Monday, August 28, 2023

San Diego is de-populating

John Burns Research and Consulting:

HT: Bubbleinfo

This data is based on very recent Postal Service change of address forms, and confirms that the long term trends shown in IRS tax migration data continue.


  1. Yet we face ever increasing RHNA numbers. So confusing...

    Did y'all read the news that Tony actually signed a letter opposing SB 423?

    Guess which local state senator has voted to move this bill forward in the state? (hint: typing the name makes many here ill)

  2. Some misunderstand and reverse the causal relationship with housing.

    People are moving out because restricted housing drove up cost of living. Businesses stop growing here if they can’t attract and retain talent willing to pay the price. They expand elsewhere.

    This cycle is bad for the local economy, and not something to celebrate. In the short term, it probably means the price of your home will drop. Over the long term, it means we still have a housing shortage to address, unless you want your employer to axe your job here and move it to Yuma.

    1. If prices drop, then houses will be more affordable.

      People are leaving due to the burdens the state is placing on everybody, city, and employer. Employers have the option to examine their costs and make sound business decisions. It's not wages, it's the extra costs of burdensome regulation and heavy-handed compliance.

      If the jobs are in Yuma, the talent will go to Yuma.

    2. In recent years, San Diego had positive migration only because people were coming from SF, LA, and OC.

      But people have been leaving California overall since long before house prices went crazy.

    3. I’ve been in the room when a large company is making decisions about growth. I helped make some of the decisions.

      The math doesn’t lie.

      To get and retain a certain level of talent in San Diego, you have to pay more, and a big reason for that is the cost of housing in a supply constraint. You can get and retain the same level of talent somewhere else for cheaper, because housing costs are lower.

      I participated in the investment and budgeting process for years, and here’s what I saw:

      Top management of a business division—these are people with access to company jets—they loved San Diego, and wanted to keep their families here. They also wanted middle and lower level staff here to aid in communication, meetings, and managing people. But year by year, the expense gap grew between the cost of talent here, and other places.

      First the compromise was sending the least strategic units like call center to other places. The next year it was manufacturing. The next year it was all new hires. The next year it was legal, hr, and finance.

      Each year the choice was the same: if we keep everyone at the high cost center (San Diego), then we can only afford to invest in growth initiatives A and B. But if we extract savings from a partial workforce realignment to lower cost areas, then we can afford growth initiatives A, B, C, and D. The choice is always to fund more growth initiatives.

      Each year, higher and higher levels of talent are affected, until only the core remains—executive leadership, marketing, R&D, and sales leadership. Eventually, there’s a new CEO, and he brings in new leadership to run the division, and they realize everyone needs to be where 80% of the team is, which used to be San Diego, but isn’t anymore.

      I was part of the process, and I can tell you, there was never a single mention of state regulatory arbitrage. It was always a TCOW conversation, with housing cost and crazy commutes from Temecula and beyond front and center.

      EU’s suggestion that housing cost is a recent and binary phenomenon is bunk. This is a story of incremental change within business planning, and it plays out slowly, over more than a decade.

    4. 12:17 - Solid assessment. Thanks for the input.

    5. Spot on 12:17. I've witnessed similar decisions being made for the last 20+ years by San Diego companies with dozens to thousands of employees. Anyone saying otherwise is full of shit.

  3. Is Stan leaving town? Seems like there's an awful lot of items up for sale.

  4. Why can't more of the Rupublicunts that infect this city move to one of the shithole states led by their fellow morons?

    1. Please move to the utopia of San Jose

    2. If Republican policies worked, then Kansas, Oklahoma, and Alabama would be great places, with rich Republican luminaries all flocking to live there. The people who can afford to live anywhere like Glenn Beck and Tucker Carlson would all move there and talk non-stop about how the policies have created an exemplar—the shining city on a hill. And Trump Co. would be investing heavily in hotels, resorts and golf courses there.

      None of this happens, because in reality, Republican policies are associated with shithole loser areas.

    3. are very odd.

    4. There it is. Division based on a lamé political narrative. To play your buttfuck game name us all the state’s suffering under the retard republicans, then Democrats who have been building fantastic states/cities.
      Seriously I’m betting you’re a double masking pussy. Oh that feeling of smashing stupid square in the dentures.

  5. Just a bunch of right wing reactionaries right? Hopefully California will be left only with the Weiners, Newsoms, Lieu's and their followers. Every city needs to be just like today's modern day San Francisco. Free shit for the taking everywhere! Nobody needs laws as laws are for non democrats only. It will be a glorious utopia.


  6. 9:48 hard to miss, eh?

    Re: depopulation sounds like Kranz might want to “have a conversation” about it.

  7. Sandog will continue to ignore the decreasing population numbers. It doesn't fit well with the developers plan to pave over everything it can with McMansions and barely any set backs or adequate parking so neighbors have to deal with others parking in front of their homes.

    What does this city gain from their Sandog membership? A possible grant or two? Aligning not with our closest neighbors, but with San Diego gives away our autonomy.

    Why did we become a city if we are giving away and getting so little back? Sandog could have helped us lower the tracks and end the physical division of this community that the tracks and the fence have done with no mediation.

  8. What is it that people posting here want? Is it access to the beach, and things closer to the way they were? Or is it higher property values and the ability to sell what you have and move to Mexico/Costa Rica/another US state?

    As far as I'm concerned, the CA economy can go to shit and Im happy where I am. It doesn't sound others are though.

    So what is it that you're here for? Such a strange discussion, when everyone is just looking to get theirs and get out.

    1. Sounds like you already got yours and so fuck everyone else.

      Okay Captain YouPlanet.

      Some people like it here and need to work. Need to have a job that stays here.

    2. 5:01. The peeps want decent, accountable leadership. We want to elect, whenever possible, our city leadership. We don’t want Sacramento or SANDAG telling us what and how much to build. We want a mayor with backbone who fights for their city. We want safe roads. We want our open spaces to stay that way. We want to retain the quality of life our families moved here for. I’d say that’s a decent start and none of it is unreasonable.

    3. 5:41 No, not at all. It's about being content with what you have. We've given up a lot to stay here, and to raise a family here. It seems like some people here, ahem boomers, are never happy, ever. I can see why, to some extent, since you guys had it very good for a long time, especially if you lived here for decades (my parents have).

      I'm asking, what more do you want? People leaving CA IS a good thing. The only other thing that could be better is magical growth that somehow also returns Encinitas to 1980s conditions, and there is no way in hell that will ever happen. You can't even freeze it in place in 10 years from now state.

    4. 9:21,

      There are people who have been here forever and bought in when prices were affordable, so housing cost isn’t an issue for them. These old timers are retiring at a certain rate. The problem is, the young workers who should be replacing them in the work force can’t afford to live here. If employers can’t balance the equation such that the relate of retirement is being replenished by people entering the work force at an affordable level, then employers are forced to move those jobs somewhere else.

      Without employers and jobs, then when someone dies, the only people who can buy that expensive house without a job are trust funders and retired people. And Encinitas becomes a monolithic community of wealthy leisure class people.

      That’s not the surfing, skateboarding, arts, yoga, families with kids place we know.

      You want to talk about changing community character? That’s it.

    5. So 3:08, you are a fan of building in Encinitas? Because all of us, plus our kids, plus our kid's kids aren't going to fit, especially not in homes with yards, in Encinitas, and that's been the case for some time. Most of the people I grew up with (I'm in my early 40s) are in San Marcos, Vista, Village Park, or different states. It's not getting any better for our kids, obviously, and that's not even taking the gazillion people that have moved here.

      Then there are the people that want absolutely nothing constructed at all here. It seems we have a problem, and a community of wealthy leisure class people is basically already here, especially in certain areas that I won't name.

  9. I was down in that shit hole of downtown San Diego this weekend. Freaking place is empty. The people I did see did not appear to be employed people.

    Not heading down there again.

    1. Fentanyl road warrior zone….

      Phony needs to thrown out of his mother in laws home and learn how to care for himself. Always a dependent, always a victim.

      Phony’s the classic failure to launch. 👎🏾

  10. Ok, the corpos are unhappy their serfs are getting priced out. If we stop telling the world "how great" San Diego is, maybe price competition would not be so strong.

    Encinitas as a city sure does it's share broadcasting "we are so great" with chest thumping smugness.

    1) Make it nice, gonna cost more to hang out
    2) Let things decay, gonna cost less to be there
    Can't have it both ways, and no substitutions

    Do we really need never-ending growth?

    For you eco-warriors, constant growth is not sustainble.

    The hidden hand of the market is telling us that San Diego got "too hot" and is now cooling. This boom bust cycle has played out throughout history.

    If Encinitas somehow build all the housing element sites tomorrow. Would we then be forever off the RHNA hook?

    No? then why are we even playing the game?

    1. It’s no game. Tony and the developers are playing for keeps.

    2. “Constant growth is not sustainable”

      Shutting down construction doesn’t stop growth. It just moves it somewhere else.

      And pushing housing further and further from developed areas where jobs are is the worst for the environment. It forces longer commutes, which means more pollution and more traffic for all of us. It also means the exponential lengthening of the boundaries between developed and undeveloped areas—the wildfire defense boundary.

      The more coastal areas shut down housing, the more that housing shifts to Ramona, Alpine, Pine Valley, and Valley Center. And the suburban sprawl that turned LA into the traffic and pollution nightmare that it is will get created here. And if you want to get out into the wild to hike and mountain bike, that access will get pushed ever further away.

      If you want to see what works, travel Europe. France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Belgium—they’ve got it figured out. Dense walkable towns, surrounded by undeveloped pristine rural and undeveloped lands. Miles of green open space between towns. Almost never does one developed town just bleed into the town nextdoor.

      Continental Europe has much higher population density than the US, but you’d never guess it by being there. Undeveloped green space is never far away. It didn’t happen by accident. Fighting suburban sprawl is a choice.

    3. California’s population density is 97/km².

      Belgium’s population density is 386/km².

      Go there. Travel around.

      Then tell come back and tell me suburban sprawl isn’t a huge mistake.

    4. 9:49- that’s funny. Is that why downtown San Diego with everything you describe is empty and freaking gross with a bunch of fentanyl losers?

      Prices tanking both residential, and commercial.

      And people with means amy any opportunity they get move up to North County Coastal?

      Yeah, thought so.

      - your FOS

    5. I've been the Europe many times. Shoebox living shoulder to shoulder. Fun to visit...hell to live.
      No thanks

    6. 9:49 - 100% on point.

    7. 11:04,

      As stated above, Belgium has four times the population density of California.

      Comparing apples to apples, let’s imagine projecting California’s growth into the tutors, until it has four times the population density it has now. Let’s also assume that the historical model of suburban strip malls and freeways sprawl continues unchanged until we have 4x the population we have now.

      Compare what you imagine to be the result with present day Belgium.

      Now, who has the better lane use planning?

    8. Why would you assume any X population growth when California’s numbers are decreasing, not growing?? Source, please.

    9. 1.) It’s a hypothetical, not a forecast.

      2.) Are you seriously looking at this chart and thinking it proves population will continue to decline forever? Because that would be dumb, even by your standards.

  11. 🐷👧, so sorry Phony’s boy Starvin is getting sued by Senator BIA. We know how close you two conspirators are.

    By the way, which one are you posing as on Uncensored?

    1. There are so many idiots on Uncensored that can't show their coward faces with a name attached I've lost track.

    2. 🐷👧 is back doing her thing and spreading outright lies again. Welcome back Thunderhole, you will NEVER win an election in this city.

    3. 9:56, like you, what’s your name?

  12. Notice the only one sucking up to 🐖👧 is Slater Price. They should both just admit they're Republicans and get on with it.

  13. NPP my rear end!!!! Bs! It may be convenient at times, considering the depths to which their party has descended into irrelevancy, but give it up. NPP is a sorry excuse to try to distance themselves from what the right wing party has allowed itself to become.

  14. Thunder on EV claims the GOAT is still “GOING AFTER” citizens for suing her and winning.


    Here’s the truth, and how you can look it up for yourself.

    The GOAT was sued by people she blocked on Facebook for being dicks on her page. They claimed being dickheads was their constitutional right. Before the court ruled on that, a settlement was reached between the parties, and the case was dropped. Nobody won. It was settled.

    As part of the settlement, GOAT agreed to pay a small amount to the plaintiffs that probably wouldn’t even cover their legal expenses, and issue a “me so sorry” for blocking them.

    She did both.

    The dicks then sued again because (a) they didn’t like which account the payment was made out of. She opted to pay from her campaign account, since the whole reason the dicks were on her page harassing her in the first place was political and campaign-oriented. The dicks were vindictive and wanted it to come out of her personal money. Unfortunately, that’s not in the settlement agreement. And (b), they didn’t like the apology. Again, unfortunately, the dicks failed to put specific acceptable language for the apology into the settlement, so the GOAT was free to craft her own.

    This second lawsuit was met with a motion by da GOAT to have the second suit declared a SLAP suit, which is a lawsuit intended to manipulate or restrain the public speech or participation of the person being sued. It clearly was a SLAP suit, and the courts declared it so. Per the court rules around SLAP suits, the defendant is entitled to an award for their attorney’s fees. The GOAT got awarded that money, which made the dicks all sad and stuff.

    Now the dick heads appealed that ruling. The appeal is in process today. So it’s the appellant dick heads who are driving the process. When the dicks appeal, that’s them choosing to fight a judges ruling. The goat isn’t suing them, and isn’t the prime mover. It’s not her call whether and how the appeal ends— that’s up to the dicks and the appeals court judge.

    Thunder is buddies with the dicks, so she is a catchers mitt faced liar when she suggests that the GOAT is “GOING AFTER” anyone. It’s just more sore loser bullshit.

    Don’t trust me; you can read the history of the case for yourself.

    You can find the court’s Register of Actions link here:

    In the ROA search, plug in

    Year: 2022 case: 00038601

    You can download minute orders and other case documents for a small fee. The more you read, the more you realize Thunder is a lying sore loser.

    1. 2:09 spittin facts.

    2. if telling the truth about her makes you a dick....she must really suck

  15. There are plenty of people who are honestly disgusted with their party's extremes, both Republican and Democrat, but people like Thunder takes the legitimacy out of their claims of independence. I hope she runs again, cause there's plenty of people now who can bring to light the truth about her election interference from last year.

  16. One of the problems I see is who can we get to run that will win? Remember 2016 when Verdu and Gonzalez set up large PAC's for Blakespear and Co? The developers run this town, let's be honest., and until we get at least 3 more people like Ehlers, nothing will change. But, unfortunately, most people are not paying attention until their neighborhoods are affected. Then it is too late. Any ideas on how to get intelligent and reputable people on the Council and as Mayor?

    1. Agreed! It will be a challenge.We've got the incumbent dominant party and the developers who want to keep their candidates in place. On the other hand, we've got activists fighting over the right to choose who they find acceptable, or people like Julie and Garvin who decide to play games, using the system and spoilers to affect the outcome. Why would anyone decent want to run?

  17. As much as I respect the residents who give of their time to inform the public about our towns machinations by being in bed with every developer who proposes a project, there are a scant few who I would want to see on the council and most of those that I would support and vote for, know better than to wade into this deep cesspool of corruption.

  18. The truth is that none of these so called "activists" are fit for office. In particular if it's a name from Facebook you recognize as a shit talker, they aren't suited and won't win an election.

  19. Thunder complaining about Newsom's "shadow campaign" is freaking hilarious. What does she call what she did last year with Garvin Walsh?? Hypocrisy much.

    1. 💯. I hope 🐖👧 runs.

      That would be FUN.

  20. Appears she's testing the waters for a run at mayor.

    1. Of course she will. That’s the best thing she can do for Phony.

      💯. I hope 🐖👧 runs.

      That would be FUN.

  21. Thunder does have some imagination to ever consider running after the crap she pulled. Repugnican to the core, always was, always will be. Her NPP status is bs, especially hers.

  22. What does her friend Bruce Ehlers think about that? She’ll fuck up his chances next.

  23. Bruce had the wisdom to stay out of the quagmire that certain candidates relished getting into. Yes, he was acquainted with all of them, but kept his opinions to himself and never came out publicly for any candidate, as much as I would have liked him to do for Cindy. The fix was in thanks to we all know who. What a sheet show it was. Good on you Bruce for knowing better.

  24. Too bad he didn’t help Cindy because now he’s isolated and Tony drives the agenda. 🐖👧 and Morris helped Tony achieve his goals. Stupid to be used like that.

    1. Cindy Cremona, you're kidding right. She would have double crossed everyone.

    2. Unlike 🐷/🐀 👧, right?! 🤣🤣🤣

  25. Double cross? Not like thunder and garvin and the moron did to every resident who cared enough the vote? That was the double cross in the last election.

  26. Only one who’s done any double crossing is you Julie! Oh, I forgot you don’t read this page.

  27. "Double cross" was the Team Morris claim against Cremona that worked like a charm with their slavish true believers. Are they really moving??

    1. Rumored as such - let's hope so!

    2. Selling off their shit including the creeper van yep fingers crossed.

  28. I’m no Morris supporter but I agree, Cindy Cremona would’ve double crossed her supporters. As part of her team I witnessed Cindy in action and yea she would’ve backstabbed her constituents.

    All she cared about was being in the spotlight. Her personality egged it up.

    1. You sound like a typical spoiler candidate fabricator. You know only to deflect, misdirect, and lie. It’s literally all you’ve got and you’re still at it. Can spot you people a mile away.

      If you’re for real then tell us exactly who and how she backstabbed.

    2. Sounds like Julie Thunder and friends. Maybe even buddy Garvin trying to distract from the poison pill Julie is.

    3. 4:47. Haven’t seen or heard from Cindy since the election. Seems like Thunder and Morris are the true attention whores. It was Julie whoring for Tony, then Jeff casting aspersions that was the true backstabbing.

      Their campaigns are over, they lost and their behavior is still disgraceful.

    4. Yet they persist.

    5. I never saw or heard of anything 4:47pm describes.

    6. I have to agree with 4:47, Cindy Cremona running for the opposition was a huge mistake.

      She had no organizational skills, she didn’t meet with people, she only showed up for 2 out of the 3 debates when all the other candidates were present.

      We all know Cindy is a narcissist, just like Jeff.

      Anyone who thinks they have a shot at becoming Mayor without being on council first, or at least living in Encinitas for a lengthy period of time is a narcissist.

      To think you’ll get elected without putting any effort into your campaign, is narcissism at its finest.

      The people recognized that and it showed in the number of votes Cindy received, about as many as Morris.

      Please don’t ever run again Cindy. Hopefully we can get another Bruce Ehlers or a similar personality to run.

  29. Cindy and Jeff received the equal number of votes, what does that say about Cremona?

    1. Except they didn’t.

    2. Well, if you put it that way, Joy and Julie got the same amount of votes but look who’s a council member.

    3. 1:48

      Cindy and Jeff had almost the same amount of votes. What does that say about Cindy?

      “Cindy Cremona came in a distant second at 25.03%, while Jeff Morris ranked third with 23.97% of the vote.” - Coast News

  30. I thought this thread was going to he about the death jab and excess mortality dammit.

    I do know a covidian bloke who's had 7 boosters and had covid 13 times. He frothing for another booster in 2 weeks.

    It's quite amazing he's not dead but he does look like a zombie.


  31. And you are a knuckledragging Banjo boy. Oh, and a liar. Nothing new for you.

    Nobody has had 7 boosters, but it is easy to see you that cannot count much past however many digits you have on your hand.

    1. 5:22 is Vivian Vail.

    2. Said attempt without fearless leader to tell you what to think.

    3. 830 “said”?

    4. Sad, did you really not understand?

  32. Ok.

    And Maui residents didn't get blocked by authorities on Mauis Front Street which caused people to be fried in their vehicles. Pro tip:


  33. You always without fail, change the subject.

    You are correct about the authorities blocking some escape routes from the Maui fire. How about that? You said something that was not bs. Progress.


  34. Harold Ford Jr - 7 boosters

  35. 8:22 Cremona did not get “about as many votes as Morris,” she got more. Asking again for just one specific example of the “backstabbing “ you claim.

    Now that your favorite gun totin, meme makin candidate is out of the way whos your choice in 2024?

  36. 9:39 Cindy received exactly 1% more votes than Morris.

    Jeff Morris - 6,969 votes
    Cindy Cremona - 7,246 votes

    Cindy beat Jeff by a whopping 277 votes.

    I’ll ask again, what does say that about Cindy Cremona when she barely beat the alleged wife beater, Jeff?

    I’ll answer that, people don’t like Cindy!

    1. Believe the wife beating assault happened after the election. Try again.

    2. 9:54 caught in a stupid but typical watch mutt lie. It’s all they know to do.

    3. 10:04
      The Cindy Cremona supporter, probably Cindy herself has lost all credibility.

      Here are the election results including the number of votes between Morris and Cremona.

      Jeff Morris - 6,969 votes

      Cindy Cremona - 7,246 votes

  37. I’d vote for Blobe or even the guy with dog before I’d vote for Cindy again. What a mistake that was.

    1. Ok Leah you can sit back down now.

  38. Cindy’s a grifter a charlatan she’s a phony. Everyone knows she backstabbed Saxony.

    1. Shouldn’t you be busy packing?

    2. 10:01 That you 🐖👧?

    3. 10:15 nope, nice try!

      But let’s face Cindy’s a fraud!

  39. Here are the election results including the number of votes between Morris and Cremona. 277 votes.

    Cremona barely beat Morris, what does that say about Cremona?

    Jeff Morris - 6,969 votes

    Cindy Cremona - 7,246 votes

  40. The losers are still whining over an election they lost almost a year ago. Deflecting from the fact that the former Swamis surfing wife beating grifter had to sell his house and his abused wife had to slink away to shithole Jersey. Meanwhile 🐷👧 still lolls in her 🐖sty with Starvin and the Dunce feeding her scraps.

  41. So again, what does that say about Cindy Cremona when she only beat Jeff Morris by 200 votes?

    1. What does it say about you that you supported him and continue to do so?

    2. Only brain damaged morons like Jeff and his followers wouldn't understand the obvious reason why.

    3. Haha wow. You sound as unhinged your candidate.

    4. 12:30 I didn’t vote for Morris, I voted for Cremona and regret it. Just like Turney who was slaughtered by Hinze so what Cremona for running a shit campaign.

      Cindy, the best thing you can do for this town is move back to New York, take your dachshunds and pony with you.

    5. Why regret your vote? Who do you now wish you had voted for?

      Only a Morrisite would tell Cremona to move back to NY. Why would she have to move? Sorry bub but your logic has some serious gaps. Not buying your story.

    6. Hey Cindy, I live on Saxony, I’m not Jeff nor was I a Morris supporter. Yes, you back stabbed our entire street with your attempt to align with your an attempt to align with the local development.

      Where’s all your campaign money going, I want a refund, loser.

    7. Funny, the only ones claiming an alignment with the developer were the Morrises. Without proof of course it’s their stock in trade.

  42. Good question, what will Cindy Cremona do with her campaign funds that she raised?

  43. Go back to NY Cindy! You fooled us all, grifter.

  44. Sounds like someone’s butt hurt cause their crush boy fled town without a 💋 goodbye

  45. 1:31 sounds to me like Cindy and Susan Turney are butt hurt for losing at everything. The only person that’s had worst results than Cremona and Turney is Morris and the “dog guy” who ran against Blakespear in 2018.

    1. Losing at everything? Ok.

    2. Turney lost to our 3rd grade councilwoman, Kellie Hinze, by about 66%. Susan Turney also got nailed and fined by the FPPC. She took lead on Cremona’s campaign and the results were atrocious.

      They just keep losing.

      All hail the GOAT.

  46. All hail Blakespear the GOAT. My prediction is she will be your next Governor and Cremona will run home to NY out of embarrassment.

    1. Only ones running are your pick for mayor and his wife. Get over it.

  47. Moron for Mayor trying to get some last punches in before fleeing town. Better than literally beating his wife and kids again I suppose.

    1. Exactly. Can smell ‘em from far off.

    2. 2:30 2:37 how many times do these people have to tell you that they didn’t support Morris? Are you really that stupid.

      I’ll pick up where the other person left off.

      1. What is Cindy going to do with the campaign money she raised and didn’t use?

      2. What does it say about Cindy Cremona when she only had 200 more votes than the alleged wife beater, Morris?

      Simple questions to answer!

    3. That you should be asking her. Weird of you to come here looking for answers.

    4. 3:30 I am asking her. Cremona’s on this page, just as Turney is!

      So, we’re still waiting for an answer.

    5. Hold your breath.

  48. Why would Jeff Morris insult himself by calling himself a wife beater, think about it moron, this is reason Cremona’s team lost so badly, they have zero common sense.

    It’s the reason you morons had only 200 more votes than the alleged wife beater.

    The old saying rings true, you can’t fix stupid.

    FYI, for the 6th time now, I didn’t vote for Morris and never supported him. So, trying to continually associate me with Morris, is just more proof at how dishonest Cremona is.

  49. 7:23 yes of course, blame this entire thread on Stan.

    Everyone else in Encinitas must of course just love Cremona and Turney.

    After all both Cremona and Turney had an extremely low number of votes. Stan nearly tied Cremona and Hinze crushed Turney by nearly double the votes.

    So, of course it must be the “stench of Stan”, keep telling yourself that everyone in the community loves you two characters.

    Just another reason why people didn’t vote for Cremona, Stan and Turney. They’re disassociated from reality. Just like Dr. Nutbird!

  50. Replies
    1. Captain Obvious is worried now that his and Phony's spoiler is gone that Cindy or Susan might run for their district. Making sure he starts the smear campaigns early.

    2. Well, after all he owes Phony or is it the other way around?

    3. 9:32 stupidest thing said today! Deflect deflect deflect that’s all you’ve got.

  51. 11:21am. Spot on. I will take the bet any day that Cindy and Susan will not run for office in the future.

    This clueless moron poster is pulling 'stuff' out of his/her rear end, or his brain, which amounts to about the same thing.

  52. What we can be sure of is Garvin and Julie working the rumor mill with whisper campaigns and false rumors. Julie has grudges to maintain and like her once used and now Jersey bound bff, will smilingly kiss her enemies asses while she stabs them in the back.

    None of this is about Cindy or Susan, now forgotten former candidates. The next election is coming up quick and these two want a part of the action again. Julie might be able to fool Pam, Bruce and Leah, but lots of us are wise to her shenanigans and a few of us are waiting for the opportunity to expose her lies. Garvin will always be a grasping outsider and Susan Turney made it publicly clear who's side his bread is buttered on.
