Wednesday, August 23, 2023

8/23/23 City Council meeting open thread - Part Deux

 Please use the comments to record your observations.

OOPS. Sorry for the duplicate open threads. I’ll leave them both up to preserve the comments.


  1. Hi, my name is christoper sluka and I just flew back and forth 18 times over Encinitas and Solana Beach. You see, I run a flying school 18 miles away and I make money putting your family at risk. Remember, I crash landed in Carlsbad at the beginning of the year. The tail number of my plane is N2226N. And, as for your safety, I couldn't care less.

    1. Cool. Be sure to come back tomorrow. We will give you free gas and drugs if your a crackhead.

  2. Can anybody actually get themselves to watch what the fuck are stupid city council was even talking about on the homeless?

    I know I couldn’t.

    I couldn’t stand to watch Kranz approve another dense development like fucking Kranz already approved all over Leucadia.

    He’s a corrupt Dunce.

    1. Right, they were clueless? Tony appears to not understand anything and he falls for what ever non profit is selling to him.

  3. Tonight was painful to watch. It is time to unleash the young climate warriors on these land destroyers. Joy, is now on record approving a project that will require transport via a car. Why do we even have these assclowns...

    1. Yes, they will be cutting into the hill and removing lots of native shrub. The area is not walkable or bikable. Don't get me started about the fire hazards. 🔥

    2. Expected it. Goodson’s win in court has given this council a precedent.

      Going from funky Leucadia to fucked Leucadia.

    3. It was painful to watch. I had to waste my time listening to Allison, ask stupid questions. She is clueless.

    4. Going from funky back to a shit hole. Now, if you live West of the 5 you are good.

    5. West of five good?

      Are you kidding ? ass-wipe Phony has been pouring gas on coastal Encinitas for years and lit the match once he got ordained the Dunce Mayor.

      So after gifting 30 acres of regional rail trail to developers, gifting $6,000,000.00 to the farmer, three-story go to apartments to know the coastal ocean view Apartments, fencing of historical access to the coastline and fresh produce from just peachy, increasing by 30% more train, noise, pollution, and deaths along the shit hole Vulcan, and welcoming every crackhead from around the world to Encinitas for the last five years, do you think West at five is good? Love it… hee, hee…

      Damn, I can’t wait to see east of I5?

      So it was too painful to watch, but can someone tell me, did they approve the big circus tent and homeless encampment at Moonlight Beach, Pacific view, swami’s, surface point, City hall or the community Park?

      I knew crackhead, homeless neighbors love to be at the beach, so that’s where their camp should be.

      I hope they funded it big time and I hope they can put up big tents and encampments for our crackhead, homeless, new neighbors. After all they are victims and they deserve it.

      Thanks Phony and first lady Starvin’

      Continue to not listen to the residence, we love you, you two gals are going Great!!


    6. I now understand the genius of Phony and his hot looking first lady Starvin.

      It’s wonderful. Lower the quality of life in Encinitas and invite in all of those new lovely neighbors that all zombies and crackheads, make it super sketchy like San Francisco and LA and all of the property values go down and rent goes down.

      That’s just amazing. Keep up the great work ladies!!

    7. At Lucifer. No they did not approve the shelter. They clearly are moving in that direction. I do not think it will go west of 5. Why do we need a City funded and staffed worthless homeless dept? We already have CRC. Shelter beds are already being discussed behind close doors. Maybe QGR has a spot?

    8. plenty of spots at City Hall, Moonlight, Swamis, Cardiff Reef, Seaside, Surfers Point, L7, Manchester new parkinglot/homeless camp... list gos on and on.... lets go!

      Love the Dunce and Fletch!

  4. I love the way this town is heading, I hope Phony and first lady Starvin can lower our rent faster than San Francisco did.

    I’d like some guidance from Phony on this one:

    Would it help our mission to invite all of the world’s sketchy crackheads fentanyl zombies to Encinitas and build all of the crappy boxes to help lower our rent by just emailing first lady Starvin’ directly?

    It’s very apparent that she’s making all of the decisions in the mayor’s office.

    Phony - can you share your hottie’s city email address?

    I’ve been sending them to but I keep getting bounce backs… I’d appreciate it.

    -Phony supporter

  5. I can not believe the Piraeus vote was 3-1. Tony was the opposition to Piraeus project passing.

    Prop A people, can the city grant a waiver for 4th floors?

    1. Prop A was suspended by a judge for the rezoning on these properties.

      It doesn’t apply here.

      And in the future, if the city is unable to pass required HEUs at the ballot box, the precedent has been set. Prop A will be suspended again.

      The courts have found a way to let people believe Prop A is still in effect without it actually being in effect.

  6. That was Tony signaling. He’s such a backstabbing fuck.

    Nice work and destroying Encinitas Tony.

    1. * Nice work in destroying Encinitas Tony

  7. Tony is the fucker that Upzoned all these properties that destroyed Leucadia and all of Encinitas.

    When you see homeless, and you see fucked up boxes that’s Tony. The minority voted in this shit head.

    1. Tony is one vote.

      The responsible adult leadership of the whole council, led by the GOAT brought Encinitas back into conformance with state law.

      Don’t like state law? Fine. Work to get it changed.

      But don’t be a petulant child who throws a tantrum at local officials for following the law.

      Grow the fuck up.

    2. There is no GOAT on council.

      Tony is top WOAT. Tony took the reigns from the Racist Nazi liar BIA, and has proceeded with an accelerated version because he’s dumber than fuck.

      He’s lucky he landed his hottie girlfriend. At least he’s got some excitement in his life now.

      - thank you for destroying Encinitas

    3. 7:23,

      That was a loser take under the GOAT, and it’s a loser take now.

      Enjoy losing, loser.

    4. Straight on that. The minority voters are complete losers that voted in BIA and Phony.

      - We all agree on that

    5. The dumbasses that ran shitty candidates, fought through the entire election and split the vote are complete losers. Looks like we all suck.

    6. Maybe all the voters are to blame for being so ignorant ?

      Top honors go to, 🐖👧 and Lehman brothers Starvin’ who sucked the chrome right off the door knob.

    7. 7:45,

      “I’m perfect; the voters are idiots.”

      —Losing candidates.

    8. I resemble that remark!

      - 🐖👧

  8. Trump loves Putin. Never has a bad word to say about him. Because he would absolutely shoot down civilian aircraft with rivals onboard if he could.

    Because he’s a violent criminal thug, and POS domestic terrorist in chief.

    And a loser. He’s helped the GOP underperform in three elections in a row. And 2024 is going to be worse. Republicans died at a greater rate than Dems due to anti-science and COVID denialism. The base is old and millions have died since 2020. Millions of GenZ have grown of age since 2020, and thanks to Trump, their level of engagement and turnout at the polls dwarfs previous young generations. What are their top issues? Climate, democracy, abortion rights. Suburban women with failed pregnancies are now forced to go home and wait for the onset of sepsis and damage to their reproductive system before they can get treatment. They are angry, and they vote.

    Happy mug shot day, for all who celebrate.

    1. Stupid post. Go back to sleep.

    2. 8:26, well reasoned, and supported with factual evidence. Very thought provoking.

    3. 8:09...must be broke. People like that usually are.
      And yet the U.S was running great when Trump was in charge. Now? A cluster----.

    4. The good ole days of Trump. When we were locking kids in cages, our allies had no respect for America, when COVID cases were very soon going to zero thanks to testing bleach and bright lights in the body and horse medicine. Also when we had $4T in deficit spending, but the richest 1% got massive tax reductions. And the Healthcare Plan was always two weeks away, and Infrastructure Week was coming soon.

      And when the Constitution said he could do whatever he wants.
      Things were going so good he lost. Huuuuuge!

    5. And when Mexico was paying for the wall.

    6. Bold take:

      America was running well when we had a President committing 91 felonies?

    7. Why is it that people with the least amount of money cry the most. These same people think it's great to have almost 7 million illegals in the country. Just wait till you get robbed or better yet murdered by cartel members.
      Oddly, the odd people think the America hating leftists
      (not democrats) are good. You pathetic losers.
      They hate Trump because he's smart and like
      biden because he's dumb.

    8. I’m a proud liberal, and I have the same position as Sean Hannity.

      Sean Hannity said Thursday he has “evolved” on immigration and now supports a “pathway to citizenship.”

      Hannity told his radio listeners Thursday afternoon that the United States needs to “get rid of the immigration issue altogether.”

      “It’s simple to me to fix it,” Hannity said. “I think you control the border first. You create a pathway for those people that are here — you don’t say you’ve got to go home. And that is a position that I’ve evolved on. Because, you know what, it’s got to be resolved. The majority of people here, if some people have criminal records you can send them home, but if people are here, law-abiding, participating for years, their kids are born here, you know, first secure the border, pathway to citizenship, done.”

      “You can’t let the problem continue — it’s got to stop,” the conservative radio host added.

      You know what we’re NOT going to do? Give the radical right what they want, and then have no negotiating leverage to get respectful treatment for those already here.

      It’s neither or both.

    9. 4:16 don't look now but the "pathway to citizenship" has been in place for over 123's nothing new.

    10. Have I told you how I dream about my sweetheart?


  9. Yeah, but 🐖👧🐖 is still trying to be relevant.

    We’ve SO much to thank those 2 hypocrites for.

  10. Hannity is a manatee in more than the physically obvious ways.

    If anyone wants to listen to that claptrap, do it, go to Faux news, but do not bring his sheet here.

    1. The point is, if you want border security, it’s available through compromise.

      Otherwise, if you aren’t willing to make the compromise, then tough shit. Live with the consequences of your decision.

    2. * Starvin eats Phony’s Clingons

  11. Well I met Phony with his hot looking ladyboy in '70s uni at Pannikan and he suggested I get involved and post.... so here we go.....

    Looking for homeless housing?

    Hell we got plenty

    Lets help promote victim mentality and enabling drug dependence

    Free needles, xanax, rubbers, and VC drugs at moonlight every Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights from now until at least New Years.

    - Victim Mentality Support Crew (VMSC)

    1. What now copy and paste ? Bitch, you getting lazy. I thought this riot girl was for real

  12. I plan to give Donald Trump the same presumption of innocence that he extended to the Central Park Five.

    He took out full page ads in every NY paper calling for the death penalty before trial.

    DNA evidence later conclusively proved the boys innocent.

    Trump refused to apologize or retract his death penalty demand.

    Let him fry.

    1. Good. start your own red blue bitching blog. This is our local blog for local issues.

      your minion banter about the programmed distractions from the upper .1% is meaningless us.

    2. Wasn't that 33 years ago? Even though I support Trump, he shoulda' kept quiet. Although he was a private citizen.
      I have opinions about biden being at the end of a rope for treason but I don't broadcast it.

    3. Trump said he weighs 215.

      He can’t not lie.

  13. Pam Slater Price still sucking up to turncoat Julie Thunder.

    Pam, please don’t encourage the two time loser to run or get involved in another local election. Look how the last one turned out.

    1. Two irrelevant old hags, just trying to find some kind of meaning in the last bits of their life.

    2. Ol’ hag 🐖👧… complaining on EV about Tony giving away all of Encinitas Transnet money who is she got elected in the office.

      So pathetic. 🐖👧 and Starvin’ suck the chrome off of a door knob

    3. PSP and the Thunderhole are the same person.

      Loser has been a whose time has come and gone, desperately posturing no their opinions in the delusion that anyone cares what they think.

      I’m no fan of Muir or Gaspar or Phil Graham, but at least they understood the unwritten rule of STFU and fade out when it’s over for you.

      Have a little class, ladies. Time’s up.

  14. I hope to Heaven Thunder runs again. Time to out here for the lying backstabbing hypocrite she is.

    1. Same. I wonder how she’s scheming with starvin’ right now.

  15. So funny you call your mayor Phony. He or She has been inviting the crackhead homeless to Encinitas for over five years. I’ve read it in the newspaper numerous times every chance he gets.

    The crackhead fentanyl zombie homeless finally take him up on his offer, and he’s like what the hell why are you coming to our welcome community?

    Hate to say it Encinitas but you got one effed up schizophrenic mayor!!! 😹🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣

    I live in Delmar and I know the sheriffs down here tell any homeless wondering up in their fentanyl haze from San Diego that Encinitas is welcoming community and head up there. They got all kinds of free stuff. And the public is super giving.

    Thank you for taking all of San Diego county is homeless! By the way, they’re all coming down from LA and San Francisco too.

    You guys better staff up and get some big fat budgets cause you’re gonna need it. 😀😀🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🥲🥲


    I hope that Elhers is guy does not become mayor. He sounds like he’s got some common sense and might shut it down. Then our homeless count would go way up. Damn bleeding hearts. I’ve been begging him to come down to San Diego for years. Now they got what they asked for.

    - North county cities support Mayor Phony and welcoming all the homeless to Encinitas! Thank you Phony. 🥰

    1. You don’t live in Del Mar. at least every comment seems to have an IP address a bit 3.8 miles from Del Mar. you one of those old farts, zipper down , salivating on the computer in the library

  16. City Council overrode citizens' request to stop the mass high density development that will ruin their neighborhood. Kranz says his hands are tied by the State - more like they are lined with 'benefits', as he is accustomed to special interest kick backs. Also, Blakespear has entrenched Encinitas as a homeless destination. Now she can do even more damage at the State level.

    1. ❤️❤️❤️ so good. We’re going to catch up to San Francisco. 🥰

    2. His hands are a lie. There are several towns in California that have taken these leftists to court. Nothing's been settled as of yet. Once again, everything the left does, they ruin. I didn't state Democrats, I stated the left. The enemy within.
      The City of Encinitas doesn't govern itself. It appears the State of California calls the shots. So why have a council and mayor? I would write to fix potholes but that wouldn't be correct.

    3. Take the leftists to court, and lose.

    4. 1:22 thinks a city can ignore state law forever with no consequences.

    5. State law state law Marco gonzo much?

    6. No genius'...sue the State for interfering in our cities business. Take some law classes and try to understand.
      I didn't state ignore. "taking the leftists to court".
      The buffoon newsom and bonta have a habit of doing the wrong thing.

    7. Take some law classes, eh?

      From the guy who wants to sue for “interfering.”

      That’s a hockey rule, friend. Not a law.

  17. I guy taking a crap on Vulcan Avenue parking lot this morning. I told him to name it after the Creator Phony. He smiled.

    1. * I Saw a guy taking a crap on Vulcan Avenue

    2. That wasn’t some guy. That was my Starvin’!

      - Phony

  18. 🐖👧 can't imagine an elected official behaving in a manner that isn't selfish and serves the greater good. One of many reasons she will always be the wrong choice.

  19. The government should create Derelict City in the middle of nowhere and send all the homeless there. Provide food, medical care and try to give them some responsibility. Establish baseline rules that are enforced. Otherwise the American cities will continue to degrade into 3rd World slums, rift with drugs, crime and desperation.

  20. Seems to definitely in California be heading in the direction of hunger games…. The centralist elites, and the stripping of liberty.

  21. Stop the drugs, stop the crime and then stop all the developers.California saved!

  22. I'm bored. Can someone please send Phony an email so I have something to read?
    - Starvin

    1. 👌🏾😅😂🤣

      It’s funny because it’s true

    2. Me n Phony have this new thing where he emails himself a pic of his titties and then moments later I look at my inbox and I'm immediately on cloud 9. I want to ask him if he can cc 🐖👧 but I don't want things to get weird.

    3. Maybe 🐖👧 could strap on a slong and crawl around oinking…. That awt to normalize it…

    4. Oink oink little piggy 🐷

  23. Anarcho-tyranny is coming to Encinitas

  24. Anarcho-tyranny has arrived in Encinitas

    1. So have the fentanyl zombie new neighbors Phony invited

  25. Can a fentanyl zombi please email a dick pic to Phony ASAP? He may not want it (due to our "exclusivity") but I do!
    -Encinitas Resident aka "el starvo"

    1. 👌🏿🫶🏿

    2. Ladyboy lover…. You’ve got mail…


  26. Fuck the Dunce like Starvin’ does….

    Ehlers for Mayor!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The council voted 3-1, with Councilman Bruce Ehlers opposed and Councilwoman Kellie Hinze absent, to reject the appeal filed by the Encinitas Community Collective, a group of some 250 people who oppose the development plans.

    The council voted 3-1, with Councilman Bruce Ehlers opposed and Councilwoman Kellie Hinze absent, to reject the appeal filed by the Encinitas Community Collective, a group of some 250 people who oppose the development plans.

    1. Ehlers is the only one who represents the residents. All the others are stooges of the BIA and are facilitating the demise of Encinitas. Kranz is a failure and was only an understudy to Blakespear, the supreme Sell Out! Big Money is extracting the land profits from the area via means of political persuasion (bribes and pay-outs to politicians and sponsoring sell-outs)

    2. Ehlers is in the perfect position.

      The worst thing that could ever happen to him is electing a like-minded majority around him.

      Today, he gets to register meaningless populist protest votes. But he will never have to face consequences or shoulder any blame for what would happen if we ignored state law.

      He’s like the kid who runs for student council on the platform of free soda machines, no homework, and Fridays off.

      Tell people what they want to hear.

    3. BIA - we already knew your position. It’s profit profit profit above Existing residence. We get it.

      Ehlers is awesome and we will elect others hopefully with common sense.

      The town dance is absolutely the worst and fucking idiots like John Gjata, and Marco, Gonzalez, and Mali, Kathleen Kees, and other retards elected him with the help of Starvin’ and 🐖👧.

    4. Kranz makes it easy. Approves developers requested 4 living stories next to big spacious residential properties and then has zero improvements for the public. Maximum developer profit. Public get screwed again.

      Kranz gets a beautiful nice presents and some awesome vacations.

    5. * The Town Dunce. Starvin’s girlfriend

    6. “We’re going to sue the State, and Mexico’s gonna pay for it!”

      --Bruce Ehlers.

    7. 11 pm. Let’s see if he runs. Has anyone asked him?

  27. The America hating leftists target ceiling fans. And the insanity continues. I contacted the traffic department of the city of Encinitas about 50 mph in front of pre schools. This is where cars and trucks routinely drive 65 mph. They wrote back and stated they would look into it in 10 months. can't make this up.

    1. 3 year olds don’t walk to preschool.

      They do get killed in masa shooting events, though.

      Maybe focus on that.

    2. Parents do walk their 3 year old and ride them on the family bikes. WTH are you bringing up mass shootings.

      Idiocracy is funny but sometimes hard to accept.

    3. 6:24...get back on your meds. No one stated 3 year olds walk to Preschool. But, you are correct about them getting killed in mass shootings. Chi-congo as an example. By the way, criminals have illegal guns brought over the border each day, day in day out.

  28. What would you call someone who advocates for armed conflict against the United States?

    I call her just another POS domestic terrorist.

    1. Get your own blog loser. You’re playing the game of the centralist .01% elite.

      This is a local blog for local issues.

    2. 9:54,

      Sorry. I guess I have to clear every comment with you first?

      How about this one? Approved?

      “If you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations, your house just went down 75 percent in value. And they say the noise causes cancer,” “I know a lot about wind,” he added.

      “This is a tough hurricane," he said. "One of the wettest we've ever seen from the standpoint of water."

    3. Yes. Thank you for asking. That comment can stay. ✌️

  29. Amanda Z.*****

    Pam Slater spoke incorrectly. Not only was Ehlers on Watchdogs, so was Pam Slater Price until they kicked her off. Her husband stayed on the site. To be fair, lots of regular locals (& politicians, ie the mayor of Coronado, Jerome Stocks and Kristin Gaspar) stayed on EW. Mostly to watch the shitshow unfold and for amusement. Some to watch the homeless explosion and track the encounters not mentioned by the local news. Most people dismissed Morris’s claims of conspiracy that had no proof and never led anywhere, except maybe Thunder, Bhavani and Tamara Dahl.

    Most didn’t know how unhinged Morris was till he ran for election. He just seemed like your ordinary Blakespear hating obsessive. Everyone thought Kim was super nice too. Elections, like divorces, bring out the worst in people.

    1. 9:17. - Wow. 💯

      - talk about truth. 👌🏽

    2. Bruce Ehlers was a member of Watchdorks for years but not very active. He only posted occasionally. The Watchdorks were his people though and campaigned for him extensively. His close ties with Thunder made him a natural fit. Don't forget that during the campaign one Watchdork and diehard Jeff supporter Tracy Conkey was arrested for destroying numerous campaign signs belonging to an Ehlers opponent.

      Pam Slater-Price, Jerome Stocks and Kristin Gaspar were EXTREMELY active Watchdork members from the start. All three fully supported Jeff and his vile behavior and their advice helped build and shape Jeff into what he became. Pam finally separated near the end when the blowup with Cindy came to a head. Stocks was advising Jeff throughout and STILL supports him. Gaspar is also STILL a close advisor, strong supporter and friend to Jeff, including numerous social engagements.

    3. Yeah, I know Pam was on there. I was on for a long time too, even before they turned private, they just didn't realize it until one day I said something rude and they blocked me.

      I've got to disagree with people not knowing something was wrong on that page though. People sent me screen shots of all sorts of crazy shit like threats to kick people's ass ( sometimes mine), telling for people to shut their skank mouth or else, they're gonna send people to protest at private citizens homes, etc etc etc.

      I'll agree, the election stuff was a new level, but they were out of control for some time. The readers just didn't like the victims, so it was amusing. They liked how he "punched back at haters" supposedly.

      And OF COURSE the mayor of Coronado was/is a member. It's a match made in heaven.

    4. Reminiscent of another felonious politician at the National level.

    5. In other words, sPam Slater-Price is the lying twat we all know her to be. 🤣

      You also missed that it was Jeff and Julie leveraging their friendship with Kristin that brought her as the main speaker to the rally at Cardiff library. Some of you were around for the anti-homeless, anti-semitic event the Watchdorks held early on. I'm not sure if Bruce was present but he probably was. The same rally where Julie Thunder spoke on stage as the Watchdork representative, though she likes to deny it. Luckily there's a recording of it. If you haven't seen it yet, you probably will next election.

    6. I can see why PSP & 🐖👧 are friends. Just like Phony, Starvin. 🐖👧and the Fletcher family predators along with the whiter than white racist Nazi compound BIA dwellers.

      What a stinky mess.

  30. This town is overdue for some truth telling

  31. 10:47 though Jeff and Kim drank and hung out with Tracey at the ill fated Oktoberfest in Olivenhain, the day before her sign abuse, they dropped her like a hot potato and threw the bus in reverse, cause they couldn’t run her over again fast enough after the double debacle. I always thought Bruce wriggled out of that one quite smoothly.

  32. Any sane person would have to admit that the voters generally get it right.

    Hate on Tony all you want—but he was the best candidate in that race. Maybe Tony isn’t the best, but the other two were a shit show.

    And Thunder was a hideous phony.

    On the other hand, Bruce Ehlers was the best candidate in his race. I think he’s wrong about some stuff, but there’s no doubt he’s a man of integrity. And he certainly knows the history, the issues, and he cares about the town more than a lust for power (cough cough Thunder cough).

    Candidate quality matters.

    The voters get it right.

    1. That right admiral! Special treat for you my motorboat queen


    2. Starvin you don't have to cough every time I grab your balls, this isn't a physical.
      - Phony

    3. 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂

  33. Same Tracy that had a 🐖👧 sign prominently displayed in her yard while living in D4?

    1. Whatever 5:44! Nobody had more signs in their yard than me. I'm the best! Well, second best behind our lord and savior The Guy That Used To Surf Swamis.
      - Tammeruh

    2. I'm still pissed!
      -Van Daughn

  34. The ocean is calm today Phony, great day to get out on the water. I suggest we launch water craft and commence with motor boat activation right away.
    - The Admiral

    1. Copy Admiral. I will grab our motor oil and ropes and we shall depart on our voyage with Godspeed.


    2. Do I still need to button down the hatches?

  35. Anyone else find it ironic that “Willow” posts incessantly about the dangers of a physical sporting contest between someone born male and someone born female—and yet she’s dead silent about a biological male allegedly beating the shit out of his wife?

    1. All I want to know is if she's being paid for her services or what.

    2. Your mistake is thinking of "Willow" as a person, a neighbor, someone like you. They absolutely are not. Ignoring them is the best course of action and what really concerns them most.

    3. That’s why the name is in quotes.

    4. She is a watchdork-bot

  36. Petrol-heads ride bikes by the thousands to a Formula 1 race this morning, on a rainy day.

    The power of good urban planning.

  37. The morons will never accept that they got it so wrong to support a candidate that was a disaster long before running for public office.

    We all know too well who you are, even if it is tempting to call you out again and again.

    You helped tank the chance for a new council majority when it was most needed, as much as ever in our towns relatively short 30 plus years of being a city.

    Screw everyone of them for screwing us over. Every one of them should be relegated to insignificance from now on.

  38. When we have an elected and appointed council that does not represent us, what are our avenues for remediation in the future?

    Slim Pickens was an actor decades ago, but his name carries on for much more than he could have ever imagined tom the present day.

    We have slim pickings for any hope of substantial progress.

    Bruce is a strong hope. Scott could be also depending on which district he resides in. I had thought and hoped he lived in district one. Nevertheless, if he lives in district two, come on down Scott and help us get rid of Hinze. Someone will step up for district one, Riley?

    It won't take much to swing the majority our way if we remain united. Naturally, the incumbents will muddy the waters as much as they can.

    Good damn riddance to Hinze, and the mouth that knows no end to rambling on and on Joy. Joy, succinctness is a real thing to us anyway. Obviously not to you. Try it out for a change.

    Alice? A complete waste of space. Come on down Alex, you are needed for Leucadia next year.

    A new majority is this close. True presentation is this close.

    Mayor? Maybe it is wise to create a new council majority and a suitable mayor will present itself.

  39. Leftist ceiling fans? Grasping for relevance much? Losers like you are gonna keep losing with mindsets like yours.

    A two party system can be a good thing, if we had it. We do not, thanks to the lack of spine from the right wingers who hate America.

    Authoritarians will never succeed with more than a slim minority of wacko's who clearly hate our form of democracy.

    And all for supporting a tyrant and a lifelong criminal family enterprise. The republican party is gone. Your party of choice is all in for a person who deserves to spend the rest of his days in the slammer, along with a myriad of his accomplices.

    The mugshot clearly shows his penchant for evil doing. Who cannot imagine the horns growing out of his red mudded forehead?

    Malevolence personified is your leader. You poor right wingers have sold your soul to a devil incarnate.

    1. 6:12. Please go away.

      4:20 without election reform in this city, it is doomed to be repeated.

      We need a run off election, otherwise what Thunder and Walsh did with Kranz and Morris will happen over and over again.

      We need term limits. Otherwise, incumbents like the incompetent Kranz get in and stay in office indefinitely.

      We need to change the appointment vs. election bylaws. This tool is now easily at any majority’s disposal. The precedent has been set.

      We need a strong enough mayor to lead a majority for these significant and meaningful changes to be implemented.

    2. The problem with the special election vs. appointment issue is the circumstances matter. If someone resigns six months before the next regularly scheduled election, it would be a waste of money and time to try to trigger a special election. The seat would remain empty for most of that time, and the winner would end up immediately running again during the regular election. Sometimes there’s a spring off cycle election that could be used to save money, sometimes there isn’t.

      IMO the solution is to allow appointments, but the appointee cannot run for re-election for that seat in the next regular election. If they want to come back and run in the next cycle, fine.

    3. Another viable solution. As long as the cycle of appointees running as incumbents is stopped.

      Right now, there is no incentive to change it. Tony Kranz will always take the easy way and the path of least resistance. He’s the lazy version of Blakespear.

    4. Any change that would limit the power of incumbency would have to come from a ballot initiative. You can’t expect people to vote for the end of their career. It’s human nature.

    5. And you can’t legally ban someone from running after an appointment. Sounds clever on paper, it’s unenforceable.

    6. 7:51,

      I’m not so sure. Are you a lawyer?

      It could be written as a form of term limit, which are absolutely legal.

      Term limits:

      • District council member elected at the ballot box: two 4-year terms.
      • At large Mayor elected at the ballot box: three 2-year terms.
      • Council or Mayor appointed by vote of council: remainder of term they were appointed to fill.

    7. Are you a lawyer? Ask the city attorney and he wags his head with uncertainty.

  40. I think the point of the OP on this subject is that the way elections are set up now are benefitting the incumbents and city council, not the voters. Unless there’s election reform,the status quo will remain the norm.

    It’s a conversation worth having.

  41. We can't win because our candidates are terrible so let's change the system.


    1. How about you wait to see who wins, then you decide if you want to change the system?

    2. Want some change? Start getting on commissions.

    3. Commissions have absolutely no power. Ask the planning commission.

      Every development they deny, gets approved on appeal by the city council.

      The power lies with 5 people, 3 of whom were originally appointed.

    4. And don’t forget Roy Sepau and his merry band of sellouts.

    5. All of whom get the big thumbs up from Blakespear’s council members.
