanes wouldn't have made one bit of difference unless you have protected intersections. Good luck with that in so CA.

  36. So the City declared an emergency.

    So they voted to spent $20 million on a second community center and budget will continue to growing, plus hire 2 + employees for managing it future operations. Then you have operations, maintenance, and depreciation costs. How much is that per year?

    So we see the City is doubling down on arts and craft with no financial plan disclosed to the public that I'm aware of.

    So how much is the City going to spend on this emergency?

    It seems like the nothing is happening on Vulcan Avenue and La Costa Avenue and the next phase of the streetscape seems dead. Besides a few yard signs and some feel good messages, whats the City actually going to do?

    I for one would sure like them to finish something they started. Complete the streetscape that project has been around for 20 years and that street gets the most use by drivers, bikes and pedestrians.


  37. Proclamation for next week: Hinze and the word "professional" may no longer be used in the same sentence within the city limits.

    1. Professional none worker.

    2. Same a Kranz and BIA.

      Their theory, if you don’t wanna do the work, just talk about it…. Blah,blah,blah and mommy and grandma pay the bills.

    3. Kranz, Hinze, and BIA all nonworker jabber mouths.

      Mommy and mommy-in-law pay the bills. Always.

  38. So I heard last night that Brodee was educated on bike riding, wore his helmet and did everything right.

    And he is dead.

    So education did not keep him alive.

    So what is the City going to do? Focus on educating, so we can have more educated kids when they are run down?

    am I'm I missing something?

    Maybe the City should have the cops begin to enforce no texting and driving. I see about 1 on 4 drivers are texting as they drive.

    Texting while driving would make a van driver not see a kid signaling to turn. I recommend the police check the drivers phone records and if he was actively texting while driving, he should be held accountable.

    Will enforcement focused on citing texting drivers, be a part the City's safety plan?

    1. One in three.

      Not to mention the Beverlynitas wives typing in their only fans accts while driving.

      1 in 2

  39. Tony says "we need people to train the trainers". Tony, the only one that needs training is YOU, particularly when it comes money management. You look like an unmade bed 24/7 and you spend other people's money wrecklessly. Someone should've trained you how to apply for a real job decades ago so you'd have some degree of understanding what it's like in the real world (and not be given everything including that roof currently over your fat dumb head).

  40. Seems like the real issue here is distracted, vehicle drivers. I think before will see any real gains in reductions to collisions the federal government will have to adopt laws that prevent mobile phones from texting when people are driving.

    The manufacturers will have to be required to make mobile phones an operable when in cars.

    A lot of people are not going to like that so that’s gonna take a long time and I guess as well have autonomous vehicles before that happens.

    Before that, I think everybody should just ride Uber and they can text all they want. Especially all the Hollywood-Encinitas soccer moms.

  41. 🐷👧campaigning as yourself this time around? If you’re going to take on Republican issues like wind farms, climate change and reparations, please do. It will help you go down in flames that much faster. #stillirrevelant

    ps. have you discussed with Bruce that you’re running? Or just the Dunce?

    1. Don't be fooled, this is standard behavior from Julie. In previous years she would post her MAGA dog whistles to her Watchdork group. Now that EW is gone she just posts them to EV. The reality is that EW and EV were many of the same people anyway. It's important for her to remind her fellow MAGAs that she is still one of them, in spite of the election fakery. Keen observers will notice what she posts on right wing echo chambers like EW or EV compared to what she posts on her campaign page.


    3. don't mind her being a trumper as much as i mind her pretending she was moderate to get elected. #nomoreliars

  42. I would not call EV a right wing echo chamber. Notice no one is touching her post other than three likes from the usual suspects. If she wants back pats she needs to move it on over to Uncensored where she'll get a ticker tape parade.

    1. EV is effectively right wing, though not by design.

      Lorri admitted here on EU that EV was created as a place for the disgruntled to gather in opposition to incumbents. That’s what she said.

      The incumbents are on the progressive end of the spectrum, so you do the math.

      While some progressive voices are tolerated on EV, they have to praise Lorri and constantly stroke her ego to stay there.

      And there is a level of language and fervor used regularly there to ridicule and mock incumbents that gets a pass. But if anyone uses the exact same language and level of fervor to speak against challengers or in support of incumbents, Lorri will flip out and ban whoever does it.

      Lorri isn’t necessarily a bad person, but she’s a terrible moderator. She is completely incapable of objectivity in how she manages the group, and she is a huge liar. She pretends people must’ve been deleted by a glitch and then has them come back again on bended knee to beg for her to approve their reapplication. It’s a dumb ego trip, just like the whole going private, this is so difficult, everybody stroke my ego and praise me bullshit.

      So yes. It’s effectively a right wing echo chamber, though that’s a side effect of a deeper bias held by the terrible moderator.

    2. Blah, blah, very few people are unaware what Lorri and her blog are about. Either you dislike her for the constant lies, hypocrisy and community destruction. Or you recognize her bullshit and applaud her anyway because it damages progressives and helps your right wing candidates.

    3. Well stated, Margo who never posts anonymously.

  43. "She is a huge liar." You were doing pretty ok till then. Is she overly sensitive to how people interact with her? Yes. A "huge liar?" "Terrible moderator?" Given she's contacted nonstop by Gonzalez on one side and Walsh on the other it ain't easy.

    Let us know when you set up your site and we'll see how you do.

    1. Well, in the past she’s publicly stated that she hasn’t banned anyone. That’s a lie.

      She’s said it must be a glitch or an accident when people are removed from the group, but it doesn’t happen in any other group, and it’s always people who dare say anything negative about a candidate Lorri supports.

      She also said the report of her losing her professional license wasn’t true—it was true.

      She denied contributing financially to candidates. Public donor records at the city showed that was a lie.

      Shall we go on?

    2. I've never seen claims that she's never banned anyone - she admits it. Nor claims that she never contributed financially to anyone. You sure you have the right person?

      FWIW the only ones stuck on her license status are Jerome and Mali, interesting bedfellows.

    3. As PT Barnum once said "All press is good press". Every time EU goes off on Lorri there are about 10 people wanting to join EV. Let's look at this objectively if you can. Lorri has been moderating EV for 8 years. She stared the page as a place where people who are not in favor of the current administration in Encinitas, could share the opposite side. This was when Blakespear was on the council. Ironically Lorri is a Democrat, although she would not say she is a progressive Democrat. I think she is leaning towards NPP. She HAS donated to certain candidates and she is not stupid enough to say she didn't, as that can be easily proven. As far as blocking people, or banning them as someone says, she allows Jerome Stocks, and Marco Gonzalez to be on EV. Jerome writes incredibly nasty things about her on EV, such as "Why don't you move to Spring Valley if you want affordable housing". In fact, she did go to Mt. Miguel High School her senior year and he knew it. He has been nasty to her even when she was Chair of the Parks and Rec. Commission, and he was a councilman. One time I heard him say what an idiot she was. Yet he is not banned from EV. Lastly her license. If she could tell you what really happened you might be surprised. But she can't, due to Doctor/Patient privilege. However, I know for a fact it was a set up by a certain Democrat who has a lot of money. Look at the charges against her. All having to do with Facebook, except allegedly offering her marijuana when the patient had cancer. When the State investigated they admitted most of the the charges were not true, so then this person's father who also has a great deal of money threatened the Board of Psychology 3 times that they would sue the Board if they didn't take her license. She could have fought it for $50,000 but since she had 2 other licenses, which her haters forget to bring up, she didn't bother. Plus she was getting ready to retire anyway. She still has 2 licenses, but that doesn't get in the way of the haters. Say what you want about Lorri. I've seen her at many council meetings, and she is still active at 75 years old. How many of you can honestly say that. She fights for what SHE believes in, and not what others want her to believe in. She has a tougher skin than you might think she has. People who dislike her either don't know her, don't care to know her, don't agree with her, and have cannot say anything negative about her when it comes to her defending our city. These days she very seldom even comments, so all I can say is message her on FB and meet her for coffee or tea. Of course if it's Garvin forget it, because he never pays. She met with he and I one day at Encinitas Cafe, and we quickly found out more than we cared to know about this clown. Stocks hates her because he is still afraid she is going to out his sexual advances towards her. Mali and Lorri know one another and have both apologized for some things said earlier on. Any other questions, ask her. I just get so tired of people bashing someone who has tried to get some decent people on the Council, has tried to give a voice to people who would normally not have a voice. If that scares you, and it must, then go on and keep trashing her. The more you do, the more people want to know what EV is about.

    4. Classic Lorri pretending to not be Lorri.

    5. 2:06- In this case it isn't Lorri but I am a good friend of hers and would do just about anything for her. She has bailed me out many times, including giving me money because I was broke and needed food. I just get angry when people who don't even know her, think it's fun to pick on her. Ironically I wonder how many people who post here are even known by anyone. It's easy to not put your name on something and then make sure others think you're so cool.However, when my life was falling apart, Lorri was there. I will never forget her kindness and generosity.

    6. What about the post do you not like?

    7. 2:11,

      Great story.

      Still doesn’t make her a good moderator.

    8. 😂🤣 OK Lorri. What else would you like to tell us about yourself?

    9. And remember when Lorri said she had a friend who was a computer expert who was going to easily expose the names of everyone on EU?

      Another lie to control people. She’s a control freak.

    10. Wow you care a LOT. What kind of freak does that make you?

    11. Lorri's one of the good guys. Let's see one of you losers put up with the shit she has to deal with on EV. Bunch of prima donnas.

    12. 1:40, you said:

      “ She stared the page as a place where people who are not in favor of the current administration in Encinitas, could share the opposite side. This was when Blakespear was on the council.”

      I said:

      “ And there is a level of language and fervor used regularly there to ridicule and mock incumbents that gets a pass. But if anyone uses the exact same language and level of fervor to speak against challengers or in support of incumbents, Lorri will flip out and ban whoever does it.”

      Aren’t we really saying the same thing?

      That the EV page has an implicit bias imposed by the moderator against incumbents and the majority of voters who support them?

      That would be fine if the bias was clearly represented in the title and description of the group. But it’s not is it? Below is the “about” section for EV in its entirety. Please point to the part about moderation skewing anti-incumbent.

      “ Public group for those who know, or want to know, what’s up in Encinitas, CA. especially as it relates to political issues. We are non-partisan and all political parties are represented. Posts must have some relevance to Encinitas. Please do not invite people to join, as they will not see the questions that need to answer. Instead use the link for people to share with friends to join the group. The link will go to the screening questions.
      “Encinitas Votes” is a group hoping to increase civic engagement and social capital. We are a non-corporate & non-gov't affiliated voter's forum.
      Discussions are political; patience & open-mindedness is expected. We value meaningful dialogue based on honesty, fairness, & respect for other’s perspectives. Anticipate lively debate, local political campaigning, and political cartoons; critical discussion of an individual’s public role is permitted. Encinitas news, notice of political events & meetings is encouraged.
      Participants agree to be bound by FaceBook standards of decency & the following:
      1. No "page rage," baiting, bullying, or hate speech.
      2. No personally disparaging (name calling), attacking, or threatening others/groups.
      3. No deceptive content or malicious misrepresentation.
      4. No business ads, unrelated blogs or links.
      Restrict posts/comments containing expletives, off-topic or repeated criticism or content. Failure to abide by policies can result in post being deleted, &/or member being alerted or removed; Admins reserve the right to ban repeat offenders.”

    13. If your group name and description are dishonest about a known and intentional bias, then you should expect people to call attention to that dishonesty. And when they do, it’s not an attack, and you are not a victim.

    14. Lorri kicked me off EV years ago for no reason other than I pushed back on the bullshit and lies her friends constantly throw up on that page. Now she claims no one is blocked, but clearly doesn't know how to work the admin controls as many of us still cannot comment.

      But we've learned something important in the last two elections. Voters don't give a shit what goes on in the echo chambers, whether here or EV. So y'all can just keep spouting your nonsense and the rest of us can keep supporting those who actually win elections.

    15. Too easy 1:40. You aren't fooling anyone Lorri.

      Lorri Greene
      August 24, 2020

      What did PT Barnum say? "You can say anything you want about me as long as you spell my name correctly." And since I have been rather snarky today, I will post this, which I think is funny. Although the author usually sends me an email on them.

    16. BUSTED!!! 🤣

    17. You're so fucking fill of shit Marco.

      You're a walking parody bro

  44. It's a special kind of ahole that picks on a mentally ill old woman.

    1. Can’t criticize her skills as a moderator because she’s old.

    2. IF you don't like the moderation, why don't you volunteer, then you can kick yourself off the

    3. Or better yet, just don't go on EV. No one is holding a gun to anyones head to go to EV. Good Grief!

  45. 7:52 Thunder simply flying her freak flag, let's see what tomorrow brings.

  46. I thought this original post was about Garvin. How did it turn in to Lorri hating?

    1. Garvin deflects, first he tried making himself out to be the victim rather than Kranz collaborator and then turned to trashing an unrelated resident who happens not to have the time of day for him. Poor Garvin!

  47. It is not difficult to imagine who her detractors are. Morons, the lot of them, and not just the ones who supported a candidate last year who lowered the bar like no one else has around here.

    The former worst mayor is the prime example of a moron, long before last years morons gathered all the attention through their infantile behavior. Yes Jerome you have been moron for decades and a mean drunk one too. One would think you would appreciate the fact that you were never prosecuted like you so richly deserved all those years ago. That she allows you to comment on her site shows what a big heart she has.

    Thank you Lorrie for your humanity, even toward those who done you so wrong in the past. You have earned the respect from those who know you even a little like myself. We say hi, but I doubt you realize what a defender I am of you when I can in my own way from the bullies out there. Peace and love Lorrie.

    1. Said former mayor still making The Office in Cardiff his second home?

    2. 3:02- I am curious about what you said about Stocks should have been prosecuted. What are you talking about?

    3. What everyone knows 3:05. You must be new here?

    4. 3:15- Yes I am new here and someone told me about this blog. So I don't know what everyone knows. So maybe you can enlighten me?

    5. Lorri made a “me too” sexual harassment allegation and then deleted it minutes later and refused to talk about it.

      She wanted the story out there, but didn’t want the person she accused to have any legal recourse or way to clear his name.

      I’m a me too supporter, but that was just slimy. I don’t pretend to know the truth, but her tactics are shady AF.

  48. Hi, I represent AVP Aviation our of La Jolla. Our plane tail number N5208D just finished flying of Encinitas and Solana Beach back and forth 21 times. And, we don't care. You see we are rude jerks and it matters not one bit we fly back and forth over schools, your homes and the population of your towns. We flew 18 miles just to satisfy our rude personalities.
    That's AVP Aviation 7486 La Jolla Blvd, La Jolla California.
    Ohhh' and by way. We use leaded fuel so the exhaust can drift down over your kids. You see..WE DON'T CARE.

  49. Ah, there's that airplane complaint making its appearance every time the kitchen gets too hot for Garvin.

    1. I'm the airplane guy and I have no clue what a Gavin is.
      Here is what I do know. These jerks in the planes are mostly flying schools. Making money flying over our homes. We don't live near an airport but the pinheads in the faa designated this area as open air space.
      So, as usual, the federal government is not our friend.
      And these schools are the enemy. I will never stop posting...never

  50. I agree you should forget about EV and make your own group. Then Lorrie can attack and defame you as she has every other Encinitas political group AND their moderators. Aside from Morris, not a single one of the other groups has said anything against her.

    ✅ Encinitas Progressive Unity
    ✅ Encinitas Watchdog
    ✅ Encinitas Now
    ✅ Encinitas Politics
    ✅ Encinitas Uncensored

    Controlling, manipulative and jealous is just who she is.

    1. 4:25- No, it's who you are. Tell me one thing. Who are the moderators of these groups besides EPU? At least Lorri puts her name out there, unlike you.

    2. She has to use her name. She wants the martyr points.

  51. Damn, looks like we have new Stan’s! Lorri keep doing what you’re doing, you’ve got fans!

    ✅ Lorri’s Fan Club

  52. 4:25 got the boot. Sore loser.

  53. Hello name is Christopher Sluka. I own a private plane tail number N8060U. Today I flew while making money over your towns of Encinitas and Solana Beach, 21 times.
    Over schools, 10's of thousands and their homes and next to Scripps Hospital...I don't care. Screw you people.
    I flew out of Montgomery Field 18 miles to put your safety at risk and to poison the air with leaded fuel exhaust.
    And result? I make money and you? Get screwed.

  54. Make that a sore loser moron. Why are some of these moron tools not able to move on?

    It was their poor judgement to begin with in ever believing that the head moron was suitable to hold public office.

  55. Only 23 times today? Was that only today, or over the last week or month or year?

    Someone must be suffering here from what all claimed by the plane/train guy.

  56. I never got bounced because I would never speak up on EV. It's widely known that if you offend one of the queen bees you get banned.

    What is truly remarkable though is that people like you and her can't seem to understand the simple truth. That many residents are sick of our council and the various ways they are destroying the city. Yet many of these same residents are also disgusted by the lies and manipulation applied by people like Morris and Greene. Places like EV and the toxic personalities that frequent it are why our city is so divided. It's also why it's near impossible to get decent candidates to run against the incumbents.

    1. “Toxic,” isn’t that Garvin’s most overused word? :D

    2. Can’t win when candidates purportedly on our side were batting for the other side either, ie Julie Thunder.

  57. This is one of the January 6 domestic terrorists that Trump wants to pardon. And half the GOP supports it.

    This is exactly what the next election will be about.

  58. You are comparing Dr. Lorrie and the moron? It takes a moron to even mention them in the same sentence.

  59. Is it true Tony and Garvin were sitting in a hot tub together and a condom floated to the surface and they both said "who farted" simultaneously?
