Wednesday, August 14, 2024

8/14/24 City Council meeting open thread

 Please use the comments to record your observations.


  1. Hinze and child “need to bond” because the three hours it would take to sit through the meeting would wreck their relationship for life. Lord knows she doesn’t read the report so it’s not like she spends any time outside the meeting.

    1. Maybe Hinze will cultivate a proper loving relationship with her children. Unlike the local "political activists" who are either barren crones or have children that despise them.

    2. What time is it in Florida? Go away for good, weirdo!

    3. 6:22 conversely some of y’all should never have procreated!

    4. That’s as nasty as Vance’s cat lady comment. Hypocrite alert on the left.

    5. spending-time-with-your-kids-gate

  2. HAHAHA Marco Gonzalez what happened to your famous Encinitas Bar Association when you promised protection from bar brawlers? Yeah, we’ll wait. Let’s see you show up and clean Raul’s Barber Shop thanks to the fine people you represent. Let’s hear it. Watcha gonna do, Angry Mexican Man for a brutha?

  3. OMG Brian Grover strikes again in its exceptions as he’s so beloved at city hall.

    1. What’s he asking for this time?

    2. Endless waivers he’ll get as a pet of the mayor.

  4. To the public speakers, first, thanks for your time.

    Second, please start your comments with your name. While your faces are familiar, names, not so much. Thank you.

  5. Are flamingos Hawaiian?
    - Phony

    1. Was the gentleman wearing the flamingo shirt (that caught Phony's eye) Ace Ventura from Pet Detective?

  6. I wonder why there's been no talk of the Encinitas Firefighters endorsing Kranz and Blackwell. Apparently they decided to endorse the winning side for a change.

    1. You mean O’Hara.

      Here’s what went down: Kranz promised the firefighters a new station in Olivenhain in exchange for the endorsement. They are stoopid enough to believe he’ll remember their names after November. Blackwell promised to give kranz the supporting vote.

    2. Scratching backs, no matter how ugly and hairy. That’s politics.

    3. Why would they mean O'Hara? There's nothing on any O'Hara's page or social about being endorsed by the Encinitas Firefighters.

    4. After losing, Julie never delivered on the rub-n-tugs she promised for the endorsement. Still waiting Julie.

    5. Still waiting for her to get back on her lane and stay there also as promised

    6. Fire union ladies are princesses.

    7. Fire union = Tax vacuum

  7. No endorsements by firefighters or DSA have been announced yet they are holding back until all candidates have been decided.

    1. Tony and Allison are both advertising Encinitas Firefighter endorsements. Maybe your candidate got ghosted.

    2. Not my candidate!

    3. My only question is will I stay or will I go?

      With Kranzinitas for 2 more. Encinitas is toast and I will just Airbnb everyone of my units.

      More units available for Freakshow members to rent from me.

      - I’m good either way.

    4. How is Kranz still mayor? He is a yokel that was bought by the BIA and Liechtag when he first got into office. He is clueless about how to manage a city and needs to go. Ehlers will represent the citizens.

    5. Go away Watchdorks. Your false prophet crashed and burned. His loser replacements are going to meet the same fate soon.

  8. Marco defending Democrats on their homelessness policies - surely it has nothing to do with the fact that there's money to be made by his developer clientele - right?

    Sorry MG, the Dems own it, lock stock and barrel. Newsom took his SF policies to the rest of the state and homelessness has become a blight. $24B unaccounted for and the problem is worse.

    You can bitch about the Republicans, who are not in power, as if you didn't know, but a fucking baby could do a better job at helping the less fortunate than the robbers who have been running this show and ruining our state.

    There's something so wrong with people (left and right) that are so partisan, they can't see or accept the difference between right and wrong.

    1. Except he’s not defending us on policies! He’s defending by name-calling, which is no defense, just makes you look like you don’t have a legit argument. For a lawyer, he sure has always looked kinda dumb not to know that.

  9. $24B unaccounted for and the problem is worse.

  10. Uh oh Vista is now enforcing their encampment laws. Time for me to head on over to Encinitas! They've been trying to woo me over there for quite some time and refer to it as a homeless paradise! Hope the fentanyl there is a good as the boner pills. See you soon!
    - Unhoused Drug Addict

    1. Please come. Tony announced that Eninitas may need to evaluate a shelter due to other Cities enforcement. We welcome all. The CRC has everything you need.

    2. Hope he says it loud and often on the campaign trail. Other than the malevolent duo, no one wants a shelter here.

    3. We have many already. All the parks, second senior center, moonlight, all streets in front of homes, and all neighborhoods bikes, and stuff.

      Mi casa es su casa, Via Kranzinitas.

  11. Build, build, build

    LA,SF, LA, SF,LA , SF, LA are what we need in Kranzinitas


    BIA is our freind.

    BIA owns Kranz.

    This Nov vote for BIA ( meaning Kranz)

    - Angry white skinned Mexican predator supporter

    1. Does he speak Spanish? Asking for Mali.

    2. Starvin teaches Gopher hunting including Mexican gophers.

  12. Ehlers claims prop A is in full effect.

    Oh yeah?

    Then when did we vote yes to upzone all these properties?

    Ehlers is lying to you.

    Prop A was a failure, and the precedent has been set in court for how to suspend it.

    If Bruce wants to be a real leader, he’ll tell you hard truths.

    1. He says he’ll “fight” against state mandates.

      Like who? Like Coronado? Who wasted millions on lawyers and then were forced to follow state law?

      In court, “fighting” isn’t worth didly squat. Winning matters. Ask Bruce who his model is. Ask him to name one city or county that has fought and won against the State on housing mandates. There are literally hundreds to choose from.

      Name one that didn’t just waste money and lose.

    2. No sense arguing with you Kranz, you are the Town Dunce.

      We will save our energy collaboration with others to get state law changed.

      You , Kranz, will not be involved in things after Nov.

    3. 12:30 if Blakespear and gang had done a better job finding sites for density (like ECR), then maybe it wouldn't have happened that way. Blakespear also claimed that those sites would be 100% affordable, which was a blatant lie and she knew it. So now we will have to build more density and maybe next time it will be in your backyard. She knew all of this but sold out her city for political gain.

      Prop A still counts - as soon as the council tries to push density on ECR, it will go up for a vote. With Bruce at the helm as mayor, I expect a completely different outcome. He's a helluva lot smarter than Tony.

    4. 12:37 At least Coronado positioned themselves to negotiate. You see a City can have 2 paths. Path one is that you begin to lobby against the State Mandates with the other Cities in opposition and step 2 is that you continue to comply as well as you can. You see, it appears as if most small Cities can't reach the bogus targets. Why would any leader accept goals that they can't make? They must fight

    5. The america hating leftists ruin everything they are involved in. The huge apartment complex in Olivenhain.
      The California leftist forced thru with threat of lawsuit.
      In fact, all over the state. What ever makes good sense, the leftists think the opposite. Its like trying to get homosexual men to like women. Won't happen
      Leftists can't think clearly. It isn't possible.

  13. The City with BIA and Kranz have encouraged the states massive growth/densification.

    We know better and our team to represent us. Thanks Bruce, Jim, and Luke. They win, Encinitas wins!!

    1. Win?

      Like who?

      Name a city or county that has won.

      You’re being sold a bunch of happy talk, and Bruce knows it.

    2. Everyday Encinitas loses with Kranz and the DEI Garden Gnome.

      We always will win with Bruce, Jim, and Luke.

    3. 2:27,

      If Bruce is telling the truth, then you can easily answer this question:

      On what date was the public election where Fox Point passed with voters?

    4. That's because you don't understand the real plan. They're absolutely willing to waste millions more of our tax dollars fighting the state. Not because they think they can win, they know they can't win. It's about delaying. Delaying long enough to achieve their real goal of transforming California and the country into a Project 2025 nightmare. Every clueless voter they can recruit through manipulation, lies and fear puts them one step closer.

    5. 2:07. Well heck, my vote goes to Bruce

  14. 2:40pm Try to keep up, why don't you? Yes, Prop A is still in place, but the power it originally had has been worked over and around by past councils selling out and not defending us.

    You are not welcome to call Bruce a liar. We should all hope the judges ruling to get our housing plan approved by HCD was a one time thing.

    It went to court. The judge refused to implement what we voted for and refused to allow any residents to present their point of view. The usual players and sycophants found their man with that judge. It was no accident.

    Our council put forward two housing plans that they knew would fail with the voters and thus opened the door to the courts who cared little about our community's quality of life.

    Was that a one time reach around to satisfy HCD?

    1. Here’s what Bruce’s web page says:

      “ Bruce wrote Proposition A, Right to Vote initiative, passed by Encinitas voters in 2013. Prop A guarantees your right to vote on increases in zoning density and height. His court testimony was crucial to the citizen’s successful defense of Prop A from a City Council lawsuit attempting to overturn it.”

      I guess it’s technically true, in that we did vote twice, so our guaranteed right to vote was fulfilled.

      It’s just that he fails to mention that if we vote no, that vote is nullified and the upzoning happens anyway, exactly like it would if Prop A didn’t exist.

      I give Bruce credit for trying, but Prop A failed, and he should admit it.

    2. Prop A "failed?" Tell that to the Swell guys who tried and failed to exceed the height limit at Portofino. To the developer who wanted a third story on a boutique hotel in Cardiff. To Measure T and U, at least we got the vote, and to additional upcoming upzonings. Measure U was set aside on a one-time basis and the judge then refused to apply that set aside to future housing element votes.

      Revisit the judge's decision that went unappealed by the city or the BIA that upheld Prop A as constitutionally protected going forward. So voting no does not mean that "Prop A didn't exist."

      Or you could continue to play a constitutional attorney on TV.

    3. 3:33 is Garvin who's letting on to some that he's employed by Kranz to sow confusion. Carry on - we see you, dude.

    4. 3:46,

      If you think a future court is going to allow a Prop A vote to block the city from complying with state law, and say “whelp. We suspended it once, but we can never do that again.”

      If you believe that, then you are very special indeed.

    5. Guess you know better than the judge. Why are we not surprised??

    6. 4:13,

      Is it your understanding that judges make rulings and then somehow block future judges from making the same ruling given the same set of facts?

      I’d like you to honestly answer.

    7. Actually, the responsibility falls on the mayor and council to come up with sites that are acceptable if put up to a Prop A vote. If Blakespear had done her job, twice, it never would have come about the way that it did.

    8. 5:03,

      Let’s assume for sake of argument that you are correct.

      Then isn’t the lesson of a judge suspending Prop A that the city can in the future put out two bad plans on purpose, get Prop A suspended, and then do whatever they wanted to do anyway without voter approval?

      How is the final outcome any different than if Prop A never existed in the first place?

      Prop A failed. Bruce is lying to you.

    9. 5:10 inquiring minds want to know what you get out of your deal with misinforming the public for Kranz. Can you explain it in simple terms?

    10. You can’t answer simple questions, so I must be getting paid?


      I’ve asked some really basic questions. So basic that no one would pay for them.

      Prop A was a failure, and Bruce is lying to you.

    11. 👆🏻liar and stupid.

    12. No 6:14. Scared and desperate. Tony the turncoat doesn’t have a #moron4mayor this time to pull votes. His fat lazy ass is about to get retired from the city trough.

    13. Yes you are trashing and propagandizing re Prop A for fun and ? on Kranz’s behalf. You told too many people lol. Again.

    14. Talking to 5:51 back at it same as in 2022. You’re not a lawyer so nope not taking your bait.

    15. The prop A people are at least a little full of shit. I'd like to see a explanation with details of how this is actually going to play out.

      They don't have a plan, just bluster. and they're mostly well established republicans that seek to convert others.

    16. Except they’re not. Carry on for kranz. What’s the payout again?

    17. Ehlers and his clan failed to offer an alternative plan when they had the chance after Measure T failed. They made clear they would oppose any plan put forward by the City, mistakenly believing no court would overturn a vote and force the City to adopt a plan that didn't pass. They gambled and lost, and the result is Prop A is significantly less powerful now than it would have been if they'd worked in good faith to identify upzone sites.

  15. State law LMAO

    Far out there communist predators like Marco & Scott Weiner want State Law to arrest 11 year olds and their parents for "dead naming" their mentally ill "non binary" class mates.

    State law can suck my cornhole.

    1. We just need leadership that doesn’t take its speaking lines from developer-fed Gonzalez.

  16. Mi Gopher es su Gopher
    -El Phony

  17. I took a page out of Marlynne's playbook and am lying to people on the ballot! I have no kids and it's not weird someone of my age is shooting for this position with the schools! I only backed out of my campaign in Carlsbad coz I was overqualified and my calling is for the children. I'm an educator idiots, put me on the school board immediately!
    - Melvin Psychotico

  18. More massive payouts from city of encinitas for mismanagement and malfeasance

    1. The city should offer a full apology and fat settlement on one condition.

      Show us where in the Bible it talks about viruses and vaccines.

  19. Of course the City is asking for a 13% sales tax increase, they loose millions per year for bad decisions from leadership that hurt people and they are liable.

  20. This Antil inhuman witch needs to be burned at the stake like a Salem witch. Preferably with people drinking scotch cheering

  21. Holy fack Antil wellness incentive?

    400k payouts?

    Antil needs a splintered crucible stuffed up her stinky old gray vagina.

    1. 👆🏽Anthill is up there with Kranz.

      The worst of the worst and needs to go. 😡

  22. And this is what happens when you have a Town Dunce leading a city- They hire horrible city managers, and hurt people.

    People are discriminated against regularly, there is racism at City Hall, and people get killed on the roads because of the the inept City Council’s bad decisions on approving faulty projects.

    And on top of all of that, then they invite all of the worlds crackhead Fenty junkies to Encinitas for free living with free supplies and food and water from CRC and the city telling them we want you here and the existing citizens will provide.

    Fuck Kranz and I hate everything Kranzinitas stands for….

    I want my previous City of 3 beach town plus a few other towns that focused on peacefully positive family values.

    I am a Life long Democratic that walked with Maggie Houlihan, And Bruce Ehlers back in the day. Kranz and the other idiots at the freak show have gone too far, way too far.

    Tony Kranz needs to be run out of Encinitas. 😡

    Bruce Ehlers, Jim, and Luke are good people. ❤️

    1. Let’s all remember what Jesus said about vaccines:

    2. I remember what Jesus said, and it supports running Kranz and Anthill out of Encinitas.

    3. 7:00, the power of confirmation bias will have the simple minded conjuring false memories of many things.

  23. These new marxist "progressive" people read : Marco G & Kaitlin Blakespear treat drug addicted homeless hobos like their victims. What a grift center. Make no mistake- both Republicans and Democrats do this. Both need to be eradicated from leadership and society. They are the bane of existence.

  24. “It was a coup by people that wanted him out, and they didn’t do it the way, not the way they’re supposed to do it. $129 more on energy, and $241 more. This is all per month on rent.”

    This is an exact quote.

    It’s time we had a national conversation on mental health and aging. Trump should step aside and spend more time with his fourth wife before he has to go to the clink.

    1. You know it’s bad when Trump does a press conference and there is no mention of it whatsoever on

    2. His staff prepared a display of groceries and talking points about how price increases are hurting the less well off.

      Not only could he not stick to the message. But they thought having this message presented against the backdrop of his private golf club would resonate with those families struggling to buy groceries.

      How many of you will Babbit yourself for him when he loses? Because that’s what he wants from you. He predicted violence and blood in the streets if he was convicted. You disappointed him. Will you disappoint him again?

    3. Shut up Starvin.

      I can’t believe the North county Republican committee has not thrown you off that group yet.

      Speaks a lot how much they actually enjoy the Freaks show.

      The two party system has to go.

      You and your girlfriend Kranz need to go now.

    4. 7:38,

      Don’t disappoint dear leader.

      Get your affairs in order.

  25. I have a wish list of who needs to be fired one Bruce takes office. It start with Pam Antil and Abe Bandigan, the traffic engineer. He’s conveniently hard to find in the city’s website to confirm spelling.

    Can’t decide which one is worse. They’ve both impacted the quality of life in Encinitas.

    Who would you have frog marched out of city hall?

    1. Kranz and his email reading girlfriend Starvin!

    2. Imagine being such a loser that your life revolves around petty grievance with local public servants.

      How small.

  26. Price controls.

    Government housing on QGD.

    Mandated experimental biologics on kids.

    Blakespear, Antil, Gonzalez, Krankz, Jeremy, Sabellico, Preston , Harris, all fierce advocates for pornography in elementary schools, adult men riding bikes naked in front of children.

    Sounds like solid leadership doesn't it Jeremy?

    1. The cult of violence and lies is in its final steps to implosion.

      Full panic is setting in.

      And the Harris campaign is about joy, optimism, laughter, and truth.

      It’s telling when they attack her laughter.


      Make the lies bigger.

      It’s not working anymore.


    2. 9:11 Evil lurks amongst us. Some people like baby parts selling ‘Kamaleon’ try to disguise their evil with a phony Kackle. Others on your list don’t even try to cover their evil. It’s so obvious, it just oozes out of them uncontrollably.

  27. I can't stand any you named but will vote Harris holding my nose but you lost normal people at "pornography in elementary schools, adult men riding bikes naked in front of children." Did you get that from The Epoch?

    1. harris is dumb beyond anything adult. She can't speak, states word salad buffoonery all the time, constant cackling and, has zero concept of world affairs, the enconomy and in general...the world.
      But, if you like someone like this, it tells us all....
      about you.

    2. They call Harris dumb because they can’t use the word they want to use.

      Hint: they know she’s black.

    3. 👆🏽shut up Starvin. Stick w your gopher hunting.

    4. I can't stand any you named but I'm going to hold my dick and vote for Commie-La.

      After all monkeypox is coming

    5. She is black...........what a joke. Economic plan....ya' right.
      She is so stupid she couldn't figure out a grocery plan.
      Ask yourself....."how anyone so dumb gets to where she is".............the answer........there is no answer.
      Just dump supporters

    6. Speaking of plans, how’s that healthcare plan coming along? Feels like it’s been more than two weeks.

    7. 9:26 I’m not the one who mentioned pornography in the schools, but what that person said is true. I’m surprised you don’t know about it, but then again I’m not. The average democrat is completely unaware of how dark the Dem party has become.

      Parents have become increasingly in discovering the sexualization and attempted indoctrination of our children, and Grandchildren. People like Newsom and his wife, have been forcing extremely graphic sexual books into the schools that are inappropriate for young children. I guess you didn’t hear about the recent incident right here in Encinitas regarding 5th graders being forced to read sexualy graphic books to their K2 buddies. It was very upsetting and distressing to many children. Some came home from school feeling quite traumatized, reporting how sad, and uncomfortable it made them feel. Then there was the time when Encinitas School board allowed a sexual reassignment children’s surgery clinic come down from San Francisco to perform for our children. These transgender men, dance in skimpy tutu’s for the children, and have story time w/the kids sitting in their laps w/ practically no clothes on. The teachers union and our school board had seen the flyers advertising this, and were fine with promoting it and exposing our young innocent children to lewd and inappropriate behavior. This resulted in a protest outside the Encinitas school district admin building, as well as a packed board meeting with tons of people speaking out against indoctrinating our kids.
      So yes, a vote for Kamaleon, is a vote for insanity, and yes, “EVIL.” She was an active participant in screwing up San Francisco for years. Let’s not let her screw up all of CA and the rest of the USA

  28. Vote No on all tax increases and vote Ehlers for mayor. Kranz, Blakespear and Gonzales sold their souls to the BIA and now the community is clobbered with high density development. Think of that while you idle in traffic that doesn't move.

    1. Right. Because if we had different leaders at the local level, then they’d be able to ignore state law, just like. . .

      What city were you thinking of where that happened?

      Come on. You can do it. Name the city.

      You know what Coronado got in exchange for agreeing to comply with state law?

      Squadouche. That’s what.

      They wasted a fortune on lawyers and got diddly squat.

    2. Not "ignore," but you know that, 10:23. How about a little pushback every now and again, hm? How about joining with other cities to see what might be done? How about instructing our lobbyist not to get the "best and highest use" out of our land but instead let Sacrament know that one size fits all doesn't work for us?

      Make the slightest peep is the least Blakespear/Kranz could do. But no. So yes, we can do better under different leadership.

    3. 10:23- idiot alert.

    4. 11:47, re “a little push back.”

      Like who?

      Name the city that got a better result with “a little push back.”

      This isn’t about your feelings.

      It’s about results.

      Show us the results.

    5. 👆🏾 No value in discussing stuff with retards. You clearly don’t understand.

    6. Any decent leader would have pushed for a higher inclusionary percentage and distributed density more fairly across the city. Clark and Baldwin are nightmare projects. Clark, Piraeus and Fox Point are developer giveaways. As will be Baldwin. Their plans for ECR are just more foolish spending and bad planning.

      Traffic, homelessness, crime, lack of new schools, Streetscape, Santa Fe can all go under the heading, ‘cluster fuck’.

    7. 👆🏼 well, I hate Kranz, but you saying lack of school shows your ignorance.

      Projections in the area show kid tanking. Are the schools for the homeless? Maybe that’s what you’re suggestion as hotels and schools for the homeless. While I Don’t agree with it, at least I understand your comment.

    8. When you calmly ask for examples where their idea has worked with results and they respond with “retard.”


    9. 3:59- more like we take ownership of our lives and know what is nonproductive use of time.

    10. on. If all of the towns and cities would have banded together, the brain dead newsom and bonta would have been in courts until they were dead from old age. Instead most gave in. newsom is a tweeker in a suit and bonta is simply dumb

    11. "Higher inclusionary percentage and distributed DENSITY more fairly "

      Holy schlit is this a pantoMEME?

  29. 11:56 is paid not to understand.

  30. 3:38pm. Brilliant evaluation.

    To be clear, btw,. Not!!!!
