Wednesday, August 21, 2024

8/21/24 City Council meeting open thread

 Please use the comments to record your observations.


  1. Make Encinitas Great Again
    2024 Voters Guide

    US President
    Donald J Trump

    US House of Representatives
    Matt Gunderson

    San Diego County Supervisor
    Kevin Faulconer

    Encinitas Mayor
    Bruce Ehlers

    Encinitas City Council District 1
    Luke Shaffer

    Encinitas City Council District 2
    James O'Hara

    1. The choice is clear.

      And not in the way you probably intended.

    2. Kranz FB “Keep Encinitas Great” ๐Ÿ˜‚

  2. Local items only on this blog.,

    Good common sense local NPP candidates:

    Encinitas Mayor
    Bruce Ehlers

    Encinitas City Council District 1
    Luke Shaffer

    Encinitas City Council District 2
    James O'Hara

    Outside of Encinitas, post it on Facebook.

    1. And No on the 1% tax increase!

  3. Just watching the DNC and waiting for Trump to say Stevie Wonder is faking blindness.

  4. 4:16pm Wow thanks. Not.

    Whoever could you be? Let's see what you all come up with. It can only be one of a very few misguided former and sadly current moron followers.

    Might as well leave it to others to conjecture.

    5:12pm Nice try. If the past is any indication with this bunch.... well.....nice try.

    1. About as easy to figure out the fossil who still regularly uses "not" ๐Ÿคฃ

  5. 4:16 is the Walsh-Thunder misinformation campaign. Never miss a chance to try being relevant, right JT?

  6. “You’re done,” classy as always Tony.

    1. That's just my manz showing some teeth! He's the alpha in the freak show and needs to make sure Harry Bush knows who's boss!
      - Starvin

    2. ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฎ

  7. *** Encinitas Real Time News****

    Good Morning Encinitas!

    We have fresh News reports from Raul Villamar and Mark Mavill reporting live from City Council last night:

    Soooooooo good. Lady describing Kranzinitas approach to raising old school homes in compliance with the General Plan and rubber stamping Stack and Pack for BIA profit is elder abuse,

    ***Raul Villamar and Mark Mavill really present the only valuable part of the meeting.

    These public speakers are local heroes and speak the truth.

    ***Raul speaks about the fight night and blood baths, broken private property from Kranzinitas focus on drunking blistfest downtown with Pot shops and bars pumping high potency THC and Tequila fueled zombies to mix it up with the Fentanyl homeless every Thursday through Sunday in the ruined downtown.

    Watch from about minute 17:13 through Mark Mavill. By far the best 10 minutes of the entire City Council meeting.

    ***Raul - We look forward to your fight club videos- "Fight night at the Small Mall". F^ ck Kranz, He's a sidewalk riding, no helmet bike riding liar. Raul is right. Locals are disgusted with the downtown and avoid it like the plaque it is. It's an alcohol, THC, Fentanyl fuel shit show- Literally! Its gross!!

    ***Mark Mavil- Always speaking the truth - "Raul is right".

    Need camera in parks and downtown.
    Outside dining in street need to go. City Hall broke promise made on the Jan 26 City Council meeting to family that had person killed from the downtown fight club. Liars.

    "Do want you say you were going to do."
    "Do not. write check, you can not cash."
    "Cannabis Huts have high TCH and Fenty flooding the neighborhood being consumed by kids."
    "this needs to be handled either now or AFTER THE CHANGING OF THE GUARD"

    LOVE IT!

    Mark is smart and has already met with the future Mayor - Bruce Ehlers.

    Kranz gets all flustered behind his face diaper and cry out,
    "Your done!, Your Done!!"

    No Kranz. Encinitas is done from your catastrophic decisions.Come November your done and Bruce can start mobing up the mess of the last 12 years since you've been on the City Council.

    This is a classic case study of what happens to a City that elects The Town Dunce to City Council.

    Classic! Thank you for the true news Raul and Mark. Thanks Encinitas. Encinitas is a complete shit show and we all got a great laugh!!


  8. *** Encinitas Real Time News****

    Good Morning Encinitas!

    We have fresh News reports from Raul Villamar and Mark Mavill reporting live from City Council last night:

    Soooooooo good. Lady describing Kranzinitas approach to raising old school homes in compliance with the General Plan and rubber stamping Stack and Pack for BIA profit is elder abuse,

    ***Raul Villamar and Mark Mavill really present the only valuable part of the meeting.

    These public speakers are local heroes and speak the truth.

    ***Raul speaks about the fight night and blood baths, broken private property from Kranzinitas focus on drunking blistfest downtown with Pot shops and bars pumping high potency THC and Tequila fueled zombies to mix it up with the Fentanyl homeless every Thursday through Sunday in the ruined downtown.

    Watch from about minute 17:13 through Mark Mavill. By far the best 10 minutes of the entire City Council meeting.

    ***Raul - We look forward to your fight club videos- "Fight night at the Small Mall". F^ ck Kranz, He's a sidewalk riding, no helmet bike riding liar. Raul is right. Locals are disgusted with the downtown and avoid it like the plaque it is. It's an alcohol, THC, Fentanyl fuel shit show- Literally! Its gross!!

    ***Mark Mavil- Always speaking the truth - "Raul is right".

    Need camera in parks and downtown.
    Outside dining in street need to go. City Hall broke promise made on the Jan 26 City Council meeting to family that had person killed from the downtown fight club. Liars.

    "Do want you say you were going to do."
    "Do not. write check, you can not cash."
    "Cannabis Huts have high TCH and Fenty flooding the neighborhood being consumed by kids."
    "this needs to be handled either now or AFTER THE CHANGING OF THE GUARD"

    LOVE IT!

    Mark is smart and has already met with the future Mayor - Bruce Ehlers.

    Kranz gets all flustered behind his face diaper and cry out,
    "Your done!, Your Done!!"

    No Kranz. Encinitas is done from your catastrophic decisions.Come November your done and Bruce can start mobing up the mess of the last 12 years since you've been on the City Council.

    This is a classic case study of what happens to a City that elects The Town Dunce to City Council.

    Classic! Thank you for the true news Raul and Mark. Thanks Encinitas. Encinitas is a complete shit show and we all got a great laugh!!


  9. Here is link to the public speakers. Start at about 17:13

  10. This Local Hero's need a Hero Proclamation from the Mayor!!

    Steve Puterski, We know you follow this site for *** Encninitas Real Time News***.

    Interview Raul and Mark and do a report on the blood all over the place and fight nights in downtown Encinitas.

    "Blood all over the place. We need bleeding control kits down town like in the City hall. There is Blood all over the cloths. fights all over the place. Sheriffs took a report. There is a video.

    A few quotes to get you started:
    "We will be showing videos." "The City needs to put bleeding control kits downtown like they have a City Hall"

    "We need the bleeding control kits to address the bleeding all over the place"

    "Fight night at the Small Mall"

    Down Town Encinitas fueled by Tequila, high potency THC and Fenty Zombies.

    Raul is the Master.

    Thank you Raul!

    The Truth will set you free! As you know. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ

    1. And while you’re at it, please ask each mayoral candidate their three initial priorities once Bruce is elected!

  11. I guess it’s that time of the election cycle when the sad sack losers come out to sell doom and gloom.

    Happens every election year.

    Forecasting doom is the Acme Rocket Rollerskates of local politics. Can’t see how it could go wrong.

    1. acme Starvin - are your BIA checks still being honored?

  12. Re: “fights all over the place”

    I’m old enough to remember when an off duty secret service detail was the cause of street fights downtown. One got his nose broken and one bit the ear off a local.

    I guess the sad sack losers want to go back in time to before there was ever a fight downtown.

    1862 maybe?

    What year specifically was America great?

    Was it during slavery? Before suffrage?

    Name the year.

    1. So sorry you’re ok with high speed chases, drug addled homeless, shit on your shoes, fentanyl and meth related public displays of grossness and harassment, endless traffic, phony low income density apartments, break ins, burglaries and beatings.

      Maybe you live in the wrong town. San Fran or LA may be more suitable.

      You don’t have to have a letter after your name to want safety and a civil society.

    2. My God, Starvin. What a stupid comment.

      I can’t wait until Tony gets dumped and you have no longer a reason to be here in Encinitas. Go back to New Jersey. Oh yeah, that’s right. Everyone hates you in New Jersey too, including your children.

    3. What year was America last “great?”

      Why won’t the MAGA answer this simple question?

  13. ๐Ÿ‘†๐ŸพStarvin deflection… confusion campaign.

  14. Life would be so easy if I could just declare information that doesn’t fit my agenda as “fake.”

    Unfortunately, I have this brain.

  15. Well I guess the polls weren't fake until they started shifting. Just like the election wasn't rigged in 2016 but magically was in 2020. I see a pattern here.

  16. 1046 for the same reason Destiny won’t answer whether she is for or against the one percent sales tax. And no, it’s not on her website.

    1. 1129: Can someone please tell me how someone works for the State in a low level planner position and still has time be on these boards and own a massage business in ENCINITAS. Is the State of Cal aware that she may be giving massages for money while on work time.

    2. I had the same question. Is she a remote worker?

    3. I enjoy reading EV harpies constantly ridicule council members when they don't also have full time jobs.

      I enjoy reading EV harpies constantly ridicule specific council member candidates when they have full time jobs.

    4. Don't worry 10:01. Luke and Jim will soon learn what it's like to have their life put under the microscope. Then you can watch the hypocrites bend over backwards making excuses for them.

    5. If it's one sided and complete bs, you're gonna find it on EV. They're nothing more than a group of obnoxious shit talkers, liars and hysterical exaggerators.

  17. If you like democracy, then lay off the cannabis places. The citizens voted for them, but really, how many potheads to you see causing trouble. It's alcohol, which the City loves because it makes them a lot of money and many of the council, plus Tasha and Stocks love their booze.

    1. Consistent Marijuana use has been scientifically proven to cause psychosis and mental illness.

    2. Lorri and Golden are perfect ambassadors for avoiding marijuana use. Do you want your brain to be like either of theirs?

    3. 12;22 pm here -
      I do support cannabis for illnesses like cancer. My good friend gave his dog Cannabinoid oil in his meals for 5 years and it extended the beautiful dogs quality of life no question. Dose and purpose is key.

  18. If you'd like to come over I'll bake you a fake cake ๐Ÿคก

    Please bring your extra ballots๐Ÿซจ

  19. People are very quiet now about what happened to derail the third attempt at a debate that includes city council races. I believe the reason is O'Hara and Shaffer handlers fucked up again and tried to assign blame where it wasn't due.

    1. Try not to confuse things. All are in with the exception of Destiny. Several (not just two) candidates, including some chamber leadership, had a problem with the first moderator pick. She was someone known to have poor judgment and to be a bit of a loose cannon.

      Keep throwing out the confusion campaign crap, we c u.

    2. C me then, and stop lying. If O'Hara & Shaffer had any desire to debate in a fair setting they would have been a couple of debates in at this point.

    3. Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies..

  20. What we're witnessing is the direct result of the O'Hara and Shaffer campaigns being run by far right wacko Watchdorks. We all know who they are and have seen how they operate. I hate so much of what our city council has become but those guys are NOT the answer. Next election we need some real independents smart enough to stay the hell away from all the bitter and toxic crazies on both sides.

    1. All but a few of their meetups have been hosted by Democrats and NPPs.

    2. @1:27 "Yep, we'll really show em next time." Is that your adivce? You tell people to just bend over and like it?

      Your attempts to denigrate the non state-sponsored side are failing.

  21. The Encinitas Chamber of Commerce changed the format from a debate/forum to a candidate “mingle.” Each candidate will be seated at an individual table and members can circulate to each candidate’s table to have discussion. Date: 9-23-24, 5:30pm at Mira Costa.

  22. Chamber of Commerce board seems useless. City Hall lackies like Starvin.

    They are silent on a 13% sales tax increase which will drive all business to Carlsbad.

    Yet they claim to care about local business/commerce…. Pffff

  23. Mavill? You cannot be serious. He just barely functions in a social setting. I applaud him in his fight to recover from his years of substance abuse, but he speaks from personal experience and not reality.

    His ability to focus on any single issue always goes astray. We can all hope the best for him and wish him the best of luck in not falling off the wagon again, but the damage obviously has been done. Listen to his every word and tell me you hope the same for him as he is surviving his recovery and not much more. His value is limited, especially when he goes off the tracks on other issues every time he speaks.

    This is as clear as the day is long. He contributes is his own particular way, but he is way out there with his opinions. His reefer madness viewpoint is something he should defer from commenting on and focus on other issues. Some 'medicinal' might be a good thing in his case. No THC is required to help him.

    The same goes for the other characters who cannot accept the voting publics decision on adult use. If parents are concerned and why wouldn't they be, it is past time to try a new avenue called parenting.

    The voters spoke. Democracy worked in this case. A majority still rules sometimes.

    1. I don't think the public understood the extent of that cannabis referendum. I smoke and I voted NO. Too many pot shops and growing and manufacturing as well. Ugh, too much. One shop, maybe two would have been enough. Older upper middle class people may go to these shops but so do some seedy characters. Parking will be painful. I'll continue to visit MadMen in Sorrento Valley, which is close to my job and EZ PZ to get in and out of.

    2. Nothings for free.

      It fucks up your mind.

      You play, you pay.

      Most people can not handle reality and rather blitz away their life. ๐Ÿ˜ข

    3. “ Too many pot shops and growing and manufacturing as well. Ugh, too much. One shop, maybe two would have been enough. ”

      Are you for central government planning, or do you trust free markets to resolve the issue?

      If there are too many stores, the market will fix it.

    4. Grow your own.

    5. Teach your kids and listen to all of the public speakers on this issue THC has serious negative impacts on your life.

      Choose life not THC. ๐ŸŒŽ

    6. Public speakers are the same five self appointed experts on everything.

      The most dangerous place in Encinitas is between any of them and a camera.

    7. Wrong. The public speakers are much much much better than the four repetitious bobbling heads on city Council.. Bruce Eller is actually brings value.

    8. Kranz has made downtown Encinitas into a party waste zone. Just like PB north as predicted..

      Kranzinitas sucks!

      Kranz needs to be run out of town With his girlfriend Starvin.

  24. Apparently you did listen to Mark Mavill.

    He is way more articulate and smarter than Kranz.

    1. *Apparently you did not listen to Mark Mavill.

      He is way more articulate and smarter than Kranz.

    2. A snail is way more articulate and smarter than Kranz. I mean, c'mon?

    3. Good point. Comparing other people to Kranz is a very low bar.

  25. Holy schlit Lorena self pwnage


    1. predator family

    2. It is tedious listening to the potty mouthed siblings in their respective rants.

    3. LOL do you ever say otherwise? Own who and what you are.

  26. When Trump loses again, I’m predicting there will be a civil war.

    Not like the Ashley Babbit civil war that Trump wants to happen. It will be a civil war wholly contained within the Republican Party.

    The rest of us will just grab some popcorn and watch the show.

    It’s going to be great.

  27. US troop deaths in Afghanistan under:

    Trump: 65
    Biden: 13

    Thank you, Joe.

    Once again, Republican leadership and policies create shitholes with terrible results.

  28. 1:27 is Walsh still butt hurt over watchdorks rejecting even him.

    1. No one likes Walsh, except Kranz. ❤️๐Ÿฅฐ

  29. Getting back to our local heroes Raul and Mark, we love Public Comments at the City Council Meetings, by far the best part of any of the mtgs.

    We need the bleeding control kits to address the bleeding all over the place"

    "Fight night at the Small Mall"

    Down Town Encinitas fueled by Tequila, high potency THC and Fenty Zombies.

    Raul is the Master.

    Thank you Raul!

    The Truth will set you free! As you know. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ

    Absolutely amazing how far we have come.

    Here is link to the public speakers. Start at about 17:13

    1. This Local Hero's need a Hero Proclamation from the Mayor!!

      Steve Puterski, We know you follow this site for

      *** Encninitas Real Time News***.

      Interview Raul and Mark and do a report on the blood all over the place and fight nights in downtown Encinitas.

      "Blood all over the place. We need bleeding control kits down town like in the City hall. There is Blood all over the cloths. fights all over the place. Sheriffs took a report. There is a video.

  30. Density Destiny Marie Vasquez Preston's business: It's open only on weekends and Tues/Thurs nights.

  31. Even clever camera angles couldn't hide LukeJim's meetup at Leah's was only 5 people with an average age of 91 and Scott's crazy wife.

    1. At least they’re talking with residents and not telecom everyone from Sacramento?

      Hey Airbnbush asked if there’s any available rentals for this weekend?

      Her normal spot is taken.

  32. Nobody can figure out why the Atlantic Ocean temperature has been plummeting.

    And to make matters worse after 4 years of the dems completely fucking over our economy Lorena Gonzalez want to "unfuck" the economy that the candidate of her choice fucked.

    You can't make this shit up can you Margo? Oh wait ----

    YOU CAN!


    1. Now that.........was funny
      And yes, gullible warming is a lie. Along with lectric' cars

    2. Oooooh!

      I love to learn new things.

      Please provide a link to the peer reviewed studies published in reputable science journals on which you are basing your conclusions.

      Science is exciting!

    3. Peer reviewed by whom?

      By the dozens upon dozens of "climate scientists " whom are paid by the governments who grift off their citizens?

      Those peer reviewers?


    4. My electric car beats the fuck out of your piece of shit gas burner.

      Get out of my way slow poke oldie. You’re clogging up the roads.

    5. 11:35,

      Peer review is done by the people who understand the science and math. It’s an adversarial process, and peer reviewers who catch faulty or fraudulent science are held in the highest regard and are paid very well, because they protect the reputation of the journal.
      Conversely, peer reviewers who fail to catch errors or fraud subsequently resulting in the withdrawal of published research often have trouble finding other opportunities as a peer reviewer.

      An example is the peer review team that failed to catch the fraud perpetrated by disgraced Dr. Andrew Wakefield when the Lancet withdrew his paper connecting vaccines to autism.

      Isn’t it amazing that you don’t question the effectiveness of peer review in studying the Yellowstone super volcano, or the discovery of the Higgs Boson, or the lithography that creates tiny chips that run your smartphone. Isn’t it convenient for you that the only corner of science that seems to be corrupt is the corner that reveals information that challenges your political views?

    6. I’ve seen many peer reviews by agencies that are a total joke.

      It’s whoever establishes the process can steer the outcome. Hence, the absolute ridiculous response to Covid.

      The reality is so many other countries got it right and didn’t decimate their public health and their economy:

      USA’s enemies are laughing because we pretty much put ourselves in massive debt and are going to collapse our total monetary system.

      They win without ever taking a shot. Same thing happened to the Roman Empire and other developed societies.

      I guess Americans could not learn from history. ๐Ÿ˜ข

    7. “ I’ve seen many peer reviews by agencies. . .”

      Really? Which ones?

      Please provide links to the research you are referencing, so I can evaluate your claims.

    8. Peer reviews........what a joke. Gullible warming, save the earth, dying polar bears soon to be extinct...all lies
      Raising seas........the biggest LIE. Ohhhh' read peer reivews.......hey genius, Go to the Beach and get out of your mothers basement.

  33. Viral banger incoming LOL

  34. Homey DONT PLAY DAT GAME !

  35. Marco trying to cover up Destiny's complete lack of Encinitas knowledge and her multiple supposed full-time jobs claims by asking if anyone cares that the council jobs don't pay a living wage. HUH? Don't look now but your desperation is showing.

  36. Replies
    1. So agree you POW.

    2. Who down for "unfucking" encinitas and throwing the fake lying frauds the fuck outa here?

  37. 12:37pm Wow, and not a fake wow. Where have you been when we needed you. We still need your rational mind with all the morons posting here.

    10:25 this was for you, not that you could make any sense of it considering your low mental acuity. The Atlantic Ocean is cooling down? I can imagine what body part you pulled that out of. Peeuuuw. How could the news have reported some of the highest water temps ever recorded off of southern Fla. approaching 100 degrees while the Atlantic is getting colder?

    You will be ok if you stop believing in fake news and pull your head out of the same smelly place you found that the Atlantic Ocean is getting colder. You must be following the alternate facts of the 1% of scientists who deny man made climate change is real. They are your chosen people after all.

  38. Zero fucks given about your limp dicked government sponsored follies

  39. Today is an important day unto which the entire country will notice. It feels like the hippy liberal days of the 60’s. It feels like what America is supposed to be. The two party system needs to be smashed. Both Democrat and Republican parties entirely suck. There are a few in the republican party that are decent human beings not sold out to special interests. Very few but they do in fact exist. The democrat party has none. Zero. Zilch. Still, both parties suck rotten moldy oatmeal. The nightmare continues until November, when we face down evil in a peaceful reclaiming of political power. This time, we must use it to expose all evil within the government. It’s time.
    Trump and RFK JR are as American as it gets. It’s unity. It is everything Democrats pretended to be. It’s Truth, Beauty, Prosperity.
    Classical lib still exists, however not in Encinitas, or LA. They’ve all moved to Indo & points known and unknown.

    Make no mistake. The evil pieces of shit in the democrat party have a plan to steal the fuck out of this election.
    You die hard ideological “peer reviewed” focus group douche canoe leftist radicals think Kamala Harris will fix the border and economy if elected, especially after the current administration messed it all up.

    Oh wait, she is the current administration.

    Good lord you people are fucking idiots.

    1. Don't fret too much. The honeymoon will soon be over. The media is a whore and this state is inundated with leftist propaganda, but don't underestimate the American people. Harris isn't anything like she's being painted and cracks will start to form soon enough.

      Though I'm not a Trump fan, the idea of a left wing California progressive doing to the country what they've done to this state is beyond imagining.

    2. How do they plan to "steal the election"? Just like last time when ZERO credible evidence of such was presented anywhere in this country. The vast majority of voter fraud was REPUBLICANS you idiot.

    3. 3:37, you are missing the point.

      This is great news.

      People like 2:29 are already making excuses for the loss. They’ve given up already months before the election. They know they are saddled with a loser.

      But don’t get complacent.

      We need to be fueled by their quitting. We need to draw strength from it and work even harder to get Harris elected.

      I’m going to sign up to volunteer in a phone bank.

      Today is a great day. MAGA are quitting in droves.

  40. Lorri woke up today and after a decade of EV decided she suddenly wants to be a moderator. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ Too little too late seems like a grandiose understatement.

    1. Nah.

      I, I, I.

      Me, me, me.

      Same ole Dr. Nutbird.

  41. Yet there you go again. The question to you should be why do you go there if you find her and her blog so repugnant?

    Do you find some comfort in trashing her? Wtf is that about? Wtf are you about? Is this more drunken entertainment from your daily seat in the Office?

    1. EV is an ahole hangout and nothing more.

    2. 3:54 it's about the pompous one being banned and JT begging to be made admin but that going nowhere. And yes the posts from the Office.

    3. 354. Why would a grown adult be freaked out by LGs blog. All your favorite freaks are on the blog, also. Grow some balls ...whimp

  42. Trump and RFK are as American as it gets? Whew. Your eyes have to be as brown as the sheet you shovel.

    Damn, something stinks with your kind imagining they are upholding the American Ideal while working to end our democracy.

    No worries, if you and your POS domestic traitors get what you want, you won't have to vote in four years. None of us will have the right to vote that the Constitution originally gave us.

  43. It’s not enough to win.

    We need to smash and humiliate this disgusting MAGA movement.

    They need to have their noses rubbed in it.

    Their grandchildren will lie about who their grandpa was.

    1. Minion comments. America’s lost until it dumps the two party system.

    2. Only one team uses such incendiary language. Team abortion.

  44. The MAGA panic has begun.

    1. Who cares?

      Have anything interesting to say about local Encinitas?

  45. If you truly understood Lorri, you'd see that this stunt is all about preserving her legacy. On some level, she's repulsed by what EV has become, though she’ll never grasp that it’s her own doing. But that’s beside the point. What drives her now is the belief that if she can just get candidates from all sides to participate in EV, it will somehow erase the years of her cancerous behavior. Notice how she fixates on Allison's participation—it’s the validation she’s been craving. And if she can persuade Destiny to put her head on the chopping block, it would be the final proof that EV is the independent, all inclusive platform Lorri always imagined, even if that vision never actually existed outside her own mind.

    1. Too late.

      Any wise person would advise serious candidates to stay far away from EV. They’ve proven to have zero influence. There’s no upside—only downside to engaging that group.

    2. Everyone in its need is especially the existing city council knows that this is the Encinitas undercover. It’s where News reporter’s like Steve and Phil come to get the real story in Encinitas.

      *** Encinitas real time news***

    3. * Everyone in Encinitas, especially the existing city council, knows that this is the Encinitas undercover. It’s where News reporter’s like Steve and Phil come to get the real story in Encinitas.

      *** Encinitas real time news***

    4. Step 1: Publicly attack, lie about and insult a candidate for months.
      Step 2: Pretend there is something worthwhile about showing up on EV and that candidates have some obligation to be there (for democracy perhaps). Whine about current elected officials avoiding you like the plague.
      Step 3: Publicly attack, lie about and insult any candidate or elected official dumb enough to fall for the bs in step 2.

    5. ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿพ hey fool, you’re on the wrong website. This is.EU.

      *** Encinitas’s real time news***

  46. I want to start a Go Fund Me for Melvin Psychotico's legal defense. He's a great educator and loves the children, totally belongs on the school board PLUS he's a VIP member at Vaskwez Massage! He's a great guy and so am I! Vote for me or you'll give me no choice but to create another fake name facebook page!
    - Harry Bush

  47. Airbnbush apparently coming out of hybornation with a pathetic attempt of playing offense on her campaign page. Say whatever you want about your opponent unibrow. Bottom line: YOU are the SACRAMENTO AGENDA.

    1. And a Airbnbush newbie from San Francisco, Sacramento and LA.

      You are a hypocritical scum, just like Kranz and BIA, and the worst kind of woke scum.

      Keep wearing your mask in your car and your plane flights while you pollute all of your greenhouse gases all over the state.

      You’re a loser and you can take your crappy growth development plans up back to LA, and you really need to focus on your job so you don’t get fired from your Sacramento job.

      Commuting every day from Sacramento does not work and is not healthy for you or the environment .


    2. Did anybody go to the “fights at the village” last night?

      Hey, Steve or Phil, did you guys go there and get some good footage?

      And Remember, it’s the freakshow’s big night tonight. Saturday night is Freakshow!

      I heard Harry Bush could not get a Vrbo or Airbnb this weekend,, so she will be a no show, or virtual wearing a face diaper. Watch out Starvin, Phony might be in a cranky mood w no Airbnbush to play with.


  48. Which people really need to be "unfucked" ?

    When a lifelong Democrat, from an iconic Democrat family, who tried to run as a Democrat, and who’s running mate was a Democrat, warns you about the dangers of voting for the Democrat in this election, you should probably listen.

    1. You can just say predator family, which includes a moron that goes around suing local cities, like Encinitas and San Diego, and a hoe that cheated on her spouse and supports a predator. The predator family.

    2. He was a lifelong Democrat.

      Then a worm ate his brain and he became MAGA.

      Story checks out.

  49. Happy to see there is a joint meet and greet with Ehlers & O’Hara this weekend. Exactly what we need!

    1. Funny how Thunder was all about divide and conquer during the last election but she’s all over the two D candidates, not even in her district, this time around. What’s up with that?

    2. Shut up Starvin. Focus on your uni for tonight. Remember, it’s Freakshow and. Phony will not be distracted by Harry Airbnbush

    3. Because Julie and her Watchdorks put up LukeJim to run. That's already been exposed.

    4. Get over it already, what are you doing to help the campaigns?

  50. harrybush is trying to steal my manz with her free couples, kama sutra massage tonight. She doesn't have a room to sleep in this week, because the airbnb is booked solid. At the CoC table she is giving away a free couples massage, if you don't ask her what her address is, and if she has lived there for more than 6 months.

    1. ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿพ Thank you for the tip.

  51. 5:08 ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ’ฏ What address and date did she use on her Voters Registration? Is that the info the city used to qualify her for D-2? Did she rent the airbnb in D-2 for 3-4 months, so she could then use that address on her VR to qualify for D-2? Should there be at least a 2-3 year full-time residency requirement, before someone is eligible to run for City Council?

    1. Two or three years, wow, she would be stretching at two weeks in a row.

      Maybe two or three days in a VRBO Or Airbnb, hence her name Airbnbush.

    2. 2 to 3 days of Airbnb is about the best Harry Bush can do. Hence the name Airbnbush.

  52. Luke Shaffer's bragging about an endorsement from a TORREY PINES teacher??? ๐Ÿ˜ฒ Luke might be from here but that shows he and his handlers aren't real Encinitas.

    1. He was raised here and lives here.

      The DEI Garden Gnome is a newbie.

    2. He lives in Leucadia weirdo.

    3. ๐Ÿคฃ 1:41 My husband and I said the same thing. You can tell these people aren't from here, they don't understand.

    4. Yeah, I’m a newbie. I lived here 37 years.

      I don’t think Airbnbush has lived here 37 days.

    5. That DEM endorsement got ya’ll triggered I see ๐Ÿ˜‚. Tim lives in Encinitas, not Sacramento ๐Ÿคญ

  53. F-off 1:41 Luke Shaffer: *Born and Raised in Encinitas * Marine Corps Combat Veteran F/A-18 Pilot * Leadership Business Owner/ Entrepreneur * HS Lacrosse and Football Coach! Priorities: Safety, Infrastructure Needs, Overdevelopment. What a Win-Win-Win he would be for Leucadia, after so many years of being screwed over by phony, and the appointed garden gnome.

  54. 11:09, 12:42๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐ŸพAirbnbush, stretching it at 2 weeks in a row, 2-3 days in an Airbnb the best she can do. ๐Ÿคก Got it.

  55. Unfuck Encinitas in November!

    The Gonzalez-Blakespear super PAC's (Political Asswipe Clowns)& their Leninist proletariat need to be eradicated from polite society forever to never return

    Unfuck Encinitas NOW~ !

    1. ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿพ❤️

  56. Catherine Blakespear was born and raised here, and her family traces their localism back several generations.

    I guess we can all agree she’s the future governor goat.

    1. Blakespear ran on a slogan of "Preserve Paradise." Naively, we voters thought that she was talking about the 19 square miles of Encinitas. Instead, she was speaking of the family compound on Rossini Creek that her grandparents purchased, and her mother was able to sign over to her to avoid the consequences of Prop 19. She was also able to receive other family properties with these favorable terms so the rest of us and OUR heirs will have to pay taxes which she was able to avoid for herself. She has voted to place multi-story heat islands in our neighborhoods while she, like her developer donors and political allies like Atkins and Weiner live in protected neighborhoods or enjoy tax benefits that the rest of us were not privy to. She is the greatest disappointment and perhaps the greatest traitor of all time. I am so ashamed that ever voted for her. She is self-serving and a complete fraud.

    2. ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿพ I second that…

      That was the worst vote I ever ever made in my life. Can’t stand that woman and eventually she’ll be brought up on charges for the way she treats that Cardiff Gimp.

    3. I also voted for her and I really regret my action. She took a chill city and divided it almost overnight. She used her pawns, MDW and others to attack residents . She and the rest of them are self-centered freaks.

    4. ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ’ฏ. Same. I’m a lifelong Democrat and she is a pathetic monster. So embarrassing and I would never vote for that creature again.

      I can’t wait for her to get voted off and along with Kranz should get the hell out of Encinitas.

      Worse Mayors of Encinitas:

      1. Kranz
      2. BIA
      3. Stocks

    5. If only there were a time machine! How many of us would go back and vote for the guy with the dog, or the dog itself for that matter over Blakespear!

    6. ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ’ฏ

  57. 5:15- That’s about as funny as saying Kevin S is an educator and is to be trusted among children. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

  58. The guy with the dog, wanted to make BIA's Auntie Rosemary 2nd senior center, an apartment complex. So much of a better use, that would have produced income, provided housing, than BIA, her mommy-dearest, and her Auntie's drunk with power control over our beach town. ๐ŸŒŽ

  59. Today 8/25/24. Private planes flying out of Montgomery field up to fly in circles and back and forth looking in back yards at little girls.
    Tap Solutions, tail number N5150D. 15 times, 2:36p.m
    Seven 4 Zulu LLC, tail number N797RJ. 14 times 2:05 p.m.
    Also putting families at risk on the ground and poisoning the air with leaded fuel. Ya'.........we need bigger bike lanes.

    1. Up too Encinitas.......sorry, left out the destination.
      I'll do better next time

  60. 2:50pm. Long time no hear, plane guy. Try longer next time.

    You know they were looking at little girls in backyards?

    Only someone who was there would know that.

    Curiouser and curiouser.

    1. Ohhh they circle over and over. They like looking.
      And oddly, it's always the same ones. Additionally, they circle over religious sites....over the over.
      Are these ragheads planning an attack all the while looking at children? I wonder.
      These weird plane people are plain crazy.
      Remember folks, on average 1000 private planes crash each year across the U.S. No one cares.
      Instead, the America hating left wants your guns.

  61. 2:50 to 8:07- just starvin, trying to create some space from previous comments. Starvin is such a tool. If I was Starvin’s kids, I would hate her too. I’d

  62. 9:39pm Wrong again. As usual for you. Not garvin.

    You are the lazy one, aren't you? Not garvin, again and again, ad nauseam, again and again.

    1. ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ’ฏ. I feel bad for you starvin. your confusion campaign is not working.

    2. 10:58 is ๐Ÿ’ฏ wrong - it’s Admiral Starvin showing her nerves.

  63. 7:26am It is has become more than obvious that cognition is not your strong suit, among many other personality disorders.

    When you have so little to begin with, you have little room to improve your cognitive abilities or even recognize your failings.

  64. 7:26am Tu es Stultus applies. It describes you perfectly. To put in simpler terms, considering the sub-level you operate in, you are to dumb to know how dumb you are. You are too ignorant to realize how ignorant you are. Truer words have rarely been expressed.

    Wait for it. More self-imagined brilliance is coming up.

    1. I wish the person going after Garvin none stop seeks help. It is getting old

    2. ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿ˜˜


  65. 11:03am. Getting old? haha If only this banjo boy would get some help, we would be better off. He is committed. And should be literally.

    He appears to have a fascination for garvin and sees him behind many posts that are not garvin.

    How would I know that? I cannot count the times he said I and many other posters were garvin. We were not.

    He operates, if one can call that operating, with a handicap of a lack of mental acuity. Cognition is not his strong suit. Hey Banjo boy, there is help out there for you and thereby us as a byproduct.

    Wait for it. He will think this post is from garvin before much longer.

    1. just a waste of time ...who cares..

    2. Glad you enjoy it Starvin. You earned every comment. ๐Ÿฅฐ

  66. Who should care? We all should care about this community. Many do. Many more should than they have in the past.

    Apathy spells doom for any democracy.

  67. Not garvin. You are in rut, a permanent one, at that.

    1. Unfortunately for you Garvin is the king of name-calling. So it’s impossible to tell you apart so we’re going to assume it’s Walsh every time. Maybe unlike him try using your words to reduce the confusion.

  68. Having the ability to tell who is who on this site is not one of your strong points, if you have any cognition ability remaining. If there is, it is not serving you well, or us either.

  69. 6:17pm I have always used my own words. I have always made my own mind up by paying attention.

    If all you can see is garvin, I do feel sorry, sorry that you are so clueless that garvin is all you can see. I cannot imagine such mental state where garvin is your go to for every poster.

    Do you have a brain worm and not know it? There is a remedy and the correct tool that can fix you in no time at all. Guillotine.
