Thursday, June 22, 2023

More on Kranz's e-mail forwarding

Last night:


  1. Email forwarding isn’t specifically listed as a job responsibility in the code, so she thinks he can’t do it.

    Well then he also can’t make phone calls, shake hands, or smile. Same reason.

    So she sent the email, knew it wasn’t private, and expected him to do nothing? Then why send it? What’s the purpose of sending an email about a subject and expecting the recipient to do nothing with the information?

    I call BS.

    Big BS.

    1. And she spent lots of her own time organizing the information and writing the email with the expectation that the recipients would do nothing?

      Why would anyone waste their own time.

      And if you felt strongly that your time should be wasted and nothing done about it, wouldn’t you write words to that effect into the email?

      How long does it take to type “Do Not Forward,” or “No Action Please”?

    2. You would need to see the entire thing. As her and she'll tell you that she asks law enforcement to take very specific action. So see 4:02 you are a know nothing.

      Her mistake was assuming Kranz would act responsibly. Note to everyone that instructions must be included when addressing Kranz, preferably using single syllable words.

    3. Sorry that’s BS.

      Nobody ever sends an email to someone without a purpose.

      Information only emails only serve the purpose of covering the ass of the sender, which doesn’t apply here.

      This is just more sore loser stuff invented after the fact.

    4. "Nobody ever sends an email to someone without a purpose." EXACTLY. So why did Kranz send it to Walsh?

    5. 4:10 digging his way to the center of the earth. Great movie, btw. The "inventions" are on the city server and on the overheads last week. The real inventions are in Walsh's head.

    6. 4:16,

      Don’t know.

      Perhaps he got confused with a different person with an active PRA.

      Or maybe he had the right person but wrong timeframe (Walsh may have had a PRA that was no longer active).

      Or maybe Tony and Garvin were recently discussing the same or similar topic and the email was relevant to the continuation of the conversation.

      I honestly don’t know why Tony forwarded.

      But I do know Ms. Vail didn’t send the email to the entire council with the expectation that nothing be done.

      Because that just makes no sense.

    7. Being copied means you don’t take action. That’s common knowledge. You can make what ifs all day but Kranz is not making them. That leaves him with the central question: Why?

    8. 4:31, not true. Consider:

      To: Middle Manager
      Cc: CEO, General Council

      This email is to confirm and seek clarification that I am being directed by you (Middle Manager) to falsify our quarterly profit report to show profit instead of the actual losses incurred.

      Please confirm so I can complete the task.

      Still think the people on Cc: should take no action?

    9. Haha but that’s not what went down. Keep at it though.

  2. Hooray for exposing Susan as the vindictive liar most people know her to be.

  3. Try to imagine who Susans biggest critics are? It is easy. Any city planner or their lackeys, the few morons in tow who have nothing else going for them after their huge mistake of character judgment in ever believing the moron was electable. A few well-known residents who refused to team up to create a new council majority that was this close if, if personal ego's could have been set aside for the greater good.

    1. Perhaps they are among the 80% of residents that voted against her when she ran for council. Her well deserved reputation as a cancer was widely known long before you got involved.

  4. Isn’t it clear Tony forwarded as he doesn’t know what he’s doing? He was “seeking help”.

    1. “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

      —Hanlon’s Razor

  5. Absurd signage along Vulcan & rail trail, arrows with no meaning sign pollution like make busy work.

    1. I agree, 100% … the signs are absolutely useless and completely sign pollution. Nobody read signs.

      And the sign said
      "Long-haired freaky people
      Need not apply"
      So I tucked my hair up under my hat
      And I went in to ask him why
      He said, "You look like a fine upstandin' young man
      I think you'll do"
      So I took off my hat and said, "Imagine that
      Huh, me workin' for you"
      Sign, sign
      Everywhere a sign
      Blockin' out the scenery
      Breakin' my mind
      Do this, don't do that
      Can't you read the sign?
      And the sign said
      "Anybody caught trespassin'
      Will be shot on sight"
      So I jumped on the fence and I yelled at the house
      "Hey! What gives you the right
      To put up a fence to keep me out
      But to keep Mother Nature in?
      If God was here, he'd tell you to your face
      'Man, you're some kind of sinner'"
      Sign, sign
      Everywhere a sign
      Blockin' out the scenery
      Breakin' my mind
      Do this, don't do that
      Can't you read the sign?
      Now, hey you, mister, can't you read?
      You got to have a shirt and tie to get a seat
      You can't even watch, no, you can't eat
      You ain't supposed to be here
      The sign said, "You've got to have a membership card
      To get inside"
      And the sign said
      "Everybody welcome
      Come in, kneel down and pray"
      But when they passed around the plate at the end of it all
      I didn't have a penny to pay
      So I got me a pen and a paper
      And I made up my own little sign
      I said, "Thank you, Lord, for thinkin' 'bout me
      I'm alive and doin' fine"
      Sign, sign
      Everywhere a sign
      Blockin' out the scenery
      Breakin' my mind
      Do this, don't do that
      Can't you read the sign?
      Sign, sign
      Everywhere a sign

      The city seems focused an ugliflying everywhere.

  6. Word on the street is that someone got their hands on some damning election coordination messages between Ehlers and Thunder. Has anyone seen them?

    1. No, but I’d really love too!

    2. Nice try, I don't think that exists. Ridiculous...

    3. Oh, it exists alright. We won’t ever see it. Bruce backed Tony until Tony fired him. Seeing this, Julie continued to back Tony while promoting her alliance with Bruce.

      Julie’s in campaign mode again. Wouldn’t be surprised if she runs for Mayor and gives Tony the win again.

    4. I've heard this too. I've also heard that they are saving it for the election. Who knows if it's even real, but it sounds like we know some of the same peeps and they are usually reliable. 😎

    5. Maybe the messages got lost with all the “absolute proof” Jeff promised, or the 911 recording Lori said she had…. Is anyone around here honest and trustworthy? Definitely not all the losers, who nearly a year later, continue to sit around, looking for reasons, real or imagined, to pick Tony apart and say he isn’t fit for the job because they didn’t want him to be elected mayor in the first place. They have no interest in the truth, only in what serves them. Is there a neighborhood with fewer of these type assholes? I want to move there.

  7. Meanwhile….

    Encinitas: we cant do 100% affordable housing projects, the state will not allow it.

    State: we passed a law saying you must accept 100% affordable housing projects in retail areas.

    City council, Marco and staff are a bunch of lying POS who only work for developers to upzone everything into shoulder to shoulder McMansions while crying about the need for more affordable housing.

    If the professional bullshitters would have actually required just 50% affordable the El C corridor would not even be in play now.

    1. Agreed. They could and should propose 100% super low income affordable units on Garden Grove on the City Lots.

      They could also propose 100% super low income affordable units on Pacific View and the City Hall property.

      You are correct. The City council, Marco and staff are a bunch of lying POS who only work for developers to upzone everything into shoulder to shoulder McMansions while crying about the need for more affordable housing.

      Proposing 100% affordable is most logical and easiest way to meeting the State Regional Housing Need allocation for Encinitas with the least amount of pain on it's citizens.

      Why wouldn't they propose 100% affordable units on the City Lots?

  8. Turney and Vail have let psycho Jeff off the hook.

    They decided it was more important to score sore loser points than to have people discussing a possible violent threat to the community.

    1. Any thoughts on why Kranz would send the email outside its audience of law enforcement and the five council members? That sounds threatening.

    2. Loser points have all been gobbled up by Kranz.

      Hey Tony, Are you stupid?

      Answer the damn question. why did you send the email outside its audience of law enforcement and the five council members?

    3. The bigger question is, Tony why are you affiliated with the right wing, Thunder loving Walsh to begin with?

    4. You do have a point there. Susan’s personal vendetta against Walsh, who really is an election meddling POS, has clouded her judgement.

      The activist bubble in Encinitas is like the city council, self serving & incestuous.

    5. Clouded Vail's judgment, too? Clouded law enforcement's who do not appreciate this kind of backroom garbage from city hall while they're trying to do their job?

      Walsh pooh-poohed the idea that there was no police investigation but the email had a case number in the subject line. Back to waiting for Kranz to answer why he sent the email in the first place.

    6. How come no one is asking this question if the City Council has been getting threats since 2019 per the video.How come they didn’t do anything about it before it spilled over into the private sector. There’s a difference between Free Speech and threatening behavior.

    7. My guess is Morris was just considered your garden variety kook until he showed his true colors during his campaign. His very public bad behavior, beating his wife up on Christmas and an ongoing restraining order solidify Morris as a credible threat to others.

    8. 7:42- that is an understatement.

      We all know Tony is completely stupid.

      Hence, he earned the title:
      The Town Dunce

    9. 1:32 Right. According to you who hides behind anonymity, name calling like an adolescent child. Yep, your word is solid 😂

  9. 9:21 that's another question for Kranz.

  10. My guess is he was too useful to the council as a spoiler for Kranz to slide into office.

  11. Garvin, did you ask Tony to send you all communications received from Susan or Vivian? Why don’t you answer that question?

    1. It was not "all communications," Kranz responded specifically to a supposed request for the email with the case number in the subject line. How would Walsh have known to ask for it?

    2. There was never a request from Walsh, therefore it wasn’t a “response”

  12. I think Susan said they asked for any kind of a PRA from Walsh and the city clerk could not produce one….

    That in itself shows that Tony Kranz is a big fucking liar. And it shows he’s got a super weird and tight relationship with Walsh.


    1. What many already knew. There’s nothing about Garvin that’s good for Encinitas.

  13. HIs feeble attempts, to what exactly, to ward off the criticism he has earned and been getting, had some minor entertainment value, for the not at all funny joke he has become in this town.

    What a piece of work this interloper has made of his meddling in our towns politics. Who paid him to come here and screw our town over?

    1. No one had to pay him. Garvin was trying to hook up with local activists for months before he found a willing cohort in Julie Thunder. Tony was the bonus prize. Those two aligned themselves with Tony and now we have Blakespear 2.0. Julie used everyone and betrayed us all.

  14. What's up with Garvin's name calling bullshit city council speech following this one? He's already known for being a chauvinist, this speech of his only reinforces what we already know....the guy can't get out of his own way. Hopefully we can get a mind blowing speech out of Julie next week tea bagging both Garvin and Tony. That will complete the trifecta.

  15. Garvin quotes:
    "that woman and her sidekick"
    "unrelenting hater"

    My favorite
    "toxic sourpuss"

    1. My favorite:

      Good morning Tony. Can you do that little special thing with your pinky?

    2. Oh you know Tony drops a digit on Garvin regularly.

    3. Saturday night, Tony drops his big thumb as he knows his partner romp well.

      Get ready for tonight Garvin…

    4. You just can’t help but go there. Creeps. I hope you all don’t have children. You have a lot of growing up to do yourselves.

  16. But Sunday morning it’s all about gentle pleasure…..

    1. Yes, the pillows are nibbled upon on Sundays. Not bitten.

    2. ☺️😂🤣

  17. Marco Gonzalez, an attorney for the developer,

  18. The amount of lies and grift is second to only the rotting bag of oatmeal in the whiteHouSe. He/Him/She/They/Her/It/RottingOatmeal will save you!

    1. Your guy lost to that.

      How bad of a shitbag he must’ve been!

  19. Hi guys, just checking in to remind you all that I'm relevant.

  20. Shitbags for sale $2999

    1. Do they come with or without the vintage wardrobe?

  21. Bingo in a paragraph:

    “No one had to pay him. Garvin was trying to hook up with local activists for months before he found a willing cohort in Julie Thunder. Tony was the bonus prize. Those two aligned themselves with Tony and now we have Blakespear 2.0. Julie used everyone and betrayed us all.“

    1. Julie likes to play innocent martyr, but those of us who know her know she’s got her hands in a little of everything without actually doing the work or research. She’s great at sounding the alarms and pointing fingers too. If she can’t play fair, she’ll play dirty. That’s why we have Tony and his hand picked replacement. No, she didn’t support anyone specific during the last campaign, but she kept silent while fellow females were excoriated by Jeff Morris, all the while posting all over his Watchdogs page and posts. She even got her PAC pimp Leah Bisonnette on board.

      I call BS on her neutral stand. She worked hard to make sure the vote was split and Tony won. She was aligned with Kranz through her conduit, Walsh.

  22. She did not "stay in my lane" as she continually told people. Bissonnette publicly declared her support for Morris just before the election. Guess all his Morris attacks on other women were good by her. One of those "but he didn't do anything to ME" types.

    1. The pig men don’t surprise me, but how any woman could support that POS is beyond me.

  23. Just finished having coffee with Garvin (I paid)....for those that care, he and Tony are now using "Spoiler" as their safe word.

  24. You have to love transporting volatile waste or humans over a 1800 tech infrastructure.

    Actions have consequences.

    A bridge collapse early Saturday morning in Montana sent several freight train cars crashing into the Yellowstone River, authorities said. The train was carrying hazardous materials, but it remains unclear if any of those materials leaked.

    1. Besides being incredibility slow, which I don't have all day to get 10 miles. I have found it not very enjoyable experience.

    2. Agreed.

      There is a much better way forward.

      The San Diego Coaster train is at a major crossroads due to the requirement that the train be moved off a 2 mile stretch of track on the Del Mar bluffs that are unstable due to accelerating cliff erosion. The proposed rerouting of the train via a tunnel under Del Mar is a massive multibillion dollar risk that is unwarranted given the train's small ridership and the disruptive transportation technologies that are set to make the train even more obsolete in the near future.

      Alternatively, a repurposing of the underutilized rail line into a greenbelt/walk/bike trail is a major sustainability opportunity that has numerous co-benefits that include clean & local commuting, healthier living, greater flexibility in dealing with future sea level rise, and substantially lower costs

    3. Raising Sea Levels ???? Nooooo. That same lie for the last 45 years is still a lie today. You nut cases think you can change the atmosphere? I tell you what, do a simple task, go stop a volcano then tell everyone how it went. Warmers are insane

    4. The insanity applies to natural gas stoves. These warmers are nut cases. Methane gases seep through the crust of the earth 24/7 and there isn't a damn anyone can do about it. Yaaaa'...get rid of gas stoves.
      These earthers qualify as a cast for the re-make of Dumb and Dumber. Whackos...

    5. 4:46- it has nothing to do with changing climate.

      It had to do with wasting Omer $185,000,000 per year on outdated government programs that benefit nearly no one.

      The North County Transit District is a sad joke check out the link provided.

      There is a lot of misinformation and spin about the train's utility. For the amount of money, land, and attention the Coaster and train tracks require, it actually does very little.

      The table above puts the Coaster in the appropriate context, both compared to the other train lines in the County as well as the adjacent highways. It shows that of the 5 rail lines in the county, the Coaster has the lowest ridership by far, at only 5,196 daily weekday boardings. By contrast, the Blue Line Trolley has 56,230 daily riders. The Coaster accounts for just 1/25th of total rail volume in the county. What makes the Coaster numbers even worse is the length of the line at 41 miles. It is by far the longest of the 5 routes. Logic would indicate a longer line should carry more riders, but the Coaster does not. For comparison, the 15.4 mile Blue Line moves 3,651 people per day per mile. The Coaster moves only 127 people per weekday per mile, making it among the worst performing trains in the country.

      For another comparison, the nearby I-5 highway (from downtown to Oceanside) moves about 1.2 million people per day, or over 400 million per year, over 400 times more people than the Coaster. Annual growth in trips for the I-5 is around 1%, translating to around 10,000 additional daily riders each year. With the current I-5 expansion projects and future efficiencies gained from driver assist and autonomous vehicle technology, it is possible the I-5 accommodates more than 1 billion annual trips by the year 2050. Even if the Coaster miraculously doubles its ridership to 2 or 3 million over the next 20 years, it will still be insignificant compared to the future volumes and annual growth on the I-5.

      Conclusion: the Coaster is so marginal that it can be discontinued and not create any meaningful impact on the highways.
      Coaster riders down 95% in 2020

      The Coaster experienced 6 years of ridership decline prior to the pandemic. Today, the 10-year NCTD forecast for the Coaster shows ridership levels in 2031 still down by over 80% from 2019 already-low levels. The 168,261 figure translates to just 460 riders per day. Remote/flex work trends and the move to autonomous vehicles and mass transit on the highways will present serious longer term challenges.

    6. The stats are incredible. Showing corruption add an agency.

      I am so surprised that Steve Wyer or

      Do not do a story on this corruption.

      And actually seems criminal. I’m surprised the DA has not gotten involved yet ?

    7. 4:46/5:36 failed basic science classes.

      So sad.

      He pulls stuff out of his posterior and wants us all to applaud.

      Ask him to provide peer reviewed evidence from a reputable science journal. You won’t get any, because they don’t exist.

      Thankfully he and his ilk are demographically going away—replaced by younger, smarter people who rely on science and empirical data.

    8. 8:25- the real stats are not going away loser. Stupid politicians like Tony Kranz and Kellie Hinze can support these hundreds of millions of dollars a waste.

      But the truth is coming out and will always come out.

      So you better stay at school and start learning math because right now you’re failing.

    9. 8:25...Gullible warming has been a lie for 45 years.
      The green movement is a joke, electric cars a joke.
      Again with "empirical data" which can be erased and re-written. Here some "data" for you genius.
      The Swedes just announced they are going back to
      Nuclear Power Plants. Put that in your over educated brain lacking good sense.
      "look everyone...I have degrees" Hold on...
      I have no sense...common or otherwise.

    10. Still no links to studies published in reputable science journals.

      What a surprise.

  25. Is Encinitas Uncensored participant, Marcus Struller, a real person?

  26. The stats are incredible showing huge corruption at a public agency wasting hundreds of millions.

    I am so surprised that Steve Wyer or Steve Putersky have not done a story on this yet.

    Why don’t they do a story on this corruption?

    And actually seems criminal. I’m surprised the DA has not gotten involved yet ?

  27. A former candidate in Encinitas is on EV blaming the city for a kid on an e-bike cutting off a truck on ECR and getting himself sent to the hospital.

    Perhaps she should stick to steam cleaning sidewalks as her issue.

    The city isn’t your nanny. If you cut off a truck, stuff happens.

    1. Years-old nasty brought to you by $tock$? Why not post over there under your own name?

    2. 9:36- you’re a freaking tool. Hand in your keys and stay off the road. You have no idea why that collision occurred.

      Did you see it? Do you know if the truck was close to the bicycle? Was the truck within 3 feet of high school in passing?

      Did the bicycle swerve at all and if so, what cause him to swerve? Did a car cut him off?

      Was there something in the bike lane?

      What I see you when I’m driving and riding around here is really really bad driver behaviors out there with people texting and putting on make up and eating and doing everything except for watching where they are going….

      So, unless if you saw the accident, shut the fuck up.

      If you did see the accident, please provide details and your name so the police can get a statement from you.

    3. 9:18,

      “The e-bike and van crashed when the 15-year-old boy changed lanes into the path of the van, sheriff's Lt. Karen Mullins said.”

      Who’s the a-hole now?

    4. 9:07,

      What’s the statute of limitations on stupid ideas like steam cleaning sidewalks?

  28. Replies
    1. Sounds like a former mayor in Encinitas.

    2. 9:24- wrong…. I’m just a voting resident with common sense. I can’t stand BIA , Hinze, or The Dunce…

      None of them ever had a real job and had to make money the American way… all are dependence on other people like their parents to this day…


    3. What’s more pathetic? A person who talks shit about them anonymously online. You win the prize. Most pathetic. You must be so proud!

    4. 9:52- its called truth. you should try it sometime.

  29. I absolutely love all of Rachel Hills posts.

    I sure hope she runs for city council someday. I would contribute big money towards her campaign any day.

    Please, Rachelle consider running and getting the city out of its cess pool.

    1. Oh please, let it be done.

      As a supporter of the GOAT and the permanent majority she created, I fully support this candidacy.

      She’s got a long social media history filled with radical right-wing crap that’s out of step with the Encinitas electorate, and the internet never forgets.

      Run Rachel, Run!

    2. 1012- I support Kelly Slater as well. True Goat and he would be awesome for Encinitas and the state.

      Rachelle Hill will be an awesome addition to good true politicians, running things much better than our city council has in the last 10 years.

      BIA was an is a disaster and the town Dunce is even worse.

    3. Like I said, I hope she runs.

      Please make it so.

    4. Me too. She’ll be awesome.

    5. Why would anyone or woman run when clown-asses like Jeff Morris have free rein to harass them?

    6. Like Covid, that disease has passed…


    7. When you have good integrity and character like Brust Ehlers, the public does not attack. There are actually very respectful, because these good candidates deserve respect.. if you’re honest, good things happen

    8. *Bruce.

      Something is up with my Siri.

    9. That’s your excuse for Morris? He continually attacked the one good candidate in the race and any woman who disagreed with him.

    10. Interesting theory but wrong as usual. The reason is that the people who act like obnoxious morons at council meetings trying to see who can roast councilmembers the hardest are right wing retards. It doesn't matter the topic or the forum, school boards, council meetings, or supervisor meetings. It's always the same mental defectives bloviating in an attempt to hold onto their selfish and racist ways. Comically, they see Bruce as one of them in spite of his 100% voting record with the woke majority.

    11. Exactly 4:00.

      These are mental midgets who choose their forum carefully, knowing that council and staff can’t / won’t argue back.

      They can spew any silly garbage they want and it won’t be rebutted.

      It’s like the dumb losers who yell at a gate agent in the airport for a weather delay—as if the minimum wage single mom at the desk controls the weather.

      If they were confident, educated people, they’d engage in venues where serious, smart people would respond. But that would expose them and crush their fragile egos.

    12. Susan Turney is no right winger. Matter of fact, a goodly amount of residents who speak up at meetings are Democrats. Just because you think everyone’s a racist or a Republican, doesn’t make it so. The council is inept and needs to be called out more often. Ehlers may be the exception. Jury is still out.

      I do agree it’s always the same people. It’s a shame more residents don’t wake up until the development, lane reduction, bike lane, crime increase or traffic increase, etc. happens in their neighborhood.

    13. 4:26 Most of the people who speak up are confident and educated. And what other venue is there for residents to publicly address their city leaders? I’m struggling to find any veracity in your senseless post.

    14. 4:32,

      It’s a waste of time. It’s not how things get done. Name a single thing that’s been achieved or voted through because of a public speaker comment.

      Nothing. Nada.

      If you go up there, it’s to draw attention to yourself and satisfy your ego. Period.

      In fact, I’ll bet new council members get training that tells them to ignore the publicity hounds.

      If you really want to achieve something, then look at stuff that passes and ask around how it got started—then do that.

      hint: it’s a shit ton of hard work. That’s why people don’t do it. They grandstand instead because they are lazy as f—k.

    15. 4:00- you are so wrong. I know for a fact that at least half of the people that spoke at the last council meeting arr democrat.

      You are a fool. it has nothing to do with right wing. It has to do with common sense and our city council are f’ing idiots except for Bruce.

    16. 🤣 Funny how 4:00 wrote "obnoxious morons" and "mental defectives" and you immediately thought they meant Susan Turney...yet they mentioned no names. 🤣

  30. part 1 of 2

    Not just pond scum - this family is full of predators. CPS should investigate the kids situation. For some reason, I do not believe anything Fletcher says.

    March 29, 2023
    After news broke of a lawsuit filed by a former county employee against San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher alleging sexual assault, among other claims, another woman has come forward to report sexual assault by Fletcher while she was a 19-year-old intern for Fletcher's foundation and a student at University of California San Diego. Since reaching out for comment on this issue, Fletcher has since announced his impending resignation.

    In 2015, 19-year-old UC San Diego student named Amanda (surname is removed to protect her identity) applied for an internship on UC San Diego's Facebook page for an unpaid position with Nathan Fletcher's veteran-oriented non-profit Three Wise Men Foundation. Under the supervision of Kaylee Wilson, the foundation's Executive Assistant at the time, Amanda assisted with fundraising efforts for the annual U.S.S. Midway event supporting veterans. At the time, Fletcher was a Professor in Practice of Political Science at the university, a position UC San Diego created in 2013 with their first appointment being Nathan Fletcher. He continues in this role at the La Jolla-based univeristy to this day.
    In September 2015, Amanda joined Kaylee on a trip to Minnesota to promote the Three Wise Men Foundation at the Kill Cliff Granite Games Crossfit-style competition. In the beginning of the trip, it is alleged that Kaylee offered Amanda wine, despite her being under the legal drinking age.

    Nathan eventually joined them on the trip and, it is alleged he immediately expressed interest in Amanda. Speaking to veterans, Amanda and Nathan engaged in conversations about his time serving in the military.

    During a group photo, it is alleged that Fletcher slid his hand down Amanda's back, around her waist and down her backside. At one point, Fletcher is also said to have commented on how "hot" she was and allegedly touched Amanda inappropriately, running his hand down the back of her pants, over her buttocks and up toward her genital area. She was shocked and appalled by his actions but, being in a different state without funds, Amanda remained on the trip, feeling cornered.
    Later that evening, it is alleged Amanda went to a late dinner with Kaylee, who is said to have invited Fletcher without Amanda's prior knowledge. When he arrived, Fletcher is said to have slid close to Amanda in the booth, pressing his body against hers. Amanda believed Kaylee must have noticed. Kaylee eventually excused herself to the bathroom and, at this point, Fletcher allegedly called Amanda a "tease" and told her not to tell anyone because he was in a relationship. That night, it is alleged that Fletcher sent Amanda explicit, inappropriate text messages, including a request she give him a massage in his hotel room.

    Continued in part 2 of 2
    Thank god for good journalism from sandiegoville!

  31. part 2 of 2

    It is further alleged that the following day, before their flight home, Amanda was readying to leave the hotel when she was confronted by Fletcher in an elevator. Fletcher allegedly grabbed her phone and demanded Amanda delete his texts from the previous evening.

    Following the events in Minnesota, Amanda returned to UC San Diego but said she never went back to intern with Fletcher's foundation. She was purportedly contacted by Kaylee who was concerned she missed work. Amanda explained to Kaylee her discomfort with Fletcher on the trip, but Kaylee allegedly insisted Fletcher was just a “charming man who is flirty with everyone,” according to her memory. Emails forwarded from Fletcher's office from this time period confirm this conversation occurred in some capacity.

    Later in the school year, Amanda explained she went to the UCSD Sexual Assault Resource Center to report what had happened. Though the woman who took the report demonstrated sympathy, to Amanda's knowledge, no further action was taken.

    We reached out to UCSD's Sexual Assault Resource Center and other school administrators, Kaylee Wilson, and Nathan Fletcher's office for comment. Nathan Fletcher's office, through the Director of Communications, first forwarded the below email chain in PDF format as a response to our outreach. He then called and emailed to ensure it would be included within the context of this article.

    hank god for good journalism from sandiegoville!

  32. Pond scum keeps sucking off the union and developers tits….. this is one disgusting family, that Gonzales - Fletcher vomit pool.

    Looks like Marco’s sister is pulling a Hillary Clinton….

    Of course #me too doesn’t apply when it’s in your family, right Marco?

    How is filner these days anyway. Maybe is time for a picnic to discuss different strategies.

    I feel so sad for the kids… bum deal when parents are dirtbags. 👎🏿

  33. Hey how about this quote?

    Lorena Gonzalez, a San Diego labor leader, longtime Filner supporter and recently elected to the state Assembly, noted in a widely distributed tweet that, “As a woman involved in SD politics for a decade, I can personally attest to the fact that Filner is not alone with inappropriate behavior toward women.”

    Gonzalez is the sister of Marco Gonzalez.

    For once, she was right about something. hopefully more truth keeps surfacing.

    #me too

  34. Let’s all agree that Fletcher is short for Fucking Letcher.

    But we should also agree that we don’t blame women for the bad behavior of the men around them. And brother-in-laws are even further removed.

    1. Agreed but we are all hell to our actions. And enabling abusers is not a good thing in my opinion. We have to look at what our actions say about ourselves and the impact they have on our families.


    2. * Agreed but we are all accountable for our actions.

    3. Not feeling any love for Lorena either…

      She was threatening one victim with a lawsuit if she didn’t back down. How could you stay with such a predator?

  35. Inquiring minds want to know


  36. I guess it’s the sex is good, you can overlook a lot of bad character traits…

    Just ask Garvin with the Dunce. 👆🏼

  37. * I guess if the sex is good, you can overlook a lot of bad character traits…

  38. “ honey, have I ever told you how much I respect how you can totally pray on younger people in your position of power? …. Besides, how good you are at, It totally turns me on.”

    -Heard sometime after a Board meeting…

  39. Keep it local, as in local Encinitas. The Fletchers are history in San Diego. We could all hope margo would go down with them, but that ain't about to happen, as such as some would hope. He is insulated enough to avoid repercussion from his sister and brother in laws despicable lack of character.

    The real Goat is Slater. Federer qualifies too. BIAspear is not even close. Without her Facebook millionaires backing is why she survived as far as she has. Then consider the influx of meddlers like garvin who showed up in the nick of time to screw us all over with the help of a few once respected locals refusing to be team players to achieve what we most needed, a new council majority.

    1. I don’t agree. The board of supervisors is county which totally affects Encinitas and Gonzalez is always sticking his finger and local issues and pumping in high density development for the profit of the developers at the expense of residence so this is very relevant.

    2. Character flaws run deep

  40. Interesting that both EU and Ruben both posted the same source video. Just saying.

    1. Not really interesting. EU has been around more than a dozen years. “Ruben” is a fake profile fronting for the Qanon crowd. Just saying.

    2. No relation. Try again.

    3. Ruben Flores not fake Ruben. No wonder the libs own this city. There isn't a pair of brain cells between y'all.

    4. Omg not Flores the real one. Get a grip.

    5. 6:21 your efforts at distracting us fail again. Try a little harder.

    6. thou dost protest too much

  41. It's a complete nothingburger so CN should have an article out any second on behalf of EV.

    1. So you are saying it is ok for Tony to forward any correspondence or city business to anyone with out it being processed per the city procedures. Or maybe Tony is just trying to get people to not write to the City Council. Sounds like a form of suppressing constituent/voter comments

    2. 2:54 is saying they are threatened by Kranz getting outed for mucking around in the dark.
