Monday, July 31, 2023

Hasan Ikhrata out at SANDAG

Coast News:
Hasan Ikhrata is resigning from the top job at the San Diego Association of Governments, he announced on Friday.

Ikhrata, who has been a divisive figure in his role as SANDAG chief executive officer, stated in a letter to Board Chairwoman Nora Vargas his last day will be Dec. 29.
Ikhrata seemed almost a comic-book villain. Born and educated in the Soviet Union, presiding over multiple SANDAG scandals, lavishly compensated, determined to push through an intrusive and wildly unpopular vehicle mileage tax.

Quite a history for a role that's usually a faceless bureaucrat. It's fun going back through the EU archives.


  1. I have been hoping for a decade and more, that our town would resign from Sandog.

    Some towns have. Not us. The next best thing was seeing todays headline that Hassan is finally toast.

    I can think of few in our city gov. that I would love to see go on to other pastures.

    1. Doesn’t matter whether your town resigns from Sandag… your taxes still go there. Transnet $$$.

      Phony always votes to give Encinitas Transnet dollars to the City of San Diego.

      But what else would you expect from The Town Dunce?

  2. This guy and Blakespear came out of the same mold - crooks.

    1. Guy???

      You might want to ask his girlfriend, Starvin’ about proper pronouns.

    2. Not quite the same mold, but both are pushing profits for the developers and raping existing residence, quality of life.

      BIA- I feel better about my white racist privileged past while living in mommies best exclusively white compound in Cardiff with my Utah white husband and perfect kids, when I get the virtual signal, get to play a shell game with developers, and tell other people what to do so they don’t look at my actions.

      Phony - came from the Midwest mold, and is a transplant to Encinitas, can’t believe he got elected to an office, other accomplishments include being a carnie, graduating from kindergarten, and being homeless. Seems to take pride in making every wrong decision for Encinitas.

      Similar mold, but not exactly.

  3. 6:57pm It takes the morons no time at all to bring their bs to every thread. A break from their sheet would be nice.

    Oh well. I can dream of a day when they are as much a part of past history as their disastrous campaign was last year.

    Has it only been a year and a half? It feels like an eternity since we have not the morons spitting out their juvenile rants on EU.

    1. 8:01- are you trying to communicate something?

      Try again. Why don’t you try AI or Siri or something because your writing sucks.

    2. Moron must’ve been a word in the Wall Street Journal crossword puzzle today.

  4. “There were hundreds,” Bob McElroy, president and CEO of the Alpha Project shelter, said in an interview. “Where did they go?”

    You Stupids! They came to Encinitas like I asked. Man you are dumb!! Ha!!!

    - Phony

  5. Brenda Roberts, 56, stood Monday near the Central Library.

    She’d recently arrived from Louisiana. Her husband died two months ago, and Roberts had heard California offered more support services.

    Then she learned about the crackdown.

    "Dammit!. My coochie itches, where the heck am I supposed to go? I heard Encinitas is welcoming us folks. Heck, as long is they let me do my meth and pander my Vgee, I'm good... I like the beach. How do I get there?", she asked, "Do the free trains stop in Encinitas?"

    -Well done Phony. Well done. Maybe you and your girlfriend Starvin' can sponsor Ms. Roberts?

  6. You know why she’s the GOAT?

    Because every single thread, they’re still talking about the GOAT.

    1. WTFAYTA? Goat?

      You are a fool.

    2. White racist are in the news every day. And when a BIA supporter sells out her town, It’s something to talk about. BIA will never ever be a goat. She’s merely mommy, dearest little sheep shit at best. And that is racist sheep shit.

    3. I bet BIA’s white racist Coochie,paid for and hit by the developers throughout the day, is itching all the time too… Pewwwww!

    4. 7:13 Why do you enjoy watching commercials of very fat women in underwear?

  7. The sheer fact that this piece of human excrement comic book communist had the ability to grift his way into having any power over the people of san diego shows how royally fucked we are. Consider the other comic book communists around san diego such as Nathan Fletcher, todd gloria, karen blakespear, lorena gonzalez and her lying sack of lawfare garbage bruh margo. Anyone who believes that these horrible human beings improved anyone's life at any point of time in history or will enhance anyones life going forward at any point in history is living in a state of psychosis. The reason things will unlikely change in any material way is that there is a large percentage of the public that still lives in a state of mass psychosis. The only possible way things could even begin to change is if these life losers were brought into court and tried in a courtroom in front of a jury of their peers, then tried and convinced and imprisoned.

    But but but drumpf.

    Fuck off

    1. Cry more loser.

    2. Your carbon footprint has expired for this month.

      Bugz and unicycle rides for you

  8. Where does Tony stand on SANDAG's ranked voting? Whereby San Diego and Chula Vista can vote the majority every time?

    1. Spoken like a member of a party that hasn’t won the nationwide popular vote in 20 years, and tries to restrict voting to assure minority rule.

      One person; one vote.

    2. Surely, you’re discussing Democrats and the one party state of California, except it should read, “tries to restrict voting to assure majority rule”.

    3. Dummy,

      Dems win CA because they get more votes.

      You know.

      Like democracy.

    4. Lots of Dems are not happy with their chosen leaders. Let's see if they get a clue and demand more from their party before giving bad leadership their votes again.

      You can crow all you want about being a winner, but the state and ALL of its residents are losing.

      Cost of living
      Skyrocketing inflation
      Highest gas prices in the nation
      The attack on residential neighborhoods and homes

      These are a few issues that have blossomed under Democrat leadership.

    5. More lies from the cult of lies.

      Let’s examine just your first lie—crime. Below is a link to the ranking of states by crime index.

      The worst 10 states in order beginning with the worst are:

      South Carolina, New Mexico, Tennessee, Nevada, Louisiana, Florida, Arkansas, Arizona, Alaska, and Delaware.

      Once again the list of Republican shithole states leads the way.

      Republicans should sit down and shut the fuck up until their policies start showing actual results.

  9. It’s absolutely amazing that phone. He gives away all of Encinitas Transnet dollars to San Diego, yet there’s so many projects like Vulcan Avenue in La Costa Ave that need major improvement.

    I wonder why June and LeucadiaNOW are not all up in front of city Council demanding that something be done. They seem to be completely ineffective at communicating with city Council.

    1. June & LNOW are still sipping the kool aid. still can't get over the notion that Kranz and crew are serving another master.

  10. D. Gordon Aviation over 30 times back and forth over and over Encinitas this morning. They don't care. Safety last money first. Tail number N4922D. Over schools, pre-schools, parks and 10's of thousands of people in their homes. We don't live near Montgomery Field as it is 18 miles away. But these JERKS think it is just fine place us in danger while flying back and forth and also polluting the air with leaded exhaust fumes.

  11. Sure, plane guy, whatever you say must be the truth, and it is still early in the day. Up to 30 already? Whatever you say must be the truth. Riiiight.

    1. 11:14 You see, you are a clown and anyone that would be around you are useless as well.
      What is great about plane guy, at least he's doing something positive to help the community. What do you do to help the citizens of Encinitas? Change your Depends once a week? Maybe plane guy will write in and chime in, on your useless comments.

    2. Starvin’ your girlfriend is demanding you bend over and accept what’s coming.

    3. Tony Kranz was at the farmer's market this weekend and seems like a sweet guy. It's okay to give the Garvin & him jokes a rest. I think the worst he did lately is share that email without a records request?

    4. Who is Starvin'

    5. Phony is a sweet guy if you think sweet is selling out all of your constituents for developers profit and ruining a formally cool family orientated Surf town.

      I don’t find that sweet. I find that horrid.

  12. SANDAG guy was a Clown!

  13. 12:46. The worst Kranz does is nothing.

    That’s why Encinitas is plagued with crime, developers and the homeless.

    1. Wrong. He is a complete sellout to BIA.


  14. Today a helicopter from Gillespie Field 30 miles away flew back and forth over Encinitas under 500 feet. In some spots 325 ft.
    The FAA is involved and Law Enforcement out of El Cajon.
    The minimum elevation for helicopters is 500 ft. That is unless it is Law Enforcement doing their jobs. This jerk was under the minimum over homes and schools. My hopes are he is arrested.

    1. Focus on your girlfriend, Starvin’

  15. Happy Fat Lying Turd POS Domestic Terrorist Indictment Day, to all who celebrate.

    1. So what. It has nothing to do with Encinitas.

  16. Once again, I keep hoping the day will come when we will all see the fat orange turd in an orange, or any color, prison jumpsuit. And, and, and, a shaved head.

    Let it come to be, Jack Smith, Fanny Willis, the NY district attorney and more and more and more prosecutors. Bring it on.

    That is one pile on that gives our nation hope for an enduring democracy to survive the traitorous right wing authoritarian rampage they have been on.

    1. So what. It has nothing to do with Encinitas.

    2. 7:09...were you abused as a child, or, perhaps you are an abuser. Something isn't right in your mind. Maybe rejection is your basis, it's hard to tell.
      Be that as it is, you have problems. Seek help

  17. There are communists in our midst.

    Is your neighbor a commie?

    To find out dial 1-800-F** **** before you dig

  18. My, my, my, the sad ignorant trumpers must be finally seeing the truth about their fearsome orange mud-faced leader with hair that defies physics and a life of being a criminal enterprise that is finally catching up to him.

    Time wounds all heels eventually.

    Lock him up. Lock him up. Lock him up. It is decades past due

    1. No loss there. And take Hillary and Bill with him too. I’ll take Alzheimer’s Joe with them. Let’s clean house.

    2. I would love to know what Trump did? Oh' that's right, the lies of Russian collusion and now a few boxes of junk that no one cares about? The fbi and doj are anti American

    3. Let's hear it for Benedict Arnold - right, 1:03? So unfairly accused.

    4. 1:03,

      If that’s all they have, then you (and he) should welcome a trial.

      I trust judges and juries, as established in the Constitution.

    5. 1:03 ya know who hates law enforcement?


  19. New Democrat decree:

    Anyone thou shalt have ballotted within the last 25 years towards anything other than te "D" symbol shall be incarcerated in prison 10 years for each infraction

    So it is

    So it shall be

    -The Honorable Pol Pot Bidenista

    1. “We’re VICTIMS!”


  20. Attorney Gen- Republican
    Head of FBI - Republican (There has never been a Dem.)
    All witnesses cited in Fed. indictments -Republican

  21. The coroner determined the two bullet entrance wounds on the rear of the skull were self inflicted

  22. Expecting any sense of reality from the cult is not going to happen. Nice try anyway. They live in a world of alternate facts.

    Their party has made the choice to follow a lifetime criminal family over the ledge and into authoritarianism. The failures of the past and present will follow them into the future until they disown the current party leaders who are running the show.

    That would take some backbone that is not existent and has not been evident for the last 6 years. Bullies and cowards the lot of them.

  23. Today...Coast Flight Training...33 times back and forth over Encinitas. They don't care how dangerous it is for the citizens of Encinitas. I will be contacting their sponsors to tell them how dangerous Coast is. My goal is to ruin their business. Put my family at risk...I take you out.

    1. Expand on “take you out.”

      Go ahead.

      Nobody is listening.

    2. So far, plane guy has been all talk with a few claimed phone calls made to someone who has authority to do what? Change flight training routes from Montgomery Field to Palomar Airport?

      Well, we are a patient bunch or can be, but how long has plane guy been making his claims that he can convince the flight schools to change their flight patterns?

      Let's all hold our breath for that day to come. If it does, I will be happy to give him my thanks for a job well done.

    3. Plane guy here. What not one of you have noticed. The circling of planes from schools 18 miles away has been reduced by 75 percent. Why? Me.
      "Take them out" means hurt their business hopefully putting them "out" of business.
      6:19, it is clear you know nothing about what these schools do. Let me help you.
      There "no" flight training routes in Encinitas.
      There are "no" routes from Montgomery Field to Palomar.
      Authority to do what??? How about the FAA
      I have to date encourged 60 percent of the schools to stop circling Encinitas.
      Next time, know the subject...then write.
      I know my stuff, you don't.

    4. Starvin’ - STFU. You haven’t done shit. All you’re doing is trying a distraction to get attention away from your perverted love and tribulations with Phony. we all know it

      The only thing you have done is bend over and open your mouth super wide.

      Oh yeah and helped 🐖👧 elect the worst sellout mayor, and stupidist mayor in the history of Encinitas.

  24. "Disgraced" former supervisor Fletcher is way to kind.

    How about recurring criminal woman assaulted?

    Or future long term federal prison inmate?

    Or life sentenced human hater?


  26. Fletcher like Marco Gonzalez are total shit bags! That entire family is a mess! Just a bunch of hogs!

  27. Thank you plane guy for the 75% reduction in the number of flights overhead. ?

    The reported numbers we get from you daily don't indicate that 75% reduction. ?

    Encouraging 60% of the flight schools to stop circling over our town should mitigate the daily numbers we get from you. ?

    Thanks for the info about these training flights not being from flight schools. I stand corrected. Curiouser and curiouser.

    I hope asking questions bout your posts here does not stress you out from us non-pilots.

    1. Plane guy didn't state training flights weren't from the schools.
      Training flights are precisely from the training schools.
      Come on folks. Coast Flight Training would be the prime example. Additionally private planes "pour" leaded burnt exhaust over your families as they circle over and over Encinitas.
      Plane guy is not a pilot. Plane guy is a safety consultant for two major corporations and thereby keeping them out of court from being sued.
      I know plane guy, he knows more than all of us.

    2. Fletcher & Lorena Gonzalez sitting on a combined $2.3 million in campaign funds- they are a fucking disgusting pigs just like their brother!

      Sickening and crap like that breeds offspring. 🤢👎🏾

  28. Starvin’ - STFU. You haven’t done shit. All you’re doing is trying a distraction to get attention away from your perverted love and tribulations with Phony. we all know it

    The only thing you have done is bend over and open your mouth super wide.

    Oh yeah and helped 🐖👧 elect the worst sellout mayor, and stupidist mayor in the history of Encinitas.

  29. Hears the funny thing.

    Cultists now believe that the people who grow up from a young age getting the experience and education to dedicate their lives to a career in federal law enforcement are a bunch of pot smoking hippie Bernie Bros who have a leftist political ideology and agenda.

    Anyone with half a brain or who has spent a minute in DC knows federal law enforcement are almost all Republicans, but they place the law above any politics.

    Only a motivated denial enthusiast would fail to consider that maybe the simple answer is that their turd-god broke the law, and we should trust and support courts and juries to follow the law, as prescribed in Article 3 of the Constitution.

    To do otherwise is to be a POS domestic terrorist.

    1. Domestic the Niger?

    2. 7:07- you’re a pig. You need to be hung.

    3. 7:07 cries like a little bitch when people point out the racism infesting the Republican Party.


    4. You can bet 7:07 is a former watch dogger. Fits the profile.

    5. Very interesting to note what this clown that refers to something called a starvin is trying to say/write. There is accusations, cussing, bad grammar and on and on.
      Yet, they exhibit Psychosis in a most obvious way.
      And, my take is, they do not live in Encinitas.
      Perhaps a test tube in a lab of, simply put...
      nut cases.

  30. Nathan Fletcher is POS domestic terrorist, just like his wife Lorena Gonzalez and brother Marco!

  31. Eco terrorist lawfare folly clerks FTW

  32. The Gustave Calderon just flew back and forth over Encinitas and Solana Beach 23 times. N551JA
    Their address is 878 Hollyhock Ct in Carlsbad.
    Oddly they didn't fly over where they live, they just wanted
    to mess up our air with leaded fuel exhaust and put us in danger.

  33. Please explain to me the logic or what lessons could be learned by flying in circles over and over the same residential airspace, whether it is flight schools or whatever the other source of flights may be.

    1. I'm plane guy. The areas over Encinitas, Carlsbad and Solana Beach are called open air space. This means the FAA has declared the air space to be free of encumbrances as long as they are above 1000ft.
      Helos are 500ft.
      What does it mean? They can circle, go back and forth, increase rpm lower rpm and just about do what they want. I don't care if a plane goes out and comes back to and from a destination, I couldn't care less. But this garbage of doing what they want is going down a bad road.
      All Law Enforcement points to the FAA, including Homeland Security. Call 911 and they state call the FAA, Air Quality Control states to call the FAA.
      "NO ONE" wants to take the issue on.

      But I do. These people "are not going to ruin where l live", place my people in danger and ruin the air.
      NOPE. I'm planning on a little legal action and plaster the facts all over the internet. It may help others thru out the country if a class action is filed and court dates placed. Put my family in danger? Get ready.

    2. I especially enjoy helicopters overhead at 3am with loudspeakers 📢

      Can someone do that tonight ?

      Best wording would be repeating the loudspeaker phrase "it's for your own good plebian asshoes" would be ideal

    3. 2:34, good question.

      Pilots in a landing pattern are expected to be able to make perfect, circular ground track turns even in a crosswind that changes to a headwind or tailwind through a 90° turn.

      Student pilots need to practice a maneuver called eights on pylons to prepare for a check ride with the FAA where they need to demonstrate mastery in order to pass and get their license.

      And if a pilot is getting a more advanced certification, like instrument rating with allows the pilot to fly through clouds with only instruments as reference, they practice navigating with a hood on that blocks them from looking out the windows.

      A multi engine rating requires mastery of standard rate pattern turns with asymmetric thrust in the event one of the engines goes out.

      You get the idea. There’s a lot of practice to master maneuvers in advance of FAA testing.

    4. 2:34, the problem is doing this over Scripps Hospital, schools, care facilities and the populations of the three towns I mentioned. Again, and I'll present for Encinitas, where I live, we don't live near an airport and especially Montgomery Field. Allowing this type of activity is at best foolish.
      Thank you 4:42...I always like learning.
      And everyone, on average, 1000 private planes crash every year. This from the FAA in D.C, not my facts but theirs. Just this year here in SoCal 8 dead and 5 crashes. One went down on the beach in Carlsbad.
      Through my investigations I've come across so much denial and odd thinking pertaining to safety and private planes it has been quite eye opening. Don't get me wrong, I do not hate private planes but the back and forth and circling is going to stop over our populations.
      If I wanted live under that situation, I would have purchased a home near an airport

    5. 6:44,

      The problem?

      Literally zero deaths or injuries in the entire history of Encinitas.

      You’d have a far better case trying to ban automobiles.

    6. Starvin’- focus on what you’re good at….

      Ass sucking.

    7. 8:02 p.m....that's a great idea. Let's not stop the private planes from flying in circles over Encinitas Solana Beach and Carlsbad and maybe one will crash one day.
      And then we can do something. Better yet, lets ban preventive medicines, vitamins and safety belts.
      You aren't very smart...are you.

  34. Have a new Kranz plant on Encinitas Votes,, “Dave Moore.“ Thinks Encinitas flooding issues are funny. What an ass.

    1. Never too early to start disinformation campaigns. "Tiffany Fox," Zenick, other tools ready to take a shift.

    2. on the flip side "J" Garvin Walsh at your service!

  35. Starvin is the best, he's an absolute gentleman at all times, very intelligent, dresses super cool and Encinitas is so very lucky to have him.
    -"Encinitas Resident"

    1. 💯🥰🥰🥰😛😛😛😛😛

    2. He also waxes the hell out of a hairy starfish like no other for extra points...

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Phony black hole starfish…..

    It’s huge and it’s dark.

  37. OOO shit. its about Phony

    did you hear about Selvo 453q flying out of mongomreyr.... flew 0989 times over encinitas. serious pollution....

    by the way, i am smart and you are stupid. lead will do that to you.

    - Starvin

  38. I heard that🐖👧 is hurt she is not the focus anymore.

