Friday, September 27, 2019

Gaspar battles SANDAG

Supervisor Kristin Gaspar on Facebook:


  1. She’s butthurt because he signed a Memorandum of Understanding that allows the parties to explore using Navy property to connect the Coaster rails to the airport. There’s zero commitment of funding, or any plan on the table to approve or deny—it’s just an agreement to study the options.

    No reasonable person would oppose that, which is why she didn’t mention the root of her disagreement in her public statements.

    If this is about some formal communications protocol between the board and the executive at SANDAG, then the public won’t care.

    This amounts to a Gaspar hissy fit because she’s not effective enough to convince other board members to vote with her.

  2. Mass transportation is a tool of control. American rugged individuals can hardly wait to buy their first horse or today a car that creates an incredible amount of independence, freedom and for many, a way to make a living.
    As communicable diseases are most often spread on 'mass transit' almost all legal citizens will always avoid getting on cattle cars next to infected strangers. EVERY single bus that travels through Encinitas is never more than 10% of capacity for seating and every single one of you knows this as you too look into the buses and see them empty as these monstrosities spew exhaust and litter brake pad dust at every single stop. The majority of passengers are illegal aliens and they should instead be driven around in smaller 12 to 15 passenger vans. There is no need for these big urban buses to be allowed to be driven almost empty polluting our great city. Please support Gaspar in her fight against disdainful elites who want to continue to expand 'mass transit' that will NEVER be adopted by a people that want to be and remain free to go where they want and when they want and by their own means.

    1. So you are against connecting the Coaster to the airport?

      I seriously hope Gaspar runs on that. Good way to get rid of her.

  3. Oh what do you know the second speaker tried to disguise herself a 'normal' resident asking for more onerous bike lanes that will make it even tougher and longer for 'normal' residents to get on the freeway each morning to get to work.   This 'undercover extremist activist' is in fact Kristine Schindler, who is a card-carrying member of 'the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals.'  Isn't that funny...calling yourself a about ELITISM. This subversive bicycle activist spends her waking hours trying to FORCE bike lanes on to our critical arterial roads that help us get to work each day.  Further information reveals that this childless adult is an environmental fascist as she took particular joy in working as an intern with Andy Hamilton to compile (see 'build a case against') greenhouse gas and global warming information to propagandize on the Association of Pedestrians and Bicycle Professionals website as well as other projects having to do with FORCING American citizens out of their privately owned vehicles, you know the ones that they love, drop off and pick up their kids in, go to the Zoo and beach in, drive their dogs to the dog park in, and the ones that they drive to work five or six days per week. Why do all of these radical and extremist 1960's-era baby boomer environmental fascists all try and CONTROL Encinitas?  Well, it's fairly simple as the late Dr. Michael Crighton said it best, "environmentalism has become the religion of choice for these atheist hippies who gave up morals and religion years ago embibing on a lifetime of sin at a very early age. I know how much your HATE religion and Christians but save your pathetic self-righteousness for another forum.

    1. Blah blah blah YELLING blah blah, blah blah RAGE. Blah blah OFF TOPIC TALKING POINT.

      That’s one vote for Gaspar’s crusade to stop people thinking about maybe someday bringing Coaster service to the airport.

      I figure she’ll get about a dozen votes from the “get off my lawn” demographic.

    2. 8:31 a.m Spot on. And yes, the climate hucksters are deep in the religon of "man made global warming". They ran out of things to believe in until gullible warming apppeared on their radar. It then gave them purpose.
      Either follow the grant money or the fool, or both.
      "man made global warming, the man made lie"

    3. 8:31 While I don't disagree with your major points I do have a problem with your hatred of baby boomer atheist hippies. You don't need religion to have morals. Religious people are not automatically moral. Just look at the president your kind worships. By the way, this dope smokin' sin imbiber worked on several aerospace projects that keep your ass safe.

    4. Amen, 1:05. 8:31 is a regular on here and loves his labels more than life itself.

  4. It's a real shame that there is no way of discovering who these hidden radical activists agents are BEFORE they start speaking as 'normal' residents. No one like being deceived and deceit and deception is exactly what is happening at these citizen oral communication sessions.

  5. Pardon me while all the other sandal-wearing atheist hippies and I try to preserve the planet so it can continue to sustain diverse life.

    The evidence of manmade global warming is everywhere and overwhelming. You'd have to be mind-bogglingly stupid to deny it.


  7. It's all about control - using infrastructure and mass transit to make the masses conform and obey to ONE vision of how to love. Chrisopher F. Rufo.

  8. What’s wrong with studying a rail link to SDIA?

    I don’t get it.

  9. This is for the despotic poster also known as 2:41 PM

    When you're done watching the entire thing please go buy a clue.

    Thanks in advance

  10. Order of dislike for current politicians:

    1. Trump - He has always been a loser.
    2. Blakespear- Claims she supports quality fo life issues in Encinitas but her actions do the opposite. This is the worse kind of person IMO- Passive aggressive. What blakespear's actions have supported- 1. developers (doubling the allowable homes in Encinitas from what was approved in the General Plan, with developement coming more crowds and population of every kind. 2. She supports doubling the train trip and horns in town without any quite zones in place first (except the one built in her neighborhood of course), 3. Never listens to constituents... she always has her mind made up on issues prior to any public hearing. She knows what is best for the public. Of course.
    4. Because of 3, she is a major safety, financial and quality of life concern for Encinitas.

    3. Gaspar- Developer's pet. but hey at least she admits it unlike the sneaky lying Fakespear.

    1. So 8:08, you know President Trump personally? I was not aware that losers were worth hundreds of millions. And works at their current job for free, donating their paycheck to charity. Now I wonder, do you donate your monies to charity? Of course you don't.

  11. Put a Coaster station at the airport. Who would be against that? It's long obverdue. Why wasn't in the plans from the beginning.

    The Coaster as it is is useless unless you work downtown and can adjust your schedule to match the coaster schedule.

    1. SANDAG isn't proposing extending the Coaster to the airport. What is proposed is a $4 billion Mobility Hub in Old Town. The proposed station would connect to the airport with a tunnel 80' underground and automated people mover.

  12. I agree 8:17am. Its because they really do not have bright people working at SANDAG and their laymen board haven't a clue.

  13. I read Gaspar's comments in a different way from some others on this thread. It sounds like the executive director of SANDAG is making decisions without looping in the board. Even though it would be nice if the Coaster went to the airport, I want the executive director to work with the board. If he can't do that, then a new executive director should be hired.

    1. It was an agreement to study the options for a rail link to the airport.

      No budget requested or even estimated yet. No proposals made or approved.

      Boards shouldn’t micromanage. I’ve worked with boards of private companies, and this is way more granular than a board would normally be involved.

      If Gaspar thought that a protocol had been broached between the executive and the board, then the remedy is to get a majority of board members to agree to take some action to protect the interests of the board.

      Gaspar is in the wrong, and has no support from the rest of the board, so she just whines publicly. It’s what all ineffective board members do.

  14. Well, son of a bitch 12:18, finally someone with some common sense.

    A most welcome change to all the hyperbolic frauds around these parts whom tend to take their orders from mentally disturbed 15 year olds
