Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Happy Independence Day!

New thread!


  1. Yeah new thread!

    Now that’s freedom!!

    Happy 4th!!!

  2. Thank goodness for the new thread, I was really getting exposed on that previous thread.
    -The Dunce

  3. Freedom from critical thinking and rational commenting!

  4. So happy that Marco has been able to shut down the few remaining fireworks shows in the County. Del Mar show last night was sweet! The sights and sounds of freedom.

    1. Goal was always to require permits, monitoring, and cleanup. No reason for excess pollution just because it’s a holiday.

    2. Yet Marco continues to pollute and hurt our marine life by putting resorts right on the water in Encinitas and other cities! Alila Marea Resort!

      Marco, you’re nothing but a grifter con man, just like your fraud for a sister Lorena and her sexual predator brother Nathan.

      Marco, if you cared about our environment you wouldn’t fight to put huge water surf parks in the desert and resorts along our coastline.

    3. Marco means waste and pollution in Spanish.

      Gonzalez means dishonest, or liar in Webster dictionary in Spanish…

    4. 9:34 Marco’s picture is next to those words in the dictionary. 😂

  5. And now Marco’s fighting to build “Marea Village”, a mix-use development proposed by developer Larry Jackel of Solana Beach-based Encinitas Beach Land Venture, would consist of 94 rental apartment units, 34 hotel rooms and six commercial buildings, serving as a sister project to neighboring Alila Marea Beach Resort. Which is in violation of the Coastal Act.

    Marco, personally I think you’re a crook!

  6. Yet Marco continues to pollute and hurt our marine life by putting resorts right on the water in Encinitas and other cities! Alila Marea Resort!

    Marco, you’re nothing but a grifter con man, just like your fraud for a sister Lorena and her sexual predator brother Nathan.

    Marco, if you cared about our environment you wouldn’t fight to put huge water surf parks in the desert and resorts along our coastline.

  7. The vote count is in and Douche Bag of the year award goes to Marco Gonzalez of Coast Law Group and Jeff Morris!

    1. Is it safe to assume cocaine "hydrochloride" was involved?

      Asking for a hundred million dollhair developer.

      Yoou know a guy?

  8. I think you meant Lorena Gonzalez’s sexual predator husband, Nathan Fletcher.

    The entire Gonzalez family is mired in controversy, what a trash family and waste of human space!

  9. Freedom???

    Screw your freeeedom!


  10. Yawn… the same bunch of spineless know-nothing cowards spewing the same tired vitriol while hiding behind their anonymity. Must suck to keep losing over and over again…

    1. Not sure what your “keep losing” repetition is supposed to say about you. One thing is certain. You have lost any reputation for decency you may once have had. Your fireworks win cannot begin to make up for the developments you’ve pushed and your client list. That’s just a fact. You cannot recover at this point.

    2. Encinitas lost with dirtbags Gonzalez and the Dunce pumping the high density development for mega profit that’s for sure.

    3. Add Grover to the list.

    4. 7:01 - pumping and pimping.

    5. 6:27 I was thinking the same exact thing. Thank you for putting Marco’s moral compass into words.

    6. Marco’s a douche bag. He’s money hungry selfish lawyer who fooled a lot of people for a long time i to believing he cared about our coastline, local habit and marine life.

      He’s just like his sister and brother Lorena and Nathan Gonzalez. Three shit bags in a pod.

      He’s done absolutely nothing good for Encinitas except exploit it and squeeze it for money!

    7. Just because you CAN do something, does not mean you SHOULD. What does Marco love more? $$$$ or Encinitas?

      Smart money bets on $$$

  11. At least we all can rest on one incontrovertible fact.


  12. 🙏 🤲

  13. So for Marco it’s just about being on “the winning team” as he says, that’s all that matters.

    Nice Marco, so all you care about is winning? Right or wrong makes no difference, it’s all about winning.

    A true Gonzalez!

    1. 9:37- His partner, Dave Peck, is on the Downtown Mainstreet Org. in Encinitas. Wonder how that goes over with them,. Probably fine, as they are all out to make a profit at the expense of the the people who don't see it their way. Never use Coast Law Group if you don't want to be skewered over the Mainstreet fire.

    2. It’s more like a true Gonzalez-Fletcher. It’s all about the hunt. Victims who cares?

      That’s why Gonzalez means dishonest and he’d sell his mother for two bucks.

      Those families deserve each other, and hence their tight relationship with The Town Dunce. Town Dunces are easily manipulated especially by free family trips to Israel and abroad.

      Sometimes life’s not too bad when you’re a dunce on the Take. Just ask Jeffrey Epstein. Oh, sorry, he’s dead and rotting in hell.

      Good luck- Fletcher/Gonzalez/The Dunce with Karma.

      - We See You.

    3. My Mom’s dead. Fuck you.

    4. Marco, whoever wrote the post never mentioned your mom, so stop the typical Gonzalez Victim bull shit.

      The poster above is right, you’re a dishonest asshole, as is your family according to all the headlines. You’ve done nothing but take from this community, you’re a spineless grifter!

  14. Pursues his own agenda for his own reasons with no apparent regard to its effect on his neighbors or those who end up being impacted by his actions.

    The zero fuck truck ALWAYS delivers karmic reality when one's actions are solely motivated by greed and arrogance.

    1. 100%, he's the next one in the family to eat a turd sandwich.

    2. To everyone who feels the need to complain about what other people build on their land, I propose that we all get to vote on whether your house should stay or be torn down.

    3. My house was built according to the zoning codes in the original general plan…

      I’m not trying to make a billion dollars of profit for developers while selling out every existing resident. Changing the rules for developer profit is totally uncool and Marco and Tony the Dunce know better. They are complete sellouts.

      Bad bad bad for Encinitas!

    4. Well, you could live in a Republican run area, where no one wants to invest and build. And when your washing machine or car breaks down, you just park em in the yard.

    5. 10:54 ??? stupid typical liberal comment.

    6. The way Biden’s running this country including the 300% increase in cost of living since he took office along with his historical high inflation numbers,
      everyone will be parking there car and washing machine in their front yard.

      Biden’s the reason we now have so many homeless families, they can’t afford food, gas, energy and mortgages anymore.

  15. I'm assuming this is ghetto apartment writing? Remember,
    the leftists government sent out letters to many towns and cities in California threatening to sue if low income ghetto apartments were not allowed. Yes...America hating leftists gavin "the tweeker" newsom and the dim wit rob bonta a.g .
    As a town this should have not occurred. The city of encintias should have responded.."fine, take us to court"
    But they didn't. They just let the leftists stomp all over us.
    Everything the left does...they destroy.
    On a side note, two africants came to encinitas last night after stealing a car, then another and finally the Deputies arrested the two losers. Should of shot and killed em'....it would have been easier for our court system. 13/50 yet again.

  16. I honestly don't get why we have to take on any more housing. We have 3 borders, not 4. The Pacific is our fourth. I'm sure lots of people would love to live here, but not everyone can live on the coast. Added to that, there IS NO low income housing. It's a shell game os sorts. The day someone can tell me at a waiter, gardener, or someone that makes just enough to get by, can afford to purchase a home here, is the day I will believe in any of it.

  17. We no longer have a Supreme Court. It is a Supremacist Court.

    Every thing the right does, they destroy.

    This is for you Banjo Boy.

    1. Hey genius...you stole my line. You see, people like you have zero creativity...zero. This is why you are a leftist.
      Your need, your desire to be told what to accept.
      Get a grip on reality...just try thinking for yourself.
      Make an attempt to not be sucker punched in your ability to think. Stop being a sap for communists

  18. Leftist/rightist ruination guys - get a room already, would you?

    1. I'm NOT on the right...I'm for what's right.

    2. Anyone engaging in the non productive "everything the X does ruins..." needs to get a room. Leave the rest of us out of this tail chasing nonsense.

    3. Name ONE thing the left does to help America.
      Just one.

    4. Okay.

      Healthcare, social security, Medicare, infrastructure bill, the largest boom in employment figures ever, efficient and effective vaccine distribution, renewed respect from around the world, rallied allies to defend a democracy under attack, NATO rejuvenated and stronger than ever, and prosecuting POS domestic terrorists.

    5. 3:36 our Healthcare is shit, absolutely atrocious and way over priced. Social Security is even worse as checks are below what people should be getting paid and hasn’t kept up with the huge inflation boom since Biden took office with his overspending.

      Medicare is just as bad, and with the amount we’ve paid into it, you’d think we’d get more. Terrible job on the Biden administration’s part.

      Employment figures are up, back to normal I should say as we just recovered from people not working and businesses going under during COVID, this is the normal recovery.

      Sorry but the “COVID vaccine” was not really a vaccine as people could still contract and transmit COVID even after they had the shot and 5 boosters each year. Who knows what the side effects will be in 10 years as there were no FDA regulated drug trials. Pharma demanded that they have no liability for the “vaccines”, hmm don’t pay yourself on the back for that one.

      We are the laughing stock of the rest of the world with the woke agenda, cross dressing soldiers, kids having sex changes, and all the first world complaining about slavery taking place 200 years ago. First world problems!

      NATO doesn’t respect us, we just dump the most money into it.

      So I’ll ask for the other guy what have the Dems done for us, name one thing. All I know is when I go to the grocery store I now spend double of what I use to compared to Trump Administration. My gas has doubled, my taxes have gone up, homeless numbers have sky rocketed as well as crime, geopolitical issues with other countries. The Dems have done nothing.

      But being that you’re an old trust fund baby who lives off family money, what would the cost of living adjustment and taxes matter to you!

    6. Trump’s healthcare plan will be out in two weeks.

    7. Remember when Obama promised everyone that they could keep their primary Doctor for Obama Care? LOL… Just another Democrat healthcare lie!

  19. 9:38 on your right to build anything, anywhere: "Welcome to Houston, Texas: America's biggest clusterfuck."


  20. Top down fuckery.

    The Blakespear years pretty much ruined Insanitas forever.

    5000 7 story ghetto apartments on El Camino real is in the future.

    Hopefully we can direct the criminals to specific households😷😷😷😷💩💀👹

  21. They won't be ghetto when they're almost $1 million for each condo. Check Zillow....

    1. It's apartments...not condos. The America haters are trying to do this all over San Diego County and California
      It "all comes from the America hating left, the enemy within"

  22. Maybe, well most likely not, Banjo Boy will never realize he has been made a fool of and taken for the foolishness he continues to spout here.

    It must be the communists! Here come the Russians, or just fill in the blanks, as if your blank mind has room for any enlightenment to show you reality. Banjo Boy will play on in his dis-informed daily state of being, being, a not so sure qualifier in Banjo Boys case.

    1. So who exactly is "Banjo Boy?"

    2. I reckon it's me. But the leftist makes generalizations and never ever counters with facts. Here a fact, 2:59 may very well be a product of cross breeding of joe biden and kamal harris. Now that would make sense

  23. Banjo Boy or do you mean Cross Dressing Tucky Tuck Boy who likes to go to work in women’s clothing?

    1. We still don't know who you're referring to and all this "tuck" posting is weird. Sometimes you do yourself more harm than good.

    2. 4:59 so you admit the male tucky tuck is weird. You admit that men pretending to be women in sports is weird. I agree the tucky tuck is weird. Women shouldn’t have to compete against men pretending to be women in sports for scholarships. You can thank the Democrats for that one, primarily the California ones.

  24. As of June 28th, 59% of Americans disapprove of the job Biden is doing. Nice job Dems, but hey WOKE, BLM, LGBYQ should be out country’s most important items to focus on.

    First World problems! A bunch of selfish, spoiled mental cases!

  25. Hey ADDers…

    Let’s get back to local issues, please…..

    1. The problem is, the America hating left influences certain people on the Encinitas board. Like all the ghetto apartments being built in Encinitas. There is a strong correlation between the two. Very stong.

    2. Can you just leave out the American hating left and just substitute it with The Dunce? Or Hinze? Or Joy or Blackfish?

    3. No, he can’t. He actually thinks he’s making headway there.

  26. Despicable evil.
    The idea that some wicked people would cynically engage in corruption and fraud.

    If you're not angry about this you're a weak person.

    Hard times create strong men
    Strong men create good times
    Good times create weak men
    And weak men create hard times.

    You know what's coming

    1. HARD TIMES!

      Can we bring back the tar and feathering?

  27. Self-righteous Dunces seems like perfect candidates….

    Cluck cluck cluck goes Tony Bird….

  28. Tony the Despicable Dunce. 👌🏾👍🏾

  29. You dunce and emoji folks would get much closer to goal if you'd get off your tails and speak at city hall. EU gets you only a fraction of the way there.

    1. Save the Dunce comment for Tony… he’s earned it.

      The rest of us are doing our part that we can.

      - Sorry you don’t like emojis. 🙏🏿

    2. Sorry you don't know how to post just once.

    3. 9:08- i’m sorry you post at all.

    4. Why speak at city hall? We see where it got the usual suspects. ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE.

    5. I love public comment. It’s by far the best part of the meeting.

      I love that the public gets up and tells the city Council what’s really happening. And how they’re continually fucking up Encinitas. The Dunce doesn’t care. He barely understand anything, and he just sits up there and tries to read resolutions and proclamations and stumbles, and looks like a complete fool… plus he gets his family trips and ego boosted by developers.

      Encinitas. Gotta love it. Put a retard in as mayor.

    6. Spread the word! public comment raises awareness. Who can forget Ruben Flores and his "F" rating speech that ran through everything and everyone.

    7. Why was it an F rating? Based on the applause from room and comments from social media, the community gave Ruben’s speech an A. His assessment of Blakespear and Kranz’s violations of local ordinances and disregard for community input was spot on.

    8. 3 minute speeches and sincere residents + 5 council members = screw the public and build, build, build

  30. I'm investing in millstones.
    Lots of millstones.
    Millions of millstones

  31. 9:46 then you don't follow nothing.

  32. On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

    Unless you do bumps with your kids in the west wing (sniff sniff)

    1. Cocaine or heroin-?Old Joe doesn’t have much time left so he might as well live at high right?- I bet he makes better choices all wasted. At least he is stay awake. 😂

      - Swamp monster is comfortably numb

    2. Puts one in mind of a former mayor.

  33. Write your council person and tell them to reject the proposal for high density high rises in commercial zones and elsewhere. Also, reject proposals for developments without balanced parking spaces for the number of units built. There must be a minimum of one parking space per unit, otherwise sheer chaos and parking wars will be the result. This is a lobbying gift to the BIA by the corrupt politicians (Blakespear) that are in their pocket. Once implemented, it will be impossible to correct - it will create madness and parking wars in what was once a serene community. Speedy Gonzales is a sell out too - he lines his pockets, while hypocritically acting like he is for the underdog.
    "Affordable housing" does not exist and never will.

    1. I disagree. its very affordable. People are paying market prices and there is very little vacancies. Yes people can obviously afford to buy the homes. Supply and demand has worked perfectly for thousands of years.

      The real issue is subsidized rent like section 8 housing and the developers "affordable" 15% game so they can upzone everything and create dense tall boxes.

      If I wanted to live in dense tall boxes, I would move downtown SD.

      I like my single family home with big yard that I worked hard, forwent many wants and saved to afford my home.

      Gov welfares kill one's liberty. The more dependent on the Gov tit the less free ones soul.

      -The Gonzo-Fletchers are despicable just like The Dunce.

    2. Both of your points are very good. Generally saying the same thing just in slightly different ways.
      "All" of this is due to the terrible buffoonish clown acts in Sacramento sending out those threatening letters to towns all over California. Some towns have guts to fight it. Apparently Encinitas lacks what it takes to fight back.
      On a side note...
      "I'm the plane guy"

    3. Oh' I forgot...electric cars are a fools errand.

  34. Marco, where is your brother in law? I heard him speak at a conference maybe 20 years ago when he was a full on conservative republican married man with young kids from his first wife. Seemed pretty normal, hard working, good christian values, ex military, head on straight. Did your sister corrupt him? Did you convert him to the dark side? "stand by your man"?

    1. "Good Christian Values"? What decade is it in your mind?

    2. I remember Fletcher when he was a Republican too. It’s as if he’s a Stepford wife. Everything on the inside is changed so that the man he was is totally unrecognizable.

      Kind of like the environmental lawyer who became a developer schill.

      Politics and greed at work.

  35. Encinitas Resident is back on Uncensored! Hallelujah!

    1. Oh thank goodness he's okay. After such a prolonged absence I assumed he had (hopefully) returned to the Garden State. But as time pressed on, I started to worry and began checking the obituary section of the Wall Street Journal. Glad he's safe but why the sudden return after such a long absence?

    2. Preparing for another follow up performance at city hall?

    3. He’s trying to raise money from his developer supporters to complete the next phase of his transition.

      Let’s all support the Starvin tuckerster and allow his bought and paid Dunce to completely destroy Encinitas….

      Every time I drive by the future parking ghetto developers point on Leucadia Blvd and Gardenview I feel sick. Then I drive along Vulcan Ave seeing young kids walking in the street where their is no walkway but The Dunce did pave a parking lot where the coastal rail trail should be and slammed in a fence while chair NCTD.

      The Dunce w his tucking freind is killing Encinitas. The destruction is well underway. Same as what happened to Hermossa Beach and Oxnard years ago.

    4. @11:36 Agreed. And what a stellar performance he put on the last council meeting. I felt the addition of the Wall Street Journal prop really helped to bring out the best of his douchery. The question now is who deserves the academy award, Starvin or Swami Surfer?

    5. Thanks. Please remind me, what was starving’s Wall Street Journal prop?

    6. I think what 7:03 is referring to is the Wall Street Journal newspaper that Starvin brings to the city council meetings now. Someone that sat near him at the last meeting told me the newspaper was actually an issue from two years ago? I don't know if this is true or not but if it is, why would a grown man carry an outdated newspaper into a meeting?

  36. What I love most about Vulcan Avenue now is how it’s absolutely sketchy for kids to walk along on their way to school. I also absolutely love how Tony shut down people walking to the local stores and the beach to get healthy and rather sit at home and get fat and stupid like he is.

    And then there’s the great parking lot which he erected….Now don’t get excited. It’s only a paving over paradise project where he gives public land to private property owners, and contractors. The area is used for private parking as well as staging areas for contractors and the homeless to set up their shop. The homeless and drug addicts sell drugs out of the area and you can’t run towards the west because there’s a fence that will hang you up and cause injury. So the kids and families are stuck wandering around Vulcan Avenue. Wondering maybe they should take drugs to end their shitty life were politicians, including the mayor plot against their quality of life.

    And I love the new huge signage. “Junk Removal Hauling”. Now that is so welcoming!!!

    I think that was a special add by Now Leucadia which fully supports Tony’s mission to have people sit at home and get fat and stupid like he is.

    Great job, June H and Now Leucadia. You’ve really done wonders with the neighborhood.

    Oh crap gotta go, an empty trains coming by and is going to blast everybody’s eardrums and I have to hold my breath. I’m teaching local groms how to Hold their breathe to avoid all those cancer-causing pollutants pumped out by the diesel burning locomotives.

    “ hold your breath kids!” Cancer death is coming by…. Didn’t I hear some local group and some former school teacher talk at city council about getting clean air fryer kids? Why the heck is she talking about the massive pollution pumped out by the empty trains?

    So maybe I’m looking at this wrong. How is Cardiff doing? Oh, they have a quiet zone and an awesome rail trail for the last five years. Oh, they actually have crossings to get to their beaches and can walk to local produce.

    Anyway, I guess that’s another topic. Great job Dunce and Now Leucadia. You’re really doing wonders for Leucadia.

  37. June H and https://www.nowleucadia.org/

    This is what happens when you support a total idiot for mayor…. You get absolutely horrific results.

    Join the crowd with John Gjata, and Kathleen Lees in causing the destruction of Leucadia.

    Hopefully the majority of voters can overturn this minority of voters in the next election, and slow down the destruction of Encinitas. I doubt it…. But Hopefully.

    The weather is beautiful, the beaches are gorgeous and our city government is shit. Please do your part to tell your neighbors and friends about the horrific actions of The Dunce.

    1. Hear the same BS after every failed election. It’s not just this 👆handful of people ruining this city. It’s the sell outs like Thunder and Kranz. One will do anything to get elected and the other let’s her do all the work for him and did get elected.

      The activists who knew better and talk about her behind her back helped her anyway knowing she was in league with Kranz through Garvin.

      So tell me who’s to blame?

    2. #stopvotingforthesameloser

    3. Try digging into the fact that 4 of 5 of the current regime were originally appointed and did not win an election. The only member not originally appointed was fired as the Planning Commissioner and that man is undoubtedly the smartest individual of the group AND cares deeply about the residents.

      Sometimes reality hits you in the face

  38. All those people enjoying the Cardiff rail trail must be nuts exposing themselves, their kids, their pets, to the same train exhaust that Leucadia has?

    Why do they not rant on and on about the same cancer causing trains?

    Lowering the tracks a bit must make a difference to them.

    Just asking.

    1. thats simple - because the 1,400,000 million gallons of dirt Diesel burned by NCTD pollutes the air including kids lungs.

      Tell it to all the advocates who are working to protect kids lungs and reduce the cancer rates, and tell it to your whitehouse, they are trying to stop spewing out spent diesel fumes that give people cancer.


      Wake up fool and get a job in a clean industry.

      All that diesel being burned for empty trains. Wasteful and very bad for mother earth and our children.

    2. Geoengineering trainbro

  39. The WSJ prop is meant to give him credibility. I guess.

    1. Yes, but is the newspaper prop enough to offset the outfit? Perhaps if we were at the Reagle Beagle in 1982, maybe....

  40. Plane guy here, an Encinitas "Update" on private planes flying back and forth over and over and over our town and Solana Beach. In some instances, up to 40 times in the same plane. These flying schools out of Montgomery Field in San Diego City, 18 miles from us have been notified. I'm not sure which agency did it but someone picked up a phone or paid them a visit be it the FAA or Homeland Security. I've talked to Homeland and was told I can file a complaint concerning potential terrorism on these planes.
    Neither you nor I know who is flying them as they circle over and over. Concerning the FAA, I finally got the "right guy" after being told untruths by that agencies others.
    I won't stop, I know my stuff, who to call and write.
    Here's a tip to the rest of you. Just because the FAA claim of open air space and there is nothing that can be done....
    NOPE !!! There is plenty that can be done and I did it.
    I won't stop. And trust me when I state, "no one in their right mind wants Homeland showing up at your door with a 9mm attached. No one...

    1. For those that think me (airplane guy) crazy as biden here are some quick facts. Yesterday, small jet crash in Murrietta (right up the road) and all on board, 6 dead. July 4th, one dead 3 injured, same area.
      You think me insane for reporting and filing reports for these planes flying over and over our area from Montgomery Field? Think again. Don't forget the one that crash landed on the beach in Carlsbad at the beginning of the year. If a car kept going around your block over and over, you, would start to wonder as to possible danger...private planes are worse.

    2. Another down in La Mesa yesterday. Luckily no one died "this time".

  41. “Yes, but is the newspaper prop enough to offset the outfit? Perhaps if we were at the Reagle Beagle in 1982, maybe...”. And whatever he was babbling about, was Kranz looking on beaming proudly or in horror? They don’t show that online.

    1. #stoplettinginstigatorsmeddleinourelections how's that, Julie?

    2. #🐖👧 and starvin suck

  42. What is more stretched out:

    (1)Phony's sport coat or (2) Starvin's balloon knot (from Ruxpin's Friday night hide-the-sausage game)?

  43. Anyone notice how fat Kranz is getting? Those developers must really be feeding him well.

    1. He was first in line at Papa Doug Manchester’s party two minutes after he first got elected. Never turn down an invitation…from a developer. Better believe they got his head screwed on straight that night.

    2. For those who don't know: https://papadougmanchester.com/. And yes, he insists people call him "Papa Doug."

    3. "I'm not getting fatter assholes, my jackets are just shrinking"

  44. “Willow” going after Lorri Greene for not posting an email that Kim supposedly sent Lorri is pretty amusing. Either Willow has the goods or she doesn’t. Either Kim does or she doesn’t. But demanding that someone else post the “proof” they themselves refuse to cough them up is hilarious.

  45. *But demanding that someone else post the “proof” they themselves refuse to cough up is hilarious.*. There, fixed :D

  46. Willow = a poor man's version of Bhavani?

  47. Scarecrow personified. Scaryyyyyyy.

  48. Phony Tranz: "Starvin, when we make love can you please call me your skinny naughty hotty"

    Starvin: "Of course my prince, but only on the condition that you refer to me as your dearest relevant one"

    Phony Tranz: "Can I just call you Julie instead, it's easier between pillow bites"

    Starvin: "Deal"

    1. OMG- 👌🏽


  49. Back to the drama over on Encinitas Uncensored. Lori offers to meet with Willow for coffee or tea and get to know one another. Willow's response is "Not interested". So far she has called Lori some pretty insulting names, and I think Lori is goading her but not sure. Lori says she doesn't have something Kim supposedly sent, and Willow says she is lying. So Lori asks Willow or Kim to just post it. This is better than any drama on t.v.

    1. So why are you posting in here?

      Why don’t you just stay on Facebook since it’s so awesome?

  50. I saw there was a Vegas line.

    Kranz come back from vacation/developers hoar treatment and is wearing a dress and saying that he always felt like a female.

    Double down says that Starvins transition didn’t go so well… he’s stuck as a Eunuch…. And eternally required to lick the crud out of Kranz’s folds. And I’m talking the deepest folds.

    Hence- karma is real

  51. I heard Vegas line on Kranz wearing a dress is up to 80%

    And starving is 95% certain. Cut cut cut.

    That’s why he looks so pathetic. The last time he was in front of council….

    Someone get that man some hormones, either male or female. He looks like a worm.

    So what odds do you give that Kranz will come back out of the closet and in transition?

  52. Bhavani, ooops I mean Willow, won't meet with Lori?

  53. Happy to report that the huge chunk sign on Vulcan Avenue is being shown prominently. Very appropriate.

    Thanks to all of the local heroes for continuing to cut Tony’s fence.

    Free Leucadia today, cut Tony’s fence!

    Thank you, thank you and have a great Sunday. And I’m sorry for the lady that was crawling over the fence and ate shit and look like she got hurt this morning. You should call Tony and explain his fence sucks. I hope your fruit and vegetables weren’t too damaged.

  54. * huge JUNK sign

  55. I went over to the Now Leucadia site but couldn’t figure out who runs it. Also couldn’t figure out why it’s getting a bad rap. Can someone help me what’s so bad about it?

    1. Say, supported Tony in the election….

      Anyone that supports The Dunce is an enemy of Encinitas.

      Examples - BIA, Marco Gonzalez, Mali, and John Gjata.

    2. And they really don’t push issues at city Council. You don’t hear them speaking during public comment are really doing anything….. very passive and just ask Tony to consider things as The Dunce rolls over all of Encinitas for pure profit of the developers.

    3. Contact Diana on the Infrastructure Task Force

  56. Why even try to bring the crap that is uncensored here to EU?

    Let's see. Who would want to do that? A few come to mind, but I have zero interest in hearing anything from any of them.

    1. 8:15 you sound extremely pretentious! No wonder you’ve been divorced multiple times.

  57. If you don't think Encinitas is on a trajectory to land here, you're not paying attention.

    5 years max.

    The crime will skyrocket with the planned density of 7 story apartment boxes on Quail Garden.

    Sow = Reap


    1. If you haven't been in the military then take gun safety classes. You'll need it. I recommend a sweety from Smith and Wesson. A 637 revolver .38 special.
      Small, works every time and lite weight.

    2. Excellent advice.

      Teach your children early.

      Very early.

      There are many politicians that have designs on the children.

      Teach your children to be warriors in this world of disgusting and disgraceful leaders.

      I could name at least 50 in California alone

  58. You got it.

    Tony Kranz has repeatedly welcomed all of the homeless crackheads. The rates are going up and up and I see way more homeless in Encinitas and I do in Solana Beach, Del Mar or Carlsbad.

    You can blame the Dunce.

    1. I see way more homeless in Encinitas than I do in Solana Beach, Del Mar or Carlsbad

    2. Of course. The Dunce already said that he wants to build a Regional Homeless Center here. Who’s neighborhood is that in?

    3. You haven't been to downtown Carlsbad or Oceanside....

    4. I have been to downtown Carlsbad and it’s better than Encinitas.

      Why would I want to compare Encinitas to Oceanside?

      Oh, you sound like Tony…. Never mind.

      He wants to look like downtown San Diego.

  59. Another private plane down yesterday in La Mesa.

  60. 1000 more going up today.....

  61. Banjo Boy and his ever loving guns. Perfect match. A small member must be at fault for such gun-sick thinking. If you believe you are safer with guns in the home than a home without guns, you are delusional.

    But, but, what about when the bad guys come??? Living life in a constant state of worrying about someday, someone, breaking into your home is no life at all. Certainly not a life myself and my friends feel is a necessary component with the war zone, yes that is a sad joke, that we all live in.

    Paranoia strikes deep. No thanks.

    1. And there it is. I suppose you think law enforcement shouldn't have weapons or the Marines and Army.
      You probably think biden doesn't have Alzheimers.
      In your mind, defending ones family is a mistake.
      I hope nothing happens to you or maybe you can defend yourself with your purse. In my circle we call people like you "saps".

  62. Regarding the letter being discussed on FB and here, I wish Kim would just post it in its entirety so everyone can stop talking about it.

    1. If there wasn't something fishy about that so called email/letter it would have been posted in its entirety by now.

    2. That letter doesn't mean anything. Except that she isn't the owner of this website? No shit, who cares. What was the point in posting to begin with?

    3. Jeff and Kim have tons of legal problems and bills. Kim has to worry about putting food on the table and funding Jeff's lawyer and surf trips. She's got to find ways to reclaim some type of legitimacy. Unfortunately, their behavior during their campaign exposed what awful people they both are.

    4. The crazy thing is it's all of their own making. All of it.

    5. With a little help from 🐷👧 and Starvin’.

    6. 👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿

  63. "Living life in a constant state of worrying about someday, someone, breaking into your home is no life at all."

    I've been told by some pretty good and intelligent sources that if a drug addled unhoused criminal comes to your home and wants to rob your possessions and assault your wife and kids they will will pass"over" your home if it has BLM signs and rainbow flags.

    Is this true bro?

  64. 3:03pm. So typical an extension of false equivalency.

    No, I don't think law enforcement should not carry guns.

    No, I don't think our Marines and Army should not carry weapons of war.

    I do think the high powered assault weapons designed for the battlefield should be banned from the public. These are the same ones that are killing most of the people and kids in the almost daily massacres across our nation.

    You know the ones, so save your usual Banjo Boy response about what is an assault weapon. The same ones that were banned 25 years ago until a republican administration repealed the assault weapons bans. The ARs and associated high powered rifles should never be allowed to be sold to the public.

    Even though we live in the same town, you feel the need to arm yourself against some imagined foe who will break into your home.

    I have never lived with that constant fear. This defense you seem to need is imagined. Your life is a war zone. I feel sorry for you and your family who are living with such paranoia. You sound like the one who needs professional help because of your declining mental faculties. I will take Biden any day over your dangerous domestic terrorist sympathies. Your imagined war zone is in your sick mind. Get some help for your PTSD.

    1. 5:05....you are typical of no a nothing concerning self defense. Nothing...and if you like biden then you like Alzheimers as they are one in the same.
      While I'm thinking about it...tell all of us about what an assault weapon is. Come on, tell us all.
      Imagined foe...ohh' like those two blacks that were arrested near the intersection of El Camino Real and Encinitas Blvd for car theft, attempted murder and carrying guns? You are a fool. I take it back...
      You are a buffoon.

    2. If one has bars on their windows, are they living in fear too? Not too many around here, bunt one doesn't have to go very far to find hoods with bars on the windows. Homework assignment, learn and understand why those hoods have bars on the windows?

      You realize there are only 4 patrol cars in the city, don't you? Being prepared is not equivalent to being in a state of fear.

      Where can I buy a regular powered assault weapon? I don't need a high powered one.

      What will you do if French style riots start happening here? Remember the e-bike gang that terrorized Moonlight Beach last year? I'm sure a good finger wag would have stopped them cold.

    3. When you 6:09 use the term "regular powered assault weapon" it is a clear give away you have "zero knowledge" of self defense weaponry.

    4. If high-powered is too much, can't we get regular or unleaded instead?

  65. Stupid and assholes. Thank you for your service!

  66. Odds are The Dunce comes back from the month long developers rubdown wearing a huge mini and confesses he always felt like a "she".....

    Double down that Starvin has his final surgery screwed up and ends up a eunuch.

    Did anyone hear what's the current line?

  67. It's been rumored that Starvin' plans to trade his removed appendage on the black market for a bootleg Cal Poly SLO diploma for some guy that used to surf Swamis.

  68. This is disgusting….

    Clearly shows that humans are hammering the earth… killing out so many other species, because of self righteousness and pollution.

    Hopefully the downward turn from the smarter civilizations continues. Need to strap some condoms on those Indians.

    People equal pollution. Humans are currently exploding like a rat infestation on mother Earth. Let’s return the human population levels to 70 years ago. Covid was a freaking joke. And the CDC lost 100% of its credibility.


    Your Town Dunce wants to close the beach is again like you did a few years ago when people were trying to get outside to get fresh air and sunshine. Remember, he supported the ideology that surf zone mist spread Covid.

    He did Block Coastal access with his huge fence blocking coastal access. Where the hell is the coastal commission on this issue?

  69. This shows the blog is the true value of news and Encinitas and that’s why I said he staff and all the city Council members read it daily.

    Local papers are propaganda, rags for developers, and other interest groups like unions. I’m glad to see them downsizing since you’re useless propaganda machines.

    The San Diego Union-Tribune sold to Alden Global Capital


    1. 👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿

      Leucadia blog number one!!

    2. EU replaced Leucadia blog a while back,. Owner retired a few years back. So now EU is our local blog and number one. 👌🏿🙏🏿

    3. City of San Diego is taking a good hard look at all the lame street repairs caused by trenching. City of San Diego's new homeless camping sites lack running water. Sound familiar Encinitas?

  70. Mitch Silverstein, policy coordinator for San Diego Surfrider Foundation, supported the decision to deny the appeal, saying it stems from a small group of seawall advocates.


    Why is Mitch and Surfrider silent on the armament of over half of the Delmar coastline?

    And why is Mitch in Surfrider silent on the fencing off of coastal access from our own Tony Kranz?

    What the hell is with a small group of idiots? . If you’re going to stand for something like protecting our beaches from coastal, armament and preserving beach access, do it consistently please.

    We all see the numbers that one rides the train, so why the hell would you block coastal access from thousands for an empty train service?

    Come on Mitch, care to respond?

  71. Encinitas lack of reason and logic in leadership has gone 1000x off the rails.

    Maybe limiting them to 100x would be a reasonable goal?


  72. Never thought I'd long for the Sculpin to return.

  73. Sculpin will always be a bottom feeder.

    Now roadside park bum was first class!

    1. Hahaha. Or the city worker whose kid flew off the lip at city hall? And who always found time in his workday to post misinformation?

  74. My name is James Kapenas and I just flew back and forth 28 times over Encintas. Scripps Hospital, childrens schools, senior centers and 10's of thousands of people and their homes.
    You see, I'm a jerk. I fly 18 miles from Montgomery Field in San Diego. I pour leaded exhaust over your families and I couldn't care less. Most would call me a jerk. I look at myself as an opportunist.
    Tail number N737HY, I live at 7771 Golfcrest Dr in San Diego, 92119. I'll post my phone number shortly.
    Now remember, I don't care.

    1. Here is my phone number...619-550-5482...as promised.

    2. Reported to Google and Blogger for doxing. Against terms of service. Recommended blocking this user permanently.

    3. All of this intel came from the internet...so there genius.
      Additionally...it is insanely "unsafe" to fly in circles and back and forth 28 times over 10's of thousands, schools, a hospital etc. So take holier that thou pinhead attitude and stuff it. I will never stop posting these jerks in private planes. NEVER.
      Try and stop me, you clown act. This is "plane guy"
      reporting in from Encinitas Undercover

    4. anti-plane weirdo... standby - golfcart dicks are next.

  75. My name is D. Gordon and I own Gordon Aviation. I just flew 16 times over your homes and I couldn't care less.
    At 1500 ft over and over your kids schools, 1000's of people and their homes. Screw you and I don't care.
    Tail number N96621. I live in La Jolla but I thought it would be nice to put your town in danger. And, to add leaded exhaust to your kids so they can breath it in. Since you don't live near an airport, I thought some could brighten your day.
    All the best losers.
    D. Gordon.

  76. GOP literally proposes defund the police—something DEMs never did.


  77. The SD Union Tribune is a terrible paper. I hope they fail. I’ve never read so much BS, especially from the editorial and opinion side. Let’s hope the new owners can clean up the garbage reporting staff there.

    1. Lotsa whining from the uncensored crowd about how left leaning it supposedly is. Shows their extreme ignorance and disregard for recent history as it was not that long ago they carried heavy water for the Reps and our local guy Stocks. Just like the Blakespear crowd crying about "bias" at the Coast News. Wasn't it just two minutes ago Caitlin was running the Blakespear campaign through the paper under the guise of journalism?? How quickly both sides forget.

    2. The union paper was good...50 years ago and you are correct, it's terrible. It is best used for birdcage carpet

    3. 6:40 agreed 💯

  78. 5:31 Catherine knew how to spot young wannabes and zealots.

  79. Catherine made it happen. Tony let it happen.

  80. Continued huge government waste. Hundreds of millions for nada and huge pollution issues.

