Sunday, August 4, 2024

National Democrat PACs pumping big money into local election

From the Inbox:

Never before heard of D2 contender Destiny Preston has a "massive monetary lead" over opposition candidate Jim O'Hara.  How did that happen?  

Preston is registered with national org "Act Blue" that funnels nationwide donations to Democrat candidates in every city and state.  ActBlue's mission: "Powering Democratic candidates & progressive causes across the country."


  1. Probably received the funds while she was still residing in Nor Cal.

  2. Harry Bush resides in Nor Cal but will be a great part-time Councilmember and will make Encinitas as successful as SF.

    I hope she lets the unibrow grow in to match the undergrowth. Rumor is Phony could not keep his eyes off Harry last night.

  3. Probably because nobody likes O'Hara.

  4. Every single candidate in all of Encinitas has a lead over O'Hara.

    1. More like, "Thank you Omed, we're too slow to have figured this out alone. Or it would have taken us a few months."

    2. That's not Omed else they would know it's Tony the lowest total.

    3. Yes, Kranz is about $900 behind O'Hara.

  5. She’s also crushing him in small individual donors, but you won’t find that on EU.

    1. Crushing him from where? Not Encinitas donations. Kinda matters, Omed.

    2. Dummies. If you look at the docs you can see the names of the people that donate.

    3. Exactly. So what 5:56 said.

    4. Wow, small donations from NorCal.... sure means a lot....NOT!

  6. Two weak candidates. Destiny seems qualified but can’t answer the simple question about residency. I don't really care how long she has lived here but her web page sure dances around the question for some reason.

    1. you want the date she crossed the line into Encinitas permanently with an image of a moving van? A signed lease uploaded?

      What exactly would satisfy you retards?

    2. Sorry your candidate can’t answer the simplest of questions. Seems to be a pattern with her. Just the month and year would suffice. Folks actually do think it matters whether you like it or not.

    3. I've got an idea! Let's have a debate. Perhaps a series of debates to clear everything up? Any takers?

    4. Luke and Jim are the only pussies that are scared of questions 6:35

  7. Desperate spin to cover for another terrible candidate put up by repeat losers. Luke is carried by good looks and charisma to make up for being clueless. Jim doesn't have either and the little support he's got so far is from riding Luke's coattails. It doesn't help that I know multiple people that've met with Jim in person and all agreed that there's something really off with him.

    1. Luke is far from clueless. He a Local boy who knows local issues, He’s going to beat up the woke stained sweatshirt dwarf.

    2. Then tell his ass to sign up for a debate 6:49. What is his problem?

    3. Sadly, D2 is screwed again. Destiny can’t answer questions BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T KNOW THE ISSUES. Duh.

      I didn’t know there was anything left to sell out in Leucadia, but there must be for the progressives to push for this arrogant northerner so hard.

      Unfortunately, Jim isn’t very likable, which makes him unelectable. If he’s got Thunder pitching for him, you know he’s going to lose. Pretty sure he voted for Morris. That says all you need to know about him.

      Luke can win. Hope he does. Bruce is going to need help.

      Typical Tony. Doesn’t campaign at all and it shows. Doubt he’ll get off his fat ass to save his seat on the council either. He never did, so why start now?

      Mali working hard for Marco. She’s the self obsessed smartest person in the room, just like her puppet master. She never realized humility is a far more attractive trait than arrogance.

      Rachel Hill is Thunder’s mouthpiece. Sounds just like her too. Accusing, half informed and too stupid to know when to shut up.

      It’s more of the same sellouts swilling the same shit, destroying a really nice city one election at a time. With resident activists like Thunder, Campbell and Hill, playing the game the same way they always do, the progressives don’t need any grifters smarter than Woods or Gonzales to win.

    4. I wouldn't underestimate Destiny, despite the super clever Harry Bush jokes. There are reasons Shaffer and O'Hara are scared shitless to debate and scared shitless to explain why.

    5. Destiny is just a body for her party to fulfill their agenda. Residents on both sides know it and so do the other candidates.

      Luke and Jim are two residents who walked into a minefield. They aren’t experienced with the nasty politics of the progressive party, as embodied by the likes of Marco and Molly, the malevolent duo.

    6. I'd say Luke and Jim are two bodies to be filled with the bitter ambitions of so many failed republican leaning psychos I can't count. I'd name names but I won't. I know nothing about Luke, but Jim has been at it for some time, and no one forced either of them to be vessels.

      Destiny has been at this for some time and knows where she's going. She wouldn't have studied and done the work she did if she didn't want to be doing what she is now. It's her field of work.

    7. And nasty politics of the progressive party.. please. The biggest assholes are the ones that hang out here, on EV and the former watchdog crew. I'm pretty sure no one has attacked jim or luke in any significant way, and nowhere approaching the levels of what Destiny has or will face.

    8. 7:57 You just described all the same people. Watchdorks = EV = EU = Other EU.

    9. It's true 8:16 Hilarious that someone has the balls to call progressives nasty, when all their side does is complain, plan attacks and insult. Complete hypocrites , and I think some of them really don't see it.

  8. Nobody is buying it.

    Imagine these communists in leadership.

    Minsky moment has begun. Only 4625.25 to test the Spring 2008 lows .

    I really hope it tests that low by end of October.

    It will reset everything and o
    I give zero fucks about the once fat fukwads being unhoused by their own bubble folly.

    That's our destiny!

  9. Yen carry trade is unwinding quite rapidly.

    We need a massive deflationary event 5x 2008.

    All ya'll best be prepared for the hell thats coming.


  10. Can I get back to making fun of the fake negro?
    The dumbest woman on the planet.
    Or is it the chackling negro. My bad.....she isn't one, another lie.
    Think about how dumb the left voting buffoons are to think
    harris a qualified to do anything. Just because she screwed blacks doesn't make her one. Border Czar?
    Ya' right. She is so stupid she interpreted that as her side of the bed.

    1. Not local. So skip it minion.

    2. It relates to locals. Think on it. If they will vote for the bozo harris, they will vote for the idiot leftists It's all tied together. Trump is annoying, but he is smart.
      harris is annoying and she is stupid.

    3. Trump is “can we nuke the hurricane?” smart.

      Trump is “bleach inside—almost like a cleaning” smart.

      Trump is “no one will notice if I use my Sharpie on this hurricane map” smart.

      Trump is “avoiding STDs was my personal Vietnam” smart.

      Trump is “Putin is a genius for starting a land war in Europe” smart.

      Trump is “D-day casualties are losers and suckers” smart.

      Trump is “we did win this election” smart.

    4. just made most of this up. Trump has already been President, and the country ran great.
      You leftists voted in biden the harris and the country is a mess. It ain't hard to figure out.

    5. 7:39, Trump loves the poorly educated. That’s you.

    6. 7:25- stupid comment and Trump is a dirt bag. I could never voted for that loser.

      Vote against WEF. Vote 3rd party.

    7. These are your replies? That Trump is a dirt bag?
      Ohhhh I guess you got me...............
      Explain to everyone why the country ran well when he was President. Come can do it.
      And ignore the over 10 million illegals let in by biden.

    8. A million dead Americans. The only president in modern history to achieve net job losses in a full term. Blackmailing an ally under attack to pressure them to make up political dirt. Firing the head of the FBI because of a legitimate investigation that led to convictions of 13 people around the president. Sowing doubt in American democracy. Stealing a Supreme Court seat when the Senate majority refuses to do its Constitutional duty (that one isn’t over yet). Sending a violent mob of POS domestic terrorists to the Capitol to attack cops in a failed attempt to end democracy.

      Things were running great if your goal is to turn America into a shithole run by losers.

  11. I saw Tony riding his bike down the sidewalk today. Looked like she was still picking long pubes out of her teeth from last night.

  12. Oh hey everyone.

    I heard from a supporter that an important reason to vote for Jim and Luke is that they are both super opposed to vaccines, and Dr. Fauci.

    I trust their supporters to know what their policies are.

    Make sure all your friends and family know that Jim and Luke are definitely the anti-vax and anti science candidates.

    1. Ok Thanks. Now be sure to keep wearing a mask when you’re driving in your car by yourself. 🤭

    2. Is Ehlers also anti vax?

    3. Will it get him you your vote 7:00?

    4. It would get me to make sure everyone knows.

    5. Ask him. I’m a hate Fauci and friends fan.

      I hate Kranz and look forward to voting him out.

  13. 6:55 that's not the win you think it is.

    You understand that was the biggest self pwn on the internet today?

    1. 7:00,

      Great. Then tell everyone you know and help me print signs.

  14. Our very own Darwin Award winners speak up. You win!

    But only for as long as you last.

  15. Density sucked. Glad she's your problem now.
    - City of Arcata

  16. Ever notice how people on the left are so angry? Then when they get caught in lies......they blow up. Something is wrong with leftists, like a mental wrong. Like homosexual men with women's brains and lesbians with mens brains.
    A mental conflict if you will. Also notice everything the left does, they destroy. Always. Somehow good sense didn't find it's way into the brain of the leftist. Its very odd.

    1. Don’t be such a blind knee jerk right winger. Plenty of liberals disavow fauxgressives like Mali, Catherine, Kranz, Zenick. They’ve got more against them than they think.

    2. I'm an observer and belong to no party. And, my knees are just fine thankyou. And why are leftists always so angry......admit it, it is odd.

    3. Ever notice how leftists call everyone racists but
      "never" call kamala harris, smart. Why is that?

  17. Back to ActBlue. Why the need to beg countrywide? Go on, Mali. Take a crack at it.

    1. It doesn't work that way. At all. Tony and Allison also use ActBlue as their payment processor. Most Democrats do.

    2. Not a just a “payment processor” the first thing it asks for are donations. Come on. Do better.

    3. I think the problem here is that you fail to understand that a payment processor PROCESSES PAYMENTS.

  18. I just read through Destiny's info. She got NO money from a national democratic PAC. Not a penny. In fact nearly all the donors are from Encinitas. It's much of the usual list of far left names but that's expected.

    This is nothing more than a whisper campaign from I'm sure we can all guess who.

    1. 8:11- Where did you find this information. The 460's aren't out yet.

    2. Indeed where is Omed and 8:11 getting their info. Not yet public. Who’s the leak, hmmm? Things that make you go hmm, right?

    3. This isn't the first time Jeremy was given information before it was made public.

    4. This is a flat out lie, in fact, very few of her donors are from Encinitas.

    5. The big parties can serve as PAC's. Blakespear and others have been getting campaign donations that are filtered through the Democrats for years. The other part is that it isn't illegal.

  19. Deep in the FAQ part of her campaign website, Destiny says she didn't make Encinitas her "permanent home" until sometime in 2022. It's OK though, since she was born a 1.5 hour drive away and has visited Encinitas her whole life. wth.

    1. "deep in" clicked on her bio, then clicked on FAQs. Thanks for the independent research.

    2. Yet Destiny herself refuses to answer the simple question of how long she's lived here when asked in public forums, such as EN. It would take less time to type "About 2 years" than "Why don't you look it up on my website, it's right there?" She comes across as defensive, nontransparent, and toxic.

  20. So that means density is just another LA transplant like Kranz is a Minnesota transplant. But, destiny really didn’t ever live in Encinitas and spent much more time fucking things up in the Bay Area.

    And now voters are asked to vote for someone who doesn’t even really live here. Does she rent or does she own?

    She was here about a year and deciding she’s gonna run for city council? Really? That sounds like major ulterior motives.

    Sounds more like she just interested in climbing up in the Democratic Party, which is super scary. She could care less about ruining Encinitas.

    Perfect freak show edition. No wonder Kranz likes Harry Bush.

  21. Why don’t Preston, Kranz, Blackwell use normal bank accounts like other candidates? Not buying the payment processing story. Try again Omed.

    1. Because it’s none of your fucking business. That’s why.

    2. That’s fine Amanda just don’t make up bogus reasons why she has gone begging nationwide for dollars.

    3. Not Amanda. There's more than one person that thinks you're creeps.

    4. Just guessing from the language. You could also be Amanda, Mali, Marco. Out of curiosity when you say people are creepy - what grade do you feel like you’re in? Major case of arrested development.

    5. When I say "creeps" I'm referring to the tendency of people of a certain political persuasion in Encinitas to dig deep, deep into the personal lives of people they consider their political enemies. They then publicly discuss what they find, even though they've likely never even met this person.

      I use the term "creepy" for this type of behavior, but what would you use? Scary? Stalker? Sick fuck?

  22. So after the payout of Roberta Walker for $11 million due to wrongful hazardous conditions from the City of Encinitas,

    Wha’s the status of the wrongful death of Dr Worely on Leucadia Boulevard from a bad design and the city settles yet has been hiding the disclosure of how much it has paid. Any news on this subject?

    Any news on the lawsuit from the four Cs to sue the crap out of the city for their designs?

    Any news regarding the law suits submitted on all of the accident caused by the City of Encinitas for their bike traps along coast Highway?

    How about along the San Diego Academy?

    Those improvements aren’t even done yet and you know they’re gonna cause accidents. I think they need to personally be held accountable for all of these deaths. You?

    People need to be held accountable for their actions.

    Why hasn’t Tony Kranz resigned yet?

    The citizens of vaccinated should demand that Tony Kranz resigned today.
    - thrush

    1. Actually, no.

      Walker got a settlement because the City had ten years of agenda items, recorded council meetings, staff reports, and internal communications regarding Streetscape documenting the fact that the City knew the 101 was unsafe for cyclists and it wasn’t until after Walker’s accident that the city fixed the problem by implementing Streetscape.

      All of those documents and recordings would have been discoverable at trial.

      The lesson to be learned is that the city needs to accelerate the implementation of street redesigns that add bike lanes.

    2. So what’s the status of the whirly law seat. And how many more people are going to die from the cities, faulty designs and what’s the payout this year?

  23. Seems like Destiny has another FB page where she callls herself Destiny Marie

    1. 8:20- How many jobs as this woman had? Geez

    2. Too many to be believed.

  24. Harry Bush worked for Caltrans, then the state California coastal commission, and now the transportation commission as an assistant assistant assistant to a deputy assistant Last fall up in Sacramento, California. All completely slacker jobs.

    This hairy creature sure loves to jump around.

    We know she definitely caught Phony’s eye and Admiral Starvin is not pleased.

  25. Sources saying Destiny & K-maladjusted are teaming up to create cloud storage centers in cumulus clouds (not in a physical space). Who wants to be an angel investor on this project?


  26. Don't believe what you read on Encinitas Now, Destiny had zero "small donations" unless you count $100 at the lowest, small. Where you getting your inside info from Demo if not the public reporting posted on the city website?

    1. 10:39. It’s not on the City’s website or any else that I could find. Can you direct us to where Jeremy found the information?

    2. No I can't, only he can.

      Here is what is on the city's website:

      Who slithered around to sneak early reporting to the Encinitas Now crowd can only be answered by asking city hall.

  27. Not to mention the max $250 from St. Andrews moderator Jim Stiven's wife. No hiding behind that, there's a special kind of bias. Mali, care to weigh in? Amanda?

    1. The moderator should not be donat—

      Oh wait.

      You said moderator’s wife.

      No problem. Carry on.

    2. Same thing not buying him hiding behind her like no one's going to notice. But do make your usual excuses.

    3. Hate to burst your bubble, but moderators are people, and they vote. Who they vote for isn’t necessarily a conflict that will inject bias into a debate. Megan Kelly was a moderator of a presidential debate.

      It’s not like the moderator runs a PAC that is financially backing one side with thousands of dollars, and then inventing his own debate format at La Paloma. Now that would be a conflict.

      Moderators are also different than candidates. If a candidate, let’s call her Shmunderhole, if her family made a bunch of political donations to extremists over many years, and they made sure to make all those donations under the husband’s name, and the candidate changed party affiliation right before announcing candidacy, and made loud squawking noises about being a moderate independent, and went only to Republican photo-ops—then I would agree that would be shady as fuck, and that candidate would be a solid gold phony.

    4. That so much BS. Total bias and Luke and Jim are smart for not participating in that bullshit.

      Get the word out league of women’s paid off and corrupt.

    5. 12:16 is awarded 3 victim points.

  28. It has come to my attention that this site is unsecure. Recommend closing it up for good. I'll see you all on the other side. Good luck if you keep frequenting the site....your percent chances of having your identity stolen or shit hacked is above 70%

    1. That’s cool. There’s some pretty awesome talented reporters on this site

  29. 11:07 Walker got the settlement because Blakespear's her galpal. Walker advocated for sharrows then became somehow confused by them. Walker coming down her street to make a right onto the 101 no way came to a full stop and looked to her left or she would've seen the truck. Walker, wearing dark clothes in pitch black, undoubtedly cut through the post office lot without looking for cars and shot out in front of the truck. The guy was not cited. She violated all her own "expert" rules of safe cycling. Your spin works on Encinitas Now and that's about the only place.

    1. Actually, no.

      Walker got a settlement because the City had ten years of agenda items, recorded council meetings, staff reports, and internal communications regarding Streetscape documenting the fact that the City knew the 101 was unsafe for cyclists and it wasn’t until after Walker’s accident that the city fixed the problem by implementing Streetscape.

      All of those documents and recordings would have been discoverable at trial.

      The lesson to be learned is that the city needs to accelerate the implementation of street redesigns that add bike lanes.

    2. The City paid $11 million because I had a fucked up design and they knew they were reliable.

      That’s what happens when you approve fucked up designs.

    3. The City's insurance company paid $11M because it didn't want to risk paying even more if the claim was presented to a jury. The insurance company, not the City Council, had the last say.

  30. Destiny "I was the first to put up a political website".....well, that's because she, and Allison were in the 2024 graduating class of Emerge California. "Emerge California’s signature program is a 6-month, intensive training program for Democratic women who are planning to run for elected office. The training equips leaders with the resources, knowledge, connections and community of support necessary for a successful run for elected office. Emerge California is intentional about recruiting self-identified Democratic women from groups that have been historically excluded from politics, including the New American Majority — Black, Brown, and Indigenous women, women of color, LGBTQ+ women, young, and unmarried women."
    Super "grassroots".

    1. What does that even mean when she's having everything done for her. ActBlue will ensure funds from Dems who have no idea who she is but she and Omed will claim it means she should be crowned D2 council choice.

      She sounds weirdly like he who no longer surfs swamis "I was the first to x,y,z." And yeah, I said "weird." Like Trump who claims things like putting up a website first makes him the best, her boast is weird. And oddly trumplike.

    2. Republicans:

      That’s not fair! We are a backstabbing, infighting, disorganized, unqualified bunch of unelectable losers, and we demand a fair fight on those terms.

  31. So 10:19 by your definition Mali is creepy. She digs into peoples personal history that flings it at them in public. Like the LA firefighter whom she grilled about why he hasn't been able to retire yet. Knew all about his personal and work history. Creepy and WEIRD. Check in the mirror before calling anyone else creepy.

    1. Now imagine a group of people doing that to every person they're even slightly suspicious of. That's the behavior of the Encinitas group I'm referring to.

      No idea about the circumstances of your one and only example, but I'd always be on guard if I was attacked as frequently and viciously as she is.

    2. Poor, misunderstood attack dog Mali.

    3. Are you talking about the guy who sued his employer because after he snitched on colleagues they didn’t want to be his friend anymore and his feelings got $3M worth of hurt?

    4. 12:09 Her treatment is the prime example of how poorly behaved some supposed adults in this community are. I don't care what kind of bullshit you'd like to frame it with.

  32. So back to biased donations Jim Stivens donated to BOTH Allison Blackwell and Destiny. You fine folks on Encinitas Now still think he should be moderating the St. Andrews event? He supports them. You already put the shoe on the other foot (rightly so) and said Campbell could not hold an unbiased debate because he supported the challengers.

    Mali/Amanda/Omed/Theresa perhaps one of you could explain the difference to us. We'll wait.

    1. To be clear, you're comparing the wife of the moderator donating $250 to a campaign with a PAC dedicated to financially supporting Ehlers, O'Hara and Shaffer's campaigns planning and sponsoring a debate, plus retaining the right to manipulate and edit video of the event as they see fit?

      Who was the planned moderator of that ill fated event?

      Who are Scott and Vicki Campbell again, and how are we familiar with their names?

    2. 12:21 you ignorant slut. . .

      You have missed the point.

      The point is that right wingers are perpetual victim babies. Whenever something doesn’t go their way, they instinctively use confirmation bias to selectively seek out any narrative that will explain the world in terms that make them the victim.

      And if that victim narrative happens to include a conspiracy theory—well that’s a bonus.

    3. Y’all are missing the point on purpose. The moderator donated to destiny and Allison. Probably Krantz but haven’t looked yet. Does that make him biased? This is a yes or no question again we will wait.

    4. 12:26 you got caught admit it. Jim and Luke were right all along. A biased moderator was going to be running the show.

    5. Come the fuck on 12:29. Those dummies can't debate for shit and are terrified of anything less than a completely unlevel playing field. Allison and Destiny were going to mop the floor with them.

      A wife's $250 donation isn't even close to comparable, but nice try.

    6. Not a wife. Husband and wife. JIM Stivens donated $250 each to Destiny and Allison. Do try to keep up.

    7. So yeah 12:35 you got caught. Guess Jimbo didn't get the message to maintain neutrality or at least the appearance of it, huh. Not surprising coming from the folks who don't think the rules apply to them.

    8. So are the two knuckleheads ever going to debate, or are they just gonna make shit up and remain silent until election day?

    9. To knuckleheads being phony and Starvin.

      They don’t talk much. They let the language of love do all the talking.

    10. Kranz has a debate scheduled. Like I said, O'Hara and Shaffer are weak candidates, you guys are hiding them from the public until election day, attacking their opponents, and keeping your fingers crossed. Sad.

    11. Moderator donated under his own name.

      Source: trust me bro.

  33. BIA probably put that poor little Harry Bush up to the task of running for office. It’s not very fair.

    What’s worse is BIA will probably let the Cardiff Gimp out of the closet, when Harry Bush is over getting her marching orders.

    Poor little woke thing. 🥲

  34. Good gawd 12:56 calm yourself. You haven't seen Jim, Allison, Luke, or Destiny in a debate yet you know that they "can't debate for shit?" Based on what evidence? You are embarassing yourself. You got caught with your biased pants down, own it already.

    1. Try running that line elsewhere 12:43. You'll get laughed off wherever it is. What you have is desperate straw grasping, and even this pathetic attempt has taken you a week to come up with.

    2. 12:52 no straw grasping go pull the 460s yourself. It happened.

    3. Attach your names to your theory, then run it up the pole elsewhere and see if anyone salutes.

      It's obvious those two would rather be doing anything other than debating. My guess is they lack the skills to do it, which makes sense since neither have any relevant experience. The only thing I'm curious to know is if you guys have the audacity to keep them out of every single debate until election day. I'm sure you would if you could, but can you?

    4. "Every single?" What other debates are you talking about other than the now proven biased St. Andrews?

      Funny coming from the folks who can't let Destiny answer a question for herself. Mali n Theresa take a back seat and let the candidate speak for herself, starting to think that's not possible with you two at the helm.

    5. All the information you could possibly want is on her website. I don't understand how so many people in Encinitas are such horrible readers.

      Do you think they've successfully dodged every debate that could possibly happen? If they don't debate, wow, what a pair of unqualified losers. It's gonna be a tough few months for them.

  35. I seriously doubt any of those people read or post on this page. Grow a spine, take off your anonymous mask and go ask them on EV or EN.

    1. 👆🏾please. Keep all the BS on FB.

      This blog is for:

      ***Encinitas Real Time News ***

  36. You misspelled ***Encinitas Old News & Fake News***

    1. I’m so sorry your brain doesn’t work well.

      Maybe next life. 🙏🏾

  37. No 1:07 source = city.

    Posted for the second time since you're in too much of a lather to read thoroughly.

    1. 👆🏾🙏🏾

      That is *** Encinitas Real Time News***

      Public Records. Thank you!

      Tomas A. Bertulis
      G2024 $250.00

      KTU & A Planning and
      Cardiff By The Sea, CA 92007
      Landscape Architecture

    2. BUSINESS)
      05 06 2024
      Jeremy Blakespear
      Physician Assistant
      G2024 $250.00

      North County Health
      Cardiff By The Sea, CA 92007
      ❑ OTH
      ❑ PTY
      ❑ SCC
      05 27 2024
      Barbara Bolton
      G2024 $250.00

      Encinitas, CA 92024
      ❑ OTH
      ❑ PTY
      ❑ SCC
      Barbara Bolton
      G2024 $250.00

      Encinitas, CA 92024
      ❑ OTH
      ❑ PTY
      ❑ SCC
      Kristin Brinner
      Software Engineer
      G2024 $100.00

      Achieve Internet
      Solana Beach, CA 92075
      ❑ OTH
      ❑ PTY
      ❑ SCC
      Peter rown

      Zvi Engineer
      City of Belmont
      Belmont, CA 94002

  38. Why do we think more than 40% of donors don't live in Encinitas and for Blackwell more than 50% of her donors don't live here?

    1. 😳😳😳😳

    2. 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳

      BIA and The Homelessness Building Industry

  39. When Kamala Harris mentally evicerated Trump’s SCOTUS nominee and AG, he called her “nasty” and “horrible.”

    But not dumb.

    1. Shut up Starvin

    2. If I was overweight, unhealthy, and the oldest nominee for President in history, I would also be terrified of debating a badass former prosecutor.

    3. Do you mean Wiily Brown’s Ho?

      I do not think Ms Brown feels the same way.

      I love honest non-racist women, unlike Mali, that do not focus on skin color.

    4. Im open to voting for Trump, but I’d like to see his healthcare plan before I decide. He said many times that it would be revealed in “two weeks.” Surely it’s available by now.

      Can someone please help me find it?

    5. 👆🏾pass. Nothing to do w Encinitas.

    6. Encinitas is not a healthcare free zone.

      Many in Encinitas get their coverage through the exchange created by Obamacare.

      You remember Obama, right? The most popular president in history, who was born in Hawaii, as all non-POS domestic terrorists in a cult of lies know.

    7. Remember when Trump said multiple times at rallies that he beat Obama in an election?

      Someone needs to take away the keys, and make sure the nurse is managing the pill schedule.

  40. She torched Kamala Harris 😩

    "Why don't we ask Mrs. Willie Brown if Kamala Harris cares about black families?" - Michaelah Montgomery

    Watch till the end 🔥

    1. 👆🏿***Encinitas Citizens Against Racists like Mali***

    2. “Nuh-uh! You are!”

      -Dumb Racists.

    3. 4:38,

      I have to question whether marital infidelity is the hill Trump wants to die on.

      Never mind. He’s got bone spurs that prevent him from approaching any hill.

      That and 300lbs of Big Mac residue.

      I’m saying no hills.

  41. Now watch how LukeJim's Trumper handlers will try to play this. 👀

    They'll claim the reason LukeJim flaked on the debate is because Judge Stiven from St. Andrews donated to their opponents. They'll claim it's the same situation as Scott's PAC. They'll hope you don't understand that a PAC is a completely different thing. So different in fact that there are election laws covering PACs and debates. They'll hope you don't notice that the donation came after they already blew off the debate. They'll hope you don't notice that LukeJim didn't know anything about donations until today. 😆

    The clowfolk will eat up the lie, ignore the fake equivalence and ignore the impossible timing. 🙄

    1. Super frustrating, but what can you expect from the loser crew that's handling their campaigns. O'Hara & Shaffer must really suck to make going to these lengths worthwhile.

      The only thing to do is vote against Ehlers, tell your family friends and neighbors to do the same, and explain why. What a group of losers.

    2. Steven's donated $1000 to Density and Blackwall and was supposed to be the moderator. Steven's also sent his communications along to Encinitas4Equality's Teresa Beauchamp and Mali Shook Wood. Who think that's okay behavior?

    3. Stivens donated $1000 to Density and Blackwall and was supposed to be the moderator. Steven's also sent his communications along to Encinitas4Equality's Teresa Beauchamp and Mali Shook Wood. Who think that's okay behavior?

  42. Encinitas Chamber is holding a debate on September 23rd. 💥

    1. Do we have anyone except the mayoral candidates, Allison & Destiny commited? I heard O'Hara was having a temper tantrum about that one too.

    2. Also, is there a confirmed moderator?

    3. 6:05- O'Hara is in for the Chamber. Not sure about Shaffer. And the original moderator for the St. Andrews debate was Stiven. Don't believe everything Omed, aka Jeremy says. Or go ahead if you want to. You want Kranz, go ahead and see what comes next.

    4. Im asking who the moderator for the Chamber of Commerce debate is.

  43. Chamber of commerce better pipe in soon and start opposing that ridiculous 13% increase in sales tax tax.

    That’s gonna have a major impact on all businesses in Encinitas and business heading towards Carlsbad.

    Plus the property values in Carlsbad will do much better than the property values and associated property tax in Encinitas. High tax rates make Encinitas much less desirable place to live. Then you have to figure the increased homelessness population and crackheads because of their actions.

    City council doesn’t even consider all of the factors before jumping into the easy solution of just raised taxes.

    That’s what happens when you have a Town Dunce for Mayor.

    You have to love the complete shit show known as the City of Encinitas. It’s a laughing stock of Southern California.

    Let’s go Encinitas Chamber of commerce. When are you gonna come out and strongly oppose the ridiculous 13% sales tax increase?

    1. Never happen. The ECOC is the city’s lapdog.

  44. 🤣🤣🤣 It's total amateur hour with O'Hara. With one post he just turned a non story into a story, validated his critics and alienated an entire church congregation. This is what happens when your campaign is run by bitter losers that spend their lives on social media. Another gift for Density. 😠

    1. I would have preferred Doyle. At least he could have beat Destiny.

    2. The only joy I have in this situation is seeing them fuck up like they do every damn time. The arrogance and poor behavior always comes first with these assholes, and now O'Hara is their perfect mascot (last time it was Morris). They are so fucking dumb.

    3. And Julie Thunder has her stink over both.

      Both D2 candidates are incredibly arrogant. How does such a nice community attract such losers?

    4. Just when you think:

      “Okay. They must’ve learned something by now. There’s no way they will step on that same garden rake again. . . “


    5. 7:52- Doyle and Density are the same except Doyle actually lives in Encinitas.

    6. I love it when citizens actually live in a city before they run for city council.

      So good.

      I wonder why density didn’t run for city council and Solana Beach or Carlsbad?

      Her aunt lived in Carlsbad?

      That’s awfully close to Encinitas… 🤣🤣

  45. The above anonymous posters from Encinitas Now learned nothing from resident Romina taking them to task for speculating without evidence and throwing shade. They take their tactics from Mali Woods Drake, who learned how to crush opposition opinion as part of her union training. I am a union supporter but do not support how she takes it to the ugly.

  46. Thank You to whoever posted Density’s campaign contributions! I’m interested in seeing O’haras, and Luke’s as well. Could someone please list the steps to navigate and locate the campaign donations pages on the Cities website? Thx!

  47. 10:45 Agreed. Not only is she trying to destroy Encinitas, but she’s worked her way into trying to mess up our schools w/all her woke b.s.! Mali needs to be run out of town.

  48. Mali is 100% POS racist newbie.

  49. 5:45 protesting super overmuch. The less Luke and Jim hop to their demands, the more hysterical they become. It’s actually pretty amusing.

    Destiny has another FB page. It's under Destiny Marie and it is very interesting.

  51. 44% of Density Destiny's donations are OUT OF TOWNERS
    55% of Blackwell donations are OUT OF TOWNERS

    1. 11:11- Do you know if Act Blue donations are included in those numbers?

  52. AT LEAST 15% of Density's donors-OTHER CA

    1. Density is not from Encinitas, had a relative in Carlsbad.and does not even live here.

      Since when do we allow short term rental occupants to run for City Council?

      What is up with Harry Bush?

      Go team up with Starvin and some other town. He will love your jungle.

      We have our stupid dumbass TOWN DUNCE and developer shill predator family to deal with here.

      No VRBO Harry Bush!

      It time to trim Encinitas budget, stream- line faculties, right-size our senior centers, and get a responsible competent city council in place.

    2. Agreed, Airbnbush needs to go!

    3. Airbnbush needs to go!

  53. OK, today’s the day that my brother‘s friends can move down from Oside to the new second senior center at Pacific View. Besides Darius face paintings, are they going to offer free THC, fentanyl and Boner pills?

    If you don’t offer pills, I’m not even sure if Garvin will show up.

    Do you hear that sucking sound? That’s the sound of the total future construction contracts and long-term operations and maintenance costs sucking tax dollars from the City of Encinitas taxpayers for an unnecessary facility that will only be used by handful of taxpaying residents.

    What another sad day in Encinitas.

    Taxpayers are fucked again by Tony Kranz.

    What time is Tony Kranz resigning today?

  54. You people just don't get it. These socialists ruining America need to be stopped. From the idiot harris down to these local buffoons. They Do Not have any good sense.
    Whatever sense they have is the opposite of smart.
    Everything the left does, they destroy. Wake up !!!!!

  55. Kranz It’s not a socialist. He’s a fucking communist.

    Kranzinitas SUCKS! 😡

    What time is Kranz resigning today?!

  56. Is Airbnbush coming to the big second senior center tax-wasting event today?

    It seems like something that Harry would hop on a plane and waste thousands of gallons of jet full fuel, polluting the environment to get down here for a social event and then fly and waste thousands of gallons of spent jet fuel to fly back to her northern California habitat.

    Harry Bushes sometimes cause some Unintended consequences. I wonder if Kranz ever got the pubes out of his teeth from last Saturday?

    1. I'm more worried about Starvin. He's been really depressed about Phony's wandering eye toward Harry Bush. He said ever since he realized he's no longer the focal point of Phony's affection, he's been in the absolute dumps and can barely even muster up the energy to insert just two when gopher hunting. Poor Starvin!

    2. Poor poor Starvin.

      I hope the developers are funding his Prozac and other drugs to help with his depression🥲

    3. 7:05. The developers have given him more than Prozac and now that it didn’t work they are on to ketamine.

  57. Yay the city is spending about $4,000 of every tax payer’s portion of tax dollars to opening up a second senior center that my entire family will never use and then the spend all of our street resurfacing on maintaining and operating it for the next eternity.

    Thanks for mismanaging our city, Tony. You freaking moron.

    How many deaths will result in the city not being able to maintain its street infrastructure and pavement because of your irrational behavior?

    Then you’re creating homelessness and pushing all of the business out of Encinitas to Carlsbad and other lower tax areas.

    What idiots at City Hall. Pam Anthill needs to leave.

  58. Projection. Everything Republicans touch, they destroy. It’s not a mindless talking point. It’s a fact.

    Let’s look at states ranked by divorce rate, with #1 being the lowest rate of divorce.

    1.) Vermont
    2.) New Jersey
    3.) Alaska's
    4.) Minnesota
    5.) New York
    . . .
    46.) Oklahoma
    47.) West Virginia
    48.) Kentucky
    49.) Wyoming
    50.) Arkansas

    Time and time again, from economic growth, personal income, bankruptcies, innovation, patents, healthcare coverage, life span, child and infant mortality, gun deaths, violent crime, racism, education, and now divorce—states that live under Republican leadership and policies become shitholes full of losers.

    A vote for Republicans is a vote to be a loser living in a shithole.


    1. Shut up starvin. Such obvious deflection.

    2. You can say it’s a deflection.

      What you can’t say is it’s not true.

      Republican leadership and policies create shitholes full of losers.

    3. Shut up starvin, it’s not local.

      Which of the clown council showed up at the Encinitas’s tax payers sinking event at the second senior center?

      Did Harry Bush show?

  59. Starvin- Think on the bright side, you still have the love of your life- Phony

    Oh. Sorry. Sore subject with Harry Bush coming on.

  60. Why isn’t anyone picking up that Allison, who was appointed, actually has more donations than the Bush and no one seems to mind.

    1. Are you talking about the Appointed DEI dwarf on city Council?

      She got laid off of her job, and we are a compassionate group.

      She has a victim mentality so we know that she feels internally like she’s a victim for life. From her perspective, it’s not her fault ever. We have a lot of compassion and empathy for people with such severe disabilities.

      We wish the appointed dwarf the best, but she needs to step off of city council because she has no clue what the hell she’s doing.

    2. Luke will enable the dwarf to focus on her internal struggles and be a better person in the end. It’s really about self reflection and what’s in the best interest of Encinitas. Thank you, Luke❤️🙏🏾

    3. confused. who is the bush
