Saturday, August 24, 2024

Political cartoons

From the Inbox:


  1. Love it -

    Density knows no bounds.

    Airbnbush sometimes cause problems.

    This will be really interesting to watch how this pans out with all of the development and BIA money behind this candidate.

  2. I know a certain billboard on the 101 and Enci Blvd this should grace.

  3. Whoever put this together-kudos. You've done your homework. Lovin' it and so true.

  4. Do you not understand that attacks like this give more votes to Density? She will use this like Fakespear used the stuff Jeff and friends would post. You think you're hurting her when you're actually helping her.

    1. 10:24- It is all about truth and informing the public.

      I think you are πŸ’― % wrong. Voters do not want carpetbaggers.

      **^ Encinitas Real Time news***

      This cartoon is perfection! ❤️

    2. Yeah . I’d like to see Airbnbush make bumperstickers for everyone. I’m sure this will help her get elected. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£

    3. Was this great art piece created in an art class at Senior Center No 1 on Balour Drive or Senior Center No 2 at PV?

  5. *** Encinitas Real Time news***

    This cartoon is perfection! ❤️

  6. If localism is the defining factor for a politician, then Blakespear is truly the goat.

    1. If destruction is the defining factor for a politician then Blakespear is definitely the GOAT

    2. 8:07 gets 1,927,003 victim points.

    3. The truth will set you free πŸ™

    4. Blakespear is her own kind of carpetbagger. She went to high school in Del Mar, moved out of state to attend college and grad school, went out of state to attend law school, worked as a reporter out of state, then moved back to Cardiff to occupy one of the family's various houses until she moved into her mom's house on account of threats. When she returned, she became a partner in her mom's law practice. I am not saying that she is not talented and intelligent, but perhaps if she would have had to buy her own Encinitas home instead of living in family-owned properties like Kellie and Tony, she might have more understanding that people don't want to see our city degraded and given away to developers and other special interests.

    5. Blakespear gets the goat for the most racist, damaging politician in Encinitas for sure. No 2 WOAT behind Kranz.

      She went to Utah to pick out the Mormon whiter than white bloodline for her whiter than white family. She talks a big game, but we have witnessed Blakespear only wants to live and collaborates with whities and is afraid of mixed cultural families.

      Actions speak louder than words. She was given the means through generational wealth to live anywhere and what did she do she stayed in Momies whiter than white compound ordering brown servants around all day.

      She then has her whiter than white by design offspring and turns her Hubby into the closet dwelling Cardiff Gimp.

      A very, very sad human existence. It doesn’t get much worse. 😒

  7. This cartoon is great. I would have tried to squeeze in, all the many other places that this carpet bagging gypsy has recently lived in, like IL, France, Costa Rica, Argentina. How convenient that all of her full-time jobs are Remote, while she is also doing her creepy massage worker, sex healer jobs🀣

  8. 10:24 what irony that you complain about that cartoon “hurting” Preston while you engage in the stupid name-calling “density.“ Don’t look now, but your hypocrisy is showing.

    The best way to raise awareness as to just who and what she is, is to keep asking the basic questions and pointing out to the soccer moms and dads asleep at the wheel that she can’t or won’t respond. Followed by “WTF? Do you really want this person trying to represent you? Worse yet, pretending to represent you? She popped up out of nowhere and was promoted immediately by the lock step Blake Spear Kranz regime for a reason.

    1. Shoot, even Marco knows that? For all his crowing about her “agency experience” does he really not admit even to himself why she was really produced?

  9. If she is elected, this will supercharge the authority of Antil and the City staff to screw over residents. Anyone who has tried to argue against abusive projects on scientific or environmental evidence are ignored, insulted, or ocked by city staff such as the former employees Massi, Scott Vurbeff, retired Fire Chief Mike Stein, and current director Roy Sapau. These people all claim expertise and rubber stamp the most dangerous and harmful plans to benefit developers. Destiny is like a stealth bomber who is trying to frame her image as an environmentalist, community volunteer, single mom, wellness advocate to pander to voters. Wait to see what happen if she gets on council. She will pull out her planning credentials and green light everything the way that Mike Stein signed off on the Goodson Project that may endanger the lives of hundreds of people in several communities! If you vote in her district, un the other way and cast your vote for Jim O'Hara who actually lives here and is a citizen committed to OUR interests!

    1. Pay attention folks, 10:49 hits it all on the head. Can't say we weren't warned, the signs are all there.

    2. 1049 I think you hit in on the nail. Asking the freaks: Is it sexist to disapprove of the way she got here and the fact that her policies are what most people are sick of.

  10. How many times has Jeremy posted in this thread lol

  11. 10:49
    Brilliant truth shatters Margos wet dream

  12. 1049. I’m copying what you wrote and sending to everyone I know. There is no denying the truth of what you wrote.

  13. Question for the perpetual losers:

    How many of the elections in recent years that you lost have been framed as “the last chance,” that the city would be “destroyed” if you lost, that it would be “the end of Encinitas” if you lost?

    1. Ask Kranz. He’s the perpetual loser.

    2. 12:51 (Marco, is it?) All Encinitans have been losing since Blakespear and Kranz took office. Congestion, crime and homelessness, less affordable housing, a new sales tax on the ballot because Kranz can't control his spending habits, infrastructure crumbling, plus so much more. Mali and you may be thrilled, but many residents are appalled at what's happened to this once friendly and low key surf town. Now we've got bars, pot shops and super expensive restaurants replacing beloved and affordable eateries.

      The only reason you keep winning is because of candidate appointments, incumbency and apathetic residents. They vote D blindly, though many have woken up to the sellouts their party has become.

      So, I wouldn't brag too much if I were you, especially since Kranz is your poster child for success.

    3. 1:22, you lose because you are a minority.

      Most of us are happy.

    4. 203: you sound like that lady ( BB) who apparently lives on some bubble. I am not surprised that your small group of freaks are happy. Now what about the 59900 residents.

    5. Kranz only got 40% of the vote. A two person race that means Kranz loses. Kranz is a perpetual loser.

    6. except he's been participating in local politics for over a decade in elected positions 4:57

  14. Nothing new that a loud-mouthed very minority few, scream the loudest.

    Nothing new that these delusion fueled few think they have even a close majority backing them. They do not.

    The ego of a few somehow trudges on. Reality for them is a non-issue. The best we could hope for from these loudmouths is to stfu about their and many of our choices for council.

    If it is their intention to screw us over again, the same playbook appears to be in contention. Wake the f up people.

    Stfu, you know who.

    1. ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️

    2. Calm down, Amanda.

    3. 2:20, you speak of OUR choices for council?? Most of them were appointed!! Blakespear would have had a very hard time living in Encinitas without the support of family providing her housing a place in the family business. Maybe if she, Tony and Kellie had earned their Encinitas homes though hard work or exceptional talent like others who live here, they would understand the sacrifice it takes to buy property here. Maybe they would also value living in safe neighborhoods in a family friendly city that previously protected natural resources and its quality of life.

  15. 1251 is definitely Marco by his “loser“ name-calling that he claims he’s above when he’s writing under his own name.

  16. 244. Techie engineer here. Ignore Amanda she is NO more than a troll. Never feed the troll.

  17. Add her to the list of parentally-supported zero life experience know it alls.

  18. Marco is also commenting on another site in Destiny's defense that only rich and retired people can afford to serve on Encinitas city council. That is not true when the appointed get into office or in the case of Blakespear, her family money helped her out. It sounds to me like Destiny is already cover committed with her business, her full-time state planning job, and her participation on boards where she doesn't show up for many meetings. I support Jim O'Hara over someone who is looking to use Encinitas as a stepping stone to greater things or a third income stream! We need people who care about our city!

    1. Bruce works and serves just fine.

    2. Bruce has a proven track record of more than 30 years as a full-time engineer and manager across many industries. While he was leading projects and managing many people, he was actively and successfully leading groups of volunteers in many meaningful projects. That is why Blakespear and Marco fired him from the Planning Commission. As they found out, this decision had a boomerang effect, and hundreds of people responded. Bruce's reputation has been earned over many years of visible service to Encinitas. This new wave of George Santos type of candidates who pad their accomplishments or refuse to answer questions about policy positions is a huge disappointment when the vision of how our city formed is taken into account. Democrats, run the other way!

    3. It’s a matter of competence πŸ†š virtue signaling.

  19. Is it just me or is Marco having to resort to weirder and weirder red herring arguments to try getting destiny elected? Once again, his desperation is showing.

    1. The question is why? Why does the entire council, Tasha, Blakespear want her so badly on the Council. There are plenty of other people that like them and have lived here a while. Why this particular person who won’t even debate or share her thoughts about many things in Encinitas. It’s not only strange, it’s something else. What, I don’t know. Kranz loves her so much he did a meet and greet with her. Sorry starvin, I think he’s found someone else. Maybe Marco has the hots for her as well. It’s all very odd.

    2. Not odd for Kranz whose wife has left him once when he was fooling around with another woman. For Marco well he has to defend Density. His master Blakespear tells him to or else.

    3. When you say he was fooling around with another woman, was her name Pitcher of Beer?

    4. We know Phony loves Harry Bush, and Marco and his super white brother in law love preying on immigrant young women from Chile.

      Is Airbnbush from Chile? It would not surprise me if she claims so. It’s about as accurate as Density is a resident of Encinitas.

    5. 6:49- Could you tell us more about the Chile connection. Never heard about it. 6:45- it was an actual women from the area. But I am sure Pitcher of B beer was involved.

    6. 6:49 is stupid and confused Chile with Peru. It isn't more complicated than that 10:39.

    7. 1:04- so they pray on all types of immigrants from South America, including Chile and Peru.

      Marco’s family must be so proud. Harboring a whiter than white predator and all.

      - Unfuck Encinitas ( spoke as a lover of whiter than white predators)

    8. Yes, they pray on all immigrants.

  20. 12:16 as usual, they have found someone who will repeat the lines without question. and is a guaranteed vote for the council majority.

    They will sell her to the sleeping masses who will vote “D“ down the line. The rest of us to need to raise the alarm about just how she was brought here to serve Blakespear and Kranz. The BIA is also not unhappy at the prospect of packing the council with yet another stooge.

  21. Good for Barb Bolton for telling PSP where to shove it.

    1. 6:00- sorry, you have the wrong website. Try again.

      This is for

      *** Encinitas Real Time News***

    2. Just an expression of joy 6:51. Some people think they can get away anything.

    3. 6:00 Bolton doesn't just drink the Kool Aid, she makes it. You can enjoy her telling Pam to "shove it," but she did so by lying claiming Blakespear didn't know Preston even though she's endorsing her. There's nothing Bolton won't get wrong for the team!

    4. 9:44 PSP and her cronies are consistent liars and know it. They're disrespectful beyond belief, and EV is their vehicle for achieving it.

    5. she did not say Blakespear did not know Destiny. She asked for proof about Julie Thunder's assertion that Blakespear ASKED Destiny to run. It's just speculation. Destiny may have decided to run and for all you know, Blakespear and crew may not even want to endorse Destiny, but since no other democrat is running, they have no choice but to play the party game.

    6. Density didn’t even know about Encinitas until BIA and Kranz. Please.

      All she knew it was probably the town south of where she used to visit her aunt in Carlsbad.

    7. Like you have any idea 1:12.

    8. Lorri: engage with outdated, abusive republican old timers that dont live here, or Im gonna write an opinion piece that only abusive republican old timers read!

    9. Oh, please do. It would thrill me no end. You know how narcissistic I am! Lorri

    10. 1:00, I thought that Kevin Doyle was in the race and decided to drop out since he didn't want to divide the vote with Destiny. I don't agree with all of Kevin's decisions, but at least he has knowledge and experience in Encinitas. Personally, I think that if they wanted representation that Kevin would have been the stronger candidate.

    11. 9:34 I agree with you about Kevin. I would have voted for him over the fly-by-night carpetbagger anytime. He's lived here for a long time, and has served our community for many years. Although he is a BIA supporter, at times, he has managed to show he puts honesty and righteousness first, and has a mind of his own. He worked with Bruce on the PC, and went against BIA firing Bruce from the PC. As a council member for D-2, they feared Bruce would influence him to make the right choices for our community, and not for the BIA, like their fly-by-night density will jump todo.

  22. Great event by Ehlers and O'Hara this weekend harassing tourists at the rock garden. Putting the American Legion Post 416 tax exempt 501(c)(19) status in jeopardy was a nice touch. They violated both IRS tax code and American Legion bylaws.

    1. I absolutely love, love, love your worry and desperation ❤️

    2. Bruce should've known better. 😲

    3. πŸ˜‚ Harassing tourists πŸ˜‚ You mean visiting with voters, neighbors, and friends? Sorry your candidates lack communication skills.

    4. I think you meant non existent.

    5. Making claims about someone asking someone to run, or stating what a candidate knew or didn't know is where you fail to make your point. That's why all your negative comments on social media have never worked to change anything regarding Blakespear, Kranz, etc...

      You may think Blakespear asked her to run. It makes perfect sense to you. But it's not the kind of thing you can ever prove, so to keep arguing it and hammering it doesn't work to convince undecided or uninformed voters that you want to reach. You want to really make a difference in the fight against Blakespear and her ilk? Keep the comments about the issues and not the people. When someone like Barb asks about a specific claim you've made that you cannot prove, then let it go and pivot to specific issues that your candidate is stronger on. THAT is where PSP and Julie Thunder and Susan Turney have failed to gain traction every time in every election since 2020

    6. 143. Hate to break it to you bubble person but the dem party has a strategy that includes programs that are in pla e to recruite and train future political folks. They recruite female, lbgtq and people of color.

    7. Who do Republicans like Pam, Julie, Bruce, other Julie, Rachel, etc recruit 1:54? Are they Jim and Shaffer-like by any chance?

    8. 224. No. They run a clean campaign .

  23. 8:47 but the Legion didn't have a problem with it, your desperation really is showing. And I'm loving it!

  24. 🀣🀣🀣 O'hara hasn't even been hit yet with the violation from when he used Cardiff 101 to advertise. There he goes stepping in another one. He's not dumb so he must be so desperate he's doing it knowingly. Or maybe it's total amateurs running that campaign.

    1. ? What are you talking about? Current council and candidates tag them all the time, as well as Encinitas 101 and Leucadia 101.

    2. 10:21 hey ask your buddy Muir for a lawsuit reference. He used one not too long ago for just this kind of thing. Garvin back in yer hole.

    3. Remember that time blakespear ran a revenue generating and world renown race out of town because she asked the organizers to illegally put up her campaign signs while mayor of the host city for the race? Pepperidge Farms remembers

    4. I also remember that! It was very sneaky!

  25. Is there a way we can launch Krankz, Margo, Caitlin & Density into space for a few years ?

    Sane encinitans have expressed interest

  26. Deer in the headlights?

  27. If the deer was Margo I'd accelerate

  28. Not Amanda. "Techie engineer" is fantasizing.

  29. I was referring to Jim and a council meeting he spoke at. He was a deer in the headlights trying to convey some opinion that showed he should have used a cheat sheet to keep him on track. Unimpressed was the impression he left behind. Maybe he learned what not to do that night.

    1. 1:49 - you are completely wrong, and

      You are an idiot.

    2. 1:49 still waiting to hear at all from Ms. Preston. She's not deer in the headlights, she's hiding in a bunker.

  30. 149 who cares. We are just human after all.

  31. Jim is a solid man who gives a sht abt his hometown.

    Everything else is BS.

    Unfuck Encinitas NOW!

  32. Being a council member isn't rocket science. After all Allison, Kellie and Joy knew nothing and Preston knows even less, yet three got appointed and the other is getting promoted heavily for the role. Luke and Jim may be grassroots candidates, but no doubt have a pretty solid understanding of our most basic and pressing issues, as well as the heartbeat of the community character. They've been to council meetings and involved in the community for years. They'll have no problem getting up to speed and since they aren't appointed or handpicked, will actually have to do the work, rather than being told how to vote. Had Joy, Allison or Destiny ever been to a council meeting before they were handpicked?

    Poor Destiny is being protected by her handlers from those horrible residents who dare ask her questions. Sounds like the party has picked the wrong horse for the race. Destiny is weak on knowledge as well as character and has already shown an unwillingness to connect with residents.

    And if you're running for office, you better be ready for conflict, pushback, insults and worse. Destiny ain't ready! Maybe you need to Biden her and find a new Kamala!

    1. Destiny works for the state. The same state that has threaten to sue us for not making developers more money. She is a state tax collector for all intents and purposes, sent here to protect sacramento’s interest. Her state endorser even went after the coastal commission. Jim doesn’t seem like the type to bow to authority, he questions it and has a long record of doing just that for encinitas residents.

      All he has to do is put a Harris sign in his yard and he wins this election. If destiny knew what she was doing she wouldn't have to take notes and learn on the job at the one debate.

    2. It's pretty bad when this council's pick doesn't get the firefighter endorsement. If she scares them then we should be petrified. Her much-advertised "extensive background" failed to impress - by a lot.

    3. Does she even campaign?

    4. No. She’s rarely in Encinitas…. Some weekends.

    5. I read her response to Steve. That was the sound of a 14 year old mind and not of a mature 35 year old. We have 60000 people in Encinitas and she is hiding because she is upset at JT .. she is just not mature enough for primetime

    6. She doesn’t write a word without her handlers advising her.

      Meet the residents Destiny and a lot of this will go away.

      She deserves to lose.

  33. The DOW closed at a new all time high today. The economy is growing faster than at any point during the Turd administration.

    Dem voters are excited and energized to get out the vote for a new generation of leadership in Harris. And Trump is still an old, doddering, fat, lying, narcissistic, convicted felon. He’s caused the Republican brand to underperform in 2018, 2020, and 2022.

    This is going to be a great election to be a Democrat, up and down the ticket.

    I wouldn’t want to be a MAGA loser in a local election in 2024. They are already quitting and making excuses for the L, months before Election Day.

    Not good.

    If I was JimLuke, I’d be publicly declaring that I completely reject the cult of violence and lies. I’d be out there making it clear that I don’t want any support or votes from these filthy, uneducated, backward, anti-science racists.

    1. As a representative of the public no one should be running to represent and be responsible for the rights of only one political party. If you believe that then you are confused about what country you live in.

      You’re also gaslighting that Luke and Jim, two separate people, are Trumpers. Funnily enough, your histrionics are very Trumplike. So hey, thanks for the laff!

    2. Their supporters say they are the anti-fauci, anti-vax, anti-state law, and anti-democrat candidates.

      They are Trumpers until they say they aren’t.

    3. 4:16 Name one person who has said that. You can’t. Typical, all you can do is lie. You look like a fool.

    4. Sure. Just ignore reality and lie.

      Very on brand.

    5. Marlon, please don't continue to gaslight. Let's please get back to Encinitas

    6. Lets unfuck Encinitas NOW

      Nobody give any fucks what Marlon thinks. He's bought and sold by DEI operatives and has a 13 IQ score.

      Ignore the fcking idiot

    7. 939, great point

  34. Airbnbush would put a Harris sign in her yard, except that she doesn't have a permanent, full-time residence. She just jumps-around, jumps-around all over the place 🐍

  35. 3:55 Get ready for a full wipe out of your 401K, the dollar, and Venezuela type of bread line inflation, if your lying, commie comrade, willie brown mistress, while his wife was preggo, gets in. 🀣🀣🀣

    1. Sure.

      Smells like panic.


    2. Smells like teen spirit

  36. Dear Airbnbush,

    It appears the residents are on to you about your 3rd degree carpetbaggery. Please continue to avoid any interaction with the voting populous so you're not exposed as the Sacramento Bot that you are. If you feel down, just continue to praise Margo, BeauLoser and Marlynne. Feel free to continue to block anyone that questions you (atta girl)!

    By the way, I've ordered you an extra large name plate for your council chair to accommodate the words: "Density Marley Vaskwez Perston Ayuza" Please let me know if you'd like any additional fake names added, you're new social media accounts are really popping up....I can't even keep up! Godspeed Density got this!
    - Phony

    1. old obnoxious racist people say what?

    2. You will be old someday, also. Back to your bubble

    3. That is correct. She liked a responce approving of sending more of our money to Non Profits. The State has lost billions to non profits and most of those funds go to staff vs the people on the streets. Basically, she may be open to blindly supporting the homeless industrial money making machine. None of our currect political people have real technical , contracting, strategy, or financial experience. Let's vote them out.

    4. 9:00 what does that mean in reality?

    5. 911 it means that she is not wise. Non profits will not save Encinitas

  37. 4:22pm It sounds like you are quite behind the times and relying upon the sheet times that the orange one left behind and Joe had to oversee the almost miraculous recovery ha he came in with.

    You left this out. The latest inflation numbers are down to around 3%. Convenient on your part?

    You will no doubt carry on and continue to show everyone what a genius you think you are.

    Think? What a concept. Try it sometime.

    1. 8:49- Fricken hilarious! 🀣🀣🀣

      We’re did you get those numbers?

      Uncle Joe who hasn’t been seen for weeks, or CDC the lying death machine?

    2. 9:10 the fool commenting at 8:49, either lives with his mommy that does all the shopping for him, or is in a facility, where the staff does everything for him, including changing his diapers.🀣It's gonna be fun watching him and all the brain-dead commie's 401K, IRA, stock market funds go up in smoke, and pooh-pooh stinking the bread lines. He is so delusional that he won't qualify for a spot at the JFS homeless parking lot. The market is in a bubble like never seen before. This crash will make the 1929, 1987, 2008-2009, the 2000dot-com, and the 2020 crashes seem like child's play. It will be angel dust all the way for this clown🀑

  38. Encinitas Real Time News has learned that Density has been caught in a doozy of a lie saying shit about the Chamber, Like and Jim. One of the big wigs at the Chamber was so upset he set the record straight, saying Destiny was lying about the debate they were going to sponsor. What else is she lying about?

    1. 1:29- Maybe a better question is what is she telling the truth about? Just because she has 3 city council members and the Mayor thinking she is great, is enough to want to make me run far away from her. And I am in her district. I had wanted to meet her, but she keeps running away. Think I will stick with Luke who I know and believe he will be a better CC member.

    2. If you're in Destiny's district your alternative is Jim, not Luke.

    3. What was the lie 1:29? If it's a doozy, please share!

    4. She claimed OHara had been responsible for killing the chamber debate between the district candidates. Chamber representative Jim Benedetti went on EV to correct her memory. OHara had nothing to do with the chamber switching to their meet and greet format: “It was not Jim that pressured the chamber to make the decision to change the format. Talk to your constituents.“
      Not only does she lie weirdly about something so easily debunked, we now know it was her handlers who intervened to protect her from the inevitable crash and burn.

    5. That is a terrible look for her, I hope this information is blasted all over.

  39. Starvin - Everyday is getting a bit worse for Density. What are you going to do about it? You promised me the confusion committee would solve this. I need answers or no more balloon knot!
    - Phony

    1. Starvin - This is serious. I just got a call on my red BIA phone. You know, the one that’s reserved for directions from our masters. They said if you don’t step it up and convince voters that Density is a long time local and tried aurfing at Beacons in 8th grade like me, they will be cutting our “$upport” by 50%.

      What’s your plan Admiral and why isn’t your confusion committee working?


  40. So it is now out that Leah Bissonette is the proud owner of Concerned Citizens of Encinitas.

    1. You just figured that out? Lol. She’s been kicking around for a number of years.

    2. Bissonetti is a traitor just like Michael and Paula Verdu are to their parties. Dishonest and bad people!

    3. She was one of Morris’s pimps along with Thunder.

    4. Losers! Bad people. Billionaire’s Michael and Paula are even worse. All bad people that are turning a great town down into a divisive echo chamber. The Verdu’s are good friends with Lisa Shaffer and Teresa Barth, more slime.

  41. I’m a lifelong Democrat and BIA and Kranz are pathetic monsters. Maggie Houlihan (RIP) was a type of Democrat that I supported and supported. Maggie Houlihan supported responsible growth, ans opposed to BIA profit for stack-n-pack.

    It’s So embarrassing and I would never vote for those creatures again.

    I can’t wait for BIA to get voted off and along with Kranz who should get the hell out of Encinitas.

    Worse Mayors of Encinitas all time:

    1. Kranz
    2. BIA
    3. Stocks

  42. * Worst Mayors of Encinitas all time:

    1. Kranz
    2. BIA
    3. Stocks

    1. Maggie also voted to give staff a 35% raise but that’s cool, she loved all the animals.

  43. Worst meaning, the absolute treacherous damage to the City of Encinitas and the beautiful coastline:

    Kranz needs to be run out of Encinitas. Very sad what it has done to you, Encinitas.

  44. The carpetbagger needs to quit while she’s ahead.

    But, if she won’t, would love to see a D2 forum with her and O’Hara.

  45. Maybe the carpetbaggers should Learn a little bit about the community she is visiting before running for city Council. She’s actually opening a massage parlor in D4 yet she’s running in D2. She doesn’t know better.

    She is the complete definition of lying carpet bagger. I can’t wait for the opportunity for the public to get to speak with this carpetbagger.

    I don’t think those will be pretty conversations.

  46. Agree this is a terrible look for her, we all need to blast it.

    Preston lied nastily OHara killed the chamber debate between the district candidates. Claws out indeed. Chamber board member Benedetti outed her lie publicly.

    Tell your friends she's already showing aggression toward the public. Not a good sign in addition to the rubber stamp she'd bring into office.

    Don't fall for the gaslighting about who people are "mean" to her. She was the one who started out blocking people from her political facebook page and refusing to answer basic questions. Any inquiry she faces she brought on herself.

    Gonzalez & crew no doubt promised her a walk in the park and she's now in way over her head.

    1. They tainted her by gossiping about seniors on EV. I know how they speak off line. She already has blown it! She is too easily influenced by freaks. They are using this women for gain.

  47. This post needs sensitivity training.

    I know of a free class.

    It's called Zero Fucks Given Sensitivity Training (ZFGST) and it's for all those who believe Encinitas needs to be unfucked.

    Please email me at

  48. This is Encinitas Undercover, not Encinitas Real Time News.

    Go start your own blog. You already have a head start with a title.

    1. Encinitas Undercover is :

      *** Encinitas Real Time News***

  49. I am pist. Why did Destiny lie about why she did not want to debate and then attempt to shift blame to Jim. That is a dirty political tactic. We can't allow this type of behavior. I ask all of you to please help the grassroots efforts to remove the Corporate Dem policy makers in Encinitas. Get those flyers out.. Pist of resident .

  50. Appreciate your being pissed off, but this is how it's spelled if you want readers to understand you.

    You'll be really pissed off about how she dissed residents on Encinitas Now while bragging that she got the Democrat endorsement (for a non partisan seat).

  51. Christine/Chris/Christy/Krista is off her meds again. Watch out Encinitas!

    1. This is Krista and I hope you get joy in degrading a professional women. Now do you see why I can't take any of you people serious? I never feed a troll but I know who this troll is and I felt it is best to tell you to stop. Looks like my truth scares you. Grow up and do a better job of presenting your candidate

    2. Naw "Krista" you're scary cause you're cray cray. We're gonna see you on the nightly news one day fo sho.

    3. Is this "Krista" the "Crista" who proudly attended the Jan 6 treasonous attack on our Capitol?

    4. rambling, I think you need to take that back to FB.

    5. Krista is constantly commenting without ever reading her words before she posts.

      Let me help you.

      When you say, "This is Krista and I hope you get joy in degrading a professional women." You mean a professional woman, not women.

      When you say, "Now do you see why I can't take any of you people serious?" The word should have been seriously, not serious.

      Every comment of yours has misspellings, typos, wrong names (you constantly write Blaksphere for Blakespear)

      To paraphrase your last sentence: "Grow up and do a better job of presenting YOURSELF."

    6. Krista also has a weird obsession with Marlon Taylor, Marco, and whoever Omed is (like the rest of the EV conspiracy theorists, she mistakenly believes Omed is Jeremy Blakespear, without any proof whatsoever but can not let go of her cognitive dissonance to know that it's pure conjecture without basis.)

  52. 5:02pm Whew. "you get joy in degrading a professional women".

    You must be one of those English as a second language slow learners. Or more likely, just another bs moment from your c=seat in the Office.

    As much as I despise Krista and all she stood and stands for, she can write correctly. You sir never have had that ability.

    You do shine in your own and always recognizable way though with that red splotchy boozer nose gives you away every time.

    1. Nice try? Why are you accepting the lie? Please aplogize to the taxpayers. Everyone makes a mistake. Be humble and use numbers to prove why you need to win? It is the lack of access to Density that may have caused some of the cruel comments. I am done and I will again remind you to refrain showing your triggers online. Peace and love to you? I wish you, well. I rest my case.

    2. Destiny is reaping what she has sown. Irritation and frustration is a natural reaction to this in hiding candidate who supposedly walks on water.

    3. Walks in Sacramento, not Encinitas.

    4. Krista, why do you misuse question marks on sentences that clearly indicate the need of a period. You literally have four separate question marks on a comment that only had ten sentences and only one sentence was a question.

      Here's your comment:
      Nice try? Why are you accepting the lie? Please aplogize to the taxpayers. Everyone makes a mistake. Be humble and use numbers to prove why you need to win? It is the lack of access to Density that may have caused some of the cruel comments. I am done and I will again remind you to refrain showing your triggers online. Peace and love to you? I wish you, well. I rest my case.

      Here's your comment without punctuation errors. It carries more weight and gets your point across more strongly.

      Nice try. Why are you accepting the lie? Please aplogize to the taxpayers. Everyone makes a mistake. Be humble and use numbers to prove why you need to win. It is the lack of access to Density that may have caused some of the cruel comments. I am done and I will again remind you to refrain showing your triggers online. Peace and love to you. I wish you, well. I rest my case.

      (Can you see the difference. You are communicating through writing and if you want to sway readers, any "professional woman" should understand the power and necessity of a well crafted comment, punctuation and all.)

      Also her name is Destiny, not Density.

  53. I live in D2 and even if I didn't know that Destiny hasn't lived here more than 2 years and has never attended a council meeting, would be still be appalled at how she gaslights residents, is rude when answering basic inquiries and hides behind left leaning activist residents and progressive social media sites.

    Someone needs to remind Ms. Preston that half of Encinitas is made up of Republicans and Independents and many Democrats, especially in D2, have had enough of the likes of Hinze and her progressive decision making.

  54. The ironic thing about MAGA giving up on democracy is that the blue states have more people, more resources, more economic power, more technology and innovation. And the only productive enclaves in the shithole loser states are the blue cities.

    If MAGA abandon democracy and we revert to raw exercise of power, it doesn’t look too good for MAGAland.

    1. Minion Comment. You belong on Facebook

    2. This is what MAGA is all about. Violence and lies.

    3. Minions stay on FB


    1. Stay on FB and take 🐽with you.

    2. She’s not going anywhere with me

    3. Please keep your bitching and moaning on FB.

    4. πŸ‘†πŸΌπŸ‘ŒπŸΌ

  56. Scott Cox, get a life, loser. You’re on here every morning with your “carpetbagger” rants. Same exact rants and wording you use on Encinitas Undercover.

    I don’t like Tony or Garvin either, but enough of the “Phony”, “Starvin” and “balloon knot” crap. You’re only discrediting yourself and your comments with that BS. You’re only making yourself look like a turd.

    Grow up Scott!

  57. Scott Cox, don’t you get tired of posting your “carpetbagger” BS every morning, get a life.

    You’re using the exact same wording on both Encinitas Uncensored and here.

    You’re references to Tony and Garvin’s “balloon knots” are getting tiring and childish.

    I don’t like Tony or Garvin either, but common, use good arguments as to why you don’t like them, not sexual innuendos. It only makes you look bad and elevates Tony and Garvin. Learn how to argue more effectively, then come back and play.

    1. Whatever Starvin. If you don’t like it, you can simply leave it and and go back to New Jersey.

      Oh, that’s right your family and everyone else hates you back there too.

      Good luck with mooching coffee from some sucker and you’re such a sellout to the BIA.

    2. Whatever Starvin, quit your whining and crawl back to New Jersey where you belong. Oh that’s right, your family and everyone back in New Jersey hates you too.

      You’re such a scumbag doing all the dirty work for the BIA. Selling your soul to the devil.

    3. Don’t you get tired of double posting? We do!

    4. 9:44- go back to Jersey Garvin.

  58. 8:49 it strikes me as ironic that the woman who threw the whole city under the bus to get Tony elected is demanding honesty from the electeds. The more Thunder stomps her feet, the more concerned I am that she’s blowing it for the opposition’s candidates.

    It also smacks of bitter two time loser who has a bone to pick.

  59. Sources (anonymous of course) heard the new progressives that get elected in encinitas will be recommending these folks come to town and help dedicate all newer roundabout builds in the city

  60. Sources saying Destiny is Margos "emotional support animal."


  61. How is it that 🐷 sold us out last time helping Tony get elected and now she’s back on the opposition’s side?

    Is she going to help them lose too?

    Bruce, wisely, has nothing to do with her.

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΌπŸ’―

    2. If you only knew 🀐

    3. C'mon and spill. Spare us another bad outcome!

  62. Bruce knows, and for that matter Luke and Jim have to know that any public support from thunder is toxic to their campaigns.

    If thunder would stfu, these three could stand a chance at giving us a new council majority that is needed for any change to occur. When has thunder ever stfu? Same goes for Leah. Same goes for the leftover morons.

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΌπŸ½ stink is hard to wash off. πŸ’©

    2. She's like a hormonal highschooler. She just can't control herself.

    3. πŸ‘†πŸΌπŸ½ Stink is hard to wash off.

    4. I pray you STFU! It’s frustrating to see a handful of people out of 60K residents continuing to bash JT. Creating division among those who share the same beliefs is counterproductive and honestly, it’s not helping anyone. You don’t see the opposition tearing each other down like this. Instead of pointing fingers and stirring up conflict, let’s focus on what really matters and work together. If you can’t contribute positively, maybe it’s time to reconsider your approach. Or perhaps you need a reminder of how you helped destroy the last campaigns.

    5. I will vote for whoever is running against Thunder’s candidate.

      Every time I see or hear her name, I see that picture of her pointing her shrew finger while grandstanding. I can’t stand people who crave attention.

    6. 12:00 to which we say: "Pot, meet kettle."

    7. 12:00 can’t undo the damage she did to residents last elections just cause you wish to make it so.

      She is/was the opposition. Maybe she should have thought twice about how she teamed up with Garvin and Kranz to promote Morris, to help Kranz win.

      She’s a poison pill and we’ll continue to point out her deceit.

    8. πŸ‘†πŸΌπŸ’―πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ

  63. 12:00pm Contribute positively. Julie Thunder? You must be making a funny. If you say so, it must be true.

    She sold us out. Why would anyone expect her to change from the last election debacle? Her list of, what can we call them, bad judgment decisions on her part is not a small one, and does not need to be repeated endlessly. Well, maybe for those who followed her over the ledge to moronville, they appear to need the reminding. We do not.

    I pray she will stfu for the good of our communities future with hopefully a new council majority to clean the city hall house like never before. Planning Dept. planners, I hope we can witness the big sweep coming your way.

    To think the same planners are there from the days when Prop A was being openly lied about to the public by some of these same planners a decade later is an outrage. We who followed them around at a public meeting as they claimed what enacting Prop A would bring, still rubs me the wrong way all these years later. Thankfully the voters did not buy what the planners were selling at the time. I hope that happens this go around.

    1. The planners worked at the direction of Stocks & Co that included Kranz. All they were doing was keeping their jobs. Give "credit" where it's due.

      Consider JT by not shutting up knows full well she's getting Kranz and his picks in office, once again. You think she suddenly switched sides think twice. Back doing the devil's work alongside her good buddy.

  64. I guess twelve noon needs to be reminded how divisive JT is and was. And what beliefs does she share with those who want change? I didn’t see Susan Turney, Alex Riley, Cindy Cremona or Bruce Ehlers consorting with Tony Kranz behind residents backs!

    Julie is bitter and especially against initially appointed council member, Joy Lyndes who beat her, when she only has herself to blame. She was so focused on helping Kranz and acting like she was neutral, that she lost a campaign she could have potentially won in her own district.

    My guess is she’s hoping to have some influence over Jim or Luke if one of them wins. Hopefully, both are independent enough to keep their distance. She needs to keep her nose out of other districts and politics altogether. Doesn’t she have anything better to do?

    1. 1:24 What did you do to help Cindy Cremona get elected? Or Julie for that matter. You love to point fingers when you are just as much if not more to blame. Looks like this will be Deja vu from 2022 - you don’t like when things don’t go your way so you resort to EU finger pointing, when you could be using this valuable time to HELP CAMPAIGN! Go walk some houses, it will be good to get some fresh air.

    2. Walked, contributed and campaigned for both. Doesn't excuse Julie's despicable behaviour.

    3. 🐽 is a 🐽

  65. She really is a one woman wrecking ball. πŸ’£
