Wednesday, August 16, 2023

8/16/23 City Council meeting open thread

 Please use the comments to record your observations.


  1. Before the city goes all in on SB6 and H2011, are the property owners on El Camino in support? Lot's of restrictions, will developers bite? So far, evidence in the state says no.

    fwiw, the term "bipoc" appears 18 times.

    The staff/council apparently think that being bipoc automatically confers knowledge of all things low-income.

    Sounds pretty condescending and racialist.

    Is E4E in line for some of the funding?

    Note this is a competitive process, not just a regulatory red-tape exercise. Our bid is weak. The items on the check lists are the weakest in the selection process.

    How come the bid was submitted 2 weeks ago, one day before the deadline, but is now coming up for review with council? Closed for the month isn't a good reason.

  2. I realized something today. After Lou Caldia was outed as the owner of EN he stopped reposting the same stuff on EV. Actually he's gone completely silent on EV and is now only active on EN. 🤔

    Everyone assumed that Lorri knew Lou was the one behind EN but now I wonder, did she? The idea that she was in on it and just playing along seemed far fetched. Beyond far fetched actually, more like unbelievable given her inability to keep a secret and how angry she was about having competition. Now it seems clear she didn't know and that was another Lorri lie. I'll bet that the infamous Lorri jealousy led to a rift between her and Lou, the closest thing to a real moderator EV ever had. 😖 Shame!

    1. Everyone knows it was Verdu behind EN.

    2. @5:13 So what that Lou is behind EN, he's always done a good job. You people have been attacking him for doing nothing wrong. Leave him alone and move on.

    3. 6:24- Only the dumbest of the dumb ever believed that to be the case. As always, the truth came out eventually.

    4. exactly, verdu

    5. The timing of all this isn't coincidental. Lou's been one of the most active members of Encinitas Votes for years. Right after he's revealed as being behind Encinitas Now he vanishes from EV without a trace. At the same time this is happening Lorri has her email account hacked. Something doesn't pass the sniff test.

  3. Screw that @5:13, "It's to have this gentle density, to sprinkle in additional housing in a way that's acceptable".

  4. There you go, DUI's up 50% from last year. Due to "vibrant night life"

    1. Phony get his free perks downtown!!

  5. 5:13 you are so upside down on the facts it's pathetic. WD refugee much?

  6. Oooowee Kranz following up on Slurpees! Kellie wants crossing guards to hand them out on streetcorners to reward kidlets for actually stopping at stop signs! Gosh Kellie maybe you can apply for a grant for a Slurpee fund and coolers at every corner.

    Can't make this shit up.

    1. I wonder if she would feed her kid this crap, full of food coloring, hi fructose sugar, additives and a breeding ground for cavities. My guess is "no".

    2. She is seriously stupid AF. How many weird single mothers in this town could vote her in is madness. Fucking batshit is an understatement of her looney. Rewarding a little retard for crossing the street correctly??? You’re right. Can’t make this up.

  7. Oh good Mark Mavill is speaking. This guy speaks the truth.

    Go Mr. Mavill.

    1. Dude is a wet brain crackpot that doesn't even live in Encinitas.

    2. 6;46- he makes a whole hell of a lot more sense than our stupid Mayor Phony. Smarter and more common sense.

      Phony and the clown Council should embrace his suggestions, but Phony loves the feebees when his drinking downtown.

      Phony is sooo much worse than Dalagher ever was…..

  8. I did not get a mailer :(

  9. Every kid wins something. Just like in real life?

    Next comes entitlement. Parenting is so easy these days when every kid gets a prize for participating. Whew!

  10. No action from Mumbles. does this mean he's great or not doing anything?

  11. OMG Kranz on a major report emailed to council brought up by Ehlers: “We got a WHAT?”

    Anyone who voted for that creep should hang their head in shame. Looking at you Gjata, Lees, Degher.

    1. Is this part of the closed session? what number?

    2. Nope a consent item Roy and Tony hoped would slip past Whlera.

  12. The HAP grant does not guarantee any VL, and Low income housing

  13. Roy: “streamline permits!” Kranz: “yeah!” Hinze: “Huh? Yeah!”

    1. for existing projects. That is not what the grant is for

  14. We know who pays Tony’s bill$!

  15. Read the grant application, it is so weak, doubtful we will get any cash.

  16. Kelli - "people are marginalized in Encinitas"

    1. Her schtick is old. Next she’ll produce Mali to talk about Black friends she claims “are afraid to exit 5 into Encinitas.” Virtue signaling frauds.

  17. LOL, Piraeus is 45mph

  18. Trump supporters post names and addresses of Georgia grand jurors online

    Of course they did.

    Because they are—say it with me now—

    POS domestic terrorists.

    And now more of them will be going to prison for this. Good.

    1. Blah blah blah. Same old shit… pathetic Trump, the loser Alzheimer’s Joe.

      Start your own blog loser. this one’s for Encinitas.

    2. Only took that long for a TDS shit stain to enter the room. I mean I didn’t vote for him and I bet shit stain didn’t either, but Lordy. You know you’re an old limp dick when you have Trump up your ass and your mouth hole says T. R. U. M. P more than -here’s my idea to make our town better-nope just a copy and paste pussy with no life.

  19. And another POS domestic terrorist is going to prison.

    “Hey you stupid slave,” Shry said before she referred to Chutkan using the N-word, the affidavit alleges. “You are in our sights, we want to kill you. … If Trump doesn’t get elected in 2024, we are coming to kill you, so tread lightly, b----.”

    “You will be targeted personally, publicly, your family, all of it,” she is alleged to have said.

    Lots of good Union jobs coming to build the prisons we’re going to need.

  20. Blah blah, blah nothing nothing nothing same old shit you have an empty mind. Start your own shit list empty mind blog.

    .1% on your mind.

    1. * the .0 one percent own your mind.

    2. MAGA!


    3. * The 0.01 % own your mind.

  21. 9:18- They own your mind.

    1. You should be less agitated about the posting of news stories, and more outraged about POS domestic terrorists who have taken over your party.

    2. They on your mind. Why would you assume that I’m a member of any party?

    3. POS domestic terrorists are a threat to democracy and must be not just defeated but humiliated.

      They are on the mind of every patriotic American.

    4. 11:24-you have already lost. They own your mind.

      The rest of us are not going into your psychosis.

    5. 12:06, only a POS domestic terrorist would say that.

      Patriots who support democracy don’t think that way.

    6. 12:28- you’re gone. You’ll likely be the first one killed when the Civil War does start. Enjoy the rest of your stressed out life. 😹😹

    7. Maybe so.

      Someone needs to be willing to defend democracy.

      And where will you be?

    8. I hope there is a civil war, picking off dumb fuck domestic terrorist will be like shooting fish in a barrel. Fat, low iq, bait fish. There is a reason y’all lose at everything from civil wars to elections, you dumb as fuck.

    9. 12:49- you must be a product of the Fine California educational system. Don’t look up?

      Good luck with your life as you perceive it…. It’s gonna be hard have any expectations I don’t follow universe a lot in common sense.


    10. * Good luck with your life as you perceive it…. It’s gonna be fun having expectations that don’t follow universal law, jungle law, common law, or even common sense.

      I doubt you’ll have to wait long for the Civil War. It seems like it’s eminent. It’s worth the press wants. Dirty laundry.

      Are you losers that are communists are going down.

      -Liberty at all cost

    11. “It seems like it’s eminent” - words only the dumbest of republicants would write. Seriously, how TF do you dumbasses make it through life? Must be Steve golden, even psp and pigtails aren’t that stupid, close though.

    12. To own a mind the NPC must first OWN A MIND. I’d say this human paraquat has no mind to own. But they def have zero positive , intelligent, enlightening thoughts. Game show host got this one good. It’s probably in line at rite aide as we speak getting his (subsidized) grab bag of meds. Stinks of desperation and piss plus a little self loathing. MAGA MAGA MAGA—that should trigger it into submission for the day

  22. Yo 100% liar watcha got to say about Ehlers' absolute NO last night to Kranz's developer red carpet treatment?

    1. whoopee doo - results still the same.

    2. Whoopee doo you got caught lying again! Your results still the same, 0 for 0.

  23. 100% liar will move on to next lie how WD refugees roll.

  24. Starvin is basically Wimpy from Popeye except with coffee not hamburgers.
    "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday (or not at all) for a coffee today"

    1. “ instead of pay with money, can I just motorboat you?”

      - Starvin

  25. There you go folks. It was nice while it lasted for what? Since last night without the morons posting their stupid crap about the mayor and Garvin.

    These past few hours without them posting the same old sheet are much too brief. If only they had their own site to sheet all over.

    1. now look, you've gone and triggered garvin to post about airplanes see below.

  26. Flex Air out of Montgomery Field 18 miles away, making money while they fly back and forth this morning over Encinitas. Tail number 5757E
    That company has no local phone to call. What are they hiding? 9 times back and forth over the Encinitas population putting families at risk and pouring leaded fuel exhaust over all of us. And what does Encinitas get out of this?
    You lives at risk...that, is what you get.

    1. Of course. Whenever Starvin or Phony get super uncomfortable with comments, they always break out to the airplanes.

      Starvin’- maybe you need to change your playful titty techniques to airplanes instead of motor boats?

      -Just Sayin

    2. Once again. I do not know to whom you are referring.
      I'm the plane guy, not the politician guy. I hate politics.
      I finally found the phone number to Fex Air in Kansas.
      I told the guy, would you like a Smith and Wesson going back and forth 9 times over your head? Well, we don't like one of your cheesy pieces of crap airplanes going back and forth over our families. He hung up.
      Was it the reference to the Smith and Wesson?

    3. Flex Air oooops

    4. God what a sad life. Wait till you discover this thing called the automobile. You’ll really be busy on that rotary phone. #freak

  27. Have you noticed the Kranz is taking his lead from Blakespear by putting most items in the Consent Calendar instead of the Action Items? Pay attention. He has been doing this a lot lately. You can pull it and make it an action item and make them sweat a bit before it's too late.

    1. Also appears to be arranging ahead of time with Sapau.

    2. Why is anyone surprised at this? We vote in the same people who are operating the same way as they always do. Tony was always part of the problem, not the solution.

      You're all depending on one council member to run for office (mayor), but there are two additional seats up for grabs. Tony's old district and Kellie's seat. Who's going to challenge those? Who can win those seats? What are you going to do to help them win? After the last two elections, it's pretty obvious the council puppets and their masters know how to win and will continue to do so.

      They know that local activists are too busy infighting or backstabbing to make the change. They also helped pit those local activists against one another and don't be surprised at additional disinformation campaigns and more spoilers. It's the way Encinitas rolls and so far, city hall always wins.

    3. No infighting among informed activists but an unfortunate blindside of them by a posse of wackos galvanized by the homeless parking lot hysteria. Hopefully legal issues have sidelined a certain someone but don't forget Garvin who no doubt has plans to again muddy the waters in 2024. He's too valuable to Kranz not to.

    4. Just like Trump, Morris can reappear and try to avenge his loss. Why not? Unless either of those narcissists are convicted, they can both run again.

      It wasn’t only Garvin. It was also Julie Thunder and her selfish actions and whisper campaigns. She did a lot of damage. Really nothing to do with the homeless parking lot.

      Julie thought siding with Tony would win her a ticket on the council. Dunce? I think he played her, Garvin and Morris quite well.

      The activists, even knowing what she was up to, went all in behind her anyway. You think they would have cut their losses knowing her obvious ties to the lesser desirable aspects of the Republican Party and the mistakes she continued to make after her first failed campaign.

    5. Accurate accounting, 6:05. Losses have finally been cut. Let her so much as try a run at dog catcher....

    6. Morris vs Hinze for D2 honors?

  28. Good old boy Roy. He has a line of bs for everything, no matter how obscure. Council buys into it all. How is he still here? Expect an answer and get his years of deflection every time.

    1. Still here because he makes it so for Stocks, Blakespear, now Kranz. He's their go-to obfuscator and spinmeister on behalf of the BIA. Wonder how many paychecks are involved?

    2. I'm worried Starvin' may be distracted by Toy's rack instead of mine! If he thinks he can motorboat anyone he wants I'll show more statue of us kissin at Surfer's Point for starters!

    3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  29. Was there a dude by the name of Robert L Peters there last night?

    Asking for 340m friendos

    1. Why, did he steal The Wall Street Journal from your driveway or something?

    2. … was that the dude that was hanging around the pannikin and asking somebody to buy him a free refill and he would tell them about his wonderful times with Lehman brothers and how is family completely under appreciated him….

    3. I saw that guy. That was the guy with hickeys all over his neck and gold necklace with a large “Tony” charm…

      His clothes were crazy. He look like something between “threes company”and a thrift store….

    4. Needs a haircut too…

  30. Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Green and Julie Thunder. Who are three backwater Republicnts too stupid to know the difference between button and batten.

    I can't tell you how excited I am that 🐖👧 is going for another run. Three time loser has a nice ring to it.

    1. With my help she can't lose! Oh wait a minute.....
      - Starvin

    2. Don't be so hard on yourself Starvy, you gave so much of yourself to help me get elected that unfortunately there was not enough of your efforts leftover to help 🐖👧 get out of her own way. Quit blaming yourself and come back to bed.

    3. Has Garvin decided that 🐖👧is Bruce’s spoiler?

    4. It appears so @9:17, I'd invite "Encinitas Resident" to coffee to discuss but I'm tired of paying for his beverages every time.

    5. 9:12- 🤣🤣🤣🐖🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    6. Disinformation, lol.
      Run for Mayor? D3 aint open for 3 more years

  31. The Barstow Thunderhole turned out to be a huge liar. So glad the electorate sniffed that out.

    Since becoming a two time loser, she’s dropped any pretense and embraced her radical right positions. Lately she’s claiming that a volcano last year is the likely cause of a global temperature trend that started decades earlier. And she labels those who follow decades of peer reviewed science published in reputable journals as “alarmists.”

    This formerly down-the-middle, independent, totally unaligned big mouth exclusively promotes candidates and policies from the radical right. Prove me wrong, Barstow. Let’s hear about your balance. How many Dems have you donated to or endorsed? Which of their policies have you publicly supported?

    Truth is, Dirty Tricks Muir and Stocks advised her to lie in an attempt to gain power, so she lied. She was never who she claimed to be.

    Good for the citizens to sniff her out.

    1. "Barstow Thunderhole"

    2. I picture her in a Mexican luche libre wresting mask every time I hear that.

    3. She would’ve been a vote for the same right wing policies that turned Barstow into the shithole it is.

    4. Do you deny that water vapor is a strong greenhouse gas? Please explain the relatively over-night changes?

    5. 5:02,

      The presence of waves doesn’t disprove the existence of tides.

      Conflating a short-term blip with a carbon and global surface temp increase dating back to the Industrial Revolution is dumb and silly.

  32. A prediction: Walsh will put up Thunder against Ehlers in a spoiler campaign to keep Kranz in office. Expect the usual dog whistle disinformation campaign that the WDers just can't get enough of.

    1. Just another “friend” of Ehlers to stab him in the back. 🔪

    2. Walsh for sure has one up each sleeve.

  33. Now that it's clear Blunder is running, maybe we will end up with a repeat of the 2020 failure ticket. Blunder for Mayor, Eddie Munster for D1 and Sourpuss for D2. Those clowns will guarantee another 2 years of this inept council, again.

    1. Clear Thunder is running, Walsh is still on Kranz's "payroll" or whatever it is he gets out of the deal. Emails on a variety of topics including Goodson project shunted over to Walsh without PRA requests. Why?

      No one yet for D1 but Hinze for D2 if the Kranz/Walsh dynamic duo have their way. They'll probably throw in the guy who used to surf Swamis as the spoiler to guarantee her win.

  34. Where is everybody getting that 🐖👧 is running and for what office?

    1. Gee dunno, maybe her constant political posts on various Facebook pages? Her continuing association with Camp KranzWalsh and their machinations? Not sure where anyone would get that idea haha.

    2. Well, you didn’t answer the question, but I hear your response and you’re speculating. Thank you.✔️

    3. aw lookit you all fancy with your check mark. not a stretch to connect the dots she's dropping like rabbit poop.

  35. Will the thunder be moving to Olivenhain to run against Bruce?

    Will she stay in her district and run against Joy for her council seat?

    Does it not matter anymore where a candidate resides and whether or not they can run for any district?

    1. The Dirty Tricks Muirs are her mentors, so they will tell her to lie about where she lives.

      Laws are for suckers.

    2. I guess you’ll just have to wait and see if I can pretty much guarantee she’s not gonna win wherever she runs.

      🐖👧 lost an Arizona Joy in her own District. She’s not gonna win anywhere else.

    3. * Barstow 🐖👧 lost to Arizona Joy in her own District. She’s not gonna win anywhere else.

    4. It was telling how all of 🐖👧 neighbors that've known her for decades all had Joy signs in their yards.

      🐖👧 is going to run for Mayor again in 2024 and lose. She'll push to run again for D3 in 2026 and attempt to ride the coattails of Bruce when he runs for Mayor. Smarter heads will attempt to prevent her from being a spoiler candidate and losing for the 4th time. Too early to tell if common sense will prevail by that time, she's dense as f*ck.

  36. 2:15 she would run for mayor to split the vote.
    2:22 you mean like Hinze lied about where she lived?

    1. Maybe… she does support Phony.

    2. she did last time and nothing's changed

    3. 2:39, No. I’m talking about a real case of residency requirements possibly being violated and confirmed by a private investigator and public records related to the sale of a home.

      Not some bs you just made up without any evidence.

    4. I'm talking about a real case, too. Hinze used to ride her bike down Santa Fe and tell people she was coming from her house over in Village Park. You know the house her family bought for her where she really lived while claiming residency at gramma's. She's that ditzy she would actually say that out loud. But you know you don't have "proof" but maybe pull her aside some time and ask....

    5. 🥱 If it was anything more than another lie from the EV lie factory it would have come out long ago. You notice how quickly things move when there's actual truth and evidence? Investigators, the courts, the newspapers jump on it real fast. Now look at the years of bullshit claims those EV clowns have made and how not a single thing has panned out. Fantasies and lies is all they have to make themselves feel good.

    6. Ask her yourself but bets say you don't want to know.

    7. 3:10,

      An anonymous blog comment saying they heard from another anonymous source that Hinze said something isn’t evidence.

      It’s BS.

      Even if true it’s BS. People ride their bikes to and from many places. Sometimes I’m riding from the farmers market. Doesn’t mean I live at Paul Ecke.

    8. 3:35, it’s not the responsibility of others to prove your BS wrong.

    9. you just can't get over the fact that she's a sham. Carry on!

    10. You’re embarrassing yourself. Just stop.

    11. For a couple of years now she's blown through the Ocean Knoll school neighborhood on a regular basis telling folks out and about that she's riding "from home into town," so they know she doesn't live where she claims. Your blind faith is what's embarrassing as you apparently believe everyone else is lying. Ask her yourself.

    12. Stupid people clinging to unfounded and asinine rumors. The lack of serious people in this town is reason #61 why we keep losing to the left.

    13. Scared to find out, got it.

  37. Thunder is toast, politically speaking. How could she not be done, make that well done and burned to a crisp, politically speaking.

    Joy never fails to ramble on and on and on.............. Give us a break Joy. Try being succinct for a change.

    Who will run for the community in D3? Who will run for the community in District 2? Who will run for the community in D1?

    Appointing seat fillers is bs. Appointing seat fillers is undemocratic.

    The fix is in in so many ways in our town.

    1. And isn’t it a shame when citizens who used to go against the status quo, join the status quo. Just so they can be the status quo.

  38. Replies
    1. 4:43 sounds suspiciously like she who never reads this blog.

  39. The BIA owns this town. Since the city's inception, the big land owners have put their operatives in city government. As a result, they got what they wanted and determined how the city was developed. People like Blakespear and stooges like Speedy are totally sold out to the BIA, and further their individual interests by being lackeys for this special in interest group.
    Blakespear is corrupt and incompetent - she tried to sue the creators of the growth control initiatives that passed by public decree, refused to address the media about SANDAG credit card embezzlement, was not endorsed by the San Diego Tribune during her inital campaign for State Senate, ran
    City Hall meetings like a dictator, and contributed to the growing homeless problem in the city, Now the city will pass highrise, high density development in the commercial areas and allow minimal parking spaces in new condo development near the transit center. That will result in utter chaos, parking wars and vandalism. It is a gift to the BIA to build more units and realize greater profit. When you wait 30 minutes to go 2 blocks on Encinitas Blvd to get to the freeway, remember Blakespear and Speedy G as your urban guides.

    1. A homeless housing initiative and shelter are on the immediate horizon. They’ll have the votes and the grants.

      Wonder whose neighborhood will welcome this?

  40. Let us all not forget the 'jazz hands' requirement she instituted at council meetings. Thankfully, if was mostly ignored when it mattered the most with some community issues.

    Before her time here, there was a moment at a council meeting when we in the audience stood silently and turned our backs to the council dais. It just so happened that night there were TV cameras there to catch our indignation at how our council was treating its residents. Thank $tock$ and Bond and Muir for our being outraged to the point of acting out. Does Civil Disobedience ring a bell to anyone?

    I was proud to take part in that exercise and would relish it again. There are so many deserving opportunities these days.

    It was so called for and ever since then, I have wished we would have used that tactic more often. There for sure have been ample opportunities for some more civil disobedience.

    1. Everyone knows that Blakespear was the one who initiated “jazz hands”. A sneaky tactic on her part.

      This way no one watching at home could hear clapping when residents disagreed with Blakespear.

      Phony and council immediately got rid of Blakespear’s “jazz hands” because of the outcry from residents.

      Blakespear was Encinitas’s worst mayor.

    2. Phony threw the voters a few bones, hoping those scraps would keep the electorate happily oblivious to the rest of his development happy agenda. For eleven years he’s stood behind every ruinous plan Blakespear or any previous elected has championed. Our chicken has come home to roost.

    3. 7:50 Kranz takes 2nd place for worst Mayor ever, right behind Blakespear. Gaspar gets a close 3rd place. The only people that voted for Blakespear, Kranz and Gaspar, were those who simply voted just to vote and had no idea who they were actually voting for and what agenda they had. This probably makes up 90% of our voting population.

    4. Sadly have to agree. The moron’s vote count proves it.

    5. 8:04- wrong

      Kranz is by far the worst. Kranz is just as bad as BIA but much more stupid. Phony clearly doesn’t have a brain.

      BIA got a quietzone for her mommies whiter than white compound many years ago in Cardiff and a beautiful rail trail and all kinds of improvements for Cardiff area.

      Phony- fenced off coastal access cutting off historical access for people to walk to the local stores to get fresh produce, did nothing for the Quietzone Encinitas or Leucadia and promoted major high density development throught Encinitas and Leucadia but not Cardiff or Ohain with no improvements to Vulcan Avenue or La Costa Avenue, put up a parking lot where there’s supposed to be a rail trail going from Encinitas Boulevard all the way up to La Costa Avenue, and is allowing contractors to stage junkyards and drug sales and homeless camps in the City parking lot along Vulcan Avenue… and lastly, did numerous open calls to the crackhead homeless from around the world to stage up in Encinitas and crappy van lives in front of your house. Go drive around moonlight beach, Swammis, or any of the Beach Access Points and you’ll see a ton of crackheads. The Town Dunce is way worse. The Clear order of the Worst Of All Time (WORT) is:

      1. Phony

      2. BIA

      3. $tock$

    6. *WOAT- Phony! By a mile

  41. I've been constipated I mean really backed up for days but my lover (the admiral) was kind enough to unlock the furry handcuffs attached to the nightstand and spoon feed me some metamucil this morning and BOOM I just crapped out a monocol! I've never felt so alive! Time to destroy Encinitas some more (after a mini motor boat of course).
    - Phony

    1. ❤️🥰😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    2. Button down my hatch this instant Phony!

  42. Hey where’s Lou Caldia, aka Alan Yates and founder of Encinitas Now? Soon as he was outed he disappeared from EV. Coincidence after several years, I think not.

    Lou or Alan was a Blakespear and Kranz supporter. He was never critical of them, but he sure was critical of the opposition with his incessant posts about them with a negative undertone.

    Can you prove me wrong and if so, give me a specific example.

    1. Soon as he “was outed,” do you mean as soon as you tried to out him? Hallmark move of Kranz who knows Lou can’t stand him. Tony, exactly what is your problem? You can’t let people make their own choices and vote accordingly. Like Blakespear and Stocks you need to strongarm, embarrass, and threaten mostly behind the scenes anyone who doesn’t fall in line. Now you’ve got the Cardiff Creeper doing your dirty work. What an disgust you are.

      Founder of EN is Verdu. Always has been always will be. Lou can’t stand the rag why would he found it? You must be related to or the same person as the 100% liar.

    2. 8:48: I don't know who 8:09 is but I know exactly who you are. Anonymity doesn't really work when you're so obvious. 😂

    3. Oh so what you want to try naming another name? You would’ve made a great McCarthy witness.

    4. 9:33 I’ll bite < who am I? And why does it matter?

  43. Everyone knows Lou Caldi is Alan Yates, and everyone knows Lou is the moderator of EN.

    Lou would post on Encinitas Votes and that exact same post would go on Encinitas Now within a minute this happened since Lou joined EV. Just take a look at the history of Lou’s posts.

    Don’t shoot the messenger. Lou Caldia aka Leucadia and Alan Yates.

  44. Ever since Lou or Alan was called out, have you seen a single post from him on EV? NO!

  45. Show us a post or a FB link where Lou has ever opposed Kranz, Blakespear, Hinze or Lyndes? They don’t exist…

    All he’s done is undermine the opposition, Turney, Thunder, Riley, Cremona. He’s always supported comments with like emoji’s from Blakespear and Kranz supporters. Take a look, do the math.

  46. Who is it that Lou Calida pissed off exactly? His comments were thoughtful and valuable, I thought. What I remember is that he was skeptical about development, but not on board with the Thunder/Morris psychos.

    1. He wasn’t on board with any opposition to our council. Turney, Cremona, Thunder even Ehlers.

      I as well witnessed Caldia support Kranz and Blakespear with his incessant links that undermined the opposition. He never jumped into any conversations or supported anyone’s post that were damaging to Kranz or Blakespear, but he sure liked and supported comments that undermined the opposition.

      Lou Caldia was anonymous for a reason, he didn’t want people to know who the author was.

    2. 1:08 yep, that’s Lou for you. He’s always stirring the pot then sits back and watches. Lou’s only answer in defense of his unwavering support of Kranz and Blakespear is outdated links that other council members did the same. It’s his way of pardoning the mistakes of our council. “Well other council members did the same.”

    3. Only EV is allowed to talk Encinitas politics. Any other page that does with any authority, with a different POV, will be attacked and gossiped about until the admin decides its better to shut down or stop mentioning anything local except for pretty sunsets and cute kids. Who could possibly be behind these asshole moves? Why?

  47. It's like everything else involving Encinitas politics and the lunatics that spend their lives on Facebook. People were directed to hate Encinitas Now through EV lies that they supported Blakespear. Now that Lou was outed as EN's owner they hate him too. His crimes were being an actual independent with scruples. That he's capable of civil discussions and behaves like a real moderator irks them. Couple that with his ability to be critical of the council yet a refusal to join in the council hate fest and he's obviously a target. As a text book example, people like sPam Slater Price despise and attack anyone that isn't as consumed with hatred like she is.

    1. You sound a little hateful yourself, calm down there.

    2. 1:02 Hi Lou! We all know who you are now. Just post using your real name.

    3. 1:08 has a point. It's choose a team, or get taken down, apparently. Especially if you aren't on a specific team. Thoughtfully considering issues and nuance aren't allowed (aka "stirring the pot"). Of course PSP is a player in this stupid game, even though she hasn't lived here in 30 years.

    4. They all supported Thunder and they all knew she supported Kranz, especially PSP. If you suck up enough to her and the clique of activists around her, they’ll support you. Look how that turned out.

      Their strategy is outdated and predictable.

    5. You’d be surprised at how many usual suspects quietly walked away very early in the game. Not liking what they saw. Thunder even complained at their lack of support.

  48. What or who is PSP

  49. Can you read? Is that you slimy stirring the pot as usual?

  50. Pam Slater Price. Wanted Kranz bumped at any expense can’t blame her.

    1. Neither can I, Kranz is a mess. We need a new mayor.

    2. She should have found a better candidate, and there shouldn't have been two alternatives running against him. You guys can't organize around shit, not even what should be your most important issue. You can't even do it for a single council member. Bruce doesn't count- he didn't need anyone to get in.

    3. She should have?? The woman doesn’t even live here. So back to Encinitas, who would you have found?

    4. Honestly, I think most of the names people know are too extreme right to be elected. Unfortunately for them, they've been vocal about that online as well, even if they try to claim NPP. Ehlers is probably the only one ( that I know of) that can move an anti-development agenda forward without all the stupid republican bullshit that comes with the others.

  51. Blakespear’s a great Senator, all hale and support Blakespear the GOAT! Let’s hope her husband runs, all hale the GOAT.

    1. Hale the whiter than white Nazi racist that hates the brown man.

      Sounds familiar.

      -thd above idiot

  52. 7:12. Ehlers had to fight for it too. Redela, a nobody newcomer, got a lot of votes. Ehlers isn’t a shoe in for mayor either. There will be spoilers. There were 4 in his race for a reason.

    Is it rumor or innuendo that Thunder will be one of them? Either way, Thunder kept supporting Kranz & remained friends with Ehlers even after Kranz got him fired. Ehlers is still buddies with her now. Hoping it’s a case of keep your enemies closer rather than naïveté.

    Thunder was up to her neck in election manipulation. Her and Bissonette’s support of Morris is telling. So many of us knew she was in the bag for Kranz. Thunder can’t keep her mouth shut. The woman is poison to friend and Democrats alike.

    1. I didn't mean that he didn't need to work for his seat. I mean that he had the qualifications and long time residency to make a good candidate without a song and dance from supporters. The others didn't, and I don't think there are many others out there like that.

  53. I feel for Robert having to contend with Leah's support for a candidate that was never suited to hold public office.

    A few all too short years ago, Leah and Roberts generosity during the pandemic in monetarily supporting market workers at Just Peachy and at the Cardiff market was something to be honored by all of us.

    WTF happened? How could such an irresponsible candidate make it a priority to her? Robert has been quiet, for the most part, which is understandable.

    Maybe he is onboard with Leah's choices in the last election. For some unfathomable reason, I tend to believe Robert was not.

    Politics makes for some questionable bedfellows at times.

    My belief in their direct advocacy to workers during the pandemic was as generous as it comes and more than anyone else.

    WTF happened? How could she/they? have sacrificed their reputations for such an unworthy candidate?

    I once thought either of them or both could serve our community well on the council. No more, and it is such a shame to lose them and all for a candidate that was an unmitigated disaster.

    1. You're wondering about the mental health of someone that spent hundreds of hours filming puppet shows in her living room to bash incumbent candidates? Her support for Morris is just one of the many signs of her being nutso. There's so damn much crazy in this town and the majority of it is concentrated on one side of the issues.

    2. Oh, the crazy is well balanced on either side of the political aisle. Sadly, the folks who are a-political and not paying attention are the ones who’ll be caught by surprise.

      Bissonette has a track record of picking losers. At least she’s consistent.

  54. Leah and Robert giving grocery workers a thousand dollars, more or less, during the worst of the pandemic shutdown, was exemplary.

    It is a shame about their diversion to moron status that came about later. Truly a shame.

    Am I wrong that because Cindy refused to take part in the Legion Hall sham of a debate, they through the towel in whole hog for the moron. Maybe they already had just by sponsoring a debate months before the filing period ended. I would have suggested to Cindy to skip it also. Would have, being key.

    1. 12:18 All of the candidates including Tony showed up, it was a bad look for Cindy not to show. #1. It gave the appearance that she wasn’t ready. 2. It gave the appearance that she felt superior to everyone and didn’t need to debate. 3. It gave the impression she was scared. 4. People who wanted to hear from her were let down. 5. Gave the impression that she didn’t really care about winning. 6. Gave the impression she didn’t have the confidence.

      Bottom line everyone else showed up except for Cindy. Filing date or no filing the optics didn’t look good and it turned voters off.

  55. The legion debate was Leah's idea and she didn't realize that in ANY election, NO debates are held until AFTER the filing deadline so all candidates can be invited to participate. It was poor planning on their part

  56. leah being mad at cindy for not participating is because leah's ego was hurt.

  57. Serious question: I keep seeing comments about Lou Caldia/Alan Yates being outed as Encinitas Now. How was he outed? I've searched posts on EV, Uncensored, and general facebook posts and can't find anything! How was this discovered? What's the paper trail? Inquiring minds want to know

    1. He wasn’t it’s a figment of the WD refugee imagination.

  58. 2:39 All of the candidates including Tony showed up, it was a bad look for Cindy not to show. #1. It gave the appearance that she wasn’t ready. 2. It gave the appearance that she felt superior to everyone and didn’t need to debate. 3. It gave the impression she was scared. 4. People who wanted to hear from her were let down. 5. Gave the impression that she didn’t really care about winning. 6. Gave the impression she didn’t have the confidence.

    Bottom line everyone else showed up except for Cindy. Filing date or no filing the optics didn’t look good and it turned voters off.

    1. Still holding a grudge Leah?

    2. 7:44 plse see 2:49 and reread last sentence.

    3. Leah just stop you’re embarrassing yourself again. Your continued claims that Cindy looked bad are weird. No one except fringe watchdoggers bought your story and here you are back peddling it.

      I’ll tell you what bad optics are: trying to cover up the fact that it was you and not the legion who put on that non debate.

    4. Wait, wait! Who was Jeff’s hero? Mike Tyson? Or was it Lionel Ritchie? Johnny Depp maybe?

    5. 6:18 you sure sound pretty defensive of Cindy Cremona not showing up for the debate. I simply added what the appearance Cindy’s no show gave to the voters. Maybe that’s why she only got 20%+ of the votes.

      Your unhinged defense of Cindy is suspicious. By the way, I’m not Leah, I’m someone who voted for Cindy and am really disappointed at her non-effort!

    6. Yeah, right. Meanwhile your boy Jeff, helped by your girl Julie, split the vote. Try again!

    7. 8:55 again you seem pretty defensive to Cremona, sounds like it Cindy herself or someone who personally worked on her campaign. Problem is you guys didn’t know how to run a campaign, you effed everything up by just believing Cindy could hold “Vote 4 Cremona” signs up and win.

      Cremona was a disaster at 2 of the 3 debates and the other she was no show. This is was happens to people who run that have a self inflated image of themselves. They lose by a huge margin and then can’t figure out why.

      Again I voted for Cindy, because I didn’t like Morris, the alleged wife beater and I certainly didn’t like Kranz.

    8. Sounds like you have some good insight into how to run a campaign. Have you considered running yourself? You know what they say, if you want a thing done well, do it yourself.

    9. 1:06 I would never run, but in my line of work, marketing, I would’ve done things completely different.

      Terrible job on her part!

    10. Yes, agreed. We should all run campaigns like Thunder and Kranz. Either lie and prevaricate or do nothing. Very effective.

    11. What’s not effective is sitting on your ass and doing nothing. That’s what Cremona did.

      Cindy wasn’t on social media telling us why we should vote for her, or why Kranz and Morris were the wrong choice.

      Cindy showed up for two out of three debates, I don’t care if one of them wasn’t an official debate. The other two opponents showed up, and she should’ve as well.

      I never received any campaign mailers from Cindy, that’s means others didn’t as well. The only thing Cindy did was hold up a “vote for Cremona” sign.

      Kranz didn’t have to run because both you and Morris canceled each other out. Both the Cremona and the Morris team did nothing but look like jack asses with all your fighting.

      All of that energy should’ve been directed at Kranz or at least actual adult campaigning.

      Please don’t ever run for office again. You wasted our time.

    12. I heard she’s considering a run for D2. Maybe Jeff will help another incumbent win again.

    13. Yup, this time he can write Hinze love letters, instead of Blakspear.

    14. Disappointed in you Cindy. I was so impressed when I thought you had actually dropped all this political nonsense behind you. Now you're here of all places arguing with these clowns again.

  59. International Flight Training over Encinitas and Solana Beach 12 times back and forth doing training and making money while they risk your families lives. They don't care. Ohh' and leaded fuel exhaust, I forgot that. Tail Number N24671.
    Interantionl Flight Training where "safety isn't a concern"

    1. sorry, I wrote too soon. 20 times

  60. 12 times over our community before 11am? An hour later, whoops, make that 20.

    Why stop at twenty times? It was still before noon.

    We will all be waiting with bated breath for the updated numbers that you pull out of somewhere.

    With all that looking up and watching these private planes flying around and around endlessly, all day and every day, your neck must be hurting as much as your reporting these flights to us hurts in its own way, as a pain in the neck, rhetorically speaking, that is.

    1. Radar is a 30 to 40 minute delay online, genius.
      And, genius, they do not have can hear them. Ohhh' thats right. You don't live in Encinitas.
      I forgot.

  61. Oh, but I do live here and have for longer than you have been taking a breath.

    Thanks for the clarification on the source of radar you use to track all these flights over our town. A little delay is understandable.

    Now if you could somehow measure the on the ground conditions from the planes leaded exhaust, it would be step forward in qualifying what you say about us being poisoned.

    Windy days, calm days, in between, will all change the dynamic.

    1. Let me help you out since you can't seem to figure it out on your own. Private planes use "leaded aviation fuel"
      Private planes don't use "any control systems to curb the leaded exhaust coming from the un-muffled engine"
      Now how difficult was that? Stick with me and I can get your mind right.
      1000 private planes a year crash thru out the U.S and we will not let this happen from the flying schools flying over and over in circles/back and forth over Encinitas.
      The citizens of Encinitas gain nothing from the dangerous activity...nothing. We don't care if they fly out and back. Don't you feel smarter now?

  62. You are delusional and repetitive with no end in sight. You have some problems besides the planes flying overhead. That proclaimed leaded exhaust must be concentrating over your property.

    That does provide a chance to directly measure the planes exhaust.
