Friday, August 4, 2023

Is the city trying to push a sales tax increase again?

Encinitas Votes:
Get ready for new taxes from the Encinitas city council. City engineer director Jill Bankston is circulating a bid for the following: Professional services to provide polling, public outreach and ballot initiative drafting services. Required services will include community engagement, polling services, data gathering, data analysis, report preparation, and drafting of ballot measures for the November 2024 election whereby the City may request voter approval to support funding for infrastructure projects which may include: public safety, transportation, drainage, pavement, traffic calming, mobility, climate action plan, and various identified and unfunded capital projects."

Overspend projects that no one wanted: for example the 101 streetscape of $60 plus million, the green bike lanes with bollards that creates confusion and at least 2 deaths.
Back in 2014, the council majority of Lisa Shaffer, Teresa Barth, and Tony Kranz aggressively pushed for the hiring of push-poll propagandist firm Lew Edwards to promote a sales tax increase. Only the presence of Kristin Gaspar and Mark Muir denying them a supermajority foiled their plans.

Now Kranz has his supermajority, and needs money. In addition to the boondoggles mentioned at Encinitas Votes, Kranz also needs a multi-million-dollar city bailout of the "volunteer-funded" Pacific View fiasco, the vastly expanded city staff including the new, permanent homeless bureaucracy, and tens of millions for payouts for injuries and deaths due to negligent street design.


  1. My "public safety" is a Smith and Wesson back by CZ 9's

    1. same. plus 10 round auto 12-gauge for short range.

      -Don't thread on me

    2. Yep Mossberg 12 mil spec A-1 18" barrel

    3. Must be sad for you always living in a state of fear. There there, buy a gun little man.

    4. There are actual studies of conservatives that show their brains are controlled by fear. It is a hold over from ancient tribes that had to worry about being eaten by wildlife or attacked my a neighboring tribe. The fear overrides logic, truth or the ability to think past the their initial thought. Not much different than a lizard that scurries away or a hissing cat.

    5. Our next buy is a CZ Scorpion 9mm. Gawd they are attractive. Attach a shoulder sling and bam.....
      Open for business.

    6. I like my 686, 7 round .357, it also accommodates .38 special. That stainless polishes up reeeeel nice.

    7. .357 inches… pew! pew! pew!

    8. What kind of gun did the coffee shop vet shot himself and a bystander with while getting it taken away from him by a homeless guy?

    9. 11:27 I don't care what kind of one cares

    10. The gun girls I know like S&W 637 or 442. Lightweight, small but packs a punch. .38 special hollows are tough to beat.

    11. So funny to hear the comments trying to pass an understanding of gun ownership on fear…

      Those morons clearly do not understand…. Thankfully our forefathers did and addressed the issue in our constitution of the country. 👍🏿

    12. Stay a coward 12.22. Nobody wants your Casio watch or 15yo flat screen. When the constitution was written there was not much law enforcement, Natives were scalping fools, wildlife had not yet been killed off and your neighbor was probably drinking mercury. Admit it, you can’t win a fair fight because your are weak in both mind and body so you hug your gun to feel safe like a little girl clutches her Barbie doll.

    13. 12:41- now I see. Thanks for sharing a little bit more about yourself. So you’re a woman hater. That explains a lot.

      You should join the Phony woman haters club… it and it’s girlfriend are always looking for new members.

    14. Gun talk....I love it !!! 12:22 "lock and load"
      : )))))))

  2. And your tiny flaccid penis.

    1. Leave your gay parents out of this.

    2. I can’t decide if mine is a tiny, flaccid penis or a growing semi flaccid big vagina.

      I relate as a flaming princess, so I’m heavily leaning towards the latter… please support my go fund me for my operations.


  3. Can I please be relevant now?
    - 🐖👧

  4. The City Council is as incompetent as ever. It is totally sold out to the BIA, and now wants to fleece the citizens for more money? The pension deficits of the City bureaucrats continues to mount, as they flounder in maintaining the community character. They will soon approve a measure for mixed residential and commercial building, and more high density clap trap. Incorporation was a big mistake.

    1. What’s the problem with mixed commercial and residential?

      Most of the historic buildings on 101 are mixed commercial and residential. Some of those buildings are more than a hundred years old.

      Stand under the Encinitas sign and look south. All of those second story windows are apartments.

  5. They want us to pay for their continued folly. One vanity project after another and spending money with zero accountability. Does anyone seriously think Kellie knows how to read a balance sheet? Kranz? Understand forecasting and pension obligations they're piling on with every virtue signaling hire?

    1. You might be assuming he cares?

      Without consequences, our city leadership continues to bankrupt and destroy the city they were elected to care for.

      Until voters awaken from their ambivalent torpor, nothing will change.

    2. You're exactly right, that they don't care and don't care that they don't understand, either. Like children they'll learn only if we say No and they have to figure it out without our bailout. That will only encourage future repeat performances.

    3. Kelly's effort to balance her checking account consists calling grandma for another $10,000 payment. 🤣

      No need to work. Go to coffee with BIA if she will leave mommies pure white racist compound.

    4. The City Council consists of rank amateurs that do what the BIA tells them to do. Huntington Beach II.

  6. They need to the tax to pay for the equity art program, the second community center by the beach, and the staffing up for for the second community center, plus increased pensions, and galas for the homeless.

    Our local government at work. Why are the roads turning to dust and major streets leading to the beach and downtown like Vulcan Avenue and La Costa Avenue don't even have sidewalks more or the promised rail trail.

    I love how Phony turned Leucadia's coastal rail trail into a parking lot for the tweeker homeless with drug busses, and junk collectors and contractors staging up with JUNK signs discharging their poisons out of their vehicles into the community. LeucadiaNOW has proven to be really effective! 🤣

    Elections have consequences and you idiots elected the Town Dunce as your mayor! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    1. If a republicant was ever elected we would be hiring gender checkers, bathroom monitors and investigating Hunters laptop. GTFO with your BS.

    2. Yah anyhoo just say not to covering the council's asses with your tax money. They did this throwing money all over the place and still plenty of potholes for everyone. $13M for the art project crossing at El Portal and you want to reward that?? Put aside your party fixation and realize that this council is inept at best and not the leaders they claim they are.

    3. Well they need it. How about the $20 million for the second community center and then an and then the millions per year and long-term maintenance and operation costs, and they have to pay for all of those new staffing positions. They approved for lifeguards to sit around on the beach, staring at bikinis, and then they also have to pay off all their lawsuit settlements. We all know the Dr. Worley’s settlements gonna be way over $20 million. And they haven’t even started on all the suits on Coast Highway and Santa Fe yet…. and how about those huge storm drain maintenance cost from the failed slope at lake drive all the way down to Lagoon. The city hasn’t even mentioned that one in the papers haven’t questioned it?

      How about all the repair costs on the ghetto style parking pods and dirt parking lots they put up next to their 10 one between Encinitas Boulevard and LaCosta? All that wood that was purchased from Home Depot and the dirt is all chewed up and it’s only a year old. Who’s going to pay for all those costs

      Encinitas is in financial trouble…. Get ready citizens your taxes are going up if your current city council has a say.

    4. I just saw Lorri Green’s post on Encinitas Votes. She got it exactly right. 💯. Good job.

    5. Nice commentary on the "temporary" parking pods. Without them, the current vibrant night life in Leucadia would wither away.

    6. Wow, would ‘t that be a shame…. Less drunks running over pedestrians and peeing on people’s front yards….

      Not sure if I can live with that.

  7. A 1200 flight starting noon from Montgomery Field. When it is a 1200 flight the tower "will not tell me the tail number" What are they hiding? 20 times back the forth over Encinitas.
    911 told me call the FAA...I a message to leave a message. It's a school, they do this to hide the tail number.
    How do I know...this ain't my first rodeo.

    1. Sorry Starvin’ we’re not falling for it. Your heshe Phony is on the lamb.

    2. 1200 is the transponder code for any aircraft flying VFR without flight following radar services.

      It means ATC isn’t controlling or directing the flight. The pilot is on his-her own to fly anywhere they want as long as they stay above minimums, in good visibility, and out of controlled airspace.

    3. Bend over Starvin’ it’s time!!


    4. 2:38 I apricate your input. Oddly I call field management at Montgomery and they refuse to provide the tail number.
      This happens every time. FAA asks for the number, I can't provide it. Round and round we go. We have our own version of "One flew over the Cuckoos Nest"
      I'm a tenacious's going to get fixed.

      I can call D.C. Never mind....that's another version of the Cuckoos Nest starring Alzheimer's biden and the ever buffoonish harris. What could possibly go wrong with that dial up.........

    5. 3:33- Starvin it’s fudge time!


  8. It appears Dr. Lorrie has closed her site completely to non members. Bummer. I have enjoyed reading the posts daily for years, but no more. Bummer.

    1. It appears you can neither spell nor tell the truth. Bummer.

    2. Nope. She blocked you.

      Your choices are to either play her ego trip control game and beg her on bended knee, or just open the page in a browser tab in incognito mode while signed out of Facebook.

    3. She blocked 3:30 and from your whining you sound like the butt hurt "J" Garvin Walsh who simply cannot get over the rejection. Consider starting a support group with similarly booted Marco Gonzalez and a certain mayoral candidate.

    4. O you can disagree with her 4:40 you just don't get to abuse her and other posters. Sounds like you can't tell the difference. Makes sense .

    5. is that affectation fashioned after "J" Gordon Liddy?

    6. Congratulations on joining the hundreds of other blocked residents. You must have done something right.

    7. 100s c’mon J knock it off

    8. I got blocked for writing something positive about the GOAT.

      Power tripping control freaks don’t make for good moderators.

      The group description should clarify that the group is for losers to whine and cry about their losing.

    9. I love Kelly Slater too. But I wouldn’t post about him on Encinitas Votes.

    10. 6:43- you sound like a crybaby whiner…

      Go get a back rub from Phony or a motorboat from Starvin’ they’ll bring it in and make you happy.

  9. With limited funds, the state grants in peril due to budget woes, this could also be a prudent play to see what the community really wants. Hmm, what does suspicious cat think?

    We have had a lot of projects literally rammed up our butts in the past few years. The staff maybe sees the writing on the wall and is getting ahead of things. They know we have mucho deferred maintenance.

    The new housing projects aren't gonna tax revenue us out of this either.

    1. You actually think they are worried? Check around town they're doubling down daily.

    2. New housing projects won’t make a dent in the tax revenue…. The Dunce and clown show is gonna be pushing for a tax increase, and it hopefully it has to go to a vote of the citizens.

      I am already campaigning for a No Vote.

      These clowns are completely incompetent, and half of them never had a real job and had to care for their own finances. The dunce was homeless, and the best job ever had was a carnie. The Dunce got lucky because it’s wife takes care of it.

      This crappy city council, and totally effed up city manager just did a huge staffing increase. All of this while the roads are falling apart.

      Brust Ehlers is the only one with common sense.

      Where can I sign the mayor recall?

  10. Euthanize the entire city council and all employees

  11. I'm a great leader for the community. I have the citizens of Encinitas best interest in mind at all times. I'm super fit and never have gravy stains on my attire. I am adored by all.

    1. Phony my sweet succulent buttercup, don't sell yourself short! You also have some of the nicest tits on the planet...I can't wait to motor boat the crap out of you later. Again, I'm sorry I'm running late my meeting with 🐖👧 today carried on much longer than expected.

    2. You know I don't like waiting on my lovin' Starvy. Tonight you better caress my chin, all 6 of them.
      - Phone Dawg

    3. OMG…. It keeps getting better. Truly amazing. Bravo.

    4. 👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿👆🏿


  12. Not sure if you need to euthanize, but we could sure get rid of four besides Bruce and get a new city manager. The city manager is part of the problem after that huge increase in city employees for no necessary positions.

    Hiring another lifeguard manager what a sad joke. Plus all the other BS positions they just approved . The city manager proved her incompetence. time to get a new one.

  13. You guys me n Phony just got in a huge fight. He said he was a spinner and I believed him and I just threw my back out. Instead of helping me off the floor as I winced in pain he made himself a sandwich and started pleasuring himself to the Alila Marea Website.

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣❤️🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. Is the Phony/Starvin saga a comic or graphic novel? Curious minds need to know.

    3. Stopping kidding girls, we just like sharing some posts with you all….

      If you want to label out posts, consider them a documentary of our love for each other who found love in all the right places. 😛

      Would you care to add anything my Buttercup Starvie?

      - Phony

    4. Sorry, butter cup was motorboating me as I was posting that last one.

      * If you want to label our posts

      - Phony

    5. ☝️😵😵😵

    6. Phony says I've been doing such a good job motor boating lately that he's giving me a new title! I'm no longer referred to as deck hand when we role play in bed. Instead he's calling me an admiral now! Tee hee hee Pinch me and give me a Wall Street Journal, I must be in heaven!
      - Starvin

    7. 👆🏾

      Oh my God. No 1. Starvin is approaching admiral status.


    8. My name is Phony and I am the goat
      I keep a french tickler in my tote
      I make no sense with every quote
      The diet I have is making me bloat
      Tis not good for tiny is my coat
      Come election time I'm finished, yes that's all she wrote
      In the meantime Starvin more motor boat!

  14. 4:40pm I was not blocked, as I have never signed on to her site to begin with.

    I enjoyed reading the posts while it was still open to non-members. There was a short time limit for non-members to peruse the posts that could have been longer.

    Thanks Lorri for as long as it lasted.

    Oh, I now see why the next poster questioned my spelling. Thanks for the correction. No 'e' on the end of Lorri. I knew that. You are so kind to correct me.

    1. I can still see it.

      Make sure your browser isn’t logged in to Facebook.

  15. Big reason Encinitas and other coastal cities in San Diego are in big trouble financially. Encinitas is in major trouble because a small group of idiots elected The Town Dunce.

    Internal Revenue Service data also shows those in the highest income bracket, exceeding $200,000 annually, leaving the state in disproportionate numbers. This can be attributed to the state’s 13.3 percent marginal tax rate, according to Jim Doti, president emeritus and professor of economics at Chapman University.

    “State-to-state migration is so easy, and you save a lot of money,” Doti said during a 30-minute interview on a recent episode of EpochTV’s “California Insider.”

    I know I’m planning to move my taxable “ residence” out of California. I own multiple coastal properties including rentals, and a clear well over $200,000 per year.

    I don’t think this is going to bode well for CA, which keeps fostering and building the homeless industry, and inviting all of the worlds poor while pushing out everyone with means and an education.

    What’s your plan for retirement?

    1. The epoch times is part of a cult that’s being sued for using slave labor to manipulate media narratives.

    2. Gotcha… so you ignore the points made about people with means leaving California and people with drug addictions, no money, and no education flooding to California…

      Good luck w that!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3. Thanks for providing the link you fucking Commie…

      It does talk about the guardian and the good movement to keep liberty and focus on the US Constitution.

      You and your fucking Commies/ world economic forum centralists can rot in hell. I look forward to the coming “discussions”

      - Mockingbird

    4. Is there any psycho cult based on lies you won’t join?

    5. 3:27- the Democrats or Phony

    6. 3:27- besides those to add Trump, Starvin womenhaters club, and 🐖👧 gossip club.

    7. 3:27- pure distraction. So you just ignore more facts like statistical data from the US government showing people with means leaving California and people with drug addictions, no money, and no education flooding to California…

      Don’t look up!

    8. 1049- spot on.

      Drive along Neptune and all of the coast line and you’ll see the multi million dollar properties like well over $5 million tons of them for sale. All of the people with means know what’s coming and it’s not pretty just like Phony’s Vulcan Avenue disaster.

    9. “Why won’t you address the totally legitimate points made by the Heavens Gate cult?”

      —An Idiot.

  16. I see they got the lack of maintaining storm drains fiasco Lake Drive about complete for the slope portion. Looks like they are not addressing the corroded Metal pipe lead to the lagoon.

    Dumping all that storm drainage at the base of that slope is going to cause a whole Lotta erosion. I don’t think those property owners to the north or south are going to be too happy happy about their banks eroding

    and how about all of that sediment dumping into the lagoon? ….. more lawsuits ahead.

  17. Coast Flight Training today...10 times back and forth over Encinitas.
    Try calling them. 1-858-279-4359. No one ever answers and the recorder is full as in no response. Could Coast Flight Training be a front for something? No one can know, they never answer the phone. They are being investigated by the FAA.

    1. Starvin, I just called the number and it wasn't Coast Flight Training at all. In fact it was some guy named Phony who answered. He asked me who gave me this phone number and then went on to explain it was a burner phone number reserved exclusively for Starvin for emergency lovin appointments only. He sounded super pissed. You need to get your shit together bro.

    2. Thank you 8:02, I had a similar experience. I just dialed the number and when it picked up I heard heavy breathing and I mean HEAVY, like a rhinosarus was giving birth or something. Then I heard Starvin say "ahoy mateys all aboard for round two" then the line went dead.

    3. 👆🏿




    4. Apparently a nerve has been affected with the responses from the test tube baby. They seem to be very touchy concerning the private planes. Now why is that?
      It couldn't be because it's coast flight training is it?
      I wonder...

    5. Starvie, quit posting and come back to bed… it’s Sunday mornings snuggle time… Saturday is heavy romp time, butt Sunday morning is pure sexual healing… while spooning can you whisper in my ear Marvin Gay’s song butt with an Admiral tone?


    6. ☝️


    7. "Hello, you have reached the exclusive hot and heavy phone line for Starvin and Phony. To talk dirty please press 1, for motor boating please press 2, for cleft rectum repair please press 3, to awkwardly change the subject and talk about planes please press 4"

    8. 👆🏿sooo good.


    9. Phony, I luv it when you beg 🙏

      - Starvin

  18. Morons have run amok here. They have nowhere else to spout their infantile projections. Lucky us. NOT!

    History will doom these incorrigible malcontents to where they deserve. In the meantime, their juvenile behaviors will continue to run amok on EU.

    Karma will have its say eventually which is not soon enough for all the crap they have brought down and continue to bring down upon our community. They are a sorry lot, each and everyone of them who ever thought their chosen candidate was suited to hold public office. Each and everyone one of them deserve our ire for lowering the bar like never before to attempt to legitimize a candidate that was a disaster before running for office. No need to mention names at this point in time. You know who you are and we will not be forgetting all you have done to lower the bar like never before.

    1. Geeez...I hope you aren't referring to me...Plane Guy.
      I'm simply posting to stop the danger of these dangerous little planes flying back and forth patterns and leaded exhaust from pouring over my kids

    2. Starvie- quit posting. I feel like you are getting addicted …come back to bed for your afternoon delight. Feeling frisky.


    3. Why you all bitter Starvy? Did Phony cancel your Wall Street Journal subscription again?

    4. 👆🏽👌🏽sooo good! I never realized Phony was that witty.

    5. 👆🏽 Sorry, my bad. That last comment wasn’t Phony… no wonder.

      someone and I know it is absolutely hilarious. 👏🏽

  19. There's 12:23. The results of a one stand in Barrio Logan.
    A sad sociopath with no friends and no hope.
    De'' plane...

    1. Ah.. OK… keep trying you might figure out something worthwhile to say.

  20. No worries plane guy. You are not the target of all the bs coming from the so leftover at this point in time morons.

    You do provide some relief from their childish rantings. Thanks for that.

    1. C'mon Phony, come back to bed. You're letting them get the best of you. Just ignore them and return to the love dungeon immediately. I'll turn that frown upside down! Admiral's orders!

    2. 🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾

      Phony listen to the Admiral. Starvin' knows best!

    3. Considering how unsafe private planes are, it is my pleasure to report them on a regular basis.
      As for this odd individual that keeps calling me
      something called a starvy or Phony...I truly have no idea what those are.

    4. Whatever Starvin’ you’ve been outed long ago and we know you’re pretty damn sore from the weekend so we’re gonna go easy on you today. Remember cold cream vitamin E is better than Vaseline for recovery.

  21. Around noon, she crossed a bridge on J Street. A friend with a bicycle had offered to take her to the beach. Maybe a bed would be available by the time she got back.

    Anything seemed possible. Then a friend came by and informed her that she could take a free Coaster ride up to Encinitas, pop some fentanyl along the ride and party all night long. the entire community and specifically the Mayor welcomes everyone and its like one big commune. If you see something on someone's lawn, take it, they will not mind. And he goes on, "they believe in nature so you can just pee and poop anywhere. They are used to it. "

    London said, " hell yeah!.... it been looking for something like dat"

    Meanwhile the Mayor Phony is welcoming all at the train station....."Welcome, Welcome.... we welcome all the world tweekers to Encinitas!..... mi casa es su casa!"

    1. I knew this would happen after Phony's early comments....

      “Mr. Kranz affirmed this summer when asked that he supports establishing a homeless shelter in Encinitas. After an overnight in a shelter, where will the homeless spend their time in the day?”

      land Phony led the effort to make Encinitas a “Welcoming City” and to make it legal to park and van life it in front of your house.

      Thanks John Gjata, Kathleen Lees, Hinze, Joy, Marco, Mali, Starvin' and 🐖👧 for giving us The Dunce. You and a few other induced major damage on Encinitas.

      -Encinitas Voter

    2. Tony will use their crisis to enhance our crisis and make sure we’ve got beds to offer, which won’t be accepted but that’s not the point.

    3. Phony and BIA thinks our brother in Oakland is a liar and racist.

      Open-air drug markets, narcotic tourism, rampant theft and lax camping regulation have made Oakland "unlivable," a neighborhood advocate said.

      Phony, coddled by Starvin' and his current legal wife living in her mom's home, knows better. He thinked it all by himself.

      Good Job Phony!

  22. Blakespear - Gonzalez = Bonnie and Clyde liberalism

    Just fuck over everything & everyone while ripping them off

    What was the settlement amount for those that got fucked over w/ affordable recently?

    Do tell

    1. Worst part is it’s Phony is their pawn, didn’t do anything to get elected other than snuggle up to Starvin, and play along with 🐖👧.

      Encinitas got screwed almost as hard as Starvin’s rear end.

    2. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3. 3:48 you mean Starvin & 🐷👧are Phony’s pawn. He didn’t do squat while they manipulated the moron spoiler. Question is, what was in it for them?

      🐷👧 not only lost again but lost her credibility and any respect she had left. Stupid, small minded woman.

  23. So are those morons who keep posting this infantile bs about our mayor and his accomplice, make that, his partner in the crime of screwing over our community once again.

    It worked for them. Not so much for our once beloved special community.

    Another year to go with this bunch at the helm. At least we have one keeper among the five. We need four more Bruce's to sit on the dais. Two will be enough for a majority that is so needed and will be a good start to reclaiming our town for the residents who bother to vote.

    1. In 7 months he destroyed much… 1.5 month left will be devastating… next time you see Starvin, thank him for ruining Encinitas and making Solana Beach and Carlsbad that much more special.

  24. So Phony wanted to play Below Deck during our bedroom role play today and he was the captain (ALWAYS tee hee) and I was his newly appointed admiral....or so I thought! He said he was so impressed with the lovin lately that he's going to make me head chef too! All I had to do was two more intense motorboats then heat him up a hot pocket and I qualified! My man is the best at keeping things spicy!
    - Starvin

    1. Hoooya! 🔥🥰

    2. Tell them how disciplined I am with my diet now Starvy. You didn't tell them how I only ate the cheese and pepperoni bits out of the hot pocket making it super low carb. There's a reason I look so good for you in a speedo buttercup, show me some love!
      - Phony

    3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  25. Imagine spending your Sunday, or everyday, thinking about sexual encounters between to old fat dudes. It was funny once, months ago and now it’s just sounds like a weird kink you have with old gay sex. This your YouTube channel?

    1. 7:32- We’ll leave that to you Starvin’

  26. Snowflakes on EV can’t handle trump jokes. Start your own page, girls. Explains a lot though why you supported a certain similar, local candidate

    1. Folks on EV can also thank that same local candidate for the soon to be new equity committee. We elected the wrong mayor, thank you Starvin and 🐖👧

    2. The candidates that resembled Trump were both Phony and Stan…

      Both are afraid of real women and both have a secret thing for Starvin’(not so secret now)…

      I didn’t hear but is Stan going trans too?

    3. A Kevin McCave whoever it is with all the crap going on in this city that's what he chimes in on. Okayyyy.

    4. What do expect from a Stan-fan🧛?

    5. Explains a lot then.

  27. The fruit loop that continues to ruin Encinitas Undercover has mental issues. They think themselves clever, but no, they aren't. They have zero friends with zero potential for having a friend. Coming on here to make a fool of themselves is their friend. This way they won't find physical rejection.

    1. This fruit loop you speak of may be ruining Encinitas Undercover (for you) but at least he/she didn't actually ruin Encinitas like Starvin, Phony and 🐖👧

    2. 6:41- 💯

      Looks like Starvin doesn’t appreciate his ultimate love being aired in public.

      Maybe Starvin should’ve moved his love to New York instead of ruining Encinitas.

      I feel no remorse for posting truths abiut Starvin’. I bet his daughter would agree. And he Shouldn’t be name calling people Froot Loops.

      Maybe the Admiral should take some time to look within?

    3. 6:21-I hate to break it to you Starvin…. Your posts and comments are almost never witty….

      With the exception of when you’re describing your love for your new found girl Phony.

      Why don’t you to go on a honeymoon to New Jersey and never come back and leave Encinitas for us caring locals?

    4. Please take BFF 🐖👧 with you

  28. You are ignoring the freight trains and the important military aspects of this crucial strategic train line that has little to do with carrying passengers other than providing the funding for these passenger carriers. I would not miss the Coaster. I rode it one time years ago to get home from the airport when a car ride was not happening. Sure beat the rate for a taxi or shuttle bus from the airport. $5 or so to Encinitas. It cost me $15 to $20 from our train station to my home.

    1. Cost you $5 bucks and cost the taxpayers $80 bucks per ride Definitely not worth it for your joy rides.

  29. We take the coaster downtown when we want a weekend getaway in Gas Lamp. It spares you the $35-$40.00 parking fee/night that the hotel parking lots charge. It also avoids getting your car vandalized.

    Kids and grandkids love riding the coaster too. I’ve even seen some schools take the Coaster down for Field Trips to Children’s Museum, etc.

    The Coaster works for places like Old Town too. You don’t have to worry about getting pulled over after a amazing night of Music/Margarita's.

    These are only a few of the positives I’m sharing that’ve been sorely neglected here.

    1. Chipper, Hector, and I like to take it to do fentanyl and use the “bathroom” on the seat by the window. We call our art projects Big poo on the seat.

      Let your kids ride for free. the young kids could become our mules. I saw London on our way up to the beach. Good times in Encinitas.

  30. Well, I’m glad you enjoy a few joy rides with the grandkids. Which shows it’s definitely not worth the billions of capital cost needed to keep it running and the hundreds of millions to operate. If it has to stay open for military, the Feds should pay 100%.

  31. Hi!

    I purchased a house near the railroad tracks, and now I like to complain about living near the tracks.

    I also like to complain about not being able to trespass on the rails, even though that has never been legal.

    Also, I’m a major retard.

    1. We’re sorry you’re a retard.

      Sounds like you should consider working at NCTD’s because they run a completely illogical and unfeasible ( retarded) rail service that rails the public tax payer almost as hard as Phoney rails Starvin’s caboose so I’m told.

  32. Who else doesn't give a crap about the equity committee, Mali, Marlon and the rest but LOVES how it drives these old white twats crazy? If you read the comments from Donna "Jim Brown" Westbrook using her Mrs. Magoo voice it really takes them to the next level of comedy.

    1. @12:49. I care about how those people are destroying our society. What I don't care about are the fake names that some residents are forced to use to protect themselves from our City Council. Besides she is hardly the only one.

  33. This blog has been ruined. Never come here anymore.

    1. ❤️👍🏾

      Sorry you won’t be missed Starvin’

      Can you please say the same thing about Encinitas.

  34. Donna and Jim are not one and the same person. You must be new here.

    Our residents like Donna and Jim who bother to spend their private time and speak up for us are our heroes.

    What have you done lately to defend our community from the ravages of our council, city planners, and developers?

    1. Kranz has his foot soldiers out to discredit anyone who reveals him as the fraud he is. Heat's only going to turn up, Phony.

  35. Yes, I am aware that 'some' city planners monitor this site, and occasionally or daily, chime in with their defense of sort of their sold out planning dept.

    Sweep them all out with the garbage worthy council members that put them in and has kept them in their highly paid jobs.

    What a cushy job for the city planners. Hire others to do the job they were hired for.

  36. Was it Stocks or Gaspar who sucked so bad the residents had no choice but to go hard left? The dems may or may not have brought in the homeless but who was the first to invite the developers?

    1. First to invite developers was Stocks, Bond, then Gaspar. And likely before that but Stocks took it to a whole new level. He advised Morris this past election so any of you WD folks might want to ruminate on that a spell.

    2. The same Stocks who’s buds with 🐷👧, the Republican masquerading as a non party candidate?

  37. The latest is RR2 zoning turned into small lots under bee ess double talk. Anything a developer wants the City caves
    randy "the rat" goodson and the bee ess project called....
    The Sanctuary. Gawd...give it Nancy Boy name and get permit. By the way, RR2 zoning is over 21,000 sq ft, doesn't matter, the City will give a permit to anyone that screams "unfair"

  38. 3:35pm Are you high? Are you a tool for the city?

    "Donna is a person' 'Jim Brown is a fake name'? Followed by more idiocy, 'just the fake name she uses'. ?????

    Do you mean the Donna who you just said was a real person and a sentence later that it is just the fake name she uses.?????

    You are a moron even if not one of the regular leftover morons we get here every day.

    Is that you Jerome? Sounds like it. Looks like it. Probably stinks like it too.

    Whew. Take a break from the bottle Jerome.

    1. Ones who engage in trying to out people, call them names, to try and create misdirection, are stocks, Kranz, and Walsh and their mascot a certain ex candidate for mayor.

    2. you mean the ex candidate for mayor who never reads this blog or writes on it?

    3. Naw, I mean the one who was the only one who could fix everything. Had a merry band of true believers.

    4. They both did. One group were fooled and the others were fools!

  39. Some days are more obvious than others that this blog is the same 4 people with nothing better to do.

  40. 5:44- 💯 The same 4 people as EV.

    1. Naw those "same 4" were banned from EV. although kranz is allowed to post he doesn't, can't man up.

  41. So sweet. I am one of four. Man I command a huge audience include daily following from City Council, City Manager and all staff. Amazing. What do you other three think?

    - Mother Earth

  42. Has anybody start the recall petition yet?

    Are we going to have Encinitas destruction for at least 1.5 years more?

  43. In this week’s consent calendar. Did these communities know they are targeted for density? You can find this info and more under item 10b Grand Jury Response in the next council meetings consent calendar.

    This recommendation has been implemented as the City of Encinitas has four approved Specific Plans that all allow multi-family residential uses: Cardiff-by-the- Sea, Downtown Encinitas, Encinitas Ranch, and North 101 Corridor Specific Plans. The City of Encinitas supports opportunities for the development of affordable housing in the approved Specific Plans.
    In addition, the El Camino Real Specific Plan (ECRSP) is underway that may promote the development of new affordable housing developments within the prime commercial corridor in the City—El Camino Real. The ERCSP is intended to promote and encourage development of new affordable housing.
    23:02: Consider working with school districts and community college districts within their jurisdictions to identify developable land for housing owned by districts within their boundaries.
    Response: This recommendation has been implemented as the City of Encinitas conducted a joint roundtable workshop on July 27, 2023, with K-12 school districts and the one community college (MiraCosta Community College) within City limits. All entities that attended own their property and the roundtable was to discuss their interest in developing affordable housing on their properties, promote awareness of existing housing legislation that would support affordable housing opportunities with interested districts, make local connections and partnerships, and share the City’s efforts of advancing affordable housing within the City of Encinitas.
    2023-08-09 Item #10B Page 5 of 24

  44. This one is funny. City is issuing notice of completion for striping that is worn off and needs to be replaced and ghetto cheap wood parking pods that are broken and need permanent concrete real construction… that Phony and clown klan pay millions for shit!!

    1. And they’ve got their hands out asking for more money to pay for their mistakes?? No how, no way.

    2. For the brand new $60M Streetscape per chance?

    3. How about item 8G on the agenda where they’re proposing super ghetto, cheap pedestrian improvements that will fall apart in less than a year on La Costa Avenue.

      Is this really their entire plan for La Costa Ave? What is the plan? Band-aid after band-aid….is this LeucadiaNOW’s plan?

      Holy crap. We are in trouble.

  45. Birmingham’s getting their very own Streetscape on the heels of a completely effed up Santa Fe. This much ineptitude and tone deafness you just don’t see every day. Amazing if it wasn’t so incredibly offensive.

    1. And they can not even finish the Leucadia Streetscape promised over 15 years ago…. Geez - it seems like Phony is tanking Encintas faster than BIA….

      He is the GOAT of Worst Encinitas Mayor followed by BIA, then $tock$ rounding out top three.

      Which is Phony more proud of:

      1. GOAT status

      2. Pounding Starvin’ every Sat night followed by tender vittles on Sunday morning.


  46. LeucadiaNOW still put their full faith in Kranz.

  47. More incredible stupidity. Staff creating problems were nothing exists. Look at item 10C-

    All they had to do is do nothing. There was no problem.

    10 B should not even be an agenda item. Waste of time.

    Man, there are some clueless people at City Hall.

    1. There are paid people at city hall.

  48. This is the left in Sacramento threatening to sue the City of Encinitas. These people that believe electric vehicles are the answer to the worlds problems. When it is proven electric vehicles are in simple terms...a joke. You see, the City is being driven by outside insanity. Housing density is, a fools errand.
    At least there is an upside. The Sheriffs Department will need to hire more Officers due to increased crime.
    The team of Smith and Wesson will become your new friend.

    1. I forgot to add. Considering "all of the Residential 30 overlay acreage there is in Encinitas, be prepared, this, is just the beginning of the greed from developers and the weakness of the City of Encinitas.
      Like my old foremen used to say..."there's a fuckin' on the horizon".

    2. If anyone thinks the next election or Ehlers is going to slow or stop any of this they are sadly mistaken. Encinitas as we knew it, is gone for good.

    3. You forgot to add that you’re an idiot.

      This isn’t a left or right thing you moron. Bring it back down to local or start your own blog, retard.

    4. 8:10 it is in fact the leftists. And, I didn't mention's the left. Make an attempt to read more. Then get back to us. I hate politics.

    5. are right...I'm idiot. Darn that true getting in the way. You see, you aren't too bright.
      The leftists are the ones that are ruining America.
      Leftists are socialists. You are correct this isn't right vs. left (the "old left"). The current left is poison and everything they do...they ruin.
      The country is in horrible shape because of the left.
      The leftists in the government of California force over crowding and building under threat of lawsuits.
      The same leftists that want to give millions in reparations for doing nothing just because they have flat feet and short backs.

  49. idiot comment was directed to 712 and 752.

  50. Best thing to happen would be City of Enc going bankrupt in a Bonnie and Clyde sorta way

    1. Imagine being such a loser that it makes you mad that your city has a AAA credit rating.

    2. You’re looking backwards. Wait until the Dr. Worley lawsuit settlement figure drops and the others. Rating downturn is eminent. You are slow which means retarded in English. Encinitas’s expenditures are well well well beyond their projected revenue.

      You taxpayers are going to take it in the rear end just like Starvin’

    3. “Just you wait”

      The moto of EU losers.

      I’ve been waiting for 15 years, loser.

    4. Phoney- save it for your rants on the Dias loser.

  51. It’s a great story of a wonderful Coastal family Surf Town, turning to LA style shit (which was made fun of for decades of locals) and going by way of Hermosa Beach…. The sellout was spearheaded by a minority swayed by the profits of development including transplants from New Jersey and Barstow. I think the movie should have cameos by Starvin and 🐖👧.

    1. It all started going to shit when a developer built your house.

    2. 9:01 Phony -After the developer, screwed your dad in the ass and your dad was impregnated. Too bad your dad didn’t abort. Word is you’re considered pollution in your neighborhood.

    3. 9:22,

      You seem to be a fundamentally unhappy person.

      Let me suggest that it’s not about what town you live in, but rather the choices you’ve made.

      My advice is to worry less about where other people put their penis. Stop suffering as a victim. Go do some volunteer work. Focus your mind on helping someone else.

      I wish you a better future.

    4. 9:39- well if you’re wrong about me, but I appreciate your kind wishes. Have a good day and we will resist selling out to developers all day every day.

      Too many towns were ruined for the mighty developer profit. Stupid people like Phony should not be running cities.
