Saturday, August 19, 2023

Storm watch

San Diego's first-ever tropical storm warning.

Watch out for high winds and flooding.

If you get any good videos, please link them in the comments.


  1. This storm is Blakespear’s fault.


    1. 8:08 you mean it’s Trumps fault for global warming 😂

    2. BIA is all shacked up, and her mommy’s whiter than white compound.

      Safe from the brown man getting her and her family. What a despicable family. Racist pigs.

    3. * BIA is all shacked up at her mommy’s whiter than white compound.

  2. I have a good, no great video that's going to create a $hitstorm for Thunder in the next election. Is that the kind of link you meant?

  3. I hope our 115K bike lane sweeper "Luigi" is getting plenty of rest. We need him to give 110% effort post storm...we cannot have our bike lanes obstructed any longer than they need to be.

    1. The bollards don't stay white for free

    2. 8:33 Luigi hasn’t ran in a long time. The city spent 173,000 on it and it’s run like twice. It was another one of Blakespear’s examples of her use of our city’s funds to further her political career by stating she’s a climate supporter.

      But then she supports “Urban Density”.

  4. Beware irrational & clouded decision making is definitely on the rise.

    If you have ever wondered why so many of our “leaders” spew illogical nonsense look no further than the intelligence agencies. Blackmail is as ancient as Babylon. They are owned.

    You cannot rely on anyhing even slightly connected to a govt agency to help any aspect of your life especially in emergencies.

    The incompetent Maui non-useful elected and appointed DEI hire proved it.

    1. Oh joy.

      Another right wing conspiracy.

      Tell us more about how JFK Jr. is alive and supporting Trump, 9/11 was in inside job, airliners are broadcasting chemtrails, Tom Hanks eats babies, Dem leaders keep child sex slaves under a Pizza Hut in DC, Joe Biden is dead and what we see is a body double, Hillary Clinton has murdered about a dozen people, we faked the moon landing, there are mind control chips in the COVID vaccine, Hugo Chavez stole the election, and birds aren’t real.

      You’re right about one thing. There 100% is an epidemic of stupidity.

    2. I forgot New World Order, Racial Displacement Theory, 5G mind control, the gays making your kid gay, books are bad, George Soros as a proxy for antisemitic conspiracies, and the World Health Organization (insert conspiracy here).

    3. 1053 and 1059, no one says this, you’re just gas lighting.

    4. 11:59,

      Pick one.

      I have receipts.

  5. Here’s a heartwarming story about the modern GOP demonstrating their leadership qualities.

    If you vote GOP, this is what you are voting for.

    Fun fact: the meeting was about the fact that the MI GOP is dead broke 12 months before a major election. So, fiscal responsibility.

    1. Here’s more on the fiscal and economic bona fides of the modern GOP. State GOP orgs are going broke. In Colorado they are being evicted from their HQ for nonpayment of rent.

      And these people say you should vote for them to run the economy.

    2. Most states that are GOP run are also broke while every GOP federal admin has run up the deficit while the Libs bring it down. Clinton even had a surplus. Obama would have as well if not for Bushes dumbass wars that we lost. GOP are losers at every level. Look at Stocks and Gaspar. It is the party of losers who are just trying to make losing normal so they don’t feel like losers.

    3. 12:52 sure! Biden’s doing a great job of controlling our deficit with his war in the Ukraine, build back better and all the handouts. Thrilled about paying twice as much for groceries, gas, utilities, etc because of Biden’s inflation. We sure didn’t see this under the Trump
      Administration! Being a Lib sounds nice, but when it comes to bottom line, you tax the shit out of everything and make the cost of living a lot more expensive.

      Maybe you should go concentrate on your mileage tax and wiping away Prop 13. 😂

    4. Please explain how Biden caused inflation.

    5. If you think deficit spending is bad, then Trump would be your enemy #1.

    6. Biden has been fantastic with Ukraine and Russia. Exposed Russia who has been attacking the US for too long and putting bounties on our soldiers heads. Russia is a fraud and now the world knows it now. Expanded NATO. Put china in their place as well. China wants to help Russia but Biden won’t let them. China needs the US more than we need them. Trump was too dumb and up in putins ass to know that. Build back better is an investment in domestic productivity. Trump said he was going to do the same but only accomplished a tax break for the Uber wealthy while printing more money for the same Uber wealthy. Only a trump cuck/GOP believes otherwise. If blue states didn’t have to give red states an allowance imagine how well off we would be. Dependent red states are dragging us all down with their broke welfare asses.

    7. 2:43 I think they just proved it.

      Take a look at your life, your daily expenses and ask yourself, did living get significantly more expensive under the Biden administration? Did fuel prices, food, energy, retail all get significantly more expensive? The answer is yes it did. Inflation is at a 46 year high according to CNN, CNBC, the FOMC. It’s why the fed is raising interest rates, it’s why 30 year mortgages are at 7.25% under the Biden Administration.

      30 year mortgages were between 2.75% and 4.5% under the Trump Administration. Fuel was about $2 a gallon cheaper, groceries were half as much, utilities were a fraction of what they are now and Fed taxes including capital gains were significantly less.

      You’d recognize this is money was an issue for you. But if you’ve got a ton of money and finances aren’t a concern for you then you’d never recognize inflation.

      Your lack of regard for inflation which significantly impacts the lower income earners, says everything about how little you actually care for middle and lower income America.

      Biden has only made life more expensive and the FOMC has concurred with the way they’ve risen interest rates.

    8. 3:26 our great state of California has a nearly $700 billion dollar deficit and it’s been getting significantly worse in the last two years. So what does that say about the blue state of California? People are leaving in droves as are major Fortune 500 companies.

    9. 3:26- 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    10. 4:12- you possibly could not be that stupid. Both Biden and trump are complete Loser idiots …

      Pull your head out of your ass.

  6. Anyone who has a 401K or any money in the market knows that the Biden Administration has been terrible for the market. The housing market sucks as well, no one can afford 7.25% 30 year mortgage.

    Thanks Biden, you’ve made it impossible for middle America to buy a house. The American dream.

    Lower and middle America are forced to rent at sky high rental rates because of Biden’s inflation. Because the cost of living has easily doubled under the Biden Administration.

    But hey let’s just keep working on a mileage tax so we can tax the shit out of lower income families who can’t afford it. While we’re at it let’s get rid of Howard Jarvis’s Prop 13, like the Dems wanna do. Let’s kick grandma to the curb because now her property taxes have skyrocketed more than the max annual 2%. This way the BIA can buy her foreclosed house and build multiple units.

    You Dems just don’t get how taxes affect lower and middle income Americans. Yet you virtue signal how you wanna protect those earners.

    It’s like Blakespear screaming from her multi acre Cardiff ocean view compound about equal opportunity and inclusivity. It doesn’t pass the sniff test,

    1. Republicans democrats blah blah blah…

      The 0.1% own your mind.

      If you want to enjoy your liberty and the rest of your life, watch this

  7. There sure were a lot of "flooded" signs out early this afternoon. Sandbags all over. But this is the proof, there is parking at Cardiff on a Saturday!

  8. Fun Fact:

    Trump signed off on $4T in COVID spending.

    Gee, I wonder if that had anything to do with triggering inflation and fed response.

    MAGA are so stupid that they can’t imagine a world where people can look at actual data and do simple math.

  9. Much more fun fact

    Republicans democrats blah blah blah…

    The 0.1% own your mind.

    If you want to enjoy your liberty and the rest of your life, watch this:

    The great awakening is the only thing that can save this country.

    1. Still on the Q-ANON bandwagon?

      I understand why you want to remain anonymous. I would too.

    2. California is full of Froot Loops.

      Anyone that thinks the great awakening is QAnon is freaking a tweaker mindset. You loser.,

      You clearly have no common sense or have smoke too much dope and your mind is fried.

    3. 6:10 not a solid argument, just a bunch of heat and insinuations. Completely unhinged and emotional!

    4. Sure, Jan.

    5. Nobody’s reading your unintelligible QANON garbage. It’s rotted your brain, loser.

  10. Cranking up the Direct Energy microwaves as hurricane Hilary epstein weakens substantially

  11. Once again.....What did Biden do to cause inflation?

    1. Excessive fiscal stimulus, borrowing and handing out trillions in free money


    3. 6:29 reading above, second time now!

    4. 6:29...let me help you. Out of control printing of money making "YOUR SAVINGS" worth much less. Also,
      U.S currency is backed by "NOTHING".
      The corpse biden made you poorer. Get it?

    5. 6:38, serious question for you.

      CBO estimated that the Biden era Inflation Reduction Act will reduce the deficit by $238 billionover the next decade, while the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget estimated that it will reduce the deficit by $1 trillion over two decades.

      The FY 2020 and 2021 budgets signed by Trump included 4T in emergency COVID spending with no pay-for provisions (no additional revenue generation—pure deficit spending).

      Question: in your opinion, which one likely had a greater impact on triggering inflation?

      State GOPs are going bankrupt and shithole loser states are subsidized by the productive blue states.

      These are undeniable facts.

    6. Here is a fact. The country was running fine before the left was voted in. a fact. The State of California is Billions in the hole as newsom is a fool.
      The country wouldn't need an Inflation Reduction Act if the leftist hadn't ruined everything they do. I hate politics and I am not in either party.

    7. Almost 7 million illegals allowed into the U.S in the last 2.6 years.
      Yaaa'...the leftists are your friends, they hate their own country.

    8. What did biden do??? Are you on drugs? You must be. Even stupid people know what has happened.

  12. 6:29 read above. You can’t just talk all the time, you need to be receptive as well.

  13. Phony is the perfect minion for communism…. As stupid as a rock, and is willing to give up freedoms like closing down the beach because of a little virus.

    You didn’t see Swedish giving up their liberty now did you?

    1. The Swedes don’t have as many Big Mac eating, morbidly obese fat asses in shithole loser states that would clog hospitals harder than their own arteries.

  14. Phony said he's going to rock me like a hurricane tonight tee hee

    1. Your motor boating skills are category 4 dearest admiral!
      - Phony

    2. I fear all this bully talk from Phony will result let me down again. She always talks like it’s gonna be hard like a hurricane, and it ends up being a nothing burger not even classifying as a summer breeze. More like dead calm….. sigh…


    3. Calling Phony…

      If you want to get me super excited, feed me more of those precious emails….

      - your lover Starvin’

    4. 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  15. California has 80 times more people than Wyoming, and yet, you think the nominal value of debt for the two states is directly comparable.

    How dumb is that!?!?


    Of the 24 economies listed, the U.S. inflation rate is in seventh place. Did Biden cause the higher rates in the other 17?

    1. No, your ignorance did.

    2. 10:59, you aren’t getting any answers because they have no answer.

  17. More Bee Ess. The weather is the end of times...
    Don't believe me? Simply read the idiots that write the news.
    On the weather channel today I found a word "showery"
    They have hired 5 year olds.
    WTF is going on in society. Afraid of everything except and gawd forbid someone provides the truth then people go into a mental tailspin. Writing about tailspin. It appears plane guy has got the private planes from circling over and over down a huge percentage. Thank you plane guy

  18. Starvin come back to bed right this instant and put out or no more emails!

    1. Yes, Sir!

      I’m going to dock my biggest yacht right in your warm gentle harbor….

      -your Admiral

  19. Looks like someone's comments hit the nail one the head. Hahahahahahaha.

    1. 8:22 yep that’s Amanda for you!

  20. Maybe a review with some quotes from Amanda, you know with the normal Amanda expletives. Maybe spice in some of her accusations of others being racist.

    Super easy to post on the BBB as well.

  21. Amanda here- I don't work for that company, and haven't for years, idiots. If you want to cause trouble for 4 nice guys that haven't done anything wrong...sounds about right.

  22. 8:30 every time Amanda’s name pops up on this blog she responds immediately. It’s within minutes. Every time!

    One can only conclude that many of the nasty posts on here are coming from Amanda. She’s also in love with Marco, she drools over his posts. She worships him. Marco in her eyes can do no wrong.

    It’s kinda weird and if I was Marco’s wife I’d be uncomfortable.

    1. Shut the fuck up dummy. It seems like every time I identify myself, you show up with the same lame comment. Who are you that has any interest in me at all? Should my husband be concerned? Should I be concerned?

  23. Starvin, here is the emergency shopping list in preparation for the storm:
    1) Water
    2) Toilet Paper
    3) Tylenol (my fingers are sore from fwding you all those emails)
    4) Funions
    5) Boner Pills

    God speed sweet prince, god speed

    1. 😂😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹🤣🤣🤣😹🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🥰🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  24. Aside from the fact that Amanda apparently doesn’t work there anymore, I find it funny that the losers would seek to harm her business by exposing her liberal views.

    It’s a travel business that appears to focus on walking tours in Central and South America. Republicans don’t walk, and don’t go to Central and South America. They vacation on houseboats on their fat ass and shoot at Bud Light cans, leaving behind the trash.

    If anything, the business is likely to gain business.

    1. Sounds like they made a bad decision in hiring a wigged out chick like Amanda the commander.

      Amanda seems like a Racist. She hates herself and her family.

  25. 8:30 good idea Amanda! Well let your ex co-workers know about your behavior. Sounds like you should update your LinkedIn page. Sorry to hear you got fired again.

    1. Sorry to hear you're such a loser that you stalk people that you suspect are making comments you don't like and threaten to harm their business for it. Get a life asshole!

    2. Sorry commander. My reception is not to good right now. I’m hiking in the andes. Did you get this?

    3. 8:44 Amanda, are t you stalking people on EV, EU and other pages. I’ve seen your interactions with anyone who disagrees with you. Your go to lines are obscenities, calling people racist and whatever colorful bullshit you can throw at them.

      Why don’t you go swallow Margo’s small flaccid knob’

    4. Give me $450 asshole white racist, and I’ll mail a form for you if you quit being such a fucking jerk!!


    5. No thanks, by the way your dark roots are showing again. Maybe time to bleach your roots blond again. Seeing that you so desperately need to be a blonde.

    6. Who do I stalk and how 8:49? Be specific. Using swear words is not stalking- I know absolutely nothing about the people I interact with, unless it's public knowledge or they share it.

    7. You stalk Steve Golden, Willow, Price, Turney, Cremona, Riley, Thunder, Greene, Marco (obviously) and anyone else who disagree with you.

      You’re a little bleached blonde weirdo.

    8. I said be specific. Responding to people isn't stalking them. I don't know shit about any of those people outside of what they post online. I don't even know who Riley is other than I know he's male and has something to do with Thunder. Don't give a shit about Cremona, never interact or comment about or to her. Don't care about Greene- I write bad things about EV, I don't like her behavior in local politics, but that's it. Turney-Don't give a shit, never mention or interact with her.

      Who is left? Steven, Willow, Pam & Marco- They're all on Encinitas Uncensored, and anyone can see the interactions. That's the only place I interact with them and the entire record is public. I DISAGREE with 3 out of 4 of them on most topics, but that's not stalking.

      Stalking is more like posting somone's linkedin profile on an anonymous site and encouraging everyone to write negative reviews in order to destroy someone's small business because a comment they made hit a little too close to home.

      I have partial highlights, much like a gigantic portion of Encinitas, not "bleached blonde", stalker.

  26. 8:39 let’s let the readers of the reviews decide where they’d like to take their business. I’m simply gonna post my experiences with Amanda and quote Amanda. It’ll all be true! Copy and paste!

    I’ll express her views of Republicans, I’m sure she’s had quite a few Republican travelers and I’m sure quite a few Republicans look at the reviews before doing business with her.

    Democrats aren’t the only people that travel jackass!

    1. Sounds like they made a bad decision in hiring a wigged out chick like Amanda the commander.

      Amanda seems like a Racist. She hates herself and her family.

    2. I get the feeling she’s swallowing Margo’s little knob.

  27. Republicans think all of Central and South America “speaks Mexican.” And unfortunately most walking tours can’t be done on a rascal scooter with a big gulp cup holder.

    1. You might won’t to go attach your lips to that small, trembling, flaccid MG thing again…drip drip drip.

      Girls gotta eat right?

    2. 9:06- I’m tracking… you just described Phony.

  28. It appears Amanda Zenick is extremely active on this blog. Her name pops up and she respond immediately. Well we all know who supports Kranz, Blakespear and Hinze on this page. Amanda Zenick!

    1. You can try to pin whatever you want on me, but you're wrong. If your goal is to figure out who is posting in favor of those people here, you're way off.

      The whole city is never gonna be 100% on board with any candidate anyway, so give it up. People are allowed to express their opinions without being threatened with having their business harmed, called names, accused of having sex with married men, have their personal appearance insulted, etc, etc. Especially over an anonymous comment you're ASSUMING is mine.

      It is mine BTW, and I think you guys are jerks. That's my opinion, and I'm allowed to have it. Just like you're allowed to go on and on about the shit you do, over and over.

    2. 9:04- thx for wasting 5 secs of my life. Whaaaa.

    3. 9:04 well we’re allowed to have our opinions about you as well, Amanda!

      Based on the fact that you post political shit all day everyday on social media, while sprinkling in hateful comments to people who disagree with you, brings me to the conclusion that you’re a selfish mother and wife with few friends. That’s my opinion.

    4. Let me correct that- I post and comment on Encinitas Uncensored. That's it, nowhere else. If you don't like it, don't go there. I'm not doing anything close to writing insults like what you've just written, to anyone.

      I wonder what it is that I wrote that makes you so very angry and hateful?

    5. 9:31 here’s an example, you label people as racist, when they’re not, personally I think that’s extremely insulting.

    6. 9:35 Who have I called racist, specifically? I know I have never typed "you are a racist" to anyone I was arguing with. That's a really easy accusation to throw around, and if you can't at least mention the topic being discussed when I supposedly did this I think you should drop it. Either you have some sort of proof or some way to reference it, or you're most likely lying.

    7. 10:08 “Steve, Willow and Ruben, you’re all racist and don’t even know it, therefore I can’t help you.” - Amanda Zenick

    8. Never said that, liar.

  29. Hey Amanda, try spending some time with you family instead of posting on Encinitas Undercover, Uncensored and all the other political pages your on all day.

    All you do is post everyday all day. You sound like a great mother and terrific wife. Social media is more important to you than family.

    1. Fuck off and mind your own business mr or ms too-much-of-a-pussy-to-use-your-name.

    2. 9:05- Nice Anon comment.

      Don’t look up Amanda?


  30. Dear Yelp!

    I’d like to share a complaint about my tour.

    When I signed up for a “walking” tour, naturally I thought they were JOKING! They weren’t. I feel like they should have made it more obvious than putting the word walking in the title of the tour.

    This company was completely unreasonable in not assisting in my need to be helicoptered to the top of Machu Picchu.

    And the food was terrible. I consider myself something of a global foodie as my town has TWO Taco Bell locations.There was nothing on this whole trip that remotely resembled a Crunchwrap Supreme.

    And everyone around us insisted on speaking Mexican even though I know they speak English, because it’s Central AMERICA.

    In the end, I didn’t get to see any of the sites on account of my diabetes and inability to walk on this so-called walking tour.

    One star.

    . . . Aaaaaaand, Submit.

    1. Dear Yelp!,

      This tour company is a fraud.

      I signed up for a tour of South America to connect with my Rebel heritage. But the tour didn’t even include Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, or South Carolina. In fact, I’m not even sure where we were, but I didn’t even learn one thing about the good things slavery did.

      Total scam.

      One star.


    2. 9:45 is just another example of how Amanda labels all Republicans. We certainly aren’t gonna solve our country’s differences between people with that attitude.

      Amanda, I hope you realize that half the country is Republican. You continuing to label and put all Republicans in one box only makes our Dem party worse. You’re only doing damage to yourself, our party and people whom were hoping will jump ship to the Dem side.

      I recommend you tone it down Amanda.

    3. Dear Yelp!

      I booked my South America tour for July to enjoy the summer weather. All I packed was a dozen wife beaters and one out of cammo cargo shorts.

      I feel like the tour operator should have told us how cold summers are in South America.


      One star.


    4. 9:55 wow Amanda, you really like to label people don’t you?

    5. P.S. None of these Yelp reviews contain any reference to a political party.

      If you are reading your party in there, then maybe ask why that jumped into your head, and what you can do to change it.

    6. 10:07 yea sure they don’t, moron.

  31. Here’s a recent Amanda quote. “White privilege is a real thing, whether you want to admit it or not. It's not a "liberal" thing either- it's an academic thing. Reverse racism is not a real thing, whether you want to admit it or not- that is another way of saying hurt feeling over not being automatically top of the heap any longer. I don't even know what reverse racism is- a republican thing? a spoiled people thing? a right propaganda thing?”

    1. Yup, and I'm right.

    2. 10:01 that’s the stupidest comment I’ve ever heard. Why is it white dems love to get offended for other cultures, especially blacks. Way more so than blacks actually get offended.

      There’s literally like two black people in the Encinitas population and yet you wanna lecture us on white privileged. You are the epitome of privilege, so stop with the bull shit. STFU!

    3. I'm no the one that brought it up idiot. It was part of a conversation that I didnt initiate. You guys are so fucking stupid.

  32. Here’s another Amanda quote.

    “Steven Golden Not sure why you think you speak for immigrants. Many of them are scared shitless of the racist GOP and their constant efforts to attack and deport immigrants. If you think republicans have immigrant friends, it's only the ones earning $300,000+ a year, and how many of those are there? In their case, it's the equivalent of a shake down for citizenship anyway.”

    1. No lies detected.

    2. Is this an example of me stalking poor Steven? Do you think he's okay?

    3. Golden Pedo spotted!

  33. Obvious EV & Watchdork disciples are obvious. Unfortunately it's going to take years to excise these cancers.

    1. This has got to be Morris related. It's too stupid to be anyone else.

    2. 100% watchdorks. Nailed it.

  34. Illegals contribute to the economy, republicant’s are on federal assistance. This country would be better off if the republicants fucked off and we replaced them with illegals.

    Amanda owns you window lickers. If you had a counter argument, you would use it. Thing is, republicants are dumb as shit so your weak asses try to cancel her so you don’t have to face your pathetic reality. Cowards whose lives are controlled by fear.

    Que the wrong guess on who wrote this with no actually rebuttal that republicants are proven failures

    1. illegal border crossers are the ultimate capitalists

  35. Setting snark and hyperbole aside for a minute.

    I’m not Amanda. But I’m responsible for most of the comments ascribed to her and Marco. You’ve never heard of me. I’m a private person and never post anything under my own name.

    I post things that are sometimes inflammatory and shocking. Usually negative about the GOP and rural America. Much of it is true—some is just for rhetorical effect.

    Here’s why.

    For years, the GOP has had no qualms about exploiting the problems of urban and democratic areas to score cheap political points. They do so at the federal, state, and local level—including here on EU.

    Let’s be clear. Urban and Dem controlled areas do have real problems, and they should be addressed. But they also have great strengths, and are the driver of innovation and economic productivity in America.

    But Dem politicians and thought leaders have been hesitant to respond in kind—using the troubles of red states and rural America to score cheap political points. They don’t do it because they see the rural problems and want to help solve them. Dem leaders believe in governing, and believe that policy solutions can work. They hope to someday win people over in rural America, and you don’t do that by excoriating them.

    For decades now, Republicans have given up on winning elections in urban and blue states, and they have a more cynical view of actual governing and policy solutions.

    This dynamic has lead to an asymmetric verbal combat of sorts, where it’s acceptable and encouraged to bash the problems of urban and blue areas, but not the other way around.

    I for one grew tired of it, and decided it was time to fight back in kind. If it causes you stress or concern for the future of America, good. That’s the point.

    The truth is, urban/blue areas have weaknesses and also strengths. Ideally, the strengths should be acknowledged as much as the weaknesses by all of us, and we should seek common ground on good faith efforts to improve areas of weakness.

    Likewise, rural/red areas have weaknesses and strengths. Trends in demographics, trade, and climate have affected and will continue to affect rural America negatively. By nature, in real life, I’m more inclined to meet in the middle and work on solutions.

    But I’m no longer willing to hang back and watch asymmetric exploitation of problems for political gain.

    I’m a centrist problem solver by nature, but I’m also a counter-puncher. When pushed, I push back.

    1. Try your boring loser. Nobody cares what you think.

    2. An actual, reasonable, thoughtful post and of course some typical EU idiot finds it "boring."

    3. Don't worry 10:52 you're not the only one. These clowns regularly respond to my comments accusing "me" of being one of the names you regularly see people being accused of being. I've never even met any of them.

  36. I think several people are throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks. No contrary opinions allowed!

    It's funny, I made a comment about 10 minutes before these assholes started posting my information. That comment should tell us all we need to know about who I pissed off and who started the posting.

    No we aren't in jr. high, these are adults supposedly.

    1. 11:05 nobody cares Amanda!

    2. STFU. "Nobody cares" has to be the most worthless comment of all time.

    3. 1:42 STFU nobody cares, Amanda.

    4. That wasn't me.

  37. Morons have run amuck on this day when we are all stuck inside with a much needed rain event.

    While Mother Nature deserves some much needed watering, our blog gets the polluted vomitus from the losers nonstop.

  38. I’m know Amanda dies her hair blonde, you can see it in her LinkedIn photos. She so desperately wants to be a blonde, low self esteem, not ever comfortable with who she really is.

  39. Admin of EU or google deleting comments…. Someone is censoring free speech. 👎🏾

  40. Interesting someone is protecting Fletcher’s little bro and his sister and the predator…. 👎🏾

  41. 12:30pm You consider this newsworthy? A woman dying her hair color?

    This says much more about you than her.

    Morons being morons is rampant. They have nowhere else to go since their site was shut down.

  42. As for EU deleting comments, I suppose it can happen, but I must have missed the posts that would require deletion. I am here very day and never notice any posts that demand deletion.

    I guess timing is everything in seeing the posts that would require deletion.

    Anybody care to enlighten me on all the posts that have been deleted because of their inappropriateness to the subject at hand?

    1. They had to do with the relationship between Amanda and the Fletcher family, including his little bro.

    2. One was at 12:07- gone.

    3. We did delete some comments that were cancel culture.

      Cancel culture sucks.

  43. How would you like to go to a gathering with Fletcher, Fletcher’s little brother, Fletcher‘s little brothers sister, and Amander the commander?

    How about them apples and lack of integrity?


  44. This Amanda chick sounds hot and spicy.

    Back to Hypercane Hillary. Minimal flooding, barely even the usual suspects. City staff is out there pumping coast hwy in Leucadia. There are "flooded" signs across the street from "construction no parking" signs on Vulcan. Street dining is dead, pretty much snooze fest.

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  45. The same old morons continue to be moronic. We are so lucky to have them posting on EU. ?

    No, we are not that fortunate. They had their own ignominious site while it lasted. I miss them having their own site to rail on, and on, and on.

  46. I used to think Starvin had a really nice balloon knot but lately it's just been an absolute mess. It's as though the knot is that of weather balloon or something. I think he's cheating on me. I'm giving Toy Pasa'u the 3rd degree on Monday.

    1. You’re tracking right Phony. Trust your female instincts.

      - truth

  47. So has TGTUTSS (The Guy That Used To Surf Swamis) officially returned EU and we're once again all blessed with his presence?

    1. No, these are just his acolytes who are lame while leaderless.

  48. I have to say, calling out facts and the humor has never been better on EU

    It’s unfortunate that the administrator is protecting the Fletcher predator clan.

    Censorship is disgusting and un-American.


    1. Doxxing and cancel culture and targeting people’s employers is un-American.

    2. Doxxing- like Lehman Brothers Starvin?

      If scums play dirty, they should expect some mud thrown their way?

    3. They removed comments about Morris too.

  49. 6:12 I’ve noticed the same lots of comments have been deleted about Marco’s sexual predator brother, Nathan and his outrageous lying sister Lorena.

    Maybe Marco threatened the admin with a lawsuit if certain posts weren’t deleted.

    1. We haven’t deleted anything like that that we can recall. Perhaps your comments got caught in Google’s spam filter.

    2. Thanks for the response. I appreciate it.

    3. The predictors probably contacted google. My guess.

    4. EU- you said you deleted some comments about Fletcher and little bro and you come rushing in?

      Cancel culture ….

      That’s kinda telling.

    5. I didn’t delete anything about Fletcher.

      I deleted some stuff about some local travel agent who is hyper-partisan and people were trying to cancel her and ruin her business.

    6. Oh, that bitch. The one that calls everybody Nazi racist. You’re ok with that?

      Actions speak louder than words.

      Look at BIA living in her mommies, whiter than white compound. Scolding, interracial, couples, and telling them they’re privileged racist and Nazi like… Pfff.

    7. Fuck off you fucking idiot. I haven't called anyone a racist ever. Not hyper partisan either, just anti-asshole.

    8. Hyper triggered- that’s why you keep getting fired.

      Yelp works. Feedback is good. Maybe consider listening more and name-calling less.

    9. Again-not interested in feedback at all, and not fired from anywhere. Just mind your own fucking business and get a life.

      What is the fascination with me? I comment on one place on outdated Facebook, but I'll be gearing up to bug the shit out of you and people like you next election period with my comments. And I mean REALLLY fucking annoying.

      It's because I'm hyper-political, anti-asshole, and I don't like the current GOP-especially people that lie about it to try and get elected in a majority democrat city like Encinitas.

    10. 9:19- until you loose the victim mentality your life willl always be a flop.

      Try to take some ownership of your life and you will see things seem to be a little brighter.

    11. Its like you know me! See ya soon, asshole.

    12. Wise advice from an old asshole. See you next election period.

  50. This blog sucks anyways. It’s boring, just a small handful of people incessantly posting anonymously about nothing. Nobody even follows this blog and how can you take anonymous garbage seriously.

    It’s like the National Inquirer on here, just fluff! This message will soon be deleted 3.2.1….

    1. 6:20- you wouldn’t be missed but we know your not leaving.

      It the no 1 news source for Encinitas. All City Council and most staff follow it daily. Confirmed.

    2. It’s quite informative when the WD refugees are absent.

      The sordid Phony and Starvin affair is quite harlequin bromance too 👨‍❤️‍👨

    3. 6:45 you really think the city staff follows a blog where participants spew out nonsense all day long? People do nothing but make personal attacks against others such as myself. I was attacked all day, people made fun of my hair color, posted reviews and links to my business and insinuated I called people “racists”.

      City staff have much more important things to do then follow this rag.

    4. Sure it is, this blog has never been more than a small group of people who love drama. I guess that’s why I pop in every once in awhile.

    5. 6:45 #1 news source for Encinitas 😂🤣😂 Now that’s funny!

    6. EU is definitely the number one news source for Encinitas. 💯

      Too bad they have a Censor delete button for friends.

    7. Ya just can't mount a good gang up attack like ya used to, right watchdorks?

    8. I’m no watchdork and I can’t stand Trump.

    9. Did you just attempt to gang up on someone here, 9:09? That's who I was referring to. BTW, thank you EU for deleting the links that were posted.

    10. 7:42- confirmed through numerous sources. All City Council and staff read this blog religiously.

      Too bad EU will not share how many hits this page gets on average per day. I think you would be amazed. And I think the San Diego Union-Tribune would be jealous.

    11. City leadership and staff come here just to read how stupid the electorate is.

    12. Starvin’ you are pushing your luck with me. Now come and service me or I will have no other recourse than a full demotion to E1- Semon Recruit.

      -your lovey Phony

    13. 9:23 “confirmed through numerous sources” that EU is closely followed by the City 😂 and who has confirmed this and how do they know all city staff and council follow EU. Do you realize how ridiculous you sound right now.

      There’s no news or anything news worthy on here, it’s just people talking about Starvin, Phony, ballon knots and others.

      EU has no insight or News to offer.

  51. Now if we really wanna equal out the population and look at debt, you can see how fiscally irresponsible the Dems are. Proof is in the numbers.

    Top 3 Red states in debt have combined population of 67 million people and a total combined debt of $548 Billion.

    Top two Dem states in debt including Massachusetts so as to equal population of red states has a combined population equal to 67 million.

    Blue states (CA, NY, MA) population 67 million. Blue states debt $986 Billion, almost 1 trillion.

    Red states (TX, FL, OH) population 67 million. Total debt $548 Billion.

    In conclusion the top blue states carry nearly twice the debt level as red states with the same population.

  52. 9:43 you are an idiot, perfect example of someone who can’t balance their finances because they either A. Inherited all their money from mommy or B. Have trust fund.


  53. It has come to our attention that George Takei runs this blog

  54. Hey, how about that storm, eh?

    1. Oh yeah it rained.

      Don’t worry. The big pharma industry is cooking up another pandemic. They gotta find a way to keep their profits up.

      I heard they’re working on angles of the Bird Flu. And the news absolutely loves dirty laundry. Get ready 2024. Here we go again….

  55. Love Yelp. reviews of how people were treated at business. There’s been movies produced about the scums who worked at Lehman brothers. The inside job.

  56. Curious why no one on EU ever goes after Verdu, or any other EN members except Marco and Garvin. Is it because you like them or feel intimidated by them. You pick on EV and Uncensored constantly, but I don’t hear anything about the people that sold us out. Maybe some of you really like what they’ve done to our city.

    1. Great point…. I think they’re maybe some alliance with many of the FB players at EN and EU current admin as we have seen. I am 100% confident EU admin is no longer WC.

    2. Gonzalez and Walsh are blocked on EV along with a bunch of WD refugees. Why they’re not discussed; out of sight….

    3. The predator’s lil bro MG and starvin are discussed nonstop on EU. Not a good example. But why isn’t Verdu ever discussed?

    4. Anyone who ever made a strong point in support of incumbents that Dr. Looni couldn’t counter has been banned from EV.

      100% truth.

  57. Does mE4mE still exist?

  58. 🐖👧 and Starvin were a huge part of why Encinitas was subjected to Stan preying on people for well over a year and leading Encinitas to become the laughingstock of California and have a minority elect

    The Town Dunce as Mayor.

    Stand up and take a bow 🐖👧.

    1. 🐖👧 had her lame ass, Lehman brothers New Jersey Ladyboy Starvin’ in tow to pleasure Phony in what ever he like….. the rest is history

      Now we have her majesty Phony and her ladyboy Starvin as First Lady making Admiral Levin look boring.

      Encinitas has officially gone to Shit thanks to 🐖👧 and Starvin’

    2. Maybe she thinks that’s the credentials she can run on in 2024.

  59. Love the one!

    Phony welcomes all the worlds cracks here and then wants to meet to talk about it!

    Could she be any dumber?

    “We have noticed in the last month since the city of San Diego began their encampment ban that our (Encinitas homeless) count is going up a little bit,” Lawrence said. “We’re seeing some new faces from San Diego that we’ve never dealt with before.”

    - Kranz is an idiot and if you voted for him like John Gjata, Kathleen Lees, Marco G, Mali, BIA, 🐖👧, Starvin, and Amanda you.are a big part of Encinitas’s destruction

    1. *Phony welcomes all the worlds cracks heads here and then wants to meet to talk about it!

    2. You know why they can legally implement an encampment ban in San Diego?

      Because they built shelter beds as an alternative.

      Martin v Boise.

  60. If the homeless started hanging out in the park strip on Willow Spring, would the reaction of the community change?

    1. Homeless shelter on Crest Drive would be good and then the BIA Rubenstein Street, whiter than white neighborhood.

      But you know, babble talking BIA won’t allow that. Do as I say not as I do. I hate Nazi racists.

      Phony take his marching orders from BIA.

  61. Rubenstein Drive right next to the whiter than white compound would be perfect.

    Ask BIA’s imommy for permission
