Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Are AirBnBs and vacation homes causing the “housing crisis”?

This sure doesn’t look like a problem of too few housing units for the population:

After, all we had a massive glut of houses just 15 years ago — the government was handing out huge tax credits to buyers just to try to soak up the inventory! Since then, we’ve kept building even with very slow population growth — and no growth in California.

Being one of the most desirable vacation places in the country, Encinitas surely has more than its fair share of AirBnBs and second homes for the wealthy.

Is mandated high density development just bringing us more AirBnBs and vacation condos?


  1. All of the new multi-family projects (i.e. high density) have restrictions against leasing as short term rentals.

    What we need is rent control and a vacancy tax.

    1. You’re so out of the loop. Blackrock/state street own 3 houses on my street alone (Cardiff). Gtfo you grifting pot bellied bottom feeder. Submarine attny. Eat every knob with a $ sign buddy. #marcocantsurf

    2. MG,
      Instead of telling what’s wrong with the free enterprise system, tell us what it’s like at family gatherings with your sister and soon to be ex- brother in law??

    3. Development can’t be piece meal and chaotic like the approach Encinitas is encouraging. It’s absolutely a developer give away with nothing substantial for low income. Leucadia will get ruined and 101 will look like downtown Huntington Beach. This needs to get addressed and guess what hack law firm at the south end contributed to this?

    4. What is the alternative?

    5. There's less barf in downtown HB

    6. You said “ family gatherings “ this fat p. O. S. Is more concerned with a free payday vs actually doing something positive FOR THE HOMEOWNERS OF ENCINITAS. This war pig 52” waistline son of a shit stain has nothing-NOTHING positive, productive for home owners. He has sucked the cash out of that cock so now he’s all about the homeless grift. He reminds me of crystal on YouTube he’s just a rotund corpo suck. F him. Move on.

    7. You helped open the flood gates and now pretend you're a lifeguard.

    8. Marco, you’re a Commie. And more more importantly, you are an ignorant Commie. Rent control does not work.

      Man, some of you attorneys are ridiculous. Go chase some ambulances.

    9. The alternative is more affordable in the density calculation. Minimal set backs or zero lot line usually just makes bad neighbors. Requiring no parking in this area completely absurd. But let’s be real, the intention is not about affordable and never was, it’s ALL ABOUT a developer give away and our Mayor is just a developer tool as well as the non environmental lawyers parading as benevolent while solely cashing in with no care or concern for our community.

    10. MG is what intelligent people define as a stupid smart person.

      Has he ever accomplished anything in life that has benefitted another human being without lining his pockets and
      fucking someone over?

      Not a rhetorical question

    11. 3:30- At one time Marco was an environmental attorney and did quite a lot for the environment. But I guess he didn't find that as lucrative as developers payments. These days he is into catching large fish in the ocean. I wonder if he is retired, as he is on about every FB group that will allow him to on it. But I do remember a time when he really did help protect the environment.

  2. Part of the Air BnB investor calculus is rising home equity value. Even if an AirBnB is break even on a cash flow basis, as long as home prices rise, there is a positive return down the road.

    I’m not denying that short term rentals, hedge fund investment, and Chinese investors aren’t taking inventory off the market. They are. But constraints on production contribute to a supply-demand imbalance that actually enhances and rewards those business models in a positive feedback loop.

    1. As the Plato Place project clearly displays, the city council shills are whores. Sucking every developer dick. They especially enjoy the big boys - Shea, Lennar, Toll - knob-gobblin', self-dealers.

  3. And Marco's clients the Clark developers, who feigned their desire to be good neighbors when they wanted to get their project approved, not responding to Clark residents asking them to remove homeless vagrants from abandoned buildings on their development site property and blowing them off. Now we come to learn, vagrants are setting fires on that property, putting Clark residents in danger. What's worse in this town? The developers or the vagrants?

    1. What’s worse?? Bottom feeding attorneys.

    2. They are actually called submarine attnys. I’ve crushed a few in patent/trademark law. Marco is a burrito business buster. Check his creds, the just spend 10 minutes talking to his former classmates. It’s way to easy. He is a leaky diaper. Not even a prominent problem. They all laugh at him.

  4. Worst are the local insiders - using the council tools to cash-in and enrich themselves while steamrolling voters / tax-payers. They are entitled!

    1. If that is a valid criticism, not saying it is or isn't, what is the alternative???

    2. You’re kidding right? We are the worst run city in coastal north county. Our corruption and insider politics are well known, as is how hopeless it is to fix. Blakespear killed it and Kranz is putting the nail in the city’s coffin.

    3. I don't think Blakespear's predecessors were unfriendly to developers, at all.

    4. Blakespear was the developer 🐐, hands down.

    5. She’s on par with stocks.

    6. Fun fact: when corruption is “well known,” you don’t need any evidence.You just say it on a blog anonymously and everyone will think it’s true.

    7. Let’s hear your theory as to why our city is such a shitshow.

    8. It’s not.

      It’s actually a nice place to live. Well run, too. AAA credit rating. Nice amenities. I like that the losers don’t talk about the Cardiff Rail Trail anymore, because it’s nice and people love it.

      The real question is why you choose to stay in a place you obviously hate.

    9. Nice platitudes, but that's all they are. The city has a homeless problem, theft issues, parking issues, traffic, cost of living.... and never mind the excessive drive to stuff in thousands of people with soon to be built density high rises in a city even the current mayor says is at capacity.

    10. 9:30,


      I thought it was corruption. Sounds like you’re changing your story. Interesting.

      Well, if these things are a leadership problem, then maybe you can tell us about a city or cities in coastal SoCal that don’t have a homeless problem, crime, parking or traffic issues, etc.

      I’d love to hear about how leadership has solved these problems elsewhere.

    11. Del Mar and Solana Beach do not have homeless problems.

      Why is it we have all this development without street upgrades and improvements (it's in the city charter), but density projects are being approved with endless others in the works? How is it we still haven't complied with our RHNA numbers, when Blakespear told HCD we had? How did Clark and Piraeus end up getting switched with L7 at the last moment? Why did Streetscape cost $65M and still need more money when the work is shoddy and looks nothing like the plans the council promised and is still not completed? There's a lot of other less glaring issues that are ongoing in this city that those who pay attention to can't help wondering about. Pacific View also comes to mind.

      Even if you think this pathetic city council isn't corrupt, at the least, they are incompetent and incapable. Maybe you should stop by a council meeting now and again and listen to oral communications.

    12. Solana Beach and Del Mar don’t have a homeless problem?

      Not sure how you can know that, since the homeless count data lump together Solana Beach, Del Mar, and Encinitas into a single area for reporting purposes.

      What’s your data source?


    13. Our North County Sheriff's Deputies. They will be the first ones to tell you where the problems are - far more reliable resource than yours.

    14. 2:07.

      Oh. I see.

      So you stopped a random Sheriff on the street and said, “Excuse me my good man. It’s possible that in the near future I will get into an anonymous debate on a blog, and I need to ask you a few questions so that I might appear credible and win the debate. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions about your subjective perception of the relative population of homeless people in various cities? No? Great. Here’s a questionnaire listing the various questions for which your answers might be helpful to me.”

      I’m not sure that sounds as plausible as you pulling stuff out of your ass.

    15. FYI, The sheriff has spoken twice in council chamber in the last two weeks, showing slides and personal experience with the new homeless influx.

      do more than type

    16. He talked about Del Mar and Solana Beach?

      You suck at this.

    17. Rolling Hills has no homeless, or traffic

  5. The Florida hurricane isn’t even real. It is just a MSM deep state operation the Fletcher/Gonzales crime family created to distract us. Hurricane Idalia. Idal=B in Castilian. B-I-A. Only Trump can saves us, prey to him.

    1. I saw a Sharpie edited map that shows the hurricane hitting all states that voted for Biden.

  6. Yesterday we learned that Rudy Guliani was drunk most of the time during the big lie, and Trump knew his legal advice was not reliable.

    Today we learned that Giuliani is guilty of defaming two election volunteers in Georgia.

    Trump only hires the best people. Like drunk, broke, hair dye stained, four seasons landscaping press conference scheduling, COVID farting, proven liars.

    Everyone around Trump is a scumbag. Oh, but I’m sure he’s totally innocent.

  7. Marco G. is a bottom feeding attorney as is his Coast Law Group. Have you ever met such a narcissistic, pretentious, self-righteous thief?

    1. yes, and he ran for mayor.

    2. Back to the tough guys and gals behind anonymous accounts. Come on out into the light. It's refreshing. Losers.

    3. Like you don't post anonymously yourself, tough guy.

    4. Speedy G is a bottom feeder - a self-righteous, pompous

    5. You want to have a square up? Name your spot fat fuck ? Balls in your court ( and chin) but come talk your idiocy in the ring ??? I’m sure one of his 5 drs are telling him to “tone it down fat boi”!!!

    6. Wow.

      Anon douches really get mad when they can’t compete with logic and evidence.

      Buncha sad limp dicks peacocking, methinks.

    7. How about tough brother-in-laws who use their positions as a board member to pray on young victims?

    8. It’s “brothers in law.” Sheesh. No fan of MG but man, you WDers out yourselves every time!

    9. 8:01- you assume too much and are wrong again. My comment was brother in laws. Plural. I was not specifically referring the MG.

      You did that 🖕🏾

    10. Reading comprehension isn’t for everyone.

    11. 6:10 that is not the plural go look it up. And don’t look now but you’ve got toilet paper stuck to your shoe LOL.

    12. 5:25: You want to jump in the ring but you don't even have the guts to put your name on that dipshit borderline incomprehensible comment? Lol...

  8. 11:17 so many questions you should ask Kranz as he along with Muir and Mosca was part of the "conversation" and deal made with the QGD folks to pull L7 last minute. Let us know how long you wait to hear back.

    1. The real laugh is how the city is now going to screw those Encinitas Ranch folks who hired an attorney to get L7 taken off the table. Guess they didn't realize that was only a temporary bandaid for our housing woes. Meanwhile Lennar and Western National will make bank on their projects.

      Interesting how Hinze was 'absent' for both the Clark and the Piraeus appeals. District 2 voters should remember this when she campaigns next year for re-election.

    2. Hired an attorney? Hardly. The 3 amigos Kranz, Muir, Mosca rolled over with no legal threats needed. Ask Kranz what he agreed to behind closed doors.

      The joke's on Quail Gardens residents and the rest of us are enjoying their freak out immensely.

    3. Took 30 minutes to go 3 blocks to the freeway on Encinitas Blvd. - it will only get worse when these high density developments are completed. This City council are sell outs and the Queen sell out went to the State Senate. Only Ehlers represents the residents.

  9. Charles Hugh Smith is often a good read. He tends to veer often into a full on bearshitter . He definitely has some pretty decent accuracy. The idea of a vacancy tax is pure lunatic fringe crap but the truth is the Marxists running California are pretty much all fringey loons.

    Maybe move to Toronto where the loons and the communists play?


  10. Do you frequently share posts from the far right Powerline blog? 🐷👧 does. How does anyone believe anything she says.

    "Overall, we rate Power Line strongly right-biased based on story selection that always favors the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources that have failed numerous fact checks, as well as rejecting the consensus of science when it comes to climate change."


    1. This isn't a good situation. Even if she doesn't run again, the Thunderhole will drag down whoever she supports. The voters know.

    2. 4:20 (too funny) what's your favorite source?
      Southern Poverty Law Center?

    3. Predator Law Center

  11. Those matchstick boxes on the corner of Vulcan Avenue and La Costa Ave. lots of wood sticks and sure looks precarious.

    I sure would not want to live next to those boxes that block sunshine all day long. Plus, Tony took away the ocean view for many east of the boxes and gave it to the developer for some unknown gift.

    1. and maybe some suspect plan changes with roof heights.

      Don't forget the Jewel Box of the rental center

  12. Ask Speedy G - he was helping sell "affordable homes" to wealthy investors..

  13. She who never reads this blog doth protest and wants one of us here to rat the stalker out.

    Ok, I fold. It’s me!

    1. 7:11- Where did you read this and who are you talking about?

    2. EV. 🐷👧wrote a post about being targeted on this blog with a big pic of an anonymous hooded stalker. Say she knows who it is. Asking people who know who it is to private message her (maybe she should change her name to 🐀👧). Don’t think she realizes how many people know what she did or doesn’t remember how many people she told she was backing Phony. Guess Lorrie who also knows the truth took it down.

    3. Lorri did remove it. The ratfink call to action + the stalker meme was too much.

    4. I guess she didn’t like it when I called her out for being a liar, and told people exactly how they could go look up the case file from superior court to see for themselves.

      Trumpers hate when their lies are fact checked with actual primary sources.

      “I’m a victim of stalking.” Really means: “It makes me have hurty feelers when my lies are exposed.”

    5. Can’t wait till 🐀👧outs her stalker. Let’s see, who shall it be?

    6. Fact checking violates my first amendment right to have my lies accepted as truth.

    7. Shoutout to the Enc. Votes member who stalks my posts on this page so they can criticize me in nasty disgusting ways on Enc. Undercover: Your constant display of hate toward me is very sad. I hope you find love and happiness someday. Me? I'll continue to ignore you and your pettiness.

      If anyone here knows who this man or woman is, please contact me so I can out them. I'm pretty sure who it is but need confirmation.
      Lorri Greene - please don't remove this. This person waits for me to post here then runs right over to the other page and copies my post from HERE to attack me in a very cowardly way. This has been going on for 8+ months, since last November at least.

      Signed 🐷👧

    8. Nothing says “I’ll continue to ignore you” like posting about it on multiple sites.

    9. 1:43 what makes you think it's an EncinitasVotes individual poster? Without an IP address how would anyone prove any authorship? Your request is very strange.

  14. If the RHNA for affordable units in Encinitas is 838 and 15% of units in new developments are affordable, it will take 5,587 total units to reach the RHNA.

    1. 🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷 developers lackies for selling Encinitas.

      Phony and commie MG biggest developer ticks.

    2. 11:01, are you a fear mongering liar, or simply dumb and uninformed.

      Every R30 unit counts against RHNA targets.

    3. It’s the meager percentage of affordable units per R30 that will have us owing the state. Blakespear knew and abused it and Tony is just carrying her water further, hence L7 and ECR.

    4. Tony’s neighbors should all request and get granted R65 zoning and build five story affordable housing apartments next to Tony’s mother-in-law’s property.

      See how he enjoys being boxed in and out the light cut off. Maybe he would move and see what it’s really like to support himself and enjoy liberty.

      What a pathetic victim mentality. He should be a great example to our youth of what not to do. Failure to launch loser. 👎🏾

    5. Tony's neighbors? Wouldn't that make life hell for them, too? Some folks on here don't think too straight.

    6. 6:29 a.m., you're up early but you don't know what you're talking about. Before you post, get the facts straight.

    7. 11:10,

      All R30 units count against RHNA quota, not just the deed restricted units.

      There are two ways to get credit for RHNA units. The first is to do a rent study to prove that certain zoning conditions naturally result in market rate housing that meets the state definition of affordability.

      The second path is R30, under the assumption that this higher density divides the cost of the dirt under the building among a larger number of units, thus generally lowering the cost. You can argue about whether that’s a good assumption or a bad assumption. But you can’t argue about whether that is the assumption built into state housing law. It is.

      The first option—the housing study to prove that certain zoning conditions historically result in affordable housing—in practical terms it’s only possible in cheaper inland areas. In coastal communities, the second (R30) option is the only viable one.

      Every parcel zoned R30 has an estimated unit potential, and all of those estimated units count against RHNA quota.

    8. Right, but we lack RHNA units only in the lower income bands. There is not "count against" quota when you've already exceeded it for the higher income levels. Nice sleight of hand for those who don't know any better but it won't get you far in the real world.

    9. HCD: "[Encinitas] has a regional housing need allocation (RHNA) of 1554 housing units, of which 838 are for lower-income households."

      Since developers are allocating only 15% of total units for lower-income households, 5,587 units will have to be built to yield 838 for lower-income households.

  15. Phony and commie MG are the biggest developer ticks selling out Encinitas every chance they get.

  16. Jiminy crickets.

    Could the empty trains blow their fricken horns any freaking more and louder?

    They should tie down Tony next to the train tracks for 48 hours to enjoy his fricken empty train noise.

  17. Dr. Looni posted a weird long rambling post on EV that wandered between subjects and kept coming back to being about her. The words “I” “me” and “my” feature prominently.

    But she begins the post with a weird non sequitur about how many people read EV and wondering if people from Encinitas Now read EV. It was really odd and out of place, having nothing to do with the rest of the post.

    So I went over to Encinitas Now to see if she was responding to something. That’s when it hit me. I never pay attention to the numbers, but Encinitas Now currently has more than 3x the number of members compared to EV.

    Pretty sure that wasn’t the case not too long ago.

    And I’m sure it’s eating her alive. She bases her whole self-worth on controlling things. Probably drives her nuts that her group is relatively small and lacking in influence compared to other groups. I bet she looks at that number daily.

    Maybe spend less time worrying about control and more on just being a better moderator.

    1. I guess that’s better than an anonymous poster worrying and obsessing over an older woman who runs a local political FB page.

    2. Beat me to it.

    3. Go read the post. Then ask yourself what the reference to Encinitas Now has to do with anything.

      The subtext is clearly that Dr. L considers herself a power broker. She desperately wants to influence and control who runs, and who wins in next year’s elections. She thinks she has power, and it’s like a drug.

      But then she goes to EN and sees that they have over 3x the membership.

      I bet this was the source of her crisis that caused her to freak out and threaten to go private. The realization that she did not have the power she craves probably drove her off the deep end.

    4. Hmmmm, seems you want to desperately convince yourself and others of Dr. Lorri’s desperation. Obsessed much?

    5. 8:05,

      Okay. Read the post and offer up your interpretation.

      What do the mentions of Encinitas Now and readership numbers have to do with the rest of the post?

    6. Who gives a shit?

    7. Does your “who gives a shit? We can’t talk about this.” Also apply to Marco?

      They are both private citizens who put themselves in the public eye and are actively involved in local politics.

      They should be in the same category, right?

    8. EN is totally living in her head rent free. When Lorri changed the name of EV to all capital letters I know for a fact it was a direct result of her feeling that EN was getting better search rankings.

    9. 10:39 That's because you don't understand one of the many unwritten rules of EV. Enemies of Lorri and her friends are all fair game regardless of their lack of public figure status. Conversely actual public figures that she supports are off limits.

      There's several Lorri apologists that regularly leap to her defense and are blind to the obvious hypocrisy.

  18. Stan used my pic in previous posts.
    - Hooded gentleman

    1. I’m not tracking. A little help?

  19. I interpret it to mean that Julie and Jeff use the same memes.

  20. How dare you presume I'm a Fox News viewer
    - The Barstowic One

  21. And once again..."everything the left does, they destroy"
    Simply look at the state of the state of California and the U.S
    And now your kids are being taught to be some"things" they aren't. You people need to wake up and die right.

    1. In shithole loser state news, Louisiana just lost one of only two pediatric heart transplant doctors in the state due to anti-gay legislation.


    2. BTW, I went down the rabbit hole to figure out the origins of the Florida “Don’t say gay” bill. It’s proponents claimed third graders were being taught about homosexuality.

      The roots of that claim are thus: Florida had a teachers guide with lesson plans and guidance on how to run specific lessons. One of the lessons for third graders was to draw a picture of their family, and write a sentence or two describing something they do together for fun.

      The lesson guide included the possibility that a student might draw a non-traditional family. And the guidance was basically for the teacher not to be an asshole.

    3. Remember when the word "gay" meant happy?
      Now it is a definition of a mental defect.

  22. And once again, the right wingers show their hate for America and all it stands for as the beacon of light to the world.

    And once again for the knuckle dragger, all it once stood for, until the America hating right wingers betrayed our nation for a traitorous domestic pos that they continue to support.

    91 felonies. How many more will it take? Never mind. We know it could be a thousand and they would still follow that lowest of cretins over the cliff where your party of choice is destined to end up.

  23. Once again, you’re an idiot, I want to get your own national battle blog…, this blog is for local issues

    1. The leftists that ruin the state of california are ruining the local area. Mandating ghetto apartments. Don't you people get it? Wake up. transgender crap in classrooms, the lies of man made global warming, everyone is the same.....gawd...wake up. It's all a lie

    2. Maybe if the Republicans got their shit together, put up better and more moderate candidates - hint, no pro lifer will ever get elected in this state - they can help get better balance in government instead of complaining about it.

    3. You see folks, you still don't get it. It's the leftists, not democrats. The good democrats have surrendered their party to the America hating leftists. Wake up...
      I hate politics and am not a member of any party.
      And behind it all? The chinese...wake up

  24. 11:09- 0.01% own you.

  25. "Everything the Right does is good for the Gander"

  26. It's also funny that Lorri has posted about Encinitas Now hundreds of times. I've never seen a single mention of Lorri or EV from Encinitas Now. 😆

  27. This is Lorri Greene. I don't know how to make my name appear, like Marco does, so you shall just have to trust this is the real me. I was blocked on Encinitas Now when they first came online. I asked who the adm. was. I honestly didn't think it was a big deal to ask, as most other FB groups show who the adms. are. However at that point I was blocked. Yes, I would like to be on that page, so I can see what other folks in the community think. But it isn't going to happen. Now, for the other things that have been mentioned about me. I am turning 76 next Weds. so to be honest I have no desire do do much in our city if no one cares about the number of homes being built, that are under the guise of low income, when they are not. If you all want traffic the way it is getting, like the Cardiff cycle trail, like all of the other things that go against the original city plan, then I have no problem with that. I have lived here since 1983, and have been on 2 Commissions, tried to make some sense of what has been going on, etc. Botton line, never thought of myself as a power broker, although I was once asked to run for City Council by the developers in this town. I turned down the invitation as it came with a lot of conditions. Encinitas Votes has been up almost 9 years, with basically me and Glen being the adms. As far as I am concerned, it could just as easily be shut down, except there is nowhere else, except maybe Nextdoor, that people can share "the other side of the story". If everyone is happy with the current regime, then I can rest, read, paint, and do other things I would actually rather do than take the B.S. that comes from other people. I love Cardiff, and I love where I live. My kids cannot afford to live here, and that's OK. I purchased my twin home in 1984 for $115,000. It has two stores, with views on both stories. I was raised to believe in being honest, fair, and kind. I was also raised to fight if need be. And I have been clubbed by cops for protesting Vietnam; fought for Roe v Wade, after my best friend died of a "back alley abortion"; and spent 35 years as a psychologist, before my license was taken due to politics. I wish I could share more about that, but it is confidential information and I could get sued, which I have no interest in doing. I still do pet loss counseling and have a still best selling book entitled "Saying Goodbye to the Pet You Love (2002): New Harbinger:Oakland. So ask me anything. I am not a wealthy woman, even though my home value has shot through the roof. I am actually a Democrat that is rather distressed at the Party at the moment. I don't post much on this blog, although I do read it a couple of times a week. I read it when Julie Thunder was upset about my taking down her post about stalking. She was upset with me as well for taking it down. I told her many people have had their comments or posts placed in this group, and some of the names that I and others have been called, are just names. No one has ever tried to harm me physically, except a couple of e-bikers, and I think it's great that a blog like this is up and running. My latest post on EV was to get involved in the city if you don't like the way things are going. The house was packed when Blakespear tried to fire Bruce Ehlers from the Planning Commission for something he wasn't even doing at the time. NOW, he is on the Council, and in my opinion, doing a great job. I'll stop now, but open to questions, shaming, agism, etc. After spending as many years as I did listening to other people's problems, and having my license taken the way it was, I guess I should have learned to shut up. But that has never been my way, and I may as well keep going until you don't see my name anywhere. I truly wish the best for our beautiful city. In spite of the changes, I still love it here.

    1. Good, honest post Lorri- no torpedoes from me. 😀

      Have a great Labor Day weekend and I hope you enjoy your sunset years.

    2. how much of what Lorri says is even true. Several years ago she posted a photo of a girl at Woodstock and claimed it was her. LOL WRONG! Google image search showed it was a girl in the 2000s who wore a 60s costume and took a photo at the Woodstock city limits sign. The girl has this photo on her own instagram, including posts showing how she put her outfit together and what filters she used to age the photo

    3. Her lies are nuts.

      Yesterday she claimed the actor from Happy Days blocked her view. Today she says her home has views from both levels.

      She said that she didn’t lose her professional license, then she could easily get it back, then it was political.

      Her page description is a lie. It says the page is for all viewpoints. But here she admits it’s for people who are opposed to city council. And she manipulates it toward that end, blocking people who are critical of challengers.

      She accused a council person of sexual assault, then deleted it and told him publicly how much she enjoyed working with him.

      She’s a narcissistic control freak who makes every subject about her, and every moderating decision about what pleases her. She demands periodically that people demonstrate fealty and stroke her ego.

      “Oh. I’m so frail and old and tired. You people have made this so hard on me. I feel so unappreciated. Maybe I should end this Facebook group. Come on now. Tinker bell is going to die if you don’t clap hard enough. Everyone adore me and shower me with praise, that I might be able to continue running this Facebook group that doesn’t matter anyway.”

      Gimme a break, lady. Get over yourself.

  28. Sorry for not putting in paragraphs, but I really had to leave and wanted this up.

    1. No problem. Enjoy this beautiful weather.

    2. Thanks Lorri, ignore the angry, petulant baiter who's got a bone to pick. Have a great long weekend!

  29. Dear Lorri, it is great to see you here, especially since non-members of EV cannot view the daily posts anymore. I miss having that privilege, but realize you have your reasons.

    I have been a defending supporter of yours in my own way for decades for who you are and what you have stood up for
    going back to the Freedom Rider times.

    Peace and love Lorri.

    1. 3:56. This is Lorri. I thought everyone could read the EV posts so I’ll check when I get home. Can you tell me about how long it’s been since you couldn’t read it? I’ll check the settings and make sure it’s readable. This is the first I’ve heard about this and I’ll change it if META will let me. Love what you said about Freedom Fighters. Yes, those were hard times and they would only let men on those busses. Filner was a Freedom Fighter. I have said I walked with MLK, which is true. I’ve been shamed for that for some reason. When I asked him how he dealt with the hate, he said “ If everyone likes you, you stand for nothing “ So I’ve fought and probably will until in scattered to the sea, which I’ve already paid to have done. I would love a paddle out, but that’s just a wish. Anyway I’ll check EV’a settings when I return home. Maybe you can let me know if you can then see it. My email is lgreene98@aol.com.

    2. MLK was right, "if everyone likes you, you stand for nothing" Look at Mali Woods Drake and Blakespear, two women the EV crowd loves to moan about, but MLK's logic definitely applies to them.

    3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤮

      Comparing a Nothing Mali racist bitch, and the 2nd WOAT…. Too funny.

  30. Well, it appears we have our share of pos domestic terrorists on this thread and guess what? They are all from one party.

    Why don't you wake the f up and try showing some loyalty to the nation that allows you to be a pos all you want?

    1. And that would be the party that 2nd WOAT, WOAT, MG, the predator and wifey in tow, and Mali are in.... 🤮🤮🤮🤮

  31. After denying it numerous times, now you admit to losing your license but it was political? 🤣

    You offered to pay your son in law to find out who was behind Encinitas Now. When that failed you publicly offered to pay people to hack it. They got caught and you got banned.

    There's more but I'm not going to read through all that. Try to keep your lies straight. 🙄

    1. Is he at The Office already? Never too early.

    2. 3:53. I still have 2 licenses, just not my psychologist license. The psychology license was very political but it would have cost me $50,000 to fight it and I didn’t care that much. As for EN yes I did want to know who administered it and now I do. Bring it on.

    3. Lorri, you keep telling people that you were blocked from EN simply for asking who the admin was, but that is not true. You were blocked because the admin of EN read your post in EV suggesting that someone "hack" EN to find out who was behind the group.

    4. Also, Lorri's shoplifting conviction is public record.

  32. Stop giving Lorri attention. That's what she wants. That's why she mentions her pet book every chance she gets, oh and "I walked with MLK and once played poker with Bob Dylan"...how many times have we heard those stories over and over and over. She needs attention. All of her posts scream LOOK AT ME. LOL She even worked "the council doesn't like me" in her long rant on EV, inflating her own importance. Lorri, the council does not care. Seriously.

    1. And you care about her getting attention why?

    2. LOL I don't care about her getting attention. But her constant attempts to GET attention become hard to ignore. Her biggest cry for attention was when she kept posting Suicidal posts on FB and then was offended when someone was concerned and sent the cops to her help.

    3. a whopping 5 comments is all her EV post got. EV is not relevant to most people. It's the same members commenting over and over, not a robust conversation. It may have a lot of members, but they definitely are not active. A good moderator sets the tone and engagement. Lorri fails miserably at that. She kicked out good people but kept the Pam Slater Prices and Fred Laras...that says a lot.

    4. “Hard to ignore?” It’s called scroll past. I think you do care, deeply.

  33. Dr.Looni was caught red handed just a few weeks ago on this very blog. She was posting in her own defense while pretending to be someone else. I'll bet that most of these comments are also her.

    1. Probably lonely… happens to old folks on their way out.

    2. Get it out of your systems folks. Keep making me out to be the worst human being on the planet, and I will be thrilled I could help you out. Better a keyboard warrior, than someone coming at me in real life. And Jerome, you really do have too much time on your hands. I am overly gracious to you on EV and you continue to spread your lies and misconceptions about me. But you know what, I still won't talk about what happened to me, that is so disgusting, I could write a paper on it. And it is not because you put your hands on my boobs, if you think that is it. Same Party though.

  34. The guy that explains that the rare is completely underutilized and doesn’t really serve anyone is spot on

    Quit wasting hundreds of millions of dollars on this nonfunctional rail, alignment and converted to have trail like many others have done including New York City


    There’s a much better way forward. Listen to City of Del Mar councilmember Dan quirk… he’s very knowledgeable on the topic

  35. This guy is smart.


    Phony, The Town Dunce is the opposite.

  36. Lorrie, FYI, Jeff Morris has a new profile and FB page. I’m sure he’s trolling EV and here too.

    Jeff, if you move, can you take 🐷👧with you?

    1. Please Stan…. 🙏

      She will make a great pet and only shits four times a day.

    2. I'm nobody's pet!
      - 🐀👧

  37. The people that hate lorri are some on Encinitas biggest losers. The sellout/dumbass Stocks was the OG sellout to developers, he was owned by developers and dropped like the deuce he is when voters kicked him to the curb. Jeff, the mission beach coke head whose brain is so fried he thinks 3rd deserves a participation trophy. Jeff couldn’t sell finance services, dick implants or voters and his Tranny Devito wife can’t sell RE even during the peak market. Being a Jeff follower is probably the only thing worse than being Jeff. Basically, everyone that hates on lorri has a long record of being a loser that only real estate developers like because they are useful idiots. Nobody is perfect but I would take lorri over any of her perpetually losing detractors any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

  38. How's that whole lawsuit involving Blakespear blocking people on social media thing looking...any updates?

    1. Uggg BIA… I hate that word.

      What a horrible bitch. that woman put serious damage to Encinitas. I wish he’d keep her wighter than white racist family in her mommies compound and leave the rest of Encinitas out of it.

      2nd WOAT Mayor of Encinitas.

      Phony wears the WOAT Crown and that’s why the Admiral loves him. Mmmmprrrrr.

    2. Update is the first case was settled. Then the idiots who were being assholes on her page sued a second time because they didn’t like her apology. The court declared the second suit to be an illegal SLAP suit, threw out the case and awarded the goat her legal fees.

      The losers have appealed, and will lose again, and be on the hook for more legal fees.

    3. It’s “SLAPP,” genius.

    4. Point taken. I stand corrected.

      You can quibble about a typo, but if that’s all you got, it reinforces that the substance of the comment is accurate.

    5. Not really. Just no interest in arguing with Blakespear surrogates.

    6. Facts:

      A goat is Kelly Slayter.

      A WOAT is Phony.

      BIA is 2nd place WOAT

      With Stocks taking 3rd.

    7. What if phony trained with BIA? He surpassed the master?

    8. 12:03,

      Jazz hands for da future Governor.

      All hail GOAT!

  39. F*cking Empty Polluting trains are such a polluting waste of tax payers money and harming human health 52 times a day.

    Surfliner - the empty Amtrack runs 20 empty trains a day with the first empty noise bucket billowing out spent diesel fumes are literally blasting through Encinitas full horns blarring at 4:45 am everyday. https://www.pacificsurfliner.com/globalassets/pdfs/schedules/1157983812_pacific-surfliner-timetable_7-17-23_a.pdf

    Then you have NCTD's empty Coaster service that when Phony was Chair of NCTD right before becoming WOAT mayor, he lead the charge to increase the empty trains 30%, so now they are running 32 empty trains a day blaring the entire way with the last one at 12: 25 am.... https://gonctd.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/COASTER-Schedule-Flyer-April-3-2023.pdf

    thats less than 5 hours of relief for the sleep depriving public health killing empty trains. Where is San Diego CARB?

    Please help us clean up our air for our children and help stop this public health hazard from pumping out millions of spent diesel fuel right next to the school play grounds at Paul Ecke Central and Cardiff Elementary. This is horrible. please file a complain here:


    52 Empty trains a day waisting hundreds of millions of tax dollars, spewing diesel fumes into children's lungs and killing the coastlines public health conditions.

    Way to go Phony. Just another feather in your hat of killing Encinitas with every one of your actions. Every single action you take is bad for Encinitas. Every one!

    1. Hi everybody!

      I moved next to train tracks and now I yell about trains.

      Also, I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks. Years later, a doctor will tell me that I have an I.Q. of 48 and am what some people call mentally retarded.

    2. 5:32- excellent post.

      8:33- sounds retarded. Probably works for NCTD. That place is full of retards.

    3. It's Anchorman not Anchorwoman. And their menstrual blood attacks bears. Now the whole city is in danger.

  40. Enough with in-fighting folks. What should happen is, if you live in Encinitas we all should focus on Sacramento. Fight the leftists ruining our area with ghetto apartments and trans crap in schools. NO, it isn't democratic or republican. It's leftists in Sacramento making laws that ruin your lives.
    These clowns couldn't care less about what they ruin as the will be out of office and "you'll be stuck" with their stupidity.
    Leftism is a poison that ruins "everything it touches".
    The idiots newsom bonta and the ex-mayor of Encinitas are your enemy. Think not? Think again.

    1. Current Phony and his admiral support crew as well.

    2. Why is the phrase “you’ll be stuck” in quotes? Who are you quoting?

      Why do you care what goes on in schools when you clearly dropped out in fifth grade?

    3. 7:51...what's wrong with you...
      Are you angry your parents were bother and sister? or, your answer is the bottle? That way your needed frontal lobe removal won't hurt as much?
      It's my quote you moron.

  41. Encinitas Votes: 1.8K
    Encinitas Now: 6.6K

    1. I guess there are a lot of Blakespear fans after, all if those numbers are correct. EN stars good old Omed aka Jeremy Blakespear and other notables in Encinitas. Think I will stay with EV. At least they are attempting to fight the system.

  42. Encinitas Uncensored: 6 people, 4 of which don't live here

    1. And the 2 or possibly 3 who do live here have never been to a city council meeting or emailed council. They just sit on that page reposting things they are allegedly outraged by, yet do absolutely nothing about it.

    2. "I need a dispensary in my backyard but the TAXES"

  43. I hate the huge waste of taxpayers dollars and the huge pollution of burning millions of gallons of diesel fuel all the time for nothing.

    Those tax dollars could be put to good use on other needed clean and equitable Transportation Projects. Existing system operators are huge, polluters, and very irresponsible.

    Phony caused greater waste and now Kellie needs to step in and speak up as an NCTD board member to clean up Kranz’s mess. So much bullshit.

    1. Kellie is the board member? Can only imagine what the others make of her.

    2. Why not BILLIONS of gallons?

  44. Tucker Carlson says Obama experiments with men, is this true?
    - Phony

  45. Why would I care who another man sleeps with?

    I care a lot more about the fact that our largest trading partner and military ally is making contingency plans for if the POS domestic terrorists take over the US.


  46. Thank you seeet baby Satan it’s true he who can’t surf swami’s is moving.

    1. Please let this be true 🙏🏼

  47. Sure wish the head moron would take his underlings with him when he leaves town.

  48. 4:54 it is true let the celebrations begin the reign of terror over. Sold 8/25 for $1.86M. How much is not owed the bank and attorneys?

    1. He doesn’t work and she barely does. Wouldn’t be surprised if she dumps his ass, takes the equity and he moves into a van with the Willis brothers.

    2. Please let that van be located on da Joisey Shaw.

  49. Can I get first dibs on the Moron's quiver?

  50. 👌🏿🤣🤣🤣🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Oh yes we are on to you.

  51. Dearest Starvin,

    Please let 🐖/🐀👧 know that her secret is safe with us.

    They’ve sold out and left.

    Your comrade in campaign fuckery,

    The Dunce

    1. So who they gonna put up next to screw with 2024? Make the win happen for Kranz like they did last year?

    2. None other than 🐖/🐀👧 herself!

  52. Oh no.

    Whatever are we going to do now that the only person who can save Encinitas is gone?

    Personally, I’m going to have brunch with a mimosa and watch some football.

  53. Encinitas officially lost its first superhero. Newark is so blessed to have Stan

    1. ☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️

    2. Newark = the armpit of the asshole

  54. It would be the peak of irony for someone to venture into a ditch to find homeless Stan to stick a camera in his face and harass him.

    1. You would have to check out literally thousands of homeless that are zombieing around in Encinitas..

      You can thank our girl Phony for that…..

      Meth/fentanyl party at swamis going on….

      Go join the 🤩

      Tell them Phony sent you!!

    2. Thousands?

      Why not millions?

    3. because thousands is accurate.

      Truth matters.

    4. If you’re going to lie, lie big.

  55. Haha! Stan’s #1 fan now stumpin for Trump.

    Answer to your question BK: both Morris and Trump should sit behind bars.

    1. Nothing new here. Like Jeff, his biggest supporters were always Trumpers. Just look at 🐷👧.

  56. If Stan were a super hero what would his name be?

    1. Instead of Green Lantern, the Brown Van-Turd?
