Last week's post about SANDAG Director Hasan Ikhrata wanting to make driving and parking prohibitively expensive and difficult brought this question:
How does Hasan get to and from work?Thanks to a tip from Twitter user @_Torqued:
Does he park?
If so, what does he pay?
The compensation is a significant increase from what Gallegos had been making, about $310,000 a year. The position also comes with a vehicle allowance of $1,000 a month, participation in the CalPERS pension plan, a supplemental SANDAG retirement plan, four weeks of vacation and $10,000 in relocation assistance.
Ikhrata downplayed the compensation package on Friday, saying that he was motivated to take the job because of the potential for improving the region’s transportation system.

Did anyone on EU actually expect any other answer to the car allowance question? Hasan Ikhrata sure fits the description of a filthy weasel dictating constituent behavior from his ivory tower. Move over Jeremy, Hasan and Catherine look like a match made in heaven, made even better if the conniving stepmother, Tricia Smith, joins the cast.
ReplyDeleteHa ha, poor Marco is lamenting the one that got away.
DeleteThis one (below) got missed. It came off of the 10news website. Thanks Tasha Boerner Horvath!
DeleteSACRAMENTO, Calif. (KGTV) - A bill working its way through the California State Legislature could require bike lanes and other "active transportation" amenities to be built on state-owned roads.
Senate Bill 127 states that "any capital improvement project located in an active transportation place type on a state highway or a local street crossing a state highway that is funded through the program, shall include new pedestrian and bicycle facilities, or improve existing facilities, as part of the project."
It means any time Caltrans wants to repave or resurface a part of a State Highway or a highway overpass or underpass, they must add some kind of bike/walking lane or safety measures.
San Diego Legislator Tasha Boerner Horvath co-wrote the bill. She sent the following statement to 10News:
“My district is a hub for all things that involve outdoor recreation — biking, walking, jogging, skateboarding — you name it and my constituents enjoy doing it throughout our beautiful district. SB 127 is a major move forward in identifying and funding important bike and pedestrian paths to connect people with the places they want to go. In addition, it will bring us an important step further on ensuring highway overpasses in my district have the bike and walking facilities they need to connect inland communities to the coast. This is important for safe routes to schools for our kids as well as folks accessing our stunning beaches.”
Members of the San Diego Bicycle Coalition support the bill, saying it will make it easier for people to commute to and from work. They also say it will help fund more "active transportation" projects.
"The funding is always an issue," says SDBC Advocacy Coordinator Jennifer Hunt. "This is a great way to get that extra, additional funding and just to get more people out safely using biking and walking."
The bill has passed the State Senate and is now in the Assembly. The California Legislature is on recess until August, but the bill will be in committee soon after they reconvene.
Height of hypocrisy.
ReplyDeleteMake him ride a bicycle.
ReplyDeleteAs usual. compensation way out of line for the stated job. It is looting of the public sector by a cabal of insiders, feathering each others' nests.
ReplyDeleteBlakespear sitting at the right hand of this god.
DeleteIkhrata showed his true $tripe$ when he didn't turn down the monthly $1,000. Q: What would blakespear do? A: The same.
ReplyDeleteBrust gets a $500 per month car allowance. She lives in Olivenhain. She also gets a $100 per month cell phone allowance. Of course, we're sure she uses her car and cell phone for city business daily.
ReplyDelete[slow sarcastic clap]
ReplyDeleteCongratulations EU.
You have defeated your own lame straw man. I bet that feels good.
It would be hypocritical if he had ever said cars will have no role in future transportation, but he didn’t.
Blakespear supports buying more pollution machines that are so overweight and outdated. Why not buy electric trains made for efficiently carrying human cargo not outdated diesel that pollutes all the encinitas school kids as it passes directly next two two school and numerous parks. Geeze!!
ReplyDeleteAnd she wants even more train horns to blow along the coast. I will never support Blakespear until there is a quite zone all the way through Encinitas.
You got me at, "I will never support Blakespear." It made so much sense. But you just couldn't stop yourself. You should reassess what's left of your sanity.
DeleteOh snap!
ReplyDeleteWho Knew?
Your leftist buddy Brack Obuma just bought 2 multi million dollars properties for cash one of which is directly ion the path of his global warming sea rise bullsh*t.
Folks, do you see what is really happening here?
Liberalism is/will be/has been a very self evident mental disorder.
But...but...but the water is rising...
Not quite as much as their wealth tho...
Fu cking crooks...
The lot of them
DeleteI guess no one told you that even the oil companies now accept the science of climate change and sea level rise.
Which makes you like the last dolt spouting off that cigarettes don’t cause cancer, after the tobacco companies gave it up.
I’m so sorry our school science programs failed you.
8:23. Spot on minus the bad language. Man made global warming has been a lie from the get go. Fake science supported by tax payer grant money. Rising seas a lie, dying polar bears a lie, ozone getting bigger a lie, acid rain a lie. Lie after lie after lie. Fifteen years ago the computer model made the prediction the east and west coasts would be underwater in ten years...BIG FAT LIE.
DeleteAnd be advised, you will always be called names by sandal wearing believers of gullible warming as that, is their religion. The same ones with the blank eyes and gullible minds.
“the computer model made the prediction the east and west coasts would be underwater in ten years”
DeleteLink to research paper or you are full of shit.
And there it is... the old "link your research paper" distraction. This people, is what "the ones with the blank look on their face" do. They can't think for themselves, they need a research paper to guide them. They can't figure out why the seas didn't rise by looking at the shoreline...they need a paper to explain it.
DeleteReminds me of the person that lives next to me. They always look at the weather channel to explain the local weather. I often wonder why they don't simply look out a window.
Follow the grant money, find the lies
And by the way 11:22, it was all over the radio and t.v as fact presented by the grant money takers. Fifteen years ago. So, you were either living in a cave, under a rock or you were three.
Got it. You are full of shit.
DeleteYou made up a claim and got caught.
Scientist warned about the ozone hole, the world responded by banning certain Aerosols, ozone hole no longer a problem. The other baseless, unsupported gibberish just shows your ignorance. That fact that you can’t produce any evidence other than your wrong personal observations suggest your ignorance is willful.
Delete12:16’s idea of science is “I done saw et on ‘der tee vee 15 yers ago.”
DeleteExpanding and improving public transit is a good idea. But it would also be a good idea if people like Hasan and Blakespear set a good example by using it.
ReplyDeleteWhen was the last time Blakespear or any other council member rode a bike or walked to a meeting or other city function?
Pay no attention to 8:23. He's a nutcase.
This guy should not be given car allowance money - a train pass and an electrical bicycle at his destination. He should never get in another car as long as he holds this position.
ReplyDeleteTypical BS move by Mayor Blakespare to support this transportation pay incentive. What message is she giving to the public. "Do as I say, not as I do!"
ReplyDeleteOnly the brain dead can be as ignorant as 12:16.
ReplyDelete12:16 is stupidity on steroids! Virtually every scientist on the planet is wrong, and 12:16 is right.
ReplyDeleteThe magnitude of the stupidity boggles the mind.
Nothing is as stupid as Blakespears latest newsletter. She wants SANGAGAlmost $800 million has already been invested by local and state taxpayers into double-tracking the rail corridor, making it possible to run trains both directions at the same time. Now all we need is the equipment. NCTD would like to be able to run trains every 30 minutes in each direction during peak times (5-9 a.m. and 3-7 p.m.) and every 60 minutes in each direction during the mid-day, which will be possible with the new train sets as part of the inventory.
ReplyDeleteWow. Thanks Blakespear!! You approved a quite zone for the crossing near your home and now you want to double the train-blowing noise for the rest of us. How Fing selfish is that? Unbelievable! Not one mention of quiet zones prior to the increase in train traffic. You Suck!!!!
Make the knob buy his own vehicle and pay him $0.26/ corporate America today - except he also has a massive guaranted benefit pension.
ReplyDeleteLooting bastards.
At $0.26 per mile, your company thinks you suck at your job and is begging you to quit.
DeleteTake the hint, dummy.
9:54 - ya, sorry..
ReplyDeleteI expense 26 miles to SAN at $0.55/mile...but really- why the anger?
Maybe you need to take a break
Give the guy a skateboard to show his commitment to environmentally friendly transportation.
ReplyDeleteGive Blakespear the pavement and let her walk everywhere. She want to put twice and many train horns in Encinitas every day. Screw that. Out goes Blakespear..
ReplyDeleteIt seems like we have a bunch of Mini Trumps!
ReplyDelete3:53, Mini Trumps? What is wrong with you? Let me suggest you get back on your meds. Then perhaps you can write in some type of logical sequence instead of blathering on and on about your Trump derangement. My hope is when the current President wins again, you don't go out and take a header off a bridge. Get help, get it now.
DeleteAre you saying if I don't like train noise all hours of the day, I am a mini Trump?
ReplyDeleteI'd say your clueless. I hate Trump and now can't stand Blakespear. Both have to go.
I will vote for a candidate committed to ridding train noise and not catering and encouraging the homeless to Encinitas.
If you don’t like train noise, then way did you move in near a rail line?
DeleteHow close to the tracks do you live, 5:23?
DeleteWhy do you think all of San Clemente is a quiet zone?
Why do you think Cardiff recently became a quiet zone?
Hey, this is 3:53. I meant that Ikhrata, Blakespear, Kranz, Shaffer and all other council members of the same stripe are the Mini Trumps. Why? Because they have one set of standards for other people that they don't practice themselves. It is stomach turning and dispiriting. A specific example is Shaffer, who fought to putting high-density development in other neighborhoods while protesting against it on her street. All of these people are similarly hypocritical and have many supporters who regret supporting them.
ReplyDelete6:52, your Trump derangement is proof once again that a certain segment of the population is indeed in need of medication.
DeleteAfter careful thought, I have come to the conclusion this hasan might be very clever. You see, there are many "believers" in man made global warming. He has figured out these "believers" will do anything to further their religion in the fake science.
ReplyDeleteSo, he provides exactly what they want. He gets paid a bunch and the believers get made fools of once again.
And the world is still flat . . .
Delete6:00, you're up early. but you're still unbelievably stupid!
DeleteAnd 9:08 the seas have not risen and put both coasts underwater like the scientists promised fifteen years ago. And 9:38, yep, I'm still stupid but you left out moron, hillbilly moron and highly uneducated. How dare not insult me futher. Since all the ice was supposed to melt in the Artic and kill all the Polar Bears, I'm happy announce their are, according to National Geographic, more Polar Bears today than in the last fifty years. Oh' those darn bears, they just won't quit and make the erthers happy.
DeleteGot any evidence to back up your ignoramus claims?
DeleteNope. No evidence. He makes himself feel smart by misrepresenting or making up predictions real experts never made.
DeleteIt's silly and stupid, but it stokes his fragile ego.
He uses the technique to convince himself he's smarter than climatologists, medical doctors, physicists, business executives--pretty much everyone, because he's an expert on everything.
In truth, he's not fooled anyone ever (other than himself). He has trouble in personal relationships, with family, and everyone at work figures out he's useless within an hour of meeting him.
It's not hard to nail the details, because we've all met a guy (it's always a guy) like this.
Sounds as if 3:13 just described Donald Trump.
DeleteIn the kooky world of the believer in gullible warming, they want to ones that call out the sham/lie to produce evidence.
DeleteDon't look now believers, it doesn't work that way.
You are making the claims about man made global warming, not us non believers. You have to produce the evidence, not us. Our job is call you on the fake science, fake claims and in general the hoax that is "man made global warming".
And psycho babble from 3:13 proves again that they, the believers cannot counter the position of the non believer. Instead they refer to the opposition as stupid, crazy or ignorant.
That tactic is right out of the readings of Stalin/Lenin.
If a believer owns one item made in China then "they" have contributed to their program of "man made global warming" as China is the number one polluter on earth. If they drive a fuel powered car, own tires, have an electric car, type on a keyboard, own a t.v, stereo, radio.
Ohh' the hypocrisy.
Here is a little heads up. There are many experts that don't believe the lie of gullible warming but you will never hear them on tax payer backed KPBS.
Let me help you.
5:42 thinks it’s not his job to back up his own false claims. Don’t you all get it. He makes shit up, you have to disapprove it, what an idiot. You really are not very smart, your logic fails, your claims fail, you are a failure. You have zero debating skills and would be completely humiliated in public. You should run for office, you may be a little too dumb, but it would be a great train wreck to watch.
Delete5:42, I’ll play.
DeleteHere’s the latest peer reviewed research, published 4 days ago.
The conclusions showed that the northern part of the Greenland ice sheet is making a larger contribution to overall ice mass loss since 1990 than was previously known.
The northern part of Greenland is was thought to be less dynamic, as it is drier and colder than the south. It’s basically a cold desert, with little ice accumulation, and the colder temperatures relative to the south normally mean less melting during the summer. But what the data show in this research is that warmer temperatures in the north have melted the bright white reflective snow during summer months exposing dark blue energy absorbing ice. The zone of ablation (melting) in the north has therefore expanded by 43%. As a result, annual runoff since 1990 has increased by 6.6 Gigatons per year, and continues to increase.
Your turn. Where’s your recent published research from a reputable journal?
I’m going to go out on a limb and predict that you respond with lots of words and no research.
Where is the proof it is man made? Hmmm? Remember, you are the ones making the claims. Not the ones with any sense.
DeleteNow the latest lie from the religion of "man made global warming is in ten years the coasts will be underwater (again)" Oh'snap, they said that 15 years ago and the beaches in SoCal are the same. Peer review, do yourself a favor. Go to the beach and tell us all how there isn't any beach because it's all underwater all the time.
Man made gullible warming, humph...follow the grant money find the lies. Here is your global report, it's the earth doing what it does and no matter what hand wringers moan about it ain't gonna' change. What happened to California being in a permeant drought?? Another lie as it rained like crazy last winter. The believers remind me of used car salesmen, no matter how much they get made fun of they never get it, they will always be used cars salesmen.
Delete“Where is the proof it is man made?”
An understanding of climate change, and the science behind it requires a comprehensive review of many different puzzle pieces. The problem with debating the willfully ignorant is that they hate being led down a logical path of discovery. Every time you show evidence of one aspect, you’ll want to jump to another before reaching a conclusion on the current point. This way, you can later jump back to the original topic when cornered on another. It’s a stupid game for stupid people.
Here’s what I propose. You and I can show scientific research and data on a series of questions. We won’t move on to the next question until one of us admits that the current question has been resolved in the other’s favor.
The questions:
(1.) Is the global surface temperature rising, yes or no?
(2.) Is carbon dioxide a greenhouse gas, yes or no?
(3.) Is atmosphereoc carbon dioxide increasing, yes or no?
(4..) How much does human activity contribute to observed atmospheric carbon dioxide levels?
(5.) Does atmospheric carbon dioxide level correlate with global surface temperature observations?
(6.) Are there other potential quantifiable alternative explanations that correlate better with observed global surface temperature changes?
Six simple questions on a journey to discover the scientific truth. Do you accept the challenge?
I started with just one recent research study relating to question 1. Since you didn’t challenge the research, and wanted to move on, can I assume that we have answered the first question? Do you concede that the global earth surface temperature is rising? If so, we can move forward to question 2. If not, please provide research to dispute that the global surface temperature is rising.
Your move.
10:34 is getting owned left and right. I think he is a kid, at least he argues like one.
DeleteHis next reply will be some thinly failed excuse on why he can’t answer any of the above questions. Probably call some people names, a couple more made up lies, then pat himself on the back for believing his own made up bullshit.
No response.
Delete10:34 won’t accept the challenge.
In the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church interpreted a passage from the book of Joshua to mean that the Earth was still in the center of the solar system and the universe (“sun, stand thou still”), and that the sun, planets and all other bodies moved around the earth. In 1633, Galileo was put on trial by the Inquisition for promoting the notion that the Earth and planets orbit the sun. He had developed an early but effective telescope, and his views were based on scientific observations of the movement of the moons of Jupiter. During the trial Galileo invited his judges to look through his telescope and repeat the observations and logic that lead to a scientific conclusion of a heliocentric model. The judges refused to look through the telescope, and Galileo was convicted.
10:34 is an intellectual heir to those judges. He isn’t just confused or misinformed. He’s willfully ignorant.
Notice folks how the global warming mafia loses it when simply asked to observe the beach, a simple request to why it isn't always underwater as promised by the "experts fifteen years ago". They instead go right to the name calling and insults. Proving time and time again, there is a rat in the riggin'. It never fails. Follow the grant money.
DeleteWillfully ignorant isn’t name calling. I’m sure you’ve got hurty feelers, but it’s simply an accurate descriptor.
DeleteOf course, you could prove us all wrong and accept the challenge.
6:00am ::->
ReplyDeletePlatinum Interstellar
:golfclapping: while Gangnam style dancing
This is getting Fun!
He's part of the SEUI mafia. A stooge to big government and govt control.
ReplyDeleteNOT NOW, NOT EVER!!
Weird looking dude - someone James Bond would take care of.
DeleteI had to look up SEUI mafia but I'm still unsure what that has to do with government control, perhaps if I lived in the bizzaro world of the believer it would make sense. If only I could be a Stooge. I always like it when Moe hits Curly on the head, that cracks me up.
ReplyDeleteJust think how much Moe would make fun of the believers in "man made gullible warming" Think of it, Moe smacks that old commie burnie sanders on the noggin' or a 2x4 to hind side of the fake American Indian (I can't recall her name). Gotta' love the Stooges. I'd be proud to be a Stooge.
Does anyone know Hasan's country of origin and citizenship status? Sometimes people with shady immigration status/history (or those who have relatives who do) are manipulated by other govt. agencies. Not trying to be discriminatory but just sayin'. He is probably just another well compen$ated puppet with a handler. And he looks like a creep.
ReplyDeleteHe looks like Ratty out of the Mr. Toad cartoon.
DeleteThe bios online say he's from the former USSR. IOW, he's a Russian.
ReplyDeleteSorry, no. Try again.
DeleteIf 10:24 is wrong, do the Googling yourself and prove it.
DeleteI did. Maybe you should look it up.
DeleteInstead of playing juvenile games, 9:36, why not show what you found?
DeleteBorn in Jordan, Ikhrata holds a bachelor and master’s degree in civil and industrial engineering from Zaporozhye University in the former Soviet Union, a master’s degree in civil engineering from UCLA and a PhD candidacy in urban planning and transportation from USC.
The university is in Ukraine — if the one at the URL is the same as mentioned in the bio.
Hasan also worked abroad for the Government of USSR, Mosco Metro Corporation, where he conducted subway ridership forecasting, engineering design and analysis of TDM programs for the Moscow Subway system.
One can own dozens of degrees but it doesn't mean they have good sense. I know people with medical, engineering and law degrees that can barely tie their own shoes.
DeleteSounds like credentials from Trump University.
ReplyDeleteDon't you mean oh'bama U ?
DeleteThis guy is the best they could come up with??!!
ReplyDeleteThe best money could buy.
DeleteWith his appearance and his background, I am afraid that he is going to pistol whip us if we don't become obedient Guinee pigs! This guy makes Putin look candy ass by comparison.
ReplyDeleteLooks like one of Encinitas' old activists has been committing voter fraud.
ReplyDeleteSee the UT article:
Dead voter ‘signature’ resembles mom’s
M,A., this is an old story, and it is cruel to bring this up when it is really about a grieving woman who tragically lost her daughter and made a mistake. This is a new low for you.
DeleteIf memory serves, "Xavier Watson" was exposed already as Jerome Stocks. Sux to be him.
DeleteActually it's Mikey, the operative for all things Jerome and of that ilk.
DeleteBack in yer hole, Mikey.
The Coastal Act doesn’t require that the Commissioners vote to change an LCP based upon the demands of the Building Industry Association of San Diego (BIA). Yet, that is what happened.
ReplyDeleteA January 18, 2019 demand letter by a representative of the BIA was sent to the state Housing and Community Development agency (HCD). In the BIA letter these demands to HCD were to change the city’s General Plan, Municipal Code, Specific Plans, and the LCP. These changes would financially benefit the members of the building industries.
A February 4, 2019 demand letter from HCD was then sent to the City of Encinitas with these BIA demands. However, the HCD letter didn’t disclose that information.
The Commissioners certified the Encinitas LCP amendments WITHOUT the knowledge that their votes would financially benefit developers and property owners. The San Diego staff in the Coastal Commission office should have alerted the Commissioners about the financial benefits they were conferring on developers and property owners.
There was a developer trying to buy up older Clark Avenue properties that will be up zoned to 30 units with the Commissioners’ approval. A small neighborhood of older homes will be destroyed for the financial benefit of the new developer/owner.
There is also the case of the developer who brought an already approved tentative map that required the restoration of wetlands as a condition of approval. The City Council has up zoned this property to 30 units per acre. The developer and new owner of the property wrote that he wouldn’t restore the wetlands with the new zoning. This is how the Coastal Commission staff protect wetlands? This is how the Coastal Commissioners protect wetlands?
Attorney Marco Gonzalez worked a deal behind the scenes with the Coastal Commission office and Encinitas planning to get his client a change in the LCP that will financially benefit his client.
The Coastal Commission Act certainly prohibits the Commission from approval actions that convey financial benefits.
This fits with everything else that Gonzalez does. Even among other lawyers he is mocked and despised. He should lose his license!
ReplyDelete8:08, I want to know about which wetlands Gonzalez is involved with. Gonzalez was heard boasting that he "sued" one of the stadium owners because he (Gonzalez) identified wetland plants in the stadium parking lot. Somehow, Gonzalez seemed to have used CEQA law to direct funds to himself without correcting the issue. There seems to be a pattern here...
ReplyDelete8:08's comments also fit the pattern with what residents experience with many in Planning. They are dishonest, lazy, hide and destroy records, and are incompetent.
Delete12:15 that was before the dark side flip.
DeleteHasan is doing an interview on KOGO now. Lots of mumbling and incomprehensible English due to his accent. Not to be discriminatory but with an issue this important we need CLEAR communication.